Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Great Masjid Bake Off Preventing Domestic Abuse

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The "ham hipho wa taala" (the holy spirit) is essential for personalization and personal enhancement. It is also important for a healthy balance between the couple's relationship and social media culture. The importance of finding a balance between the couple's behavior and the social media culture is emphasized. The segment also touches on the importance of marriage courses and support for women who are being abused by their community. The speaker emphasizes the need for marriage courses and support for domestic abuse and domestic abuse, and reminds people to remember their emotions.
AI: Transcript ©
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I love all I love

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Allah, Allah. The Love

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Me are salatu salam ala. So you didn't muscley will he be on

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Oracle Salam at the Sleeman? Kefir on Eli Ahmed Deen, Amma Bard.

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The first thing I'd like to mention, I think I don't think

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anybody has been speaking about the creativity here. And I think

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it's very important to acknowledge this creativity, Allah subhanho wa

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taala. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam says about Allah in

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Allah Hi Jamila, where you humble Jamal? Allah subhanho wa Taala is

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beautiful Allah is elegant, and Allah loves elegance. And I think

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the Muslim ummah, when it was the prosperous period of the Muslim

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ummah, throughout the generations, from the time of the Sahaba, and

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thereafter, the Muslim ummah has been considered to be one of the

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highest civilizations in terms of art. The Muslims have been

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considered to be one of the most artful civilizations, because we

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had the prohibition of drawing faces, drawing, animate pictures

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that really helped to spur the creativity in terms of

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calligraphy. So the Muslim ummah has been in terms of Arabic,

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Persian, etc, calligraphers. In terms of calligraphy, we've been

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one of the best calligraphies that are found, you know, throughout

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history, so calligraphy, architecture, and poetry was

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another one. So there's just some amazing art that you know, that

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the Muslims have been dealing with. Art in this world is

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essentially a reflection of Allah subhanho wa Taala is beauty. One

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of the names of Allah subhanaw taala, Allah is Jamil Allah is

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elegant, and Allah subhanho wa Taala loves beauty. And I think in

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this regard, you can see that the Muslim ummah has great creativity

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among them. Unfortunately, the many of the great Muslim artists,

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great Muslim, architects, engineers, and other professionals

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of the Muslim world, like from Egypt, from Pakistan, all these

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places, they're all sitting in the West. So when they do contribute,

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their contribution is not seen because they're not doing it, for

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example, for a Muslim country, Egypt, Palestine. I mean, there

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are so many Palestinian doctors, for example, sitting in the US,

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right, the CS robot tower, which for a very long time was one of

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the tallest buildings in the world was what was designed by a Muslim,

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a Bangladeshi engineer, architects, there is the the

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massive Bay Bridge, which is in Northern California, that's again,

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a Muslim behind that you've got numerous things that Muslims have

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done throughout the world. The main point is that a person should

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recognize even the artist unfortunately, sometimes they get

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lost in the art itself. And they don't realize that this is a God

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given a god is a gift from Allah subhanho wa taala. Right, all of

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this is to do with Allah subhanho wa taala, that he's inspired a

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person to do that. And it should, it should help us to recognize the

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beauty of Allah subhanaw taala Allah has created beauty in this

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world. And that is the beauty that Allah subhanahu wa taala has

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placed into the hearts of the people so that they can also

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produce this kind of beauty in the work that they do. So Hamdulillah

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I mean, judging from the cakes that you've seen, that we've

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judged, that we've looked at, and Subhanallah amazing, amazing and

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may Allah subhanho wa Taala allow this creativity to translate into

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creativity in the form of data in the form of personal worship, in

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the form of personal enhancement, and inshallah creative ways to get

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into inshallah genital for those, I think that is the most important

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thing because the beauty of this world is only a reflection of the

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beauty of Allah subhanho wa Taala as per this world, but it should

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give us a recognition of what gender will really be like, what

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the minimum mention is that this world has been created by Allah

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subhanho wa taala, many, many million years ago, and it's never

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been updated. I mean, this world has never been updated in the

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sense that Allah subhanaw taala didn't after 10 years, 15 years,

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100 years 200 say okay, now I'm going to give this an uplift. I'm

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going to give this an enhancement, you know, the world now is not

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well 2.0 or 3.0. You know, it's the world that as it was Jana, on

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the other hand, Allah subhanaw taala is embellishing day in and

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day out. According some aroma Jana paradise is embellished every

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single day, which means that that is why today when you see

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something really beautiful, you look at it, it really mesmerizes

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you, it really lifts your spirits, it really makes you feel good. You

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get a lot of enjoyment. That way, if you've seen it for a you know,

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for for a while, eventually it gets old, it gets worn it gets.

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It's no longer inspiring anymore, you need something new. That's the

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nature of this world. The nature of Paradise is that a person will

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be looking at their spouse, a person will be looking at their

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spouse, and the next time they turn and they look again, they

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will be even more beautiful than the first time and if this happens

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100 times the 100th time will be even beautiful than the nine

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denying time and this will be ongoing. Paradise is infinite.

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Jana is infinite, Jana is forever literally is eternal. And

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likewise, the beauty in there is also eternal. Now if you think

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that how can there be something more beautiful than beautiful?

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Allah subhanaw taala has this ability, if he has the ability to

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allow us to live forever in sha Allah and genital for those than

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the beauty that he will give us there. And the Hadith mentions

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that he personally will go on Friday when he will, when he will

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see Allah subhanaw taala you will come back, and his wives will say

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you're even more beautiful now Subhanallah that is why you will

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be extremely content, the spouses will be contented. However, this

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leads goodness in the world, a good understanding loving

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relationship in the world. I think I've mentioned this many times at

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the masjid as well, that the two people that will be together in a

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paradise, just by default will be husband and wife. Right? You're

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not going to be with your father in paradise, you're not going to

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be with your daughter in paradise, you're not going to be with your

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mother or sister in paradise. Of course you can visit each other,

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if everybody's in paradise, but you're going to be living with

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your wife with your husband, you're going to be living with

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your spouse in paradise. Now how do you get to Paradise if you act

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good in this world and encourage each other towards good and you

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treat each other? Well, that that is how you will get to Paradise

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together and you will be in paradise together. So hello. Now

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in in that regard, I just want to mention a few a few things. First

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and foremost, just back to the cakes on the judging, just some

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encouragement. Most of the cakes, I mean, outside they look

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beautiful inside. Some of them were a bit different than others

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but generally it's the kind of same kind of cake, right, just

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different colors. Right? I would just suggest that just purely from

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an amateur's perspective, right an ambitious perspective, you need to

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be more creative on the inside as well than just on the outside

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cakes need to have a bit more I was in Norway, we were in Norway

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with my family just some time ago, and the cakes that I tasted there,

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they were different inside, you know, they were mixed with

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something different. They had nuts and things like that. Inside here.

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It's just a totally you know, most of them have just been the general

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sponge, maybe with a bit of you know, with a bit of flavor or

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something like that. I think just purely from that perspective, you

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need to get a bit more creative, I think inside and it's because it's

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not just about the outside, because at the end of the day

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you're gonna be eating this thing. You don't want to get sick off the

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You don't want to get sick after you know 111

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You know one bite of it because it's too sweet too. It's the

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normal once you bite inside. Anyway, that's just a side point.

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What I want to mention Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran,

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he talks about the husband and wife relationship in the Quran a

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number of ways. It says one is he says, who Allah the Jana Lacan

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when it in Hala Telecom in unfussy comm as well as later school in a

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year with your Anabaena Kumala that Anwar Rama so Allah subhanaw

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taala is saying that Allah subhanaw taala created from you,

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your spouse, the most interesting thing is that Allah subhanaw taala

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created how are they here salam from Adam Allah usernames rib, he

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did not create them as two separate human creations from

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soil. So how are they a salaam was not created from soil separately,

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or the medicinal was created? First he was given life, then how

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are any Salam her origin was extracted from the rib of Adam

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Alayhis Salam and due to the fact that Omar mentioned what you're

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under Boehner Kumar that Anwar Rama, Allah subhanaw taala has put

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between you love and mercy. So that is the interaction that is

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the relationship those are the ingredients of any happy marital

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relationship, Mohammed and Rama mode that means love, and it's a

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very special form of love is not just hope. It's my word. My word

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there is even a more intense form of love than just hope and Habib,

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but what the right so he's created love between you. And he's created

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Rama that you need to treat each other with mercy, which means

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overlook, pardon? Ignore. It's about the focus on the good points

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rather than the bad points over time, because we're all human

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beings. And we need to just learn how to negotiate the bad points

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and try to make do be positive as opposed to being negative. From

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what I've seen with all my counseling. This is what happens.

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This is what the big problem is, you'll notice one negative thing

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and it makes it such a big deal because you're expecting

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perfection. This world is not the world of perfection, right?

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Anybody who claims that this perfection in this world is, you

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know, any company anybody that's wrong, and unfortunately, the

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media myths media misleads us. They tell everything that's that's

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wrong, we really need to focus on the fact that this is a flawed

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world, in the sense that there's defects in it, and everybody,

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including us are defective. And just as we notice defects in

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others, they will notice it in us and we need to be able to look at

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the positives because everybody has positives and negatives, and

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the profit and loss. Some said if you dislike something about your

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eye, then focus on the good or you should not you should not be

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hating her for that reason. Therefore, Mina, a believing man

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should not start to hate and have this enmity towards a believing

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woman just because of something bad he sees focus on the good. So

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that's the first point

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Number two, there's a hadith that's related about from, it's in

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Hadith and Muslim. There's a famous hobby, whose hadith is very

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popular. She Her name was 14, I've been to case she was divorced by

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her husband, her husband was Abu Ammar Ibn halfs. He divorced her.

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And then after there was this whole discussion about where she

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should do, where she should sit for three months, and you know,

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the period that she has to sit for, anyway, that's a long story.

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But at the end of it, look at the beauty of this, this was the

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beauty of the time of the saga, somebody was divorced, because,

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okay, something went wrong. Right? Immediately, there'd be somebody

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proposing to her. Immediately, there'll be something somebody

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proposing to her. And that's why what you have in the Quran is

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Allah subhanaw taala to actually reveal that you're not allowed to

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propose to someone when they're still in the Edit when they're

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waiting period. That tells us that there was so much proposals going

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on the media, somebody's divorced, somebody is ready to marry them.

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We have a major problem today. We have women and I know of women

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even in this area, right? And I'm sure you know about this as well.

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They are depressed, because there is such a stigma attached to

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divorce, being divorced, especially for the women for the

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mandatory, they just go marry somebody else. If no one else I

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got somebody from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, you know, Morocco,

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wherever it is. But with women, he gets really bad. They don't know

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how to deal with it. We don't have enough counselors to deal with

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these situations. And eventually it is become crazy. It's really so

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we need to do a lot more for these women. In fact, we need to

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encourage marriage with with divorces. I mean, I have my I have

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my own ideas of others, but I'm sure most of the women

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unfortunately, because of the context we live in, won't agree

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with most of them. Right? But there are ways in Islam that I've

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dealt with this and in the time of the Sahaba rasool Allah Salah some

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time, they were multi, you know, you know, people were men were

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looking after more than one woman, essentially under Nika, right. I

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know that most of you are not going to be happy with this. But

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one of the big problems that we have is this fact because there's

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just so much stigma. So number one, we need to remove the stigma

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from divorces. Right? We need to remove that stigma. We need to

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encourage people to read because there are divorced men as well.

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They shouldn't. They shouldn't have to go and marry another

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version. They can marry a divorcee as well. Right? We need to

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encourage that because divorced women emotionally, a lot of them

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break down unfortunately. And that is really the sad case that we

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have. Now, back to faulty map into case or the Allahu anha story. As

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soon as she was out of her era. She had three proposals.

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She's just divorced. She has three proposals. And she went to ask

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Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam about the three proposal like

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which one should I take? Right? Just imagine that right so these

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three proposals Who should I take? So she says, more? Are we ready?

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Hola, Juan de later Hadith. Maria ignobly. Sophia, here was one who

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proposed to her right number two Abuja him. That was another one,

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and the third one was Osama Abu Zaid, but the Allah one right the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam slave Zaida the alarm son,

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right we loved him that's what Allah Salah son loved him. So she

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came to us with Lhasa Lhasa and said, Okay, which one of them

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should I marry? I've got proposals from all of them. So the Prophet

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said Allah some said a mum or ARIA for certain Lucan Lama, Adela at

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that time, Margaret, the Allah one who had no wealth. He was poor. He

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said, he's poor, he's got no wealth. So you know, don't get

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married to him. Right right now don't get married to him. Then he

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said, as far as the Boojum is concerned, right. And this is

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about domestic abuse. That's why I bring this hadith here about Jehan

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fala yerba or saw him in RTP. He doesn't put his rod down from his

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shoulder. Right. Some people have said that this means he travels a

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lot. But I don't think the person is will be discouraging her for

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that reason. There are two other versions of this narration in

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Muslim as well, which says make it very clear for Julian Durabolin

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Nyssa. He's a man who is just given to hitting women. He's a man

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given to hitting women don't get married to him. How does most of

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us know that he's probably had previous marriages where he's done

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that and it's been reported to the both of us and that's why he

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knows. That's why when he proposed to hurt us, I said, Don't get

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married to him, because he he beats women up in another way says

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men who should bet on Alan Lisa, you know, we know of some

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harshness that he has over women, you know, you know, against women,

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so don't get married to him. Right. So you can understand the

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first Lawson is totally disapproving of this, is totally

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disapproving of this.

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So, what we need is we need really strong community support because

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what's happened here is generally I've got a person I know very

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well, right? He got married. Nice guy. You know, he's a nice guy is

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everything. A scholar is everything. He came to me a few

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months after marriage, he calls me up, you know what, I beat my wife

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up. So he beat his wife up once or twice right in the beginning, but

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you know, maybe after about six months of marriage or something,

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and he was feeling really bad about it, but hamdulillah after

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about a year or so, he says I have never touched her again. i My

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thought was how did he

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literally the first time around, I've never beaten up my wife, I've

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never had to lay my hands on her at all. So I was very surprised.

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Right? So, because he's from a similar background, as I am so,

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but then I think what it is, is that we see sometimes our parents

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have done this, our uncles, aunts, our grandparents, somebody in our

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family has done it. And we think it's okay to do that. We either

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learn it from our family, or we learned from a soap opera, or we

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learn it from I don't know, an Indian movie, or whatever people

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are watching these days, right? Unfortunately, this is the kind of

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thing that how would you respond to something when learning this

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kind of stuff from somewhere? Right. And I think everybody

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before they get married, they need to take a marriage course, they

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need to understand what Allah subhanaw taala and apostle awesome

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has mentioned about marriage, how to live, it's important in

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Malaysia to actually do this. You have to take a marriage course

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before you can get a marriage license. Because the horror

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stories that I have heard where you know, there's a little tussle

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and then the husband just knocks the three divorce. And that's it a

00:15:55 --> 00:15:59

sixer finished? And then they crying. I didn't really mean it.

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I'm not religious. I didn't know well, how did you know about three

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divorces to start with? Why can you give one why can you give 100?

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Why three. So it's a big misunderstanding in our community

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that three works. And only three works. No, Allah has given enough

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power in one. If you really have to do it, do it properly, if you

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have to do it with mutual consultation, and an agreement

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between you the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, even after

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you divorce for whatever reason, even after you've divorced, for

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whatever reason, give a gift to your ex wife, just for Goodwill.

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SubhanAllah. The other thing that our community does not understand,

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and I didn't understand this myself, we make an effort to keep

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the marriage together. Even though there are irreconcilable

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differences. We go to extend like no, we think it's such a big

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stigma such a big stick Jinx to get divorced, that we will try to

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keep them together even if they hate each other. What you learn

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from the hadith is that was not really the case, Imam Hatami. All

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of these great had the Dean have mentioned that where there are

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irreconcilable differences, you'd rather be divorced than to keep

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them together and keep arguing and bickering and eventually leads to

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domestic abuse and so on. But our community really, really needs to

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wake up to that fact. And we need to we need to really, we need to

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really have good family support. We can't be burying these things,

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you know, burying these things under the carpet and so on. Right?

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It's very important that we give support to these people. A lot of

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the times these things the women cannot get out of it. Maulana

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Tariq Jamil Saab, right? I'm sure many of you probably know him,

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right? He's a big dairy. He says this is what he said. He says

00:17:34 --> 00:17:41

about 80% of the problem is Lonnie one Jelani what a what a CV says

00:17:41 --> 00:17:47

yes zulum Carthay. Learning huali Say, Jo Jo Anna Maria, bruschetta.

00:17:47 --> 00:17:51

rasilla, Kabhi Kabhi Yatta. They can Jelani. Essentially, what he's

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saying is that the in laws are the ones who are more oppressive than

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the girl who's coming into the house. They want her to stay in a

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particular way, they have to absolutely give her no

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recognition. They want her to stay in the way they want without

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giving any understanding that this is a human being that's coming

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from a different background, we need to adjust to her as well.

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She's giving a big sacrifice. Most of the oppression is done by the

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inlaws. Not all but most of it according to even monetary theory.

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And that's what he has seen. And whereas

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the person, you know, the daughter in law, sometimes it's from home,

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she's very arrogant person as well, or most of the time, it's

00:18:27 --> 00:18:29

from the in law. So this is another thing that we need to deal

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with. This is another big problem we have in our community. So may

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Allah subhanaw taala give us Tofik in that regard, as well. So I

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think that's really all that I want to say I just want to really

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thank all of those people who've made this program a success. I

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know that it was all about cakes, and I know and I feel really bad

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when I look at all of these cakes behind me and you look at these

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beautiful, these cakes here. Subhanallah Allah has given us a

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great gift that we are in a stable place where we can wake up in the

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morning, not to the sounds of you know, bombings taking place or

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people getting killed. We don't hear about our relatives, you

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know, dying day in day out. Unfortunately, this is going on in

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many countries around the Muslim world. Right? And I when I look at

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this and I think Subhanallah if we don't think Allah subhanaw taala

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it could be honest tomorrow. I mean, seriously, it could be

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honest tomorrow if we don't think Allah subhanaw taala we have to

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thank Allah and we must remember our poor people, and we must

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remember our mudroom. Allah subhanho wa Taala is with the

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brokenhearted people. Right? That's what the Hadith said in

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in the Mocha Tsereteli lube, those whose hearts are broken, anybody

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who's oppressed, their hearts are broken Allah subhanaw taala will

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be with them but Allah has his own timetable. Right? We need to be

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thankful to Allah subhanaw taala for has given us and we need to be

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compassionate to those who have less than us, and we must, we must

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do as much as we can to help them out. And I think Alhamdulillah

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finally our communities have woken up to talk about domestic abuse,

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which is a major problem and it's cultural you

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It's not Islamic, it's not religious, it's cultural, we need

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to deal with that culture, we need to make it more Islamic. And we

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need to, we need to deal with that. One more final point.

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Within Islamic law, what you can do is sometimes I've had these

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cases where there's been a domestic abuse situation, and

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they've got children. So now they, the husband keeps after they've

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kind of the daughters, the wife's gone away, and the husband, he

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feels bad. And then he says, Okay, I'm now reformed, and I'm not

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going to, you know, do this again, and I'm, I'm sorted out and all

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the rest of it. Now, the question is that sometimes it just recurse

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because it becomes a habit.

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What some people what you can do, right, what you can do, which

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shouldn't be done all the time, unless there's a reason to do it

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is that if there's a divorce, that's taken place, and then

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there's a possibility of reconciliation, what you could do

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in that reconciliation, when you have another Nika done to get back

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together again, is you could actually put it in the contract,

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you can enshrine it in the contract that if he's ever there

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is any more domestic abuse, there's an automatic divorce.

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Right, which means the woman will be then free, she won't have to

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beg for a divorce, she won't have to go to court for a divorce and

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be constrained. So you can actually put it within that, that

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because women don't have the right for divorce directly, they have to

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go through a court, but you can enshrine it into the contract that

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the husband either gives her one option of divorce to divorce

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herself. Right? If under this situation, or under domestic

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abuse, or whatever, or give it to somebody else, or just make it

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automatic, but consult a scholar, if that is a case control because

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I remember our shake. When there was a case with somebody, he said,

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Okay, fine. If you really want to get back together again, then this

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needs to be a condition that okay, fine, you'll do any car again. But

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if there is ever you strike her, she'll be automatically divorced

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from you. So she'll be a free woman. Right? Because sometimes

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you have to get you know, sometimes there may be an there

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may be the chance that they have, you know, they may have corrected

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themselves. So anyway, I don't want to take too much of your

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time. Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the Tofik again, Jazak Allah

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here for all the organizers, the planners, right, and all of the

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judges, and all of the volunteers and everybody that you know that

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that has taken part in this and may Allah subhanaw taala give us

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the trophy to do to tackle the other issues that we have in our

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community as well. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from all of

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us. Well here with our annual hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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