Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Wisdom behind Audible and Silent Prayers

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of knowing the wisdom behind loud prayers at night and the difference between the act and the reality of the daytime. They stress the benefits of reading during the nighttime, including a photo featuring a woman reading aloud during the night. The presence of silence during worship is discussed as a sign of fatigue, and the importance of reading loudly during worship is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, I have a question here. That's generally

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I've had this question asked to me a number of times. What is the

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wisdom behind

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having the loud prayers at night? mcgarrybowen Asia, and then Fajr

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and having the silent inaudible prayers during the daytime, like

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the heart? And also, what's the wisdom behind this? Well, the

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answer to any question like this, the first answer and the primary

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answer and the most essential answer to all of this is that

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because this is the way Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salam did it.

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And because Islam is based on submission, this is why we do it.

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However, in terms of determining the wisdom behind that because

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many of the commands of Islam as such that you can actually

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determine the wisdom and you can understand it from a very

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practical perspective. So looking at this issue, I think the

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conclusion for all of this is that it's a matter of opposites. The

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night is a time for calmness, serenity, and tranquility. And

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that's why that's the time when

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it's told that you read the solid aloud, so that you enjoy your

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reading. And it's kind of going against the darkness in it, and

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the silence and the serenity of the time. And the tranquility of

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the time to actually read it loudly so that you can actually

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enjoy it, while on the other hand in the daytime, it's a time of

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activity, sound, noise, and so on and so forth. So at that time, you

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actually told to do the opposite. And you're told to read you're

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told to read it in a calm state, because in an inaudible way, so

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you're not reading out aloud. That's basically the crux of the

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matter. I'm just going to read to you from different scholars what

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they make what they make from this. Allah Makoto. He says that

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in the national at the lady here, I shall do what our como Kedah. So

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what he's saying here is that this is a shadow of forgotten banal

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Calbee. Well, bizarre he was somebody will listen.

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This is about the the night, he's saying that this is the time when

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you will have more of a correspondence between your heart

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and what you're reading, in terms of both your sight, your hearing,

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and your tongue, because all other sounds are diminished at that

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time. It's a state of tranquility and serenity, and calmness so that

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you can really enjoy the entire experience of your reading, both

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through hearing it both through hearing it and everything to do

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with that there's just a better experience of doing that at

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nighttime because of the calmness of the time. As opposed to the

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daytime. When you can't get this you can achieve this during the

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time because there's just so much noise generally around at the

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time, because Allah says in the Quran in the lack of in a hurry.

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Subhan taweelah You have great activity during the day the word

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Subhan actually refers to swimming, that there's a constant

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effort during the daytime to remain afloat and to get by and

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fulfill whatever your needs are of the day.

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So that's why at that time, it's told that you read it silently. It

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gives you that kind of change of scene at that time. In the photo

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montage it mentions Bucha collateral jagriti mahiya. What is

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the point of the audible prayers why do we read them audibly? He

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says, Well Allah and Allah Makana Lane Mahalalel Hello. That it's

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possible that because the night is a time of seclusion and isolation,

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while three Buffy is summer, and it's a time when intimate

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discourse it works out very well. Shara geography is hot on the love

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the tea Mona geratol Abdullah Robbie. So at that time, it was

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legislated that you read aloud so that you can actually express the

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pleasure of your reading and enjoy it because of the serenity around

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you. And when it comes to the daytime. So then he says when the

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Harlem Makana Mahala Shiva Hill What if they love to be nurse Tala

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Buffy Hill is roar or to Liberty Hill is roar, which means that

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when the daytime or when the daytime is a time of great

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occupation and activity and distractions probably as well and

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meeting with people and so on, then that is where silence or an

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inaudible reading is required. Lee Adam is sold out here to Healy

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tomorrow we will manage that. Because it's not the time to have

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an intimate discourse at that time. You know, if you're trying

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to have an intimate discourse, and there's a lot of sound around you,

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is generally difficult. That's why then he says we're all haters so

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who be sadati Laila that the morning prayer, the Federal prayer

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has also been considered to be a night prayer. Liana walk the who

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lays a man in the shower, Nisha Hillier, Dutton kaomoji moi,

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right. The reason that's been connected to the night prayers is

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because also at that time, people are calm, that is not really a

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time of great activity. It starts after that. And he says, this is

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just like your mother tomorrow. So the reason why Julia is also

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allowed prayer or Eid is allowed prayer is because that's also a

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time when people are specifically focused on this worship. You know,

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they've said that they've freed themselves up for the gym, or at

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least that's what you expect people and that's why Muslim

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He's generally have a holiday on this day. Right? So that's the

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idea here. It will pay him in his airline we'll walk them in he

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says, Well I'm at the freeze Boehner Salah delayed or Salaat in

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the heart. The difference between the day the salaat of the day so

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out of the night will Jerry will Sr. For variety Manasa T will

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hikma he says that in terms of reading one loudly and the other

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in audibly. The reason for the difference between them, he says

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is is has an extreme as an extreme. You can say conduciveness

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to the time and wisdom for which it is done for in the Lail Madonna

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Marvin naughty who do in Swati was so Kunal Harakat well Ferrara Hill

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Kulu wish Dima ill human.

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Masha Tita been the hara for NA Roma Hulu's mahalo subhead Toriel

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bilkul ball button. Will Lael Maha Numata tilaka will be listen. He

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says because the nighttime is generally a time when you expect

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sounds to be subdued, and movements to be diminished, the

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heart to be unoccupied. And for a person's resolutions to be all

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together that are generally in the daytime. They are spread around

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and occupied with other things. So that's why the reason is that the

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daytime is a time for intense activity with both the heart and

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the body is involved in that kind of activity while the nighttime is

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the time when the heart and body can come together and focus on

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something and the ears, the ears and the tongue they can work

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together. That's why he says that it is the sunnah to read long Cara

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insalata Fajr over any other Salaat the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam used to read, you know numerous verses 60 to 100 verses

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in solitude measure. And

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Abu Bakr Siddiq are the Allahu Anhu used to recite Surah Baqarah

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Amara de la nuestra recite Surah Nahal solitude Bani Israel so that

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unit suited use of he used to read he's read those long sutras there.

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Because generally,

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when it comes to the morning time, when it comes to this morning

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time, the heart is undistracted the heart can be more focused from

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anything else. And it's a time when it's possible to read aloud

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and really enjoy it. So that's what he mentions. That is

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generally that is the case unless you've got an exceptional solid

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like Jumuah or a Dane or is this car Kosovo, etc. were in that case

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because people have gathered for that particular reason at that

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time and they're not distracted with anything else and they've got

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a particular focus in that case, that in those cases as well. They

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do um, loudly. So that's basically the wisdom behind one of the

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wisdoms behind when it's done loudly or when it's done silently

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during the day. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the best of our

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prayers during the night and in the daytime. And may Allah

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subhanho wa Taala accept from all of us after that run and Al hamdu

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Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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