Abu Bakr Zoud – Allah Owns Your Heart & Only He Can Heal It

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the healing process of a heart that Allah owns. They explain that the heart is the one that gives it to the patient, and that the healing process is based on the same information that Allah's words apply to the patient. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not letting anyone touch the heart, and the need to say only after 18 years of suffering and loss.
AI: Transcript ©
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See this this heart of yours?

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When you're in a calamity, the heart is

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Allah created the heart. It's owned by Allah.

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Allah owns your heart.

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No one's going to repair it for you.

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No one's going to heal it for you

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other than Allah.

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No one. No one.

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doesn't allow anyone. No one.

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No one's allowed to touch

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it. No one's allowed to come near it.

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You think going from one therapist to another

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to another, and to a third, and to

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a 4th, and international, and read books of

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psychology, or whatever, is gonna heal you up?

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That's a worldly matter. You can use that

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if you like. There's no problem. But don't

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you dare ever think that this heart will

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be healed with that stuff

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separate from Allah

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Allah owns the heart, and he's the one

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who gives it.

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And he gives it through the Quran, through

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his word.

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These are what Allah's words. We're not making

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this up tonight. Allah, he said, we reveal

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this Quran

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as an advice, admonishment to mankind.

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And within this Quran, there is there is

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a healing

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for what is in the chest,

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in the heart. The Quran

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in times of calamity.

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Every loss you suffer, there is someone in

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the Quran that guides you out of it.

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Look at

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alaihis salam lost his health,

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his wealth, his businesses.

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All the community ran away.

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He was alone in his one more house

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left with his wife. She'd pick him up

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when he goes to the bathroom and puts

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him back. Everyone ran away. They got scared

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from a disease he had. 18

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years suffered the worst type of loss.

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People lost respect for him,

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lost his wealth,

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his health,

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his children all died,

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his businesses,

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all along

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he makes

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a dua, shift this dua.

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He says,

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through his manners, his attitude.

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This is where you want to get to

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in a moment of calamity.

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My lord.

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Evil has touched me.

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And you're the most merciful.

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If when things are easy, it's very easy

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for you and I to say Allah is

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the most merciful. But try to say it

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after 18 years of suffering and loss.

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If you can say it, then you've achieved

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something in life.

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That's the achievement.

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That's good thought in Allah.

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Hey, that's the last thing you'd be thinking

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about Allah that he's the most merciful when

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you're in a situation like this.

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But the prophets are examples for you and

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I. If you have suffered such a loss

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like prophet Ayoob, he's your inspiration. He's your

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story is enough to take you from this

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side of the river

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to the side of hopefulness.

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Enough. More than enough.

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