Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Want to be the New Leader on the Block

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the weaknesses of people in their generation and the importance of finding someone who understands and has knowledge of Islam. The speaker suggests criticizing people for their lack of knowledge and awareness of the topic, and emphasizes the need to find the best representation of what Islam has done. The segment also touches on the potential for deception and the importance of being careful in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then he says at barrel murshid El Carmen Sol Hamas at Barrow shaken

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I riffin called Celica called sadaqa tariqa Lillahi wa ala Yadi

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shavian Karateka Illa Yun de la sala he sallallahu alayhi wa

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He says, basically, you're going to have to find somebody who

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recognizes this path, who's know who's

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who's gained knowledge and awareness of Allah subhanaw taala.

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who has,

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who has trodden the path of the people of Allah, himself, also

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under the tutelage of somebody else.

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And likewise him to someone else, him to someone else, until they

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get to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we were

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speaking about a blessed ID chain. We're not speaking about the new

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kid on the block. Somebody who comes randomly studies here and

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there starts to criticize everybody, all of the organized.

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the traditionally established massage and and organizations,

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Okay, they've got weakness with them, right? Everybody has

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weakness. So these are the established ways of doing things,

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the established modalities, the established massage, and that

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stuff, they've got weaknesses, everybody has weaknesses. You

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haven't proven anything yet. This new kid on the block hasn't proven

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anything yet. He hasn't shown anything yet. But he does know how

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to criticize, and he knows how to write. So he criticizes. For what?

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Why don't you first develop a stream, or a series of

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alternatives, and then criticize, then maybe we can see what's

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better, you're speaking with no experience. It's easy to

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criticize. And then, because they're quite savvy in the way

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they discuss things. And, you know, I think this is a

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temperament thing.

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Some people are just naturally inclined towards radical

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individuals, because they themselves just want to be

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Initially, they were different, because they want to be different

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from their community. So that's why they may have gone into the

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wrong things. Now, they may Towba. From that shaytaan is just giving

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them another fish to hook in the wrong way.

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Allah protect us from this. Because if you've got a radical

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bent, it could be very positive in the sense that you will actually

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see things that others don't, if Allah guide you, you'll be able to

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fill in gaps that needed need to be fulfilled. But If Allah doesn't

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guide and you're not looking for guidance, you're just looking for

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fame and gain, then you will be radical, you will start something

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new, or you will take the newest idea on the block, and you will

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get messed up.

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Just remember, that's what it is. Some of us are just prone to that,

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to take the weird things. Because maybe we had some bad experience

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with the status quo. Because of one individual, we're just going

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to discount the whole thing.

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Which is quite normal. That's why understand this, this is very

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important to understand.

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And I'm saying this after years and years of observing this stuff,

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and maybe being part of some of this myself and being burnt, you

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know, and hamdulillah Allah, I pray Allah is protected. Right?

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And Allah protects us. But that's why you have to be very careful

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about just new people who claim things. Right? Because where did

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they get it from? You think if somebody comes to me and tells me

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that for 1000 years, and there was a claim like that, nothing about

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1200 years, some of the main terms of Islam, some of the main

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religious terms of Islam, were misunderstood by about 12 years of

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Islamic scholarship and common people. And now I'm going to tell

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you what they really are, the way they were in the time of

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and 1200 is they've been lost. So I'm

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the next Prophet on the block. You might as well say you're the next

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Prophet, right? If you're going to claim something like that for 1200

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years, 1100 years.

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Nobody knew these most important terms of Islam that our deen is

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based on somebody actually made that claim.

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Can you believe it?

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Right just sounds upset. But for some people, wow, man, this guy

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knows his stuff is the next best thing out there.

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There's a lot of reasons why people get

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attached to people a lot of different reasons. If it's not for

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the right reason. And if the right things are not underlying it, it's

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a massive, massive form of deception. Because Shakedowns

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always there to mislead

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and I think everybody's trying to be the interpreter for

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for the self nowadays, aren't they?

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I give you the best interpretation, or the best

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representation of what the Sahaba did, or what the earliest

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generation did. That's where the fight is. That's where all

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argument is, like everybody's claiming that they've got the best

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representation of that. The way I look at it is for me, it's quite

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simple. Right? It's quite simple. I know it's confusing, but it's

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really quite simple. Why is it quite simple? Just look at, right?

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Just look at chains of transmission.

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Just look at traditions that have gone up. Yes, there will be

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weaknesses in many of these. I'm not saying that the perfect thing

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No, right. Because we have weakness, the further we go away

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from us, all of us, and we're going to be more weaker, right?

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We're gonna have weaknesses. But that doesn't mean that you need to

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totally do away with this system, take the best from it. And even

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among them, there will be some that will be better than others,

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you just have to find the better ones. That's all. Just because

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you've had a bad experience with a weak link doesn't mean it's all

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Doesn't mean you have to do something else.

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I don't want to take names and things like that, because I wanted

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this to be generic so that we can understand that I want to limit it

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to something. But I hope you can interpret this in your whatever

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challenges everybody's having, or have had, that you can interpret

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this for yourself, just so that we are clear in what we do and we

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don't get misled in life. You have to be very careful. You have to be

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very careful because it's one life that we have right in this world

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and it governs the next life.

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