Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – What is Sufism A Formal Explanation Part 12 The fifth principle, The Jurists
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The transcript discusses the misconceptions of "has been a professional in Islam" and the importance of studying the book "Theationality of Islam" to understand the potential harm of "people." The transcript also touches on the struggles of modern children's education and the "whole thing" of becoming a Bill Gates and drop out of school to get a job in a school. The transcript ends with a statement from a woman named Moana Island about her experiences with the Sufis.
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu
was Salam ala so you didn't want to study or the idea he asked me
about raka was seldom at the Sleeman
cathedral Ilario, Medina Ahmedabad
Imam that the whose work we're reading on the sofa and Sufism, he
is saying
he's saying what Tibet is a billionaire seeking an aroma which
we had started reading last time. And basically he was saying that
how these different sciences in Islam had appeared and eventually
developed. He said that what he said initially was that among the
earliest orlimar, they
they basically had both the knowledge of the Archaea and the
deen they were specialists in that they were also specialist
in the realm of fake and jurisprudence, and they will also
specialists and masters in the realm of the esoteric the inside,
which is the heart and behavior and so on. However, he says that
was not a common joke about the whole, I mean, imagine OMA Eleni,
and he will at bar whom Allah Thalapathy fear rockin after that
people became more specialized. And today it's purely
specialization. In fact, nowadays, you only a specialist, pretty much
in the one very small area that you specialize in
for a number of reasons. But anyway, there are still people who
can have more than one specialization even today. But
generally speaking, he says that they became dominant in one
specialization, it doesn't mean that they absolutely didn't know
anything else about anything else.
You would never hear a scholar of the past probably saying,
I'm only I'm going to speak about the Quran only, I'm not going to
speak about Hadith.
It's impossible for you to do that. But today, you have actually
people who do that. Say I got I haven't studied Hadith, I can't
say anything about Hadith, or fake or whatever I can only study about
tell you about the Quran. Because they go hand in hand. In fact,
according to YBNL, Josie says that there is no, no scholar can be
proper, unless he actually is a master in all sciences. Now,
that's a very high standard. And he gives his reasons for that. But
that's to be a very proficient expert in, in any science, you
need to be an expert in other sciences, because they're all
interrelated. So
he says among the, among the three groups that they divided into, he
says there was one who set themselves up to just focus on on,
on revealing, and detailing that I'm going to show you the
practical, the practical laws of Islam, which is basically your
frickin Messiah is is halal haram mcru and YG, mazahub, etc. They
are obviously, among the many Imams that we spoke about that
number of them have actually set themselves up but only for
survived until today, which are the four Imams which we know
So that's what he's saying the only four of them actually
survived. So who are these four, he doesn't he doesn't mention them
here, because he's just talking about briefly, it's not the focus
of this book. But since we're on this topic, it's good to know
about it so that we can appreciate who these people are we hear about
them is a lot of us may even ascribe to one of them, in fact,
and we may have friends who ascribe to others among them. So
what is so great about these people that makes them, those who
have stood the test of time and who've managed to their knowledge
has managed to come down to us today. Because I am teaching now,
I may write a book. How long is that book gonna last? For how
long? Will it continue to be published? How long will people
read it for? Right? How Long Will somebody benefit from here? Will
somebody benefit from here? Will they take it and give it to
somebody else? Otherwise, it's all just going to die out. So
just having something on YouTube doesn't mean that I mean, it's
there somewhere in the bellies of YouTube. But it doesn't mean that
it's going to be used by everybody. Somebody's gonna have
to look for it. Somehow it has to be out there for people to listen
to. That's just a modern example I'm saying.
So who are these four these are obviously Imam Malik Imam Shafi
Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Muhammad even know humble
Rahima hula Radi Allahu Anhu let's start off with Imam Malik because
Imam Malik is the Imam Malik is the author's
Imam. So
let's just start with Imam Malik for that bollock Baraka. So Imam
Malik he's an Hasib nomadic ignore me ignore hammer ignore Harris.
And he, his is it goes on. I'm not going to read it. It's us Bahai.
So he's from us Bahai. That tribe.
which is
a clan of the hiMirror tribe from the Arabs. According to this
biography, it says that he he was a very long term pregnancy.
