Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – What is Sufism A Formal Explanation Part 9 The Second & Third Principles of the Path (Sabr & Shukr
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The speakers discuss the importance of achieving spiritual health and success in Islam, including the use of sugar and thanks to individuals to receive gifts and help, the path to Islam, success, gratitude, and the importance of gratitude and thanking Allah for his actions. They stress the importance of belief in the heart and the heart to feel gratitude, the use of words like "we" and "we" to describe oneself, and the need for patient behavior and control. They also discuss the importance of patient mental health and the need for support and guidance from Allah to empower people to make their intentions stronger and allow them to be proud.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillahi Hamdan cathedra on
the human mobile rockin fie Mubarak. unnati como your Hedberg
buena way Aldo
janela Judah who I'm Anna word was salatu salam ala se you dill
Habibi, Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa either D or Safi are about to
go seldom at the Sleeman Cathedral on Yomi Dean another
hamdulillah after
we've been able to discuss
what the path is and the various stages of the knifes and of the
soul, the seven stages.
He then the author Imam, that the Rahimullah he started to discuss
the various principles
of OSU Tarik Mattila and Mozilla illAllah. These are the
fundamentals of the path, the path to Allah subhanaw taala. If these
if these things aren't corrected, if they're not reformed, then
eventually reaching and being on this path and continue on this
path becomes very difficult. So the first one that we spoke about
is the Toba which pretty much everybody agrees is the first
section because you want to shed the load that we have of sins. So
then we free ourselves and then we can continue. The second thing is
called Shaka Thani and Chaka Khan. He says what couldn't either II
what Kannada he Shakira were Kannada Bella e Cebu hora, so
essentially, Shaka and the next one is going to be southern. Third
one so the second one is sugar is a 30 sugar Munna imager La Jolla
was what was sold for like the Jimmy Allah who be here today he
may not clean was some in WebAssign in woloson, in one area,
it Alma who they call the edge Lee
is quite comprehensive. What does it mean to have Shakur of Allah
subhanaw taala? What does it mean to be grateful to Allah and to
thank him, he says, to anybody, but especially to Allah because
he's the greatest middle name. And I'm a human Remo. Enam means to,
to, to bestow on people to give, to provide gifts, to provide
supplies to provide whatever person needs, and Allah is the One
who gives the greatest of gifts to us, because He gave us the gift of
wood. I mean,
before we came into this world, there was nobody even thinking of
us that, okay, there's going to be a guy who's Columbia, or there's
going to be guy called Sohail, or Amador Abdul Rahman or whatever,
and he's going to look like this. There was no such thing. Allah
decided to bring us into the world.
And then he takes us away. I mean, the the benefit of being in this
world is then we can go to Jana. So I'd rather be here than not be
here. As long as we go to Jana.
May that be the case for all of us? I mean, so to thank Allah
subhanahu wa Tada. So to thank the giver, Elmo name, most majestic,
most mighty, it is for a servant, a slave to turn everything that
Allah has bestowed upon him. Ie not intellect, intelligence, to be
able to just figure things out to earn our living, to study to make
money to live through this world to navigate the affairs of this
life. That's the Apple was somehow a buzzer. Likewise, our hearing
our sight, well, listen, our tongue and everything else. To
turn, all of that Ilana Haleakala actually is quite simple for which
it was created.
So to turn all of these things and administer them in those things
for which they were created. So with the Aculon, the intelligence
we need the intelligence to be able to recognize Allah, to
recognize that we have a creator, and then to recognize that this
creator, we
everybody agrees that thankfulness is a good thing. And ingratitude
is looked down upon whether a person is religious or not, except
maybe some crazy people who just have absolutely no idea or no
concept of good and bad. And then the summer and the bustle so to
avoid haram and to listen to the Quran and to listen to good things
and to listen to people's needs, etc. And likewise, seeing the good
and avoiding the evil and then the tongue of course, I mean, the
tongue is full of calamities, and there's at least 20 calamities
Imam Hassan Rahim Allah has talked about for the tongue in his head
along with Dean where he discusses the 20 calamities and tells us how
to deal with it. This this sugar that he's talking about this
definition is actually the shot a devotee
Nisha, this is what Allah wants from us. This is when we say that
religiously or Islamically you must have sugar and thanks then
this is the sugar that is talking about. Otherwise generically, or
linguistically sugar is something else in Arabic. Right? The word
sugar in Arabic, essentially is, well who effect alone, you can be
on top of email money or invisible bicone human empanada shocker, oh,
lady, right, generically speaking, all sugar is linguistically
linguistically is for you to express to do any action for you
to do any action, which indicates that you are honoring the one
who's provided a service, the one who's provided a gift that one was
bestowed something on whether upon yourself or somebody else.
