Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The True Inheritors of the Prophets
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala is a util.
Marcelino. The he or Sahil? Baraka seldom at the Sleeman kefir on Eli
Yomi Dean underbed
Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran Shaheed Allahu
Allahu La ilaha illa. Who will Mala Iike? To what we'll do let me
call him and we'll paste.
Allah subhanaw taala testifies, Allah bears witness that there is
no God except
Allah bears witness and Allah testifies that there is no God
except Allah accept him.
And so do the angels testify to the same thing? What will will l
and the people of knowledge, testify to the same thing?
So ALLAH SubhanA, WA Tada, His angels, and the people have
they testify that there is no God, except Allah. This in itself shows
the importance or the nobility of the people of knowledge.
Anybody who pursues knowledge and gains the sacred knowledge, this
shows the nobility that they are being listed along with Allah
subhanaw taala himself and the angels
then they say that this is approved by the Queen
and Prince Charles, you know, you have those, they have those
symbols, those seals or whatever they are. Now, nobody else is
sealed on the except the royal family. But if somebody else's
seal was also added, and so and so then it means that this person has
risen to a status, which befits being also listed along with these
So likewise, when Allah subhanaw taala, and the angels are
mentioned, and then somebody is also categorized as being in that
same category, listed in that same category, then it shows that
they've been
given that extra martaba and that status. That's why Allah subhanaw
taala says that the people who truly fear Allah subhanaw taala
are the oedema and that the Allameh are the water that will
inheritors of the prophets
that's another great shut off within itself.
Generally, when you speak about somebody inheriting somebody else,
or inheriting a group or inheriting a family, from a
family, then you understand that they must have some qualities,
some of the similar traits. That's why they inheritors, they've been
either closely in touch, they have the same genetic genetics,
whatever the case may be, this seems to be a similarity. So the
verse, the Hadith, of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, and tells us that if
the Prophets
the people of knowledge are the word of thought of the prophets,
then clearly, it tells us the special link of the people of
Another Hadith mentions
the fish in the ocean, the birds in the air, they make dua for the
people of knowledge.
Why would they do that?
Clearly, they must be a great shut off. It's great nobility among the
people of knowledge that that Mark Luke in the M, Luke in the oceans,
are making dua for them, by inspiration from Allah subhanaw
So these are just a few factors, which indicate the bedrock of
knowledge, the shut off of the people of knowledge. And
essentially, it's an encouragement for us to acquire more knowledge,
according to
che, fine felt fat. And mostly, he says that if you have a person
who's ill who's sick,
and you don't give him water and drink for three days, he's already
sick. One is that a person is healthy, and they
are deprived of food and drink for three days. You can still expect
them to pull through because they have enough energy generally, to
last that long. But somebody who was already sick was already in
need. And you deprive that particular person from for three
days of food and drink, then you'd expect that that person is going
to die. They already need of energy and strength, food,
nourishment, they're not getting it. The same is the state of our
heart. We're already sick.
The same as the state of our heart. We already have sickness in
our heart. And then if the heart stays away from knowledge, and the
benefits of knowledge,
then the heart is also going to become deprived of the body
occur and the blessing of this knowledge.
Generally we speak about the vicar in this case. But here the sheikh
Sheikh Fattah Al mo silly from Mosul, he is saying that even
being deprived of some new inputs of knowledge,
sacred knowledge, anything that takes us to Allah subhanaw taala
or will open up a path to Allah. This includes, for example, in the
beginning to learn Arabic grammar.
Because Arabic grammar is a knowledge that conveys a person to
the knowledge of the Quran, sunnah as long as a person is studying it
for that sake.
Because nowadays, a lot of people study Arabic because it's the
politically savvy thing to do,
or to work in Muslim countries. So if a person is even studying
grammar, as the basic startup of studying knowledge, they also get
the felida of doing that, which tells us that regularly, there
needs to be an input of knowledge in our lives regularly.
The knowledge could be the knowledge of further a reminder,
an exhortation,
or something even more firm like studying fic and Hadith and point
of Tafseer, reading a deficit of the Quran reading a book of fic.
Of course,
a more organized focus to study in which you get something at the end
of it, which develops you. It's not just a drip here and there.
