Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Understanding the Soul and Spirituality
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That's why for the Olia the the people who are very spiritual,
right, those people are well spiritually nourished and
connected. They enjoy their salad more than anything else in this
world, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though he's
been forgiven, and he can't do any wrong, really is the most Beloved
of Allah. He loves it in prayer. He stand for hours on end till his
feet become swollen.
How does he do that? Why does he do that?
He does it in the privacy of his home. He didn't do that in the
masjid, in the masjid is the follow up pray does that as you
know, the normal amount, the average amount, but the long
prayers that he's doing is doing privately in his house. So it's
not to teach anybody or to show anybody in that direct sense.
That's his enjoyment with Allah subhanaw taala. But we,
unfortunately we we don't enjoy because we have too many other
distractions too. We got too much competition. There's a lot of
other things that we can do to compete with our spirituality. So
literally today we're living in a time where our spiritual is being
destroyed, because we're not being given a chance.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala Sayyidina
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi as you might eat my bad.
My dear brothers, nice to be in your midst today. For this after
after program, when we come into this world,
we're taught
certain basic things. We come into the world, knowing how to cry.
We come into the world, knowing how to ingest food and take food
down, take milk down. We have certain physiological and physical
capabilities that Allah subhanaw taala sends us into this world
Allah subhanho wa Taala also sends us down with a few other things
that normally a lot of people cannot see. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said could Lumo Luthien EULA, do annual fitrah.
Every child that's born is born on the fitrah a
lot of people mistake this and say a lot of that everybody is born a
Muslim, the word Muslim means to submit.
that that's another idea. So fitrah means on the nature. And
the nature here means that we have been created by Allah subhanaw
taala we because we're the look of Allah, the creation, the creative
beings of Allah. So he's obviously programmed us and put an
environment within our minds that we can easily accept guidance. In
fact, the test or the research that has done to show that anybody
who has not been affected by taking on some kind of other
object of worship, they will end up usually worshipping a superior
anything. We're all inherently programmed to submit to something
even secularist would a lot of secularists would say that we
submit to something. Question is what do you submit to. So we're
all born to submit to a higher realm a higher higher being, okay?
Now, everybody can see what babies need as they're growing up, and
what children need as they're going up infants, children, and so
on. We also need spirituality. Because spirituality is the aspect
of our life, because our life is made up of our body and our
There's two aspects. But the whole focus for a lot of people is on
the body because it's so evident, it's so apparent, it's the body
that you're going to feel in touch, is the body that you're
going to see is the body that you're going to feed, it's the
body that is going to fight with you.
If a punch comes is going to be from the body.
So everything is related to the body so our entire focus goes on
the body. So then we indulgent in the times that we're living in,
we've never had in history as much facility and products to foster
our body and embellish our body and adorn our body and nourish our
body and enhance our bodies. As before, we've never had that
Before only women had makeup now men can have makeup as well.
That was missing that come there as well that's there available as
well. You want to change your skin tone and skin color, you can do
that as well.
So, all the focus is on that the whole focus becomes on the body.
The thing is that the body is only for this world at least this body
is only for this world, a small a small part of our body, the bottom
of the backbone as mentioned
The hadith is going to is going to
is, is going to carry on. So when when we eventually die, and
whether you're buried into the ground or otherwise or cremated or
in any other way that people are disposed of, or
basically let go from this world, then ultimately, we're moving into
the hereafter, when you move into the hereafter our Muslim belief is
is that Allah will create a new body for us.
On the Day of Judgment, a new body will be created a fresh body, from
the parts of our body that was left a small part, whether that's
a part that contains its DNA, or whatever it is, a very small part
will be left even if we've decomposed a small part of Allah,
Allah subhanaw taala created us from nothing will be able to
recreate us from that with absolutely
no effort whatsoever, that's going to be our body for the hereafter,
and that body is not going to change that's going to be
unchanging body is going to be if you go to Paradise is going to be
between 30 to 33 years old, that years of age. That's kind of the
peak. Right? That's kind of the peak rates fully developed now.
And it's going to be completely strong and powerful, and will
remain like that in paradise. And unfortunately, if somebody has to
go to hellfire, well, they will be punished with their body. And it
will be very, very sensitive, to take in the pain and to, to have
to basically feel the pain and the agony May Allah subhanho wa Taala
protect now the part of our life. So the body is secondary in that
sense, but we make it primary, our real focus should be on the soul
because that soul is going to carry on into the next life. And
this soul which now occupies this body is going to occupy the body
of the Hereafter, the soul is also what's going to the soul is going
to become primary in the grave, because the body may not be there,
just a small fragment will be remaining, but the soul will be
there. And the soul is what takes in the punishment, if there is any
in the grave, or the pleasure and the joys of the grave, so the soul
becomes a more than in the hereafter we get a new body.
And the body and the soul both are equal in the hereafter.
In the world, the body is stronger than the soul because we focus
more on it as well. In the grave, it's primarily the soul, because
the body is secondary, whether the bodies then our soul will feel the
experiences. And in the Hereafter, it'll be body and soul. And they
both will be equal. So that's why the pleasure that we will get in
Paradise will be unlike any pleasure you'll ever feel here,
because you're feeding it fully not just to your body, but your
soul as well.
