Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Caliph ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al’Aziz An Inspirational Leader

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of teaching children to understand Islam and grow up understanding it. They also mention a person who was poisoned and killed by the government for their own letters. The speaker emphasizes the need for children to grow up understanding Islam and receive justice for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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didn't have devices, I'm gonna I'm gonna have devices. According to

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Sheikh Hassan, he literally he's got a very good book set of books

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called saviors of Islamic spirits. And I would really encourage

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everybody to read that book. The reason is that it makes you proud

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of who you are. Because you see now what's happening is that a lot

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of depression is out there, because we see that Muslims are

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being attacked all around. So those people who don't have a firm

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grounding in Islam, right, have not been brought up with a good

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education of Islam beyond what Salat is, you know, like, for

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example, ask what's going on in the in what are the children

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taught, and the mother says, after school programs, Quran classes, so

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I'm told that they taught Quran, and then after that, they're

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taught how to pray, Salat, and the basics of, you know, Salah them

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will do and so on. And hamdulillah that's good. That's good is better

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than nothing, you know, because in America, in many places, they only

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have Sunday school like the Christians do, right. And I used

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to teach in one place that was about 40 minutes from my house

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every Saturday, and I gave up afterwards, I said, it's like

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trying to make them read a chapter of Harry Potter, once a week,

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because by the time you go there, the next week, they they forgotten

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the last part of the story, right. And I said, I just can't do that

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you can't have your Islam being taught just once a week. So this

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is great. But we need to move beyond that the children need to

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grow up understanding Islam more than you know, because when a

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child only thinks that Islam is not about just salaat, then when

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it comes to philosophical issues, what they're confronted with at

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university, they're going to think Islam has no idea about it, then

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they're going to subscribe to views of content and Nisha and

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Derrida and Foucault and in all the rest of them, right because

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they just think there's that's all that's available because haven't

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been exposed. That's why it's very important that we teach our

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children an all rounded understanding of Islam from every

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aspect, the more ama that aspect, the more I shallot aspect, you

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know, the social aspects, the philosophical as the theology, the

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jurisprudence and everything. That's very important. So you know

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you you're coming from one of these.

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He is a grandson of sorts of Romani. Hola, Juan. But he is from

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this royal family his father Abdulaziz right into Marwan now,

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what you had is he was not in line of the caliphate. It was the

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uncle's family. Right.

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What happens is that the Khalif preceding him, didn't have

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children who are old enough to succeed him. He tried that cliff

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at his deathbed, even on his deathbed even tried to address

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them up to look older, but it wasn't working. So somebody on his

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side did a great thing. And he said, Why don't you give it to

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Omar Abdulaziz, your cousin? Oh, Ronda Rousey is his wife was from

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the from the ruling family. I'm going to Omar Abdulaziz was known

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to you know, like good things, being from the ruling class. You

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know, it wasn't ruling party, but it was related, like good things

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and so on. He passed away at a very young age, but

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they made him the Salif, the honey from the Almighty. I mean, they

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made in the Hanif of the Romanians, you're talking about a

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major dynasty, you know, major caliphate. You know, they

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proceeded the Abbasids Dambusters came afterwards, after the Omega

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domains reversed.

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And as soon as he became a belief, it's like a light went on in his

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head. The trophy was there from Allah subhanaw taala. And he did

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it two years and some months.

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What none of the ones before him were able to do after Mariani

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He had such justice after a time of major corruption, because that

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means began to be known for cost and confiscating properties, and

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just indulging and just literally the Baitul mal de the,

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the national treasury, right the national treasury

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dipping their hands into that just using it for themselves. You know,

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some of these clips you don't want to happen. Right. Like later on in

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the Abbasids. You had one of them, they had a special possession on

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Eid day. You know, when they perform Eid prayer after maghrib

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because it just took that long. And we're just just absolutely

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crazy. It was just absolutely crazy. Right? So you've got all

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sorts of all sorts of stories, listen, to have a good honey,

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who's the wealth and riches in a position has gone to his head. You

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know, that's something really great Omar Abdulaziz. He had said

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justice, that in North Africa,

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there was not a person who was eligible to receive zakat anymore.

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The distribution of the wealth without communism, right without

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communism. Got to such a stage that everybody was decently well

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To such a degree that nobody can accept as a curse, nobody can

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accept the curse. Now, obviously, if you've got that kind of

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situation, that money can then be used for other purposes. You know,

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you can have prosperity in all other fields when that kind of

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thing happens.

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But unfortunately, he was poisoned, and it reverted back to

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them. They just couldn't take because he had given all of his it

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made his way to get all the jewelry back. Right, because he

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said that this was gotten through ILL means ill gotten means. And

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one day his children came to meet him. And he had his hand over his

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mouth throughout that meeting. And his children are wondering, why is

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that? And he said I hadn't. The only thing I had to eat was

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onions. Because he was so frugal. He wouldn't use the money from the

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government for his own letters.

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Meaning you wouldn't use the candles. You wouldn't use them. He

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was so particular about these things. He was just so particular

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that that gave him the justice.

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And you carry on, and it's just so much more to say

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