Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – What is Sufism A Formal Explanation Part 8 The First Principle of the Path

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The importance of fear and hope in shaping one's life is emphasized, along with the need for a balance of fear and hope to achieve healthy health and productivity. The speakers emphasize the importance of forgiveness, love, and happiness in achieving goals, and offer advice on achieving them. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding harms and avoiding promises in life.
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam or others a Udall
while he was sabe he
was Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira en la Yomi Deen
call Allahu Allah Baraka with the IDI for the Quran and Mudgee the
will for Cardinal Hamid Allah in earlier Allah He whole fanatee him
wonder whom he has an own. So the Kola who now the so to continue
with our sessions on what the sofa and Sufism is actually all about
that today, I believe it's the eighth lesson, it's the eight
parts in the series. And since we've now in the previous
sections, we've been able to cover the various different
levels of the knifes the seven different stages of the knifes
we've been able to cover that now we move on to some of the other
very important aspects that will help us to develop this develop
our enough's and ascend, Inshallah, second to the third to
the fourth and Inshallah, above that there are some number of
things that have to be taken into consideration there. The first
thing that he talks about he says, Well, hello, Bill Hofer, Allah
Raja, he was still the molar Kabila tena II. That's his poem.
He says, You need to
have fear dominate over hope.
I'll explain that a bit later as to what exactly we mean what we
mean by fear. What we mean by hope, was certainly my luck and
traverse to your Lord, continue on to your Lord, make an effort to
get to your Lord be Latina, and without any kind of
laziness without any kind of procrastination, without any kind
delay, in that you need to do it as soon as possible.
So well hello lib. If you ha ha ha, they could be Vickery.
Wilmoth, cool hope. I mean, Allah heeta Allah Doom Taffy Hurley,
Sarah Sara.
So remember, the thing he emphasized the most since the
beginning is a repetition of la ilaha illAllah.
That is your secret he sang. But along with that he mentioned all
of etickets now he's saying that your state, right your state
normally when you're doing the vicar of Allah, that make sure
that your hope your fear dominates your hope, while you are in the
state of occupation, while you're occupied in the state of vicar
that we've mentioned before the zikr that we spoke about before,
which was La ilaha illAllah. While you're doing your ADKAR, whatever
card you have, you need to make sure that your state is generally
one of dominant fear over over hope, Fear from Allah subhanaw
taala. Now fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala is very different from to
fear from anybody else. When you fear someone in this world and you
fear them, you generally hate them unless you love them for a certain
reason. Unless it's somebody close to you, with Allah subhanho wa
Taala with parents, for example. It's a reverent fear, you fear
upsetting them, you don't fear that they're going to beat you up
only that's not the main fear. But when you fear anybody else, then
you fear that they're going to punish you. They're going to put
you under hardship and things of that nature with Allah subhanaw
taala. The fear is supposed to be
this particularly reverent fear. Now what he says here is that this
fear from Allah subhanaw taala needs to be dominant during the
time of
well being. When you don't when you're not suffering from any
illness when you're not in any terminal illness. When you're not
old and completely disabled and are bedridden or whatever the case
is, then normally in your normal state as we are healthy. In your
normal state of health you need to dominate have your fear dominate
over your hope. What does he mean by hope? He says, hola, hola.
Raja, if you Rama de Wi Fi, hope is also needed. He's just saying
that the one needs to dominate the other that soul. You can't be
without hope at all. And just completely dominated by fear.
That's not a life. But on the other hand, you can't just let
hope dominate. Just because we've got health and we've got a bit of
wealth, and we've got freedom doesn't mean that we then allow
the hope to take over which deceives us into thinking that we
are independent we're on we're not in need of Allah subhanaw taala or
anybody else for that matter. The fear needs to dominate during the
normal course of one's life. Meaning we need to be more fearful
that Allah is going to be punishing us. Not overly fearful
that we then lose hope and think well, I'd rather let him punish me
because I don't think I can keep straight
because we're going to make mistakes. That's why we need the
hope to to help us through those states. But at the same time, the
fear must generally dominate otherwise we're going to become
too relaxed. You're either under hula Bucha Delhi lobby the middle
Hope You are Raja Eman. He says what he intends by this is to say
that you need both fear and hope. But the fear should just be
dominant. You need to have more fear than you have hope. But you
must have hope later. No hamaca Jana hate a PA. Because fear and
hope are like the two wings of a bird
or any flying object, you generally don't say see flying
objects with just one wing? Right? For the most part, even cars that
drive they generally are balanced on both sides because there's a
concept of aerodynamics, right? That needs to be there needs to be
a balance on both sides, especially with flying objects you
need generally to have a balance. So likewise, he says that with
only one wing if you only had fear, or you only had hope that
bird would not be able to fly. That's why you need both meta
foci that are huduma Sakata. If you lose one wing, you're going to
have a crash. So likewise with the human being if you don't have fear
at all, or you don't have hope at all, you're gonna have the you're
gonna have a spiritual crash.
