Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Why are there Four Madhhabs
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Okay, if no Tamia was humbly if nucleon was humbly if no hudgell
Ashkelon you were Shafi. Imam nawawi was Shafi. Ziua Shafi.
Okay, and Imam who was the other one. So ut was was Shafi or they
all follow the madhhab.
So what I'm trying to say is that following a mother was never an
issue. In fact, one of the big humbly scholars, if knowledgeable,
humbly wrote a book to respond to those few who did not follow up
with him. Because what else would you be doing? If you didn't follow
up with him in those days, everything became now why, let me
explain that now.
hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi albaraka was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral Ilario Medina
Amma bad
so the brothers and the sisters dear friend, zero llama,
absolutely honored to be finally in this Jalali Masjid.
That's a very majestic name. And may Allah bless SHA Jalon. So I'm
finally Is this called Enfield. And finally, an elf Enfield.
Finally with Maulana mohideen, Saba has been telling me so many
great things about this area for a very long time. So and then
Malama, who sub who contacted me a while back, and I'm glad that I
was honored by this invitation and presence. If you already have
questions, it means that we need to keep time for questions. This
is a bit of a controversial topic. There's two aspects of this topic.
One is just a straightforward understanding of why to follow a
mother and fic. And the importance of that and why that is important
in our life. That's the first thing number two is to try to
deal with some of the questions, objections and criticisms. But
there's no point me bringing up criticisms and objections if
nobody has them in your mind in their minds, because then I'm just
opening up a can of worms for no reason and wasting your time. And
I don't think that's beneficial, because for the most part, we've
been dealing with this issues since the 90s.
Before the 90s, especially from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the
overwhelming majority in in in Somalia, for example. Everybody
mostly followed the Shafi school in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia,
people followed the Maliki school. So until the end of the 70s, quite
a bit into the 80s. Most countries were following a certain a certain
However, since the 90s.
from different parts of the world, there were some specific scholars
raise this call that mud hubs are bad.
shouldn't follow them at home, you should follow Quran and Sunnah.
Now on the face of it, that sounds cool, isn't it? Like follow Quran
and Sunnah. But what it also says is that the Muslims don't follow
Quran sunnah. Some of them said that clearly that the Muslims
don't follow Quran and Sunnah they against the Quran, sunnah. I've
even had a question posed to me once, that which must have the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam follow
to be honest,
all the math has come from him. So that that is his mother because
it's all coming from him anyway, right.
So on the face of it, it sounds really good. So now the simple
thing that didn't occur to me in the beginning but eventually
occurred to me is what I thought is okay, great. They're saying you
need to follow Quran and Sunnah directly. So let's try to do that.
So if I equip myself with a decent enough understanding of Quran and
Tafseer and Hadith and the Sunnah, a decent enough understanding, and
then I decided, okay, now let me develop my jurisprudence. Let me
develop the rulings I need. Let me figure out the way of prayer just
from the Quran and Sunnah. The way to do will do, what breaks will do
and everything that's related the way of hygiene and so on. Let me
just let me just do that. So if I start doing that, these people who
say don't follow a method and only follow the Quran and Sunnah, the
people who call out for this, they would probably still reject me,
even though I'm not following up with him anymore. And following
Quran and Sunnah directly, they will still reject me, why would
they reject me?
when you look deeper, it's not about following the Quran and
Sunnah directly. It's about following the Quran sunnah through
the few scholars that they trust only
that have told them because the majority of these people don't
know Quran sunnah in that kind of depth.
Majority of people don't who say don't follow a mother they don't
know Quran sunnah in depth
they have to follow somebody everybody does majority people do
unless you're a big Allah and the big scholar and who knows it
directly himself. So now the few scholars that they follow the
conclusions they have reached, if I've reached a different
conclusion or you have reached a different conclusion, you're still
going to be rejected as much as you claim to follow the Quran
sunnah. So the call to follow Quran sunnah was not genuine, it
was follow the Quran and Sunnah, according to the few scholars that
we trust, not the scholars that you trust, and then they dismiss
all the other scholars, they might sometimes praise other scholars
that other scholars for some good things they did. But then they'll
say that they made mistakes in x, y and Zed.
One day, I was in a university, which had a big data program
towards this ideology. And somehow they invited me so I asked him a
question. Just to understand the scope of the knowledge and scope
of coverage. I said,
there were a good body of
students there, maybe 70 100. And I said, I want you to name me,
give me the names of five scholars, from our history from
our heritage. I don't want anybody from the time of the Sahaba or the
tabby ain, or from the Imams I want people from after the Imams
after Buhari Muslim and all of that, all of them. I want scholars
after that, so maybe third century, you know, and onwards,
and I don't want nobody from the last 100 years either. So anybody
before the 19th century
and I'm not joking. This was these were the names they gave me. The
first name must have been an you know, these were the names. I
can't remember exactly the order but chef Alderney Rahim Allah.
I said he's passed away like 2030 years ago.
I don't want anybody from the last century. I want people who are not
tainted by this upheavals and the chaos of the the destruction of
the caliphate, and the whole Muslim world just being splintered
and confused, then.
Yeah, Allah, you know, the that's when colonization has taken place
in the Muslim world. The 19th century has been one of the worst
centuries in that sense in the recent times. We've had some very
bad times in the past with the Tatas onslaught, and the Mongols
and everything like that, but in the recent times in terms of
ideologically, the 19th century has been very, very, very tough
for the Muslims, right? So I don't want anybody Albany number to
shift or thymine. Number three, Sheikh bin bass, I said all of
these guys Rahimullah are from the last 5200 years. I want somebody
before that, finally, okay, ignore Tamia. Rahim. Oh, blah, said,
Okay, great. hamdulillah we're getting somewhere now. Ignore him.
