Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Treatise For The Seekers Of Guidance Part 28 The Endless Harms of a Moment of Sin
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The speakers discuss the negative impact of distraction and addiction habit factors on personal and professional lives. They emphasize the importance of being patient and restraining oneself, as well as the need for forgiveness and laughter. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding activities and not getting rid of them, as it is difficult to achieve goals in addiction. The segment also touches on the "monster" situation and its potential for future struggles.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
Salatu was Salam ala say you didn't Mursaleen. While early he
was Safi or Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on a laomi
Deen Allah bad.
The author, Imam Maha CB,
who's considered to be one of the greatest in this field, and his
book is extremely considered to be an extremely important book in the
subject of foundational text. So
the last time we covered this aspect that was the miroir tuna
laferla. Avoid places that lead to heedlessness that cause you
distraction from Allah subhanho wa taala. And as we discussed that,
that was something very difficult to do nowadays, because the
distraction is, in our very hands, you don't even have to go anywhere
to be distracted, you can be distracted alone with your phone.
Then he talks about
berawa Shaha, which is the addiction of
the addiction, the pull
to desires, when it becomes a and this is probably one of the
biggest things that anybody deals with, in terms of in the past to
Allah subhanaw taala, even the serious ones that want to be close
to Allah subhanaw taala probably one of the biggest challenges is
dealing with this aspect is that I just love these particular things
too much.
And I can't get out of it. They just create too much desire in me
and they fulfill a certain type of desire. And we become slaves of
these things. So it becomes very, very difficult. That's I would say
it's probably one of our biggest problems.
So now, if the pm Rahim Allah He has some real good advice about
this. You saying that, if you if we if you if we try to think about
what the consequence of this is going to be. Slowly, slowly, we
tried to think about the consequence. While we're about to
embark on an act of shadow and the shadow and the desire has taken
over, and we just can't avoid it,
then it's very difficult to think about things at that time. Because
the the shuffle at the desire clouds our mind, you got no time
to think at that time. We're single minded at that time, we're
very tunnel visioned. Just like a person who's just cross eyed with
love, there's nothing that can show any defect, otherwise,
somebody would have to probably slap him out of that. We don't
want to slip from Allah subhanaw taala. Because that would be
really, to be it to be honest, I mean, I'm sure those who are
serious, wouldn't even mind the slap from Allah subhanaw taala
that would be better off than actually getting involved in the
in the Haram desire that it was. So the way to do it would be to
constantly be thinking about how bad it is. Because by constantly
thinking when we're not in that state, generally when a person
commits a shower, then after that they regret it immediately
But it's about doing it in a neutral time as well. So that may
be by doing so we will then put into place measures that will help
us avoid the situation to start with. Because generally for most
shouts, there are triggers.
There are triggers, there are two aspects there are triggers. As
soon as you see them. As soon as you think about them, as soon as
they are brought in front of us, somebody mentions them or
whatever. They create a leap, a relapse. And this any addiction
study would show you that. There's huge amounts of studies for that.
But number two, there's also the habit factor.
You can only be addicted to something if you have a habit. And
the knifes once it's pull it once it's fixed. I was just reading
about a drug addict the other day. For the last 20 years, this woman
has been a drug drug addict on heroin. And basically the
questions to her. What do you think about when you get up in the
morning? I think about getting my next fix. What do you think about
in the afternoon, about getting my next fix? What do you think about
in the evening just about getting my next fix.
Because she says that by the time I've managed to get it, do it.
It's nearly time for the next one. She has lost her children in this.
She's lost her husband, she's lost everything. And she has to resort
to petty crime in order to try to feed this habit. She has been in
and out of prison numerous times. But that's just all part of the
lifestyle right now. That is what the addiction has committed has
created. Now we understand that to be a we generally think that
that's a different kind of addiction to our addiction to
other forms of sin that are not considered to be illegal, that are
not supposed to be maybe chemical in nature. This we can understand
we can do studies is a chemical reaction, so on. But there's the
same thing now that we know about concepts of dopamine and estrogen
and all of these other things addiction in terms of shadow worth
and desire.
They also fall into that same thing.
My belief is, but I don't think anybody wants to research it. And
the reason is that it's too much based on faith, you're to the
modern world is too much based on anti faith that you should be able
to do whatever you want in the postmodern world. So I don't think
there's anybody who wants to really try to link that together,
because that's going to be seen as introducing some lowly self, the
Satan devil. And all of these things are kind of mythical in
this time and age. But we know very much that this is what it is
because the reason why we do certain things is that you get
that rush in your brain makes you feel good. That's all it does. It
just makes you feel good. There's nothing happening outside
sometimes in some of the things
it's just something internal feeling that you get by watching
certain things by hearing certain things. That's all it does,
really. So this is what am Rahim Allah says in his Kitab alpha, he
says that, while I'm under sobre, Arusha, who it is Hello, Mina
Sabri Adama to gebouw Shaha.
The to be patient, to restrain yourself from the desire desire
itself from the initial haram desire is actually easier.
But in hindsight only
then to have to be then patient and persevere against the
difficulties that create that are created by the desire afterwards.
Whether that be feelings, whether that be actual manifestations of
some harm, whatever that consequences, it's actually easier
to try to avoid the shadow or the desire in the first place, then to
try to have to deal with the fallout, the consequence, the evil
influence, whatever it is. And then he says, For example, He
says, For inertia, Hua, a desire ima and to jiba element Whoa, cool
It may end up creating for you or necessitating a pain,
or even a punishment from a legal perspective. somebody steals
somebody does something else, maybe in a Muslim in a Muslim
land, they may do something else that are maybe tolerated in a non
Muslim land, but not in the Muslim land. And they'll get in
punishment for it.
They may steal something, they may get beaten up for it. So range of
Shahnawaz, it was probably easier not just not just to have taken
that thing in the first place,
then to then have to deal with all of this long term aggravation.
But if only that could be measured beforehand. And contrasted
beforehand, isn't it? That, hey, look, this is what I'm about to
do, this is what I'm going to get from it. But if something goes on,
this is what I'm going to get from it. In fact, if we do this
comparison, when we are in the throes of shower in desire, then
it actually makes the shower seem
easier. And the difficulties seem lighter. So we actually said it's
okay, I'll just do it, I won't get caught. So that's the wrong time
to think about these things in we need to prepare for it from
beforehand so that we don't even get closer to the trigger. And we
keep asking Allah subhanaw taala for help.
Now the one, it may, you may commit the shower, you may commit
that desire haram act, but then it will actually prevent you from
receiving a more superior act to it afterwards.
So we may do something. But there was supposed to be something that
would have given us greater pleasure had we waited but we
We took the lesser form for the immediate fix. Were imagined to
the year I worked on a lot to who has certain one Adama
that one is obvious, you will then end up wasting time because of
this to fulfill this desire. And afterwards, you're going to feel
such a sense of loss of why you wasted so much time. And welcome
to YouTube. You know, welcome to abundant WhatsApp and all the rest
of it. We all know that afterwards. At the end of the day,
if we really honestly look back, we feel that we've wasted a lot of
time today.
We've wasted so much time today. But at that moment, it doesn't
seem like wasting time because there's an immediate dopamine rush
in the mind. There's an immediate benefit that's being provided that
we feel so then we only have to suffer the consequences later.
Another one he says is
you may in pursuing your shadow which this one may be to do with
criticizing somebody abusing somebody
aggravating somebody that by doing whatever you do, you may be
destroying your own honor.
Had you kept it it would have been Bennett more beneficial for you to
have kept, Your Honor. I mean, this could apply to a number of
things. You've done an act and had you not
destroyed your honor in this way to gain the shower. It would have
been better for you to have had it a lot of people would understand
this. They end up doing X whether that be
Whether that be stealing, whether that be hooking up with the wrong
crowds going to a place that they shouldn't people find out. And now
the long term reaction to it, and the harm that's created by the
stigma attached to it is much worse, that you have to be patient
over that now and deal with it, it would have been easier to have
dealt with not going to the gambling place in the first place,
or not have gone to the massage parlor, or whatever it is that
people are doing, it would have been much easier to have avoided
that one hour there, then to avoid these now months, maybe years,
people will never forget, even when you want to get married or
something like that people are gonna say, you know, he was caught
doing this, then the other, the other people never forget this
kind of stuff. Like they feel that it's important to disclose it to
anybody that asks or not asks. So at the end of the day, then you
have to deal with this. So think about it in the long run.
La ilaha illa Allah and the next one is what I was explaining
earlier that either you're going to
basically be squandering your honor.
If you had kept that honor, it would have been better for you. So
there's still a loss by doing the act, then he says,
either by doing the shower, you are going to maybe end up losing a
bounty of Allah that had that bounty remained for you, you would
have benefited much more from it and gain much more pleasure from
it eventually. But you squandered it already. Allah gave you a
chance, you squandered that chance, thus, you don't get a
bigger chance. Sometimes that could have that could be for
example, a person didn't respect their spouse enough.
And then after that, when they got divorced, and now they can't find
a better spouse than that. And now they reminisce they want to go
back to their spouse, but it's impossible. Because they gave
three divorces just like that.
There could be so many different things that this could apply to
what Emma and to toric Lee, what the illegal per economia can Yoji
do have a couple of Eric, by you doing whatever act it is, you may
be opening up the path for some lowly, despicable person to have
some control over you that he did not have before.
You got involved in the wrong crowd, now you're being
You did the wrong thing, and some somebody whether that be
authorities or whoever, and are blackmailing you to do something
that is beyond your honor, but you can't help it anymore. How long is
the punishment of that now? How long will you have to suffer that
consequence, for that initial mistake that we made
another one, or it will bring about for you such anxiety, such
sadness, such grief and such despair and such fear that it was
just not worth doing the thing in the first place.
All of the anxiety and everything that now it brings upon, and then
you compare it, you will be hitting yourself, why did I do
that? Why did I allow myself to do that?
For example, one of them is questions that we generally get
somebody struck his wife, she went told the police, police report,
risk, restraining order,
prevented children taken away, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Somebody hit a child,
all of these different things.
For some people, it may even end up creating absence of knowledge.
These are more for students. Furthermore, if they get involved
in something like that, then the amount of knowledge that they
would have lost in the process is just not worth it. Whereas had
they enjoyed that knowledge and benefited themselves and others
from it, it would have been better.
You may end up this is very critical though it sounds simple.
In fulfilling the desire, you may end up
abusing a woody and a friend of Allah subhanaw taala. And then
Allah turns against you. Because Allah declares war against anybody
who troubles his earlier.
So out of shower and desire for ego egotistical reasons. Maybe
they tried to correct us in a nice way, but we didn't want to accept
it. Or maybe we just got involved in some kind of criticism for them
for whatever reason. Maybe they did do something wrong, but we
went overboard in our criticism.
One has to be careful. There has to keep everything in moderation,
otherwise, we end up losing. That's the norm of Allah subhanho
wa Taala in this world. If you've done something wrong to me, I am
allowed technically to do exactly that much back to you. But how do
you quantify how do you quantify if you've taken a pound of me? 10
pounds of me I can take 10 pounds of you that's quantifiable. That's
easily understood. I've taken 10 pound you took 10 pound colors
finish. But if you've said something to me,
right, when I say
Say something back to you. But in the way that you said it, that was
actually lighter than the way I said it. I said it to you in a big
gathering. You said it to me in front of one person. But I now
accused you of the same thing in front of 100 people, or online in
front of millions of people. Now, can you tell me which one is
worse? Can you say you said the same word to me?
Right? You call me something, I call you something back in front
of 100 people. Now you might I might say I only called you the
same thing back. So I'm doing say urges that will say you didn't say
to me through her? No, it's had much worse impact. Because 100
people now know, and they're gonna call me the same thing.
happens in school people make nicknames for each other.
And that's one of the worst things you can actually do, though, it
seems such a simple form of laughter, and humor, and a little,
but creating nicknames is really, really bad. You know why? Because
if they stick them forever, you're probably going to be sinful for
Can you imagine if you just call somebody fat to you or somebody? I
don't know what what are the names, you know, people people
have these names. And the person doesn't like it, especially if
it's not a nice name.
And then it sticks. Until that name has been now used, and the
initial person who formulated that name, imagine what's going to
happen to that person, he gets a sense of everything, because
there's a we have that tradition. So don't ever tour Xin William.
Another one, which we never think about is that by doing the shower,
this desire, we are actually preventing another bounty of Allah
to come to us.
We will never never know this actually, which is the worst
thing, but a lot of people who, who have come out of it and who've
been able to stop months or years of indulgence.
And then they say that, you know, the blessings that I've received,
afterwards, what has opened up to me, it's been amazing.
has been amazing. But that doesn't happen so often does it?
Sorry, it's difficult to fathom that because it means stopping,
and then training. But we go by, we know that Allah always gives
And we know that sins, they prevent blessings, we know that as
well. So that's basically what it all falls into.
For example, it's mentioned that there is a in one of the times of
the Sultan's, one of the Turkish Sultan's, I forget the name of
this Sultan matar or somebody. He had this idea like Amara, the
Allah one.
You know, like kamaruddin used to walk around at night, as a normal
person to check what's going on. You know, there's time there were
no lights. In those days, it was easier to do that nowadays, it'd
be difficult to unless you disguise yourself. So he would
walk around. And one day he came across this guy laying on the
floor, dead, dead. And he's wondering why people are going
past him. And you know, in those days, people looked after this
kind of people. So he was very surprised that there's nobody
looking after this person. Nobody taking attending to them. And it's
just really surprised. You know, I know you get you get that in these
days here. You get people who I mean, I mean, there are some good
souls out there who still help people like this. They'll call the
ambulance, they'll try to do something. But otherwise, there
are a lot of people who just walk past as well in this individualist
time that we live in. But in those days, no. So he was quite
surprised. So he asked people what's going on? Oh, he was a big
drunkard and used to visit the prostitutes. He was a massive
drunkard, and he used to visit the prostitutes. So we don't want to
deal with him.
Like he's totally despicable person every night, he was doing
the same thing. Every night, he would go into the pub, the bar or
whatever it was, and every night then you would see him in the
in the prostitute house.
So finally, the Sultani went to his house, and he asked his wife
what the story was, that you know, your husband is starting to other?
She said, No, my husband was a wonderful man.
Everybody else is saying something different. You're saying something
different. What is going on here? Said what he used to do is that
the little bit of money that whatever money he earned, he would
go into the wine shop and buy up as much wine as possible, bring it
home, and he would
drop it down the drain.
Every day, he would do that. Then he would go to the house of the
prostitutes, you know, the the place that they would be, he would
hire one or two. And he would say, Look, you just sit here, I'll give
you your money. You just sit here so that at least somebody's going
to be saved. Every day. He used to do that with whatever earning he
But people didn't know that they just thought that that's what he
is doing. And I used to tell him, she said the who's going to do
your Janaza prayer. And he would say, don't worry my janazah will
be done by the ruler himself.
My janazah will be done by the ruler himself. And that's when the
Sultan realize the predicament and what had happened. So there's some
big people in the world but uh,
Again, it will, it takes some reliance on Allah subhanaw taala
to get to the state. So he's saying that it is, by committing a
shadow of a desire, it's actually going to very possibly it is going
to cut away and prevent, block and obstruct from us another bounty
from Allah subhanho wa taala, which would have been a much
better bounty, because once you start reveling in the bounties of
Allah subhanaw taala. And you see that he's giving you beyond what
you can imagine, then that pleasure is greater pleasure than
anything before us. But again, this is something that only
somebody can tell us to believe in it, we have to experience it. And
in order to experience it, we have to do the hard work first.
Sometimes Allah gives us before that. I mean, the other story
about the drunken person,
there was a drunken person. And one of the shakes of the area, one
of the only of the Airy, he's getting a dream that you need to
send him for Hajj. So he dismissed the muster. It's just the random
dream. A few days, he received the same dream, he sees this.
Everybody knows this person to be this drunken person last. I mean,
I sometimes remember these kinds of people. I mean, because, you
know, lower Clapton road where I am, there's always somebody
begging, there's always one or two or three guys, and you can tell
them drugs, they are in another world, and they just begging. And
some days, they just disappear and you wish you could go and help
But I don't know how you help such people. You know, it's, they need
some expertise. And even when I looked at the Rohingya stuff, I
was looking at this and it just broke down. I said, Oh Allah, how
shall I help them? I just made dua to Allah is Oh, Allah give us the
Tofik to help such situations in the way you want us to be them to
be helped? Because one is we give money. Okay, that's a good thing.
Right? When is we raised awareness? That's a good thing as
well. But at the end of the day, what is the most effective thing
only Allah subhanaw? Taala knows? And is it enough for us just to be
giving money? What else can we do? So my dua to Allah subhanaw taala
was that, oh, Allah allow us to do, because then I think, Okay,
I'm doing all of this other work, I don't have time to go out to
Bangladesh and try to collect money and you know, like, actually
get onto this, because this has been happening for years, not just
in there, but there's other places as well. So I'm doing some
teaching all of this. So then my daughter, Allah subhanaw, Taala
was that, oh, Allah, allow me to do something that is the most
useful, allow me to fulfill my responsibility. We have to ask
Allah for help, right? Because only Allah knows best.
So this particular drunken person, whoever he was,
this particular way of Allah, the sheikh, whoever he was, he got
money together, and he told the person I'm going to send you
formula, I'm going to send you for the to the huddle. So the person
agreed to go. And when he got there, he was praying in front of
the Kaaba first or second stuff in front of the Kaaba, and he died
there in his salad.
And now people are surprised
that what happened, how did he get such a great death yet he spent
his entire life during these things. So, again, the wife is
consulted, right? Because the wife knows more than anybody else at
she should do at least, right.
So the wife said, no, no, no mas, no salah, no, no, nothing. I can't
think of anything good. He was abusive as well. There was nothing
I can think of that he was doing, but he would do good. And then she
must have thought for a while. And she thought the only thing that I
can think about is that we've got a neighbor, very poor, and they
actually look after an orphan.
And this person, my husband, he used to spend all of his money on
all of these haram things. You don't get any money left in that
because there's never enough money to spend on haram. But he used to
have a bit left whatever few pennies he had left, you'd go on
give to the next one say spend it on the orphan.
I have a hope that Allah is going to give me a good death because of
Allah accepts that such a seemingly insignificant act. But
then Allah subhanaw taala gives it to him from where he would never
have imagined. He was not even intending to go for the Hajj or
Umrah. It probably didn't have the money either. But Allah causes
somebody else to send you can you see how we may be preventing
ourselves from bounties? From gifts of Allah by committing
continuing to commit the sin.
And finally, when something which is the biggest is that in
committing the deed of desire, it may eventually become a
characteristic of yours that would be very difficult to shed because
What create characteristics and when they become a character
traits, then they become natural within a person like second
nature, then it becomes very difficult to remove them.
So these are all what entertaining Rahim Allah says are the
destructions of following shower. And if somebody punches over all
of them anything that we do, whether we're wasting time online
or haram, or whatever it is, you'll find that it has to fit
into one of these. And it's just not worth it. But the point is to
actually think about these things beforehand, so that we,
it doesn't lead us to them.
The next point is, as we said, the economic circle at bay in a gym
bag that your worst enemy, the worst of your enemies is that
knifes, which is between your two sides, it's not enough. So that's
basically your worst enemy. And the reason is that it is
it's the enemy inside. Enemies inside are dangerous. As we all
know, when you have the enemy outside, there's lots of
Prevention's you can do when you have somebody inside that is
helping the enemy, then you're in big trouble. And that's how so
many wars have been lost. That's how Sultan people. That's how he
lost his glorious, glorious
rule. That's how he eventually died. Despite his bravery, he had
everything going for him. But people on the inside, were bought.
And when you have an enemy inside, and you don't know, and that's
triggering, and that is one of the worst. And we have that in our own
homes. We have that in our own bodies in our own cells, which is
our nerves. And then he says that what's really strange here is that
you actually have control over this.
Right? You actually have control because he says we're in the
Masada either equally authority color, it's only become your worst
enemy because you've started obeying. So we know that. It's
like somebody's pointing it out already for us.
So don't people didn't know. But we know.
And that's the difficulty of despite the fact that you know,
it's so difficult otherwise, but may Allah subhanaw taala make it
easy for us.
Save that for many things in order to wean ourselves off of certain
Sometimes what helps is to actually go into what they call
Right? But how would you get rehabilitation from? For example,
give me a desert give me a give me an example of a particular vise or
a shower or something that is considered legal in a sense, and
you can't find rehabilitation for it.
Any any ideas of certain Shaohua it's understanding for alcoholic
there's lots of help centers. If you're into drugs, there's lots
lots of places
one would be listening to music. How do you going to get some
rehabilitation for that? There's no place so we're gonna take you
off your addiction and musics not even considered a bad thing.
Looking at the Haram okay, maybe there's for * addiction, maybe
this for that. I don't know if there are any places, but maybe
there is for * addiction. I'm sure there's going to be some some
kind of thing out there. But what about not looking at *, but
just looking at the lesser than that in the streets can't help it?
Which is such a common problem. How would you deal with that?
Which rehabilitation? Do you go to?
SubhanAllah. Because even when you're watching the news that you
can get involved in that kind of stuff, even on pictures, and so
So Subhanallah, I think what that requires is you need some
rehabilitation, you'll have to create your own rehabilitation for
People have to create their own. They either go out three days in
your mouth or something, no phone, nothing.
Staying in the masjid. And there's a concerted effort not to look out
because you've got a time period. If you try to do it at home, when
you're normal, I'm not going to look, then it's just how long are
you going to look for it several months, it's for the rest of your
life. But when you've got a fixed measure that I'm in Jamaica for
three days or 10 days, so I'm not going to look I mean hudge for
three weeks, two weeks, whatever it is, I'm in Omaha for two weeks.
I'm not going to do it.
In fact, something that's Boyle's a lot of people's hedge is this
because you got men and women everywhere. And they're all Muslim
as well. So they're all potential suitors in a sense. How difficult
is that? So that's why a lot of Allah mentioned is that in your
hedge, be very careful because you could be just literally releasing
all the rewards you're receiving by what you're doing by just
looking around because there's so much to see. Right? So
But if a person goes there with this thought that I want to do it
And for three weeks, two weeks, whatever it is five weeks, I'm
just not gonna,
then they will find that the resilience they build up there can
carry on elsewhere, you come back from Jamaat, you come back from a
three day conference, for example, a program, spiritual retreat,
whatever it may be, and you just haven't done it, then it then
becomes easy, as long as you've got the resolve to continue like
So these are just some ways.
And that won't be enough, you'd have to do huge amount of dua to
Allah subhanaw taala to make this useful,
because it's just the shape the shape on and the knifes, when once
the shaytaan has got the knifes, then it becomes very difficult.
shaytaan is easy to say Oh to be low ministry upon your regime.
But when it's the knifes even our beloved doesn't work in that case,
because it's not a shaytani problem. She doesn't just started
it off. Now it's an addiction issue. So Altavilla doesn't help
in that case.
Because you're saying from the shaytaan Shetlands out of the
picture already, he's done his job and gone away. So that addiction
can only be generally dealt with through some kind of
rehabilitation, some kind of abandonment for a period of time.
And then after that, you come back and try to do it. That's what
helps. And generally, the other one mentioned that if you're able
to avoid something seven times, because you will still keep
getting the urges. If you tried to do it seven times. If you managed
to overcome you enough, seven times afterwards, then you will
get used to it because then you'll stop feeling like I need to look,
you'll stop feeling like I need to do this. Because you've managed to
see your knifes has been shown as well that it hasn't really harmed
me to not look.
It hasn't benefited me to have not looked because he doesn't benefit
anyway. In fact, one of the most sad and he says that we're holy
called insulin or die Eva, you know the Quranic verse that Ensign
has been created.
He says that, how would you explain that? He says, haven't you
seen that a man looks at women when they go past knowing full
well if you ask them that they've got no chance of having them. They
may be somebody else's wife maybe. Or they may just never marry you.
Because not every woman you see is going to marry you. I know this is
a very man thing, right? Generally speaking, though, it's a very,
very woman thing now as well. It has become a very common thing.
University students are constantly I mean, it's not just university
students, but this is where you get this idea from.
Not to say you get this idea in university, it's just that it's
that kind of environment it creates, then everybody's looking
for a suitor.
So then you look at everybody potentially like that, and that's
a problem.
he says, Have you seen a man they look at everything that goes past?
And they have they know they can't get it? So look how weak there are
helical insert another ephah May Allah subhanaw taala strengthen us
may Allah subhanaw taala allow allow us to weed out all of these
weeds in our life because there's many people mashallah they tried
to do good they try to their their regular on their salads that God
hudge fasting, they try to avoid the big hands, but there are these
smaller weeds that are I mean, I mean we call them weeds but we
don't know how detrimental they are.
So may Allah subhanaw taala allow us all to weed our gardens our
Jana inshallah to remove all of these weeds so that we can
actually go into Genoa that Rana and Al hamdu lillahi rabbil
aalameen Allahu Mantis salaam women because they are the journey
with a Crom Subhan Allah he learned the herb Allah masala dosa
limiter so you didn't know Mohamed, why'd you say you didn't
know Mohammed or Burdick was salam.
O Allah, forgive us our sins of Allah, forgive us our excesses of
Allah forgive us, our shortcomings. Oh Allah. We ask you
for forgiveness from all of those sins that have that has prevented
your bounties from fully coming to us. Oh Allah, He asked you
forgiveness from all of those sins that has brought, darkness is in
our life that has taken out the blessings from our life, those
that have brought difficulties and those that have prevented your
Baraka, your blessings and your gift from coming to us. Oh Allah.
We ask you for forgiveness of Allah we ask you for the ability
to repent to you of Allah, we ask you to make our hearts of those
that returned to you. of Allah fill our hearts with your light of
Allah filled our hearts with your knower of Allah filled our hearts
with your light Oh ALLAH filled our hearts with your nor our love
in our hearts with your love of Allah grant us your love and the
love of those who love you. Oh Allah grant us conducive
companions of Allah allow us to always be with people who are
fearful of you. Oh Allah, allow us to
be in this world as you want us to be. Oh Allah give us those
characteristics that please you, our Allah make us of them.
More 14, those who are divinely who have the Divine Providence to
do that which pleases you and that you're satisfied with our Allah
allow us to be in the footsteps of your messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa salam, O Allah, you have given us this ability. You have
given us this bounty of being believers of Allah, despite the
troubling times outside, oh Allah we asked you for greater strength
of Allah to create for greater steadfastness, to remain on our
faith and Allah to always be moving. Moving ahead of Allah We
ask that you make every year in fact every day of us better than
the previous one. Oh Allah do not let us become worse. Oh Allah make
us better. Oh Allah do not allow us to turn back Oh Allah Allah is
Allah allow us to go for all these allow us and push us forward
of Allah help us and our families and our children our progeny until
the Day of Judgment grant us protection of Allah grant us
protection grant us the ability to do what's right of Allah accept us
all for the service of your Deen in whatever way shape or form it
is of Allah grant us all beneficial knowledge of Allah
protect us from the wasting of time from in from non beneficial
knowledge from haram knowledge of Allah from haram showerheads of
Allah we ask you, for greater resolve in our hearts of Allah
greater resolve in our minds, the ability to instill intelligently
be able to see what is beneficial for us and what is harmful for us.
And then the ability to follow it of Allah show us the truth as the
truth and allow us to follow it. Show us the wrong as the wrong and
allow us to abstain from it. Oh Allah, we ask you for your trophy
for your assistance for your protection. And Oh ALLAH for your
help with whatever good projects that we have started Oh Allah
bless white thread Institute. Oh Allah bless her all of our other
projects that any one of us may be doing whatever it may we may be
able to offer Allah accept us and grant us sincerity in that. Oh
Allah allow us to help our Muslim brothers and sisters around the
world in the way that they need to be helped. And Allah in whatever
best way you want us to help them in our situation of Allah grant us
direct us and our Allah do not allow us to succumb to our knifes
at any time. Or Allah we ask that You grant us your key and by which
it becomes easy to deal with the issues of the world in the right
way of Allah will grant us conviction of Allah grant us
conviction, grant us conviction, do not make us contributors to the
harm that has been created in this world in whatever way shape or
form Oh Allah make us of those who assisting and removing the harm in
assisting in the balance of this world of Allah grant us the
Cunnamulla Illa Illa Allah on our deathbed, oh Allah grant us full
forgiveness for any wrongs that we have d ID we have done in the past
any difficulties that may have come off from the Oh Allah, we ask
that you erase it like you do in our book of deeds, erase it from
the minds of people in this world as well. Oh Allah, we ask that you
make us yours, that you make us your from your earlier and on the
Day of Judgment, you grant us company of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa salam, O Allah we asked you finally to send your abundant
blessings and our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
salam Subhana wa Rob because Rob belies that you're an IOC foo and
our Salah when I will Marcelino Al Hamdulillah