Abu Bakr Zoud – Ashoura & The Sea Of Mercy & Punishment

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speaker reminds listeners of the 16th July holiday, which is the 10th of century, and the upcoming holiday, which is the 10th of empires. The holiday is a day in which Allah displayed his authority and caused people to drown in the ocean. The speaker also discusses the importance of fasting the day before, which is a sign of gratitude to Allah and a way to earn victory and aid for the upcoming year.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters in Islam, I want to

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take this opportunity to remind you of a

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very important day,

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and that is 16th

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July, which is a Tuesday,

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and that would

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be Ashura,

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which is the 10th of Muharram.

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And this is one of the greatest days

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of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. On this day,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala displayed displayed and manifested

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his power, his dominance, his authority

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upon his creation.

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And I want you to reflect over this

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point. This is a day in which Allah

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Azzawajal saved Musa, Alaihi Salam, and Bani Israel.

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And at the same time, he destroyed Firaoun

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and the army of Firaoun.

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But this is the incredible thing to reflect

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over. That Allah

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would use the water of the sea

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as a means of punishment and destruction upon

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certain people, and the very same water of

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the sea

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as a means of mercy

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upon another type of people. Allah in the

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Quran, he said,

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When he spoke about Firaoun and the army

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of Firaoun, Allah said,

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we took out

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our punishment and destruction

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upon them, and we caused them to drown

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in the ocean. Allahu Akbar. That's what happened

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to Firaoun and his army.

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As for Musa alaihis salam and Bani

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Israel, Allah

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He said, we took the children of Israel

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across the ocean

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with safety and kindness and compassion.

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What a beautiful word,

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The word

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is like someone

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that is standing on this side of the

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road and is unable to cross to the

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other side, and he looks all lost and

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So you come, take by his hand, and

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you help him cross the road with safety,

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and so that's the word

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That's exactly what Allah

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did with He

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took care of them with kindness and mercy,

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and He caused them or He led them

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across the ocean. He opened a path for

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them until they crossed safely, all of them.

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SubhanAllah, this is a day in where Allah

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displayed his authority,

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because it is only Allah

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who could take one thing,

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which is the water of the ocean. He

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took one thing,

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and it was a source of destruction and

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punishment upon a people,

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and at the same time and on the

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same day, that same water

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was a source of mercy

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onto other people.

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The only difference here is how your relationship

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is with Allah

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through worshiping and obeying Him and following His

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commands. The believer that is with Allah,

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Allah is with him, he looks after him.

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And those that are against Allah, Allah

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will destroy them and punish them. Brothers and

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sisters in Islam, Musa alayhi salam

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fasted the day of Ashura as a show

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of gratitude to Allah.

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And our messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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also fasted the day of Ashura

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as a show of gratitude to Allah, when

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and recommended his Ummah to fast the 10th

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the 10th day of Muharram, which is Ashura.

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When Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam taught us of

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an incredible virtue,

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he said whoever

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fasts the day of Ashura

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will have one previous

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year worth of sins

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forgiven, completely wiped away.

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You know what that means?

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That means, if you fast Ashura

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every single year,

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then you can possibly

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meet Allah

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with a clean record,

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having no sins to your name whatsoever.

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Brothers and sisters, this is an excellent and

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a beautiful opportunity for you and I. So

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fast the day of 'Ashura,

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and encourage and teach others,

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for every single person you encourage and you

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teach him, you will also

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earn his reward of fasting that day of

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Ashura. When Nabi

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about fasting the day before, so that we

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show or we oppose

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the people of the book. So if you're

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able to do the 10th, 9th, and 10th,

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that'll be great.

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Or 10th and 11th it'll also serve the

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same purpose.

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But if you're unable to do this, then

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at least do the 10th of Muharram,

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and you will earn this great reward. We

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ask Allah

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to reward us all. We ask Allah

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to grant us victory, and to aid us,

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and to support us.

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