Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Path to Allah

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the concept of Allah and how he recognizes him through his actions. They also mention the importance of physically standing before Allah in the future, as it would make people feel better about his presence. The speaker emphasizes the need to get to Allah's subhanow and believe he can achieve it.

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			So also it Allahu Allah al maybe
he will be healthy he was Will it
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			Allah is the knowledge of Allah,
the knowledge of Allah and what he
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			to recognize full well what Allah
is master of what is Rasool Allah
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			Allah, we hear this all the time.
It's the main feature of this path
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			also ill Allah, that's what we're
all hoping for. And if you didn't
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			know that, then now you know
that's the that's the that's the
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			opposite of this path to become
better people but the whole point
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			of it is to get to Allah subhanho
wa Taala before we have to stand
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			in front of him in the hereafter.
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			So to think that we can stand in
front of him in this world, and
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			that becomes a reality for us
before. We have to physically
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			stand before him in the hereafter
and to answer for everything
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			that's that we've done