In the hoof he had he said he was salam at the end Bonita libo
journey will hopefully Allah journey be Raja, that's the only
thing that there are times to push one up.
Push it up over the other one, right, you need to do this
strategically. And he's teaching us that strategy. It says that
except in the time of Seha, which means wellbeing, and health and
well being, then it is most appropriate to keep the fear side
more dominant over the side of the hope, then who gets salty? The
answer could be ill deniability bother, because
having the fear dominant, it acts like I mean, he's saying like a
stick, like a whip. Right, which drives a person to be constantly
concerned about their worship, if you don't have any fear, and you
just think Allah is gonna forgive Anyway, look at all of those
stories of those people who are forgiven. Look at that prostitute
that was forgiven for just feeding a dog. I'll do that once in my
life. I'll do that 10 times, you know, I've done it in Ramadan.
Right. Last few Ramadan, I've been donating this much money, you
know, to Syria. In fact, I've been to the Rohingya for relief work.
Right? As much more than that prostituted. She only fed a dog
So it's very easy to be diluted.
What sentiment that prostitute had when she fed that dog? Do you know
what that sentiment was that got her accepted?
What was in her mind what was in her heart when she did that?
That's what really counts with Allah. So somebody could be doing
so much more good deeds than her, but not get anything in the
hereafter. Because the knee is completely wrong. Right? Just
And now we know that a lot of prostitutes actually forced into
the job.
Right, if we get onto that subject, I mean, a lot of them are
coerced into this job, they're not there by choice. They just don't
know how to get out once. It's just a parently. It's just such a
bad situation that you get beaten up and Allah protects. So we don't
know what was going on in our mind. So let's not miss and
understand that story. But at the end of it, yes, Allah can forgive
if you've got the right sentiment in your heart, it's about building
that sentiment, for even, you know, the smallest of good deeds
can get give you so much more if you have the right sentiment
behind it, and the Sahaba had done. And that's why for them
spending just a handful of something in the path of Allah
would be superior to us spending a whole mountain load of something,
right, we'd need a lot of charity to compare to, you know, even a
handful of charity of one of the Sahaba they just give a handful of
green and because of the trust in Allah and the kind of fear that
they had was amazing. Anyway, he says keep the fear dominant
because the fear is going to drive you in sha Allah to be concerned
about your worship, because you're gonna think, No, Allah is gonna
ask me one day, I'm going to stand in front of Allah and I better
make my prayer a bit better make my cover a Better Boy, avoid this
sin, right? Because that fear helps us. That fear is very nice
and think about it when you don't have fear of Allah when you lose
that fear than you willing to do anything.
So that's why that fear is so important. That's why he then
says, we'll be haters zoodle Rohnert and AFCEA annual Colby
insha, Allah hooter, Allah, that fear is one of the best antidotes
to all the unworthy desires of the heart. All the unworthy, unlawful
desires of the heart. The fear is important because when you're
about to do something wrong, if you have that fear, say, you're
going to think twice about doing it. Otherwise if there's
is no failure just do it, who you're fearful of.
Unfortunately, sometimes our state is that we don't do things in
front of others, but we do things in front of Allah. We're more
concerned about what others would think than what Allah would think.
If Allah can just give us that kind of consciousness about him,
then he would really sort us out for either another. Now that's the
normal state, but he says now for either unassailable Hill morons,
what a surefire moat for him, but he taglib Bucha Anibal Raja ERL
Hove Vienna who had Leanna, who had kudu, Mia al Karim, however,
once you now enter into a state of
sickness, you become sick, you become ill, and you're peeking at
death, you're looking at death, maybe you're staring at death in
the face, not just peeking at it. Right now, we're probably peeking
at it, but you're staring at death.
Then at that moment, it is actually more strategic and
appropriate to have the hope aspect dominate over the fear.
