Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Wassup WhatsApp
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah hamdulillah Hamden
Cassie raanta uban Mubarak and fie
your Hebrew buena Jalla Jalla. Juan Manuel was Salatu was Salam O
Allah. So you will have a bill Mustafa SallAllahu Taala Allah He
was, he was sabe he or the la cosa limited Sleeman Kathira en la yami
Deen Amma buried
my dear respected elders Brothers Sisters listeners at home as
salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
In the recent past, I've had a number of questions from people
about, they were asking guidance on how to deal with these modern
day means of communication like
Facebook and Twitter and messenger, the different types of
messengers that are available, and WhatsApp and so on and so forth.
And, really, to tell the truth, it's nothing new. It's new, in a
sense, it's just a new means it's a new way to do something. But at
the end of the day, what's behind it is the same thing that humans
have been dealing with since the beginning of civilization.
It all comes down to the fact of how much time are you willing to
waste? How much time and focus? Do you want to give unnecessary
things in your life? How much indulgence Do you want to do in
things that are not really going to benefit you in the future? Are
you even willing to think about your future and what effects your
actions will have today, on your life tomorrow? Are people even
willing to think that and these are basic, fundamental human
questions that insomnia has been mankind, humanity, that academic
race has been dealing with, since the beginning, wasting of time is
as old as man himself. And it's nothing new. This is just a new
thing. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told
the people during his time that you must not sit around on ways on
the roads, street corners, you see this a lot in villages, outside
mosques, you see, this is quite traditional, don't stand around
and don't stick around, and just talk and essentially waste your
time and so on. And they had a good point, they came back, and
they said, it's necessary for us to have some kind of gathering
place like that. Because we need to speak to each other. It's very
difficult to formally go to somebody's house all the time, I
guess that's probably the understanding that love would
Delana it's necessary for us to have these majorities. So then the
prophets of Allah, some provided some guidelines. He says, Okay,
fine. Make sure that you don't block the pathway. You make sure
you fulfill the rights of the road,
you fulfill the rights of the road, you keep your gaze down,
this was another thing God told buzzer, you keep your gaze down.
These are some of the basic things that the prophets Allah loves him
said that if you really have to congregate, and speak about
something, whatever the case is, you know, it's important to do
these things sometimes. So he gave some etiquette, he gave some
necessary things that they should observe so that they fulfill the
rights of this means of communication, and this gathering.
And the same thing applies whether you're on Facebook.
And the same thing applies whether you're on Twitter or WhatsApp, or
whatever the case is. Now, to cut it down a bit more, let us look at
it from how these means of communication. And I mean by this,
you could go as far as Skype and Yahoo, and Hotmail, and Google and
all of these messengers, then the basic email itself, then you have
all of these other means of communication, that WhatsApp
that's a new one, when it's not new, but it's when people are
going crazy over because it's free. It's free for a certain
amount of time, they extended the time they were going to start
charging. So because it's free, people are like, it's free. We
must make use of it. It's a deal. The butter is cheap, in
Sainsbury's, so we must go and fill up even though we may never
use it. So this one just speak as much as you can before they start
charging La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah
women do you hear? This is this is this is what it is? Can you
believe it? You've got people now coming in husbands who are
complaining. Some respectable husband came to me the other day a
respectable man in the community. And he is angry at his wife for
this reason that she's always on WhatsApp and they are decent
family. They're not a broken marriage. Their marriage is not
under rocks. They've got older children, you know, and he's
complaining about his wife
If, right, a decent lady who is on WhatsApp, and she can't get off
it, La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. And you know, we've got
different fitna in different levels. I mean, I don't want to
pick on the women or the men or the youth. But we all have a
aspect of this that we need to understand. So if I start from the
youth, one thing about the youth is that they'd still finding their
way in the world, as patronizing as that sounds to you, right?
Normally, your youth when you try to tell them that's bad for you,
they think it's patronizing. They think, like, you guys don't get
it. I mean, what were your age at one time? You know, when to your
age at one time, like we just grew up in we I mean, we just became
30. And over, we were never 16 and 17. So we don't know.
Right? So that's how they think they think we're condescending
when we speak to them. But that's not true, believe me, it's just
out of advice. So the main thing there is that because they're
still trying to find their way in the world. What's good, what's
bad, this is really attractive, because it gives you a way to talk
to your friends, even though you might have to be grounded at home.
Even though you're sitting on the dinner table, or on the floor or
next to your parents in the room and you're supposed to be talking
to them, you're talking to your friends.
You're talking to your friends on Twitter, and WhatsApp. And these
are the things boys and girls I'm talking about. Right? They're
sitting next to their parents, their parents things, they're
sitting there, maybe even doing their homework, looking up some
information. Right. And what they're doing is they're chatting
away, even if they don't want to, as soon as you hear the ping,
then you get distracted. So you have to respond. And so Hala, in
some cases, the children will be sitting there and as the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he said the time will come sign of
the Day of Judgment.
When children will distant their father meaning their parents, and
bring close their friends, and SubhanAllah. This shows us a
unique way of doing this. You can be sitting next to your father, or
your mother, or your brother or grandfather or grandmother whoever
it is, and yet you your heart and your mind fully with your friends
outside through the screen.
I mean, tell me if you haven't done that, you know, I'm talking
to you tell me if you haven't done it,
right. Someone's gonna say, hey, you know, whatever, the TV is not
even an issue anymore. This is so strong.
And the problem with this is, you're wasting away your life. I'm
not saying you can't chat with your friends, exchange ideas, make
plans to do something decent.
These are means of communication. All of these are means of
communication that can be used positively or negatively. Just
don't go crazy over them. Just don't go crazy over them. That's
the main thing.
Use them positively. It's fine. But remember, how much time do you
have to be online with them all the time? Do you have to respond
to everything that comes your way, and it cannot wait for three hours
until you finish? You can't have a time for it. See, normally, when
you had to go out to meet your friends, then obviously it takes a
physical exertion to go out a certain number of times, there's
weather conditions, there are places you have to be, there were
a lot of restrictions when you had to physically go and visit your
friends. Whether you're a youth or you're a woman in the daytime,
wanting to go out and talk to our friends or a man for that matter.
Then it became easier with the phone. But still it costs money.
Then you had the free minutes. And so and I really can't get it. I
mean, I have a certain number of minutes, but I hardly ever run
out. And believe me, I'm not a person who doesn't speak on the
phone. I mean, I have to speak on the phone, because many people
want you to speak on the phone. But I get calls from people for
questions and other things. And the minutes run out the calling
and then suddenly the phone goes on. It's like what's wrong with
you? Like, are you gossiping so much that you don't even have
minutes left that when you want to ask FICKY question your minutes
run out? Right? I've had people say, Can you please call me I've
got a question to ask you. Like, okay, no problem. But why?
Right, because the minutes run out, then it costs too much. It's
just ridiculous.
Just not managing our time and our resources. And then we're saying
this country is in a recession. Believe me, we have 100 times
better than many countries in the world.
100 times here. I mean, just to give you an example, you go out
everybody is riding a bike has got a decent bike, you go to a third
world country somewhere. Everybody is riding a messed up bike, old 10
years old, 15 years old who rides a 10 year old bike today.
Right cause the same thing who's got a car here that's older than
10 years old.
And then we're saying we're in recession, we've got problems. I
mean, come
Right, it's just they want you to spend more, that's the recession
that you won't spend as much and start using your articles for
longer. That's the issue. This is when you buy because they think
the success of a country economically is that you must
continue to buy and spend And subhanAllah they give ratings for
that is ridiculous. And they brag about it today was the biggest day
of the sales there are so what?
What is that?
But he means some of us, we think our children are angels.
And parents will not believe what their children are up to. Because
children are so clever hiding stuff, they could have some
serious bad stuff on their phones, and iPads. And you won't even know
even if you checked.
Because the folder is secure, it's hidden, you can't even see it.
Unless you know how to unhide these things. It could be
relabeled. System File, you know, cache folder, not cash, cash
money, but computer cash, right memory folder, and you're like,
Okay, that's a memory folder. You know, that's a system folder, you
shouldn't touch that. That's where that's where the system is getting
messed up.
Now we got, we get to men. And you know, we don't have much time to
speak for men. But the main thing is that even if you're a person
who's working
emails, especially when you're the surveys, there's studies that have
been done done on this, that if you are getting constant updates
about a new email coming in, and every time you go back, then you
come back to your work. Even though it just takes maybe 10
seconds to look at the email, it will probably take more than a
minute or two to get back into the focus of your work. Because you've
just been distracted, you've gone somewhere else, you have to come
back, concentrate, gather your thoughts and start working again.
Now, if that's happening in an hour, and this happens to most of
us who are working on a computer, in an office or at home or
wherever, in an hour, how many emails do you get at least 10
emails, that is 10 times at least two or three, right? That's you
spent so many minutes, you're less productive, shifts, the courier
company, Rahmatullahi. Shakeology is the author of numerous books,
just one thing that I will, I hope I can do one day in my life, he
had a time in the day, I think it was from a certain time in the
morning to 11 o'clock, where he would go upstairs. And that would
be his time of writing, there was absolutely no distractions, no
phone, no letters, no meeting nothing. That is the time when he
would just sit and write and do his work. Just cut away from
everything. Another scholar just told me recently, he says, I've
made a vow, I've made a vow that every time I go onto the internet
between the times of I think it's eight and five, or nine and five,
I have to pay 10 pounds, and I put a box there on my desk as well. I
vow to Allah that I will do this. So every time I go onto the
internet, or check my email during that time, I have to pay 10
pounds, it's gonna get expensive, and I will stop. And I've stopped.