Basically, it's just to thank somebody generically. So it's not
that that's quite generic. Whereas from the Sharia perspective, it's
actually to thank Allah,
to thank Allah not just verbally, but to actually use everything
that he's given us in the right course. That's really what it is.
So to be honest, if there's somebody who never says a chakra
Lilla, or thank you Allah, but he is using every aspect of what
Allah has given him, for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, then he's
probably a greater Shakib than, than those of us who do everything
else with the gifts that Allah has given us. And we say, Oh, thank
you Allah. And then we use that same gift to actually commit a
So a lot of people commit sins with disposable wealth.
It's easier to commit sin, the more wealth we have, because
wealth gives us this false sense of security and confidence, and
And then we think, Well, I've got the money, I can do it here. And
then of course, there's only shaytans out there encouraging
us to spend our money in places, right?
There's always the shayateen that are going to be encouraging us to
spend money and spend our resources. And then if you
haven't, then you can do it. Otherwise you're barred from it.
Then there's other vices I guess.
Not to say that if you don't have any money, you can't have any
vices. Of course, everybody has a vices that nothing is there
anyway. And then he says, What couldn't he so that's basically
when he says, What couldn't Allah Allah Isha Quran, that's Islamic
sugar, that all Allah for be a Europe bukhoma to coffee burn,
which of the bounties of your the favors so be upon His favors,
thankful? That's what he says in his poem be Martina and Nirma so
Allah here obviously favors means Nirma a couldn't Allah He ality
and Amma ha Lika vahidi yet incarnate because somebody will
Basile your Salam o Allah Allah about in yet and can Imani weather
in shakoora. And he says these favors that Allah has showered
upon you whether they be apparent for fevers, such as your hearing
and sight and the soundness of your limbs, health basically, for
you to be proportionate for you to be given the various limits by
which we can lead our life and also the botany or the internal
bounties that Allah has given us. What are the internal bounties?
What do you think he's talking about here?
Rather than internal actually it's more esoteric as opposed to
exoteric. More you can say in a bounties.
Eman? Absolutely. Iman and knowledge, Eman and knowledge.
Right. So
Allah subhanaw taala. I mean, we really can't thank him enough for
the Eman that we have. And the only reason we're sitting here is
we have Iman otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here on a Friday night.
There's so much else to do. There's so much competition out
pat yourselves on the back.
I guess don't even do that. Just thank Allah for even because we
wouldn't have been here.
We wouldn't have been here. Allah brought us here for a reason.
We just pray to Allah that it's a good reason and
Allah accepted from us that we can come together on this Friday
Sheikh Quran, a cathedra Shakur so the word is Concha Quran, not
Shakira, Shakira is just normally grateful. SHA Quran is an
intensified version of that form. It's a form intense form Shaco a
cathedra Shoukry abundantly thankful so be abundantly thankful
on His favors because you must be that for who a year of Giro Isla
de card in build Jana Nuwakot met him Bill orca and you will not
Kimberly son and essentially if you want to be abundantly thankful
the way you will be abundantly thankful is that you will have to
believe this in your heart. You will have to acknowledge and have
this as a conscience in your mind. You'll have to be conscious of a
conscious of the fact that everything that we have is given
to us by Allah.
Even the fact that we are listening to a talk about Allah
subhanaw taala even that essentially what Allah wants from
us is to feel
Think about him all the time. So he called him Bill Jana and
because without this ethical without this belief in the heart,
without this belief in the heart that I owe this to Allah Thank you
Allah for this, that and the other Oh, I'm so grateful that I have
if you don't have the ethical How you going to do the next part
which is hit Mateen Bill Archon
which is actually to give service with,
with the limbs that Allah with the body that we have, how are we
going to even do that? If the first step which is that we have a
sense of gratitude?
We have a sense of gratitude.
And then when look Combi listen with the tongue,
be a turkey the unlearned, ammeter Illa mean Huhtala. So the way to
do this is
what we have to he he's telling us exactly what to do with the heart.
How does the heart play into it? He says, By believing that there
is no bounty except from Allah. So every bounty there is any possible
bounty there is it's from Allah subhanaw taala.
So that's a belief we must have. Yes, there will be intermediaries
in between that, you know, suddenly I'll get a gift from
somebody. Right?
But I have to believe that it's Allah Who put it into their heart
to give it to us for whatever reason. Last week, somebody brings
me honey from Bosnia. Right Bosnia like you know, honey, Mashallah.
So, I must now think that this is a NEMA from Allah that Allah
allowed me to have.
I didn't go out to look for it. I never even had it at the back of
my mind ever that I was I wanted some Bosnian honey. Allah decided
to provide it.
Everything that we have,
you get married, you have children, you learn something new.