That's so, so perfect, because he says that, that is now the time
that you are about to embark on your journey to the benevolent one
that carry the benevolent one. So now you need to have that frame of
mind. This is very important. I remember sitting by somebody who I
knew very well. A family friend, older person who is about you
know, last few days, you could tell because he's become very sick
as a terminal illness. And shaytaan Allahu Akbar shaytaan
comes in all forms at that time, to make you fearful to make you
despondent. And this person, mashallah he had done a lot of
good work, I remember even taught in the madrasa. He used to be the
first person they in Fajr, everyday in the masjid. He had his
issues, right, everybody has the issues, but this person had done
so much in the community. He built, I think he dedicated a
whole wing of a hospital in India, lots of stuff like that last few
days. I mean, we used to go to visit him. And he's like,
frightened is it was such a bold man, you know, it was like,
nobody could, nobody could confront him before. But now he's
so fearful. So this is shaytaan attacking at the last moment,
saying that what's going to happen, you need to have a lot of
hope, then
you need to have a lot of hope than
so because shaytan really comes in attacks at that moment. That's why
there's times when you are some sometimes if you're just feeling
really overly stressed, right? Sometimes you're feeling that it's
just too difficult, then at that time, if you start if you start
focusing on the fear too much, that's just going to make your
situation worse. I've dealt with at least
two people, if not three, two, for sure. In the last two years, one
was just very recently that dominated by fear.
Every time it's just the mind goes in overwrite. Most of us have
don't have that problem, most of us have problem of being dominated
by hope, that it's just so casual, that we don't even fear. But this
these two people, they had so much fear
ajeeb that they actually needed counseling,
to get regulated, to tell them to focus on the verses of mercy, and
of compassion and of hope. Because they were just as soon as they
would think about something they would see somebody you know, even
non Muslim dying, they just like, oh, no, he's gonna go to hellfire,
what's going to happen there? It just
was debilitating.
A healthy amount is good because it keeps us on our feet, but it
shouldn't become overdone. Then it becomes debilitating. And that's
also then shaytaan causing that to happen. That's why a DA is
Allahumma JAL
Watsa. We circle we have sciatica Vedic rock, oh Allah make the
thoughts and whispers in my heart,
your your fear and remembrance.
And what you call him that he will Hawaii a FEMA Taheebo Tada and
turn my all my aspiration or direct all my aspiration and all
my desires to be in the direction of those things which you love and
which you're satisfied with. It's a beautiful idea. Right?
Especially for people with aspiration, you just want to make
sure that aspiration goes in the right direction and not in the
wrong direction, because you could end up causing a lot of harm in
this world for ourselves spiritually, and for the world, as
well. Right? He's just gonna
He's basically just going to he's been talking about several terms
health, prison, and Raja. So he just wants to explain them hope,
which means fear is he says Herman work
Other countrymen who urged him to have fear and
to have fear
for something that is about to come. So you're fearful about
what's going to happen. Horizon is Herman Lima fat. It's the opposite
person means to be remorseful over something you've lost.
That's the word in Arabic. grief over what you've lost Herzen is
grief over you lost. Whereas hope is fear of something that is in
the future that you're fearful of. And Raja is the analytical Cal BB
mer Houben. Yes. Hello, Phil mostakbal ma RT Phil as Bob, what
is this hope that we're talking about the right kind of hope that
you're supposed to
muster up is for the heart to become associated with something
that you desire that could come that could be achieved in the
future, while also embarking on the means to acquire it. So these
are not vain hopes not empty hopes. Empty hopes he says for
inland Mia hood, Yanni Phyllis Burb if you don't take the means
to achieve whatever you're trying to achieve, then photomarathon
Then that's just empty hopes. That doesn't get you anywhere.
Well, who am I the movement Sharon? from a religious
perspective, it is blameworthy to to just have empty hopes. If you
hope for something you need to start embarking upon it while
taking the right means to do so. And he says that's the hope we're
talking about here. Right? That's the first point he mentioned. The
first point was that just keep the hope don't just keep the fear
dominant unless you're in a in sickness or terminal illness.
We're still say on her Thiessen Lima hola que se EDIC say ye DECA
will highly pick a Bella Tana in a Bella tuber within an eatery Mr.
Kamal Musa illa Allah heeta Allah bn Danica Connell Bukoba lady
heater Anna and continue
traveling continue moving on. Right was Sara say Ron hotties and
move in a lot of diligence. Continue moving with a lot of
diligence towards your Lord.
I say yedek Mohammed harlech You're you're basically your your
Lord, your master and your Creator. biller tena in without
going far off the track, make sure it's focused, you don't keep going
off the track. The one that's going to take you to Allah
subhanho wa Taala so don't take side excursion to many places
otherwise you may get left out you may get left there.
So these side excursions he he explains them as your heart
becoming associated with other than Allah subhana wa Tada
your heart becoming associated with other than Allah subhanho wa
Taala those are side excursions.
Keep it real keep it focused.
What occurred dama Anna Sarah Ybarra to Nantahala local Colby
Billa Hytera ma am ohada fat enough sufficient Awatea II
thought en la hooter Allah Allah Heidi, we've already discussed
before he says that this this traveling towards Allah is defined
as the heart becoming associated with Allah subhanho wa Taala and
just opposing the knifes opposing all of its dis all of his unworthy
desires in order to give preference to Allah subhanho wa
Taala over everything else. That's what it means by continue your
journey to Allah keep making an effort. Well, however, Hatari Call
Mr Kamal Musil illa Allah heeta Allah is this this is the straight
path that will take you to Allah subhana wa Tada. Well, he
Athletico shutter min al Maha Beti were shoki Isla birdie in SME, and
this is also the path of the champions among the people of love
and desire for Allah subhanho wa Taala This is how they do it. And
this is how they get to the creator of all souls from a banana
island Moti warmer banana island Multiball irida Of course,
eventually, this is going to be where you
are hoping to get to Allah subhanaw taala and your gateway is
through death, the harbor move to cobbler and to move to you have to
learn to die first before you actually die. And death here
refers to death from just worldly desires. You must be able to kill
that aspect to just love the world too much. Loving the world too
much. This has to be done. Bill FDR he says Bill cost below your
order, which means you must make a conscious decision that I want to
give up these things. Like I must take the Love Out of My Heart of
these things.
That's what's important. It has to be done. It can't be just
something you know, wait for it to happen. We must make a decision an
active decision to do that.
Because human beings we are based on resolutions. We are based on
decisions. Yes, there are certain things that happened to us without
making a decision, you get lucky and something happens to you. You
become fortunate Allah has written something for you, to give it to
you without effort. But for most things in this world, you have to
make an effort, especially for the difficult things.
They don't just come like that. I mean, if if you want to go for
Hajj, then you need to make an effort. You need to be praying to
Allah, and you need to be saving some money because it's become
quite expensive. But I've seen people who had absolutely no
intention for Hajj nor the money. And suddenly, somebody just said,
Hey, do you want to go for Hajj? I've got a house that I need to do
for my grandmother. Right, but I can't go I really wanted to do it
for her. Have you done? Can you go please?
I saw a number of people like that in Hajj. And they tell you we had
absolutely no idea that we're going to come for Hajj they were
in fact we couldn't even come for Hajj. And they were just so
thankful to Allah subhanaw taala so things like that happens
sometimes. Yes, you may run into a wall you have Allah somewhere who
may just blow on you. Right? Who may just, you know, pass his hand
over your head and that's in Hollis, you know, it'll help you.
But you can't I mean, that's not the real world. I mean, you can't
always hope that I'm going to wait for that to happen because it may
not never happen. hamdulillah if it happens, it's wonderful.
That's why an effort has to be made.
Allah make this easy for us. He then quotes a poem from Alma YBNL,
Farid A is quite a poet he is, is that basically my enough's used to
be a lawanna. Right? Every time I used to obey it, then it used to
take me to the wrong side. But if I used to disobey minus, then it
used to actually help me to get to Allah. Right describes the Amara
and lawanna. Right? If you obeyed, it's just gonna, it's just gonna
let you do more sin. And if you go against it, then it's going to be
like, Oh, okay, okay, I'll come with you then. Right? It's like
that kind of a pathetic person. Right? That they want you to go
with them. But as soon as you start putting your foot down, then
they kind of like sort themselves out. So nurses a bit like that.
Right in the next section. He says now also liturgical. Musala
morcilla T il Allah. Now he gets to the real practicalities, he
says these are the 10 fundamentals that a person needs to get him to
Allah subhanaw taala.
Right. So aside from the earth car with aside from the vicar of la
ilaha, illallah, Muhammad Fatah knifes, then these are 10
additional things that a person has to do
to make it to Allah subhana wa Tada.
Do you know what the first one of those 10 principles are?
Everybody, pretty much you look at Rosalie's works, you look at
anybody's works. This is the first thing that he talks about the
first principle. Right, the first principle is Toba.
