Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Virtues of Ashura 10th of Muharram

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the upcoming month, specifically the date of the 10th of the month, and its relation to the cycle. They also touch on the origin of the name for the upcoming month, the use of "harn't be fast" to emphasize the importance of following a solar calendar, and the benefits of fasting during holidays. They also discuss the history of the Bible and the importance of fasting during holidays, as well as the importance of healthy eating and staying healthy during the New Year. The speakers emphasize the need to focus on one's life and not give birth until retirement age.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala so you did more saline water earlier. He was

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so happy with our Casa limiter Sleeman kathira. In Iommi been a

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As Muharram has begun, which is the first month of the Islamic

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it's a good idea to speak about some things that are related to

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this. Firstly, some of you may have received some Mahara Mobarak

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is a New Year MOBOTIX. And you know, people have this new

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because they have so many texts available, what they do is they

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sending out all of these texts, Jumar MOBA can have on Mubarak and

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one of these things now, per se, there's really nothing wrong with

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saying that because Mubarak just means be blessed. So essentially,

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it's like a dua saying, May your year be blessed me, your Friday be

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blessed, and so on. However, making a tradition of it is where

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I see the problem, making a tradition of it is where I see the

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problem, because it's like, you know, you're going to expect

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others to say the same thing to you, you're going to say that to

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others, and so on, it's completely fine to give a dog, the thing

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about the new year, and so on, really, the Islamic year, I don't

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really see any significance of when it starts and where it ends,

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because it doesn't matter, because people are not necessarily born on

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the first of the month of the Islamic year. And thus it, you

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know, signals anything for us. I think that seems to be from a

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Western perspective that wish somebody a new year, new year

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resolutions and all the rest of it. And we were just kind of

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Islam, resizing it in a sense and saying that,

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you know, may your year be blessed, and so on which there's

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nothing wrong with giving somebody a DUA, but I don't really see the

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point of the significance of doing it on the first of the Islamic

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year, because really, the Islamic year, it has nothing to do with

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the birth of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam, or the death of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It's actually got

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something to do with his migration. But the thing is that

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whenever we speak about the Islamic calendar, or the first of

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the month of Muharram, the first of the, you know, the day, first

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day in the Islamic calendar, we probably don't even have in our

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minds, the prophets of Allah isms migration. So

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the other thing you have to realize is that we're born in

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different months, you know, you could have been born in Muharram,

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you could have been born in January, February, March, April,

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May, whenever most of us probably don't even know the month that we

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were born in an Islamic sense. I mean, if we were to ask most of us

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here today, right, what month were you born, born in? What Islamic

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month and what Islamic year you were born in. I mean, most of us

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won't even know that. I think that's probably more important to

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realize, because the milestones in our life, you know, when it said

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that, you become a you're a youth from when you're a teen to when

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you're about 33 years of age, according to Josie, for example.

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33 years of age, most of us are going to go by and go by the

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Gregorian system that we normally realize, however, the Islamic way,

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you're actually going to be 33 Earlier, or, for example, the age

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of 40 is when the mind matures, when a person becomes more

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mentally mature, and more settled in that regard. And again, most

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people are going to wait until they're 40 Gregorian, which

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because the longer years, 365 days as opposed to 355 days, you're

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actually going to be 40 before you're 40 in what we consider the

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normal sense. So I think the Islamic year is important to know

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about for certain reasons as Ramadan and Maha Rahman Ville,

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hedger and the Hajj and all of the rest of in reviewing Oh, well,

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when the Promise of Allah while you are synonyms, or what was

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born, and, and in that sense, but really were born in different

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months. And for us, it doesn't really matter what month comes. If

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it's a month of virtue, then we take that into consideration. Now

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rubeola will is not the only month that's virtuous, there are four

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months in the year that are considered virtuous and rubbish.

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And Muharram is one of those months, right and in Muharram, the

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great thing about Muharram is that it has that one day, which is

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considered the 10th of the month that Ashura Ashura literally comes

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from the word Aisha, which means 10 and Ashura refers to the 10th

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day of the month. Now there were certain things that happen on this

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day as there's lots of things that are related about what happened on

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this day. Some are authentically narrated and others are not

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probably the most authentic narration about what happened on

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that day is that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came to Madina

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Munawwara and he saw that the Jews were fasting on this day, so he

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wondered why you're fasting. Now in that time, it seemed that the

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Jews were still following the lunar calendar as the Muslims

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follow the lunar calendar going by the months. You know, when you see

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the moon, which means that the month will be 29 to 30 days, so

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they probably had the same sequence as us as Muslims. So they

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told him that this is a day when Mousavi Salam was safeguarded or

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protected from the Pharaoh. He was delivered from the Pharaoh and his

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army and Pharaoh was caused to drown on this day because that's

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when they they drowned in the river.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, well, Musa

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Islam is our Prophet. What he said was that now we're even more

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entitled to Musa we're going to, we're going to follow the Sunnah.

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So he said, I'm going to fast that but he also said that next year,

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if I remain until next year, I'm going too fast the ninth as well,

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which means that it's an encouragement to do two days,

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because you don't want to copy the tradition of a another nation

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totally and completely, as though you want to take the benefit of

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it. So the prophets, Allah, some said, will add one extra day. So

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they're gonna might have mentioned that you can either add nine and

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10, or 10 and 11. However, there's also another opinion among some

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Marilla my like one animal who not many who wrote the medieval

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Hadith, a great word Greek scholar, what he said, and which

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is really true, which I discovered later, as well, that the Jews no

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longer follow the lunar calendar, they follow a kind of verse,

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they've kind of following a solar calendar, you know, just to make

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sure that the dates they do things are more predictable, in line with

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other dates, like Christmas, and so on. So I remember when it's our

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show, I mean, we were obviously in a very, very heavily populated

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Jewish area, very orthodox Jewish area, as well. So it's not, you

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know, just secular Jews, but in the very orthodox, and we don't

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really see them making a big deal about this particular day. And

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then I actually talked to one of the it was either rabbi, one of

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the counselors about this, and I think it was a rabbi, they have it

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on a different day, that so they've actually turned it around

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into a different day, which is kind of a set day, every every

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year. So based on that, what the some of the relevant mentioning

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now is that if you cannot fast two days, because the progress of the

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license whole purpose of telling people to fast for two days, was

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to do differently to what the Jews had been doing at the time. So it

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wasn't like we're just following another nation. You know, this is

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a big misconception that many of the earlier orientalist, used to

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bring up all the time, it was their perspective, and it was this

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big thesis among them, that

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the Muslims, the religion of Islam, it literally just took

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things from Christianity and from Judaism from the Old Testament

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from the New Testament, and it kind of just regurgitated it or

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revise it in a particular way. And it's just literally a real

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reformation of that, or it's all taken from the sources of that.

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And what they don't understand is that many things that we do, that

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the Christians and Jews may also do, they're just human things that

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people do just human ethics and so on, just because they're very

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similar in some aspects of ethics. And maybe in some laws, and maybe

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in some sorts of prohibitions, or some some sort of ethics and

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encouragement, it doesn't mean that one has to come from the

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other. These are just things that go back to a natural source that

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the humans have been following for a very long time. And Allah

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subhanaw taala has confirmed confirmed those things and

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emphasize those things. So based on this, you can understand from

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this hadith of the prophets of Allah, some wants to oppose what

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they were doing and not follow it completely. So now what the rhythm

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I mentioned that since the Jews no longer fast on this particular

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day, it's no longer also necessary or it was never necessary anyway.

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But it's no longer even.

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So important that you should fast two days however, because

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obviously awesome said so we'd still encourage to fast two days,

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especially in these days, when it comes in this month of November,

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right? Where the days are so small. I mean, in the UK, it's

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going to be four o'clock, right? Your your Iftar is going to be

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around four o'clock to 410. And the Sir Who the starting is going

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to be really early as well. So it's very easy to fast the two

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days, right? And plus, it's to do with the weekend as well. So

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inshallah it'd be very easy. So it's completely fine, fine device

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for two days. But it's also permissible for those who can't

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make the two days too fast for one day, there's nothing wrong with

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that. And that's why they're LMR mentioned, they shouldn't even be

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any Carozza they should not be even any undesirability in doing

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that. Right. And they shouldn't be no undesirability in doing that,

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either. So that's just to clarify that point. Now that one of the

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benefits of this day, which I'm sure you know, we hear about this

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every year, and one of the Greek but one of the greatest benefits

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of this day is that we find the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu

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sallam, before Ramadan was made obligatory, that Ashura the 10th

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of the day of Muharram was first made obligatory according to some

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narrations. So therefore Muslims fasted on this day first, but when

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Ramadan became necessary, became obligatory, and Allah subhanaw

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taala revealed the verses about Ramadan. Then, this day, the

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Ashura no longer was necessary. It became a sunnah promise that Allah

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some will continue to foster stay this day, every year. And that's

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the thing and then in the hadith of Muslim, the benefit is just

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like with the day of alpha fast, although they're the the reward is

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doubled, in the sense that they're the process that allows them said

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that I hope in Allah subhanaw taala that anybody will fast this

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Day of Arafah the previous one year sins are forgiven and also a

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future one year sins are forgiven. In this one though, the Hadith

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mentions only for the previous year, that your previous year sins

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are forgiven, but that's great anyway, because that means our

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minor Sins of the previous sin years are forgiven. And if you

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make some Toba on that day, as well, our major sins can also be

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forgiven me

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Allah subhanaw taala give us the trophy. And finally not. Another

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important point about this, which needs to be clarified is that

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there is a tradition in some communities to cook certain types

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of food. Now let's understand where that you know how that comes

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about. Essentially, there are some narrations, for example, one

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narrated by by hottie and others. They're all weak when you look at

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them individually, right? They're all weak when you look at them

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individually, but what it relates to is, that man was the Allah, He

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Yo Ma Shura, whoever is whoever is generous, whoever has widespread

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generosity on his family on that day. So that's what the tofi

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That's what it is a Dosia to Al Al Yama Ashura, which means to be

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wide and generous on that day, right to be expensively generous

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on that day, which means to not just be one thing, but to be

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generous in many aspects. Right? It's Tosia was our was our means

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to be broad, right? To have lots of space, lots of bandwidth,

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right? That's what you call WUSA. And those are our means to give

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that kind of bandwidth to somebody else, to give that kind of opening

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that kind of room to others. And

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what most people they think is that, you know, you you, you maybe

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just order some food on that day from the restaurant from the

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takeaway or something like that, and you feed your family, right,

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so the wife doesn't have to cook well, that could be one aspect of

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it, but don't limit it to that. What the * am I mentioned that

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this could be in everything this could be in this could be in many

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different things. Right? So for example, Allah Halabi what he

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mentioned is

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he says that this is this can be considered mazahub Mundo it's not

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a sunnah, but it's a must to have because this hadith aren't so

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strong. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what he said was

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that man was Sahaja Yoga he

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man was an OSA Omen was salah, Allah yesterday, he was early he

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Yo Ma showed up for also Allahu Allah, he set your sanity he then

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will treat him like this with expensive

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kindness. So I think that's a good translation, expensive kindness,

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when Allah subhanho wa Taala will treat him with this kind of

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expensive generosity and kindness for the whole year. Right. So

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that's what the Hadith mentions in Mumbai, hockey, related from Abu

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Huraira for the Allah one, even though Roger will humbly has

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mentioned this as well, in his lawful evil narrative, but the

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main thing is that many orlimar of the past they actually tested this

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out, they did this they acted upon it, even though it's based on a

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weak narration, right? It's okay to follow it. Because it's just a

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virtuous act that we're we're following. It's not about

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legislating something on someone making something necessary and

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obligatory on some on someone. It's not an Akita issue. And

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neither is it a, an issue of obligating something. In fact,

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it's literally about, it's literally about

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just virtuous thing, and it's a good thing to spend on one's

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family anyway, regularly. Normally, whatever we spend his

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money with the right intention, it's permissible, and it's not

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just permissible, it's actually virtuous to do so. But it becomes

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even more virtuous on this day, because then Allah has blessings

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on you for the whole year. And so if you know Ariana was one great

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Hadith scholar that you'll see him in the chains of many generations,

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right related by all of these great Hadith collectors, right

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great, great Hadith scholars, he said that I have tried this job

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now who I have tested this, tried this, practice this, on this

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expensive kindness on the day of Ashura for 50 years. Mundo hum,

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Sina Center for 50 years, and from our inner who ILAHA Juran and for

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Mara ina in La Jolla. And the only thing that we found from it is all

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excellence, that we actually found it to work. So that's something

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but again, the fasting is more important. The first thing is

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greater reward. This is an additional thing. Right? This is

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an additional thing, especially for the breadwinner of the family,

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right normally considered the father, right the man of the

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house, that it's normally now what now we mentioned here is that in

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understanding this narration, he says that it is Mr. hub to do this

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expensive spending and generosity on the family on this day, both in

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foods, in clothing, and in anything else. So it should not be

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just restricted to food, it could be food, clothing, it could be

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anything else. Right where you just spend a bit more on that they

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be a bit more expensive in that regard. And

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one very interesting thing that he notes here he says when we must do

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quality he does hear one thing that the word Dosia which means is

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expensive spending on the family

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includes, he says is a steam Star model and we're in middle here

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whoop to use. Handsome Hello very interesting. He says to use a

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variety of different types of seeds and lentils, legumes as you

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Call them right. So which means in order to or whatever you call them

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dials, you know, different types of dials. So, you know, I'm not

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sure if there's a tradition of making catcher on this day, as

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they call it, you know, which is like this mixture of different

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types of lentils is supposed to be healthy for you, because just,

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it's always multi greatness, essentially a multi green broth.

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That's what it is. Right? So he says that this could refer to this

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kind of multi green soup that a abroad that somebody makes right

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now, again, this is just his understanding, just his opinion.

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This is not to say that we're trying to make a catcher or

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something like that this multigrain broth a sunnah on this

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day. It's not a sunnah to do this in the first way, it's just the

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mazahub. Anyway, to start with, right, there's these additional

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benefits to it. But I think where he's coming from, is that

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normally, right? Normally people, especially in the, in the times of

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zoom, in the times of abstinence, where they were focused more on

00:15:56 --> 00:16:00

the hereafter, they would just cook one type of a meal, right,

00:16:00 --> 00:16:03

they will just cook one type of meal. Now, if somebody wanted to

00:16:03 --> 00:16:06

do doTERRA On that day, if somebody wanted to be more

00:16:06 --> 00:16:09

expensive in the spending on that day, they may cook two meals, or

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they may have two meals cooked, or maybe three meals. But another way

00:16:13 --> 00:16:17

to do it, is instead of just using one type of lentil for a soup,

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like just pea soup, or just, you know, one one type of bean soup or

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one type of, you know, lentil soup or whatever, you use a mixed soup,

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which means that when you use that mix soup, you're actually feeding

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your family for many different types of lentils. So maybe that's

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where, where there is this tradition of some people doing

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this, right comes from, but again, it's not necessary, right? If

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somebody thinks is necessary, I must do this particular thing on

00:16:44 --> 00:16:47

that day, why didn't you guys make this particular type of dish that

00:16:47 --> 00:16:50

becomes a huge problem. Likewise, on the eighth day as well, you

00:16:50 --> 00:16:53

know, when when you have this tradition among certain cultures

00:16:53 --> 00:16:57

that you have to have this particular type of milk, right,

00:16:57 --> 00:17:00

that's made with with what you call those?

00:17:02 --> 00:17:06

Vermicelli right. Vermicelli that again, I don't know what the

00:17:06 --> 00:17:08

origin of days, right? I absolutely don't know what the

00:17:08 --> 00:17:11

origin of that is. If somebody feels like they want to drink it,

00:17:11 --> 00:17:14

okay, fine. Enjoy, you can drink it, that's not a problem. But to

00:17:14 --> 00:17:18

think that you must cook it on eat, and it's got a special, you

00:17:18 --> 00:17:21

know, virtue or reason. Well, you need to know what the reason is.