That is about we got so much to thank Allah subhanaw taala for
when Tiku Billy Sonny he be under who La Ilaha illa Allah will be
laid to him in a car. Now how does the tongue play into this? Well,
of course, with the tongue we say La ilaha illallah really like
there is no God except Allah we really believe that will be laid
to human life, God and other Earth God that we do. And that is
thanking him because that's the best form of thanking with the
tongue. You can go around all day until people in I'm really
thankful of Allah really thankful of Allah as a statement just to
prove a point to somebody. But really, the real sugar with the
tongue will be that when you're alone, just with Allah and you
thank him because there's nobody in there.
There's no There's no showing off. There's no There's no ostentation
in that at all.
Because you know that you're doing it for Allah. And
one is that you do vicar and you don't even think about Allah. But
then it's much more personal when you actually think about Allah
when you actually communicate with him.
So when you're doing zikr you're actually communicating with Allah
all I'm set here for your sake. Thank you for even allowing me to
sit here and give me the tofu to do more. And here is my Vic Allah
Allah illallah
wa Melby Djawadi he and then after that goes on to practically doing
something good Lama Tolliver Minho, middle Mr. Murat was you
button candidate, oh man do button that basically we then fulfill all
the obligations that we've been commanded to do. Now we, we
basically do everything that has been sought from us, everything
that Allah wants from us we do that, whether it be worship or
whether it be muster hub.
So the more muster hub things we do, which means the more
recommended things that we do,
the more Allah is going to
be appreciative.
Because remember, Allah's name is also shackled.
Right, we have to be shackled, but Allah is also shackled by his from
the other way around. What that means is that Allah is never going
ignore somebody's offering.
So if we show thanks and if we show any kind of kedma and service
to Allah subhanho wa Taala I don't want to say he's going to be
grateful because that's a very human kind of term. But Allah will
reward us for it. It is something that he will take into
consideration and we will deserve his attention. That's what he
means by shackle. So Allah Allah you will be he'd never waste
anybody's action.
Mark and Allahu Yulia II manacle Allah will never that's our Amala
come there as according to the university, your your deeds,
that's Allah subhanaw That's what he gives back to us.
So He says where men and women are near me Lottie Yeah, so whether
it's watchable man do we do as much as possible for the sake of
Allah subhanaw taala Wamena Naomi Lottie Ijebu chakra Alia tofu
leftover, and among the bounty so now he's playing it successfully
because sorry, successively, because in the previous section he
talked about doba. So now he's saying, among those things, it's
widely for us to Shakur on is the Tober.
Because not everybody can do it over you have to remember that,
you know, the desire to want to repent.
The desire to want to repent, and just shed all the previous sins
and want to be free of them.
That desire unfortunately doesn't come enough.
And when it comes, it's really beautiful. Because you feel closer
to Allah subhanaw taala.
And you feel lightened when you able to do when we're able to do
the Tober.
So now the idea is this. We do Tober
we do Tober and then we do thanks, we give thanks for the Tober
if we give thanks to the Tober for the October then we'll do MOTOBLUR
because Allah says that if you be thankful, then I'll give you more.
So it's almost like we need to get into a system we need to break in.
I mean, to use the modern term Hackett right, which basically
means that first do the Toba and then thank Allah subhanaw taala.
And if you thank Allah then he'll give you more so then he'll give
you Tofik to do Motobu.
But the effort has to be on us first. That's why in Hola Hola,
EULA Yiruma becoming that's the policy right? Allah is not going
to change your state had the euro, euro maybe and foresee him until
you want to make that effort to change it for yourself.
So you can sit and think just wishfully think because there's
two ways of thinking things, isn't it? One is a wishful thought, Yes,
I want to do it. It's in the back of my mind. It's something on the
agenda. It's something I want to do before I die. Right? Like I
want to visit the Grand Canyon before I die. Like that kind of a
thing. Right? That's probably the only place I probably miss out of
America that I can go and see. Right? You know what I mean?
Right? It's just one of the things, the 10 places that you
must go and see before you die. You know, that's how the websites
are these days, right?
So if those are the things that you really want to see, then
you need to make a serious endeavor to plan for them in you
save up you need to plan you need to research well likewise with
with this, you can't be that wishful thinking, it must be that
And then inshallah once we're on the path, other things will open
up for us, may Allah make it easy. So now look at this, right this is
this is a very this is a person with a lot of experience who's
explaining how to do this. So he says that among the bounties, upon
which it is widely been mandatory to make sugar is Toba.
Right? It's Stober is is repentance. And then we're sure
crew, Allah Shoukry.
I told you, you have to get into this. And that's what he's saying.
You have to thank Allah and then you have to thank Allah that He
allowed you to thank him.
