Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Why do we have to follow Allah’s commands

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the reasons behind Allah's actions, including purchasing from believers and killing them. They also mention a promise to Jana to spend her wealth and help with a path to completion through a commodity. The speaker warns that if Jana refuses to fulfill this promise, eventually she will face consequences.
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In Allah hush Tara Mina, Mina and Fusa whom Amala Humby and

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Allahumma Jana, you know, from a logical principle perspective, why

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do we have to do Allah's commands obviously because we're servants

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but here there's another reason that Allah provides Allah says

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that Allah has purchased from the believers, their selves, their

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lives and their wealth for what for Janna for Paradise. So if you

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want paradise then Allah wants you to expend yourself and your wealth

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in the path of Allah subhanaw taala thus then he says, You can't

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even if he said be the life I have to Luna will you have their own

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they then fight in the path of Allah and they thus they kill and

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they're killed. And this is a promise to them. That's made as a

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rite both in the Torah and the Injeel and the Quran and then

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whoever basically fulfills His promise them for steps you will be

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by a commodity by to me, then you should accept the glad tidings of

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this trade that you've done with Allah. So the way that Allah has

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given the offer, I'll give you Jana for yourselves, spend expand

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yourself if you do it, then Allah will obviously fulfill his part of

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the bargain.

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