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And if there's a foundation for it, if you don't, then you don't

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do it, right, unless you just do it for yourself. Right? That's,

00:17:27 --> 00:17:30

that's the way these these things normally work. So that's about

00:17:30 --> 00:17:33

Ashura. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the tofi gets next week,

00:17:33 --> 00:17:38

we will Tofik to fastest day, right and encourage the children

00:17:38 --> 00:17:42

to fast as well. Because this was a day when they would encourage

00:17:42 --> 00:17:45

the children to fast as well as related in a number of narrations.

00:17:45 --> 00:17:48

In fact, there's one narration which is rated by Bukhari, and

00:17:48 --> 00:17:53

Muslim from Robert year been Timo with ebony frog says she says

00:17:53 --> 00:17:58

that, after that, we used to fast it. And we used to make our

00:17:58 --> 00:18:02

children faster as well. And then she says that we used to go to the

00:18:02 --> 00:18:06

masjid. And in order to keep the divert their attention from the

00:18:06 --> 00:18:09

food from from feeding hungry, because these were young children,

00:18:10 --> 00:18:13

right? They don't know why they're missing their meal for as such.

00:18:13 --> 00:18:15

Now it's okay to miss a meal for a child once in a while. I mean,

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it's probably healthy for them, right not to do it too often, in

00:18:18 --> 00:18:20

the sense that, you know, some children just don't want to eat

00:18:20 --> 00:18:25

anyway. Right. But to make them miss the meal, what they what she

00:18:25 --> 00:18:28

says is what she relates is that we used to make these little

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things out of wool, so little toys, maybe out of rules,

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something to play with, like a clump of wool or something of that

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nature. And whenever they would feel hungry, we would give that to

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them so that they could play with that. So it would it would occupy

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them. Now a number of other Hadith about this as well. So it's

00:18:43 --> 00:18:47

actually in this one is a particularly encouragement to make

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our children do the same as well. There's another narration that's

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related by Imam Toblerone. Though it's a slightly weak narration,

00:18:54 --> 00:18:57

but the Mantovani related, that probably something Allahu alayhi

00:18:57 --> 00:19:03

wa salam used to, on the Ashura day used to call his all the all

00:19:03 --> 00:19:07

the children that were that were being

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that were being nursed by his daughter Fatima, the Allahu anha,

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or anyone in his family, right. So any little child that was being

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brought up and nursed by breastfed by his family members, right? He

00:19:23 --> 00:19:26

would if he would call them he would have them come to him and

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then he would put his saliva in their mouth. He would put his

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saliva in their mouth. And then he would say to the mothers that

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lotto the room, Elaine, do not nurse them do not give them any

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milk to drink until the night because his his saliva that he put

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the bulk of that would keep them satiated until the night. So it's

00:19:49 --> 00:19:52

a good time to encourage our children to foster as they as

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well. So it's not just in the month of Ramadan, but we have

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these other milestones during the year as well.

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So again, I mean

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This thing about wishing people the New Year Mubarak and all that

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kind of stuff. Personally, I just don't see much of a basis to that.

00:20:06 --> 00:20:11

Because Muharram is one of the four months of that are considered

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to be sanctified months, it's not the only we forget the other

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three, we just focus on this, as the new year starts, what

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differences a new year make? How is that going to change our life a

00:20:20 --> 00:20:23

new year. In fact, I think the time to make resolutions for us is

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Ramadan, because that's when we actually go through a lot of

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physical change, you know, a lot of dietary change. So there is a

00:20:29 --> 00:20:32

change, and, and there's a lot of spiritual change as well. So then

00:20:32 --> 00:20:35

we could actually make certain resolutions, but I mean, New Year

00:20:35 --> 00:20:38

is just kind of weird time. You know, there's just I mean, just in

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the middle of the middle of the year, really, depending on when

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you are when you are born. I mean, it doesn't even come on your

00:20:43 --> 00:20:47

birthday as such, right? I mean, you're probably more, you're

00:20:47 --> 00:20:51

probably better off thinking on the day of your birth, you know,

00:20:51 --> 00:20:54

the anniversary of your birth or birthday as such, to think about,

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you know, I've wasted all of these years of my life, I've spent all

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of these years of my life, where am I going with this? It's

00:21:01 --> 00:21:04

probably instead of celebrating it as a time to, you know, like

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birthdays people celebrate it. Oh, I've lived for another year. I

00:21:07 --> 00:21:09

mean, as though you live for another year, you know, as though

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you just finished a salt course, you know, as though you just

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finished his major challenge. And, you know, it's got nothing to do

00:21:15 --> 00:21:18

with us. It's Allah subhanaw taala. That keeps us alive. Right?