Right? So you have to thank Allah and say, Oh Allah, I thank you for
even allowing me to thank you, because anything related to Allah,
he must allow it
or he must allow anything in this world. But we want to thank him if
he allows us to do something good. Because we don't want to use that
same time to do something bad
for sugar Allah New Hire Telugu. So hence he says that there is no
end to sugar, it's sugar on sugar on sugar on sugar. There is no end
to thankfulness. So that's why Moodle wallrock says in a poem is
aka Shoukry. Net Metalla. He net Mattoon either Karna Shoukry net
Metalla Hey, net Mattoon.
Allah yella who famously ha ha boo Shu Kuru for kafer Bulu Shoukry
Illa before Lee we're in toileted a Yamo with Tessa and Romero
is nobody basically you can't reach the end of Shaka Shaka has
to be effective our life until we die, that we must continue to
thank Allah subhanaw taala for shook Rula Anahata Allah Who what
he called it his Salatu was Salam Subhana Allah Nasi Sana and Alec
and the gamma theta Allah Nasik which is one of the famous to us
which is Glorified be you we cannot encompass preys upon you,
we cannot sufficiently praise you, we can never praise you enough
essentially. You are and then you know, essentially this is the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam who is the most aware of Allah was
probably the greatest of the Shaku.
greatest of the great grateful servants of Allah who stands at
nighttime to pray with, you know, even though everything has been
forgiven for him, so you can tell that he's purely doing it for a
different reason. He's not doing it to he's no law
Hunger concerned about being in the hellfire, that that's not a
problem for him.
Right that's not even on the agenda that's, that's besides the
point that's already taken care of. So he's doing this for the
sake of being just thankful to Allah which is a way high level
high above everything else. And that's why he's saying here. This
is the Prophet sallahu wa so he's saying, Yeah, Allah glorified, be
you I can't praise you enough. And then he says, You are, as you have
prayed, praised yourself, meaning I am no longer able to praise you.
But I can say that you are as you praise yourself because only you
are befitting to praise yourself in a worthy way. No other human
being can praise Allah subhanaw taala in that way, where sugar
will be harmful at body disease and didn't. And he says look, I
know you guys are probably thinking that that's very
difficult. And he says yes, exactly. The sugar according in
this, according to this idea is extremely difficult. As he is
meaning it's extremely
difficult. And magnanimous, it's very difficult to attain that
Liana hutaree goes to Deakin. I mean, this is this is though that
kind of sugar is done by the Siddiqui in those people who've
achieved the highest status. But
I guess we're not expected to do that kind of sugar right now. We
have to work ourselves up, then we can do that sugar because we'll
know how to do it. That's why, you know, for somebody very important,
if we're gonna give them like a basic gift, they'll probably be
happy with it, because that's our status. But if they've got
somebody very close, and they give them like some basic gift, they'd
be like, man, come on, you know that I don't need this kind of
stuff from you. I need something serious from you. Right?
Allah subhanaw taala says actually, right, he actually says
what kalido mean, Eva, the Ushiku what Collegium mean? Eva da Shaku
shackle, very few of my servants are fully thankful are abundantly
Because we're just so we get so confident, and so engrossed in
what Allah has given us, they actually makes us forget him.
That's the whole fitna, and anybody who can overcome that
riddle in the mind that that challenge, then we've succeeded.
Literally, that's the challenge of the world I'm going to give you
right for for those of us who have, I'm going to give you and
you just have to make sure that you you know, you can still see me
be beyond it, and not get engrossed into it too much.
And for poor or poor people, then there's a nother challenge.
Everybody has a different challenge.
Allahu Akbar, may Allah make it easy. Okay, so that's Shakur.
sabara. The next one is sober.
He says, as I said, What can Allah Allah He suborn for Kulu Amarin
will cover it will cover what khulumani During summer and Houma
for, so he says be
abundantly thankful over His bounties and be extremely patient
over the over all his calamities, all calamities that come, be
extremely patient, because every matter
is through predestination and planning. Everything's been done
through predestination and decree, nothing is out of it. Allah knows
everything, and everything that has been decreed, then there is no
way to escape it.
But again, please don't get confused. You don't know what's
decreed. immediately as soon as people think this shaytaan comes
in and makes them feel okay, so you're not going to get anywhere
because it's been decreed very well, how do you know, the only
decree you know about anybody knows about is the one that's
It's really the matter is as simple as that.
The decree that we must be worried about is what's passed. We now
have to take care of that, right? We can make Toba etcetera, we just
don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. So why would you fret
about something that's going to happen that you don't know it's
going to happen? You think it's going to happen?
But the fact is that in the reality of the matter, according
to Allah subhanaw taala anything that has been decreed there is no
change in that. But we just don't know what it is. So we can't say
is going to be this or that until it actually happens.
That's the conundrum. So what is our authority as sobre el Bella
patients upon calamities, what will happen if Ciana Asaba Hamid
Mala EULA Ebola ridden bitOK de Lille monocle matar minerais in
zij, which is to control the knifes
control the knifes over anything that afflicts it, that it is
unconducive for it. Anything that we don't like that happens to us
just bear it controlling us. Don't let go Don't Don't freak out.