Pregnancy is generally right now, they will probably induce you
after six after nine months, right? They don't let the baby
carry on. But there is the concept of Is it a passive embryo you call
that is the concept of a passive embryo where eventually you can
last up to two years. So they allow for up to two years for the
for the babies and actually read about this recently. And there's a
concept of passive embryo if that if I've got the right term.
Right, that it doesn't grow that much to I mean, like the way it's
grown in nine months, it just somehow it stays for that much.
That's why the even the FDA, they've said three, they've said
two years maximum, that if, for example, somebody somebody
divorces his wife, and the wife claims that
I'm still pregnant. So when she's pregnant, her into her waiting
period is only going to end when she bears the child.
And in that time, she's going to get expenses from the husband,
he's responsible. So
if she says that, okay, well, the husband's gonna say, Well, I paid
for nine months to you, where where's the Baby Gone? said, No,
it's not here yet. So she can pull that to two years, because there
have been cases of passive embryos or whatever they called, and they
asleep at embryos, I'm not sure I forget the term. Exactly. I
thought I've got a doctor here might help me. No, not a
gynecologist. So yeah, it's read because today, I don't think they
allow anybody to do that for two weeks, and then they will just
force you out and force it out. Yeah, exactly. So whether by
cesarean or otherwise in induction, so. So yeah, maybe they
just don't, and these are probably very specific types of embryos is
No, probably not everybody. Because I mean, that would be a
massive problem. I mean, I doubt you would stay, you know, if it's
a normal growth of an embryo that we would not stay. So it says he
was a very long term. Right, he was definitely not premature at
all. I mean, since it was post mature, if you want to call that
if that's such a term, he, there's another claim he's making here,
Allahu Allah, He says that the longer the child is in the stomach
than Allah, who, and I'm not even sure about this, right?
That the longer the child is in the stomach, the more intelligent
Allahu Allah? I'm not I'm not sure. I can't say anything about
that. Again, I don't want to speak because I don't know any of this.
It's just that's what he the biography saying, so we'll leave
it there.
It's a very cozy place to be. So
I mean, there's a story about the two embryos who were speaking to
one another.
And one was saying to the other that you don't want to go out of
this world. Right? One, in fact, one was saying that no, there is
no world outside. Right? There is no world outside. Because how
would you survive right now we've got direct Foodlink, you know,
through the umbilical cord, and it's so cozy and safe. There is
nothing outside, there is nothing beyond this. This is our world.
And other one said no, all of this, you're gonna have to do it
for yourself. Right? It's going to be a trial, it's going to be a
Right? Well, what does the embryo know about the future world?
Unless it's told, so likewise, I mean, what do we know about the
world hereafter unless we're told, otherwise, you deny it? Nobody's
come back from the like, for the embryo, nobody's come back to the
embryonic stage should tell them anything. Right. So likewise with
us, I mean, Allahu Allah.
He was born in 93 Hijiri, which basically makes it makes him 13
years younger than Imam Abu Hanifa. Because mo Hanifa was born
in 80 Hijiri. So he's 93 Hijiri. If that whether that was in the
city itself, that was on the outskirts or something related to
the city, that there's a difference of opinion about that,
but he's definitely considered to be from Madina Munawwara from the
great city, and that's what
that's what is very important to know about him as well.
Some say that he was born a bit of a distance more closer to the
book, maybe which is towards the north, but whatever the case be,
he definitely stayed then in Madina Munawwara and that's where
he was. And then of course, he he passes away in 179 Hijiri 179
Hijiri, which is Imam Abu Hanifa, passed away in 150. So that's 29
years afterwards. So that means he must see must have lived longer
than he mobile Hanifa. He is then buried in the bucket, the
graveyard. And his cover, according to the author here is
well known today. It's not as well known, unfortunately, because a
lot of that has been obliterated and obscured, not necessarily
obliterated. It's been up
obscured definitely. And there's a lot of disinformation that takes
place when you go there people standing there saying no, this is
not that. It could be that these are the kinds of answers that they
give you.
His father's Malik his father is Malik. So his father and his
were from the great debater in he was not a derby, but he was a
tabula tabula you basically he was a he was the third generation, but
his father and grandfather, they both saw Sahaba.
