Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Which One is Masjid alAqsa

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a picture he posted on Twitter about a compound containing statistical weapons and mentions that someone tried to correct him about it. The segment also touches on the use of slippers and the confusion surrounding the media's use oflocker buttons.
AI: Transcript ©
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The other day, just yesterday on Twitter, I put up the picture of

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about three quarters of the compound including Messi the

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Sahara, and I said, Mister, I talked about Mr. Lux. And somebody

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immediately tried to correct me and say this is no this is not

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missing Lux that isn't magic compared to Sephora, but actually,

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all of the cooperator soccer is included within Massoud Luxa. So

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it's all of that environment as soon as you get in from the chain

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gate or any of the other gates that we have that whole expanse

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before the it's actually not even let you wear slippers there. You

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have to go barefoot and it's just it's all paved and stoned right

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now, but they wouldn't allow you to go now they allow you to go

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with shoes there but then they've got two major messages. They're

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the one is the copper to Sakura, the Dome of the Rock, and then

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they've got the Qibla mosque which is now becoming known more well

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known as the cube limos because that's more in the direction of

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the Qibla that's kind of on the edge. So the whole thing is mushy.

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Luxa the whole thing.

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