Don't lash out.
Why? So he says written bitdegree Will Malik
Only out of satisfaction for the decree
of the sovereign
al matar who has absolute choice to do as he wishes.
So once it's happened, right, look, the way it is, is that some
we don't want things to happen because we ask Allah for Aafia.
But if something does happen, it's happened now, right? What are we
going to do now?
Because you can't turn back the clock. That's the thing. If you
can turn back the clock, it'd be a different story. But that just
doesn't happen. You can go and turn back that clock as much as
you want. Nothing's gonna happen. Right? It's not a time clock, you
know? So what I mean is, you know, you can't make that not happen.
It's happened now, how do you deal with it now? Okay, so immediately,
we're supposed to feel okay, Allah is behind this. He knows exactly
what's happening. And I need to be in control. I just need to be in
Now, eventually, humans do learn control.
But they feel they need to freak out in the beginning. So when
something happens, they think they need to shriek they think they
need to scream, they think they need to complain, they think they
need to tell the whole world they think they need to cry. Right?
These are various different human reactions. So that's why when
Abdullah number one, I think it was him and his son passed away
and he was seen very composed. So people were quite surprised at how
can we don't see you.
In another state, he says, I'm doing exactly what you're going to
do after three days, if this happened to you. I've just learned
to do it from now. This doesn't mean you can't cry. The Prophet
sallahu some cried when his grandson, grandson or grand grand
daughter passed away. That's fine. But you're in control. That's
control crying, that's just good for yourself.
So the reason when something goes wrong immediately you think okay,
this is I just need to so show satisfied. How does Allah want me
to be in this case, mean lady in the eyes, you must not feel any
kind of
you must not feel any kind of contraction about it. You must
understand it's from Allah, and you must not have any complaint
about Allah.
Of course, if you've done something wrong, you beat yourself
up about it to a certain degree but you know, you can't complain
to Allah subhanaw taala that why did you give me this? Why did it
happen to me? Why are they here shorter because you were when
Allah by Allah human modeled in Wadi tinware ation will fuck the
man in white yelling, what are the Yeti I had in what I did that IQ
is is basically all the calamities that could come to you, whether
that be a sickness or an illness that you have to overcome, that
you've just been afflicted with, whether that be cancer, whether
that be I mean, as bad as cancer, whether that be some other
terminal illness, you know, type of terminal illness, whether that
be even a cold, whether that be just basically a massive flu,
whether that be some kind of other problem, whether that be diabetes,
low blood sugar, high blood sugar, high blood sugar, whatever it may
be leaky ation, or just constraints of life. You're just
not getting a job.
Right? Things aren't working out for you. or loss of wealth,
somehow you just had a big loss in your business or otherwise.
Well, you've lost somebody in the family, or somebody else is
bothering you. At the end, I had somebody is bothering you. That's
still a calamity. At the end of the day, what lady Dalek
this is just starting to be in control. That's what it's telling
you to be. Because at the end of the day, that's what Allah wants
us to be. When we hold on with the ecclesia Kosala. There were so
many, of course, then within that whole thing he puts in there
everything that we're accountable for, we're responsible for like
Salatin fasting that is a difficulty that comes upon us. If
you want to call it a difficulty.
Basically, you have to be patient in doing it. Because sometimes
we're human beings is difficult to do these things.
suborn a cathedra somebody for in the Huhtala you Hey, boo ibird
Abdo Cebu. You need to be abundantly patient because Allah
his servant who is abundantly patient. That's why Allah says
rubbish shady. Sabe give glad tidings to those who are patient.
What kind of Tyler in nama yoga for sabe Runa as your humble lady
who sub
Allah gives a full
your facade Iran, Siberian people who are patient are given a full
share of the patient sorry, a full share of their reward with
without any limit
with UEFI what's very interesting is that there are 10s of names of
death used by Arabs from Jah Hibiya times. Like there were 10s
of terms that they would use for death. You know, one was mold and
another one was headphone and there was a number of
other words they use the Quran didn't use any, hardly any of
them. He introduced a new word, which was never used before. Do
you know what that word was? We're fat.
We're fat. When you look at it, they knew the word we're fat
Wafaa. UEFI means to give a means to
fully accomplish something, to fully receive something, it has
this meaning of water, which means to fully receive something. So
what that means you fulfilled your time in this world.
What does that tell you? That tells you that there's another
life to come. The reason no other word were used, because all of
those words indicated that you only live once in this world.
Like you die, and that's it, because they had no concept of
So Allah introduced in the Quran, new word of warfare, to say, you
just fulfill your time in this world, hence, there's another
time. That's the power of the rhetoric of the Quran, if you can
understand it. I mean, most English translations will probably
just translate it as death and just bring it back to the
original. Right? But how would you, you know, how would you give
that meaning in English, you know, without being too wordy is is the
challenge. So that's why he says, In the manual for sabe rune, the
sabe rune will be given a full full share of the reward bill at
his sub without, without any number. That's Allah, he's the
greatest reward even in worships which is the worship that he says
that I'm going to directly give a reward for its fasting, this fire
fasting is all patients abstinent, it's all patients.
Well, somebody was fooling me. Well, Hammermill idea, and sober
and patients is the characteristic of the people of high resolution,
isn't it?
Ask all these people who made it big. They didn't make it big, just
like that they had to overcome, you know, they had to start off in
their garage. They had to spend night and day.
Right to do things, right. They didn't those were not the people
and sometimes, you know, subhanAllah
know, when you've got a task in front of you.
Like we started this Institute's, I'm like, why the headache?
Right? I had a wonderful life. Wake up whatever time you know,
why the headache?
Like why do I need to get up so early in the morning and come and
teach every day? Right? I don't need to do this. Many I'm making I
could make money other ways. I don't need to I don't need this
for money. You know, I'm saying and then you think that all the
great people they didn't get to where? Then you look at everybody
else who's just got to relax like they don't have they got no
headache about students and this and what do you call it? They've
got no headaches, they about strategizing, looking at the
future? Are you going to be successful or not? Because you
don't want to do things for the sake of you want to do things to
be successful in it, to make sure that it provides a service, it
provides a solution. Those are concerns they weigh on your head.
So then you think why?
Why can't I just be like x y and Zed they mashallah they pray their
salah they have they come work, they go to sleep, they don't have
to strategize.
You don't have to strategize. You can have that nine to five job and
just relax at night and get eight hours of sleep or seven hours
sleep or whatever it is that you get fine and no finger no concern.
But then, how you're going to produce how you're going to
contribute something you have to make an effort.
So that's what he's saying you have to make an effort. Those are
the people of oralism that's all about stubborn patience.
You want to get somewhere you're going to need patience, even the
people of the world when they want to get somewhere there's a lot of
patients that they have to exercise, the hours and hours of
struggle of or whether that be studies or whether that be
manufacturing whatever it is whatever field they're in, what
are the what are the fee official criminal IRT? Well, ahaadeeth
Sharifah de Milo Milo to mirlo
to Tabgha le Illa mozzie de Tocqueville. Mukherjee annual
Maqsood, he says about server and sugar. There are so many verses
and a hadith noble Hadees that if they were to be rounded up, we you
know, this would become very lengthy discourse, and it would go
beyond the objective of what we're trying to convey to you. So he
says we're not going to do that. Or Bill Joomla. Yeah, and that is
your data. Kulu Dini minute mark Moriarty Wellman here but one
thing I have to say. He says in general, if you look at Suburban
sugar, they are such concepts that the entire dean of everything that
we're told to do, or we're told not to do comes under it, that
it's related to suburban sugar.
Because remember how he translate how he defined his sugar. Sugar
was to basically use what Allah has given us for whatever he's
commanded us for whatever has been created. So that's, you know, all
the D
eats and everything we use our body and the sub is there to avoid
all the harms. So basically the whole of the incomes in just
enhancing our southern sugar our dean will get better. For now he
could be him Ahmed Han Luminita suffer be Hema feta Amal. So
basically saying that it's sufficient for you to know the
praiseworthy status of the one who is characterized by doing these
two things. If Allah can see us as Shaku Yes, this is one of my
servants who is Shaco and Cebu, then that would be more than
sufficient praise from Allah subhanaw taala that we need.
The next part
is essentially, he's decided to add this next part on about summer
because summer
is easier if somebody is able to clear up the concept for us, which
I've already done briefly before that if everything is already
ordained, then there's no reason not to be not to be Sabetta there
right. So that's why he says sama Allah Tala has already been
totally here for Kulu Amman in a while in NAMA, Tolliver Minca sub
ruli and Nicola Barossa, Vilka Inoty, for who will cover a b sub
E. He says
every matter
basically anything that patients has been sought from you about
right now patients has been sought from you, is desired from you by
Allah. Because everything that is going to occur that appears in the
world in creation, it is by the decree of Allah. And what is the
decree of Allah mean? He says according to the SHA era, that
means that for Allah to will,
from eternity, to specify certain things in a particular way, that
okay, Brother Mohammed is going to be like this, he's going to live
here, he's going to be this tall, he's going to have this much
He's going to be, you know, he's going to be with this person. All
of that, that tassies that specification, that design from
pre eternity is from Allah subhanaw taala.
That's essentially predestination.
