Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Mina Message from Hajj 2024

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A woman named Grace scholar speaks with Moreactina from the UK, who is honored with a presentation. Moreactina explains that they are at an exclusive arrangement with Jesus to provide blessings and guidance for people, and that they are not just doing regular prayer. The journey of spiritual journey involves practicing spiritual practices, including twisting on the chest and kissing the blackstone. Shay bills are not allowed, and shaytan challenge is designed to create physical objects. The importance of shay campaigns and forgiveness is emphasized, and people are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to become more aware of Islam and its essentials.
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Allah wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina
Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Mubarak was salam, Frobisher harissa.
Usili LaQuita Melissa and fotm abba Hamdulillah. We are extremely
honored to have a guest speaker with us today. Who Grace scholar
was Masha Allah blessed Abdullah with these who are honored us with
his visit with the man Mangueira Dominica, Khartoum, from United
Kingdom, and many of you.
Many of you, sisters and brothers actually all of you have been
benefiting from his work. One of many 10s and 10s of works of the
prayers of forgiveness book that we all read in before out of faith
and an alpha hamdulillah is is published by Mufti of the Roman,
the Salawat book that many of us know is also published, as amongst
many 10s and 10s of titles that are under his publication as white
thread Press He has published and he's one of the most forefront of
the Allameh of the West. 150 is from the west and who resides in
UK and people you can benefit from his works at Whitehead press as
well as some some Academy so 100 We're very honored mashallah he he
decided to give us a few minutes and share all of his time. So
please let's listen attentively insha Allah ask Allah azza wa jal
to allow us to practice on whatever gems he shares with us in
sha Allah. Allah Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala i didn't move
Ruthie Ramadan in Ireland meanwhile, either early he was so
happy. But Baba raka was a limiter Sleeman girthier on Isla yo Medina
con la Dara in the Maya cabello La Mina al Motta team.
So the Kola who la vie. So our dear brothers and dear sisters
Alhamdulillah Allah subhanho wa Taala we thank him first for
allowing us to get to this stage.
And we seek forgiveness for any shortcomings. We seek forgiveness
for any shortcomings in our fulfillment of these rights that
we had. And clearly we've had some shortcomings. Allah subhana wa
Tada forgive that and allow our Hajj to be accepted fully. And
that we go back to our families with a full share of blessings
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada as bounties from here. And when we get to
Chicago O'Hare Airport. So if that's where you come from, that
we don't lose it there as soon as you pick up your luggage, because
that's what happens. Unfortunately,
this is an amazing setup that we have here. I don't know if
anybody's thought about this, like this, it's a reality. The reality
is that for the last however long we've been here, we've only been
exclusively among Muslims, believers. And among the Muslims,
we've been among those who are here on a purpose. Right, they are
here for a purpose, they are here, not to mess around, not to do not
to be distracted, though there is distraction. They've been here for
a purpose. And that's amazing that we can be part of that. That kind
of an environment that in itself is actually to find that kind of
an environment is very, very valuable. So Allah subhanaw taala
has made it like that for a reason. This is an exclusive
worship, fasting comes to everybody at your home, wherever
you are. You don't have to go anywhere too fast, you could be
anywhere and fasting is obligatory on you. But for Hajj, you have to
undertake this journey, whether that's a financial burden for
some, or a physical burden for others, it's different things for
different people, but it's definitely a burden of some sorts.
Even there is no such thing as a five plus five star Hajj. Even in
a five star hotel, it's only as good as the hotel and then as soon
as you get out, you're like everybody else. Right? There's no
bridge to the Kaaba for, you know, for anybody. It is what it is. So
this environment, Allah subhanho wa Taala provides us
where he brings so many people together of different ethnicities
and backgrounds and languages and
cultures and practices and so on, which in itself is a massive
I mean, just two people to get along. There's so many differences
that you have to negotiate. So when you've got people from
various different cultures, then clearly there's a lot more things
that you have to worry about. But then, after bringing all of these
people, Allah subhanaw taala says,
For our officer,
what are for suka? What are Judah the village that you don't use any
obscene language? No vulgarity, no insults.
unchaste no vices, no sexual vices no no discussions like that, even
if you're with even if a person is with their wife.
And of course, no arguments, no debates, no conflicts, just try to
avoid all of that. So I think there's a lesson if Allah is
telling us to do this and throwing us all together in the ring, is
telling us sort yourself out now that with all of these different
things and challenges, somebody's going to step on your toe.
Somebody's going to take the space before you somebody's going to
jump into the queue. But follow Rafa. Willa, who sue Kavala
jaydata Phil hatch. So it's not just a spiritual activity that
we're here for, and a spiritual accomplishment. We're also here
for conduct and character. And that's probably one of the reasons
why Allah brings us together on Fridays in our localities for the
Friday prayer where we learn something extra, but then he
brings the whole Muslim Ummah together so that we can learn from
one another as well. And we can have this as a training ground,
aside from our spirituality also conduct because a Muslim, the
first thing that somebody sees about somebody else a non Muslim
is going to see of a Muslim is their conduct. Nobody goes no non
goes and reads a book on Syrah. No, very few non Muslims actually
watch a movie about the Prophet sallallahu. So they may watch the
negative ones, the satires, the problematic ones that have been
made. But very few Muslims go very few non Muslims will go and try to
look for something to find the reality of the Prophet sallallahu
sallam. And really, we have been made, the manifestation of that
we've been made, the exemplars of that were the ones who are
supposed to be manifesting that were the ones to vote so high, I
think is also an aspect of character. Now, Allah subhanho wa
Taala says, we're told that once you've done your pelting and your
sacrifice on the 10th of villager, which was yesterday, then you can
now cut your hair. And now you can wear normal clothing, you can be
out of your two garments, for the men at least. And you can start
using perfume, etc, etc. But you're still not allowed one more
thing until you do the office era.
And that is, you're not allowed to have any kind of sexual intimacy
with the spouse. So why not because this, this journey, not
just for the hajis. But this time for anybody in the world who is
celebrating their either such is all about the magnification of
Allah, the glory of Allah, the Majesty of Allah. So while we're
going around his house, we've developed that connection of going
around the house of our beloved, if you've been able to go and put
your chest at the militarism and your cheek there, then you would
have felt that there's no more powerful emotion, feeling of
closeness to Allah subhanaw taala, as it is there. And of course,
that's difficult to to get there. And if you've been able to kiss
the Blackstone, then you know humans love to kiss their beloved,
but we can't do that. So because the Blackstone, that's just an
expression that Allah has the promise Austin has given us to do.
And then
Allah says, I want you to go and do that final tawaf is not a final
thought. But I want you to do that one more main tawaf is been made
obligatory, that are often a father to Office era. So that
before you express your intimacy, your love with anybody else, you
express your love for me. So after you've done everything else, you
need to go and go around the house of ALLAH SubhanA, WA, tada. And
Hamdulillah I think most of us have done that now. May Allah
subhanaw taala accept it. And then after that, everything is fine.
Now now strangely enough, there's two days left that we have with
today, and tomorrow, and then possibly a third day and the only
activity in that entire day. Right that the prophets, Allah lorrison
Did as in an obligatory activity. There's other things about, you
know, learning from one another, all of that is subsumed within it.
But the main activity is going to help the shaytaan. So I've been
wondering why is there so much pelting of the shaytaan? There's
only two or three dwarfs. Right. There's only one side, but you
pelting the shaytaan for three days.
Okay, so we're pelting the shaytaan for three days
after all of the other activities, which seem more significant, which
is going to be throwing a few stones, right? I mean, what do you
even feel down there? We just go in there trying to beat the hustle
bustle, trying to find a good location, not beating, you know,
not hit somebody on the head and just making sure that our stone
gets in there. What is that all about? So I've always been
wondering about that. And today while we were doing that,
I don't know you just don't and Allah subhanaw taala knows best
everything else that we've done, like our tawaf and sati. And all
of that.
That's what we do here. It's done. Some people may have recorded it,
but I don't know what that's gonna do for them. Right. But that's it,
it's done. There's one major can, there's one major challenge that's
going to continue, which is the shaytaan.
So shaytan is alive and kicking right now. In Ramadan, shaitaan is
put aside, right, but when it comes to Hajj is still around.
what la vida, maybe there's some symbolism here,
and an instruction here, that after everything else that you've
done, which is grateful here, and inshallah you will take the
blessings back. But there's going to be one major challenge is going
to continue with you and remain with you all the way for the rest
of your life. And that is the shape on. So we're casting the
stones on the shaytaan for these three days. That's what we're
ending with. And hopefully that teaches us that we need to
continue to inshallah cast, metaphorical stone symbolic stones
to the shaytaan every time
there's a wasp versal. Now, the shaytaan is an interesting person,
an interesting individual, in the sense of the way that Allah
subhanaw taala has allowed the shaytaan to be and his formulation
and his ability that Allah has given him temporarily, which is
the shaytaan is I mean, this is a claim I'm going to make that the
shaytaan knows every single one of us more than our parents do.
He knows exactly what makes us tick. He knows that when we look
at someone, we're probably going to argue, when we look at
somebody, we're probably going to have some other desire. When we
look at a certain gadget, then this is going to come about right.
He knows exactly what makes us tick. Shaitan never forces your
hand by grabbing your hand or your feet or your tongue and making you
say or act something else. He just whispers because he knows what
makes us emotional. What makes us angry. Now, what's interesting
here is that
how many Shakedowns are there in the world?
So, do we have any hands here?
Okay, Mashallah. So there's not one shaytaan for the Han family.
Right? There's not one shaytaan for the deen family. There's not
one shaytaan for Elgin, Illinois, right? Or the one for Chicago, or
one for Dar Salam, right? Yeah, let's give a special one to Daraa
salaam because they're doing a lot of good work. Right? There's a
shaytaan for every single individual. In the family, every
individual's hadith of Sahih Muslim, we say is that as soon as
a child is born, this is a shaytan that is assigned. And that shaytan
is from our birth, so you can understand how much he knows about
us. So he knows how to.
So the reason I'm mentioning this is not to glorify the shape pond,
right, but these are the days of shape on in the sense that the two
to repel the shaytaan. So you can only Repel your enemy if you know
more about the enemy. Otherwise, the enemy continues to deceive us,
because it comes in the
in the garb of something else, and the shaytaan causes through our
body. As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, just like
the blood coursing through our body, this is just some capability
that Allah has given them. But the one great thing that Allah has
given us the antidote to shaytaan, or the kryptonite, as they say in
Superman language, right? Is our older bIllahi min ash shaytani, R
rajim. Or any actually any thicker.
Any thicker, you say I owe the biller, the shaytaan has to go, he
has to run away. Now people are going to usually ask them, How can
we still feel like doing sins I'm saying I will be law In fact, some
people are saying that I'm in my solids, which is full of the best
of the car, the best of the remembrances, and I'm planning my
next in like it's overcome me. I just can't wait to finish because
I'm a religious guy. So let me at least do my salah before I go and
get my next hit of whatever it is. Why is the shaytaan so powerful.
I'm saying all the beloved doing Fatiha. I'm doing this V I'm doing
tech Vera and everything. That's something different that's the
enough's. That's not shaytaan if the thought continues to persist,
it is no longer from the shaytaan shaytaan might have just kindled
it. Now it's the knifes that have taken over. That's why in Ramadan
while the shaytaan is out of the picture, we still feel like doing
sins, but if you take a good look at that you will see that the sin
is actually a habit
We never feel like doing a new sin in Ramadan. I never listened to
music. You know, it's Ramadan. Hey, let me just start listening
to some crazy music. Nobody does that. It's usually always we're
challenged by whatever we're used to doing because it's just the
habit kicking in no smoker wants to smoke in Ramadan. Well,
hopefully not. But you still have to maybe an Iftar time, you know,
might have to have that one cigarette because the habits,
right? So likewise, that's the way shaytan works. He inspires our job
is to develop that resistance. The way resistance is developed in
hijacking is all the blessings that have descended upon us in our
efforts was deliver and in Mina and every other place inshallah
that's filled our hearts our lives. I mean, there's a hadith of
the prophets on the dua of noon, of Allah.
Please light in my eyes, in my ears, on my tongue, in my heart,
in my muscles.
On my right on my left in front of me, behind me, above me, make me
lights. That's the kind of an idea of where we are. And the problem
is that as we go out and we start intermingling with others, we're
going to start losing some of that. That's the issue. How do we
maintain as much as possible? Of course when we're out of here,
back home, we're going to lose a lot of that and hopefully we don't
lose it all. Subhanallah there's some people they get to
London Heathrow lax hijab comes off the bat shaved off they
already talking to whoever it was haram to speak to hey, I'm back.
Right? These are just symbolic ideas these are not obsessed with
these ideas just you know, going back into the same business Hey,
where's where's he going? You know, where's the next the next
deal coming along? The next haram shady deal or whatever it is, you
know? So Allah make it easy for us, Allah me because it's the
resistance, that's what we need to do is the resistance is very
that we can take this with us because the prophets of Allah
Islam has promised us truth. There's two things that he says
about the * which is very relevant now for this next section
of our life after Hajj. One is
that the the accepted Hajj is essentially for the one who goes
back. Hajj has the potential and the ability
to make us transform us back to the way we were though we're
adults. Now. Back to how we were when we were born in terms of our
balance of deeds and our hearts.
The Hajj has that potential. And number two, just to get an idea
that the Hadith says
to people who are not in hajj, go and
meet a * a pilgrim before he enters his house, before he or she
enters their house, go and meet them and ask them for forgiveness.
Because they are Mfu love them they're forgiven.
This is what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying. So
Hamdulillah we, in sha Allah we've attained attained a high level of
an absolute forgiveness right in sha Allah Allah make it like that
despite the weakness and the paucity of what we've had to
offer, but at least we've had some forgiveness inshallah I don't
think anybody goes out if he would no forgiveness. I mean, come on.
Right? I really don't think so. Insha Allah is my hope with Allah
subhanho wa Taala I know we're bad people but come on. We Our Allah
is great, right? So Subhanallah so we're, there's a brother now
mashallah he's trying to arrange a hudge * transportation service,
when hajis return home is volunteers to come and pick them
up with their family can't pick them up. Right, which is
beautiful, because then they'll get there to us. But this is
what's promised. It tells us that we are forgiven like so. Really, I
think we need to really understand that and take that as a
significant point that inshallah I'm forgiven.
I don't want to mess it up. Now. I don't when I say forgiving, it's
not like hey, I can do whatever I want now because I'm starting at
zero. It's okay, you know, if I'm get 20% of bad deeds again, at 100
before 100% Now I'm forgiven. So I'll start with 20% No, the idea
is that we stay like that to the best of our ability. And to be
honest, we can't because we make intentions in the morning results
in the morning we fail by the evening. We listen to a lecture at
night we get inspired it's like I'm not going to do this anymore.
And then by the morning is messed up. Yeah, Allah Allah make it easy
for us. Allah make it easy for us. You know, we're like those
children who walk around and you know, when they start learning to
walk and then eventually they get tired. The parents pick the child
up. Yeah, Allah has to pick us up. Allah has to pick us up so we ask
Allah subhanaw taala to help us in that sense, and just carry us in,
grab us by the forelocks and enter us
into paradise, decree us to be like that. So all of our actions
are easy. Because if that just can be facilitated, then it's easy.
Otherwise, it's just a challenge for the rest of our life. Right?
If we can develop an immunity then the challenges are going to be
outside but at least we're immune you know, immunity so when you
have a good immunity, then it may be a flu virus but you're not
gonna get it If Allah doesn't want it right. And likewise inshallah
if we've come here to develop that immunity Inshallah, Allah give us
that immunity, just like Allah here for sitting there so
patiently and listening. Allah subhanho wa Taala allow this to
benefit us in sha Allah, and forgive any other lingering sins
that we may have. And just the main thing is to keep us repelling
the shaytaan as we'll be doing tomorrow as well in sha Allah for
the rest of our life. And Allah Allah was his closeness Allah
Allah says closeness. Allah Allah says closeness because people the
only or only one go to Paradise because that's the place you get
to see Allah, they don't really care about paradise. They've
looking beyond that. So don't don't jump on me and say, you
know, Paradise important. Yes, it is important. But once you kind of
understand who Allah is, and what we should really be hoping for,
then paradise is just an excuse inshallah. So let us face to that
Allah, Allah give that to everyone, Allah give us a fullest
reward. Allah bless everybody here and this
give us this honor of being true hajis chum working with that one
and Al Hamdulillah.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic
essentials certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the
end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of
the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to be, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well as aka la harem Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.