In fact, one of them at least, was among the four people that carried
it with man or the Allahu Anhu to his grave
to bury him because it had to be done at night, you know, because
there was a massive commotion taking place and he'd just been
killed. martyred. So they're the ones who bathed him and they they
buried him. They shouted him buried him.
So his father his grandfather's name is Eduardo Amir was a Sahabi.
he's a Sahabi. So his his his father's a tabby, his
grandfather's as a hobby. His father's a tabby and his
grandfather of wire mill is a Sahabi.
He actually took part in some of the battles with the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam not in Bernardo. There are also some
opinions that Imam Malik himself can be a tabby because it said he
may have met with one of the Sahaba yet but that's not proven.
That's not proven because that's a habia that so the art Eesha been
too sad. Been decided maybe workers sadly not be workers his
daughter. She's actually not as a hobby. She's at Derby. So that's
why you can't say that he is a tabby himself because she's a
tabby and if he makes it Tabby, then he has to be a tabby rotary
not not Adobe itself, right? So she was not as a hobby. Now, there
is a Hadith about the Prophet sallallahu I use and which has
been applied to him. That hadith is lerton Elisa had todibo A
Coverdell ebill or ohata to drop kabasele Ableman Kulina hatin Illa
Isley mill Medina
your chlobo now Ilma who
is various version another one says you should go on to the rock
kabasele eBill, yet Laguna Leyland fella he do and then our LM Amin,
early middle Medina.
That's that's a hadith which many people have applied to him. The
hadith says that sooner time will come this is the promise of some
saying that a time will come when people will be striking the sides
of their camels. Right? The livers of their camel essentially, they
will be seeking knowledge. They will not find it anywhere except
they won't find anybody who will give it to them meaning in that
except the island of Medina.
So that's why he constantly had a string of people outside his door
to study with him. When he was in the great city, people would visit
the city, probably in the Muslim world. They may have been probably
even today. If you look around, which is probably the most visited
Muslim city.
Right Madina Munawwara Makka Moo karma, right. It's probably the
most visited cities in the Muslim world. I mean, Istanbul gets
visited a lot. Right. But in terms of Muslims visiting Muslim, a
Muslim city, it's probably mocha mocha or Madina Munawwara.
So they would be outside his door he would give, he would obviously
be there to give fatwas to people. And
so he taught there for about 70 years. He taught in Madina
Munawwara for about 70 years. And
there was there was one point where for about 25 years, it says
that he did not go out into major groups. He says, What is they they
asked, like, why aren't you doing that?
So he says, that there are certain
excuses that cannot be mentioned.
There could be some reasons that you don't disclose to people,
there could be some confidential reasons that you don't disclose to
He started teaching when he was only 17 years of age, some of the
things that he said that it is not appropriate for an island him to
speak with knowledge to basically impart knowledge to those who is
who aren't going to who aren't going to listen. Because then what
you're doing is you're degrading the very knowledge that you're
providing, because people aren't going to listen.
That basically needs to be obviously contextualized and
understood in a right now, generally speaking, when we have
programs, people who come there, you would expect that they would
be there to at least listen to something even if they're there to
socialize as well. Right?
I mean, recently I've been going to certain programs and people
come there as if they're dressed for a wedding.
Maybe they're just respecting the program, but they're not dressed
in a way that shows respect to the knowledge.
So it's become a social event, sometimes, unfortunately, simply
not every well Hamdulillah. We still have, we're not trying to
make it all sound bleak, right, there's no need to exaggerate that
it happens in some places like that.
There needs to be a respect for that. That's why,
look at Mr. Maryk, when he would sit down to teach, when he would
sit down to teach first he would go and make will do, then he would
make two rockets of prayer knuffel Prayer, halogen, Salah, tahajjud,
whatever it is, he would then comb his beard,
he would then put perfume on, he would apply scent, then he would
sit in a very, very noble in a very, very noble way, he would sit
in a very honorable way full of all that wood. He would sit in
such a way and his presence was such that people would not raise
their voices in front of him.
They would be Behold, in that gathering is this is especially
with teaching Hadith, he was teaching something else, he wasn't
always like that. But when he's teaching Hadith, there would be
special arrangement.