And the reason is that there's no point in trying to go forward. If
you've got baggage on you.
Clean yourself up, right?
You clean yourself up, you have a fresh start. Then you've got
you've got a better chance
when you're driving your car around town, and then you want to
suddenly take a long, long distance trip. What do you do?
You're gonna kind of clean your car up, you take out any excess,
right? Is it something that we do we do this with everything.
But it has to be done. If you want to get closer to Allah, the first
thing that you must do is Stover. That's why he's saying that we'll
also do her Ashura. Right of this path. There are 10 principles. And
the first one is the Toba which means repentance. And oh, we'll do
a Toba to minimalism in Willow Sahira tonight a tactic
from every sin, repentance even if it's a small sin, so not just the
big sins, it's just remembering Okay, I did the big sin no, it's
every sin. Where la Ashada Nikoli he were just did would you burn a
toe butter? revive your Tober refresh your Tober
may make a new your repentance I urge you it Allah was he mean by
repentance now? Repentance means turning back to Allah going back
to Allah, almost assuming like we were with Allah before. We've kind
of distanced ourselves from him, because we were with Allah. Right?
And then when we at the end of the day, when we were in the island of
Aruba, we will read Allah subhanaw taala we came into this world and
then kind of became distance, because of certain things that we
did. So you need to get back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and this
repentance needs to be from Lille Ozar aiming actually at carbon
Ozar GMO Israel where he'll will Marcia, basically from all sins.
What are the organic Toba? What are the integrals of
So how does a Tober and repentance how does that become a
satisfactory or an acceptable one? How does the person make Toba?
There are three Arkin right? This is probably a nice refresher for
us and I'm sure most of us know about this. There are three are
can another Marla my work I mean who minion Mahalo 30 the Marathi
hockey Allah subhanho wa Taala number one to feel remorse, just
just remorse I feel so bad, I feel so sorry. And so remorseful, about
whatever opposition to what Allah loves. Anything that I did that is
in opposition to Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with I feel bad
about it. So there will be several things that will come in mind. You
don't have to necessarily go and think about everything. Right?
That's not always, sometimes thinking of a sin actually gets
you back into the sin because you remember the pleasure.
You get a relapse. So that's why they don't tell you that you must
think about your sins, you must think of your sins in general
about how bad they are, to not about how beautiful they were or
how enjoyable they were. So the idea is that, okay, I've got all
of these things I need to repent. So the first thing is to feel
remorse. Number two will Isom Allah and Allah will do limitary
full resolution.
Full resolve that I'm not I'm not going to do this again, I just
don't want to, you can't do that unless you feel remorseful. You
say, Okay, I'm not going to do this again. If you don't feel
remorseful, you will be just saying it, but the pleasure of it.
So you literally have to sit down. If you've done something wrong,
you literally have to sit down and just feel bad. Make yourself feel
You can't just say, oh, Allah, I'm not going to do this again.
You can say that, but that's not enough. That's why the first stage
is to actually feel bad, make yourself bad. Why is it bad? No
justification. Why is it bad?
Right? Even if it's a small sin, why is it bad.
So to make it seem like a monster, because it is a monster,
in our in our sights,
then after that, to say, I'm never gonna because it's easy. Now, once
you feel remorseful, that you did something, then it's much easier
to then say, I'm not going to do it again, in a non empty way. Now,
when somebody does something wrong, and children and then you
say, promised never to do it again, I promise never to do it
again. But they want to do it again. But if you make them
actually feel guilty about why it's wrong, and they see the
gravity of it, then they genuinely won't want to do it again. At
least until that gravity wears off.
Number three is a killer, one of them be Phil hull. Number three is
to actually obviously desist from that sin straightaway. For
example, if it's not something of the past, but it's something in
the midst of doing in the midst of planning.
Right? There's a haram relationship, for example.
I mean, you can't seek forgiveness for the past if you can gonna
carry on.
Like if your intention is to carry on. So you're not saying anything
to the other person is just like, Okay, for the past me at least
clean that up.