00:21:18 --> 00:21:21

Yes, we can celebrate the fact that you've had a great year in

00:21:21 --> 00:21:25

terms of spirituality. Otherwise, we should be really thinking that

00:21:25 --> 00:21:28

we're What have I done during this last year? I'm one year older.

00:21:28 --> 00:21:32

That means I'm definitely one that much closer to the hereafter. So

00:21:32 --> 00:21:35

what should I be thinking about? Should I be blowing on a cake?

00:21:35 --> 00:21:39

Right? Or should I really be thinking about when my room will

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be taken out of my body? And how much more Am I more time do I

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have? Yes, Allah subhanaw taala has given me these years, I must

00:21:45 --> 00:21:48

be thankful for what I've been able to do during this time to get

00:21:48 --> 00:21:51

into paradise and to build up my paradise movie. But what about all

00:21:51 --> 00:21:54

the time that I've wasted? What about all the bad things I may

00:21:54 --> 00:21:58

have done? I mean, really, that's a time of reflection. But, you

00:21:58 --> 00:22:01

know, so we're not talking about whether birthdays halal or haram?

00:22:01 --> 00:22:04

That's totally, eerily you know, that's totally irrelevant to what

00:22:04 --> 00:22:07

we're speaking about what we're speaking about, here's what we

00:22:07 --> 00:22:10

really should be doing. Because when the hereafter is our real

00:22:10 --> 00:22:15

life, we're what we should be focused on. It's like somebody you

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know, you've got an investment, you're eventually going to go and

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retire there. Focus on that, no, I'm going to focus right now I'm

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just going to enjoy as much even though I have a bad retirement,

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we're going to call that kind of a person foolish, because we're

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going to think, Well, why are you worried about your retirement,

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which is going to be forever, it's going to be eternal? And it's

00:22:32 --> 00:22:36

going to be directly related to what you do today. So why should

00:22:36 --> 00:22:40

we focus on today, then, as opposed to them? We can, we should

00:22:40 --> 00:22:45

only be focused today, based on how it will project for us our

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retirement, our eternal retirement in the Hereafter. And I think when

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you start thinking about that, you won't go around and asking, Can I

00:22:52 --> 00:22:54

have a birthday cake on my birthday? You know, Can I do a

00:22:54 --> 00:22:57

birthday for my child, and whatever the rest of it. And I

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think if we get our children to think that way as well. It won't

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be it won't be an issue. So while the other day was was my birthday,

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so called irony, I hadn't even realized my daughter came home she

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goes is your birthday today, Mashallah. I've got to start

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making Toba. You know, I have to start making Toba because that's

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that makes me one year, one year older from my from my Devil May

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Allah subhanaw taala be thanked that he's given me this life is

00:23:22 --> 00:23:25

given us this life and he's allowed us to live this live this

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much is given us the Tofik to be Muslims to be believers, and to do

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whatever we've been able to do so far. But may Allah subhanaw taala

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forgive us for all the shortcomings we've had. And may

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Allah subhanaw taala make the remaining years that we have May

00:23:38 --> 00:23:41

Allah subhanaw taala give us a long life on Iman and give the

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make the last day of ours in this world the best of our days, not

00:23:46 --> 00:23:48

the worst of our days. Because really we should be looking back

00:23:48 --> 00:23:52

and thinking how are we 10 years ago? Am I better off 10 years ago

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am I better off right now? Am I getting progressively worse? Am I

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getting better? As really a reflection that we need we need to

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make? May Allah subhanaw taala give us the tool for you

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