Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Meaning of Taqwa
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The Taqwa title is designed to increase one's satisfaction and contentment, and is linked to various outcomes, including a path of prosperity. The speakers discuss various benefits of having Taqwa, including forgiveness, forgiveness for one's bad deeds, and a strong relationship with Allah. They also talk about the importance of fearing and being patient with one's behavior, as well as the difficulty in obtaining funding for events like the Corolla USA and the Saudi Arabia. The speakers emphasize the importance of not disobproofing and protecting people from the ploys of shayal.
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala so you did
mousseline harder earlier he will be he Marina and murdered.
Anybody who wants to gain
ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is pleasure and Allah satisfaction and Allah
is happiness with them. Then the only way to do that is to actually
inculcate Dakka.
Dakka is a word that we use quite often. That is alwasy little older
now, that is basically the supreme means to gain Allah subhanaw taala
That is what will make a person closer to Allah subhanaw taala. If
a person has less Taqwa that is how much distance there'll be from
Allah. And of course, once Allah subhanaw taala is satisfied then
the taqwa which is God fearing this as a simple translation, will
give the person SATA to dunya, we're kuramathi, Akira, the
fortune of this world. So they have a higher than pi yerba. That
means basically
a pleasant life
in terms of their satisfaction and contentment. That's what it means
satisfaction, contentment with this life, not about how much you
have or how much you don't have, but what you're getting from this
life in terms of how you feel empty, or fulfilled. And it is
obviously the honor of the hero.
It is what basically everybody who's on the path is looking for
anybody who takes a path of the vicar or whatever the case is,
they're looking to gain Toccoa that's essentially what the
objective is. Those people who are sitting there doing vicar of Allah
subhanaw taala, they want to get closest to Allah subhanaw taala
and they want to gain this consciousness of Allah, that's
what they want. That is also the target of those who worship Allah
subhanho wa Taala and who are His devotees and anybody who is
righteous, this is going to be their sustenance and provisions.
So now let us just look at some of the benefits once you gain taqwa,
some of the benefits and we'll just look at what Allah tells us.
So for example, just a few verses of the Quran surah Ali Imran Allah
subhanaw taala says, We're industry ru, what a taco Leia do
Rakuen que tu home che if you're worried about enemies, if you're
worried about somebody taking you to task and somebody basically
dealing in a bad way with us. Then if you want protection, divine
protection from Allah then Allah says, he says if you are patient
and endure and what a taco and you exercise God fieriness And taqwa,
then their, their their plots, their strategies
cannot harm you at all. So that's the first benefit prediction from
your enemies. Number two.
You get forgiveness for we get forgiveness for our bad deeds and
reformation now good deeds if we have Taqwa. Allah says yeah, you
Alladhina terminal. It Akula are people who believe fear Allah wa
Kulu colon sadita and always say the right thing. Your slow
Halochem ama locum so you have Taqwa say the right thing. Allah
will reform your actions your deeds, while Fiddler kung fu
Rubicam, and he will also forgive you your misdeeds. Let's insert
that as up. Then again. Surah Surah Surah Al Imran gives us
another virtue. There. Anybody who has Taqwa gains the love of Allah.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, For in Allah you hibel takim. Allah
loves those who have Taqwa. Then if you want honor magnificence
from Allah, because remember, two of the greatest names of Allah
subhanaw taala, which actually tell us his essence, and I've
spoken about this before.
Yeah, they'll jewelry will occur on
a one of Majesty and magnificence.
And subhanAllah. Just in hydrate and I was in the hotel. There's
these two guys, they went past and then he looked at me he comes
back. He says, You are he couldn't remember the name. He says, Yeah,
they'll jewelry will Iran. I was like, I remember I said 100. I
realized what he was talking about. Is it is I think he was
from Chechnya. Right one of these Russian states is like, I made dua
with that. And he says Allah just start pouring bounties on me. He
says I started making dua for that namah namah namah you know, in his
broken English is like namah namah now, very powerful. So,
a Quran, Allah is Zulu Jellal he is the one of majesty which means
he owns everything he is, everything is under its control,
and is a Quran, magnificence, generosity, kindness comes
ashen benevolence as all comes in a crown, those are the two very
majestic names so in a Croma comb and the larvae at corkum, Allah
subhanaw taala will give us nobility, because it says that the
most noble among you, Allah is obviously the most but noble,
noble, noble, most noble among you, according to Allah is then
going to be the one who has the greatest Dupois. So that's another
benefit. A fifth benefit, as mentioned in surah Taha gerat Is
that you will be given Glad Tidings at death.