Now, we don't have Bakula here, because some people don't like the
hole, right? It irritates them because of the smoke. But I do
believe that when you come in here, there is a good scent.
Because we did research as to did you find that you can, you know,
smell it. So say Selma.
Because that's something that I have a personal gripe you go to my
students that have been built with huge amounts of money have been
adorned to look very beautiful, in fact, overly done, right, if you
could say huge amounts of money, but the one thing that they have
not concerned about is
the olfactory senses. And the olfactory senses are so important.
We didn't have the olfactory which means the senses of the nose, you
will enjoy your food.
They say that a huge part of eating and the pleasure that you
get from eating even a salt and vinegar, packets of crisps, or
cheese and onion, for that matter, you wouldn't be able to tell the
difference if your nose was clipped. And you could smell. So
that's extremely important to understand when you come to the
masjid. I mean companies, they actually go and they undertake
research as to what's the perfect scent for the mood they trying to
For this shop, whatever it is, hotels do that. Right? They have a
certain signature fragrance that has been specially developed for
them for the mood they're trying to create because different
essences, different fragrances have have different benefits, or
harms for that matter, of course. So mustard should undergo research
and if somebody really wants to do that, they should do that. I've
seen that in very few massage, and very few. That's why when we had
this place, we made sure that we did research that what would be
the best sent system. So that what we're using is probably the most
cost effective and nice system that we're using. The industrial
ones are extremely expensive, right? extremely expensive. So
Hamdulillah I think we've reached a balance so hopefully, it's it's
a it adds to experience it that's an experience. So he would have
the place. Incense with Ruth
Abdullah hymnal MOBOTIX says that once I was with Mr. Murdock Hypno
Anis and he was teaching a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, he would sit with a lot of
very distinguished respect that he would sit with. So once he was
sitting there teaching a scorpion somehow got to him
and stung him 17 times. Abdullah normobaric is is mentioning this
17 times.
You could just tell by his
facial expression and change of color that something was going on.
But otherwise he did not move at all.
It says kinda his, his face was becoming yellow and changing in
terms of color, but he did not stop teaching the hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, he carried on teaching just
out of respect for not pausing in between and disrupting the flow of
the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Somebody then asked him afterwards about it says How did you do that?
He says in the mass suburb to Asia, Alan Lee Hadith he he
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The only reason I was patient and I tolerated it, how you tolerate
There must be a bigger cause for you. That's why otherwise if you
don't have a bigger cause, this is your biggest cause your biggest
concern when you've got a bigger concern, other concerns which may
be very difficult for others, they suddenly become easier to deal
with because you've got a bigger thing to worry about.
That's why they say that once you make a
Are your cause then nothing else matters anymore makes complete
sense because your mind is attuned to that. That's your main focus.
Doesn't matter what's happening on the way. That's your main focus.
Love blinds you and defends you and makes you immune to a certain
degree. I said he was extremely awe inspiring people would be very
overawed by by Him in His presence. And if he were if he was
ever asked the question, he gave a response. Nobody had nobody had
the courage to say Aina min aina.
Like, where did you get this from?
If you're gonna ask him, you take his word. And that's it. Not that
I mean that. He was a very soft hearted person. It wasn't that he
was rough and gruff, it was just that people had this overall
respect for him.
According to this biography says that this is this biography is by
a quote by Imam Savi, and other great Maliki scholar of Egypt. He
says that he used to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam every night in his dream.
Imam Malik Rahim Allah used to see the Prophet SAW somebody's dream
every night says that he would only go to toilet use the bathroom
as they would say in America. Three times a sorry, once every
three days.
I know doctors are gonna say that's bad. Let me give you some
urine tablets, you know, some so you can really use this handle for
If your patient gives it I don't go with three what would you do?
Give him give him laxatives. Right? Exactly. But this is this
is because we expect them to be eating healthily. So then they
better otherwise is going to be in the stomach. But this is not just
him. There are other 30 I think I remember. Abdurrahman if not be
Leila. I think about him as well. He would go in frequently and
maybe defecate just once a month or something like that. Because of
the small amounts, they would eat the really dry rough amount small
amount they would eat just to survive. That's these people. I
mean, of course, the way we eat We better go every day. Right? But so
and then he used to say he used to say what hola hola como esta hate
to mean hola fika throaty Tara de Lille hada. I am embarrassed in
front of Allah of how many times they go to the toilet. How many
times I go to relieve myself. There's various views about other
things. Imam Abu Hanifa was wants to because he met Imam Malik
Rahim, Allah and Madina Munawwara. They met each other because they
were contemporaries. Imam Shafi came after you mobile Hanifa.