A Allah take care ilmi according to the knowledge of Allah that he
had of all things, then he goes into a bit of theological stuff,
which I'm not going to because I mean, for that, what I would
suggest is that you just listen to the talk that I've mentioned
before, which is called Don't be depressed, you don't know your
future. Right? That will describe everything that he's mentioning
next, because that's all complex theological stuff, which I don't
want to open up right now.
But at the end, he finishes off he says that we're cooler muckety
muck during everything that has been decreed a Ameren called
kodra, Hula, hula and everything that Allah has decreed a brother
who will will do the Masataka FISA, BK lb, he will kadai that
everything that Allah has allowed to come into existence, based on
his knowledge of how things were supposed to be. Right. All of that
is from our own homophobia. There is no way to escape that there is
no way to avoid that a lab would demean will quote he Allah tip
Kima Arada walima because it is necessary for those things to
occur in the way that Allah has willed them from before and that
he's known them to eventually happen while Mr. Hassan who there
is no way to escape it for Ijebu even a Sabra Tasleem Lima kodra
who Alim al Hakim. So as I said to you, again, that should not cause
Because we don't know what's going to happen. It could be positive
instead of negative as we keep feeling. But if something negative
does happen, then we know what to do. Now we know that this was the
coder so it's happened. So now we do suffer. That's what we're
supposed to do. So that's why he's saying it is then necessary to
have patience, and then submit to what the most knowledgeable the
most knowing. And the wise one has decreed
for interim Jasvir but if a person is not patient, they're one
Colorado watch. And it basically turns around in that case, forgot
hasira duniya Well, Akira, then they will be losers of this world
and the hereafter
because they have basically not acted upon. What we're supposed to
do in that case, means they did the 59 Hawala analysis sit in Jung
Soo, essentially, he's saying you're going to be out there cold
with nobody to help you because it's Allah who can help you. And
if you're turning away from him at this point when you need him most.
Can you imagine how much a THON has misled us? That when we're in
a calamity, we start complaining, whereas we actually need Allah
Most. One way that somebody explained this is that if there's
somebody shooting arrows, where's the safest place to be?
I guess right
Sit next to him. Right? Because if you're any distance then he can
shoot you is right next to me we don't want that's a bad example
for like, he's not shooting arrows here. But the idea is that is best
to be. It's just like a mother. It's the shots at the child, a
child runs to the Mother,
the Father and if a father shots at the child, then
they run through the mother.
I've only seen one family or as the opposite.
Seriously, I've only seen one family where it was the opposite.
They were so scared of their mother. And their father used to
be like the mother.
It wasn't like some kind of loose guy, you know, he was a very
intelligent guy, but for whatever reason. These were people like
taught in America, this family, masha Allah bless them. They, they
were they were very scared of their mother. It wasn't she wasn't
some kind of wild woman or anything, there was nothing like
that she was just a very good mother. But for some reason, the
father they just used to run to him.
That's why, in the book, I'm working on a book right now on
marriage and divorce. And
there's this whole discussion about when if husband and wives do
split up the mother and father, then where does the child go. So
you know, the Hanafi, they say, seven years, for the boy, he can
stay with the mother, nine years, with the mother, up to nine years
with the mother for a girl. Because between the ages of seven
and nine is very important phase is a very important stage for a
woman for a girl because that's when there's going to be an onset
of menstruation. So the mother is in the best position to teach them
that kind of thing. But then after that, they should go to the boy
because now he needs to learn manliness, right, and other sense
of protection, things like that which the man is better suited
generally, right? To provide that kind of service.
There is a Hadith, which seems to indicate that the province of
Assam gave a particular child a choice, who do you want to be
with? So according to some, some other Imams have taken that
there's some detail there. But the 100, you say no. And one of the
thing that the jurist all say is that, if you're going to give a
child an option at the age of seven, who's he gonna go with?
He's gonna go with the one who lets him play moyses. Right, the
one who doesn't tell him to do anything. And generally, in this
case, it just depends on who's the more manipulative parent that I've
seen, practically speaking, in cases like that.
There will be certain parents who will indulge their children just
to keep the children on their side. And essentially, they're
harming the child.
This is something I need to speak about some other time. But the
angry mother syndrome,
of course, you can have an angry father syndrome as well. But
generally, it's an angry mother syndrome. When, when, when,
because the law supports the mother generally. So I know, for
example, at least seven to eight people I personally know, within
my area,
who have not seen their children for long periods of time, and
probably now won't be able to see them, unless Allah opens up
something in the future, purely because of this, because there's
poisoning and alienation that's taken place actively by one of the
parents by the mother, in this case, over the Father. And what's
really surprising is that some of these are very religious people.
Their whole family is very religious. And it's just, it's
mind boggling. That's why I did some research and actually, that
it's a syndrome.