Even though they may have no claim. That was the five names I
had to push, push, push, then they may have come up with some other
names. But this is, as far as it was. These five scholars, they
make up the mother if they agree with something great if they don't
agree, meaning if you go against what they say, and you don't reach
the same conclusion as them, then you know, forget your Quran,
sunnah. Right. So now the thing is that if you don't look at the
first three scholars who are recent, and you look at the time
you have no claim, these are from several 100 years ago, they will
humble these, they follow them at home. I've done this in many
places. So if I do this again, here, can you name me? Three or
four scholars that come to your mind? Like you know, major
scholars that you've heard about? You keep hearing about? Give me
the names?
Nobody from the last 100 years Okay. Bimba as I just mentioned,
he's run last 100 years come on, man think beyond that. Which one
Sultan Abdul Hamid now that Sultan I don't want to Tanzania Sudan is
a great Mashallah. I'm talking about major scholars. Yeah, I love
him. But I don't rate him as a scholar, scholar, scholar. He's a
great leader. I love him. Allah bless him. Allah elevating. But
come on. Let's get some scholars man. Let's not talk about just
Yes. If no, hydrolases Kalani great Baraka Luffy nada, somebody
else? Sheikh Zayed Nursey last 100 years, man. last 100 years. Allah
bless him.
Maybe if you said if you said Yunus Emery right but he was more
Sufi poet I was talking about generally overall. What I was
basically trying to say is that if you have you heard of Abdulkadir
Yeah, have you heard of Imam Ghazali? Have you heard of Imam so
UT? Write any of the names you can think of? Right? These are all
people who follow them up all the biggest names that you can think
of that everybody would know and everybody has some respect for in
their hearts. They all follow the madhhab Abdul Qadir jeelani One of
the biggest you know that we know he was a humbly as well.
Okay, if no Tamia was humbly ignore him.
Somebody if Nigel Ashkelon, your Shafi Imam nawawi was Shafi. Ziua
Shafi. Okay, and Imam who was the other one. So ut was was Shafi or
they all follow the madhhab.
So what I'm trying to say is that following a mother was never an
issue. In fact, one of the big humbly scholars, if knowledgeable,
humbly, wrote a book to respond to those few who did not follow up
with him. Because what else would you be doing? If you didn't follow
up with him? In those days, everything became now why, let me
explain that now.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his time.
He had multiple occasions, multiple incidents, multiple
events, multiple questions. Let's just say that an older man came to
him and said, Can I kiss my wife during Ramadan? The Prophet saw us
and said, Yes, you can. Another younger man came would be recently
married, can I kiss me? I said, No, you can't kiss your wife.
Now, that shows that there's a conflict. If we're looking at this
100 years afterwards, we don't have the prophets. Allah allows
him to ask for clarification, why did you tell him he can? Why did
you tell him he can't they both strong narrations. So there's a
conflict? What are we going to do about that? If there was no
conflict in many mosyle There's no conflict. There's just one
teaching. We all agree on that there's nothing wrong with that,
when you have to Hadith
then what do we do? So, what we do is we look and we try to find did
one come first is one in a related to a particular context. And the
other one is relating to a particular other context. So we
can reconcile it this way? Or was one the earlier ruling and then
the person changed the ruling? Was it like that? Somebody has to do
this work? Because if you look at Buhari, if you just take Sahil
Buhari a copy of Sahil Bukhari or Muslim, you're gonna find within
the same chapter, you're gonna find conflicting narrations when
he's saying one thing. The other thing, the other Hadith, just to
Hadees down is saying something else. You look, in fact, Imam
Telemedia is really, really organized. It's very well, he has
a chapter he says,
the opinion of those who say, You should do this for a particular
act. And then he mentioned the Hadith, which says you should do
this, then the next chapter is the opinion or the chapter on those
who say you should not do this. And then he brings a Hadith from
the province, I'm saying you should not do that. So conflicting
narration, what am I you and I are going to do and we look at they're
gonna get confused.
So, but they all from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay,
some Hadith may be slightly stronger than others. And there
may be some weak generations, but sometimes you have too strong
narrations, and they're conflicting with one another. So
what the scholars have had to do, starting from the time of the
Imam, not starting, but starting from the time of the tabby theme,
and the Imams time Imam Abu Hanifa Tabby Eden Imam Malik Rahim, Allah
Imam Shafi Imam, Ahmed, even humble is to look at all of these
and analyze them. What's going on here. So you know, the Hadith that
I told you about earlier, which said that the prophets are allowed
somebody to kiss his wife, and somebody else He prohibited him.
What we figured out was that, on one occasion, the person was old.
So he's a veteran in marriage, if he gives a quick kiss to his wife,
he's not going to break the fast. We're not talking about French
kissing, we're talking about just like, you know, just out external
kissing. The younger man, he's just just got married. Right? If
you allow him to start, it's going to eventually probably break the
fast so you prohibited him.
Right? Multiple generations like that. Give you another example.
There's a number of Hadith which say that the Prophet saw him in
one rock Earth
in one record of prayer did raise his hands, not just in the
beginning, not just that Roku and after Roku, but even between the
suchness so about five to seven times he raised the hands
Okay, so you get those Hadith then you get Hadith that show the
results and number raising the hands before and after the ruku
and then you get another Hadith from Abdullah who was who then
you're saying process only raised his hands at the beginning and
never again in the prayer
you also got a hadith says prophesied from said murli Allah
come Rafi ad come was going off his salah. What's wrong with that?
I keep seeing you raise your hands in prayer. Calm, be calm in
prayer. You know, be calm in prayer. Don't keep raising your
hands. Wow, we've got three different types of narrations
here. What are you going to do with that? Anybody who says go and
look at the Quran sunnah directly they're going to get confused. So
in this hadith, what do we do? The reason in this didn't say to one
person you do it seven times you do it four times. You do it three
times. You do it two times. You do it one time. Now this wasn't one
of the
Oh, another way to reconcile in the beginning of Islam the way
salad started was that you raised your hands more often. But it was
there in the beginning of Islam, they raised their hands more often
according to those generations. Just like in Salah, you could walk
before you came late, you could start your Salah there and come
over. Then they stopped that eventually that wasn't allowed.
You could talk in salad. If you came late, you could ask the guy
brother. Can you send me water cut urine
and say second,
salary, love work? Can't do that anymore. Break your prayer, right?
So salad evolved.
So initially, you raise your hands a lot more. Then you realize your
hands only at the beginning and before and after Rocco. And then
eventually all of that was cancelled only at the beginning
now. That's the way he's taken.
The Shafi and the Maliki's take it that way as well. The scholars of
the Shafi is Imam Shafi and Imam Ahmed under them their opinion is
that the later ones were abrogated, but the ruku ones were
maintained. Difference of opinion.
Can you see how where this is all coming from? The British no
prophesized them to ask him any more. Can you tell us what to do?
In this case, we've got three narrations from you. They're all
strong as well. What do we do?
As multiple cases like this multiple cases like this? Now,
somebody tells you, brother, you need to follow Quran sunnah
directly? Are you going to go and try to figure this out? Well, it
would be wonderful if you could.
But why not just follow those who've already dealt with it.
And take one of them, whichever one you follow, you're correct,
because they're all valid ways of looking at it. However, this
particular group, they said you can't follow the four you must
follow us, meaning our mud hub, it's actually just the fifth month
of that's all it is. It's not really falling currents. And
directly, it's still through their scholars, because somebody had to
reconcile and choose and select which one of those opinions
they're going to take. And if you choose the wrong one, you're in
trouble for the according to them. It's just the fifth month. But to
be honest, I'd rather stay with my old classic Rolls Royce than some
modern car, meaning tried and tested, the format has been tried
and tested for 12 to 1300 years. And then somebody comes in the
last 50 years. I'm going to make a new model for you. Why should I
accept that.
And then after having lived through this, remember, I started
dealing with these issues in the 1990s Now we're in the 2000s and
20s it's been what 30 years And Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I am
so thankful to Allah, that finally all of this, I'm even surprised
we're having this program here. Like I have no appetite for this
program. Right? But you must have an issue and that's why this
program is here. Okay. But otherwise the world has moved on.
The people who used to criticize people used to follow madhhab
they're working together with us now.
This debate has stopped for the most of the world and not most of
the world. Most of England at least will hamdulillah Al
Hamdulillah it was such a brain drain but 25 years a time of waste
of arguments calling people careful
just basically breaking the Brotherhood
Alhamdulillah is changed people have woken up they started working
now we got bigger issues to deal with and we're fine with mud herbs
nowadays saying except the few that are still I don't know what
what life they live, but it's not fair. It's not correct. The way
this is done, it's just the fifth madhhab it is just the fifth
malherbe it is not following Quran sunnah directly, it is following
sin, Quran sunnah through an interpretation by ignorance, they
mean maybe maybe Alberni, maybe fidelity Sheikh Abdulaziz bin baz,
or maybe some other other scholar is just their conclusions that
they're following. That's why, even among people who say that
there's multiple disagreements, there's multiple disagreements.
There are many Hadith like this many Hadith like this, I can give
you a number of them. In fact, I would suggest that you read this
Kitab is called differences of the Imams he traces from the time of
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to like three, four generations, the
many differences that were there, and he tells you that look, you've
got a hadith here you've got a hadith here. This is how it was
reconciled. In some cases, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for
example used to prohibit from going to the graveyard don't visit
the graveyard thereafter that the promise or some said I used to
prohibit you from visit a graveyard now you should go and
visit the graveyard.
Can you see here the bryozoan clearly says that what I used to
say before it's canceled out. Now you should go
you see what I'm saying? Which do I do you guys read when you start
your prayer Allahu Akbar which do other you read? Right? The
majority okay, just put your hands up you've read Subhanak Allah
Okay, that's the majority right?
If you read any word Jetta when she had a lady Fatah rasa who
reads that da, four or five, about five, six people, right, seven,
eight, right? Both of these is the Hadith. And there's a third one.
There's Okay. Does anybody have another dua they read? No, right?
There's three doors. I just can't remember that door right now
because it just came to my mind right now, there's a third dua,
that dua has the most sane ERATION today, these other two are lesser
than that one, but nobody practices that one. They all
practice in New objeto or, or Subhanak. Hola, como, the
hamburger, which are in terms of strength? There are lesser than
that one, which I just can't remember right now. You know,
which one is it's relatively obscure.
I can't remember I don't know if it's that one. I just can't
remember. And so
this idea that
the Hadith has to be sorry for you to use it. That is a new idea.
propagated by Sheikh Alberni,
primarily propagated by others believed in it as well as some,
but that was never the case. Imam Bukhari himself Imam Bukhari you
know, his sahih al Bukhari that one only has sahih Hadith because
he said, I'm only going to include sahih Hadith in here. However,
that's not what he said in his other books. He has multiple other
books. Just okera helful Imam. He has a double Morford full of what
if Hadith full of weak Hadith, Imam Buhari was not against weak
Hadith, weak Hadith have their own position. They're not to be thrown
They have their own position, you can't you can't establish like a
hotkey the point from there or something like that. Yes, we agree
with that, but there's still utility for them.
So it's this whole new framework that these people developed and
just confused the masses for so long, they started criticizing
their forefathers criticizing the imams in the masjid, and so on and
so forth. So, there's, I mean, I don't want to confuse anybody
further, but there are many, many examples. For example, another
one, right. Abdullah Hypno, Amara, the Allahu anhu, the son of
Ramadan, and he relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said that the deceased the dead person is punished due to the
crying of his household.
So if anybody cries, then if you're crying over your dead
grandfather, father, whatever, then they're going to be punished
because you cry. That's the literal apparent meaning. However,
Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu has always with the Prophet she clarifies she
said, No, that's not what the Prophet saw was a meant he did not
mean it in general. It was not a universally applicable hokum. You
know, when you just read the Hadith, it seems like oh, well,
you understand. But when I showed the Allah and explained she said,
the Prophet sallallahu sallam was actually speaking about a
particular year who the woman
upon whom her household were crying, and the Prophet salallahu
Salam said, she's being punished and they're crying. So it's about
that particular situation is not a general rule for everybody in that
you can't cry. Yes, it's prohibited to cry like crazy and
you know, more than express that in this weird way, but crying
there's nothing in the province that rice and wheat wept as well.
When his granddaughter passed away.
Can you see how if you just you can't just open up Buhari and
Muslim as they're telling you to do and they just basically
showered Buhari every Masjid had Buhari afterwards. So here you go,
brothers. Just just start and be confused. Right? And you find the
Hadith and then you just run with it. It's in body colors. I don't
care what you say. Now, brother, just to down there's another
Hadith in Bukhari, what are you going to do with that one?
The way we do things is that when we get a question, we look at the
Quran verse mostly you're not going to find specific rulings in
the Quran. For example.
Allahu Akbar if you are to try to look in the Quran for how you pray
your Salat
try all day long read it 10 times memorize the Quran you're not
gonna find it.
There's some indications in the Quran that you pray at sunset and
you pray in the morning and you Quran Al Federica and I'm sure
that there's some ambiguous implicit verses but how many
records of the ASTER Maghrib not mentioned the Quran what you read
inside is not just as for Cairo math as solid mineral Quran read
whatever is facilitated you have you in the Quran. All of that is
mentioned in general you have to look in the Hadith.
And so what we do is I want to deal with a new matter. So I will
look in Quran if I can't find in there clearly then I will look in
the Quran and the Hadith. Now in the Hadith, I can't just find the
first Hadees that I think is about saying oh mashallah, I found it
colors finish. No, I have to say
scour and go through all the Hadith. Now I've collected about
1415 Hadith. Some of them are more general some of them are more
specific. Some of them are conflicting with one another. Now
what do I do? I have to take all of them and try to figure out, I
need the help. Why should I try to do this myself when the great
scholars like ignore hijas Kalani, Mr. Miami, customer learning, you
know, they already dealt with a lot of this stuff. Let me see what
they said. So I read him no hijra, okay. Make sense? Let me look at
AMI, he makes more sense to me, for example, in this particular
issue, okay. I think that makes sense that this hadith was said
earlier, this came later, this cancel this hadith, or this was a
specific Hadith about for somebody. This was the general
Right. So now I know what to do. That's the HD HUD process. It's
not for everybody. It's difficult. There's a language issues. There's
Arabic issues, there's the grading issues, and there's multiple
issues. There's multiple issues.
So you have to put it into perspective.
I mean, how many more examples you want to give me do what you want
me to give you, right?
The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
For example,
Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allahu Anhu the Prophet saw some accepted all
of his wealth, remember which battle was it that he accepted all
of his wealth?
Where did you leave at home nothing God and His messenger he
accepted it which better was that? Anybody remember? Was that was
that in the book? The wisdom in the book The expedition of taboo
However, Saturday will be webcast so the Allah one who wants to give
everything feasible he became sick. So he said, You know what?
jasola I want to give everything piece of meat Allah said no, you
can't do that.
He said, Okay, half a shutter.
He said, No, that's too much. You can't give half I said okay, a
third of
France instance. Okay, fine, I'll let you give 1/3 But even 1/3 is
too much. It is better that you leave this for your
for your inheritors, so that they don't have to beg others.
Why did the prophets Allah some except everything from Abu Bakr,
Siddiq, Radi Allahu anhu, and not from, say, I didn't know your
costs? Well, because he knew or because your status and his
closeness and his level was totally different.
Right? And he didn't, that one was very particular, whereas I didn't,
because he wanted to make that the example for everybody else that
look, everybody must follow this, that you can't leave more than 1/3
for anybody but your inheritors. If somebody's dying, and they
leave a will, they can live up to 1/3 for anybody they want, who's
not going to inherit from the Quran. Everybody else must inherit
according to the Quran. Right? So this isn't easy. This is
difficult. But what these people tried to do is they tried to put
it in everybody's hands. But then they, they basically said, you
have to follow what our scholars have said, You must do.
What which Hadith our scholars have chosen.
So it's not really a call. So there you go. That gives you an
understanding of
the four mud hubs. They don't have a problem between them. I have so
many Shafi and Maliki and humbly friends, and I'm cool with them
that they follow they will have I follow mine, we pray together. We
have a little banter. No problem. We don't have problem. In fact, if
these people who didn't follow mother said, Don't follow me.
Follow our follow this way. You can follow your way as well. But
we feel this is the better way I have no problem with that either.
On the grand scheme of things, I still have an issue with it, but
it would have been better than saying All you guys are wrong.
You're totally deviated. You're messed up and and beyond that. It
wouldn't have caused that big fitna in the Muslim world as it
did. That's fine. You know if you've got the question, let's
let's take them so at least we've got the relevant things out of the
way and then we got I can discuss other things. Okay, so uncle's
comment is that Allah has given everybody a common sense. And if
you go to the Hadith, and you should know what to follow. I'm
going to have to politely say that after having tried to do that, it
actually doesn't work so easily because your common sense my
common sense, Madonnas, common sense is smiles, common sense
mana. What if we all took 20 Hadith and we all try to
understand from it conflicting narrations, all our so called
Common Sense is actually not common sense is actually
individual sense. Because if it's common sense, it means that we'd
all agree on the same thing, it's actually individual census, we'd
all come up with different conclusions. Now, is that okay for
us to do? Not necessarily because I might be wrong in my common
sense. I remember I was in America, the Imam of the masjid
and the
There was I can't remember what the particular issue was, it was a
very clear, clear cut issue. We had a student from Iran. And she
had a problem with it, because she comes from a different tradition,
I guess. And when I said, Look, this is what is clearly says, she
said, No, this is irrational.
This is not even rational. I don't like
it's not rational to you, because everybody is rational. And since
there is no objective sense, in this world, everybody's sense is
subjective to what you already know, what your experiences have
been, and what you have done in life, you will look at things in
that way. I will look at things differently from you, and from
you, because we have different frameworks. In fact, we're living
in a time of individualism. Two brothers and two sisters don't
even see eye to eye. If the common sense worked, father and children
would never have a disagreement. Because it's common sense. But
know, what seems common sense to the Father, you must marry her?
And what seems common sense to his son that No, I don't want to marry
because it's not appropriate. We'd be in big trouble. So
unfortunately, I mean, common sense doesn't work. Doesn't work
that easily. you'd hope that it would, but unfortunately, it
doesn't. That is why I mean, the Allamah had common sense, who said
what they said, but they still differed. The Sahaba differ.
I mean, look at the Prophet Solomon was asking for my short
what should we do with these captives of brother? Is a brother
or no brother, brother, right? What should we do? Oh, my God.
Unhide his view aboubaker and had his view and the professor awesome
had his view.
So common sense doesn't really always work like that. Yes, it
helps. It's a tool, but it's not the criteria and it's not that
simple. Right? Just like a little here for that important
clarification. Yes, brothers.
How do you know which method is a very good question right? Now
listen, you don't want to get obsessed by Muslims. I don't wake
up any denting. Mashallah, am Hanafi
you understand? It's not like Al Hamdulillah. I'm Hanafi. The only
time I might say I'm Hanafi is for example, you know, where the
Hanafi has given me a bit of leniency. Like for example, if you
are about to go to Salah then you have to go to the shop in between
and you were paying and there was a woman there and by mistake your
hand touched us in the Shafi school your prayer or your will do
would break so maybe they're I don't even think I'm to be honest,
it's just natural for me that does my will do is not broken. Okay,
because for Shafi is they will do would be broken, my will do would
not be broken as a Hanafy. But it's not something we obsess
about. What should you follow, you follow whatever you have access
to, I'm not going to tell you to become Shafi or Hanafi or
whatever, follow whatever you have access to x because the purpose is
to follow the Quran and Sunnah. That is your objective is I want
to follow Quran and Sunnah. These guys have
done the studies, the research, and there's a package for packages
available. Which package do I want to choose whatever is available.
Right, it's a package, you just choose whichever package and you
stick to it. So in this country, usually the Hanafi madhhab is the
most available package you buy, that you can get for free, sorry,
because most of the Imams, and they have the most data rooms and
the most scholars and the most books and things like that. It's
just that you could probably prefer to just stick to whatever
your family method was to make life easy, right? But as long as
you got access to it, if I was Hanafi, and I moved to an area to
share fees, and I don't have access to Hanafi scholars and I
probably become Shafi. Nowadays with the global world and
communication and social media and all of that it's it makes no
difference to be honest. follow whatever you have access to.
Right. And that's easy for you because you want to understand
your deen and in about 90 something percent of the stuff all
the Muslims are the same. By the way, this is not like a totally
separate package. They all are the same except in a few issues. Do I
raise my hands or don't I raise my hands? Do I say I'm in allowed or
not? Right? And a few other issues like that? Do I read with the
three together or two and one separately? A few issues either
can I eat? Crabs or not? That's a bigger one.
That's a bigger one for people. Does my wudu break if I bleed or
not? Those who say that it does break if you bleed, they give you
benefit elsewhere where if if you were to touch your wife, it
wouldn't break your window.
And those who say that bleeding does not break your window. Their
conclusion about touching the wife is that you does break
Okay, so there's some issues it's not major issue. That's why I say
it's not something you go on about every day.
It's just a way of following the Quran sunnah.
Okay, can I take more than one motherboard opinions
Well, why would you do that? And what's your?
What's your methodology to do that? Why would you do that? Is it
that Okay, that seems easy. That sounds cool. That seems like, you
know, easy, so I'm gonna do that. And that seems easy here, I'm
going to do that, then that's what knifes enough snaps. And our Dean
has never been about knifes and soul. Right? If you if it's a
scholar, a much the head, meaning somebody who studied so well, he
doesn't, you know, he might have a scope to take,
like somebody who's really studied to some heavy level and he really
understands and he understands the strength of
this method for this particular issue and the strength of this
method for that particular issue. Maybe he's got a right for the
majority of us, I don't think I'm capable of doing that. Even though
I've been studying this stuff for 30 years or more, I don't think
I've got the capability of that. It becomes enough see thing,
right? It becomes that also it's cheating.
What do you mean by cheating, because each of them now this is a
bit technical, right? So stay with me. Each of the mud hubs has a
has a fixed methodology of how they look at the Quran and Sunnah,
and how they judge between the narrations and how they infer
rulings from there, they have a very particular way of doing that.
The way the chef is do it is quite different from the way the
Maliki's do it, and the humbleness and the Hanafi. There are some
similarities, but it's still different. So now, if I have
reached conclusion, a using this methodology a, okay or methodology
one, I have reached conclusion a methodology to reach conclusion B.
And I take.
And in another case, they've got the opposite.
And if I take the easiest ones, or two conflicting ones from both,
what I'm doing is I'm taking the conclusions from two conflicting
methodologies. That's cheating.
You can't do that,
you know, the methodology used here to reach this conclusion.
There's another method I use to reach that conclusions. I can't
mix those conclusions together because that means I'm mixing
methodologies. I mean, that's not you, that's not consistent. And
that's technically wrong as well. And then another issue carries on
in there. However, you can change your mother if you want to.
So you've been mother and then suddenly you started studying
another method and you've got access to their people. And I've
seen friends do that. That's fine, as long as you don't like, change
every eat. Right? Yes. So which mother was the Prophet salallahu.
Salam? If I mean, based on your question, I would say that he was
all done with herbs.
That's why they all correct whichever one you follow, you will
be correct. That is the simple answer. But to understand your
answer properly, you will have to understand that this topic which I
gave examples that the prophets Allah Assam in his 23 years, he
left behind many guidances they were not all organized. Any
conflicts in there were not resolved. Abu Bakr, the Alon had
two years and about four or five months as the first Hadith, but he
was very, very busy in quelling the rebellion. People got up in
Arabia, they said, We're not going to pay zakat or became Garfield.
He was trying to bring back stability. Then Omar then became
the Khalifa for over eight years. He managed to resolve a lot of the
contracts, he would have a gathering. And he would bring the
different Saba, what did you hear? What did you hear it? Let's ask
the wives of the Rosa Lewis alum. I showed the Allahu anha OMO
Habiba or whoever it was, they would and then he would decide on
something so in his time, some other issues got clear.
You understand now. So the problem is always salon was all demand
However, that's why we say follow any mother and you're fine.
That's why we I said I'm very comfortable with others, as long
as they don't say you are wrong and going to *. In fact, the
other between the mothers is there's a famous statement in
Arabic RAII Sahai, Yata middle Hatha Raja Yoga, hatha yoga mudra
My opinion is correct, but it has the possibility of being
incorrect. I agree with that. Your opinion is incorrect. I have to
think that otherwise, why am I following my opinion, not yours.
But it has the potential of being correct. I think that's a
beautiful Adam, because that's the legacy we received of conflicting
narrations. If the price only gives gave us one way, then
there'd be no questions about it, then you'd be a deviant. And
nobody can prove that. Nobody can prove there's only one way because
there isn't. It's multiple things, all Sahaba
They got together many of these things that Tabby and then of
course, let's just take cloning,
let us take new issues of stem cell research.
How are we going to get that from the Quran and Sunnah? It's a
modern issue.
So you have to find Hadith or Quranic verses that seem to talk
about this somehow or the other. But then everybody's
endeavor would could lead to different conclusions.
You know, I attend this major fic seminar every year in India, I
tried to attend them. They give two or three questions, like
complicated questions. And they have over 100 of the top Mufti is
of India who write the research. And then they write the paper on
this as to what they think. So just to give you an example, there
was one question that came up.
Recently, recently, last few years about
Google ads,
Google ads, there's multiple ways you do Google ads. And on each of
those issues, there were always two or three opinions. What we did
was we presented the present everybody's opinion, then there's
another debate. And then finally, they try to conclude on one thing,
but sometimes you're still gonna have one or two say, No, I still
disagree with that.
Okay, I respect that. I respect that. This is the challenge. This
is the challenge. Because
if there was a website, you could just go and check Allah's website,
you reach a conclusion, let's check. What does Allah say, Oh,
you're right. Okay, no problem. You're right, I'm wrong. But there
is not there. And this is what Allah wanted. Hamdulillah this is
what he has, is total, we
know, be that definition of beta fasting, this needs to be
addressed. So when we say beta, it's something that hasn't been
introduced by the Quran or sunnah. And when we see soon, that's a bit
broader, share happy metab. Allah is calling from Syria, who then
told him Mohammed bin Saud University in Riyadh, mashallah
one of the prominent scholars of Hadith of his time. So pastor in
1987, share habitat Buddha wrote a small booklet called as soon as to
number willya, whereby an MOT Lulea chalet when we say sunnah,
what does that mean? This word sunnah has been used in the Quran,
even sunnah, Pillai and this word has been used in the Hadith of the
Rasul of the proverbial Salam. So what does sunnah mean? So, when we
say something goes again soon as it becomes evident, we should
understand very briefly that sunnah is the practice of
Rasulullah sallallahu and also for the for Russia then there is a say
Hadith recorded by Adriana Satria or the Allahu Anhu in Nomada and
other collections of Hadith that Ali couldn't be so nutty was
student Nicola Rashi. You need to follow into stick out and uphold
to the Sunnah of mine and the Sunnah of My Khalifa is so
taraweeh as our expert very nicely that during the time of Abu Bakr,
Radi Allahu anhu, there was no time to pay attention to tarawih
and stuff like that. So he didn't only two years. So O'Meara Denon,
who became Khalifa and now he sees in the mosh that nobody mashallah
small groups are trying to rally by themselves, they get one happy
sub one Arisa and then they do German, because Rasulullah Salam
during his lifetime, did not intentionally he didn't establish
tarawih because Harsha tang to further aleikum wa salam realize
if he continues continuously praised Ravi with Jamar that might
become Pharrell and uma might take it as an obligation. So to keep it
sooner knuffel Muslim did not establish a regular practice of
as Jamal, so it was left now Jana who started it, and it is that
coded in mathematic through years he saw it even at that Umar Radi
Allahu commanded, obey given account. And if you remember we
said Rasulillah Salam himself declared by even a cab is Accra
he's the most best person expert in Quran so more appointed him as
part of the Imams up and then vegan club let be collab in Sri 23
recap meaning within and Tunisia Castro. Now before I started
telling all the other references, I just I should survive only one
reference because as Nazis upset, there are five scholars who are
appreciated by even our brothers who do not follow madhhab one of
them is in a time era even hula everytime you have the book called
Memorial fatawa printed in 36 volumes in that Kitab 23rd volume,
even a Tamia rahamallah explicitly declares and clear plan clearly
said pocket Tabata and Obi Dibner cabin are the salah Vinoth with
Aladdin. No one can question it is established through like the crowd
myriads of hobbies and stuff that already McCobb led to three
records with you for Tendulkar. Now, this action was done by in
front of Sahaba and tarbiyah and all the people no one disagreed,
and they said Imam Malik Rahim Allah paid more than 20 Imam Shafi
says it is mentioned in Timothy that attract to NASA be Maka isa
Luna Sheena raka I found people in mcdata mocha Rama praying
chinchilla. kaptara. We, I said Kufa Inaba, Hannibal's mother
investment Coover there is to pray to Japan. That's why one scholar
from Madina, Munawwara His name is Sheikh Mohammed after a year
silent, he wrote a book called A taraweeh. He didn't rock atom, AX
Theremin Alfia arm he must didn't quite long book. So it mentioned
that in material
for all the centuries until he wrote in the last century, all the
years Muslims have prayed 20 Or never less than 20. So I'm not
going to detail the academic and technical
point I mentioned that we cannot no one can do not cannot deny the
concept of changing
just one thing, mashallah, that was that was a very thorough
explanation. The broadcast Alison did taraweeh a few days.
And everybody was waiting the next day to pray with him and he didn't
come out of his room. Then, at the end, he came out and he said, I
didn't want to be I didn't want it to become obligatory on you.
Because if the room did something regularly like that, it would
become obligatory. So he didn't want it to become obligatory,
obligatory, which means you would never be able to miss it.
Right? We always do it. But it's not the same as you know, var
prayer, Lord forum. So
how many records you probably saw some pray. There's a number of
weak Hadith, really relating to different numbers, but O'Meara the
hola Juan and I'll just relate this to you quickly. It's a hadith
sahih al Bukhari and Maathai Malik Abdul Rahman Dibner Abdel Chari
relates one Nigerian Ramadan, he went out to the masjid with Ahmed
Abdullah, Hatha the and people were scattered around in groups.
One person was praying alone, whereas another was leading a
group of prayer, people in prayer and what are the rhythm remarked,
if I could have them all congregate behind one Imam it
would be better. He then made a firm commitment to do so and then
had them all pray behind obey even vocab for the Allah one
Abdurrahman states that he went out with him again on another
night and found the people congregated behind the Imam upon
seeing this. Omar the Allah one made his remarks, right. That's in
Sahil Buhari and so on. So the rest of it, you know, what are
some books that you can recommend to study as a beginner in
in fic?
In English, what language I'm assuming if it's if it's an
English, I would say usually for little kids they teach Daddy will
hug. But for adults, I would say a cent to Felicity is a translation
of Imam Shambala is Malarkey, Sadat.
And it's a nice little book that will give you your basics. And
that's maracas sad, then there's a translation of neural Eva.
Do you remember any other books?
I think these two you can start off with quite easily
sent to Felicity. And basically they were heavenly ornaments. You
could probably even download that for free online. The other book
you can probably get on white thread prayer. So as an academy.
So to answer that question, when I say that the Prophet salallahu
Salam could have done all of these things
each month have as I told you, they took a conclusion from what
they learned from the Quran and Sunnah. Right? That doesn't mean
that the prophets awesome exactly did those things in that
particular way. This is what we understand each one has
understood. And in terms of acceptance, because there's a
hadith at the back of this, that you should you should all keep in
mind. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that if a jurist,
somebody who's got the necessary qualifications to try to
understand grandson, if he makes his effort and derives a
conclusion or a ruling, and he is right, according to what Allah
knows is right as well. Then he gets two rewards. And if he is
wrong, then he still gets one reward. What do you mean he's
wrong? See, let's just say that somebody used some weird words or
incident to divorce his wife. It's a very complicated one. He goes to
the one Mufti and the Mufti says, that's a divorce, or that's not a
divorce. Another Mufti says, No, that is a divorce. It's a very
complicated one. Or let's just say somebody did something strange and
hedge. One Mufti says, You that was a penalty, you need to pay a
penalty other and said, No, that's okay. That's not that serious.
There's a difference of opinion. Who's Correct. How you're going to
find out who's correct as that you can't tap in somewhere and find
out right? On the Day of Judgment, you'll find out. However, if both
are qualified jurists, they'll both be rewarded. The Huck
according to Allah is only one but we don't know what that is. We're
Given a reward for making an effort, every jurist is given a
reward for making an effort. That's their job. That's all you
have to do. You do the best of your ability while asking Allah
and when you reach a conclusion you stick by that unless you find
some stronger evidence, right? So you get two rewards if it's right
according to Allah, or you get one reward if it's wrong according to
Allah, but it's still acceptable. So in that sense, all four mothers
are acceptable. Now let's take the winter issue of three the simple
issue is this this hadith three types of Hadith one Hadith say
that probably celluloid Salam did did three records together with
one Salam very clearly be Salam. Meanwhile, with one Salam, there's
other Hadith would say the prophets I was amused to do tu tu,
tu tu at night, then when he saw that Dawn was going to be breaking
soon, he would add one extra cut.
Now, there's two versions in that. Some say that it some seem to
indicate that he would read one record separately, while others
say or indicate that he just added a rock add on to his last two to
make them three.
Can you see where this is coming from now? So some scholars have
said oh, he there is no such thing as one record anywhere else. So
when you're getting it for this one, we're going to take the
Hadith we'd say three together as the real Hadith and all the others
indicating to that. The other say no. Yeah, that's what he did
sometimes, but other times he did this. So that's why they agree
that three is okay together. But one and two are okay, as well. But
we say my opinion in who I follow the Hanafi madhhab says that is
the real one this is has to be interpreted according to that one.
That's essentially what it is. And you'd be rewarded for that for
following the promises. And because he clearly said that, and
the other one you've taken in that sense. So you don't have to go and
try out different things. There's lots of sooner to try out, rather
than going to conflicting issues and trying them out. You know,
there's lots of other Sooners that we're not doing that everybody
agrees on. When you finish with those, then maybe you can try this
and become a scholar, then you can do this. But otherwise, you'd be
really doing lots of strange things and confusing yourself and
other people if you were to try to do this, that's the simple answer.