That's one of the that's the time you need the glad tidings so that
you have a hospital hajima you have a good ceiling state. Allah
subhanaw taala says Allah in Olia, Allah He la joven it him whatever
homie has an own. Verily, indeed, the friends of Allah have no fear
and they will never grieve. Who are the friends of Allah? Right?
Who are the friends of Allah who will never grieve? Alladhina amanu
what can we attack on those who had believed and who used to
exercise Taqwa?
Law, who will Bushra Phil hayati, dunya waffle Akira, they have glad
tiding in this world and in the hereafter and let them directly
Mattila there's nobody to
change the words of Allah.
Number six, it's just in the interest of time I'm just quickly
listing them. Number six is from Surah Mariam
escape from hellfire deliverance from hellfire Allah says thumb
manana Jilla Dena ko when other Rivoli mean if he had G Thea, then
we will give delivery, we will basically give escape and safety
to those who have Taqwa. But the volley mean under pressures or
presses. We will abandon them in we will abandon them them in the
end number seven, as mentioned earlier Imran, again, is
permanence in paradise. For those who have Taqwa we're sorry, Isla
Murthy. rotti Mira become where Jana, our Doha Samoa to a lot
hurry and hasten
towards the forgiveness from your Lord and the gardens, whose
expense was with whose breath basically are the heavens and
earth. That's how big the agenda is already that little team that
has been prepared for those who have Taqwa. And then number eight,
which is mentioned in Surah, two talaaq very important sorry, talks
about the rules of Tala can divorce where many people who get
divorced, especially women, they have they go through a lot of
anger, anxiety, a lot of sorrow, they can't sleep, I've had so many
experiences like this with people who have this, And subhanAllah so
sort of the Dukkha The interesting thing is that the sutra that has
all of the Talaq verses, but it's also the surah which is probably
the richest one with the taco versus it's amazing. It's got all
the Top Ramen yet tequila
yoga, Allahumma kraja, you also come in Haifa. Amitabha. Allah,
Allah for Haspel. All of these, I think it's very relevant because
people who are in marriages it starts off with Taqwa because you
read five, they read the three major verses of Taqwa in the
hotbar. That's read before marriage. And even when there's a
divorce, Allah is saying, have Taqwa because it's a very
personal, very emotional kind of time. And people need help in
that, right. So if people can just focus on sort of the Talaq, Talaq
should never cause them anguish, if they if matters do get to that.
So in here, Allah says warmer yet tequila hija Allahu Maharaja,
Whoever fears Allah Taqwa. Right? Allah will create an opening,
create an outlet create an exit. So you know from the difficulty,
that feeling the constraint that they are experiencing, right, the
problems that they're having, Allah will create an out and out
an exit from there, and he will then sustain them or provide them
from where they would never have imagined
a story
it says that this verse was actually revealed regarding a
Sahabi, whose name is our IB numerical, a sherry alphanumerical
a che are the hola Juan
it's mentioned that some of the policies of the time they
kidnapped his child. So he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
salam. And he's also suffering from poverty doesn't have any
food. And if taken his child on top, can you imagine trouble upon
treble pain upon pain and anguish upon anguish, you have no money
and you just lost your child Subhanallah you know, just losing
either of them. Just having your child go stay somewhere else for a
few days. feels difficult. Imagine when you say that they're in the
enemy's hands, you know what's going to happen? May Allah
protect. So he came to the chorus of us and said, Look, I have no
food and he says my child has been kidnapped. And the mother his
wife, is you
In great tension, she's she's she's in a great state of emotion.
So, I've said to the boys house and further that Madrona ya rasool
Allah, what would you tell us to do what what's your advice in this
regard? So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said it was
fear Allah, it can because these are times when you could do
drastic, strange, radical things. So no fear Allah make sure you do
the right thing fear Allah and be patient and persevere. What Moroka
were ya and the stack fear Roman Kohli La hawla wala Quwata illa
biLlah. And I'll give you another way that I'll give you a cow ease,
right? You and your wife, both of you need to abundantly recite La
hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah there is no strength, no power to
avoid the wrong or to do good deeds except with ALLAH SubhanA wa
You he went back to home and he said to his wife, that this is
what the Prophet said Allah sent me saying that we need to just
abundantly keep reciting La hawla wala Quwata illa Allah very
powerful. So she says net mama amaro Nabil, what a wonderful
formula He has commanded us to do. So they both started, they started
they were out of La hawla wala, Quwata illa, BiLlah And
subhanAllah miraculously, what happens is these guys who had
their son would kidnapped they somehow left him somewhere. They
basically missed him they left him abandon him somewhere like without
realizing it seems for an awful I do one evening, right. And the
other thing is, they they'd gone somewhere and they had a huge
amount of
a herd with them. And for some reason, they went somewhere and
they kind of missed the path or whatever. So he this kid of his is
our child, Radi Allahu Allah is left with all of them. So he's
quite clever, is quite intelligent, it seems. He drives
all of these
goats or sheep or whatever they were, and he comes back to his
father's house.
Right? And it was 4000 sheep
SubhanAllah 4000 sheep. And thus this verse came down, that whoever
has taqwa, Allah subhanaw taala will make an opening and thus he
got an opening and will also give them from they would never
imagine. Allah answered Bova, they got the kidnap child back and also
a remedy like a huge remedy, right for their poverty. But that's the
thing you have to make that leap of faith first. You have to place
your trust in Allah. There's numerous stories of this, that
difficulties come you place your trust, hardships continue, you,
you do become a bit turbulent. Is this really gonna work or not? But
that's where the test of the taqwa comes. And then when Allah gives,
it gives you much more. There are numerous stories in that regard.
Just to quickly finish off, there's much more but let's just
to quickly finish off because I think we need to get a better idea
of what Taqwa is because we've been saying it for a long time.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you're letting down Takala
haka. Takata. Allah subhana wa Tada says, that, oh people who
believe fear Allah as much as he has the right to be feared. That's
how much you should fear Allah.
So if no ambassador and the greatest professor of the Quran he
interprets that and explains what that means. He says, that means a
new thought alpha you saw that he be obeyed and thus he not be
disobeyed. Right big idea that's that's quite a difficult thing.
But May Allah make it easy. Well, you should go to fella yoke for
and he'd be thanked and we express our gratitude, show contentment to
him. Fella yoke for and thus we don't show any ingratitude right
regardless of what's going on in our life because we owe our mere
existence. So we losing a few we still got our existence, life can
still change. Were you the Corolla USA and he be remembered and never
forgotten? There has to be a regimen of
I was just sitting with a shake in Saudi in during just after Hajj
actually in Madina, Munawwara big shake from Pakistan and he says
he's got a madrasa. He's got a seminary. And he said one thing he
said that they they have special dhikr sessions for all the
students. And he says because of that, despite the difficulty in
getting funding Allah provides for them. And then he said the
basically the the formula was like, How did I miss that? He's
basically saying that which alludes to a hadith it says that
the entire world is sustaining on the name of Allah. Right because
as long as the word Allah Allah is being said, this world will
continue. When Allah is not being remembered anymore, this world
will finish. So instead, if the whole world can be sustained on
the Name of Allah, why can institution be also sustained on
the name of Allah? It's just we're not using the right thing. That
means whether you I believe that you can expand that to a household
You can expand that to a business, you can expand that to a madrasa
or a school or whatever the case is. We try everything else huge
fundraisers, calling these big, charismatic, speakers,
charismatic, none nothing wrong with any of that necessarily, but
Subhanallah the way of our elders was that they may have had these
programs to raise funds or whatever. But on the side, they
had a few people locked in a room during vicar throughout that,
that that is the way they used to do these things. And when he said
that was like, wow, subhanAllah we need to establish that as a
necessary 10 minutes even everyday to remember Allah if even 10
minutes and you see the bar could come in your home or whatever the
case is. So
it really Allahu Anhu. He said, that if you want to understand
Dakhla, it's basically fear of the majestic one. It's practice upon
the revelation, which means the Quran, satisfaction with even the
slightest amount that you have, and prepare preparation for the
day of your departure. That is essentially what Taqwa is. So
that's in brief, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us taqwa
and make it easy for us because everything around us basically
takes us away it's a distraction. That's the difficulty that we have
Allahumma InterSolar um I mean consider and develop their they'll
generally will chrome Allahumma salli wa salam ala sayyidina.
Muhammad rather early say you didn't know Mohammed, Burdick was
a limb. A lot of them are filling our him now where if you now add
in our Allahumma, filial Muslimeen, our Muslim Matthew will
mean in a minute here in Humboldt and word Allah, the Almighty
Sayidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Yeah, Allah, we ask you for your special mercy, we ask you for your
special attention. We ask You for Your Magnificence, your
benevolence, your generosity, of Allah upon this group of people
who are sitting here, Oh Allah, we ask that you forgive us, O Allah,
you purify us, you you cleanse us of Allah that you remove our
our defects, you remove our bad habits, Oh Allah, those things
that have become part of our life and we no longer consider to be
sins as well. Oh Allah you give us insight and you give us the
ability to remove these things of Allah purify us of Allah grant us
a life of Taqwa and purity of Allah make the Hua easy for us. Oh
Allah make it Beloved to us. of Allah make it an objective of
ours. Oh Allah make it something that we
that we find easy to do. Oh Allah, there are so many distractions,
there are so many things that take us away. There are so many things
which are NT taqwa, in our lives, and in our surroundings. of Allah
there are so many things around us which distract us and which call
and beckon towards other ways of Allah We ask that you give us
focus, you give a special attention of Allah you give us
facilitation in this regard, oh Allah we can't do this without
you. Oh Allah this has to come from you. Have Allah give us the
needed Amal give us the needed actions of Allah give us the
needed the prerequisites of Allah make us make us and make us worthy
of Taqwa make us worthy of your satisfaction, of your happiness of
Allah of your Tofik of your special guidance. Oh Allah. We are
nowhere compared to these great people. Your great Olia who have
no fear, but Allah will we at least express our love for these
people. Oh Allah grant us true love for the great people. Oh
Allah grant us true love for our pious predecessors. Oh Allah,
allow us to follow in their footsteps of Allah allow us all to
also be accepted. Oh Allah to also be accepted to do something good.
Oh Allah to start something good in whatever capacity we have of
Allah we may not have the same abilities that they had. We may
not be able to offer the same things that they could do. But Oh
Allah, this deen is yours. And there are many many ways to
support this deen of Allah accept us all in some way or the other.
Grant us cure for our sickness and our wrongs in our ailments of
Allah fulfill our permissible needs, oh Allah the journeys we
undertake of Allah grant His blessing and baraka and safety in
them, especially the journey that we will eventually take to the
hereafter of Allah allow us to gain the Kalama La ilaha IL Allah
at that time on our deathbed, and Oh Allah,
allow us to be given Glad Tidings at that time to have a personal
hajima Oh Allah protect us from the mischief of shaytaan
especially on our deathbed. Oh Allah protect us from the ploys
and the deceptions and the distractions of the shaytaan
especially when we when we're in our last moments of Allah protect
us for this entire life. But it will Allah grant us the Karim
Allah Illa Illa Allah and Allah Allah make the final days of our
life, the best moment the best days of our life and make the
The time that we stand in front of you the best moment of our
existence. Oh Allah we ask you for genital for those. We asked you
for respite for our brothers and sisters around the world,
especially in places like Kashmir and in Palestine and in all the
different places where they are undergoing various different types
of suffering of Allah grant them, grant them risks by grant them
strength, the grant them steadfastness, and grant them
delivery from these things. Oh Allah, we ask
that you send your abundant blessings on our messenger
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that you grant us his
company in the hereafter. Subhana robic, Rob Subhan Allah big Rob
Bella is dirty. I'm Isa funa was salam and Ireland, mousseline will
Hamdulillah. Here