Right. But tomorrow, I'll have to meet that person again. Do you see
what I'm saying? Doesn't work. You have to resolve not to do it
And you must desist? What are the in the Maya tafisa Min lum young
kadhi. This is obviously referring to scenes that have not yet
completed not have not yet finished, but he will craft one is
that ma'am is Xena. We should do Hummer, for example, you're in the
middle of drinking, right? Or you'd like drinking every day, or
every week or whenever or Zina then you must stop completing that
you must stop the next time you do it. One or the ad or if it's your
harm, you're constantly bothering somebody. Well, you've set
something up to bother somebody, whether it's a virus on them, or
it's just, I don't know, you just bother them or you've set
something up other people bothering him, you better get that
You've got your friends who are constantly bothering somebody
because of you. Right? You better stop them from doing it. You can't
make Toba that person they you let them carry on and above. And
actually another one which is very, very clear, is that you are
withholding somebody's right.
That's a very common one. Withholding somebody's right
you're not giving them their due and you're trying to make Toba.
That's why he says we're on the road Bill Malema Illa. Allah, you
must give back. And if it's something that you've done wrong
to somebody, you must go and seek forgiveness. You must go and make
yourself halal from it. You must get yourself absolved from it
was Tim Sahil Maluma in Ghana to seek magnificence or grace from
the oppressed
One if it's possible, somebody you've oppressed,
you go and ask them for forgiveness. Now you only do that
he says, If you think they're gonna, it's not gonna cause a
bigger issue. They don't want to ever see you again. And you go
there, and you've oppressed them before and they don't trust your
sincerity, they're gonna think you've just come to bother them
again. They're just going to get more angry, right? It's going to
open up a wound again. So he says that otherwise, if you can't do
that, if it's just something that is not going to work at this point
in time is still fear level. Go and seek forgiveness for that
person. For that oppressed person. You're oppressed. What the South
Dakota who will be my young Kenya who
and go and give sadaqa on his behalf. Muhammad sadaqa you're
gonna wonder how much is it worth Do you think? There is somebody
you've traveled a lot
you traveled somebody a bit? How much do you think you should give
Don't think tennis fan is going to get anywhere but
if you've traveled somebody a lot, I mean
you know we're talking to hundreds man, because the more then that
shows your sincerity.
Sure, Allah protect us from this kind of state anyway.
So you make a stick for for them you give sadaqa for them as much
as possible for in Allah to Allah either Idema seed collab de or the
Allahu Anhu who sama who?
Because when Allah recognizes, from a person, their sincerity and
truthfulness of wanting forgiveness from that person,
and they can't go to that person directly. So they do all of this,
then inshallah Allah will satisfy them on your behalf.
Because sometimes to go to somebody who you've troubled,
causes the bigger problem
opens up wounds again. That's why do it this way, maybe in the
future, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will help you get right and if not,
then Allah will satisfy them because he, at the end of the day,
there has to be a way to do it. Right. And the person is making
the efforts.
Then he says a few things right? He says, Look, can you imagine
will actually know before that. What does the hotel bathroom in
the mean doing?
This is this is really good. He says that. Don't ever get into
this whole mess of the Oh, okay. If I make Toba of this, there's no
point because I'm still doing this. He says Dober repentance is
valid from one sin
even though it may not be from another sin, so don't think that I
must make up for all my sins for it to be acceptable. You could
make Toba from one sin and then make Toba from the other sin
that's fine it'd be valid behavior if he said it Allah Allah Allah
final endomysial veto but the annual Jimmy what digital mobile
data to be. But if you want to be on the path of Allah, this
traveling for this, you must do Toba from all sins. That's a
condition. So if you start off with one sin, and you can't do
another one yet, well, at least start from one. But you must have
Toba from all sins eventually, for you to be able to progress in your
path to Allah subhanaw taala
for that hero has been born.
And if you he says what tangible mobile data to be had Toba is
necessary to make as soon as possible.
And he says if you delay a Toba from a sin, that's another sin.
To delay making Toba from a sin
gives you another sin. Now this is very interesting. Autobytel
khalfan Kufri hibel Islami Makuta Takata and the Toba repentance of
a disbeliever from his scuffle by becoming Muslim, is 100% accepted.
It's more accepted then.
You and I as Muslims who make Toba for wrong that we've done,
meaning the Toba that we've done, it's going to be inshallah
accepted, but it's possibly accepted, depending on our
sincerity and so on. Right. But for a curfew, who's just made Toba
to come into Islam? That's definitely accepted.
And the reason for that is Allah says in the Quran, Surah Al
Ghul Lavina Cafaro. Ian doe, you will follow Mark itself,
say to those who have disbelieved. If they desist, genuinely, right,
then everything of their past will be forgiven. This is as long as
they feel remorse of everything. Now, if they become Muslim,
they're going to continue.
