Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Real Messiah Dajjal Antichrist
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala UD mursaleen
where Allah He or Safi, he was asleep and Kathy you're on Ilario
Mateen Amar beret
con Allahu Tabarka with Tara field Quran in Mudgee they will for
carnal Hamid
Hello young Verona Illa and the whole Mueller eager to OEM to rob
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Yo Ma T Bell do it robic Allah and thoroughness ly in Pharaoh nevsun
Ema and her lambda con and admin Kabul.
Oka Sabbath fee email and you ha ha you're calling Toby Rue in
momento de Roon. So Nicola will, I'll leave.
Our dear
brothers, sisters
are the MA and dear friends,
the topic has become
one of greater interest in the more recent days, and it will
continue to do so. And the more people learn about the general,
our topic for today, the better because one of the signs of his
absolute closeness is that people will
forget about
people will not have understood who he is. And that's why he'll
have actually more room to create a problem and more room to
misguide people and do his work.
So, the job goes on the various different names let us understand
who this person is what his name means, so that we can be more
informed about this. He is going by different names one is the
There are two individuals that have been called the Messiah, one
is a Saudi Salam Jesus, peace be upon him.
And then there is the Antichrist, the one who is supposed to be
opposing a Saudi salaam, he is also called the mercy or the
Messiah. So in Arabic, the word mercy, Messiah, means to wipe and
to anoint. So because a Saudi Salam will have the ability to
anoint people to pass his hands over with the permission of Allah
subhanho wa taala, in the name of Allah subhanaw taala passed his
hands over somebody's eyes and allow him to see again, cure
people and so on. That's why he sadly Salam is called the Mercy,
the one who passes his hand over the one who anointed and so on.
The gel then is also called the mercy for different reasons,
for different reasons. And Mercy also means the one who will travel
the Earth or the one who travels the earth. That's one opinion, the
stronger opinion is that mercy also means the one whose eye has
been wiped the eye with the eye which has been obliterated, in
other words, and because the gels I have, at least his one eye has
been obliterated, and it doesn't function. It's just flat. There's,
there's no, it's as the Hadith mentioned, it's like a protruding
grape almost. So that's another reason why he's called the
Messiah. And that's what's mentioned in the Hadith anyway. So
that's what word Messiah, that's what it's about. It's a very
popular term in religious terminology, especially in
Christian terminology, that's why they name these various different
movies and programs and other things, the Messiah because that's
just something that a lot of people can resonate with,
especially from the Christian tradition, the Messiah, that's why
it's it's there.
So, it can either in the in the sense of the the Christian those
who followed a Sally's on the local mercy He you because another
meaning of mercy in the positive sense is the one who tells the
is the one who tells the truth is a Siddiq, the person of veracity
and truthfulness. So that's why mercy he used were those who had
truly believed in SRA Salaam.
However, our the gel, the one we're speaking about today is Al
merci at the journal. So there's always that characteristic, that
objective that is added to Al Merci, the Messiah, that the
journal the false messiah, what is the word digital mean? Then, the
word that gel then that means? The word digelar comes from various
different meanings. One meaning is that they used to coat animals,
sometimes their sheep or whatever they used to coat them into, for
some reason. So that is the word Nigella is used for that.
However, the meaning when it comes to the Job himself, it actually
mean digelar means to misrepresent,
to say something and mean something else.
To confuse something, to misrepresent something, to show
something other than the way it is, to show you good as bad, and
bad is good.
And welcome to the new age, the age of post truth, as they call
it, the post truth era as we're going through, where even people
who lie known to lie in public, on screen documented, can still be
chosen as leaders, not just in one country, but in more than a
country, in many places around the world. So people are willing to
tolerate, people are willing to ignore that for another reason.
And so the post truth age in the economy in The Economist a few
years ago, they basically had a whole issue on the post truth age,
and that's where we're living in. And the progress that Allah has
mentioned this anyway, in one of the Hadith, the prophet Allah, as
I mentioned, is that a time will come when you will, basically, the
Moncure, the evil,
will be shown as virtuous, and that which is virtuous, will be
shown as ugly and wrong, and non virtuous. And it gets so
confusing, except for the person with divine insight, except for
the person who sees with the light of Allah subhanaw taala, to be
able to figure this out. Because in many cases, when it comes to
personal life, where it's about dealing with specific issues,
buying certain products, following a certain line,
it gets really, really confusing, especially in the age of our
social media, where numerous research and
other events have shown how social media is being used to manipulate
people to think in a certain way to think in a certain way. So you
can understand that that's all misrepresentation. I'm not saying
that's the job. There are people in the past in our history, who
said that the job is not an individual. It's an idea.
It's a practice. It's mass distortion, distorting facts,
misrepresentation, showing some something to be other than what it
is. And in general, a shaytani idea of showing the good is bad
and the bad is good. So some people have reduced that the
general to that the Hadith are very clear, they're very graphic.
They're very explicit about the descriptions. And taking the job
as a real individual who does these things does not negate the
fact that there may be at the generic system in place, or the
generic practices in place shaytani practices in place. So
just because there's one doesn't mean the other one doesn't have to
exist, that just because there's misrepresentation in the social
media, and in politics, and in society in general. It doesn't
mean that that is that the journal and there will be no the journal.
All of this is just makes it easier for people to understand
this. And for people to maybe accept that the job when he really
comes will be the ultimate test. Because the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said that the journal is the worst of the trials
that you will ever face. In one Hadith he mentioned that the
prophets used to warn people against the journal, the prophets,
Allah, some really emphasize it, because his time is very close,
because he's going to be within the home of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam meaning from these generations until the day of
judgment, because the Prophet said Lauridsen is the last prophet. So
he really emphasized it, and he really spoke about it.
Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks in general about the general
the verse I mentioned before, it's when the signs will come. Allah
subhanho wa Taala talks about the signs that will come, which
includes number of signs, their sun rising from the West, the
West, and so on and so forth. And it doesn't mean just some signs,
but not just that the general It could mean a number of different
signs, that are people just waiting until the angels come to
them, or your Lord comes to them or some of the signs of your Lord
come to them.
Remember, basically, that when the signs of your Lord do come, then
after that, nobody's Iman will benefit them who have not
benefited before, who have not become maltman before. So, a
person who is not McMunn from before then it will not benefit
them because they will not be able to see clearly they will be misled
or our customers or they are believers before but they have not
yet and deeds within that. So inshallah by the end we'll also be
talking about how to protect ourselves from these things. How
to see through these
beings how to be enlightened, and how to be aware inshallah and we
ask Allah subhanaw taala for tofi.
So we talked about who the jewel, we talked about what it means, and
that's exactly what it is. People have used this term. By the way,
Hadith scholars have even used this term for those who used to
fabricate narrations fabricate Hadees, those who used to make up
Hadith, some of the scholars is actually call them the journal.
Because the word literally just means like a liar, an imposter, or
misrepresent somebody who misrepresents this, and misapply
something. So that's why the word you will be you will use it you
can, you know, people have used it for others as people who really
cause a lot of distortion. But the real the job is that the job the
job, some of the descriptions that we have are quite graphic. So for
example, one of the Hadith that speaks about the job is that he's
going to be a
large individual, reddish and complexion.
stocky Lee built, it seems curly hair, well, or not curly, curly
hair, but more towards the curly rather than being straight,
prominent forehead.
A broad chest,
the right eye, is going to be the right eye is considered to be the
non functioning eye. So in some narrations, it talks about it
being like a protruding grape almost. So there's something
there, but it's not an eye. But even the other eye is also
defective, there's almost like from the corner, it seems like
there is something over it. So even the left eye is defective,
but the right eye is not functioning, and the left eye is
And another cat another characteristics of his is that he
will not have children. So he's not fertile, he is not going to
have children. And that's what's mentioned as well. Above all, one
of the biggest signs will be because you get lots of people
with one eye and so on. But the one of the biggest ideas, one of
the biggest reasons there is that he will have gaff far and raw
written on the foreheads. Now, that sounds really strange,
obviously, that you know, you don't generally see people with
those letters on the forehead, or with anything on their forehead,
unless somebody wants to inscribe something on their forehead
for a joke, or seriously, or whatever they want to do it for or
to use
soft play letters to put it onto their forehead or stick them onto
their forehead for some misrepresentation or for some
claim or whatever the case is. Right? So this will be there. And
what's interesting is that whether all believers just because of
their faith will be able to see this, but not not nonbelievers.
Anybody without Iman will not be able to see this, only those with
iman will be able to notice this, whether they can read or write
whether they can read or not read, meaning whether they know how to
read or not know how to read. So it's something it's almost like
you're going to be given the glasses, or the vision to see
Right. It's not you don't go to school for it, you actually just
have Iman, good enough Iman, and that will allow you to see this.
And Allahu Allah may be the person with with very strong Iman
rapeseed very clearly and have no no confusion whatsoever, maybe
others will be confused. Allah subhanaw taala knows best, we'll
just have to see. You see, what you have to understand is that if
we look logically or rationally at these things, they seem a bit
mythical. How is it possible that somebody is going to have these? I
mean, I'll be really honest, that this is difficult to understand
You have people doing all sorts of things outside, you have people
dressing up in all sorts of ways, marking themselves with tattoos in
all sorts of ways. So personally, I don't think this is very far
fetched. But I look at it rationally in the way things are
going, where people can even change their gender today and be
totally different than what's a few tattoos on the head. If that's
all they are tattoos that only some people can see. And it's a
good it's basically a God given tattoo, it seems so Allahu Allah
that will tell the believer who this person is. And calf Farah,
basically the lute root letters of calf ear, which means to
disbelieve, so it will be written their calf here.
That's why I wouldn't even joke about with this. Like, you know,
if somebody for a joke puts ghafar on their foreheads, that I see as
a huge blasphemy. Like why would you want to even play the part?
Even as a joke? That is something to be shunned. That's evil. Why
would anybody in their right mind want to even do that?
If not, Amara, the Allahu Anhu.
This is a Hadith. I'm going to mention a few Hadith just so that
you understand that it's from sahih Hadith all of this
Isn't aerated that I've done live normally the Allah one relates
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that while I was
one day sleeping, it looks like he was sleeping and doing a tawaf
and it looks like he's having a dream and he's doing a toe off and
he says that I suddenly see II saw the son of Maria, my see Jesus
peace be upon him.
And then he says, I saw that the John. So the Prophet Solomon was
given a vision
of the job. And then he described him and he said, basically, is
Raju loon Jesseman. Amara, Dora Ross, which I basically explained
earlier, and the descriptions that I gave, and then he even mentioned
that if you want to see if you want to understand who this person
looks like, there was a person called ignore cotton
probably injure Helia before people, he says he looks like him.
He's from the hodza tribe. So even gave a resemblance to show that
I've actually seen this the journal as such. Now, the question
that comes about here, is a right now or not? Or is he somebody
that's going to be born one thing that we have to clarify because I
got asked this question the other day is the job a human being? And
yes, the job is a human being. He is of the human race, and just a
bit abnormal, and different.
The Jewish man George, who we are not going to be speaking about
today, Gog and Magog, they are also from the human race. They
also from one of the sons of new Holly who Salam.
Right. So they also come from the human race, they just again,
We've had human race, we have had different people within the human
race. And Allah has the ability to create different types of people.
So is that the jail alive right now, the majority opinion is that
it seems to be yes, that the jail is alive. Now we have two sources
to understand who are aware that the jail is or who he was. We've
got the descriptions, which I've mentioned some of the
descriptions. Later, I'm going to be mentioning what he's going to
do his activities, and the confusion is going to create and
the challenges. I'll talk about that later. But in terms of who he
is listed, let's try to determine that. for that. We've got to two
sources of info. Well, we've got two, we can have two
understandings from the Hadith. One is a person called IGNOU saw
it or Ignacia yard in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam was a young boy, in the time of the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe. Salam, a really strange, young boy.
One is that is he that the germ? And there's lots of confusion
about that. And number two, actually, no, he is not that the
But it's actually a person who's on a on an island that has a hobby
called tamiment. Daddy, who became a Muslim, who mentioned his whole
encounter to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, that
he's actually on that island. And he will its him will come out
later. Some have tried to bring both of these opinions together.
And they've used different ways. Allah subhanaw taala knows best.
That is what we'll see. But all we can we know is that these are the
two sources. Now, let me tell you a bit about
this Ignacia yard because it's kind of interesting. If not the
yard was either
from the answer originally, or he's from a he's a Jewish convert.
One thing is that he definitely expressed Islam. Right. That's
seems to be the case. And his son was a believer.
The other opinion is that he's from the answer. But he was only a
child when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was there and then
he obviously grew up afterwards. And the Sahaba had a number of
interactions with him. His son, his name was Amara this evening in
the yard son. His name was O'Meara, and he's actually
considered to be one of the top debater him. So he's got no
problem. This is really interesting. So he's got no
problem. I said earlier, that according to one Hadith, the jar
cannot have children. This particular one seems to be another
type of the jewel, because his son is a really pious person. He is
from the tabby in to such a degree that Imam the hubby and numerous
others have actually written a beautiful biography about him.
For example, if Nigel Ashkelon, one of our greatest Hadith
scholars, mentions about him in the sahaba.
He says, Abdullah Omar, son of Abdullah Abdullah yard, he was
mean he are ill Muslimeen one of the one of the best of the
believers and he was one of the companions of Sati dibutyl. Musa
yerba Rahim Allah Imam Malik has actually taken Hadith from him as
well. So that's the sun
If we just go to him now and focus on him, why is there so much
confusion? And to be honest, once you start reading his stories,
he's actually a very confusing person. So for example, he used to
be like a soothsayer, he used to say things that nobody else would
be able to tell you, or would say, really strange things, some part
of it would be close to the truth as well. And that's why it's so
confusing. He wasn't just like a madman, that okay, just ignore him
He used to sometimes say things that used to come true. And other
times they were false. So he used to use a hit and miss about him.
So lots of basically, when you have somebody like that in the
community, especially in a very tribal community, where everybody
is so close together, everybody finds out about this. So for
example, when people began to say is it because the Hadith about the
gel had been mentioned the promises and describe the job
already, so people knew that there was a digital?
Then this Ignacia yard, His activities and his different
antics as a little kid, right? They're going around. So the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finds out about it, and
people are claiming that he is that the jewel? He seems to fit
the bill, he seems to fit the description of the journal. So
what the province of Morrison did was that he wanted to go and find
out. So Abdullah, no matter the Allahu Anhu relates in this
hadith, that Omar the Allahu anhu, went with the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, in a small group of people, a few people towards
where blusa yard was, he was in another small part of Madina,
Munawwara there, he was playing with the children.
He's playing with the children.
Now Ignacia was nearly barely nearly mature. So he's probably
about 1112, around the age. So he's playing with the children.
when the Prophet Solomon got there, he didn't really really
realize that he's the Prophet salallahu salam until the prophets
Allah or some kind of
said to him, a Tasha do any Rasulullah do you bear witness
that I'm the Messenger of Allah.
So I'm gonna say I've looked at him. And he said,
I bear witness that You are the messenger of the unlettered
people, the Rasulullah, Amin, plus all of the Omi people those who
don't, which was basically one of the descriptions of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
then eveness a yard said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Do you believe? Do you bear witness that I am the messenger of
Can you see he says some really confusing stuff? He says, I know
you're the messenger. But then he's saying to the voiceless, and
do you believe that I do bear witness that I am the messenger of
Allah. So the prophets, Allah, some obviously
ignored that rejected that. And he said, Amen to Billa, he will be
Rasulullah I believe in Allah and His messenger.
So then Rosen said to him, What are you seeing? Like what do you
see? Because he was known to see things visions. So Ignacia yet
says, or rather, who do you see says, oh, both the sodic and the
guy, they've come to me, which basically means that both the
truth and the falsehood come to me, I've got an Inspire of truth,
and an Inspire of evil. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
says, yes, the man has been made confused to you like you've been
very confused by these things. Then the Prophet sallallahu sallam
said that, okay, I'm thinking of something which I'm not going to
I'm basically concealing something. What is it is testing
him? He wants to figure him out. So he's testing him. So eveness
the yard says, it's the
What is Doc mean? So the process allows him said fossa, voluntary
to cut the rock. He says, Okay, you're going to be at loss, you're
never going to get beyond yourself. The Prophet saw some
figured him out, because essentially what he was doing is
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had been thinking about
the verse in the Quran. Yo, Mama, yeah, this summer will be Doohan
and morphine. Yomi Yomi. This summer, we do honey mobian, when
the clear smoke, when when the heaven will release a clear smoke
will it'll bring up a clear smoke. So Doohan in Arabic or another for
dark Obioma. This summer will be Doohan a movie, that one. So
that's the verse The process was thinking about, the full word is
Doohan for smoke. So it's almost like saying hot, just the
beginning of that words. So the pros are, um, sistema that he's
not got a full and you know, how is he getting this information
then? There are lots of people today who can give you bits of
information like that. Right? There are lots of people today who
can give you bits of information like that, whether they're what we
call an army lien or these gin, removing practitioners, right, or
Ghostbusters or whatever else.
Whatever other terms you you want to use, whether positive or
negative, whether Muslim non Muslim exorcists and so on. And
people who seem to know a few things fortune tellers and so on
the way they generally do these things, they have their ways. They
have a contract contract with a gym, their gym speaks to your gym,
because every human being has a has a devil or a gene with them
from their birth, who basically knows everything about us because
they've been with us for all of our life. Our our gene or che
shaytaan basically knows everything about us from from
basically our birth more than probably anybody else except ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada right. So they're Jim's speaks to our Jim gets a bit
of information, Jin's nerd seem to know that never give the full
information is always like bits of information.
So it seems like he got a bit of information somewhere, but it's
not enough. He's not that high up, right. So the profits are awesome,
figured it out. Okay, you're not gonna get too far. And there's a
number of other encounters about that as well. For example,
if no matter the Allahu Anhu mentioned that once
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and obey ImmunoCAP, the
Allahu Anhu went to some palm trees, were able to say yes, it
was. And he wanted to hear from Ignacia like, what is he talking
about? Because he seems to have murmuring or saying something
there. So he wanted to just secretly hear what he was saying.
So the Prophet saw some sees him while he's lying down.
And but his mother was there. So his mother sees the Prophet
sallallahu, alayhi wasallam and said, Yeah, so that was like maybe
a shortened version of his name. Yes, off. Right. This is Mohammed
salah, this is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he quickly
got up. And the Prophet saw some remark that, had she not said
anything, had he been like that it would have become clear what it
was. But you see, what it is, is that Allah subhanaw taala has kept
ambiguous for us. We don't know who he is, or when he's going to
come. We've been given signs, and we've been told what to do. And
we've been warned, and that's what's really most important about
us. That's why I don't listen to anybody, whether that be a
whether it be a speaker, whether that be Netflix, whether there be
anybody who tells me that this is the job until you see the signs
Right, there's a lot of conjecture, a lot of estimation, a
lot of speculation out there, that this is the job and this is the
job and he's born and he's here and he's there and all the rest of
it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam seems to have not told us,
right? He may have known Allah knows best, but he didn't reveal
to us. And in all these Hadith, it seems that maybe at that time, he
did not know if Allah told him later.
In another version, the Prophet saw some asked him What do you
see? So he say, I see.
I see a throne on the water.
So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,
yes, you're seeing the throne of the Iblees on the water.
What else do you see? Who else do you see? He says, Oh, I see both
the truthful ones, and the liars. So the prophets, Allah from said,
You know what, leave him. He's just got confused. inspirations.
He's got confused inspirations.
That's why YBNL cathedra. And many of these other scholars say that
he seems to have just different ways Allah opens up Allah gives
certain people certain ways that they tap into certain wavelengths
to understand things or jinn or whatever the case is. And that's
all it seems to be.
Where did where did the simplest Sajjad eventually go? It seems
like he eventually disappeared, there was a battle that took place
the horror. And in that one he was never seen after that. He was
actually never seen after that.
So he disappeared. That's why some have this idea that he was there
at the time. And then after that, he disappeared. He is the guy on
the island that I'm going to speak about later. That some people's
view, but Allah knows best.
So you actually have among the Sahaba some Sahaba who insisted
that the JAL Ignacia is that the job and others said that he's not
that the gel is the other one on the island.
You know, this ignores the yard he knew that people used to think is
the job so he's actually defend himself.
So he's actually challenged people and defend himself that with
numerous things. For example, this is a long hadith of Abu Seidel who
deliver the Allahu Anhu will say the holier the Allah is the famous
Hadith generator and a great Sahabi so he says that once we
were on our way for hydro ombre, from Madina, Munawwara to Mocha,
mocha aroma and the
Inside Abuja Yun happened to be with us in our group, he was in
our hedge group.
So we stopped somewhere on the way, and people dispersed to do
their own thing. And somehow me and him remain together in one
place. And he says, I was really, really feeling strange about this.
Like, I didn't want to be with him. Because he was a weirdo.
Let's put it that way. Right? Clearly a weirdo, like we would
say, at least. So everything that needs to be said of him, I did not
want to be with him. He came with his stuff. And he put it with my
stuff. He put it with my luggage. And he said, You know what, it's
really, really hot. So maybe let's go and put it under the tree. So
he's kind of leading, leading. So he did that. And then after that,
there was some goats there. So he went, and he seems to bring some
milk from there. And he says, he'd have some milk. But he's been nice
about it. Now, I will say that the Allahu Anhu says to him, that you
know what, it's so hot today. And the milk is warm as well. Milk is
hot. It's just been freshly, you know, it's going to be warm as
well. So
he says, really, I was just making Excuse me, do you want to drink
eat? I didn't want to take anything from his hand.
Because when you got somebody like you're just like, wondering what
they're gonna do something in there or not. Right? So he says, I
really just didn't want to take from his hand.
then he probably figured it out. Meaning him to say, Yeah, I'd
really figured it out that look, even crusade seems to have a
problem with me. So he says, You know what, I thought on times that
I should just take a rope and I should hang myself from a tree
because of what people say. I should just hang myself.
he says the Abu Saeed I mean, you know, the Hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Hadith are clear about that the
Jalla Edita clear, right? You and Saudi people. I mean, you know the
Hadith as well. Don't you know the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam? Hasn't the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
that the GRE is going to be a calf here, and I'm a Muslim.
Hasn't the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that the jollies can't
have children. And I've had children.
You almost like feel sorry for him when he's saying all of this,
He says, Look, I've left my son in Madina Munawwara I've left my
children Madina Munawwara hasn't the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
that the gel can never enter into mocha mocha or Madina, Munawwara.
And here, you know, I've just come from Madina Munawwara I'm going to
mocha mocha Rama,
who say the food that he said, he said so much that it was almost
like I was going to excuse him, like, almost like clear my mind
about this.
So, so far, so good, right?
Then do you know what he says? He says, Mr. walhi, Inilah refer who
was the former leader who were in a hole, and
this is what I call a weird person. He, he, he, he mentions
all of these things to clear his name. And then he says, By Allah,
though, I know exactly where he is, I know him.
And I know where he is, right now. And I know where he was born.
So I will say, is back to square one.
Right? So I will say that he said, that been lacasa Alien, like, you
know, won't be upon you the whole day. I mean, like, what kind of a
person or you, you want to clear your name, and then you basically
provide the suspicion again, you actually say with conviction, but
I know where he is. That's why he's really a weird kind of
In fact, in another Hadith, Hadith, it's related that people
say, Yeah, I'd said that. I know where the jealous. I know, his
father and his mother.
And so somebody asked him
are you happy that you're that person? So he said that, if that
was prevented, presented to me to be him, then I would not mind it.
It's almost like he's secretly loves the admiration. I don't know
whether he had a cycle. I mean, I'm reading into this from a
psycho linguistic persona. Maybe he wanted to be someone he's not.
Maybe you know, like, because if you're something you want to be
somebody was me. It's just a mental health problem.
Some weird narcissism problem. I don't know. Allahu Allah. That's
what I'm just speculating here. Right.
Otherwise, in one moment, like he's feeling upset, and the other
moment is like, Yes, I know who he is. And I don't mind being him.
That Hadees actually framed my Muslim when he says I don't mind
like if it was presented to me the offer than I would have taken it.
So that's why there are there was just so much confusion about the
Allamah have as well, some automatic he is and some thing
that he's not
Now, let us look at the hadith of Tami macdaddy Rhodiola which is
the other Hadith from which we get a different bit of information. So
Imam Muslim again this is a Hadith of Imam Muslim. It sounds a bit
folklore ish. It sounds a bit like a fairy tale sounds like strange.
And that's why there have been certain prominent individuals of
the last 100 years like Rashid Rida and
Mufti Mohammed Abdullah and these are some Egyptian scholars and
others who have basically said that all of this is symbolic,
right? These aren't realities, and some have completely even rejected
this hadith but how can you reject the hadith of Sahih Muslim like
that that's why the majority overwhelming majority the Ummah
they've agreed on this. This is a Hadith sahih Hadith from your
Muslim. He transmits it from Ahmed Abu Shura healer shall be one of
the greatest of the tabby under a Sharpie His name is
he said that he wants us for team I've been to case famous a hobby.
There's a famous story about her. She got divorced and about in debt
and so on. She's a famous Sahaba a female companion, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right. That he has thought him I've been
to case who's the sister of a de Hakeem no case, right? And she's
from the earliest Muhajirs she's from the earliest me graters to
Madina Munawwara from Mocha mocha Rama, that
I want you to narrate to me a hadith that you heard from the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam directly not from anybody
else. Something you heard directly from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi
wasallam. So he says she said to him, If you want I can do that
says please mention it to me. So she first mentioned her story
about her becoming
widowed from her husband.
Right first she mentioned that particularly because that's
another unique narration of hers. And how she had to spend her in
that because there was some problem with the in laws family or
something. That's why she had to spend it in the home of Abdullah
and Ami Maktoum or the Allaha.
Then she said that when my ID that finished, when my waiting period
finished after after the after my separation, then I heard somebody
calling or making an announcement.
That Salah is about to go so other than or some other announcement
that Salah is about to take place. So finally I was able to go out to
the masjid because I'm not an idiot anymore for Harish to Al
masjid. And I prayed with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and I was in the row of women. I was in the role of women
that were just behind the men. So the first it looks like she was
quite ahead in the women rose. When the prophets of Allah Islam
finished his prayer, he sat on the member, and he was smiling.
And he says that, look, everybody should stay in their place.
Because everybody should stay in their place. Do people know why
I've gathered you here? Why am I telling you to stay behind? Why
are you all sitting here today? Right?
So they said Allah and His Messenger know best, you obviously
know, because we had the poster up, right? They did not notice is
that you need to stay here. Right? And you know, what I'm going to
speak to you about.
So is that Allah and His Messenger know best. I've gathered you here
not to give you any other nasiha not to tell you about any other
persuade you to do anything else or whatever. But I've gathered you
here because I've just been told by Tommy Midori, who used to be a
Christian and Nasrani, who used to be a Christian. He's come, he's
basically become Muslim. He's given the Pledge of Allegiance.
He's just become Muslim. And he's taken the pledge of allegiance.
And he's basically told me of an incident that he has experienced.
Now remember, this is really interesting, because he
experiences this before Islam. He is from among the Arab tribes, but
he's not Muslim. He's a Christian. So he's telling me about an
experience that he had at sea, which conforms to what I've been
telling you about mercy hood, the job in general, about that the job
of the Messiah.
He told me that once he went on a sea voyage
on a ship with about 30 other people from the lamb and the
Durham tribes, 30 others and they got caught up in a storm, the
waves just started falling, rising around them, and that stayed
around like that for a month, they could not get out. So they were
for a month at sea, in the storm. Eventually,
they managed to get towards a shore of an island. So they you
know, every larger ship they actually have small boats on
there, where they so that you
You don't have to get too close to the shore and basically ground the
ship. So that's why they anchor outside, and then they take small
boats inside. So what they did was they got onto one of the smaller
boats. And finally, when they reach really far west, that's
where this was. And they got off, and they got onto these islands.
And as soon as they got onto the islands, there is this strange,
extremely hairy, Shaggy beast that suddenly comes up to them and
start speaking to them. Now, as I said, this sounds mythical. Right,
this huge, Shaggy, you know, that comes in maybe Netflix should make
this the true version. Right?
You said it was so Shaggy. You could not actually tell the head
from the tail. That's how hairy it was. Okay.
They were like surprise, like, who are you? What are you? What kind
of a person are you are? What are you says, I'm the just Sasa. Now
that just means to spy. And look out. Right? It could be a guard or
a lookout, or some kind of minister and I'm the just salsa.
What is it just salsa? Like, tell us what is it just says, like,
what kind of beast or you said, look, there's a in that
temple or that building out there, right religious place of a
religious place, there's a person in there that you need to visit,
he really wants to visit you he has probably hasn't had visited
for a very, very long time. He needs to, you know, you need to
visit him. So when they heard about this person, they wondered
like, what could it be on this for long island abandoned island? Who
could there be in that dilapidated building? Or in that building? Who
could it be? Right? It must be some kind of shaytaan? Some kind
of gym? Because that's what you think of first, right? When you
think of all buildings and things like that, or no, no, we just
programmed to think that way, or whatever the case is, or maybe
that is where a lot of gyms stay. Right? Sorry, this is just my
analysis. Right? So he said, we quickly rushed in until we got
inside. And in there was this huge person.
Right, but completely tied up.
We've never seen somebody so large and so humongous like that.
But he was totally tied up in chains, to such a degree that his
hands are tied up at his chest, or his neck rather. And his knees
are tied up. Right? All in chains. Like won't be upon you. Who are
you like what are you? He says, now that you found me, I've got a
few questions for you. You tell me who you are. Oh, where some people
from the Arab tribes. That's who we are. We got on to the sea
voyage. And basically, the sea was calm. But then after that, it
started the woods waters began to rage. And eventually, after a
month or so we were tossed on to you know, toss close to this
island. So that's why we're here.
And when we got off, we found that strange beast who brought us to
you. So now you tell us, you know who you are. They basically they
told you the whole story. And then they asking him who you are. He
asked them a few questions though. He said, Look, I've got a few
questions for you. Tell me about the palm trees of basin.
Now basin is in the hole, which is basically the very desert kind of
area in Jordan.
If you go from Amman, I think it's kind of North West. If I'm
correct, the whole area, this area is there. So he asked him a few
questions he said, informed me about the palm trees of basin.
So he said What exactly do you want to know about these? Like
what a question, what do you want to know about these trees? These
palm trees? I'm asking you about the trees. Do they still give
fruit? Do they still bear fruit? We said yes they do. So he says
well know that there will come a time soon where they will stop
bearing fruit. Now tell me about the river Tiberius small river
Tiberius again that's on the west of Jordan. It's in it's between
Jordan and the Palestinian area. Right. So tell me about the river
Tiberius. Again what do you need to know about the river Tiberius?
Is there still water in there? Subhanallah he said yes, it's
abundantly flowing lots of water. Now you know,
unfortunately now in basin, there's not that many as far as a
from the report I read. There's not that many palm trees or giving
fruits and this river Tiberius is mostly dried up. Right. So that's
why he says then is that soon it's water will dry up. Right? It's
water will dry up. Now tell me about the well of zuvor
the world of zoegirl they seem to know about this and again, it's in
a place close to three days journey from Jerusalem. Again.
It's in that it seems like in that sham area maybe it seems telling
me about
The observer or the spring observer? Again, what do you need
to know? Does it still have water in there? And do the people around
it use its water to irrigate their farms, their fields?
said yes, it's got lots of water at that time, you had lots of
Okay, now tell me about the Prophet of the mean. Now that's
very interesting that he uses that same term, the Nabhi of the Amina,
same characteristic for the prophet that also didn't say,
Yeah, I didn't.
I didn't say I already know where he was.
So what is he done? What's what's going on with him? Yes, he's come
from karma, karma. And now he's settled in year three be settled
in Madina Munawwara.
Have the Arabs vote against him? They said yes. What happened?
He's basically overcome a lot of the Arab tribes around him.
He says that's exactly what has happened. We said yes.
He says it's actually better that they follow him.
It's actually better that they follow Him. Now, let me tell you
who I am. He said, I am the Messiah. I am the mercy. Right
that the journal and soon I'm going to be allowed to be released
and to come out. So I will come out and I will travel the earth, I
will not leave any area No, no village, no area, except that I
will be there for 40 days, my time is going to be for 40 days, in 40
days, I'm gonna go around. The only place that I cannot go is
maca and table tables, another name from Madina Munawwara because
they've been made unlawful for me, both of them every time I want to
enter any of them. There's angels, which swords that are basically
standing with naked swords, that will prevent me from doing from
getting in. And there are guards on each of those. Each of those,
each of those gates are entry points into Madina Munawwara now
again, here, when people read this hadith, somebody will say how can
the jungle earlier people they say how can the judge go around the
entire world every area in 40 days, when even today that sounds
difficult, physically, even though we got planes, you can probably go
around the world but to go in every area.
Right? How would you physically go in every area, but maybe 50 100
years ago, they would never have fathom that it's actually very
possible, right for me, even to be speaking.
Right? Through transmission to everybody in the world.
That's absolutely possible. I don't have to physically go there,
I can be virtually there. And who knows what augmented reality in
the future will bring where you could be in many, many places, you
could be seen to be physically in many, many places. Because you
know, they they show how
they show how you can actually create
illusion of someone being the right. So all of these things seem
to be completely much more clearer. People may have read some
people thinking this is far fetched, may have rejected them
thinking this impossible, for in 40 days, even though one of those
days is the process and said is going to be like a year. Right.
But today, even with a bit I'm not saying that's exactly what's going
to happen that he's only going to go around and you know, on a you
know, he's going to broadcast, right Facebook Live or whatever
the call is, but although that's a very perfect portal for him to do.
So it's all it's all ready for it right? How many millions of
followers or billions of foreigners, they've gotten there.
When the prophets of Allah ism got to this place in telling the
story. He had a stick, and that's when he struck the member with his
stick. And he said, This is terrible. This is terrible. This
is terrible. Meaning Madina Munawwara he cannot enter into
Madina Munawwara
so then he said, Didn't I tell you about that the journal and the
period said yes. So he says that this story of the Mima daddy,
about the sea voyage, really, really astonished me and
interested me because it was in conformance to what I've been
telling you. Because it seems like the Prophet sallallahu ALA has
been told these few things. He was really interested in finding out
like he did with Ignacia. So when tamiment daddy came and told him
about this is quite excited that wow, this is completely in
accordance to what we've been speaking about. Anyway, then he
says that he does the jungle this he is in the bow to Sham or barrel
Yemen. He's either in the waters of Sham or the waters of Yemen or
actually more towards the east. more towards the east. That that's
where he is and Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Now let us
move to a few other things.
Before we finish, you see Imam is a number of scholars. I like their
conclusion about it like
Imam Bay hockey, he says that the Jarle Akbar the big the jewel, he
is the one on the islands. But then you can have other small the
jobs doing other weird things. So I like that opinion, I think that
seems to go because you do have strange distorts of information
around the worlds, right? And that that could make sense. What's
going to happen now, once we figured out who the gel is at
least as much information as we can get. Now let us figure out
when he is going to come at the end of time. So now you have to
understand that there are minus signs and major signs, minus
signs. All of those signs which will occur in different
intensities in different places, but they will not necessarily be a
global idea. For example, disobedience to parents is a minus
sign. In some places, there's disobedience of parents, in other
places, there's not as much, right? Likewise, the prevalence of
singing and Zina and these things these are considered to be also
minor signs, but again, in some places is worse than others. They
don't necessarily completely global that everybody has to be
doing that. The major signs then are those which will be globally
effective. And the first of those signs is going to be the MADI are
the Allahu Anhu. He will come, he will be found to deal with many of
the problems of the world he will be basically
it will be told by the owner of the time that you need to now take
up this responsibility. Again, there are 20 Something narrations
that explain who he is going to be Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah, that's
what his name is going to be. Right. So he's a Mohammed whose
father is Abdullah
from the tribe of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam.
Right. So that once he comes about he will start leading the Muslims,
they will get to Jerusalem, they will get to Damascus, and the
salaat will be about to begin and the eastern minaret of Jerusalem
sorry of Damascus of the Umayyad mosque, which did not exist in the
time of the Prophet salallahu Salam. And the promise was
mentioned in his time that isa Alayhis Salam is going to descend
there and that machine wasn't even around.
When he did not have the numeric one of the millions he actually
built it. That's where isa Islam is going to descend. And because
of Salat has a comma has been given. They're gonna say ISA is on
now you're here you lead the prayer but isa ism says no, it was
actually a Karma was given the call to commence was given for one
of your people. Let him be the Imam. So Maddie or the Allah who
will lead the prayer. After that you don't really hear much about
It seems like he's become part of a Saudi salaams force. This is
Fajr prayer. They then hear that the journal has appeared and he is
going to be in Jerusalem. So they then rushed to Jerusalem. So
that's what he's talking about. The John will actually come out
from the east. Right, the gel will come from the east from a place
called Hora sun now Hora Sun is a very big area. Hora Sun is an old
area no longer called Cora sun, but essentially parts of
Afghanistan. Right? Not all of it, as far as I know, parts of
Afghanistan, a lot of Iran and some parts of some of the
adjoining areas until the Amu Darya. Right until the Oxus River
is the horizont area beyond that is the transaksi aina. Right. So
he's from this Horizont area
from specifically from a small area called the Yehuda right which
is named after it was a you see when Nebuchadnezzar when he
basically destroyed Jerusalem, right. He took a lot of the Jewish
tribes, the Israelite tribes from there, and he settled them here in
Isfahan. So this is Isfahan which is in Iran today. That is the area
of Hora founder talking about. So the area that they used to be in
right that's cool. Yeah, who the so that's where he's going to come
with many hoots from the area he's going to come according to what
this hadith mentions anyway.
You'll have 70 fourths of 70,000 of the hood with him from that
Imam Ahmed relates from Jana that omega SD that once I went
is talking about this long Hadith in which he basically mentioned
that the job is going to stay for 40 days. That is gonna be his
And in that he will basically reach every place. They will just
be foremost is that he cannot get into Masjid Al haram. Masjid Al
Madina Masjid the tool, right, which is Sinai in the sign of
Masuda tool, and Masjid Al Aqsa. So, aside from the three main
message Masjid must you do to
that he can't get into that area.
Muslim relates Imam Muslim relates from another diplomatic
The Allahu Anhu that the gel will be followed by 70,000, of the hood
of Isfahan. And upon their heads will be helmets or hats, or
crowns. I mean, they've been mentioned differently, there'll be
something that will be a significant idea that they'll have
something on their head.
Another version says that there'll be people with him who will have
flat faces, like flattish faces. And maybe that's because it won't
be just the hood, it'll be actually some Turkic origin
people, flat faces, if you go beyond Kazakhstan, and that area,
there's people of the area Allah knows best, right? Who they are.
So and there's going to be several, it's not just you who
that are going to is going to be several different types of people
that will be with him.
Or Rob, a lot of illiterate people will be with him because he can
confuse them. What we mean by illiterate here is not necessarily
illiterate, like they know how to read and write. But people who are
not informed, probably have, and probably illiterate people as
well, in general. In fact, it says that there's going to be a huge
number of women with him, because he's going to use a lot of
emotion, entertainment and emotion. And that's something
apparently women find, basically get more deceived by easily write
then some men don't, don't, don't be mistaken that there won't be
any men with them, they will be men as well. But to such a degree
that it normally the Allahu Anhu says that a Prophet sallallahu
sallam said, the journal will come to this particular area, and the
majority of the people have in the area that will come out to him
will be women, to such a degree that a man is going to have to try
to restrain his wife,
his mother, his daughter, his sister, his auntie, you're going
to have to tie them up so that they don't go out. That's how
severe that challenge is going to be like, No, I need to go and see
that movie. I need to go and see that carnival. I need to go and
see that show. I need to go and see that circus. I don't know what
it's going to be. But it's going to be something like that. Like I
need to watch that show. Like I must watch neighbors. I must watch
EastEnders every week, you know, SubhanAllah. Right. I'm not saying
that's what it is. But I'm just saying that you understand what
I'm saying. You see that the jewels fitness the browser or some
set is the worst. Now this is where I want to say what is in
here for all of us. Because it's been a nice story, we get more
informed Alhamdulillah. And we're informed and that's useful. And
that's beneficial for our iman as well. However, the most important
thing we need to understand is two things. Number one, we need to
stop thinking that the world is in such a position and it's bad. I
know we've got issues and we got challenges. But we must stop
thinking that it is so bad now that we cannot do anything and we
need to just outsource it to this MADI or the Alana is going to come
let him just start the major science, let that the gel come and
inshallah I'll be sorted. I for one, believe me, this is my
personal perspective after reading all of this, right, which I've
thought about for a very long time is that I personally do not want
to be around at that time. I want to die on Iman before then. The
reason is that number one, my and your death is closer than becoming
of any malady, or the journal or Sra. Salaam.
Right. It's, we have to be prepared for that. A lot of people
asking what are the
what are the characteristics of a person who's going to be in the
army of MADI? Or who's going to be with him and support with him? A
good believer?
A good believer. And that you know what that means is that means a
lot of things. Right? Both from a spiritual perspective salats a
burdah worship conduct everything. It's a whole big idea.
Right? But I do not want to be around it because the Prophet said
my son has mentioned that the jewel is the worst of the unseen
things that are being awaited. So now tell me your brothers. I can
only ask you because in the sisters or I can't see them. But
what is your biggest fitna? What is your biggest challenge?
Something we shouldn't be doing but it's tough
that's your mobile phone.
Desire desire for what mobile phones
money okay mashallah these guys are mobile phones and money
anything else?
if I ask the women what do you think they'll say?
The husband is their biggest
I think
they'll say jewelry. Have you ever been a woman?
So how can you speak on behalf of women?
I like your boldness Mashallah. But how old are you?
You're seven I like your boldness. Mashallah. But remember, if you've
never been a woman, you can't speak for women. Okay, this is a
lesson Yeah.
have to learn. Like you cannot speak for women because you've
never been a woman, you probably will never be a woman when you
know. So you cannot say what they would do unless you ask them. Do
you ask them? Like, is that what you asked your mom? Yeah.
Whatever it is, this is just something to think about that if
that is tough for us to avoid, whether that be chocolates,
whether that be women, for the men, right, whether that be
shopping, whatever it is, I just can't avoid it. Right? Whether
that be watching a certain
program or Netflix or whatever, right? That's a fitna, how tough
is that? Then imagine how tough the job is going to be? Why do you
want to be around them? Prepare yourself for your own death. Let
us be ready to die before them meaning prepared today in a way
that Allah subhanho wa Taala will treat us as soon as we leave in
sha Allah in the best way of the Eman. Right, we ask that if you're
prepared for our own death, then if the manual does come, we're
prepared anyway. So you'd rather be focused on that the problem I
have with people waiting for Maddie and
basically being obsessed by this idea. Any talk on the journal on
mahadi gets huge hits. Anybody that speculates This is that the
generic system? That's the it's easy to do that. I could I could
have sat here today and told you Oh, that's the generic system.
That's the jury system, which a lot of that is. I mean, there's
there's substance to that, don't get me wrong, right.
A lot of that is there. But if that just depresses you, because
what a lot of that stuff does sometimes it depresses you makes
you despondent and makes you feel like we can't do anything anymore.
I tell you something, that the Mongols attack was probably worse
than a lot of what we've been what we've said, where they literally
just wiped through cities, leaving nobody alive. Right. And there's
been numerous other instances in the past. So if you think it's
bad, now, it's been much worse before. And people actually
thought that the army was going to come before 101,000 Add. And now
we're at 1441. In fact, imams duty then said that you won't go
beyond, it's going to go beyond 1000. But it's not going to go
beyond 1500s. And he showed why can't go beyond why it has to go
beyond 1000. Because there needs to be three 400 years of these
events, those events have not yet happened.
So Allah knows best, we just need to be prepared for our own death,
because that's more important for us. And we need to try to do what
we can. Whenever you hear about something, wherever that be, you
make a dua to Allah subhanaw taala if you don't know because a lot of
us don't know what to do. When we hear about the plight of the
Palestinians or the plight of the Kashmiris or wherever else may
Allah relieve their problems, we don't know what to do. The most we
do sometimes give some money or whatever few campaigns here and
there a few fill in a few surveys and things like that. We should
make a dua to Allah, Allah, Allah accept me for the service of
union, let me do whatever is most useful for me to do. What can I do
give me a hitman that I can do.
And we need to try to make sure that we do the right things. And
so that's the first thing it's our responsibility. Let's when Maddie
comes he will come to the Allah one. But we're not waiting to
outsource things to him.
So that's why
the gel will have a number of confusions he will have with him
all of these facilities that Allah subhanaw taala will give him
apparently it says that with him will be a river with pure water.
Another one will be a spring of fire. And basically, if you go
into the river, it'd be actually worse for you if you go into the
fire will actually be pleasant for you. Now that's the seems to be
some kind of really strange test is going to put people through I
can't understand it right now. I'm just gonna take it that is it.
That's the way of our other ma something is there that you don't
understand. You just leave it to Allah subhana wa Tada. You bring
faith in whatever Allah means by it, and you leave it to Allah
subhanaw taala he'll have the ability to grow crops to produce
crops, bumper crops to produce rain. Again, Allah knows best some
people have said that, you know, there's already these trials of
trying to
manipulate the weather by using various different shields and
reflections and things like that, right. In fact, certain bomb
blasts can create waves and tsunamis and things like that.
Also in terms of seeds, we already have what they call the sterile
super seeds. These are the specially genetically modified
seeds that when you plant them, they are super seeds. So they will
give you a bumper crop, huge crop. They pull all the nutrients out of
the ground, but they do not reproduce. So you have to buy the
next year. And once you do that they pull the nutrients out of the
ground you can't generally effectively grow your own until
you sort the land out. So you are then depend
on these huge agro companies to produce your seeds. So it's
possible that the geologist has all of this under, throughout the
geologic system has all of this in his control, if you're good with
him, it happens today, you see certain countries that are some of
the wealthiest countries in the world, but they've been basically
brought down to the knees, because of the various politics and
everything that are played there. And the mismanagement, of course,
you need a few people inside to do the mismanagement, certain
countries have huge resources, but actually begging because they
can't use those resources. Allah knows best exactly how he's going
to do that, then there's the story about that one person will come to
him, in fact, for a lot of people will say that, would you believe
me that I am the guy, if I bring to life, your grandpa, your father
or mother says that of course, I mean, like if you can do that you
must be special. So then a shakedown will come in the form of
your father or mother, and anybody who's not a pro believer, right?
Who doesn't understand that they will believe that? No, it's just
going to be a vision. It's just going to be an illusion. As such,
there's going to be finally this one test of a person will come and
he won't, he will disregard Him. He says, If I split you in half,
make you in two pieces and bring you back. Will you believe me? So
he does that to him brings it up? Do you believe in it says no, now
I actually am convinced that you're that the gel because this
is exactly what the Prophet said, Awesome, told us that you will do.
So there's going to going to be that so is going to cause so much
confusion around the world. So now when Esau Islam, as I mentioned,
gets to Jerusalem, Jerusalem, if he was able to say yada whatever
he knows his stuff, when he sees his holy tsunami says,
let's start the prayer. Again, he's using deception here as well.
I'm a believer, let's start the prayer.
But when he sees the side esalaam, he will basically says that he
will start to melt a dissolve, like salt dissolves in water, then
he started some will kill him. That's the end of the journal, and
then basically, he'll kill all his followers will be killed as well.
And eventually what's going to happen is by the end of history,
sometime he's gonna stay for longer, he's gonna get married,
and then eventually he will pass away. Well, before he passes away,
yeah, Jewish, my Jewish will come. But one thing about Islam is that
finally, he all Christians that were waiting for him will become
Muslim, because he will clarify to them that you are on the wrong
understanding, I am not the Son of God, the crosses will be taken
down swine will be eliminated, and there'll be no Jizya anymore. Now,
it's only the true belief. So it says, By the end of the Saudi
salons time, it'll just be purely true belief. And there'll be a lot
of goodness in the world, because there's just belief now, there is
no cure for it's all gone. It's all finished, that eventually,
after the Jewish Jewish incident, which we have no time to get into,
then eventually easily Salam will eventually depart this world, he
will be buried. And then after that, things will start getting
worse again. And that then goes on to some of the other major signs.
If you do want to listen to the whole thing in detail about the
minor signs and the major signs zum zum, academy.com, we've got
the entire audio lectures, it's I don't know what category it's
under, it's called a mic, just search for the minus signs. It's
got quite a few lectures that go through all of that in detail. So
you can listen to it there. How do we basically protect ourselves
from the digital and this is the characteristic that you need to be
able to understand him. Okay, so this is the final point and then
after that, we'll have a DUA, if anybody then has a question they
can stay and ask otherwise, the rest of you who need to leave,
mashallah, you've been here for a very long time, you can feel free
to leave. These are the characteristics of somebody in sha
Allah, who will be protected on that day. Number one, to
understand Islam properly, and to hold on to it properly. Right? To
have all of the aspects of iman that you understand, what does
that mean? You need to know Allah. Because remember, this imposter is
going to call himself make him self out to be a God, a lord. So
if you know who Allah is, Allah is beautiful names you understand, if
you understand Allah's characteristics, you will
immediately figure out that this guy is an ugly one i person.
Right, that how can that person be a God not to say that God has two
eyes or God is beautiful in the sense of a physical aspect, we
can't see God anyway. Right? So that's number one. God's
attributes Allah's attributes, nobody shares in them at all. So
while the child will be doing all these weird things, there's going
to be limitations to that.
You will also know that the child eats and drinks
and Allah subhanaw taala is pure of that. So number two, you have
to keep seeking protection the prophesy son actually has the
Sunnah do us the process and used to make dua for that in prayer as
well. Fitna of this world and fitna of Mercy had the jewel, so
have that as part of your DUA, Allah Khomeini are also becoming
fitna till mercy the jell O Allah I seek your refuge from the trials
the child
pinches of the Mercy hood the jewel. So that's number two.
number three, refresh your understanding about him and about
Allah subhanho wa Taala continuing Iman because it says that when he
is going to come, people would have forgotten about him. I don't
know this program they've made it's basically we've got, I don't
know, several the general talks scheduled around this, around this
time in different massage in different places around the world
is always good that comes out of everything. And that's probably
the good day right
there Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that whoever comes across the jar
and I would probably think that this is just not the job, but
anything that is misrepresentation, you have
confusion about then you need to resort to especially the beginning
verses and the last verses of Surah Alkaff.
Because the Prophet sallallahu said they should recite the
beginning of Surah calf in the hadith of Muslim from Abu Dhabi
and says that whoever memorizes the first 10 verses of Surah to
calf, he'll be protected from that the jewels trials. Imam No, he
says, Now what does this mean?
You of course you read them, but if you read them with meaning,
then that is more effective. One is you read them inshallah
there'll be a benefit, but the more effect as Imam No, he says,
he says that at the beginning of Surah Toluca. If there are some
astonishing signs of Allah subhanaw taala amazing signs that
thought provoking, whoever reflects over them, they can never
they can never be misled by the general.
So you know, when we recite Surah to gaff, at least once in your
life, right? Go through it, read it, Tafseer of it. Mahna Mahna
Abell has been the director actually wrote a whole book on the
main message of surgical calf, listen to it of zero is a you know
what you're reading, because that is so effective, because it's all
against materialism, against misrepresentation, and some of
these great fitness and that's one of the great benefits Surah Surah,
to certain calf. And that's why
the verse that our Tyree read before ever has the ability in a
cafeteria talking to anybody even Dooney odia, very reflective
passages, the last portion of certain calf as well. So read
that. And another thing is that reading it on Friday, as mentioned
is a Hadith of the Imam Hakim Namo Seidel, who the Radi Allahu anhu,
that anybody who recite Surah throughout the whole sort of
paragraph on Friday, it will basically illuminate for him from
one week to the next. So your next week, inshallah we'll be
illuminated, right, but again, when you read it think over its
meaning as far as possible as you can, because it got all of these.
And number four, the fourth thing we need to do first thing was,
understand Allah know more about Allah get to love Him more. Number
two was seek protection actual dua number three was recycler two
Gaff. And number four is don't get go anywhere near him.
You need to be far. Because if there's a trial, and you're like,
I'm strong enough, somebody who's drinking, and then they've not
been drinking for a while, they actually tell them you must not
even get close to drink even after 10 years. Because even the smell
can make you relapse. And that gel is going to use some strange
things that are going to pull out the chords of our heart. So he's
saying that you need to run away from the jar as far as possible,
that when the job comes, you need to be somewhere else. That's
probably the time to go up into the mountains. Right. That's why
you need to avoid watching these weird things.
You see what I'm saying? Right. That's why you need to avoid
watching these weird things. Because it's just the fitna
confusion, right, especially when it's not from a halal source
May Allah subhanaw taala protect us. May Allah subhanaw taala
blesses May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the fortification.
May Allah grant us the strength and may Allah subhanaw taala
protects us and our families and our generations and allow us to be
prepared for our death before we die. After that one hamdulillah
Allahu manda Salam o Minka salaam, the Bharatiya Janata with the
Quran, Allah Who Maya Yun Brahma Deaconess, the Leith Allahumma ja
Hannah Yeoman Nan La Ilaha illa Allah Subhana Allah in could
nominal it mean Yeah little jewelry with a crown.
Yeah, Medina Judy welcome. Yeah Hieronymus Olean via Hiral
Martine, we are hammer rahimian We ask you for your special mercy
your Allah we ask you for understanding of Allah we ask you
for your love of Allah we ask you for complete forgiveness of Allah
grant us from Your generosity of Allah grant us from Your
Allah erase all of our wrongdoings or Allah and all of our misdeeds
of Allah we asked you to eliminate them of Allah purify our hearts of
Allah make them back the way they were like when we were born, Oh
Allah, we ask that you remove the sins, especially those that we
forgotten, and above all those that have become part of our life
and we no longer consider them sins anymore. Oh Allah we ask that
you remove the sins which have brought this disruption in our
lives, darkness in our homes of Allah, that have caused conflicts
with one another, that have taken the blessing away of Allah we ask
you for your return of blessings of Allah you've given us
abundantly of Allah being here with security of Allah with with
what we want to eat and drink and what we want to wear of Allah so
many others you've given us so much more than so many others in
this world of Allah but do not make this a source of deception
and distraction for us. Oh Allah, with what you have given us
acceptance for the service of your deen of Allah protect us from all
of the fitten all of the trials all of the challenges of Allah we
find it so difficult. Oh Allah. Sometimes some people are
believers in the morning but by the evening they've lost their
belief. And sometimes some people are believers in the evening but
by the morning they have lost their belief of Allah we are going
through some troubled times of Allah We asked you for strength
and fortitude of Allah we ask you for conviction. We ask You for
divine protection of Allah we ask you to protect us and our
progenies of Allah, the entire Muslim Ummah of Allah, the entire
world of Allah there are a lot of innocent people out there who are
being persecuted in various for various reasons and excuses of
Allah We ask that you remove that oppression from them, Oh Allah
that you make us useful beings of Allah that you make us forces of
good of Allah that you improve our homes of Allah you improve our
married lives of Allah so that we can have stability in our
families. Oh Allah, we ask that you improve our communities so we
can have stability in our communities and our entire Muslim
Ummah, of Allah, we ask you to keep us away from wrongdoings and
to keep us from leading other people astray. To from being tools
in the hands of the wrongdoers of Allah we ask you for wisdom and
discernment and beneficial knowledge of Allah grant us a good
understanding of your Tawheed and make that strong strengthened in
our hearts of Allah. Finally, we ask that you send your abundant
blessings in our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Unitas with him in the hereafter in the highest places of
Jannetty. For those Subhan Arabic Robinair is the term I'll see for
when I sell them on Al Morissette.