Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Satisfaction of the Knower of Allah [Hikam 169]
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The importance of Islam's], [In a conversation about the "preview of the culture" and the "monarchical behavior" of Islam, speakers discuss the need for pressure and encouragement to pray before becoming mature, training for older children, and finding a partner to accompany one's happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding misses before praying and finding a strong relation with Allah. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including its implementation of mercy and the use of "meditation" to describe actions and moments, and the potential for distraction to avoid confusion.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
Salatu was Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah al al Amin are an
early he or sloppy about Rocco was seldom at the Sleeman
the fear on Illa Yomi. Dean Amma bad
to continue with our series on
if not auto lists can vary skateable heckum The Book of
wisdoms, we were we had started in the previous session heckum hekman
Number 169, which is on page 205.
We discussed it. He says Anya to houfy Kalani che mink arena to
houfy color Alicia Minka, we're in a condo Hina wa Jahad Gary Nyah,
to walk Arbella the idea to let me configure as a de la so I'm and
let me a confy SLE he a philosopher RML wala, would you
do? Well, Bella Mia can Hoonah Illa model if ball while women
his providential care of you is not due to anything coming from
you. Where were you, when he confronted you, with his
providence are met your face met you face to face with his care,
neither sincerity of deeds nor the existence of states have any being
in his eternity. Instead, only pure bestowing and sublime giving
are there. So in conclusion is saying that everything that he's
given you, starting from your decision, from the decision to be
in this world for us to be in this world for us, then to come into
this world, and then to negotiate all of the difficulties and
challenges of this world and then to be alive. And then to be doing
good deeds, all of that came from Allah subhanho wa taala. So he
says, if you now think that you are the one who
deserves all of this, because of some of the good deeds that you've
done, on top, you think that you've got sincerity in your good
deeds. So that's why you should be blessed that we should be blessed
with his gifts and so on. So he says that Where were you when,
when you weren't even there in eternity, when he decided to that
you would come into being and so on. So it's purely out of His
grace, essentially. So then we had discussed
how people who recognize this and who fully become slaves of Allah
subhanho wa taala.
Eventually, they
reach different states. There's one state which they all have, and
then after that, there are different manifestations,
different states that these people will eventually have, depending on
a number of factors. So we've mentioned one category, one of
those categories were those who just have an aura of Allah
subhanaw taala. All the time. They just didn't all the time. They
just be holding of Allah subhanaw taala has majesty, His greatness,
and they feel a sense of shame, a sense of shyness almost all the
That's the first manifestation of what happens to people like this.
The second manifestation is earnest desire, an eagerness, a
to want to be with Allah subhanaw taala to meet Allah subhanaw taala
we discuss the Hajj in that regard. People who just want to be
with Allah subhana wa Tada.
Now, the third manifestation it has is women human does anybody
who was sick enough to feel called the third or those who they get
this overwhelming sense and feeling of tranquility in the
hearts just gives them absolute
a feeling of
restfulness it's almost like absolute short assurance,
conviction, certainty. Like they feel very, very confident about
their faith. Allah subhanaw taala provides that for them. And Allah
subhanaw taala discusses this messy manifestation in the Quran.
All of these manifestations can be understood through the Quran. Like
we showed last week, those about Haber and higher or, and Schinus
Allah says in the My Yasha Allah have been able to heal or Dhamma
We have numerous verses in the Quran that speak about
desire for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And then the third one, which is
the Sakina in the heart, Allah says
in Sorrento ride, verse 28, Allah BV Karela he thought on the
interval co lube is with the remembrance of Allah do hearts
find that tranquility and comfort and rest and calmness.
So that's another feeling that could manifest itself you'll see
people have all of these different states. Some people could have
more than one state possibly.
there's another group of them upon them will be a sense of
bewilderment and astonishment. These are very difficult things to
explain because they're matters of experience. That's why some of the
orlimar who have experiences they've said, are often nasty
Billahi a shed to whom the high urine fee
and it makes a lot of sense to be honest. The one who most knows
Allah, the man most knowing of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one
with the most intense bewilderment about Allah subhanho wa Taala
astonishment about Allah.
That's why there's a hadith it says, Oh Allah Allah Houma, Sydney
fika Taha Juran,
oh Allah increase me in astonishment about you. And I
would assume that
this is a good astonishment to just want to know Allah subhanaw
taala more and more and more,
the fourth or fifth group now the next group, they have a dominance
of humility, humility overcomes them.
Humility, humbly and treating Allah subhanaw taala.
They are people who are very humble and just trying to serve
others. Everything related to Allah subhanho wa taala. They want
to just provide service they have no arrogance about them, no airs
about them.
They get dominated by lavado who do the an MBSR right, this just
feeling of just lowliness absolute servitude.
That's why Janelle Baghdadi says the Elia the focal aren't
the one who knows Allah is like the earth the earth knows Allah.
The one who knows Allah is like the Earth. Junaid Al Baghdadi said
Allah it for call out yeah Taha al bar Reuel third year
worker sahab you little ACMA well absorbed, what can matter your
skill Mashi what Rashi. So the IRF the one who knows Allah subhana wa
Tada. And if this state dominates him, he becomes like the earth,
the earth is such that even the good people and the bad people,
they both
tread on the world, they tread on the earth.
He is
He is also
like the clouds, who will provide a shade to both altar all sorts of
provide to all sorts of things. So this person is just there in the
service providing to whoever there is just FISA beat Allah, or the
IRF is like the rain
which provides water for those who are walking. And also for those
who are trying to pull water from the well. Otherwise the well will
only provide water for those who pull the water out of it. It's not
going to provide your water otherwise, but mashallah this
person is like the rain, which will provide you what if you don't
go even go to it, it'll come to you.
La ilaha illallah, then the another group, and this is
probably the last of the groups and they may be more
manifestations, but these are the few that come to mind right now.
As discussed by the sheikh. I mean her mentor Tessie O'Malley for
two, whoa, this is the one he just gets this expanded awareness of
Allah subhanaw taala.
The other one was bewildered looking, looking, looking,
understanding, looking more. This one gets an expanded recognition
of Allah subhanaw taala Subhan Allah, may Allah make us of these
people. So what this person does, he is the one who's able to take a
dive into the oceans of the hate. The oceans of deck declaring Allah
to be one, declaring Allah to be one is something we all believe in
as Muslims that we have to have that belief. But what this is
talking about is when it becomes an action, so in everything you
do, you only see Allah, you only do it for Allah in everything. So
while we believe in Tawheed, but when it comes to, for example,
other things when it comes to earning sometimes people make
money, an object of their worship, not actively worship, but almost
like worship, so they will give it preference over things for for the
sake of Allah, but a person who for whom, though he is
The only thing that become absolutely overwhelmed by Tauheed
that that's it they take that into the ocean, they jump into the
ocean of towhee for them it's just that's all it's just a oneness of
Allah. They see nothing else. For now you can do who che nothing
pollutes that person. That person doesn't get salad, polluted and
confused with anything. What are you Salat? Allah He che Oh ALLAH
your Salat Allah He said nothing overwhelms them, nothing can
confuse them. But yet who do not see them in coalition, they still
take they still do everything they take their share of everything
they will eat, they will work, they will have money, they will
drive they will do everything. So they take part in everything.
Whether you have me na CB he che but nothing will take any part of
They are in control, meaning they only do things for the sake of
Allah. Nothing will take a part of them and divert them,
yet needs to be Konishi while you're still Heysham in shape,
they are comfortable with any situation, any good situation
they're comfortable with. And they don't feel uncomfortable in any
situation, because they just totally focused on Allah subhanho
wa Taala there is no bewilderment semana Allah.
Sometimes life goes wonderful. And then there is no complaints.
Sometimes difficulties come about and people get bewildered. People
get confused. People get depressed people
can't sleep at night. La ilaha illallah people cannot sleep at
night. They feel lost, they feel forsaken.
They feel that they don't have anything to hold on to anymore.
Their pillar is gone. But a person with Allah subhanaw taala that
pillar is always there because Allah is always there. So this
person never has a confusion of that nature that I'm
I've been forsaken that never just crosses their mind. They're
constantly with Allah subhanaw taala is always there for them.
That's why it's important to connect ourselves with Allah,
because he will do much more for us than what we do for him.
He will he is willing to do much more for us than we then we are
willing to do for him. He just wants us to do that bit. And then
he will do a lot for us.
About Rob says Elia, the FBI, he useful Katroo coalition, whether
you get the Rouget, the IRF Biller, the one who is the knower
of Allah who has reached the status.
He is the one who goes and purifies the muddiness and the
dirty and everything. So when He comes, He purifies things, he or
she will cleanse things make it crystal clear, that confusion will
be gone, and nothing can pollute them.
So nothing pollutes them in a way, they're very straight, the very
strong Subhanallah
we have children who are in primary school, you can look after
them, then Islamic schools or other schools, you can look after
them Primary School innocence. You know, the normal until 10, or 11
is a lot of innocence. And you go to secondary school, high school.
And one, one person who's just been through that who's now
finished college finish university, saying that you can't
have good friends in, in high school.
Now, I've my high school was done in Madras Al Hamdulillah.
we've heard a lot about high schools, and I can't say they're
all like that, or every person will have that experience. But
this is one person who's saying that you can't have good friends
in high school. What that means is, even the good people get
caught up there. It's the age that is bombarded by the media, by
bombarded by social media, by advertisements, by product by
music, the music industry, and all these other industries that are
there to make a buck from them. And they get them into that.
That's when the hormones are raging. That's when the shape time
comes around. So it's very, very, very difficult.
That age is a very critical age. That's when the just the human is
just looking and exploring. We find new found energies at that
time capabilities, we become more independent. So that's why it's
all open at that time.
And that is why it is a huge reward for those who spend that
time in the path of Allah connected to Allah subhanaw taala
they go into school, how many? If there are if our children from the
time that they become mature
to you know, when they get married, if they've managed to
pray all the slots, what an achievement that is that when
they're 25 years old, they don't have any other prayer
Masha Allah, I'm pleasantly surprised. I've spoken to a few
people in the past month or so. And I asked him, Do you have any
thoughts or prayers.
So Hamdulillah we don't have any calls or prayers. And that brings
a lot of satisfaction. There's a lot of people like that who do not
have cooperated. But yet, there's a lot to do have collaborators.
That's why you should tell your children and if it's children who
are listening, that after you become mature, you do not want to
miss any prayer.
And that training has to start earlier, from the age of 910, that
they tried to pray all the Salah, but it needs to be done out of
love, not out of force. It needs to be a bit of pressure, but a lot
of encouragement so that they want to pray themselves. And if they
want to do that, then in sha Allah, they will do so if they do
happen to miss a photo, they should get up and perform it
and make it up so that they have a clear balance all the way through
by the end of the day. They should not have any prayers outstanding.
And that's May Allah subhanaw taala protect all of our young
people. Otherwise, that's the time to make it or break it time
So the Irish biller is the one who goes and purifies everything else.
And nothing pollutes them.
Abu Salah mana Dharani you'll hear him quite often you'll hear about
his name because he was a major. What do you have Allah
La ilaha IL Allah Allah Illa Illa Allah, he says something which
sounds a bit controversial, he says that in Allah yufka holy
Latifi Allah urushi murder after Hula, hula, hula and when you
suddenly sometimes for irif Billa Allah subhanho wa Taala gives him
such unveilings and openings.
While he may be lying on his bed, than he gets maybe even in Salaat
because a person is constantly connected to Allah subhanaw taala.
So he doesn't even have to be in Salah to get salah they still want
your business or you can't sleep, can't sleep it off. But Masha
Allah is Allah subhanho wa Taala giving them lots of knowledge. And
there's a number of authors like this, that others have said, Who
knew them that this book they've written, you know, they know their
education. So there's certain scholars, their their
contemporaries know, their education, what they've started,
right. But some of the things that they've written is impossible for
them to have taken it from another book, or from another scholar.
For example, regarding Imam Kasim nanopi,
he just didn't write too many books, which is really
unfortunate. He was told by a friend of his that we want you to
write a book because he was a master of all the subjects of his
time, not just Islamic subjects. But in terms of the books of
astronomy, he studied all of those, he studied, philosophies of
his time, he studied everything, like he was just a voracious
student used, and he just found everything so easy. He would find
things for easy. So he's actually mentioned that in his class, his,
his teacher was shaking them locally. That was his name.