Whatever it is that they've been doing, they will that will not be
But generally, when the disbeliever becomes a Muslim, they
generally do it very sincerely. So it's probably
The level of sincerity that it's all about Walton taki to Toba to
be Rujuta realism be well, our Jacques de fille Yomi Alpha mer.
This is very hopeful. He says you want once you've made Toba now and
your repentance will not be will not be
canceled out, will not break will not be canceled out by you
returning to the sin.
Even if you return to that sin 1000 times.
So the idea is that you make you repent, that sin is forgiven, you
do it again. But remember, when when you sought forgiveness and
you repented, then you must have decided not to do it again, you
must have felt remorseful, then it's a proper repentance. Once
you've done that, then that's finished, it's clear. But you
could do it again, you may end up doing it again, as a lot of people
do, unfortunately. But you do it again. So again, it's wiped out.
As long as that presence of mine all the conditions of Toba are
And then you may end up doing again. I mean, of course he's
exaggerated even 1000 times but you know what he needs.
So there's always a benefit in doing the doba always a benefit.
Even if you think you know, I've messed up so many times before,
that should not
make us not make the Tober
because at least the previous part gets washed out.
Where whereas you would actually do her in the Coulee Region in
Chile. However, you will have to refresh your Toba properly, every
time you return to that sin even if it's 100,000 times whatever it
What are they sending them in raw material of 30 and do not become
despondent of the mercy of the oft forgiving one. Remember, Allah has
the name Harford as he calls himself Harvey for coffee with
them in the Quran, which just means the one who forgive sins,
then he calls himself does a thorough job. And then he calls
himself a fool Rahim. So he's got three words there.
Garfield, four and rougher. rougher means the one who forgets
who who forgives abundantly
who forgives over and over again.
So, do not ever become despondent from the mercy of the oft
forgiving one. What he translated as a a sitar live donor will be
the one who will conceal your sins and he faced them for in the
Rahmatullah he to Allah was here at coalition because Allah's Mercy
definitely encompasses everything while Willie you. Now this is I
think, the best part here
in your mind, what is the value of Allah? Everybody will have these
various different ideas in their mind. Look at this definition I
love this definition is saying well Wally yoo hoo Allah the Quran
Lama waka Turb
a very a Friend of Allah is the One who every time he falls into a
senior Annie,
he repents.
Every time you fall in sin, you can do a proper repentance you are
worthy of Allah. Just don't stay down. That's all
that make it easy to become overly of Allah.
Right? You don't have to have you know the dreams of going to
paradise and all that kind of stuff. Just stay away from sin.
Every time you do end up doing one just make Toba
call Allah Who Tada
where does he prove this wrong? My thinking this is he made this up?
No, he proves it says because Allah says in the Quran in Allah
you hate Buddha wellbeing. Allah loves those who repent often.
And those who Allah loves were they the only Allah Who else are
they? So that's how he proves it. Well, human lady in a cola isn't a
bootable they're those people who every time they sin, they repent.
woman had bahala Huhtala carrabba Who Aetna and anybody who Allah
loves He will bring them close.
In close proximity to Him He will draw them close to him, while a
sachet on a shadow attache Tilem integrity, the remote Manitoba.
There is nothing more severe on the shaytaan than a believer who
refreshes his Toba
because once we do the sin, he thinks I'm shaitan thinks your
mind now. Soon as you make Toba. We've just snubbed him.
We've just snubbed him. We've just turned our noses up at him
well yet, so which he does, he said before? Well, it isn't I mean
Rahmatullah 30. Right Do not become despondent, so yes, means
despondency, a Elcano to me, Rahmatullah despondency means that
you don't think Allah's Mercy is for you. You're too much of a
Right? Whether it's because of a Kabira aquifer, whether it's
because you've done a sin or you've done
Cofer. Allah says in the hula as Monroe hayleigh, Enlil, Coleman
Kathy Rouen, the only people that will ever become fully disciplined
despondent of the Mercy of Allah, or the disbelievers or the deniers
because they don't realize that Allah is Rafa. Rafa Rahman Rahim
before where do they just don't have that idea. They just think
God is like some person and he's messed you up. So it doesn't make
a difference. Now, I don't believe in anymore. But anybody who truly
believes in Allah, they will always be forgiving, they will
always seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. So that ends the
first principle, which is Toba without dough but you can't the
second one, then he says a sugar
is to be grateful to Allah. We'll we'll talk about the next time in
sha Allah. But for now, let us focus on October and take the step
by step we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to as we discuss these 10
principles, that they actually become a reality for us, that they
become a reality for us and this is not just some kind of empty
discourse. We ask Allah to make this a reality for us so that we
we are fully repented and repentant. By in sha Allah. You
know by this lesson in sha Allah, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to
make us of his earlier work, you read that one and then
hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salam Amin concerned about the
other God will Quran.