Though Imam he Imam Shafi did meet Imam Imam Malik because Imam Imam
Shafi was born in 150 Hijiri and Imam Malik died in 179. So he
actually studied with him in his last years. Imam Shafi started
with him American his last years. So Imam Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah was
asked about Imam Malik. So he said that I've not seen anybody more
knowledge of the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam than
him. Laci blue Sarah, another great Hadith he says that lucky
tamale. Camilla Medina, and I met Imam Malik in Medina and I asked
him that why don't you wipe away the perspiration from your
forehead? So this was obviously on that occasion when he had met him
honorable Hanifa he said
this happened with the mambo Khalifa when I was with him.
That's when I was perspiring in the hula fucky Hoon. Yeah,
mystery. Oh, Egyptian, because
this latest new style is the name of, of Egypt, you know, like Imam
Malik was in Madina. Munawwara Imam Abu Hanifa was in Kufa. Laban
Assad was the name of Egypt. In fact, today if you go there, his
grave is well known him and his son. And that's a very important
place because he's the greatest probably the greatest person they
have there. Aside from the family of the prophets, Allah lorrison
were buried there. Some of the some of the granddaughters are
daughters. I'm not sure the not the daughters, but granddaughters
of the prophets. Allah is Allah right, are great granddaughters.
Aside from that, the greatest Alim that they've ever had is lathe.
The blue side is a derby. And that's where the hedge position
used to start from, in the olden days when the hedge caravan from
Egypt used to travel used to start from there.
It's an amazing you know, they have a lot of Tabarrok they that's
what they consider. So this is lace Hypno son. He's meeting
another great scholar, Imam Malik. He sees him in person perspiring.
So why don't you remove that perspective and wipe it away? He
says, that happened when I was with Imam Abu Hanifa. He's truly a
jurist. Then later Prasad says I got to meet Imam Abu Hanifa
afterwards, and I said to him,
what a wonderful statement. What a wonderful praise has Imam Malik
mentioned about you. So then he says, If Abu Hanifa responded to
him he says that wala Hemara to Astra be job in Saudi akin was
used in tamiment Malik of Indiana's I have not seen anybody
That's quicker to give a truthful answer. very truthful, truthful
answer. And complete abstinence of the dunya like no no ulterior
motives, that more than Imam Malik
so that's Imam Malik for you. That's just a brief biography.
In know what is all the hype about Maliki's and Shafee? Let's
understand that's basically what I'm trying to provide here. I
mean, many of the Hanafis will listen to mumble Hanif his
biography often maybe but you don't hear about others. They were
all great. That's why they are where they are. Now let's move on
to Imam Shafi. He's Abu Abdullah
Mohammed Idris Ibni ibis, Ibni Rothman, iblue Shafiq, a blusa.
Abb Abdullah igneous Eid Ibni Hashem Ibni Abdul Muttalib Abdul
He's the founder of the prophets of Allah, Allah Allah.
In Nusa Ibni, Abdullah Ibni Azim Edney Hashem so he's from the same
family of the Quraishi family as such. So he's not from the
families not to say it himself. But his he is from that same clan,
same tribe. Because it he links up at a great grandfather of the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, that's why they link up. Imam
Shafi, very interestingly, was actually born in Gaza, in Bell in
in Gaza, in Palestine.
And if you have to remember that was the part is actually right
next to the Sinai. Sinai is part of Egypt today. So that all area
is linked. In fact, that's the way that Egypt was conquered. They
came through probably into what they call the Sinai, the Irish
area called in Sinai, and they went across that desert area into
Cairo, which is currently Cairo which is missing in those days,
the whole thing is missing now anyway. And that's what they,
that's what I'm originally asked for the Allahu Anhu. That's when
he conquered it. So he was born in Gaza. On the day it says, Allahu
Allah, but he says here on the day that in Abu Hanifa, passed away,
he was definitely born in 150. HD. This is the first time that I'm
reading and I don't I haven't researched this myself, so I can't
verify or deny this, or confirm it. But he according to his
biography, it was the same day that Mr. warrantyfor passed away.
