Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Umm Habiba The Early Convert to Islam
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So Omar Habiba was a convert obviously, right? Her real name is
actually Rambla. Aranmula
and she becomes a more Habiba because she has a child with that
name. Her father is the famous initially notorious Abu Sufyan
about Sophia and who's that's his title. His real name is soccer.
Soccer means a boulder, right if you heard the son of war, they
will actually give these frightening
dramatic names to people because you know, it was a warring
factions you know, environment at that time and if you had that kind
of name, you already struck fear in your you know, in your in your
enemy. So, his name was about Sophia and suffer son of herb
IGNOU Omega Ibni Abdi shrimps. So omega, that's why they call the
Benu omega the children will Mejia that whole family becomes known as
Ben omega, right.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Baraka was seldom at the
Sleeman Kathira on Eli Iommi, Dean Amma bird call Allah with the
baraka Ouattara Phil Quran in Nigeria will for Colonial Hamid
Yanni certain be listed nugget ahead a minute Nisa
in it taka tuna Fela Tada and Nabil Cole sada Kola we'll have
him. What we're going to discuss
is the biographies of the famous women around the messenger of
allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then later on, I think it's
really important because humans learn from role models,
whether you read about them,
and whether you can see them. I mean, if you can see a role model,
then that's the best because humans love to emulate and copy.
When you can't see somebody when you can't be with somebody and the
best of the people. We're around the messenger of allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and probably among all of the message or among
all the people around the Prophet sallallahu Simola Sahaba 124,000
or more. Probably the most knowledgeable about the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam were those that were in his household.
And probably said, Allahu Allahu wa sallam gave us a number of
examples and facilitated that through a number of the Omaha,
meaning the Mothers of the Believers, the special title given
to the Blessed wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. So while we should actually be starting with Khadija,
the Allahu anha, I actually want to start off with OMO Habiba, Radi
Allahu Allah, I want to speak about her life and see what we can
learn from that what was so special about her, because having
been in the household of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam,
and married to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Some of that
had to rub off. I mean, she was initially the daughter of one of
the greatest enemies of Islam, for her to then go into, literally,
the enemy's house, the enemy of her father and her mother,
or the wife of abusive, young, and then to Subhanallah, you know,
become what she did. That is an amazing idea. That's against all
odds that is taking on something against all odds, and against the
pressures of your family, which is something that people are really,
really, really struggling with nowadays, one of the biggest
forces in anybody's life, at any time is going to be their culture.
Because everybody around them, those that are closest to them,
those who matter for them, right, those who do things for them,
those they rely on, they do things in a certain way. And if that way
is wrong, if that way is blameworthy, if that way, has
shortcomings, then it's very difficult for somebody to go out
of the way.
If somebody wants to be different, and they're willing to be
different from before, then they find it easy, but most people
aren't, don't have that kind of courage. The majority of people
are followers, they just conformist. Majority of people
just conform to what's going on around them, even if they hate it.
Even if they disagree with it. They just somehow
satisfy themselves. They just somehow convinced themselves this
just somehow ignore it. And then they just carry on and they carry
on. And then they die that way. And it's really sad because
they've just wasted huge amount of potential. And this has been a
struggle throughout. So generally the person who wants to go against
the grain. They find it easy to be become Nonconformist, but then the
problem with them is that they might just go the completely wrong
way. So they need to go the right way. It's just easier for them.
Everybody should think about this. And one way to do this is to
obviously find other people that think the same way. And then you
can see
for one another, how difficult it is to wear hijab in a family that
has never worn hijab and think that it's for somebody else, it's
not for them. It's below them. It's inferiority for them. Right?
It's an inferior act for them. And it's inferior anyway. Right? It's
so difficult. It is so difficult, but Subhanallah This is where we
get our role models from that when against some of the most difficult
things. Most of the challenges that are faced by our Muslim brand
sisters today are not covered challenges. Yes, for some of our
converts, that's the big challenge. They've already taken a
major step of coming out of the gopher and disbelief for us
Muslims, meaning who are born as Muslims, the challenge is never as
great as covered. But sometimes it seems like it's actually worse
than that it may be easier to convert, you know, to Islam, than
to become conforming to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. That's
why some converts are really, really surprised that Muslims
can't take that smallest step. And they've taken a bigger step from
one faith to the next. And these people just, you know, they've
literally gone from one house to one building to another, and these
guys can't just move from one room to another, from a bedroom to a
good room of the same building. Right? They've literally migrated,
you can say, from one country to the other, and Muslims can't
literally move from one one little area to another area. Right. I
know it's difficult, but it we can learn a lot from converts, and
what they've, what they've achieved, the sacrifices they've
made, and they put us to shame sometimes. Subhanallah so OMO
Habiba was a convert, obviously, right, her real name is actually
Rumbler. Aranmula.
And she becomes a more Habiba because she has a child with that
name. Her father is the famous initially notorious Abu Sufyan
about Sophia who's, that's his title. His real name is soccer.
Soccer means a boulder, right if you heard the son of war, they
will actually give these frightening
dramatic names to people because you know, it was a warring
factions, you know, environment at that time and if you had that kind
of name, you already struck fear in your in your in your enemy. So
his name was Sophia and suffer son of herb IGNOU Omega Ibni, Abdi
shrimps. So omega, that's why they call the blue omega the children
who may or that whole family becomes known as Ben omega. Right?
Her her mother, her mother was Sofia bint Abu last. That was her
mother's name. And interestingly, her mother was the
the auntie, the father, sister, paternal aunt of Earthman, or the
Alana was one of them is the same family but Omiya in that same
family, so she
is the anti authoritarian. So basically, you can say Omar Habiba
Rumbler, was a cousin sister of Earthman, or the Allah one, right?
She's born about 17 years before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam hits
40 years of age. So that means when he's about what 23 or
something, so before he becomes a prophet about 17 years,
and she gets married initially to a guy called Obaidullah. IGNOU
geohash Obey the law, ignore Jash right? Obey the law is the little
worshipper, the young worshipper. Abdullah means the servant of
Allah obeyed means the the little servant, it's just the diminutive
to show a small
so Judea just means a little girl. Giardia means the girl but God
means like a proper little girl. Right? That's, that's what God
means. And anything that sounds like that means a little. Alright.
that's who she got married to initially. And she, they both
became Muslim together. They both became Muslim together. And they
were mashallah part of that first group of people that migrated to
Abbey Sr, which had that wonderful, kind, generous,
dignified and honorable Christian king. That's where they moved to
flee the persecution that was happening in Medina in Makkah
Makara at the time, so that's where they went. And I don't know
he, this husband of hers got a bit excited with the Christianity down
there. Right. And the leader of the king of Abilene at the Negus
he ends up becoming Muslim later on, this guy ends up becoming
Christian. And he started drinking and everything and now when your
husband in many traditional homes and in those days it was
traditional Allahu item. You know, if the husband does something the
wife generally gets compelled.
To do the same thing, and you just follow suit, in most cases, but
this shows her leadership. This shows her firm commitment herself.
Now remember her father is an enemy. He has not become Muslim
He's against Islam. She tells him that look, we escaped all of that.
tries to convince him, but he starts drinking and enjoying
himself, right? And
she leaves him, right? She says, No, I'm not going to change. I'm
going to remain a Muslim. And then eventually he dies. So he dies.
And what's really interesting is that she finishes her into her
waiting period.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has probably has
definitely found out about this. So he sends Armorican Omiya, a
dormitory, right? To Niger Sheikh to this Christian king, he sends
him there to Abyssinia and says I'm proposing to OMO Habiba.
Right. And
interestingly, omo Habiba has seen a dream as well.
In which he she sees her husband in this bad state, and tells him
about it, no, wakes up the next morning, and that's the day he
becomes a Christian. And she says, Look, I've seen a bad dream about
you, but he didn't want to listen, you know, once you get this idea
of just freedom, this false sense of freedom, right? Then that means
it becomes very difficult for you to go and conform again, you know,
it's very difficult. So anyway, he dies and then he she gets this
Now look at this, right, this is really interesting. And this is
something that I think I have not seen happening nowadays.
Naja, she has a has one of his female servants called Abraha.
Okay, I know Abraha there was a man called Abraham, but her name
is Abraham. Right. I don't know if that's aerobicized if that's the
original Abyssinian way of saying it. So he sends her to OMO Habiba
in her house after she's finished her ID that we've just received a
proposal from the professor because a professor or somebody is
there back in, you know, in Arabia in the mainland, and he's known as
a senior, that he wants us to marry you to him.
You need to and we learn something raises the Negus tells her that
you need to appoint a representative. Right? So can you
that's where we get this idea so while a woman is if she did do the
Nika on her own and represented herself it would be valid, but
it's generally a sunnah to have a male represent her. Okay? So she
designates Holly debusschere eid an ummah we
as her
as her representative. Now, she is so excited by this proposal that
immediately when that when abre that when that female servant of
Najafi comes to give it to her, she has two bracelets. And
Turing's made of gold. She just takes that off and gives it to
This is really interesting. It looks like this was the tradition
of the time because when Khabib nomadic Radi Allahu anhu, who
somehow got left left behind from the expedition of the book.
And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam didn't speak to him and he
lied even Omiya
another Sahabi for 40 to 50 days. And then eventually, Allah
subhanaw taala revealed that they've been forgiven the person
who came to give him that glad tiding he took off his shirt. Gab
took off his shirt and gave it to him he says this is your gift. So
it looks like there was this there was this tradition in those days
that when somebody brought you good information, exciting
you would actually give them a gift. So she gives her those
things as a gift.
Then what happens is that Najafi brings all the Muslims together
remember Jaffa the Allah when the cousin for salAllahu alayhi salam
is one of the prominent leaders, brings them all together, and they
have a feast. Now this is really really interesting because
remember, there's this can't be a walima yet, technically, because
the professor hasn't consumated his married they have not met one
another yet.
So this might give us an idea that if somebody wants to feed in
happiness for their marriage being done, right, even before the
walima, there is a backing for it as many traditions do. But this is
just something that happened. I mean, some people might say, well,
this is what Naja she decided to do on his own behalf. And whether
he was a Muslim at that time or not, we don't know according to
some traditions. Yes, he had become a Muslim by now. Or at
least when He then sent OMO Habiba because she was alone now and she
was made from slavery Selim was in, in Arabia in the mainland, he
then sent with some trustworthy people he sent her to the Prophet
sallallahu sallam. Now before that, though, when
The Mahara amount was given, which was there's different opinion
whether it was 400 dinars or was it 400. Durham's, there is a
difference of opinion, when that was given to OMO Habiba, she
called this Abraha and said,
that day I actually wanted to give you some money. But all I had I
didn't have any cash at that time. I only had the jewelry so that's
why I gave that to here take some of this money now as well. And
abre her she'd been she'd spoken to Nejat she about this and he
said, Look, you can't take anything from a sister. No, I
can't take anything from you. I'm giving this back to you as well.
Alright, so that's really interesting. Anyway, she she
comes. And
this was in the sixth or seventh year of Hijra six or seven year
video, she comes to Madina, Munawwara and the Prophet Sal
awesome is in labor at that time, and she was approximately 36 or 37
years old when this happens. So now Masha Allah, she enters the
household of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam.
Her brother is somebody who later becomes a Muslim as well and
becomes one of the greatest leaders that we have which is Maha
Vihara, the Allah one who becomes the Hadith after Hasson or the
Allah and after it really I'm the pastor and has some of the Allahu
Anhu transferred the Khilafah over to him, and then mashallah, the
stability for the next 10 or so years again, and he was a master
that, you know, tactician politician and mashallah, he
bought a lot of stability and a lot of expansion, you know, to the
Muslim lands as well. That was her brother, right? So eventually OMO
Habiba the Allahu Allah passes away in 44 Hijiri. Right, which
is, you know, many years after the Prophet salallahu Salam she had
she had remained and then she gets buried
in Madina, Munawwara right, she was about 73 years at the time,
before she passes away, and again, this is something else that we
learned from this before she passes away.
She approaches has a shot of the Allahu anha
and almost salamati Allahu Anhu these are two of her co wives.
Now, I'm not sure if that's if these two are mentioned because
they were the only ones around at that time or maybe they're the
ones that she may have had more issues with because as CO wives
you know, they there's some really interesting amusing in fact, and
you know, I just wonder what the how the profits or loss have
managed it right?
Little issues between them. So, she went to them to ask for
forgiveness. I shouted the Allah one has says that I have forgiven
you and said that may Allah subhanaw taala, forgive as well.
And Masha Allah, she said that I'm so happy, I'm so happy that you've
made me happy by doing this giving me your blessings, basically. And
may Allah subhanaw taala make you happy as well. So that just shows
you the the forgiveness aspects, you know, we learn about that. And
if Allah subhanaw taala can actually give us the ability to
seek forgiveness before we die. That's amazing, rather than having
to die suddenly, with these leftover balances. And Madonna has
mentioned the Hadith recently, a friend of mine, his father was
passing away. He was on life support. And then there was this
discussion about whether they should take the life support off
or take him off the machine or not. So I said, Look, if he's
already done all this Toba and he's paid his debts, and he's
asked the real forgiveness, then it's fine. Otherwise, because he
was in a lot of pain, right? He was in a lot of pain. So the idea
was, should we just leave it to Allah? Or should we just keep him
on there sedated or whatever? I said, look, it's a good idea if
you can just bring him back to at least seek forgiveness and
mashallah, you know, because that's amazing if we can seek
forgiveness and
clear everything up. That's amazing. So we learned that from
there as well. She was supposed according to the Hadith in Sahih
Muslim you know, the biographers I've looked, have mentioned this,
that once Abu Sofia and said about his daughter, that in the US and
allowed to be what age men who are more Habiba that I have one of the
best of the Arab women, and one of the most beautiful of the Arab
women are more Habiba. So that tells us that she was actually a
very, very beautiful woman, but there's a lot more to you know,
along with her physical beauty mashallah, she had a number of
other things she there's about 6565 Hadith narrations from her
you will find in scattered in the books of Hadith. That's not bad.
Actually. 65 is a good number. That's a lot more than some of the
male Sahaba right. And a number of Sahaba have actually and there'll
be enough actually related from her. So she transmitted these
Hadith to them. For example,
Abdullah Narottama, Abu Sofia lymphocyte, the McAfee Salim even
OCR will Jarrah and Sofia, Binti Shaybah Xena been to me Salama,
Ottawa Agnes Zubayr Abu Salah has some man sharib Noho Cheb. So both
male and female, you know had transmitted from her
in terms of a HELOC and her character. She was known to be
very, very particular very, very strong in her faith. Right. She
wasn't a person that would, you can say, Take looking for easy
ways. She was very particular. Right? She was very strong on her
faith. I mean, she had to be to leave the home of an enemy. Right,
and her father and come to Islam, and then, you know, obviously you
can tell what that was. On one occasion. What happened is that
after the conquest of Makkah, right, Abu Sufyan is not a Muslim
yet, but he's been he's been subdued. Right? He's been
he's basically all the venom has been taken up because he's seen
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, has just
walked into Maka Maka, Rama so he's at Mercy now. All right. So,
he comes to Madina Munawwara to visit the prophets, Allah wa salam
to negotiate or to talk to him or to plead with him. And obviously,
he goes to his daughter's house, like, that's his daughter. So he
goes to his daughter's house. And, you know, in those days you had
they had small rooms, right, the prophets, a lot of them had small
rooms, so each one of one of his wives, and the only place to sit
down didn't have chairs, right. So the only place to sit down was
actually you can say the, the kind of crude mattress of the Prophet
sallallahu ism that he would sleep on, right when he would be with
her. So what she did was, that was the only place to sit but what she
did I mean, souhan I just don't know how you do this. But she went
and rolled it up so that her father wouldn't sit on there. And
of course, he gets angry. Right? And he says
he got very angry and he says, Why kind of sit down? He says, because
you're still Mushrik and Mushrik are impure. Your policies and
policies that employ impure I'm not sure if she was referred, she
must have been referring to the verse in the Quran in nama in the
militia gonna just write although that means they are key that is
not just they don't physically have to be impure, but she said,
No, you can't sit on the blessitt bed of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
He probably just shook his head. And then he said, After me, you've
just been messed up. Right? You just can't understand her. But I
guess he must have really respected that afterwards when he
finally became Muslim. Right? So she was very particular about,
you know, following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam,
sunnah. Once she told somebody off, that actually, in Shem, tell
him, the person had eaten something that had been cooked
with fire. So not not food that had just been prepared without
fire, but something that been cooked. And initially in Islam,
there was this. There's some Hadith which indicate this. And
this might have been a ruling in the beginning, but it's no longer
a ruling that anything that has been cooked on fire would break
your will do if you touched if you ate it. So that means gone, repeat
your will do. But that's there's many studies which show that that
might have been something in the early phases and no longer the
case. But she made him do will do at that time. Right. So that was
at that point. Now when Abu Sufyan died, that's her father who's
dying. It mentions that she wasn't one to put perfume and fragrance
and everything on but she just to follow the Sunnah. Right? What she
did was, it didn't say exactly when she did it. So she put some
fragrance on.
And she said that the Prophet salallahu Islam has said that
we're not allowed to mourn for more than three days. So she was
just making a point that look, I'm not morning anymore. Alright,
just to make that point, that I am not wanting anyone to follow the
Sunnah, and I will tell other people about it.
Except she says, For a woman whose husband has died, she's the only
one who is allowed to be in that state without fragrance and all of
that kind of stuff for four months and 10 days, or better actually
want Ashra
that doesn't mean that after that you have to wear it, but it says
that there's a provision to wear during that time. Okay. Once she
heard the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which
said that anybody who's regular on 12 rakaats in the day, right of
the novel, Sunnah prayer, right? They get a house in paradise.
So then she says that for Marbury to sell li Hiner bamboo, like I've
never stopped praying them since that day. I've never stopped
reading so the 12 Extra and basically what they are the way we
count them is to Ricketts before Fajr the Sooners for accounts
before though her which we generally do a supermarket that
anyway and that's why we call them supermarket that has six just
count with me two records after the order. That is one that's
eight tour gods of the mothership 10 and tour guards up to Asia.
That's 12 So that's why we've considered them to be the strongly
emphasized Sooners. Alhamdulillah I think most of us here do those
anyway. So may Allah subhanaw taala give us a house in Jana, as
Well, she was very, very, you can say soft hearted and very focused
on Allah, despite all odds now this is a really interesting story
that's mentioned about her. Once she said to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, that why don't you marry my sister as well?
So practice, I was shocked, because most of the waves they
wouldn't like it. Even though there are so many waves there.
They wouldn't like it. Like I showed the element. She found her
son married Joe ADEA, or the hola Juana. She actually didn't like
it. And for otherwise, when you married them as well, because
everybody wanted exclusive exclusivity. Right? So but he or
she is saying that why don't you marry my sister? So the person who
said that it has something you'd like he was just surprised? Like,
is that something you would like? So this is her response? She said
that? Yes. Because I'm not your exclusive wife anyway. Like, it's
not just me alone anyway, you've got others. And I would like it
that she also gets the honor of, of marrying you. But it's not
allowed to marry two sisters, at once, two sisters at once. Just
goes to show her clean heartedness in that regard. And there's a
number of other stories and things related about her. But I think
this goes to give us an understanding of the kind of women
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam chose, and how they become our
role models. And the kind of strength that I get that that's
given, of, of what kind of
o'clock and character that they had.
And what we can learn from that the strength of her Eman that
despite her husband going away, and becoming something else, she
stays strong, and like with what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam has promised, what Allah has promised, is that with every
difficulty comes ease. And we have this in our tradition that anytime
you bear patiently,
a severity in your life, Allah tends to give you something
greater afterwards as a reward for that. And here, there's an example
of that she gets eventually married to the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam, after going through all of that difficulty, she gets
something much, much better. May Allah subhana wa Tada allow us to
benefit from these people. And may Allah allow us to meet with these
people in the Hereafter? May Allah elevate them, they made their way
but may Allah allow us to follow in the glorious footsteps. Lastly,
read that one annual hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. The point of a
lecture is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration
and encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start
learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and
to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,
so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan courses so that you can actually
take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,
especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we
have on there, the Islamic essentials certificate, which you
take 20 Short modules and at the end of that inshallah you will
have gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam
and you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave
lectures behind you can continue to live, you know, to listen to
lectures, but you need to have this more sustained study as well
as local law here and Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa