Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Dynamic Message of Surat alFatihah
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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala say even more
while he will be here about rakia was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira
on ala yo Medina.
is the month of the Quran as we know.
Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed the Quran
in two stages.
First, it was sent as a whole.
To the, to the OUT THE HOUSE OF HONOR called the beetle is
that is an exalted House of Worship located in the heavens.
It's also known as El beit and more. It's right above the Kaaba.
So first Allah subhanaw taala revealed that
the Quran has existed from pre eternity, the Quran is not
something new that Allah subhanaw taala created. This is the speech
of Allah subhanaw taala. And since time doesn't apply to Allah, if
this is his speech, time cannot apply to it. So it cannot be
created. And how we understand that is quite complicated. So
we our belief, the belief of the Addison, our Jamara, is that the
Quran is the eternal word of Allah, it's always existed with
Allah. But then Allah subhanaw taala had it revealed in Arabic in
a way that we could understand. But initially, when Allah subhanaw
taala revealed it as a whole, he revealed it first to the beta
And that is basically the caliber of the angels as well, it's
considered to be directly above the caliber of the world, the
second time that Quran descended, and was revealed, was, obviously
over the course of 23 years. And that was bit by bit
now in the Arabic that we can understand, that's how it was
revealed. How that was revealed,
is very interesting. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, for
many, many weeks, months, he started going to this cave, in
Morocco karma, it says that his grandfather used to go to that
cave before
it's quite high up, those of you who've climbed up, we'll know
about this. It takes about an hour to climb up for a lot of people to
take about an hour to climb up. And that's these days, once it's
they've actually made kind of steps there. So he used to go
there. And he used to take some food with him some provisions with
him and used to stay there.
And what worship used to do Allah subhanaw taala knows best, maybe
it's some kind of reflection, introspection, whatever worship,
it was, it's not very, very clear about that. However, on one
occasion, as he's there,
he suddenly sees a form. That's the angel who first comes to him.
He's never seen such a thing before. It's a very new
experience. And it's actually a very incredible experience. So
this angel tells him the story is famous angel tells him, it could
recite, now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had not formally studied
reading and writing. They spoke very well the Arabs of that time
spoke very well, there were just a few people who knew how to read
and write, the majority didn't, they weren't schools in those days
to teach reading and writing it was a very oral culture.
They spoke in a in a very measured way, grammatically correct way.
But they didn't know the rules of it. In fact, the rules of Arabic
grammar only were only
formulated together and gathered together and formulated together
in earlier the Allah ones time.
So but there were people who could write that they had the script,
the scriptures, they they could write, and so on, so forth. But
not everybody knew how to write so the prophets have said I can't
So the the angel grabbed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and gave him a very strong embrace.
And then he says the profits and losses said that it was like to
the extreme that I was just about able to bear it.
Bella Herman, Nil Jahad, as the as the Arabic says, Then he let me
go, and then he says, Read. And again, I said, I don't know how to
read. And again, he embraced me again.
Now, the third time he said, Read, I said, ma Anna Bukhari and that's
the Arabic many have translated this as this time, instead of
saying, See, ma Anna Bukhari in an Arabic can mean I'm not a recital,
but it can also mean What should I recite? So it seems like in this
last occasion, we can take it in that meaning that okay, what
should I recite,
but by this time had been embraced very heavily by the angel. So, the
angel said, which is Jabril Adi salaam
ikura Bismillah because the hudec read in the Name of your Lord who
holla call insert I mean Allah. So firstly it talks about the nature
of our creation created the human being from the airlock, which
basically means the clot of blood. A Quran workbook Al Quran rest
recite, for your Lord is Most Benevolent.
relight, recite, for your Lord is Most benevolence most generous,
most giving.
Allah the dilemma will come. Then, very specifically, the discussion
goes on to the pen that he taught with the use of the pen. Very
significant. Now you have to remember these, this is the first
revelation. No revelation has come down before this directly. Yes,
there's been dreams the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been
witnessing no doubt that's a form of Revelation. But the first
direct revelation of the Quran is this. There is no mention of the
Oneness of Allah. Yes, there's dimension of Allah of the Lord, no
doubt about that. But there's no mention of the oneness that doe
hate and there's no mention of rissalah which basically means the
messenger ship of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but the
discussion is more about reading. It's about the pen. It's basically
about the sources of knowledge. Because to understand the hidden
Risala you need a source of knowledge. For human beings,
that's what we need. The Prophet SAW, awesome gets a direct
revelation, the rest of us we have to strive. We study we listen, we
read, that's how we get it. It's very interesting. So the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now you have to remember these words
that were being recited were from a corrupt Bizmates from the Quran.
That's the first revelation of the Quran. Now you have to understand
as I explained before, the Quran is the divine word of ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam felt such an experience at this point.
Later on, he would say that on numerous occasions whenever the
revelation because it came over 23 years bit by bit, whenever he
would receive the revelation, he would say, many times start
sweating, even if it was a cold day, if he was on an animal, he
would have, he would have to get off the animal have to sit down.
One day, he was just sitting and the revelation started. And he
had, he was sitting cross legged with his knee, on the thigh of the
next person, the sahabi. And Asahi said that I felt as if a mountain
was on my, on my thigh, because that was the pressure. Once the
revelation would complete, then the Prophet Salah Watson would be
sweating. And then after that, it would be as if he's just come out
of this particular phase, a very intense phase, the way we can
understand this today, maybe, again, this is not but when you
have to download something very heavy, right? It's essentially a
download, then there's a filtration going on. Because these
are the words of ALLAH coming through an angel, no human has
ever touched those words, heard those words, learn those words
before, they're being filtered into the hearts of the hearts of
the Prophet sallallahu. They're being received, rather, downloaded
into the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then
they will be spoken and delivered to the rest of the masses in human
speech afterwards. Because until now, it comes through the angel
from Allah Subhan, Subhana, WA, tada. Now, then it's filtered
through. Now you can understand why it was so heavy, that each
time when he received the revelation, it was a massive
That's one experience of just revelation. But the experience
that he must have gone through in terms of just receiving the
revelation in the first place from Gibreel. And that whole
experience, that must have been something quite intense, because
when he came back from there, you know, the story, he was trembling,
he didn't know it didn't seem clear how to interpret this
experience. And his wonderful wife had these are the Allahu anha. She
calmed him down. She reassured him, she covered him up, when a
person is trembling. That's why we cover people up when they're
traveling. It gives them a sense of comfort to be wrapped, make
gives them a sense of comfort, it's natural for that to happen.
That's why I said zoom me Loony, the Maloney which basically means
to cover me up to cover me up.
So thereafter, that once this revelation, then for another two
to three years, no more revelation came. And now the prophets, Allah
was actually longing for this experience. It was an amazing
experience once you overcame the intensity of it, the uniqueness of
it, the newness of it, then after that he was looking for it. But
that's what you call the filter to worry that period is called the
pause in Revelation. And then after that, the revelation started
again. Yeah, you hit him with that fear. Yeah, you hold Muzammil.
That's the next revelation because remember he had been covered.
Now the Quran as we read it today, if Quran Bismillah Bismillah, the
hudec is at the end.
And he called us Muslim
And but the thing is just before that it's towards the end it's not
in the beginning. We have certain Fatiha at the beginning, why
certain Fatiha at the beginning followed by certain dakara
there's many reasons for that. So our first thought we include
historical fattier, that's why we discuss her to refer to today. And
we could essentially go on discussing sort of Fatiha for a
very long time. Because if you look at the UFC is like mmm cool
to be and so on. I mean, they've dealt with whole volumes for just
the one surah it's that is how powerful a surah is. Reason is
that sorbitol fattier is almost like a thematic conclusion of the
Quran. Almost like a thematic it, it plays many roles. And that's
why he actually has many, many names. It plays a lot of roles and
you can actually study it from each of these perspectives. So
firstly, it can it's called the Fatiha Fatah means to open it's
the opening. However, it was not revealed first. But one of the
things for sure about sorbitol Fatiha is that it was probably the
first Surah to be revealed in its entirety.
So while many verses were revealed before that from various different
sources, I don't think there was any other complete sort of that
was revealed until Fatiha. Surah Fatiha was revealed. So Surah Al
Fatiha was revealed in its entirety as the first surah.
And not only that, it plays a number of roles. So it's the
Fatiha it's also the Amel kita which basically means the mother
of the book because he includes in comprises of some of the most
in fact the most important themes of the Quran. So for example, if
we just to do a quick scan of the Fatiha just so we understand Al
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen all praises to Allah Lord of the
Worlds Alhamdulillah rub Bill Allah mean Lord of the universe,
Lord of all the words essentially, Al Amin refers to all the worlds
who kingdom of the birds kingdom of the heavens, kingdom of the
human beings, kingdom of the jinn. Basically, every creation is a
kingdom on its own. And this is Al Amin, all of them. He is the Lord
of the one all praise is to him.
Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil Alameen Rahmani Raheem. Now immediately
out of the 99 names or more names, the first focus is given the
Rahman Rahim which basically means the merciful in two cents,
providing mercy and two cents. And there's a big discussion today,
the Most Merciful and the gracious. Maliki Yomi. De now it
basically talks about the future, something nobody has ever seen,
which is basically the Day of Judgment. So he's the sovereign of
the Day of Judgment. Now we get an understanding that all praises to
Him, because he's the Lord of the Worlds Lord. Here we take the word
Lord as just some kind of master. But in Arabic, the word Rob is
actually much more comprehensive than that. Because the word Rob,
it comes from the word tarbiyah, which basically means to nurture,
it doesn't mean just the master. Nowadays, you have an
understanding of the master, he just owns everything. Right?
Others do the work. He just owns everything he got lucky, maybe his
father was a lawyer or something, he becomes a lawyer he does. He
just basically has a good time. Allah when we're talking about the
Lord here in Arabic of Rob, Rob means Therby, which means to
nurture, this is what we're supposed to do with our children,
Rob and tarbiyah means to nurture somebody from step, basically step
by step, according to the requirement of each stage to bring
them up. That's essentially what Allah subhanaw taala does for all
of us. So he is not just for us, for everybody. So now we
understand that we have a belonging to him. He is the Most
Merciful and He is the Most Gracious, that means
immediately, Allah subhanaw taala has dispelled this idea that you
get these dictators, you get these people who own a lot, who are
sovereigns, but then who are dictators, there's nothing to
fear. In fact, if you're going to receive anything from Allah
subhanaw taala, it's going to be mercy. It's going to be
compassion, and it's going to be generosity. That's Allah subhanaw
taala wants to tell us right from the beginning, so then a Rahmani
Raheem murder Kiyomi B now, you fast forward to the future, that
there's not going to be any time when we're going when Allah is
going to be indispensable. Basically, there's going to be no
moment no time, whether now or the future is already established the
past the present is being established and the future is that
on the day of judgment, He is the sovereign there is no other
sovereign Maliki and we've been and then Allah says E Erykah Badu
we're either gonna Stein which is essentially telling us
now this is where it's important that we understand the meaning of
fatty because mashallah many of us are reading Fatiha for years and
years and years. But we don't know that now the DUA begin now, a
declaration begins ear canal what year can Stein which basically
means that only you do we worship
and only you do we seek assistance from we need assistance as human
beings? Most pretty much all human beings need one another. That's
why we don't each one of us doesn't do everything. We
complement one another one provides something another
provides another aspect of our life and we buy and we purchase
from one another that's how they
Human societies made but yeah Can we do a year can to stay in and
then the DUA begins which is in a car autonomous docking,
guide us to the straight path
Sirata Latina Anam Taleem path of those who you showered your
blessings upon.
Late in my Adobe ID him one of Bali, not the two other categories
of people. Essentially, there's one category who Allah has
showered his blessings upon. Then there are two other categories.
The one category are those who went astray. And the third
category went even further to actually become
to invoke the anger of Allah subhanaw taala.
So the second one, actually, the second one talks about anger being
caused to descend on such people. So we don't want to be part of
that. That's basically the message of central fact, it's a very
simple message. But it actually includes, they say the conclusion
of the Quran and because the main themes of the Quran if you
understand Surah Fatiha, well, then you've understood the main
message of the Quran. So the fattier does a number of other
Before we get to that, let me just go through the other names. It's
also called a sub URL Muthoni. The seven off repeated versus this is
as mentioned in a hadith that you've been given a sub rule
Muthoni, which is the seven repeated verses. Now there is no
question about that. I mean, we we know that in our prayer, which is
obligatory upon believers, how many times a day are we supposed
to be reading Fatiha? Has anybody done the math even if you just
look at the far end of the day, which is two, two times in Fudger
of the fourth at least, and then four, so that's that sixth day
then after? Well, we don't actually do we don't, let's just
say that even if you
okay, we'll just say all four because I mean, only in the first
two, it's unnecessary, but that's gonna get too complicated for
Ramadan. So let's just keep it a six plus four, that's 10. And then
there's another three that's 13 and then another four, and that is
17, minimum 17 times as minimum.
Its minimum then the Sooners and everything else Fatiha has to be
in every salats. In fact, in the Sooners, he has to be in every
rocker in the forum, he only has to be in the first two out of
necessity. Allah is telling us to recite the surah over and over
again. One of the major themes in there is mercy.
One of the major themes in there is mercy that Allah is Rama Anna
Rahim uses to have these great names in there after telling us
who he is. So it's a symbol Muthoni number three, number four.
The another name for sorbitol fatty is the Shafia. I don't know
if we've ever used it. But that's its name. And that's what we're
supposed to be doing that we're supposed to be using the fattier
when we have an issue, we have an issue of our family has an issue
children have an issue, recite the fatty ham blow. That's how
powerful it is.
One of the sob is famous story that there was a group of Sahaba
that were traveling outside of the island, they were traveling, and
they went into the Bedouin areas into the remaining areas of other
tribes in the Arabian Peninsula. And it was in those days, it was
actually a tradition of the time that whenever anybody came to your
city, your town, not city, but your town or your village, you had
to provide them you had to provide hospitality it was a social
obligation. They came to this one area and for some reason, they
refuse to provide them any hospitality. So
as they were about to leave, eventually,
some person came running out that our leader has been afflicted.
He's been afflicted by something a spell, right? Some kind of
sorcery, whatever it was, maybe evil eye whatever the case was, Do
any of you know how to do Rukia any of you are rocky basically Do
any of you know how to recite something? It was a it was a known
thing in those days to be able to do this. So one person said yes,
we can do this. But you will have to pay us you'd have to give us
some hospitality their way basically reclaim they were
claiming their hospitality. So he recited so little fattier on them
on the person mashallah he became he became better. They gave them
some hospitality they came back to the province of Allah and they
were worried of whether this was a lawful income or not. The virus
Ivan said absolutely give me some of it as well. So he recited
Fatiha. Fatiha is very powerful the next time you have an issue
like that recite the 30 because it's a shove its name is the
Shafia number. The next one is called the calf is this
sufficient? And thus, you have numerous experiences of people
reciting this in times of need, and it's sufficing. For them, the
baraka that you get from them, is a Baraka that comes from 30 And
the reason is that there's a dua in there. And there are praises of
Allah using some of his greatest names and some of his greatest
characteristics to call to say that All praise belongs to Allah.
It's massively strong. I mean, there's no doubt about the
strength in there is also the warfare the complete the complete
in the sense that it could be
said in a number of ways, but one of the things that completely
encompasses, it completely encompasses the message of the
Quran, the Messenger of Allah, the message of the Quran is the
message of Allah to mankind. Maybe that's why we've been told to
reflect over it because if we are really to imbibe imbue and infuse
the message, eventually after reciting it so many times a day,
then in sha Allah we will become much greater people.
The next name of it is called Surah will hand the praise because
he has such a great starts off with the great praise of Allah
subhanaw taala. And basically the theme is all about that about us
in need of Allah subhanho wa Taala the whole it's all about
dependency on Allah subhanaw taala and then it's called the assess
the foundation, because again, he acts as the foundation of the rest
of the Quran as well. And it's also called the Rukia the remedy,
though that meaning you get through the
the Fatiha anyway. And to be honest, if somebody has enough
yaki in the fattier is sufficient in terms of a rocket, if somebody
has that Yaqeen and understanding the power of the 13 if you look at
the message, it gives several different messages.
First, firstly, it talks about the purpose of one's life. What do we
understand? I mean, let's let's have an interactive session here.
What do we understand as being the purpose of life understood through
the Fatiha
what are we understanding as the purpose of life? What is the major
idea mentioned in cerebral fattier that tells us the purpose of our
life? Where does it tell us that
you can attribute what you can assign. That's what we're here for
our HELOC tool Gina will insert it earlier. But
it tells us number one that only you can only Allah, we can
worship, there's no other deity worthy of worship.
And not only do we just do that, but it adds to that that we are in
need of Him for everything because only him we can seek assistance
from because we as human beings are needy, just by our very
nature, holy are called insert or dar Eva, the human being has been
created weak, basically dependence, that dependency has to
be an Allah subhanaw taala. If it's on everybody else, but not on
Allah, then the person is completely misguided in that
regard. So that's the purpose of life. Then clearly within that he
talks about one servitude to Allah.
Er cannot put what you can to stay in. And thus here we're saying
that all of our devotion can only be to you, we can't express
devotion to anybody else. Only you are worthy of our devotion.
Once belief and commitment is with Allah subhanaw taala. And again,
the same thing, we're saying ear canal, we were making that
Once reliance is on Allah alone,
with it's just ear canal Buddha ear canal, this seems to be the
crux of that our dependencies on you, then we make the Da da da
Serato monster cream, once journey is towards him. Where do we get
that from?
Maliki Yomi beam. He is a sovereign of the Day of Judgment,
we all expect it to be there. If we're going to say he's a
sovereign of the Day of Judgment. The idea is that we agree with the
day of judgment. The idea is that we will be there as well. Thus,
what proves that is then we're making a dua that's relevant, that
make us of those who your bounteous showered upon, so that
we can be of the lucky ones of the fortunate ones, that on the Day of
Judgment, it's a good situation for us. And then once role models
in this world, who should be the role model in this world? How does
the Fatiha tell us that?
For that you need a bit of corroboration from another verse
but basically is an underlay him here, it's brief, but in another
place, my Latina and I'm Allah, who are the men in the bean or CDT
in which shahada you are sorry him? What Hassan Hola, ecography
vertical foot looming Allah, that he can follow me in Allah. So
basically saying that the ones who you have showered your blessings
upon who you want to be among. We're asking for a big thing here.
We are asking for
the likes of the prophets. We can't be prophets, but we don't
mind being in the company. Prophets sit the team. These are
basically the champions of truth. These are the people who are 100%
truthful, not just in what they say. See the word Siddiq is
intensive form of sodic. So I think is the one who's who tells
the truth all the time hardly ever lies, doesn't lie, tries not to
lie at all, but Siddiq is somebody who is every pore in his body,
every cell in his body is true to Allah subhanaw taala.
Very few people get to that stage you know, because Siddiqui is a
level of Wilaya In fact, the highest level of will is indeed
according to CDP, according to the the scholars of Sufism So for
whatever you know, in pure dissolve, they will say that when
a person has said
sends a sends with a thicker so on the highest level if they can give
it a name is called CDP we get that from the Quran
basically saying that the level
after which it's prophecy which no no other human can be given unless
they've been invited to be a prophet by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
the highest level anybody else can reach a CDT a mashallah we have
one man who was actually given the title.
How can he be criticized? How can he be criticized Abu Bakr Siddiq
or the Allah one, he's basically given the title of the highest
level of spirituality just below prophecy that anybody could
That's why he is who he is, is acidic, and the prophets Allah
gave him that title because he was somebody who submitted to the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, with every part of his
body, whether it was his wealth, whether it was his self, whether
it was his family, everybody was dedicated for the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe, salam, others dedicated as well, but the 100%
that he was able to contribute and offer, nobody else was able to do
that. And that's why he becomes acidic.
It was much more difficult for him to agree that the prophets of
Allah, some actually went on an ascension, then for us to agree
today, it to be honest, it is much easier for us to believe in the
Mirage today than it was for anybody to believe in those days.
Why? Because in those days, they in a night, they could hardly go
from, you know, in one night, they could probably hardly travel from
Makkah, and Madina Munawwara.
Right, that was impossible in one night.
Today, in one night, you could go much further and, you know, we
haven't maybe got in one night to the moon, maybe maybe it takes a
bit longer than that. I'm not sure exactly how long it takes. But
we've been beyond the worlds we've been beyond this globe, this
earth. So for us to basically see how things are going. And it's
only in the last decades that we've been able to do this. So you
can see with the trajectory of the way things are going, that they've
been, I mean, they've sent a rover to the masses. They've had other
satellite satellite and other things go beyond that.
Miraj, right, can you see how it becomes now within the realm of
So for us to understand, okay, that's a possibility for overgrows
if he says, So I agree with it. Can you imagine the level of
veracity that he had, that's what you consider the man who said the
team, may Allah grant acidity, I know it's a big door. Right? And I
know it's a very empty door. But you know, because our actions are
not like that. But May Allah give us that, especially during this
month because the door it's an open house in January. Right now
in Ramadan. It's an open house, Allah subhanaw taala is at his
Most Generous, we understand that from the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam, you mentioned that the the most generous divorce I was on was
ever, ever, ever seen or experienced was in Ramadan when he
would be reading the Quran with Jibreel extra
IG that situation just made him more generous. If that's how he is
generous, then imagine how generous Allah is in the Quran.
Forget that. Can you? Have you seen how much people give in
Ramadan? seen how much donation people provide in Ramadan? How
much relief work takes place in Ramadan? Right? How many handouts
people provide how much assistance but that's people only has a only
have a fraction of the generosity. So if that's the generosity of the
people in Ramadan, can you imagine the generosity of Allah in the
month of Ramadan? I mean, just think about it that way, right?
Every day, that's why we've got people collecting every day. And
we feel like giving every day we should give every day. Right? If
even if that's a bit, a measured amount we should give every day.
Right? But if you want more than just put your hand in your pocket
and give and you will see that Allah will replace it many fold
afterwards, because he's SubhanAllah. If that was the
profit center Larson then imagine Allah subhanaw taala how generous
he is during this month. So it's not far fetched that he gave us
the shahada solely him, Hassan Allah a karateka these people are
the best of companions for us to have so we ask Allah subhanaw
taala for that,
in many cultures around the world, not in necessarily in the Asian
culture, but after every dua they do a Fatiha and the idea of the
fattier, they say al Fatiha initially when I first was
exposed, it's a little fat. So what is as an announcement of some
sorts, but eventually what it is so everybody reading essentially
the idea is that we refer to as the vasila. So it's also called
the vasila which basically means that the fattier is such a
powerful Surah incorporate so much greatness in it, etc. When you
make a dough and you read Fatiha, it's the dua of Allah because
Allah revealed that in Sharla, the rest of you to us will also be
accepted. So that's a tradition. It's not necessarily from the
Quran, sunnah directly like that. But it's a tradition in many
countries in the Middle East and other places. At the end of the
day, I'll say fatty and there's nothing wrong with that in
In essence, unless you think it's an obligation, then it may be
considered the bidder but they don't think it's an obligation
they take it as a Baraka.
Now, to finish off because there's no end to this, but I want to
leave us something which is very important. And basically this is a
a simple regimen, a luxurious regimen that doesn't require us to
do too much. See, because one is the if you want to reach Allah
subhanaw taala and you want to purify your you want to connect
yourself to Allah. Then there are many exercises there are many
endeavors there are many physical endeavors that you can do by
basically we already staying hungry in Ramadan hamdulillah
right, though, mashallah, we do indulge many people do tend to
indulge because the best foods come out at Iftar. And we try to
basically do cover of basically all that we've missed. So that
shouldn't be the case. That should not be the tradition. But the main
thing is that to give a basically luxurious royal regimen of getting
close to Allah subhanaw taala. Very simple. It's the message of
what is the message of fatty again, we've got so many messages
in fattier, but this is located from another person there are two
main themes in fact here. The first theme is from Al hamdu,
Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Rahmani Raheem Maliki only Deen right er
can I be the way ya can start any hidden a sir autonomous ducky. Er,
can Abdullah er Can the same can be connected to either the second
theme is in a Serato. stalking? What would we call the first
starting from Al Hamdulillah? Robbie, like what would we call
that major theme? What's the main word there? What's the major theme
that we would say?
Praise. It is essentially presents The first theme of 30. The second
theme from a from a dino Serato Mr. Hakim until the end is What
is prayer to us application, essentially two themes. In sha
Allah, as many other might have mentioned, if you just focus on
these two themes, right? You do your fluoride and everything but
you just add this to the rest of your obligations and you know,
avoidances in sha Allah, you will get very close to Allah,
essentially a life of praise and prayer, praise and prayer that
will get you closer to Allah. That sounds like
a major.
That sounds very optimistic. You just praise Allah, and just keep
making dua to him and you'll get close to
what about all the difficulties are all the sabar and all that
this talk not sugar only not even about silver? Because essentially
praises sugar is gratitude.
So essentially, the idea of praise is gratitude is sugar.
The prophets of Allah is on one wants us to make sugar of Allah
for even the smallest of things. Allah wants us to do sugar of his
for even the smallest of things.
That's the difficulty. It's easy, but it's difficult to do sugar of
everything's if
you're, you tie your shoelace properly, do Shakur of Allah
to the simplest things like this, you've got a nice pair of shoes
you got forget a nice pair of shoes, you've got shoes on your
feet to shoot out of Allah.
Is that easy to do? I think the only time we do sugar is when
somebody reminds us or when something so major happens like,
Man, I better give some Thanks now. Right? You know, I've been
waiting for this upgrade in this job. This promotion in this job
I've been waiting for the new Alhamdulillah you know, maybe then
we may remember if we're lucky. But to do Shaka for every small
And then to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala to ask him, so
for example.
The reason that the hours are going to take us to Allah is very
simple. Because whenever you make a DUA, you're remembering Allah
dua is to Allah Alhamdulillah Hilah the atonement was Sakana
* Muslimeen all praises to Allah, who fed us
and gave us to drink made us of the Muslims and made us Muslims
made us submit his made us His people wake up in the morning
Alhamdulillah Hilah, the IANA by them a Myrna we're in a in a show
all praises to Allah who gave us life after death.
After had given us death at night, we didn't know we're going to wake
up. Sleep is the sister of death. Many people disappear in their
sleep, never to come back.
And to him is the return eventually anyway, so we've okay
we've come out of another day of sleep Alhamdulillah but eventually
we're going to get to him there is no escape from that. Can you see
where DUA and sugar are coming together now. But what's the
purpose of DUA and sugar? What is the purpose of gratitude and sugar
and dua for everything. Shaitan doesn't want us to do that.
Shaytan doesn't want us to
Thank Allah. He wants us to take things for granted. He wants us to
feel entitled. He wants to make us feel like we deserve this. We
don't deserve it. To be honest sitting in the masjid right now is
already a grace of Allah subhanho wa Taala because there are so many
other people who have not had that opportunity.
So the fact that we can be sitting here in Ramadan to be benefiting
from the mercies of this house, that is in itself, Allah will give
us the trophy to raise our hands.
That in itself shows that he's giving us a gift already. Shaitan
doesn't want us to do that. And that's why in the Quran in
numerous places, what Kali luminae bardiya Chakra, very little, very
small amount very minimal amount of My servants are truly
There are so many other verses.
What's another verse
la taggi. Do UK follow home Shaqiri
shaytani saying you're not going to find the majority of them
The way I'm going to play with them and dis
make them heedless and distract them. You're not going to find the
majority of them to be thankful.
Believe me, you just thank Allah thank Allah thank Allah so now how
does that get you closer to Allah? Okay, we're doing what's shaytaan
doesn't like we're thanking Allah. But how does Shakur thanking
Allah, praising Allah thanking Allah and dua? How does it get us
to be successful? The reason is that essentially at the base of
all of this, is that we're doing this for Allah it's a reminder of
Allah. The more we're going to do sugar the more we will be reminded
Allah is grateful to us. The more his gratitude, the more his
greatness, the more has been evidence will come into our mind,
then inshallah that should have any effect on everything else that
we do. It's just a regimen. Some people have actually, some Sufi
orders have actually told have instructed their people to go
through sugar and DHA as a message of fattier
while others they do it through other means each each each one
uses a different means and they always to Allah subhanaw taala is
that as long as they don't right and correctly. So in this case, if
you do enough sugar and you remember Allah for everything, you
get in your car, you move you basically turn the corner, you see
something good, everything is sugar.
You're going to be constantly remembering Allah. And what Allah
what life is there better than a person who remembers Allah all the
time. That's all you need. Because when you're remembering Allah,
we're probably going to do less sins. Because remembering Allah,
Allah says, We're conscious is that taqwa, taqwa God
consciousness. But that's the difficulty is easy to say sugar.
It's easy to do it in the sense that there's no effort. It's not
difficult. It doesn't it's not it's not intense. But the reminder
to do it is difficult. And then of course, do us.
The DUA is to ask Allah for everything that shows our need for
Allah. And the Hadith says that the DUA is a burden, the DUA is
worship. I could never understand that before because I thought I
was a selfish act of petitioning for something I want, oh, Allah,
give me this, give me that. How can that be a worship? I'm asking
something for myself. But then the reason is that when we do that,
we've, we've made a few conclusions, haven't we, we've
drawn a few conclusions we made certain, we basically made a few
judgments. The only reason I'm asking Allah is because I can't
ask anybody else.
Because it's easy to ask somebody else because I can see something
might come I might be able to really plead with him. And I can
see from the reaction, that if I can convince him a bit more, push
him a bit more, you know, encourage him with a lie can't do
that. I have to just do it all by myself. So when you do that with
Allah, it shows that you've recognized them, it shows that
you've got the work going on Allah. So suddenly, you've
incorporated within that Tawakkol suddenly comes in it has to be
right. Can you see everything comes together just through
focusing on those these two things. So we weren't saying that
do these things at the expense of everything else? Or while
eliminating everything, there's no way you can just exclusively this
do these two, this is just the point that when you do these two,
inshallah everything else will fall together. We just need an
entry point. So when we recognize that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is the
one from whom I can get everything here goodness serene. So I'm
asking Allah
I'm asking Allah subhanaw taala for everything that I want, so
yes, I'm gonna get my selfish petitioning and whatever requests
I have in sha Allah, but at the base of it is that I have
remembered Allah at a time when I'm supposed to remember him, when
most people forget. And they use other means and facilities.
I would say that that is one of the major practical lessons of
sorbitol fattier
right one of the major practical, practical lessons of spiritual
fattier. Otherwise there are many, many other lessons, but that for
today insha Allah should be should suffice. Let us use this then the
rest of the days of Ramadan insha Allah for increasing our sugar for
everything, just sit and just think everything that Allah has
given us, and is giving us
and keep remembering him learn the two hours that are there for
waking up for sleeping for eating for Iftar. If thought has
Allahumma inni like assumed or big moment, while the speaker of torts
started to basically means I have fasted for your Allah, Allah
Khomeini, like assumed and will be government, why have I fasted for
you because I believe in you.
And it's upon your sustenance, again, sugar is incorporated in
here, it's on your sustenance, that I've just made the Iftar when
should you read this door? By the way before Iftar after Iftar? Or
in the middle of Iftar? When should you read this?
In the middle, do you think anybody else
before? How many minutes before?
Because there could be various opinions on that as well.
It has to be right than when you put it has to be that
there is a narration that in the that you see there's the other
door which is the hub of vomit. What the little rock with a bottle
water bottle Andrew insha Allah
basically means that's more of a
kind of a practical expression of what's happened, which basically
means the first is finally going away. And I'm say finally, but the
first has disappeared. And the veins, the body has been basically
fluids have basically come back into the body. Right? And the
reward has become established.
The reward has become established, when do you think that DA should
be recited?
Now there's clearly that should be recited afterwards. Right? The
other one, all I must say either before in the middle or
afterwards, it doesn't matter. Some say actually before is good.
Some say in the middle. Some say it doesn't make a difference. So
the first two are allaahu, meaning the custom can be done at any
time. But the second or the habit vomit, preferably afterwards,
because it's stating a state, right it's mentioning est, which
generally happens, but then depends on when you know at the
end of the day, you could say after you finish your Iftar in the
masjid of just dates and water. It doesn't have to be done after
you've stuffed your stomach at home afterwards. You see what I'm
saying? So that's the main message of Surah Al Fatiha We ask Allah
subhana wa Taala for Tofik especially during this month. We
are here with Darren O'Neill hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allahu
manda salaam wa Minka Salam Diabolik they are they'll
generally what the Quran Allah Houma yah Hannah and Mariamman La
Ilaha illa Allah Subhana Allah in Konami, nobody mean? Yeah, they'll
jewelry will Ikram, just Hola, Juan Mohamed ma Hua. Hello. Oh
Allah, our Lord. Your Karim? Yeah or hamara he mean of Allah, we ask
you for your grace. We ask you for your special benevolence during
this month of Allah your generosity, especially during this
month knows no bounds. If there are so many humans acting so
generously during this month. Oh Allah, then imagine the level of
your generosity of Allah do not make us of those who are deprived
of this generosity. When your generosity is so magnanimous, so
great, and so vast during this month, if we're to be deprived,
then this would be a real deprivation for us. Oh Allah do
not write us to be of the dejected ones to be of the deprived ones of
Allah writers of the fortunate ones during this month. Oh Allah
writers of those who will be written as emancipated from the
Hellfire at night in the nights of Ramadan. Oh Allah make this
Ramadan better than any Ramadan before it for us. Oh Allah make
this Ramadan better than any Ramadan before it for us and oh
Allah allow us to continue with the blessings of Ramadan even
after Ramadan. Oh Allah allow us to have many more Ramadan's after
this, allow us to take the greatest benefit from every moment
of this Ramadan. Oh Allah when your doors of mercy forgiveness,
benevolence, generosity are open of Allah we ask that You grant us
the greatest share of this for ourselves and our families. Oh
Allah, we ask You for Your Mercy. We ask You for Your forgiveness
from all the sins we have committed all the wrongs and
excesses that we have to our name of Allah, we ask that you purify
us of Allah that You grant us of your love during this month of
Ramadan, that you fill our hearts with the love of your obedience is
and you create dislike in our heart for your disobedience is oh
Allah otherwise it is so difficult. Oh Allah, we
Make dua in the morning and by the evening, our Toba and repentance
has been broken of Allah we make it at nighttime but by the morning
it is broken of allah how long can we continue this way? Oh Allah we
ask that you have your mercy upon us. The souls who are sitting here
those who are listening, Oh Allah, the rest of the Muslim world, oh
Allah we are Your servants of Allah we recite the Fatiha every
day of Allah we recite your words every day of Allah, except the
surah from us, of Allah except the surah from us, of Allah imbibe us
with the essence of this surah of Allah, Allah was the sugar and the
DUA, allow us give us a life of sugar and dua. Allah give us a
life of thankfulness, gratitude and supplication to you. Oh Allah
allow us to only depend on you and not to anyone else. Oh Allah, we
ask that you send abundant blessings on our messenger
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, grant us grunters his
company in the hereafter. So why not be carbonized here and I'll
see Fonasa lamina animals and you know 100 valuable