So now what gives us success in the Hereafter, is going to be
focusing on the soul and the spirituality. That is what
spirituality is because the topic that was kept for this program was
spirituality in Islam or something like that, right. So I thought,
let me check the topic. And then let me speak according to the
talk, because I like to keep on to the on the topic. So spirituality
in Islam. So what exactly is spirituality, spirituality is just
think about it this way, you know how much we look after, and focus
on our physical body that we feed it, you have to you don't feed it,
there's a guy who just came out of prison, he was put into prison in
Palestine for three months. It comes out after three months, and
you can see his eyes have sunken inside because being deprived of
food, Allah relieve our brothers and sisters down there. But what
I'm trying to say is that if you don't feed our body with a certain
amount of nourishment, right, a certain basic amount of
nourishment, we look at it don't look after ourselves, you know,
look after our skin, crack skin and so on. Then it starts
deteriorating. In the extreme cold or something, you have eczema, you
have different things, we have to look after it, you have to give it
medicine, you have to put ointment on it, you have to stay in the
warm Yeah, it shouldn't be too cold, we shouldn't be too hot, and
so on and so forth. Our heart requires the same kind of focus,
but very little focuses goes on the heart. So then what happens
with the heart is that although we're moving, the heart dies, and
Allah mentioned this multiple places in the Quran, they have a
dead heart. They have a heart that doesn't understand anymore the
home Kulu urban life, Kahuna beha. They have hearts that they just
don't, they don't understand and comprehend with it. They might
have an intellect that they use, but because they have no heart, it
can't be guided properly.
The parts of the heart is important to guide the way people
think that's why it's very important to think with the heart
as well and to focus on the heart. Now, if we if we look at the Quran
and Sunnah what Allah subhanaw taala mentions what the prophets
of loads of mentioned regarding the hearts, Allah be the Karela he
talked to me in Newell Kurobe. A lot of the time we're in turbulent
we're in a turbulent mode where we're not calm. We're not
Focus. A lot of people have depression,
the very, they have a lot of anxiety.
They can't function in this life, because they can't function, their
body can't function, they may still be eating and so on, but
they becoming sick, they becoming ill.
They feeling miserable, and so on.
So a lot of people say do some more dhikr of Allah.
Now vicar of Allah is always useful, because that gives the
hearts of nourishment. But there's another aspect of the heart which
is very important. That is, besides the vicar of Allah, vicar
of Allah is important for sure. But what else is important is to
understand and focus the heart in the right direction and have the
right information in there.
If you don't understand the way of Allah subhanaw taala in this
world, and what Allah wants with the human beings with us in this
world, and how to deal with calamities, for example, how to
deal with prosperity, and happiness and abundance, then
we're going to really go wrong in that regard. And depression, I
think is more of an issue of perspective, and narrative and
understanding rather than just an absence of liquor.
So not only do you need do you need the thicker of Allah, which
helps to revive the heart, but you also need the right understanding
of how to live and what to do in this place.
In the physical body, everybody tells us
you know, as young kids, they go to your auntie's house, look,
look, but make sure you put your coat on properly. So the code
doesn't get you. Everybody talks about that, but very few people
will tell you, like, you know, have you
how's your heart today? And it looks like there's an issue even
though we see some people with a lot of mischief, with a lot of
evil, it's very difficult to even tell them about that.
So there are diets to do with that. There are diets to do with
the heart. And that's very, very important for us to understand
that is exactly what spirituality is as simple as that. Now, let's
take it on another level, right? Allah Subhan Allah the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this world will not end
will not end.
Until somebody is saying Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, meaning as
long as Allah's name is being taken, this world doesn't end and
will not end. When there is nobody to take the name of Allah, Allah,
Muslims, believers will be gone. And there's hardly anybody left to
take the name of Allah, that's when the earth will end because
it's lost its nourishment, it will die because of the loss of its
nourishment, the nourishment of this world. The sustenance of this
world the food of this world is the the vicar and the remembrance
of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's the entire world.
This Masjid will prosper because of the remembrance of Allah. If
there is no remembrance of Allah left here, this will become
dilapidated, we know that for sure anyway, because what is the masjid
Without the Name of Allah. Likewise, every single house,
every single business cannot prosper. In the correct sense you
may make a lot of money but that money is not going to have much
And much bang in terms of the spiritual aspect unless you have
some remembrance of Allah and halal focus there. If the whole
world on a macro level sustains itself by the remembrance of
Then on a micro level, every single human being, and every
single business, every single home, and every single other
place, also nourishes itself with the remembrance of Allah. That's
why when you're praying at home as well, the prophets are awesome, in
fact said that don't exclusively pray in the masjid. He didn't say
in those words, he said that don't make your homes into graveyards.
Yeah, so what does that mean? Right? What does that mean that
don't make your homes graveyards. One of the main meanings there is
that don't just pray elsewhere. For example, and not pray anything
at home because your home also needs the baraka that comes from
praying and the blessing that comes you see whenever we remember
Allah subhanaw taala
there's a there's a great scholar of Egypt greats spiritual scholar
of Egypt. His name was Imam Shah Irani Rahim Allah. He has some
other he mentioned some other ways of remembering Allah subhanho wa
Taala I'm not going to go into all of them right now. But one thing
that I really learned from him was that once you finish the
remembrance of Allah, any kind of remembrance of Allah, when you
finish remembering or whether it be Salaat or some test we had or
whatever, when you finish don't just get up and and move away. He
said, Sit, hold your breath, and just relax for a while. Why? He
said because what I've understood from the what he's saying
essentially is that when you remember ALLAH, you're invoking a
huge amount of mercy and blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala the
and everyone else, as the Hadith mentions that when somebody reads
the Quran, then the angels they they surround them
the tranquillity and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala envelopes
them so when you finish you want to make sure that all of these
waves that you've created of spirituality the spiritual waves
that you've created
you actually benefit from them you take them in you absorb them
rather than creating them walking away someone Allah so that's why
we have after Salah you know, we have you sit down, you do some
tests we had, right? Now when we pray, for example, in the masjid,
or anywhere for that matter, we have just remembered Allah some
way or the other. I mean multiple ways, actually because Salah is
probably the most comprehensive collection of the different types
of remembrances of Allah as they are you going into a toy shop?
Right? You put a child in a toy shop, and there's more toys that
you can play in a day. I want this I want that I want this I want
that just imagine a huge toy shop.
That's why for the Olia the the people who are very spiritual,
right, those people are well spiritually nourished and
connected. They enjoy their salad more than anything else in this
world. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though he's
been forgiven, and he can't do any wrong, really is the most Beloved
of Allah. He loves it in prayer. He stands for hours on end till
his feet become swollen.
How does he do that? Why does he do that?