Allah who may or how you yaka you bureau metachronous Allah me
anatomy I'm in Illa Illa de Subhanak in phenomenal body mean.
Just Allah one, Muhammad and Muhammad.
Oh Allah have mercy on us. Oh Allah, forgive us. O Allah grant
us forgiveness from all the sins we have committed. Oh Allah grant
us the ability to make a truthful and sincere Toba of Allah allow us
to desist from all that we have done which has displeased you of
Allah and allow us to desist in the future from anything that
displeases you. How Allah make us focused in life and those things
which please you and those things which make you satisfied. Oh Allah
grant us you are loving our hearts. Oh Allah grant us your
love and the love of those whose love benefits us in your court of
Allah surround us with those who it's conducive for us to worship
you with Allah allow us to be devoted to you and express our
deep devotion of Allah. Turn our Sadat into
into a solid that prevents us from doing the wrong and that prevents
us from from doing embarrassing things of Allah.
Protect us our solids from being lifeless, lifeless forms of Allah
except our fasting whatever we have done of Allah except our
Hajj. O Allah, those of us who have not performed Hajj or Allah
grant us the trophy to do so and allow us to come back over and
over again. Oh Allah, give us a life in this world that is an
excellent life a higher than a year by by your standards. Oh
Allah let us not to be concerned about any other standard of life
but your standard of life. Oh Allah grant us.
You. Oh Allah grant us those of our family members and spouses and
children who will be the source of gladness for our eyes both in this
world and in the hereafter of Allah protect us and our families,
especially our progeny until the day of judgment from all the fitna
and trouble and difficulties which are out there. Oh Allah, there are
a lot of distractions. Oh ALLAH that distract us and that distract
people in this world. Oh Allah bring back the insomnia to the
insulin and oh Allah allow us to live in peace and harmony. Oh
Allah removed the oppression from our brothers and sisters around
the world. Oh Allah remove oppression of Allah do not make us
of those who oppress others of Allah whether we realize it or
not. Sometimes we may do things and we don't realize, Oh Allah
grant us a true understanding and show us the right has the right
and allow us to allow us to follow it and show us the wrong as the
wrong and allow us to abstain from it. Oh Allah this journey to you
set us on this journey and make us successful in this journey. Allow
us to fulfill all of the principles of this journey, purify
our hearts and allow our hearts to ascend to the higher levels of
perfection. Oh Allah when we come to you allow us to come to you
with a cold when Salim. Oh Allah allow us to come to you with a
collarbone Salim with a heart that is that is sound Oh Allah make us
of your Olia of Allah give us the ability to repent. Anytime we fail
of Allah protect us from failing to protect us from feeling of
Allah fulfill our permissible needs. If we're studying though
Allah if we're studying the deen of Allah grant us Baraka
In our studies of Allah make it useful for us, those of us who are
not studying allow us to learn more about the Allah allow us and
give us the facility to do so give us the time to do so. And the
availability to do so and the sources to do this from, Oh Allah,
grant us Baraka in our life, in our health in our wealth of Allah
remove and protect us from all physical and spiritual ailments of
Allah protect us from all physical and spiritual ailments, Oh Allah,
we may have wasted a lot of time in the past, allow us in the
future, to not waste time and to do only those things which are
useful and to avoid all of the distractions and Oh ALLAH to
constant constantly remember you to be of those who constantly
remember you and who are grateful to you, of Allah make us of your
grateful servants, make us of your grateful servants. And we finally
ask that you bless us in all of our permissible endeavors. And you
make us all keys to the dose of goodness in this world and the
or Allah, we don't know how to help this Deen. But Allah we ask
that you accept us for some kind of assistance to this theme, so
that it can be a southern Nigeria for us, for a perpetual reward for
And our Allah, we ask You that You give us the company of our
messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam in the Hereafter,
and you send him abundant, abundant blessings on the behalf
of us and all the ummah. Subhan Allah because Allah is here and
now you'll see phone was salam when I didn't want to sit in on
him. Good luck.