Right, it's this really crazy idea that comes up anyway, that's for
another time. Yeah. So you go to the mother. You go to the mother,
that's where you go. And that's how our relationship should be
more intense with Allah big. Why do they go to the mother because
the child intuitively knows he stayed with her for nine months in
the stomach?
How can you forget that? Like how can you forget that?
So when you're a baby, intuitively, you know that you
must go there. Unfortunately, you become adults and you stop and you
get married. Right.
Then you start complaining about your mother.
I know she can be unreasonable sometimes.
But that's, that's the tightrope that's another that's where you
really need some support to tell you that. That's what you really
need a lot of software. May Allah help people? Okay, so we end here.
And, yeah, so there's the other so we've done three, we've done three
Inshallah, we'll move on to the number four next time. Hello,
Amanda. Santa Monica, Santa Barbara. Generally when Chiron
Allahumma salli wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad was early so you
didn't know Mohammed or vertical Salam? O Allah we ask you
forgiveness from our sins of Allah We asked you for complete purity
of Allah We asked you for complete purity and cleanliness of our
hearts. Oh Allah removed the darkness from our heart of Allah
turn the attention towards you and those things which satisfy you. Oh
Allah, keep our hearts away from those things.
means which displays you are what Allah Our hearts are attached.
There are so many things that attract us that detractors out
there that distract us. And that take us away from our main
responsibilities Oh Allah we we are living in a time. We happen to
be living in a time when the distractions have only increased.
But Allah we ask you for strength of Allah we ask You for Your Mercy
of Allah we ask you for your special attention of Allah we ask
You for Your blessing upon this group of people of Allah, we ask
you for blessing upon the entire Muslim community. Oh Allah we ask
your blessing on humanity of Allah grant us the ability to be true
representatives of our faith of Allah we we ask that you forgive
us all those sins that have become part of our life, and that we no
longer are considering sins anymore of Allah. How can we make
Toba from them when we don't consider them to be sins anymore?
Oh Allah grant us the understanding of the truth and the
understanding of the reality of Allah don't do not make us of the
deceived, deceived ones. Don't make us of those who you mentioned
about in the Quran that they thought they were doing good, but
they had no good of Allah. of Allah. There's a lot of we're
living in a world where truth itself is being debated of Allah
We ask that you do not make us of those who are deceived as well of
Allah grant us the ability to see the truth as the truth and allow
us to follow it and to see the wrong as the wrong and allow us to
abstain from it. Oh Allah, we ask that you give us permissible halal
and blessed jobs of Allah, whether that be business or other
employment or Allah make us conducive for us, our la Miko
surroundings, our neighborhood, our neighbors, our colleagues are
loving that conducive for our faith of Allah. There are many
things that challenges that take us away, Oh Allah, we are state.
We become worse after we were good. Oh Allah that we lose the
guidance that you put us upon that you put us upon that you cause our
hearts to deviate after you gave them guidance of Allah we ask you
refuge from all of these things. We ask you refuge from all the
things out there that are to tempt us, and that are to take us away
and that seem to be glorified, but it's not glorified. Our law we ask
that you protect us from these things. Oh Allah grant us your
special attention so that the shaytaan and the shaytaan whose
deceptions are supposed to be weak of Allah, we ask that you allow us
to really understand that and to overcome the deceptions of the
shaytaan from our life of Allah, we ask that you send your abundant
blessings in our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, you grant us his company in the Hereafter. And you grant us
the ability to follow his son and his guidance, you increase our
love for Him. And our love for the Quran Allah for the deen of Allah
that you make us discerning people with with mines which understand
the halal and haram and the right and wrong, oh Allah and and you
give us the ability to follow it. Oh Allah protect our children of
Allah grant us Baraka in whatever you have given us, of Allah and
bless us in our health and our wealth. And Allah removed the
oppression from those who are being oppressed around the world.
And our Allah allow us to do what you think is best for us to do for
them. Give us the Tofik to do what we should be doing for them. Oh
Allah, Oh Allah assist us and guide us assistance guide us have
your special mercy on this group of Allah the small amount of
offering of vicar that we have done over Allah we asked you to
accept it, that you you make us of the vet Corinne and the shack,
Corinne, you make us of those who are constantly in your
remembrance, and who are constantly thankful to you, of
Allah those things we have just studied and we have read make them
a reality for us in our life. make them a reality for us in our life.
make them a reality for us in our life of Allah those difficulties
that our brothers and sisters are facing whether we know these
people whether we don't know these people, those have requested us to
make dua for them and those who have not requested of Allah we
asked you to grant them relief, to grant us relief and to bless us in
all of our permissible endeavors of Allah make our intentions truly
honorable, that we want to do the right thing and know Allah
increase our him, increase our resolution, increase our firmness,
and allow us to be successful in these endeavors. Subhanallah
decarbonize that young IOC phone was salam, an island more serene,
Al Hamdulillah Europian