He does in the privacy of his home, he didn't do that in the
masjid, in the masjid is to fall prey does that as you know, the
normal amount, the average amount, but the long prayers that he's
doing is doing privately in his house. So it's not to teach
anybody or to show anybody in that direct sense. That's his enjoyment
with Allah subhanaw taala. But we, unfortunately we we don't enjoy
because we have too many other distractions, too. We got too much
competition. There's a lot of other things that we can do to
compete with our spirituality. So literally, today, we're living in
a time where our spirituality is being destroyed. Because we're not
being given a chance. If you've got that moment, you know, it's
like, I need to check that new message out that new reel out that
new Instagram out that new YouTube video that's called Yes, it's
about Palestine. It's about HERSA. But
that's all we do.
So, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would enjoy it would enjoy it.
That's why I remember just some years ago sitting with this,
William Allah, and he said that our mothers are we insist that we
have gatherings of vicar,
that's the heart etc. Because if the whole world can sustain
itself, then why not? Then Then why not a building? be sustained?
And an academy? Right? A Doha academy or Institute or these
places, why can't they be? And hamdulillah that's, that's what we
need to do. That's why one of the most beautiful ways is that if you
have somebody doing memorization of the Quran,
a child who's memorizing the Quran, you got two in the House
who are doing that they're praying Quran for hours, mashallah like
all that Baraka, you got all the people who are retired and now
mashallah they're doing their solitude, this B, and the Tahajjud
prayer, and the shrug prayer, and this manages every day outside and
inside of Ramadan, Allahu Akbar, those homes are blessed.
If we're busy doing work, I'm saying we should be doing that as
well. That those women who are in the houses who have made it a
habit that when they are cooking, they are remembering Allah.
There are many women who do this, by the way, just spoke to a
brother some time ago, he said his wife, she is constantly doing some
vicar when she is cooking the food, that food is going to be
full of baraka and blessing.
Spirituality in that home is going to grow.
It's the way we maintain ourselves. That's our maintenance.
So that is essentially spirituality. Otherwise, we die.
Otherwise, the heart dies, Allah subhanaw taala says a lot of
people who come and they say that, you know, we just don't feel like
doing anything. It's miserable. We have so much of the dunya but it's
There's no enjoyment in the world. There's no enjoyment in what we
do, even though we've got more than we ever need in terms of
physical goods, and assets. But there's there's not much else that
we're getting out of this. We're not feeling satisfied with
everything. I've got five cars, but I don't feel good about it.
What's really interesting is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in
the Quran, Rama Yashwant Vickery, Rahman, naka de la who shaytaan
and for Hula, hula Kareem.
Whoever remains away isolated from the remembrance of Allah.
Then we designate a shaytaan with them, for them who becomes a very,
very close, intimate a
associate. Now remember all of us
have been created
by Allah subhanaw taala and every single human being that's been
created in this world, right?
As soon as they're created, there is a shaytaan that is attached to
So they asked the Prophet sallallahu, some even New Era
Sula. He said, Yes, even me as a human being, but my shaitan has
his shaytaan can't do anything to him. Right? And if Shakedowns
could be Muslim, that shaytaan would be Muslim, that is one
reading of it as well. Right? My shaytaan has been submitted, you
can't do anything to me, because profits are divinely protected
from the shaytaan. You can't have shaitan mess with profits. Profits
are pure guidance, and she doesn't can't adulterate and corrupt
profits. So everybody has a shader now is not one shaytaan for the
Han family. And one shaytaan for the jewelleries. Right. And one
shaytaan may be for the people from attack. And another one for
the people from you know, who speak psyche or, you know, it's
not like that it's every single individual. It's not even word per
family. He's fighting a war is one per family or per per individual.
that shaytaan because he's been with us since birth, he knows
everything about us. He's been throughout our life, he knows
exactly what makes us tick. What makes us mess up? What disturbs
us, what tempts us, what distracts us, and what makes us heedless. He
gives us ideas. So in order to get stronger spirituality, we have to
develop immunity from the shaytaan.
How do you develop immunity from the shaytaan, to get better
spirituality with shaytaan is who's disturbing our spirituality,
doesn't want you to pray, doesn't want you to go to the masjid to
pray, doesn't want you to pray in Jamara. And then if you do get
there, then he distracts you in the prayer so you don't fully take
part and take the full blessing of that prayer. He's the one who
makes people argue with others, to spoil our life and spirituality,
because one of the biggest disturbers and detrimental factors
to our spirituality is when we take somebody else's rights or
when you when we have a conflict with somebody that really destroys
him in your prayer. Because in your prayer, you're thinking about
what you're going to say to your so called enemy. So all of these
things that destroy us, all of these things that destroy us.
That's what shaytaan His job is to make us do. So
that shaytaan is, is they're trying to tempt us around, and we
need to develop immunity. Now, I don't know, let's think about a
time right? When if there's a certain vise, a certain rung that
is difficult for a person to avoid. But then do you remember a
time when for a few weeks, after, for example, an Omaha session
after a certain program you went to after you read a certain book,
after hedge after, after going out in JAMA, I believe whatever it is,
that you felt immune to that issue for at least a few weeks, or even
a few months, and you didn't even think about it. You know, when a
lot of Muslims, most Muslims, when they go into a supermarket and
they like shopping, they go to every aisle, they check out the
new products and everything. There's two or three aisles that
they can avoid.
They don't even have to go to hey, let me just check it out. At least
no, you don't bother. What are those aisles? The wine aisles,
right? The wine, the beer, all of that stuff? You don't even have to
go there because there's no switch on for that, hopefully? Oh, no,
no, no, no, no, I don't want to go there. Because I might get
tempted. He's like, I don't need to go there. I don't need to check
what the price is. I don't even know what the price is of a bottle
of wine or champagne. I don't need to know. Right? It's just not
within my vocabulary.