There's a bit more nuance there. But that's the simple answer. Just
take the most we get distracted. I have two recommendations kind of
two books, much like any brother wants to read books that I would
recommend these two books. One is this book, fifth Al Imam, he
proved in Hana. So if you are following Hannah, and you need
proofs and evidence for different disputed Messiah, please Have you
still purchase this Kitab Al Imam nation by our cheap yesterday,
undermanned manga, you can purchase from white they have
website and everything you can purchase from there and bookshop
also have it. So this is my first recommendation for us to read
fifth element, another book I would recommend. It is originally
written in Arabic and then translated into English by Torah
publishing. It's called the influence of the noble Hadith upon
the differences of jurist Imams, why did Imams have the love, they
have a hadith and stuff like that. So please Have Yourself purchase
these two groups. Inshallah. Many questions will be answered through
this book. And these will enlighten your spiritual like
understanding of Hadees and stuff.
If Islam was brought up as one that why they are groups. This is
when you understand.
There's only one Islam and the Hanafi Shafi is Madigan's families
are just one, we don't consider ourselves to be different. We
don't consider ourselves to be
wrong, and not doing the right thing. All good groups will do
that. There's just the world is very complicated place in a
sophisticated and elaborate place. That's why differences happen.
That's why Allah made us have different colors, different
languages, different food preferences, right? That's just
natural that and how many times do I have to explain whoever is
asking these questions, they should read this book? Because
that will give them an understanding of why it is then
you will never ask that question again. There is this utopian
question, why can't we just be on one track? And there be no
differences of opinion? Because that's how Allah designed it.
I understand it'd be wonderful if there was everybody was on the
same platform, same ideology, but then the world would be a very,
very boring place, I think. Because imagine there'd be no
differences. We all look the same. We come as a factory. Right? They
all look the same. Differences are Aquila, for Lady when the HA
Aquila for Al Cinetic Omar Al worry comm is still off is the
nature of this world. Only in paradise, everybody will be 30
something years old, and with the same you know, etc, etc. But this
is the nature of
Also another thing the province of Ulster made $3, out of which two
were accepted and one was not accepted. Major to us, one of them
was that may may or may never be uprooted and destroyed like
previous nations were. I mean, that was accepted
another door I was accepted the third door, may my own man ever
differ that was not accepted.
This is the design of the world. But we're not here to create
equity love, there will be actually love, there will be
differences. We're not here to create it, or magnify it. We're
here to try to pacify we're trying to so don't be don't be a motif.
Don't be a creator of difference, but understand the differences. So
I understand the utopian idea people have that I wish there was
one but it's not there. So deal with it now. You know, there are
multiple people starting in Ramadan and Eid. Do we want to
make a fitna out of it? Or do we just be cool with everybody and
say Eid Mubarak to you? And Ramadan Mubarak to you as well? Do
you understand? That's what it is? Otherwise, we're not all
Bangladeshi? We're not all Indian. We're not all Somali, Pakistani.
Turk, right? We're all different. But that doesn't mean that we, we
insist that we're better than you or anything like that. We just say
whatever Allah has created, we take the best of what we have, we
remove the bad of what is in our own cultures. And we try to be
with another because Allah has brought us together in England 100
years ago, we would never have met together. We would have been now
in villages with our own like minded people or like, you know,
tribal people or whatever. But now the world is a different place.
Its differences Alhamdulillah let's celebrate our differences.
Right. Can I just give one last example I noticed that a friend of
mine was an imam in the masjid in South Africa.
And interestingly there they were Shafi is in Hana fees and for
years they had been praying taraweeh together 20 records, then
what they would do for with them because there's two different
styles right?
They would separate the shafts would do their with it the 100
thieves would do their with her. And for years this happened
everybody was happy, their brothers cool. Everything is no
problem. They get a new Imam brothers, this is FTF This is
fitna This is wrong. He gathered he tried to push everybody to do
it together. Now if you do it, the Hanafuda chef is upset. If you do
shuffle his hand if he's upset he caused the fitna.
So you don't difference doesn't have to be fitna sometimes pushing
everywhere. Do the one thing is fitna because we're so different.
So let's celebrate our differences. Valid differences,
not the wrong differences. Right. So if the love is in the heart,
and it the fuck is in the heart, have your heart be reconciliatory
and you'll be fine. And this utopian idea that everybody be the
same. Wait for Paradise for that.
In sha Allah, Allah Houma under Salam o Amin Casilla motorboat
Grom Allahumma yaka human medical history Allahumma Johann nono
Yamuna Allah Allah Subhana Allah inna could nominals it mean yeah
Allah we ask You for Your Mercy. We ask you for your generosity we
ask you for your grace we ask you for your benevolence we ask you
for your kindness yet Allah Ya Allah guide us yeah Allah
illuminate us Ya Allah make us close to you. Yeah, Allah make us
content. Ya Allah make us satisfied with your faith. Make us
happy with your faith. Make us proud of your faith. Make us there
is Oh Allah, Oh Allah, we ask that Will you grant us a love and
affection and compassion for our brothers and sisters? Oh Allah
that you bring us together and you minimize our differences. And Oh
Allah, you allow us to deal with whatever you have given us. Oh
Allah, You have blessed us more than so many others in this world.
You have given us a lifestyle of the top 10% of people in the
world. Yeah, Allah, we ask, we ask that you do not make us of the
ungrateful ones. You make us of the shagreen you make us up the
Karim. Allah Allah you make us of those who make us of those who
have beneficial knowledge and are Allah those who don't deviate and
don't go wrong. Protect us and our families and our children from all
of that, Oh Allah bless this Masjid bless sha Allah Allah from
who, on whose name this is called blessed the builders of this
Masjid the founders of this masjid, if they've departed from
here raise their status in the hereafter. Those who are working
now Allah allow them to do the right thing for this message and
protect them and oh Allah allow them to do the best for this
message. Oh Allah bless the Imams bless the scholars, oh Allah bless
the masala Please bless all of those who have attended today and
bless all of those who are listening and oh Allah keep us
united and educated and illuminated and unite us together
in gender to reveal those Subhan Allah because Allah is that Yama,
Josefina was salam when Al Al Hamdulillah.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read
books to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the
subjects of Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become
more aware of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started
Rayyan courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on
demand whenever you have free time, especially, for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to be, you
know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as local law here and Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.