He says he's a very productive scholar, very productive Ireland.
You if we've got a problem, we need to deal with it. And then
when we get to the women, I mean, so how are women want people to
talk to especially if they're at home? Now, as I said before, you'd
have to go outside, or you'd have to sit on the phone. Eventually it
starts costing money, it looks a bit weird to be on the phone all
the time. But with this WhatsApp The problem is that you can be on
it as much as you want, with convenience. So you could be
stirring a pot and you can be on WhatsApp messaging away. And the
worst is, the more friends you have on WhatsApp and the group
that you make the worst it becomes. Because if you've got one
friend that how much is the one friend gonna say to you, you got
10 friends, they all have their thoughts. So we cook this today.
And it looks like this. It seems pretty innocent. But I'm talking
about the time waste. Now seriously, the women who are
listening to this and who are on this WhatsApp like this 24 hours a
day. Right? Think about it. Shouldn't you cut your time down
on this? Like everything? Are you going to check? Oh, is there any
new under yeah, there's another 10 messages, I have to check them
takes five minutes to check that you might feel like responding to
some of them. Right? You're finding out about other people's
lives that is not necessary for you. Oh, my husband's telling me
to get off my whatsapp. That's a message you get another one. These
are real life stories I'm talking about. Right. Another one. The
husband is complaining because the phone at nighttime is is beeping
every few moments because his message is coming. Somebody's
woken up for federal tahajjud hopefully, and their messaging
now. I've woken up for tahajjud right. So now it's disturbing
these couple who are asleep
and put it off the husband gets angry. But if I have a husband who
comes to me and he is like why don't you guys talk about this?
There must be a problem. Right there must be a problem.
So look if you have to be on WhatsApp because it's free man.
It's not like buying butter that's on sale. You know you don't have
to like pump it all out. You don't have to like best there was some
Gotta leave type of thing. You know, it's not about that. At the
end of the day, regardless of what the fitna is, What the means is
what the means of communication isn't going to constantly evolve.
I haven't even started on Facebook yet. That's another whole story on
its own. And it's being floated. Right? It's a big money making
thing at your and our cost. But that's something else that's for
another time. The main thing is that we must realize this, if, in
the Sahaba time, what was the complaint to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a wife came and complained a Sahaba.
My husband, he doesn't give me time. Why not? Because he's on the
internet all the time. Not because he's on his WhatsApp all the time.
Not because he's sitting and openly watching *,
*, it's got to that level that people are not just
doing hidden, but people are doing it openly. And the it's creating
damage within families. Like the higher is gone completely, right?
Is that the complaint that the Sahaba will make that the Sahaba
to make into Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, we've come to a level
where men are complaining of their wives, that they are not doing
their household chores, they don't give us time because they're
constantly on nothing, I'll do it. And the women, it's not like they
are doing this in a mischievous way. They just they can't help it.
Or I'll cook, I'll cook, I'll cook and then they'll have to do a
quick dish. That doesn't taste nice because, you know,
and then that's gonna cause another problem. These are things
that you might laugh about, but seriously, they're to be
considered. Let's not blame these things. They want to make money.
Facebook wants to make money. So it's going to make communication
as easy as possible. But do you have to be stupid enough to go and
toe the line? not think about it. Just for moments of trying to gain
some honor, reveal everything about yourself to look cool or to
look bad or to look whatever sick whatever the words they are, I
mean, subhanAllah that's exactly what it is. You know, nowadays the
word sick and bad mean good. But really, it's sick and bad. Right?
Because words have any effects. You know, the words have an effect
on on whatever it is. That's why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
would change bad names for people. The names were not pleasant names,
like a person who came his name was meant harshness, some said no
your Sal your simple your easy soft, your compassion. He changed
the name because it has an effect and the person's son said yes, my
family did have harshness in them.
names have an effect. And even the names on his Facebook and things
like poke shaytaan pokes the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
when a child is born, it cries because the shaytaan pokes it
except Mariama except Isa and his mother, it his Salam.
Anyway, that's another story that takes another story. May Allah
subhanho wa Taala allow us to think about these things, to
really think about our lives, whether we're youth, what are we
going to do in the future? Is this how we want to waste our time?
Men? Is this how productive we're going to be? Because life is about
to end? And women? Is this how we want to do the things? Yes, we use
all of these things in their rightful way, in a way to ease
communication, not to abuse communication and abuse
relationships. May Allah subhanaw taala preserve our relationships
give us true understanding of the deen and of the of the world. That
makes it easy for us to follow the deen. We're okay with that one and
then hamdulillah