So if if towards sins, that could be our attitude that we don't even
feel like it doesn't even cross our mind, no temptation, that
would be wonderful. The only way that can happen is to develop
spirituality. When the spirituality is low, that means
our iman is low. You could say low spiritual is low Eman that we
believe in everything. But our spirituality is low. So Eman is
low. So we don't have immunity. So we're constantly picking up
So if you have good immunity, you won't easily catch a cold.
Right? If it's if there's if there's such an idea, you know,
there is some level of that idea that So likewise, when it comes to
these things, the same kind of thing. The more we develop our
spirituality, the wall, our shaytaan will submit will come
down No, that is not worth it. Or he can't do it as much as he
As for other people.
So that is spirituality. And the way to gain spirituality is by
doing a few things, right? We don't have too much time. And
maybe, you know I can open it
up for a few questions afterwards, if you have some time, but the way
to develop spirituality is to get to know Allah and to start loving
Allah subhanho wa taala. That is literally the only way there is
nothing. There is nothing in this world that if you become attached
to, so let's put it this way, anything in this world, anything,
anything that if you become attached to it, you will
eventually feel pain.
Because you're either going to lose that thing, or that thing is
going to, if it's a car, it eventually is going to end it's
gonna go, it's gonna break down. If it's a person, they might die,
or they might decide to go elsewhere, they might decide to
break up with you.
Or they may become sick and ill, you will become because anything
you have full attachment to in this world, ultimately is going to
give you some pain. The only thing that doesn't give you pain in this
is Allah subhanaw taala to become attached to Allah subhanaw That
doesn't mean that you can't be attached to a certain degree, with
anything else that we are allowed to be attached to like our parents
and our children, our spouse, and the masjid and so on. And so build
Masjid is Allah right? The Masjid is attachment to Allah subhanaw
taala when you do these things for the sake of Allah. Now, the only
way that a person can develop their spirituality is to learn
more about Allah subhanaw taala because remember, I said that a
lot of people who are depressed, their reason for depression is not
necessarily low vicar. Because I know people who are depressed,
who've been praying all their life. But I think what it really
is, is their misunderstanding of Allah, misunderstanding of the
events of this life, misunderstanding of how things
work in this world, and how they're supposed to deal with
these issues. With the different challenges that come up. How are
you supposed to deal with them? If you don't have that perspective,
then you're vicar
your worship won't even be proper.
If your worship is your worship can be augmented and enhanced by
having the proper opinion of what Allah exactly once and how he
wants it.
So, we need to understand Allah and we need to understand what he
wants from us. And the best way to do that the absolute best way to
do that is by reading the Quran,
not just completing a few columns in Ramadan every year. But
literally understanding what Allah is telling us. Yes, it's open to
you and I and everybody else is not just for scholars.
Now, I'm not doing this to make anybody guilty or to condemn
anybody, but let's just get an idea of how many people have read
the Quran once over with meaning to understand what Allah is
telling them at least once in their life. Mashallah 5678 This is
the first time that I've had literally I mean, it's a very
small group. But this is the first time I've had actually about half
the people to do that. Usually it's about 5%.
Right? So there's something going on in this Doha Institute's.
Alright, let's talk something going on the whole Quran I'm
talking about right?
Because this is uncommon, I'm so happy to hear this. Right. A Doha
Institute just
what do you call it excites me because it's just like white
thread and white thread is essentially the white thread of
dawn the Doha, Doha sodic. Right. So alhamdulillah
if when you read the Quran with meaning, not to, I mean, the
purpose of it, not to start giving fatwas, right and call yourself a
scholar is just to understand what our maker wants from us. That's
literally what it is. And it's amazing, his discussion, he tells
you what he wants, what he likes, what he dislikes, what he gives,
what He has given, his warnings, how he punishes and how he
rewards, how Clemen he is, how beautiful he is, how magnificent
he is, how generous he is, how powerful he is, how forgiving he
is, how benevolent he is, and how generous and kind that he is. And
it just drives you it just drives the Quran is written in that way
to drive somebody. But unfortunately, most people don't
understand what the Quran means they don't get a translation if
they're not Arabic, Arabic to understand Arabic, they don't they
don't do that. That is the best way to get an understanding of the
of Allah subhanaw taala because that's his words. You know,
sometimes you read a book of an author and you get you think you
get to know the author. Problem is that authors can make up stuff,
right and make themselves out to be different, different in their
writing and who they are. Allah subhanaw taala is transparent. He
is who He is. He says it is is he doesn't have to worry about he's
not trying to play a game with anybody is very, very honest and
clear. And he wants he wants himself to be known as number one.
Number two.
On another level, although this you find this
In the Quran, but to separate it out, is to focus on the names of
Allah get a collection, a translation, you know, of the 99
names of Allah
and just go through them, just calmly go through them. If you
find a little book with a commentary, explain what each of
those names are, that's even better. You just go through them,
why should you go through them? To understand who Allah is? Now, I
don't know many people here, right, but if I know you by name,
right, like, what's your name? 1000. You are. So you're Ibrahim
and he's the distinctive one Mumtaz like he stands out because
he's montages, right, which means MDS and you are Ibrahim the this
the servant of God, right? The son of allah in Hebrew. So
I just call you by your name, and that's good enough, right? I mean,
you'd be happy with that. But if I find out who you are, what you're
good at, and I don't know you, I need to get to know you more. If I
if I get to know who you are. Right? And then I address you by
that that, oh, you know, you're an expert in this, you're going to
feel much more validated.
You feel like yes, the guy knows me just doesn't know me as Ibrahim
Oman does, like, he knows me. Like he knows more about like, okay,
you know, so with Allah subhanaw taala, we call on Him by just
Allah, that's fine. That's great. That's one of the most powerful
names, but we want to do the 99 names. And the benefit is that
what you do when you're going through a 99 names, is you will
pick out a few that are relevant to life for you at that point.
So if we're seeking forgiveness, then we will write down and
separate out the ones about forgiveness. If we're struggling,
wealth is more honey and Eleni, for example. The soldier lady with
a crown, if we're suffering in terms of you know, somebody is
doing a strong yarmulke team, right. And we really want to
avenge ourselves or something like that. There's a name for
everything. Right, there's a name for everything.