Walla, Harlem, he he was born in a team, or at least he was brought
up as a team, and often because his father had passed away. So his
mother brought him up. Now Subhanallah, I find this extremely
inspiration, especially for those women who are widowed, or who are
divorces, maybe, who don't have a father or father figure in the
picture for children as well.
Even such children, and it's not the first example. There are many
other examples of people like that they actually sometimes strive
harder if they get the right environment. But unfortunately,
many of these people don't get the right environment. Because
generally the mother, they have a different relationship with the
child than the father generally does.
So sometimes, the complimentary
tarbiyah and nurturing that needs to take place doesn't. But he is a
great example of a child without a father, an orphan.
He was brought up by his mother with the in extreme difficulties,
extreme adversity, they didn't have much to go by. There was no
single mother allowance in those days. Right. There was nothing of
that nature, they will just have to survive by doing whatever odd
jobs or assistance. He was then taken to Makkah mocha Rama
SubhanAllah. from Gaza, he went to mark karma karma when he was only
two years old. That's where he was brought up. So born in rasa two
years later, he's in Makkah Makara Allah has brought up there he
memorizes the Quran Wallace Yeah, that was the probably the the best
thing his mother did for him. Took him to Mecca. There you've got
Hebden Quran all the you know, mashallah, everything going on.
And he was only seven years old when he finished memorizing the
He was only seven when he finished memorizing the Quran, and not just
the Quran, but he also memorized the motto of Imam Malik Imam Malik
is still still alive. His book has already become popular. There are
already people who are memorizing it and that book is on Hadith. So
he memorizes that whole Hadith collection if Imam Imam Malik he's
only 10 years by that time, so at seven he he memorizes the Quran
Three years later, he memorizes the motto of Imam Malik, which is
a significant book. He his Sheikh gave him permission to give fatwa
when he was 15 years old.
I mean, we get to the age of 3040. We can't give a fatwa, even if we
had the training. So he must have studied in such a way that and it
was, you know, just there was no distraction. In those days. There
was no computer games, there was no phone to distract you. There
was nothing else. That's all you did. He probably didn't do
anything else probably just been studying all that time. And I
would say that even today
Even today, haven't we got young 1617 year olds who will become
millionaires because they use their mind behind something? All
right, we've got that today. If you have, I believe that the
amount of effort I've seen my children, other children putting
in behind their GCSEs, which to be honest, I mean, sometimes he's an
absolute waste of time, except when you're studying maps or
something like that, right? Some of these topics are just a waste
of time, because never gonna use them again, it's just to prove who
you are. So you can get into university, good to a levels than
that is to prove that you can get into university. And the reason
you go to university so you can get a job, which may be completely
unrelated, sometimes is related, but sometimes it's not. But the
whole industry becomes like that.
Right? It's known as capitalism in England, or is it in America,
America is just a massive capitalist venture the university
system, because to actually even get into a medical course, right,
or a law course, a law degree, you have to actually take another exam
for which for which at that time, I remember, the just the training
for that course, was the training for a course, the LSAT, which is
basically the law school administration test or something
like that, to get into law school, which one you're gonna go into
that just that cost cost 11 $1,200 At the time, no, probably cost
like $2,000 not the studies itself, just studying for the exam
to get in. It's just added layers and layers and layers to make it
more competitive because everybody's doing it.
I'm not saying it's all wrong, but that's why pick very carefully
what you're doing. Otherwise, find another way to make money,
circumvent the whole thing.
Right, become a Bill Gates or something and drop out
if you really know what you're talking about.
So as Imam Shafi for you, he
gave started giving fatwas when he was 15 years of age. And
there is another there is another tradition which says that
the more coloration yellow or whatever color or the ailment
that there will be an acronym of the Quraysh who will essentially
fill the sides of the earth, all the sides of the earth with
knowledge and that kind of abundance, that kind of spread of
knowledge has not come about from anybody. I mean, according to
the analysis of at least this biographer
any more than from Imam Shafi Rahim Allah. That's why Imam
Muhammad IGNOU humble Rahim Allah He said that this item is Shafi.
