Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Dark Reality of Pornography Youth Exposed and Girls Exploited
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The conversation is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a discussion about pornography and relationships. One person mentions being " abused" by girls, while another describes a potential "monkey spouse" who wants to " fit" them. A woman named 2021 talks about being married to a younger generation and being pressured to send pictures of her friends.
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Right, then * is another one, just one *.
Don't ever get exposed because your friends
I talked to one kid, he said Al Hamdulillah. My friends aren't
like that. But I know there's others who do that.
It's quite rife, especially if they've got the phones. And not
just that, then a lot of the girls really, really get abused here.
Because they are if they want to fit him, or they want to be
something, then they are then pressured to send intimate
pictures of themselves. And you know how bad it is. We got a
question from a woman who is now 2021. She is married to age. And
look at the question. She said that the guy who I mean who's you
know, prospective spouse, prospective suitor partner. He's
asking if I can send intimate pictures