You know, one is that a person is righteous and pious, and they go
through and they listen to different bits. But because it's
all disjointed, they hear a nice point here about Tafseer a nice
point there about fit a masala, something unusual that people
don't really know about, they learn to because they sit with
their Allama. But their knowledge is going to be disjointed. They're
going to know a bit here, and that is the case of the majority of
concerned people that we have, who are not aroma. They know a lot of
bits and have this, that and the other, but there's no connection
between them. So if they asked to fill in the gap, they won't be
able to do so or they won't have the confidence to do so. Of
course, if they not able to do so and then they think they've got
the confidence to do so then that's a bigger problem. Because
then they will be giving footwear from their pocket pockets.
So the idea is the encouragement here
is that a person?
Most of us are unable to undertake a full time study. But nowadays,
mashallah, there's many, many, many courses that have sprung up
around the city,
where they are teaching, they're especially catering for people who
are working in the daytime. So the class is exclusively in the
Of course, it takes a lot of dedication, 678 years, maybe
sometimes, of every day, four days a week, sometimes five days a
week, three, four hours of solid work.
A relative of mine, a brother in law of mine, he,
he for several years from I think it was six o'clock or something
like that to
about 10 o'clock, and then which eventually went to 1112 o'clock at
night, he would work in the morning, full time job. And then
after that as the years progressed, when he went into the
advanced years, they used to finish around half 1112 o'clock.
So that's quite a bit of an undertaking. However, those who
can't do a full study like that, there's many many people who've
done studies like that. I know numerous people, numerous people
like that, who started studying like their full time jobs, they
were full time but still people like them.
And they've they've done the study.
So at least what that does is that it makes you self reliant on
understanding what's halal and haram gives you a perspective of
If somebody can't do that, then
they should definitely undertake some other focused courses. A
focus course is always better than just taking a bit here and there
because it's more packaged together as one whole. So, you get
a better understanding of at least one particular subject if not all
the subjects
rather than just disjointed ly learning some good point here and
a good point there.
So, this is something to think about. This is something to think
about. Allah does place time and Baraka in,
in the lives of people, when they want to do something, it requires
him that look at the market. Look at the virtues that are being
mentioned about such a people.
Try to
gather the assets which when your sheep when your ship
that acid will also float with you, and will swim with you and
will help you and assist you.
Generally, people think in this world generally, to do with
some bad business deal,
the money goes.
When it comes to knowledge, nobody can take that knowledge from you.
Nobody can take knowledge from you.
That's why even our bas are the Allahu Anhu used to mention that
spending a small moment at night, small amount of time at night, in
the study of knowledge, in seeking knowledge,
according to him was superior to
staying awake the whole night in other forms of worship.
This can be a point of delusion sometimes as well. person who's
really into their academics
then they think that they don't have to do worship, they'll just
be studying all night. He's saying a small portion of the night of
study is superior to a whole night of worship doesn't mean that
they're mutually exclusive. You just saying that people generally
know the formula of standing up at night in prayer, everybody
recognizes that. They don't think you'll get the same from studying
knowledge. So he's trying to say that this has the potential
because with the knowledge will come action. So if it's only
knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, there's no this I know that I know
all of these books of Hadith and Tafseer and everything, and it's
not leading to me for tahajjud then this is not secret knowledge
anyway. It's not having the desired effect.
So that shouldn't be missed and misunderstood.
Hasson bossy Rahim Allah he says that, according to me, the Tafseer
of the famous da that everybody knows Robina Tina dunya, Hassan,
or Philadelphia roti, Hazara working as a banana.
The meaning of this for me, is duniya hacer una Oh my Lord give
me Hassan, the good in this dunya this refers to
sacred knowledge and remembrance of Allah, sacred knowledge and
remembrance of Allah.
So if we do this dua with that intention, and it's a very famous
dog, the prophets Allah, Allah has used it in the most opportune
moments. That's the only dua that is, well, that's probably the only
dua that's been related about tawaf, that the prophets Allah
loves them used to make this dua in tawaf, what a special dua he
must be that he made it between the retinal Yamani and the
hospital as well.
I mean, he must be a very special Doer for him to have made it in
that very special point, just at the finish of a tawaf, he's
reading that da O Allah gives me the best of this world, give me
the good in this world give me the good in the hereafter. So the good
in this world according to Hasson osteoporosis and left it open,
because it could include a lot of things has an atom in Arabic, the
word has an atom is an Akira means it's not a it's not a proper noun.
And it's not a
it's not fixed as the good it's good. Now what good generally in
Arabic, when you leave something general like that, without saying
a saying, house without saying the house and you save the house,
obviously you're fixing the house, there's something either in your
mind or in the mind of the person who's listening to you, that
you're referring to. When you say a house house, in general, it
could mean many many, many houses. So likewise here when you say
hassen, general, what is the good? So how do you determine what good
that is? Because for most I will just leave it to Allah so whatever
you think is good for us hasn't been free from his reading and
understanding he understands this to be the two most important
things which is one is the sacred knowledge which is supposed to
take us to the second thing which is yard Ilahi. This is remembering
Allah subhanaw taala
see if most of us are trying to just engage in vicar.
without studying as well without doing some kind of study. It's a
bit more difficult. What happens with the study is that it gives us
the node in our heart we know we adapt much more connected to our
tradition, we that much more knowledgeable, we have that much
more insight that helps us then to in our thicker as well that we
know we've got more reason to do thicker for we understand the
richness of why we're doing liquor, the heritage that we have
the legacy that we have. So according to him, the dunya hasna
for dunya means that and hacer una for the Akira means Jana and
Remember the Allahu Anhu used to say,
study knowledge, study, gain knowledge, because Allah subhanho
wa Taala has a covering of love,
a covering, he has of love, which he gives to those who study
knowledge. And as long as the person continues to study
knowledge, in whatever amount, he keeps that love
filled sheet over the person
until the person dies like that covered with the
sheath of love
generally speaking, they say that if Allah subhanaw taala generally
generally speaking, gives somebody sacred knowledge,
I guess related by Mohammed, a che Bernie that when he was asked,
after he passed away, he was seen in a dream and he was asked what
So he said that I was told by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada that if we
hadn't expect, we hadn't intended good for you, we would not have
given you all the knowledge that we gave you.
We would not have given you all the knowledge if we hadn't wanted
to give you something special.
Why would Allah subhanaw taala open up his knowledge to somebody
and then deprive them.
It's a possibility. Somebody misuses the knowledge. And that's
not been true knowledge from the beginning.
But if somebody has the right intention to study,
they take a weekend course. They take a course in the holidays. You
know, it's about going and doing something and getting something
more focused than the arbitrary disjointed points here and the
Zubaydah of not be Bacara Rahim Allah mentions.
My father wrote me a letter in Iraq.
He said, study knowledge, and work hard in studying your knowledge.
Because even if you become poor, in terms of monetarily, you become
Your knowledge will become your wealth. It's something that you
can fall back upon, something you will be respected for, something
that you can use to at least benefit from.
And if you're wealthy, so if you're poor, your knowledge will
help you.
It will give you the understanding of what to do in in your poverty,
what kind of thought you must have with Allah subhanaw taala we're
not only talking about getting a job with your knowledge of
teaching somewhere or something, it's not just about that. It's
more about the fact that it will give you an understanding of how
to deal with and manage your, your your depression, your loss, your
grievance, what to do with your life, how to ask Allah subhanaw
taala. And he said to him also that if you are wealthy, then LM
will be your adornments. Because if a person gets wealthy, and they
don't have knowledge, they don't have the deen and knowledge, then
they are misled by the shaytaan to use their knowledge, their wealth
in the wrong ways, whether that means outright haram or if they
are a bit God fearing in a sense, then in bid art, or assisting
innovators, they will be misled to they will be misled, they will be
deceived by people to give them their wealth and to be used for
the wrong kind of movements, the wrong kind of activism, the wrong
kind of in a innovated practices. So either they'll use it in Haram,
or they'll use it in innovation, or there'll be backfill and they
won't use it at all.
But if you have knowledge, then you know how to spend. Because
generally the two people that Allah subhanaw what the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam said, it's halal for them to compete with
each other, for the right reason, are people with well, who spend it
in the path of Allah subhanahu wa taala and the people of knowledge,
who, who use it, again to benefit people. So here we're speaking
about two different types of people.
Because generally speaking, the wealthy person is not always going
to be the wealthy Earth is not going to be the person with the
most knowledge. Because this has to spend a lot of effort in making
the business. So generally, they don't have time for knowledge. And
the people who are really into knowledge don't have the time for
business, generally speaking. However, there are many cases in
history where these two did come together. Like for example, in Abu
Hanifa and numerous scholars have today as well they like this,
where they've got mashallah their own income, good income, and
they're able to then spend their wealth along with their knowledge
and do that. So that's a very rare combination, but a very valuable
combination when it does come about
right sometimes wealthy fathers want to make the the there's a lot
of people like this wealthy people who want to make their children or
their MA.
So they try.
The the point then is to give the right data via so that the person
isn't, doesn't grow up
thinking in this privileged Silver Spoon gold spoon way. And although
they study knowledge, they focus becomes the business.
Unfortunately, that has happened with some great scholars with the
father left everything for them scholars were talking about, they
left everything for them. But the offspring, all their focus became
was because of the influence and the power of that position. That
rather than focus on the knowledge aspect, they went more into
gaining money
you know, and through the connections that their fathers had
left for them. So it's not always the case that
a good father
is always going to have the best of inheritors. It's really a
matter of Tofik
mashallah, otherwise you've got some families who the father laid
down the foundation, and the children have continued in many
cases even surpass the Father.
mean some of the examples that we have today is Mufti Shafi, Saab
and his two children of the Rafi and Mufti Taqi.
You know, these are just some of the examples. And you have other
examples as well.
So there's the world is never a predictable thing. That's why a
person has to be constantly praying to Allah subhanaw taala
with the efforts that we make and anything that we do and translates
in anything, when the efforts that we make do we also have to focus
on Allah subhanaw taala that he makes things fall right in the way
we want them to be.
So there has to be a multi pronged focus and to add to Allah subhanaw
Lokmanya history.
One of the advices he gave to his children was Go and sit with the
Erdem, who is active on his knowledge. I'm with Amel, the
active item, the one who is clearly putting into action, his
Go and sit with such a person.
Go and learn from that person. Learn etiquette from such a
Anybody who has a sick heart, who goes and sit with Ireland, who has
Amel as well.
It is as beneficial as a dead land, which is going to suddenly
benefit from a huge downpouring.
That's the kind of benefits the same the dry land needs that kind
of rain, good rain than a person who goes to an island with the
animal. The benefits in the same kind of way, it fills the hearts
emotions, it makes it fertilized. So although an item like that may
eventually leave this world and die, he will leave behind him a
legacy. And the legacy is not going to be necessarily
discernible. But no doubt it's a legacy and Allah subhanaw taala
knows its connections.
There's one software that we use that I use for typesetting. It's
called InDesign Adobe InDesign.
So what it does is that it's got a special feature in there says show
text threads.
Sometimes on a single page, you've got two or three different types
of text boxes, all your text has to be in text boxes. It's not like
Microsoft Word, it's a bit more
bit more sophisticated than that because you have full control of
the text. So he's got different text boxes.
Especially like if you've got a magazine or something. Now what
happens if you make some extra changes here that lengthens the
text here, this text box on has to be connected to the relevant
textbooks on next page so that if some text is pushed down, it will
automatically adjust there and you don't have to manually adjust it.
Now it doesn't. In the normal view, it doesn't tell you that. It
doesn't show you the connections between the text boxes. So you
don't know which textbox is connected to which box. But what
you can do is you can actually go into the functions and say display
text threads. When then it shows you is that it shows you these
lines of the boxes connected to which box so then you know exactly
the trail. This text starts here. This is continuation so you don't
have to read it to figure it out. You can actually see it visually.
So likewise, when a person of knowledge and Amel days
They've gone from this world, when is that they may have established
an institution that carries their name or that people know that they
established as the founder. But then there's a lot that goes
beyond that. That's just the physical institution. But there's
a lot that goes beyond that. Imagine the 1000s, the 10s of
1000s, the hundreds of 1000s of people that they have benefited.
You know, so for example,
you taught one course,
gave one lecture
on a point of Ramadan, for example, that in Ramadan, this
Ramadan, let's do this, that and the other.
And it resonated with 100 people. And imagine, you gave this talk in
10 different places.
And it resonated with 20 people in each of these places, you've got
200 people there, out of these 200 people, there's a number of people
of those 200 people, if they if they were impressed, they were
influenced by this, they may tweet out Facebook, tell people email
people. So now you don't know where that's gone to now. We can't
see the text threads, we can't see the connections. We've done our
lecture we've passed a good point through whether it's been a formal
lecture by a scholar like you know on a formal level or it's just an
advice we gave to somebody a good word we gave to somebody sitting
in the bus maybe on the underground or wherever at work on
whatever the case is. And then suddenly, we don't see the text
threads anymore, but Allah can see them Allah knows them.
Unfortunately, we can't ask like you know, where's the text and put
on that button right you can't see it on the Day of Judgment all of
this will be revealed. Okay, this is how it went. And then this will
actually continue forever. How many people every Ramadan they
will if they establish and you told them to do tahajjud every
night in Ramadan at least. So now they did it this Ramadan. Now next
Ramadan they remember you must do to *, they may have forgotten
where they got it from. Now they may be thinking for them Oh, last
Ramadan, I did touch it every night.
This Ramadan, they'll remember where it came from the next
Ramadan, they'll forget where it came from. Now they will make it
their own action. I'm doing the Hajj every night because I did it
last year, okay, I'm going to do the Hajj this year as well. Again,
they've even forgotten the thread. But Allah subhanaw taala will
never forget that thread. And that's in our, in our action, this
is an investment that will never be ended,
escapes, it proliferates.
So that's the virtue of a person of knowledge, he gets that
platform to do that.
Having little bits and bobs here and there doesn't give you the
same thing, though you can still convey whatever you know.
But it's this magnification that is important. This projection
that's important.
So you will never know where it gets to gets you to. So leave your
signature behind.
And you say that you know, every document etc, it carries a digital
signature. So you can't see it, but if you look into the code, you
can see who had made it and so on and so forth. Like this, all of
this they Allah subhanaw taala can tell where, you know, whenever
somebody is now practicing, where the signature is coming on Sunday
has many many signatures because clearly when the alum who has
given that talk on Ramadan has got it from somewhere else, got it
from somebody else's book, somebody else's lecture, somebody
else's teaching. So the his signature is involved in there as
Now, there's going to be many signatures behind if you look at
the signature of Rasulullah sallallahu some results are going
to be there. If your signature is with the signature of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Then what can you expect on the day of judgment?
So may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant as well as last May Allah
subhanho wa Taala grant us all Tofik because this is one
successful way of negotiating the waters of this world, the life of
this world.
I'm just going to read briefly the the wisdom for today which I'm not
going to look at in detail. But basically if not I thought Allah
it had Allah to call Amma the other would you didn't follow him
in Runa enough See,
your postpone your postponement of deeds till the time when you are
free is one of the frivolous keys of the ego
postponing deeds knowing the importance of deeds but postponing
them. When am I going to start my Dodge? When am I going to do my
thicker my daily thicker I'm supposed to do? I keep postponing
postponing it till when you think you're going to be free is one of
the frivolous use of the ego
You're never going to be free if you think that way.
There's very few people who genuinely and that is genuinely
for it's a short period, that we have a very busy period of 20
things come on us and we have to just do it and there is no time.
But other than that it's generally self induced busyness where it's
all about priorities.
Because I don't give this priority that takes priority, and that
makes me busy. So genuinely generous. Generally speaking, in
the most part, I know that notice from experience when I tell people
I'm too busy. I know it's self induced busyness.
It's not things that have been dumped on me and lump told me that
I just cannot get away from them. It's things that I want to do, and
I'm giving them a priority. That's why it's made me busy.
This statement is similar. He says when man becomes involved involved
in worldly affairs, there is no end to its ramifications. When
there is no end to man's worldly indulgences, it is simply the
indulgence and stupidity of his ego, to postpone righteous deeds,
moral reformation, spiritual uplifting for the future, under
the notion of obtaining a time devote devoid of worldly affairs,
when is that going to happen?
Man in this sense, destroys his present time, and in his stupidity
waits to acquire a time of which he is uncertain.
If you can't manage your time now, how you're going to manage it
later on when you're only going to get more busier. Life just brings
more complications, more children, business expense,
suddenly you start becoming weaker. You don't have as much
energy left, you start becoming sick as well. It doesn't get any
easier. Because we don't get younger.
Life can come to an end without a servant ever obtaining a period of
free time for death often makes a sudden appearance.
An intelligent man therefore is the one who values the time he has
obtained in the very moment that it exists. Oh, I've captured this
time. I've used this hour of my day usefully. That is something to
be satisfied about. He does not postpone the work of the real
religion for a later time, nor does he wait in anticipation of
free time, the attainment of which is improbable. If however, the
worldly affairs that occupy one are permissible activities, one
should continue there with an involve oneself simultaneous in
invocation righteous actions. If these affairs are unlawful, of
course, one must abandon them.
May Allah give us the trophy? allow men to sit over and go to
work the heterogeneity with a gram Melania here are you going to
study a lot of me or her nanny learners of Harlequin?
Just Allah who are now Mohamed Mao Allahumma salli wa salam ala
Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Al Abadi ko Salam, O Allah O Allah
forgive us our sins of Allah forgive us our wrongdoings Forgive
us our bad habits of Allah forgive us our defects of Allah forgive us
our weaknesses, our love, forgive us our weaknesses, forgive us our
weaknesses of Allah, forgive us, our inabilities of Allah forgive
us our absence of chi to absence of resolution or absence of
determination of Allah. Oh Allah, Oh Allah. These are things that we
dream about and we want Oh Allah, we ask that you give us ability
over our overall enough's. Oh Allah that you help us and assist
us. Oh Allah, Oh Allah, we ask that you help us and assist us in
worshipping you.
Will you give us the same kind of trophy that you gave to the pious
ones of the past? Oh Allah that You give us the same kind of Rama
and mercy that you gave to them, of Allah the same kind of mercy
that covered them and benefited them we asked you for the same
thing of Allah We ask that you purify our hearts, you cleanse our
hearts, you keep them focused on you.
of Allah, we continue to fail we continue to fail we continue to
fail. Allah Allah, we ask that You grant us beneficial knowledge. We
ask that you
Oh Allah help us to help us to have more determination and manage
our time well, to use our time usefully. To not let the days the
hours the days pass by without us doing anything of significant
benefits of Allah, Allah grant us Baraka in our wealth. grantors
Baraka in our income, so that we can spend time we can spend time
we can spend time for your deen we can spend time for the service of
your deen of Allah grant us a pious and righteous surrounding
and family righteous business and work righteous
friends Oh Allah, righteous company, righteous company. Oh
Allah. Oh Allah we ask that you
brighten our hearts, you brighten our hearts remove the dark
goodness and the evil that is contained within our hearts of
Allah the month of Ramadan is coming make it the most the most
beneficial month for us. Make it a means of us gaining great
closeness to you closeness after which there is no distance of
Allah grant us a closeness to you after which there is no distance.
Grant us a closeness after which there's no distance. Oh Allah make
this Ramadan, the best Ramadan that we've had so far. Oh Allah
make it a means of change means of strength of Allah means a Barak
and blessing for our house, our family and all who are around us,
our law except a soul for the service of God except us all for
the service of your being. Accept us all for the service of your
deen. Allow your vicar to emanate from our hearts, from our bodies,
from our minds. Allow us to think in the correct way show us the
truth is the truth and allow us to follow it. Show us the wrong is
the wrong and allow us to abstain from it. Oh Allah, Oh Allah,
suffice us with your Halal away from that which is haram. And
Allah make us make us
independent of all of those who are besides the view of Allah may
keep our focus on you. Keep our focus on you. Grant us your love
and the love of those who love you. Oh Allah, Oh Allah we ask
that you facilitate Baraka ease knowledge and action in our life
Tofik in our life, in grant us the creme de la ilaha illallah on our
deathbed, conscious Cunnamulla either hate a lot on our deathbed,
and make us of the fortunate ones in the hereafter because of the
fortunate ones in the hereafter. Grant us Amel Salah and Allah your
remembrance in this world Subhanallah because obesity is a
food or Salah when more serene hamdulillah