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or not.
It's $1 book that if you complete even take three months to
complete, and you do it three or four times a year, if not every
week, right? You would have asked Allah for everything that we need
for the success of this world in the Hereafter. That's how
comprehensive that book is. So we produced the Arabic edition
because people read it, but then everybody wanted a translation. So
then I worked on the translation from 2019 2021 got it done. 2021
And then I couldn't publish it, because I am too obsessed by
design and making sure it's right. And it looks like because for a
beautiful book like that it had to be right. And finally, it just was
I was like look, the book is ready and I'm wasting it now. It should
go out to people and people should benefit from it inshallah.
So, after this last Ramadan, I sat down and I said you know what, I
need to make a special dua so that I can finally agree and be
satisfied with the design.
So, I said what do I call Unto Allah subhanaw taala with right,
so now telling me out of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala which
is related to design and beauty? So what is most aware? Most of it
means the fashion that the one who designed something they want to
make a form out of something.
You saw we Rocanville our ham Allah, He makes your form in the
wombs. Right? What else is there that's relevant to that?
What are the name is irrelevant molecule milk is definitely
relevant but on a much more broader molecule milk means the
owner of the sovereign of you know the whole kingdom. More about
design specifically to do with design. Any graphic artists out
there will help you as well. That's getting closer, right the
innovator suddenly more to do with design particular anybody? Jamil
Jamil in Allah Hi Jimmy, don't you humble Jamal. Allah is beautiful
and elegant and he loves elegance and beauty. Anyway, I set with my
wife on foot in front of the screen to find the right backer
that was what was bothering me I couldn't find the right background
to you know, provide the right kind of look. Made it to our
yamasa and so on. Yeah, Allah make this easy. Within five minutes I
had a background
which I was happy with finally
it's amazing you call out to Allah subhanaw taala Allah loves it.
When you when somebody recognize it, because that's how it works,
why He created us.
Otherwise, he did not need all of this at all. He doesn't need it.
In fact, he said I wanted to do it. So i be i be known, recognized
lucky or off Meriva and spiritualities. He said
actually marry for of Allah.
Allah loves it, when somebody knows him, he's willing to give
you anything as long as you can say, as long as you turn to Him,
and you show you know him. That's what Allah wants from us. So take
the names of Allah and just find some, and then read them again
after a few weeks, and you will find something else is going on
your life and another name. For example, if you
we take tablets for something, ointment you put for something
that when you do that, you say, Yeah, Chef, you call him to him
with that name of cure.
And that will just be a lot more effective. Okay, number three,
number, the third way of getting spirituality knowing Allah is to
sit with somebody of spirituality, to see how they lead their life,
what spirituality is in their life, how do they do things that
are full of spirituality, because once you become a spiritual
person, everything about you become spiritual.
The way you talk the way you think the way you address yourself,
everything becomes for the sake of Allah, that is becoming a
spiritual individual. So when we sit with somebody we learn, if you
can't see with somebody read their books, that means that what do you
Allah, find a shape that you can go and sit in their company.
And number four, is to have a certain amount of liquor that you
do by repeating the name of Allah subhana, WA, tada, multiple times.
And then Allah subhanaw taala is very, because remember, that every
name that every remembrance that you do have Allah subhanaw taala
it provides you life. It nourishes you, it's your food. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, methodology. Yes, Kuru Raja
huella, the liath Corca method will hate you will be it. The one
who remembers Allah and the one who doesn't, is like the dead and
living person.
Or the living and the dead person. The one who remembers Allah is the
living one. And the one who's the doesn't remember lies the dead one
because their hearts are dead. Their physical bodies are perfect.
They could be going in gym every day.
And working out eating really, really particular foods and very
careful. But they're not focused on their heart. And as Muslims,
that's what makes us distinct from anybody else. Why is it that after
70 years of persecution, after literally every building, nearly
every building, they're being bombed? How do people still not
That is absolutely amazing. How do they still they just lost two
children, they lost 14 members of their family, and they're still
willing to say no, we're going to carry on has spoon Allah who when
it Milwaukee,
Allah is sufficient for us.
Allah is sufficient for us, and he's the best patron. It's the
only way is you develop an in hardship. If you've got your
thought, right, then the hardship can actually become hugely
beneficial for you. We're not looking for hardships. But if you
do have hardship, and you deal with it, the way that accelerates
our spirituality and gets us higher, is like nothing else.
In fact, sometimes Allah gives hardship to people who know how to
deal with it, to accelerate them faster than if they had done
worship, their worship convict them as fast as the sober that
they do. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was put through
so many hardships at the end of his life the last few days, right?
We've just discussed on zamzam Academy as well, the last few days
of the Rockstar son's life.
He was put through so much difficulty in the sense of the
fevers that he got that his daughter was so worried about him,
he said, Don't worry about it. After this, there'll be no pain
for your father. This is just the end of the world because this
world is just a temporary place that we're here to do. And Allah
wanted him to be even in a higher place, he puts him through those
difficulties of the last moments as well. You're going from this
world anyway, just go through some more difficulty. But then your
reward in the hereafter and your status in the hereafter will be
elevated and raised. So that's how it is. So just to actually
conclude spiritual, a lot of people don't focus on their
spiritual well being their spiritual hearts, though they do
focus on their bodies. And the whole world is focusing on
everybody's bodies because they want to make money from everybody.
The spiritual heart, the spiritual aspect has to be has to be
developed for us to be successful in this world, get contentment and
happiness and joy and satisfaction in this world and of course,
success in the Hereafter. And the way to do that is to get to know
Allah better. And to remember Allah and the best way to do that
is by reading the Quran. And number two is buy the 99 names of
Allah. And number three is to find somebody who knows Allah and try
to learn from them by being in their company by sitting with such
people, or reading about them at least
And the last one, and not the necessarily the last one. But the
fourth one here is having a vicar regimen and amount of vicar that
we do every day. And of course, we continue to read the Hadith and so
on to give us a better understanding of how the process
and put these things into action. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to
increase our spirituality and law ALLAH blessed us, just like Allah
here for this opportunity. And yes, if you have any questions we
can take those inshallah. So spirituality is a positive state,
in the remembrance of Allah. Now, if we're arguing people useless,
sometimes you might have to argue for the right reason, but that's
going to be hardly seldom most of the arguments that people have, it
is over petty issues. What that does is that that takes over your
mind, you can't argue and then forget about it, the next moment,
can you you're then conniving and thinking and your response and
everything that's going to take time away from your remembrance of
Yes, if somebody thinks during that, no, I can't do this. I'm
going to give this up for the sake of Allah, that spirituality. But
otherwise, arguments get drawn out. And they just corrupt our
heart they take over our heart. That's how it goes against the
spirituality. Arguments. There's a lot of and sins of course they do
like the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that a phony Keita does not
phony. Kate, why he's a believer?
What does that mean? Are you a Catholic at that point? No, it
just means that the Eman according to one Hadith comes out. And then
it comes back in when you finish. Same thing has been said about
stealing. Same thing has been said about drinking.
The Imam comes out, the man leaves and the person comes back
afterwards. You know, that is one understanding of the Hadith. So
you can tell when you can tell what all of these things do to our
spirituality. And spirituality is our iman, the diseases of the
heart, obviously, those things that are violating our
spirituality, because diseases of the heart are what's going to make
us think wrong, and do things wrong, and have the wrong
perspective. So
the diseases of the heart are things like
for the wrong reasons.
excessive anger,
right? That's a disease of the heart. In fact, a shortcoming in
anger, the faculty of anger, you need a bit of oomph in your life
and a bit of power in your life. Because if you have no anger at
all, that's not a good thing. Because then you're not willing to
even defend yourself or your faith or your family, for that matter.
Too much desire,
too much intelligence, too much ego, too much arrogance and pride,
showing off wanting to be known, you know, just to be famous.
Vanity, jealousy,
not being contented with Oh ALLAH has given you and always wanting
more, even though you've literally got more than 90% of the world.
Right. And in England, Al Hamdulillah, most of us majority
of us live a life style, that is
the lifestyle of the top 10% of the world, you know, with the
facilities that we have,
and the security we have,
and the access that we have to different products and whatever
else there is, you go to any other country, even countries have where
a lot of people have come from is rough around the edges, you know,
is not the same, the very wealthy they indulge, but otherwise not
there. We have access to these things. Even a medium person here
has access to 10%, literally the top 10% of the luxuries of this
world. So when you're not satisfied, and if you're stingy.
So all of these are the blameworthy hearts or blameworthy
traits of the heart, they need to be replaced and need to be worked
Yeah, so some depression, I won't say all depression, because I've
seen people who are depressed without being very consumer
oriented, right being consumerism, you know, they're not into
consumerism. But that is definitely one thing that people
are depressed because they see other people in their locality who
have, you know, X number of cars, or this many other investments and
businesses, why can't even though they quite satisfied. I just
listened to somebody who said that when they were making a huge
amount of money, he said that he had, I don't know 15 or 17 cars,
right in in his garage or house or whatever. I mean, can you imagine
the size of his house that you got 1516 cars, right? But he said
eventually, right? I did that. But eventually and this is not even a
very religious person. I'm talking about just a worldly person who
has come out of that now. Right? He said, eventually they all
they became a burden, a liability because I can't even drive all of
them. I can only drive one at one time. But all of them need to be
driven so that
They can be maintained, you have to tax them, you have to look
after them mot them, I mean, who's going to do all of that hassle.
And once you've got, you know, a nice car, then behind the wheel,
it's all the same afterwards. To be honest, if you look at it
today, if you do have a special car, you're probably not using the
majority of the features in there that you've paid for.
How many of you have a four wheel drive?
Right, but you're never going to need it. Because you don't even do
off roading.
You don't live in very hilly areas, either. You know what I'm
trying to say? I remember I was looking for the car. So one of
them had near the ceiling, and they had these pedals that you can
change the gears with and the other one didn't. So when he said
look that doesn't have that I said, I'm never gonna use those.
But yeah, let me just get that as a feature, I may need it one day.
And the car companies know this. So a lot of the stuff in there
that you get to the majority will not even use most of that. But
because you can get it and it just feels good to have it. And because
it makes it better than is the next class up. It's the next model
up, you just want to get it because you just think you need
This is what's killing a lot of people. My advice usually is you
know what be functional in this world and practical.
be functional in this world. What that means is that get an
expensive product if it provides a function for you, if you really
need it. But if you don't need it, then suffice with whatever you do
need. Don't get it for somebody else. So I know somebody who very
wealthy guy, he wants to buy me an iPhone. Like he looks at me he's
like, I need to get you an iPhone, you need to have an iPhone. I said
I want an iPhone. He's been telling me for two, three years
that you need an iPhone. So when an iPhone, he gets a brand new
iPhone every year, he doesn't even put a case on it.
Because to be honest, phones are weird with cases. I don't
understand why they make phones that way we need a case on top
majority of people have cases. Right? And the cases cost as much
as a phone cost 10 years ago.
cases now cost me at least for my phone. 5060 pounds, you could buy
a pound, you could buy a phone 10 years ago, 40 pounds. It's just
going crazy to all this. Right?
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. He told me the last time I met him a
few weeks ago, he said, Look, I've still got one year old phone.
I'm not getting this year, I'm gonna get it next year. I said,
Well, hamdulillah that's that's an improvement.
Right? You don't need it, it works. There's nothing new coming
out in these phones anymore. They've reached that they've
reached the top Anyway, before they were new innovations. But
this is what we're getting stuck in. So don't ever get anything
because somebody else has got it. This is a massive problem in our
communities. Be yourself? Get it because you need it if you need
it. So be functional in life. Just be functional. Is this functional?
Is this practical? Is this needed? That's what you asked yourself,
and then you will be more happy insha Allah?
How do you get rid of the hills of the dunya the simplest way to get
rid of the greed of the world at least minimize it, when I say get
rid of it, we want to minimize it and then get rid of it. Right? So
because I don't want to suggest something and then it doesn't go
away. And then they think that hey, that doesn't work. It takes a
while. Unless Unless sometimes we you go through some really special
you go through some really special situation, which could be a very
bad situation that then teaches us the, the the, you know the value
of this world basically. But the way to minimize it is just to
focus on the hereafter
in the sense that our real life is the hereafter. If I don't get that
now, and I restrained myself the way the Sahaba did, for example,
I'm going to be given a much greater thing in the hereafter.
Number one, number two, I don't really need it. I don't care about
what somebody else has. I want to be my own person. I want to defy
be defined by myself, not in comparison to another person. So
if I need it, I'll get it. If I don't need it, I'm not going to
get it. That's the only way you can cut. The only way that you can
cut away from this world is to focus on the hereafter, which is
the reality for us. The more we focus on the reality, so read a
book on on the hereafter, so that it becomes more clear about what
paradise is what Hellfire is, but especially about the delights of
paradise. Think about that. And we have a whole series actually, I
don't know how many lectures on the great things about parallel
the delights of paradise. It's on our channel, ZamZam Academy
channel, you can check it up there. We've also got one that we
completed more recently after that on all the descriptions of
hellfire as well. So check that out as well. But that's the way to
focus and really understand the hereafter and the small time that
we have in this world. And to know that we're just going to be in
pain if you get too indulgent in this world, and then to divide
A lot of contentment
to develop contentment, satisfaction what you have, may
Allah make it easy and ask Allah for satisfaction.
When you're making I mean, this question is only coming up based
on misunderstanding. You know when I said that a lot of the time it's
were Muslims that we miss understand Allah, how can you do
dua to Allah and not remember him?
Doing dua to Allah is his remembrance. But that means that
you don't understand dua, I don't know who this person is. So I'm
just saying this in general, right? So don't take it personal.
But really, that's what it is. You haven't understood the philosophy
of dua, that's why you're thinking that you're not connected to
Allah. Yes. If you're a person, I mean, maybe the question is that,
you know, I don't pray, I don't cover I don't do this. I don't do
that. But I'm just going to pray to Allah. Right? If that's the
question that has a different answer, okay? The answer to that
is, you can still pray to Allah keep that, that window open to
Allah, that still a window to Allah, I don't want to diminish
that aspect. Any connection with Allah is a good thing. All right.
But you definitely are.
Putting on the AC you can say and leaving all the windows open, and
the doors open everything else. So it's like, you know, if you want
to, if you want Allah to accept you, you have to show him I'm
going to do something for you as well. Allah can give you, Allah
can give you and you can disobey Him. But then his giving may not
have Baraka in it,
in the sense that it's not going to give you the satisfaction, then
what's the point of that? It needs to be more holistic, but I will
still say you carry on with that window to Allah and you slowly,
slowly or fast fast, try to start becoming a lot more closer to
Allah by fulfilling the other obligations. The person who is
asked this question definitely has a concern. That's why they're
asking this question. They just waiting for an opening, right of i
can start. So I can definitely not say that your DUA will not be
answered just because you don't, but you're not improving the
chances. Let's put it that way. I can't dictate Allah, Allah can
give who he wants. He knows what's in your heart. But generally
speaking, if somebody is disobeying Allah and violating
Allah's commands, and they asked him on the side, that's just like,
I know, Allah is very generous, right? But that's not the way to
do it. Right? That's not the way to do it. So slowly, slowly, start
improving, start doing those things. And you see, now the other
aspects of the DUA, is that do are the profits or loss and call it
worship? That used to confuse me, how can they be worshipped when
we're selfishly asking something? And we see worship and devotion is
offering something to Allah? What are you offering to Allah into?
you actually asking him to give you you're not giving him
anything, are you but a prophet saw some called it worship? Then I
figured out what it really is, is that when you ask Allah, it means
you realize that only He can give you and nobody else can. And I'm
in need of Him. And that is worship, that is an element of
worship. So dua is worship. So you are doing some worship, you just
need to do more worship?
Yeah, that's a big topic, right, is that if sometimes you you don't
argue back in a dispute, and just to keep the family ties and so on,
that doesn't mean it's going to go away sometimes actually makes it
worse. Right. So
I did not cover that aspect in detail. I was just saying that
usually that if you can help it that you don't want to be doing it
right. However, in that particular scenario, in that situation, you
need to find a way to sort it out. So before the next argument
ensues, we need to find a way to go and speak to this person. And
sometimes some people are mashallah very difficult to
change. So I know this isn't going to help everybody. But you try to
change the person by doing some changing your tact. So having a
conversation with them from before that, look, let's just not do
these issues deal with these issues. Let's just agree to
disagree, for example, or let's resolve it. If you can't do that
yourself, try to bring somebody else in to discuss the third
person who can try to solve the issue or at least let the other
person know that look, there is no benefit in having this discord.
Sometimes you are dealing with a parent, for example, or a child or
a brother or sister are just nasty, right? And you just can't
change them, then you just do the best. And that's going to be a
practical scenario or just to the best to avoid, which basically
could I mean, it's just that sometimes a double edged sword you
just can't win. So one I would say is minimize your meeting. Like go
there. Pay your respects say what you have to you know, do what you
have to do and then go and don't sit around for hours, but that's
going to become a contention as well then for some people, they
don't sit with us. Some some things you just won't win. I don't
have an answer to everything. But all I would say is think out of
the box to see how you might be able to resolve this or minimize
this because there's no magic and make a lot of dua for them. And a
dua that helps me a lot
Like if I have a little misunderstanding with somebody I
tried to read this door straightaway. Allahu Elif Bina
Colombina Allahu Ursula Dube, Nina, Oh Allah, reconcile between
our hearts.
And reform the matter. The affair between us reform that matter.
Between us. It helps is just there are some people, they just want to
be stubborn. They just they they thrive on just being a nuisance.
Allah help us. Yeah, but the thing is that the best sometimes just
being quiet is not going to help because the other person gets even
more angry, if you're quiet. They want to fight. You understand what
I'm saying? I'm just telling you in the various different people
out there. That's why I said that try to use somebody else to get
through to them that look, this is not beneficial.
Right, and then make dua for them. So yes, sometimes being quiet
definitely helps because the other person just wants to vent. And
then once he's vented is fine. Now, something interesting that I
learned some time ago is that when an event happens to irritate you,
and the anger that welds up, what that means is essentially is that
the cortisol is received is released in your body. Right? So
you know, when something bad happens, an event that takes
place, and you get angry, what that is, that's a release of
hormones. They say that that literally lasts for about 90
seconds on average for most people. So after 90 seconds, you
should be able to just control yourself. Right? You get over that
anger, you control yourself.
So you can't carry on and keep being angry
with those things. But anyway, we're getting off track. The main
thing is, try another way. Try another way, if being silent
doesn't help. If being silent helps, great idea. You will be
you'll be rewarded. Because one thing that really helps me in any
conflict that I have, even though I know I'm right in I think I'm
right at least right. That's the worst part when you think you're
right. And then you still want to argue, right? In fact, it's
probably worse if you think you're wrong. And you still argue that's
the worst part. But most people don't do that.
Meaning they're wrong, but they don't think they're wrong. That's
even worse, actually.
They're wrong. They don't even think they're wrong. They think
they're right. That's the worst part of it. That's compound
ignorance. The hadith says that if you leave an argument and abandon
an argument,
and you're wrong to start with, which means that you must be
somebody who was wrong, who was odd, and then realize, you know
what, there's this hadith who heard it afterwards. So you know
what, I better give up. Right? They get a house on the outskirts
of paradise, on the sides of paradise to get a house there,
they get rewarded, even though they were wrong to start with.
And if you're correct, and you're on the right anyway, and you still
give up arguing when it's not worth it and to argue you get a
place in the middle of paradise.
So that's, that's what incentivizes me sometimes to avoid
an argument.
Right, so keep that in mind Inshallah, that will help. Okay,
the last question, and we got a question from brother here. A
simple vicar regimen, that I would I would suggest that within two
three weeks you'll you'll have a level of contentment inshallah is
100. So far in the morning, and then 100 in the evening. The
benefit of 100 in the morning is that whatever has happened during
the night, you get forgiven, stuck for 100 times with the with the
consciousness of it, and then in the evening, so that one of our
days misdeeds are gone.
After the 100 is still far we follow that up with 100 Durood.
the benefit of the Salawat and the prophets Allah Salam is that once
you purified ourselves with the SFR we are seeking blessing the
prophecy Rossum said we have a sixth sense one blessing on him,
Allah has sent 10 blessings on them and we need those blessings.
Right? So we're sending a blessing to the promise of sallallahu
alayhi wasallam. And Allah sends us 10 blessings. So that's number
two, morning and evening. All right, number three
ilaha IL Allah, some of these Quran reading with at least one or
two pages a day with constant with a focus on the meaning.
Just reflection, right. And number four is some meditation. This is
along with all of the salaat and everything you do some meditation,
right? So there's multiple types of meditation, meditation means
he's spending 510 minutes just purely with Allah. No
distractions, takes a long time to get that full concentration. But
you do this right, what you do is you just lower your head.
Close your eyes and you lower your head. In fact, you can try it
right now for a few seconds, close your eyes, close our eyes and
lower our head and just imagine that Allah's mercy and His light
is descending on our heart, that he's showering down, and it's
removing all the darkness is from our heart. And once we thought of
that, and we focused on the heart, then we just start imagining that
our heart starts to say hola, hola. Hola. Hola.
Allah Allah just take Allah's name from the heart, not your tongue.
You literally sit down and do that for five to 710 minutes and
shaitan will distract you like crazy. But once you develop the
focus, you will see the benefit of that
right? And that's it just start with that much and then see how it
goes inshallah
So, miniature doe
Allah bless you guys, man hamdulillah Masha Allah
Hamdulillah I mean, I mean, we don't read those questions right?
From the sisters.
Yeah, there's a lot more on this on this topic on our website. Zum
zum Academy, right. Keep us in your doors. Just make a quick
alarm and the Scylla warming Casilla metabolically idle jewelry
very calm. Allahu Mejia. You have a huge medical history here.
Hernan Yom Ananda Ilaha illa Allah subhana que now could nomina by
the mean? Yeah, Allah have mercy on us. Oh Allah, Allah protect us.
Yeah, Allah bless us and our families, protect us and our
families, especially our children from all of the temptations and
the challenges which are out there. Oh Allah make us good role
models for our own children. of Allah Allah Allah bless our
brothers and sisters around the world of Allah remove their
afflictions, their subjugation, oppression of Allah grant them
their freedom, especially in those our brothers in Palestine, grant
them their freedom, their dignity, their honor of Allah, Allah accept
them artists, and oh Allah grant steadfastness to those who have
been injured and others, oh Allah grant them their resilience, and
oh Allah allow us to do that which is correct. Allow us to do that
which is productive in this world that is practical in this world of
Allah that is beneficial in this world of Allah protect us from our
from distractions are Allah from temptations from indulgences. And
Oh ALLAH from obsessions with those things that are not right to
have obsessions with, Oh Allah grant us contentment and
satisfaction. Now Allah accept us of Allah accept us and fulfill our
law, improve our spirituality of Allah revive our dead hearts, Oh
Allah, revive our dead hearts, revive our dead hearts. And Allah
bless and take Allah bless this place and take it from strength to
strength and protect it and all of our institution and massage it
around the world Subhan Allah because mobilized at your mercy
for when I was Saddam and also, you know,
the point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic
essentials certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the
end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of
the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well. JazakAllah Heron salaam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.