So that Imam Shafi for you very, very briefly.
Imam Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah He is not mad even Serbia Dignitas.
Ebner Hormoz there's different opinion difference of opinion as
to whether he is from an Arab ancestry or from a Persian
ancestry. Mostly it's known that he saw a Persian ancestry, but
according to one version, it could be Arabic Allahu Arnhem. He's I
mean according to some he even met up to 20 Sahaba but we can
definitely establish at least two or three for for sure. And maybe
we maybe more so that's why he's the earliest of them earliest of
the four schools and he definitely is a debate he I don't think
anybody can deny that he's at Derby he it's also claimed that he
heard Hadith from at least nine of them and a signal Malik amor even
a hora is Abdullah Hibino Ennis Abdullah bin of Hadith jobID of no
Abdullah even be opha worth the Lebanon ascot.
Mark Good evening Assad about to fail I booked a book to fail I
made a DOS he was the final last Sahabi to pass away. And on all
the Sahaba of who I made a good to fail I
was the final Sahaba to pass away. Final Sahabi to pass away.
And this is a shebeen to Raja Tassimo Abu Hanifa. Now his
biography is well known so he doesn't go into it. Well Amma Amma
Dibner humble as far as Amma Dibner humble is concerned Rahim
Allah for Hua Abu Abdullah, Mohammed ignore Muhammad ignore
humble humble Hilah Al Asad al morosi. A che Bernie says from the
CHE burn tribe,
a similar tribe to Mohammed Abdullah Hassan a che Bernie
mumble honey for students.
He also higher up than Imam Shafi connects with the same ancestry as
the prophets of Allah is a bit higher up so he's not as close
Quraysh as such.
He connects that Nizar nomadic no adna just three down from Adena
and whereas Imam Shafi connects much earlier, or much later other
way the way you looking at it. So anyway, Imam Muhammad Muhammad is
from Baghdad.
His mother brought him to Baghdad from Morocco, which is a place in
Turkmenistan today. He's from an Arab ancestry for sure. But
remember, the Muslims are spread around. So he was in a place
called Morocco, which is today called Murray.
in Turkmenistan, it's on the Oxus River.
She was she was pregnant when she brought him to Baghdad. Remember,
that was the major city at that time. Right because the Abbasids
were in power they had established that city. And he was born in
Baghdad and he became a student of Imam Shafi. So he studied directly
on Imam Shafi, just like Imam Shafi stayed in Lima Malik
Imam Shafi says that I left from Baghdad and because he wanted
Shafi was also in Baghdad later, and that's where he taught Imam
Ahmed, even though humble, he says then he left because he eventually
he was in he went to Egypt. That was the last place that he stayed
in, in Cairo and that's where he's buried today. Imam Shafi is buried
in Cairo today. But he says that when I left Baghdad, I had not
left anybody behind me that was more had greater juristic insight.
That was more scrupulous. That was a greater ascetic, and that was
more knowledgeable than Imam Muhammad even know humble.
Imam Ahmed, no humble has been even mentioned by Imam YBNL, Josie
to be one of the three of the past scholars of the first six, first
six centuries, first five centuries at least, who were
masters in both knowledge and practice. Because some were
masters in one side, they had the other side but not necessary were
masters. But he mentioned three people. So if you had authority
ama Dibner, humble and Hasan Basri. So Muhammad Muhammad is
definitely one of the great ones.
So Imam Muhammad used to Rahim Allah, he used to pretty much stay
awake the whole night, from the time he was young.
Right? And he would say it says that nearly every night he would
do a hot time of the Quran.
He doesn't go much more into it, but basically then Imam sawI says
that the for the law and the virtues of these Imams is more
well known than the sun. Right even at noontime I mean, they it's
well known he doesn't have to, he's just mentioned certain
points. Imam Abu Hanifa passed away. He's sorry, he was born in
80 Hijiri he says, And he died in 150 Hijiri. And he mentioned
the deaths of the others. Imam Malik was born in around 90
something right, and he died in 179 79 Hijiri.
Imam Shafi was born in 150 Hijiri and he
died in 243. So he's 54 years old 243.
He was only 54 Imam Muhammad him no humble.
He was born in 164 14 years after the mambo Hanifa passed away 14
years younger than Imam Shafi. Right? 14 years, and he died in
241. He sees the latest. He's a contemporary of Buhari.
Fact Buhari has Hadith from him.
And Muslim, right they have Hadith from him, because Buhari passed
away in 256, if I remember correctly, so Imam Muhammad did
not humble is earlier than all of them. All of the Hadith, those
major Hadith scholars, but he's the last of the bombs. So next,
next time, we will discuss the other two groups that he's talking
about the Sufis and it's going to be quite amazing the kind of
reason why the most famous among them have become well known is
because of the amazing things and amazing characteristics and their
amazing achievement. So inshallah we'll look at that next time alarm
and the Sunnah um, I mean because salaam devotee or the jewelry well
Equilon Hello, Maya how you you're a young multicolor studies.
Hola Hola. Yo, Hannah and we I'm in LA, in LA Subhan Anika in Milan
you mean Hola. Hola. Suddenly, we're suddenly Marla so you know
Mohammed vida, your Sarpy H Marine? Allahu Allah Fitzalan our
Hamner wire if you know what, you know what is O'Connor?
Allah homophily on mateesah You know Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Allahumma fit a little Muslim, you know within Muslim,
meaning, you know, a minute Allah here in whom well I'm worth
Allahumma fildena When he was the dean when he mashallah you know,
when he asserted that you know, when he told we were the one you
know, whether it was the US Virgin, where the hola Deena where
the Caribbean where the St. Paul you know, where they couldn't
remember who Hakuna Matata, you know, what do you call him and
also an bedarra
Allah humara Him whom Murphy him more for I know,
Allah who must fear the Almighty. So you Dinamo
hammered in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahu McPhee Lemo turn
and Muslimeen are living in Russia he do in the near to Allah to
Allah lick of Allah we ask you for complete forgiveness of Allah we
ask you to make us come close to you of Allah grant us your love
and the love of those whose love benefits us in your court of
Allah. Oh Allah. Make our surroundings surroundings
conducive for our worship and our vicar to you. Oh Allah make us of
those who abundantly remember you and abundantly Frank, thank you.
Our law makers of the grateful ones protect us from becoming
ungrateful. Oh Allah we ask that you give us your special attention
of Allah turned to us with your love of Allah grant us your
forgiveness and your mercy of Allah grant us your blessings in
everything that you have already given us. of Allah in the all the
blessings you have given us of Allah grant us greater blessing of
Allah bless us in our iman in our lives in our children in our work
in our businesses. Our Allah in our life in this world, grant us
the Kadima La Ilaha illa Allah on our deathbed, Allah those who are
here those who are listening of Allah bless them all and allowed
all of their permissible needs to be fulfilled.
Oh Allah, we ask You for complete acceptance of Allah, we don't do
much Grantchester. Tofik to do more. Grant us the Tofik grant us
the protection, to keep away from evil, to keep away from mundane
things. Oh Allah grant is so fake and all the work that we do, allow
us to only do that which is beneficial of Allah keep us away
from that which is non beneficial of Allah give us blessing and
Baraka in our projects of Allah. Oh Allah, we ask that you make us
useful people in this world useful human beings, proper human beings,
proper insert and proper, meaning proper followers of your messenger
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that you make the rest
of our life better than the previous parts of our life. Remove
our difficulties and our calamities of Allah grant us the
characteristics that your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
said that Muslims should have how a real believer and a true
believer should be oh Allah grant us those characteristics of Allah
we know we're only asking you and we may not work hard enough to
achieve this. But Allah facilitate this for us. Oh Allah facilitate
this for us. Oh Allah, we ask that you send your abundant blessings
on our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
all of the those who have followed him in axon, all of the great
Imams and the great scholars and all of those who have brought this
Deen down to us of how to transmit it to us, or Allah reward them
with a full reward. Oh Allah grant is the company of Rasul allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hereafter of Allah except our
doors Subhanallah be corrupt belies that Yama? Yasi foo in our
salah, Moana Island and mozzarella. Selena will
hamdulillah Rob Benard me