Rahima. Hola. So the other students had to translate to, to
show that they've understood the text to the teacher. For Qasem
dhanaulti Rahim Allah, when you're still a student, his teacher would
just allow him to just
provide the Arabic just read the Arabic. So the other students are
complaining that he's just reading Arabic? He's not translating, he's
not explaining he says, no, no, nobody monlam local, it was such a
teacher that there's nobody that would just pass by without
understanding something. He says, Don't worry, I know he understands
everything. He would let him just read that because he knew his
level of comprehension understanding. So there was
another friend of his who told him that I want you to write a book on
100 subjects, like, you know, some on a bit of detail on 100 subjects
like an introduction, almost. So he started writing on the first
one or two subjects. And he started writing. And then he sent
it to, he sent it to that friend, and a friend said, No, this is too
much when you're like just like one or two pages on each on each
subject, you know, because we need to publish this. And those days,
you didn't have so much money to publish huge Tomes. And he thought
this is going to become like a volume on each subject or
something. So So Mala Qasim, actually said to him, he says,
don't stop the pen when he doesn't want to stop.
Colombia Kamath Roko like don't stop the pen when he doesn't want
to stop. But the person said no, no, we only want it one page or
some or something like that, per subject.
And others have said now that it's a pity that he said that because
that is not the way monocalcium number two and then that book
never came to materialize.
Some people just write and you you wonder where they're getting this
knowledge from? And that's why others have said that what they've
written is essentially what they call
el el Mala Dooney. This is the knowledge that comes direct from
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada an inspiration directly from Allah
subhanho wa taala. Many teachers would have experienced some level
of this when you're teaching, there's something you've not
understood you've never thought of before. But when you're teaching,
suddenly there's a point that comes up. Right? That you will get
this is like a whole download of it. Just just just coming out.
There's a number of scholars who are like that, who people have
said, their contemporaries have said that there's no way they
could have written this just based on what we know. They knew because
they were our classmates. For example, let's say Al Mulla
Dooney, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives as much as he wishes. It
says, I mean, it's not similar, but it's like a person. They just
see business opportunities all the time, they can make money very
easily. And there's other people who struggle, they struggle to
make money they losers, you know, they think themselves as losers.
They try they try hard, but they don't make any other people money,
just suddenly they find money. Right all over the place. Some
people Allah does that for money, some people, some people, Allah
gives both of those things. Imam Abu Hanifa was somebody who was
given money abundantly, and he was given knowledge abundantly, sub to
Allah, you do your best you ask Allah, Allah can open it up to you
the floodgates open.
So we have Allah subhanaw taala.
It's a way of Allah, I believe that anything, you make an effort
for property, and you keep doing your deeds, Allah will open it up
for you. I mean, that's my, I would say that's my experience.
But you have to make an effort and you have to have dedication,
effort and dedication for the sake of Allah. And Allah will give it
to you. There's nothing he can't give you. Subhan Allah, nothing he
can't give you.
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Some people said that the
IRF, then the the one who knows, Allah gets to know Allah is the
one who finds complete comfort in the remembrance of Allah subhanaw
taala until they find discomfort with others, they know that only
Allah can provide so they become absolutely
focused on Allah subhanaw taala for all their needs, and then
Allah subhanaw taala makes them need a nobody else. But that is
something we have to create in ourselves first that
everything only Allah can give me so we only ask Allah. And then you
won't have to ask others again, Allah will just provide, you'd be
surprised how much Allah subhanaw taala can provide, which shook her
that you do. It's amazing.
You'd be surprised. For Athena who and hulky Hala will just make you
independent, he'll enrich you, you won't have to go to his creation.
Then these are the people who completely as we discussed
earlier, they humble themselves for the sake of Allah fully. Like
they just understand the greatness of Allah, they really understand
it. We all know Allah is great, but they really really take that
And Allah is great. I am nothing I am absolutely nothing. So when you
talk to them as like, I'm nothing like why are they saying I'm
nothing cost you something? I'm nothing compared to? You know,
what there is out there? What is Allah subhanaw taala. Like I find
myself completely insignificant. So a relative idea, that kind of
idea is that, and then Allah subhanaw taala makes them the most
respected people among respected among people.
Okay, so I'm going to quote you something from the old Ali Salaam.
Apparently, this is in the Psalms. Okay, I'm taking from the Arabic
version. It's a really interesting idea. And this doesn't seem to be
corrupted. Right? This seems to be what it is. Because when you talk
about the evangel, and the Psalms, and the books, they're not 100%
corrupted, that there's no word of God in there. Right? That's why we
shouldn't be this, like, take Bibles and throw them around. We
shouldn't really be doing that. You know, where while others may
do that to the Quran? We disagree with that, because they could be
and there's quite a difference of opinion as to exactly how much has
been changed in the like, what exactly as it has been changed? Is
it things taken from one piece put in another and mixed up like that?
