Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Blessings of Generosity in Ramadan How Allah’s Barakah Multiplies

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the issue of money and food in the media, as well as the problem of sin. They suggest that generosity from Allah is generous and that sin is a "ENT intention." The speaker encourages the audience to think about it and avoid committing to sin.

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			Can you you know how much money is
spent in Ramadan? how much food is
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			fed in Ramadan? How many charities
this is their this is their time
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			for collecting Ramadan every night
every day how much has been given
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			why? Because generosity from Allah
Allah is extremely generous and it
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			says in a hadith in the Shamal
that the Prophet SAW son was at
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			its most generous in the law in
Ramadan in Ramadan when used to
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			meet with Gibreel generosity you
can feel it you actually feel much
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			better in Ramadan Have you noticed
that you will never feel like
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			doing a new sin in Ramadan
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			shaytaan is locked up okay, we
still people still sin in Ramadan.
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			But I want you to think or if
you've not thought about this,
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			this Ramadan comes up. Think that
if you are committing or feel like
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			committing a sin, it will usually
be a habitual sin