Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Wudu Socks During High School
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The speaker discusses a person who finished high school with multiple socks and is unsure about their future plans. They mention a discussion with parents and guidance from God to facilitate their plans. The speaker also mentions a demonstration of consciousness and a taqwa certification.
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One kid that I know is finished now he's finished university
everything. His whole time that he went to high school, he will will
do socks that the expensive you know he will do socks are right
there like 20 pounds 18 to 20 pounds, rather than a one to two
pound pair of normal socks. Right? He had multiple socks because that
would just make it easy for him to do we'll do a school that was all
prepared with the parents and a discussion. Right to facilitate.
Can you see what we're looking at here this one example is just to
give us an example of communication, planning, God
consciousness, God consciousness taqwa, which means they recognize
Allah subhanaw taala