So everything is still the words of God but mixed around? Or is it
changed in terms of replaced?
Right? There's various opinions on that. But at the end of the day,
not a can't say that everything is absolutely corrupt, right that
there's no good words in the course there is there are good
words in there. But we the Quran is sufficient for us. So
it says in the year that would Allah subhanaw taala saying to
that with Ali salaam, Bill, or Hillary Davi any Habib and Lehman
have Bernie,
tell the people tell those people who are the people that I'm
satisfied with or who want to be satisfied with me that I am the
lover of the one who loves me. I will give my love to the ones who
want to say they love Allah subhanaw taala
Tell me something. Have you ever felt a love for Allah?
How often do you feel a love for Allah like Allah I just love you.
Like, that's what you do for love though. You express that love
loves causes you extra so when's the last time you said yeah Allah
in your handbook? Does that ever come to the mind? I know it's
something we should do but does it have come to mind? Yeah love you
something to think about his Allah is promising a lot for that.
You tell anybody I love you I mean don't they feel really good about
Because that's what love is all about.
So tell the people that I am the lover of those who love me what
Jellison lemon jealous any? And the companion the sitting
Companion of the one who wants to sit with me how do you sit with
Allah you do sit and remember him? Right? Well I need to limit any
say basically, I'm also
you can say the comforting companion the one you're you feel
comforted by for the one who feels comforted by my remembrance
was Sahiba lemon Safa Benny Companion of the ones who is my
companion. How would you be a companion to Allah, your companion
of the masjid companion of good people? For the sake of Allah,
anything you do for the sake of Allah you accompany something?
Well, more thoroughly manifesta Ronnie, I'm the one who was chosen
by the one who wants to choose me then I'll be chosen by him. I'll
be there for him. Well, Mattia on lemon autonomy and I'll do for the
one who wants to obey me I'll I'll do their bidding. I'll do what
they want.
Because it has to be that you have to buy my might. I am I swear that
might have been Abdon Allah methodically Akita min Kobe, Illa
Kaabil to Hulin FC
any servant
who loves me, and who knows that
with certainty in his heart, if there is any servant like that,
then I will have accepted Him for myself. Like he would have been
accepted for me like if he knows by his heart that he loves me.
Then there is no seven who would not be then not accepted by me
like that was to shut the meme I have Bernie and I will love him
even more intensely than he loves me. Allah has the ability to give
that and people who believe they're supposed to be ardent
lovers of Allah anyway. Well, Lena Amendola should do Hogben Lilla
woman Talabani where journey whoever seeks whoever then will
have sought me or will seek Me will find me woman Tada Heidi
lumea journey, but if somebody seeks somebody else, they won't
find me then Allah ones pure, pure focus on him for Fallujah, 100 out
of the mountain tamale human who truly
are people of the earth, throw off, cast off, get rid of
all of the deceptions of the world that you have.
Well, hello mo Illa kuramathi While Musa Huberty amo gyla Sati
and rush towards hasten towards my honor, my benevolence, my
and my closeness oneness will be Vickery. Nisu can be
become comforted my by my remembrance and I will make you
comforted by my by me
that there's an effort what a three row Isla Maha Bertie astray
Illa Maha Betty come rush towards my love and I will rush towards
your love for any Haluk to Tina ibtm Infinity Ibrahima Khalili or
Musa Kelly me or ISA Rohit, well Mohammed and Sophie Sophie.
Because I have created
the original
the original substance
of my bit of my lovers, from the same substances Ibrahim alayhi
salam, my friend and Musa alayhis salam, my in dialogue, my
interlocutor, and Isa my spirit and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi.
Salam, my chosen one from the similar to what they've created
from I've created them from the as well they're from the same, you
know? Well, hello to colluvial mustachian I mean, Newari and
those who are lovers who have ardent desire towards me, I've
created their hearts from my light, and now I'm too I've then
gifted them from my might and from my beauty
that goes to understand what this path that gives us an
understanding of what this path is where it leads to.
this all makes sense because you see this on those who are kind of
recognized as being earlier Allah, they will have one of these
manifestations. When you read their biographies, you'll see the
kind of sometimes they go through different states, they might go
through a sense of bewilderment, then eventually they will be
sometimes they go through different states like that these
are all possible manifest traits of that nature. So now let us look
at what Sheikh
Abdullah, go here, Rahim. Allah is saying in his
in his commentary here, he says, seeker, your understanding that
your righteous deeds, your spiritual states, and your
efforts, your understanding that all of that brings about the
special mercy and proximity of Allah, then that is only due to
your deficiency in your thinking.
What did did you render in order to be brought to the focus of
Allah's mercy on you, right from the beginning, the decree of his
special mercy was applied to you when you and your deeds were non
Because Allah has planned everything from before, Allah has
a plan for everything from before.
It's not like he saw us doing a bit of good deeds and Okay, now,
he knew that already. So then why are we doing good deeds, that just
goes to show what's in store for us for doing bad deeds, we'll
start doing good deeds and that will go to show the same thing.
It was nothing but his grace. Hence, you should not consider
your deeds as the cause for His grace. Remove your gaze from your
efforts. Just focus it on the mercy of Allah Most High. So much
easier way to do that just yet Allah I want your mercy. I'm going
to make my effort but I need your mercy for that. I'm not relying on
this because I know that what I need from you may Allah subhanho
wa Taala make this a reality for us. May Allah subhanaw taala make
make it easy for us. May Allah grant us success in this Allahumma
and salam or Minkus theater in general it Quran Allah wa Sallim
wa salam ala so you know Muhammad wiener and you say you know
Muhammad, you are birdie Christian.
Ya Allah here Allah, your mercy, Your generosity, your benevolence,
your guidance, your light.
Yeah Allah your forgiveness here Allah we ask for your forgiveness
grant us your forgiveness or Allah. purify us, oh Allah purify
O Allah cleanse us. Grant us a life full of Taqwa and purity.
Allah protect us. Protect us or Allah protect us from the
distractions, protect us from negligence. protect us from
indulgence in others. Allah occupies with you. Grant us your
love and the love of those whose love that can benefit us of Allah.
Allow us to love everything. For the sake of yourself for the sake
of Your Love of Allah. Make your love more beloved to us. Then even
cooler water on a hot day. Oh Allah, make your worship.
Beloved to us. Make your worship easy for us. Make our
surroundings. Make our surroundings conducive for your
worship and for obedience to you. Remove the difficulties remove the
obstacles of Allah remove the pressures, remove
those distractions from around us that take us away that keep us
away. Oh Allah, there are so many things that we would like to do.
We've had a dream of doing those good things for a long time. We've
had ambitions for doing those things for a long time. never
managed to do it. Oh Allah Now allow us to do it. And there were
some things that we used to do before but then we got distracted
away from them of Allah allow us to resume those things. Don't
allow us to be worse than we were yesterday. Oh Allah make us only
better than we were yesterday. Oh Allah be there every day with
every hour we're getting closer to our death of Allah allow us to
just be better according to the continuous days and make our
final days the best of our days. Oh Allah make our final days the
best of our days. Oh Allah, whatever is good for us. Oh Allah
grant us and keep us away from whatever is evil for us. Whatever
is bad for us. Sometimes we see things and we get excited by them.
We become emotionally attached to them. We feel they are good. They
are good for us that it's good for us. Oh Allah only you know what's
good and bad of Allah. We want to be under your care. We want to be
under you
Okay, we want to be looked after by you we want a special special
looking after from you we want a special protection from you. That
keeps us away from that which is wrong that shifts us away from
there that doesn't even allow us to turn in that direction. That
makes us immune to those things of Allah so that we don't have to
struggle as much anymore. Oh Allah, Oh Allah don't make it a
struggle for us make it easy for us facilitate for us Oh Allah make
it easy for us facilitate for us, accept us for some service of your
deen for your remembrance for thanking you for being a special
servant of you for being the servant that you want us to be our
likes that from us. Oh Allah do not turn anyone here right now
anybody who's listening, do not turn any of us away without being
fortunate in this world and in the hereafter. Subhan Allah big
popularized the term IOC foon was the law when animals any well
hamdulillah Robben Island
Jazak Allah here for listening, may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless
you. And if you're finding this useful, you know,
as they say to that like button and subscribe button and forwarded
on to others, just like Allahu Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi