Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Aqsa Lectures 3 A Brief History of Jerusalem
AI: Summary ©
V Roman Empire becoming Christian. The construction of the temple in Jerusalem, the removal of the city, and the Herod's redeployment of the temple and the construction of a new temple in Jerusalem, as well as the removal of the city and the Herod's construction of a new temple in Jerusalem. The transcript also describes the history of the European V Roman Empire, including the expansion of the temple, the Herod's construction of a new temple in Jerusalem, and the Herod's construction of a new temple in Jerusalem. The transcript also describes the history of the first woman in the world and her claim to have had a peace treaty and is the enemy.
AI: Transcript ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam
o Allah say you didn't want saline while he asked me about raka was
seldom at the Sleeman cathedral Eli Iommi, Dean Emeritus
Subhan Allah the SRB AB de La La Mina and Masjid Al Haram al al
Masjid Al Aqsa de Baraka, Hula, hula Nordea who in is Tina in who
was semi on Buzzfeed.
As we were discussing yesterday, we are discussing some of the
famous personalities from the time of the sahaba. And then the famous
personalities after him. There are so many personalities that we've
discovered that we can discuss in terms of the mahadi theme of a
citizen, and only Allah who have come to this place, I'm not going
to go into a big list of these because that could become boring.
It's generally only valuable if we have reference to these people.
And if you understand who these people are, if I just give you a
list of names, it's not going to be very useful maybe, but I will
mention a few because these are some of the earliest people that
we should know about. These are the people who are considered to
be the people, that everybody references when you discuss piety,
when you discuss spirituality, when you discuss the soul, for
example, when you discuss asceticism, connection with Allah
subhanaw taala Wilayat these are the most famous people. So I
mentioned the Sahaba and the tambourine already, and we
mentioned the WHO known al Misri. The he was the he was the great
Medusa wave and ascetic from, from Egypt and mystery. The next person
I want to mention and these are people you pick up any book on
connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala and these people will be
mentioned in there. So the next person I want to mention is the
great Satan study a subtlety study Sokrati many people just call him
serious, silly 60 Prophet allottee it's study a Sokrati. He died
eventually in 257 257 Hijiri. So you can tell how early he is. When
you say 257 Just to put you into the picture, this is around the
time when Imam Buhari passes away, just before this Imam Ahmed even
the humble passes away. This is our only Muslims time he's alive
around this time when he passed the Imam telemovie and this is
this is this time Imam Tabari. A lot of the development is taking
place at this time. A lot of the development of the Islamic
sciences is taking place at this time. And people like Surya
Sokrati are deciding to you know, leave everything and just focus on
Allah subhanho wa taala. So, he is considered one of the leaders of
the aesthetics of Baghdad. And at that time, this is the one of the
glorious periods of Baghdad as well. I busted Khalif as I told
you before Abu Jafar al Mansour established Baghdad. And then
throughout the whole world, people came from throughout the whole
world, you had some of the best of the Muslims, both in terms of
spirituality, in terms of academics have come to Baghdad,
and they're making this the glorious city. But that has had a
very, very long history in terms of that much of the great
literature has been written in Baghdad. So for example, there was
a great scholar called Hakeem Al Baghdadi, Hatim Al Baghdadi. He
wrote this book about the history of Baghdad in about 50 volumes.
And these are all big, big volumes in about 50 volumes. And it is
such a book. It is such a book that in there he mentions
everybody that has ever set foot in Baghdad, whether he lived in
Baghdad or was born in Baghdad or pass through it on going with
hydro whatever. You mentioned, who they are, where they came from,
what their story is, what Hadith they related, is his massive
dictionary of everything is just amazing. Even the orientalist I
remember when I had
during my PhD, I had the upgrade exam. So I remember one of the
orientalist professors that so as you Kennedy is he says, have you
consulted the
hottie bug daddy's daddy of Baghdad? I said, Yeah, because he
I was speaking about a bit later summer candy Rahmatullah Lee. So
if he ever came to Baghdad, how evil Baghdadi would have had him.
If hottie Baghdadi doesn't mention him, then that means he hasn't
come to Baghdad. That's how good this book is. So this is Baghdad
of that time. Unfortunately, it's a very sad scene right now. May
Allah subhanaw taala bring it back.
Because in Baghdad, you've got where Imam Abu Hanifa passed away,
is a big complex and that entire area is called out of Hermia from
Imam out of them. Mr. Maldonado has called other media. Then
another I think it's to the south of that is another area called
Cara, which is from this is from where new Monroeville Karachi was
from the big, big, very big site. Another person from there was this
great Hanafi Hanafi alum who was from there. Allah McCarthy who's
the estado Allah just sauce just as a Razzie, some major scholars
who came that this was the powerhouse. This is where a lot of
the Hanafi madhhab developed afterwards in Baghdad and in
another place, you know the other places in Afghanistan in bulk
These words of bulk and then Bohan samarqand. These are the places
where the early Hanafy method developed. Anyway, coming back to
Jerusalem. This
study a soccer the Rahmatullah. It was one of the
he was considered to be one of the great Olia of the time. These are
some of his sayings. He said, The shortest way to Jannah is not to
ask anybody for anything.
Do not seek assistance from anybody. That's the shortest way
to Jannah is not to seek assistance from anybody, not to
take anything from anybody, and not to have anything to give to
You understand, it's not being stingy. I just don't have to give
anybody anything. I don't know intention for having any
possessions of this world. He also said that he who wishes to
safeguard his faith, and to relieve his heart from worries
must live in seclusion from people. I want to explain that
when people hear about these stories about seclusion, they
think it means becoming a hermit. In Islam hermit shoot is not
permitted. The Kamal and the perfection and accomplishment is
in living with people, but still being able to worship Allah and
not not letting people distract you, and not letting them cause
you to sin. A lot of people make excuses that the reason why they
sin is because of other people. They use other people as an
excuse. They blame others. It's our own discipline that matters.
Yes, somebody may exchange in front of us. That doesn't mean
that we have to then say something bad about them. We're not supposed
to be taking a bout of people. We are sometimes so sensitive that we
judge people within five minutes. We meet somebody for five minutes,
and we have a judgment about them. Then after we meet them after a
few days for another five minutes, and suddenly we change our
judgment, we should never have had the first judgement.
So you have to realize this, what I realized recently I was in
Bahrain and one of my friends who
works as a consultant, business consultant. He's saying that these
Yemenis who are big businessmen in Arabia in Saudi Arabia, he says
that if they want to find out how you are, you know what they do?
They will take you for ombre. Say, Come on, let's go for ombre, they
will take you for ombre and in ombre, they will figure out
everything about you because you're on a journey you're going
to Arabia. And in fact another thing he said that if you if
you're looking for, for prospective son in law, take him
for ombre.
A free trip for ombre. I mean, of course you can't all do that
they're in Saudi anyway. So they can do that. Come on, let's go for
him and I'll pay your ticket come over, right. But it's in a journey
and especially in one of these strenuous journeys that people are
revealed. The word suffer in Arabic suffer in English suffer
means to suffer, which also is part of traveling. But in Arabic,
the word suffer, suffer a USAF hero, a woman who doesn't cover is
called a Musa Pharaoh, a woman who is uncovered to suffer a means to
uncover. And when you're it uncovers a number of things, it
uncovers the reality of places for you have people for you. And it
also uncovers the realities of a person's personality.
So that's that's what you learned from here. So we've come on this
journey. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us all for any excesses
against anybody else. But let us not judge anybody just by looking
at them a few minutes or speaking to them for eating with them, or
whatever the case is, we should refuse judgment. We leave it to
Allah subhanaw taala
it becomes a habit. Anyway, this is what he said. He also said that
one night because he was here in Jerusalem. He said one night I
performed my Knuffle prayer, and then I stretch my leg into the
merabh. So he must have been sitting there or something. And he
stretched his leg into the Merab and he said I heard a voice
saying, oh sorry. This is the way kings sit.
So then I quickly push pull my legs back in and saying that I
swear by your might that I will never again stretch my leg like
this. This is the other day of a masjid.
After his visit to Jerusalem, he returned to Baghdad and he passed
away there.
The next one I want to mention quickly is a will Kasim Junaid
Ibnu Mohammed Al Baghdadi another one Junaid Al Baghdadi is famously
known as you needed Baghdadi I'm sure many of you must have heard
about him.
He's originally from the heartland again that's in Hora sun, you know
Iran and that area that's where he's originally from. But he was
brought up in Iraq and he he accompanied Syria suck Dr.
Holliday I think that was his uncle or something that was
connected to him. And Hadith al Maha CB these are the other famous
Junaid Al Baghdadi was fascinated by Jerusalem.
I'm sure we all are Junaid Al Baghdadi was fascinated by
Jerusalem and its implications especially the Meraj aspects. You
know, you go to Syria and there's lots of Baraka there, Sham in
general. But why Jerusalem has the masjid and this is a stop for
rasool Allah Allah awesome and then ascension from here. So it
creates this. This ID
Hear this. So he, he writes about a number of these things in a book
of his call.
The VA will Urwa
which means the cure for the souls.
Now, I'm going to move forward to another very famous individual,
Abu Hamid Al Ghazali. As I said, there's numerous other people
during this month Luke and the seleukid periods. But I just want
to mention that Mohammed Al Hasani, Mohammed Al Hassan, he is
originally from today's Iran tus, which is close to Mashhad, kind of
north east of Iran. He was a Persian speaking individual, such
an intellectual, such an intellectual and alkylene son, he
eventually out of he, just to give you an idea, he was born in 450
Hijiri. And he died in 505 Hijiri. How many years does that make him
55. Right, which is not a huge amount of life. But he is probably
the most celebrated of the Muslim scholars, both by Muslims and non
Muslims. I don't think there's any university in the world, you know,
non Muslim University as well who doesn't discuss him. Even when I
was doing my master's, I was given a an essay to write in which
subject was Imam Hassan Ali is influenced greater in out of all
the subjects he wrote on in the south, Sufism, spirituality, or in
Creed and theology. And my conclusion was that it's very
difficult to determine because in both of them, there was an
absolute master. But then I said that in terms of general benefits,
and long term benefit, it has to be internal spirituality, he's the
one who made spirituality,
plausible and acceptable and something nice. The way he
explained it, he was just an absolute psychologist, in terms of
the way he used to discuss things now. He becomes at a very young
age at 30, something he becomes one of the greatest scholars of
the Muslim world. How would you suggest how do you know somebody
is a great scholar, he becomes like that, because he is given the
highest position of teaching in the Muslim world, which was in
Baghdad. It was the Navami college, there was a
one of the cell jokes.
His name was new famotidine, A to Z. He
established a number of colleges called the NIV AMI college one was
in Baghdad, one was in Shiraz. One was initial pool. These were the
famous cities of the Muslim world. For Baghdad, which was the center
it's like Oxford, Cambridge kind of idea, right Harvard, as
whatever you want to say, that was the biggest place. And Imam
Ghazali was made the big scholar there.
So he taught there for a number of years. And that would be if
anybody scholar, scholar, if any scholar wanted a high position,
but that would be it. Now, the most interesting thing is that he,
after a few years, he begins to get worried. He says, All of this
is show all I'm doing a show, this is all ostentation. And he decided
I need to leave this position. Nobody in their right mind, you
know, so called would leave that position. You know, you mentioned
leaving the top position.
So he he because he was he was a thinker. In fact, he said that I
started afresh, although I was born a Muslim, but I started
thinking afresh with no faith, I kind of stripped myself, I have
all faith. And I discussed and studied all the main ideologies of
the day. And I went into each one, as somebody looking for the
reality, not somebody in a biased way that I know it's wrong, I'm
just going to attack it, but in there trying to find out. And
eventually he came to the realization that it's spirituality
and the spiritual way, which is the way to Allah subhanaw taala,
the most effective way to Allah subhanaw taala. So anyway, cut a
long story short, he decided he needs to leave this position
because it's all famous show and he needs to work on himself. And
he found it very difficult to leave, he kept putting it off. And
then he said, Allah helped me if there came a time when I couldn't
speak anymore. Now I'm giving notice to all the major scholars
of the town, and suddenly I can't speak anymore. I've got a problem
with speaking. You know, my tongue doesn't work. So then finally
Alhamdulillah that helped me and I left the job and everybody's
thinking, What is wrong with him? So then
this deep spiritual crisis, he decided to leave for ages. So he
left Baghdad first for Syria. So in the Ummah we Masjid German
Ummah we, there's a special room that he stayed there for a while,
in those days, you could kind of do that you didn't need your visas
and things like that, as long as you didn't do any politics or
whatever, and you are fine with the rulers of the time and
whatever the case was, they wouldn't bother you. Right
was different. So he,
then from a Syria from Sham he went to to Makkah. On his return,
he again stopped in Syria, and then he came to Jerusalem. And for
he stayed here for around 10 years, entire periods or 11 years
or he stayed out. He stayed here for 10 years, spending his time in
just lots of God and worship and liquor and so on and so forth.
According to YBNL, Athena, who is another great historian of ours,
Ebola theory, has a great history and died in 630 Hijiri. He says,
while in Jerusalem, you mama has already stayed at the small Masjid
of Babu Rama.
Now that's the one we saw today from the outside, we saw the
outside wall of it. So obviously in the inside, there's a structure
there. That is the door that the Christians believe that the inside
Islam will come in from
the cemetery is outside it. So he stayed, then that's where he
wrote, and it's called the Zawiya. Allah has Alia after him.
And then finally, he started seeing all these dreams and
everything is decided to live. And then remember, this is now around
498, just coming to the end of the century, 500 century, and people
were saying that Allah is going to send somebody to revive the faith.
So then he wrote his hero, Lumi Dean during this time, and then
eventually he said, Look,
I need to come out of this and help people he will he had so much
Yaqeen that he could help people that he decided to eventually say,
I need to help people. Otherwise, he felt that it was the deception
of shaytaan that he stay in seclusion. This is our arm, you
know, this is easy. So then people need the help. And then he started
writing. And he basically criticizes everybody from the
leaders, to the normal people, to the scholars, the fuqaha, the
jurist, the Sufis, everybody. And he does it in such a way that it's
just absolutely beautiful.
So that's Imam Mohammed Al Ghazali, who also
was honored by this place, and who also graced this place, in a
sense. Now,
there's numerous others, which as I said, I'm not going to talk
about anybody more there's Muhammad Mahatma, to see Abu Bakr
Al who journey. But one thing I will mention is that the mercury
beasts, the North Africans, specifically like Moroccans, and
so on, they have a very special connection with this place. I
haven't been able to look at why yet. But they came here in large
numbers. And that is why this area outside here, this Muslim area,
the western area, became known as the MaHA Reba quarter, right,
which is the Moroccan quarter. Unfortunately, that was the one
that was taken in the wall and just leveled to make that big area
outside so that the Jews can come and do their worship there. But
that was that entire area that was called the Mojave by quarter. So
because you have the Muslim Quarter, the Mojave about quarter
specifically from them, so you can tell that that's very important.
Then you have the Armenian and others because the Armenians were
supposed to be some of the first of the Christians or some of the
first people to believe in East Jerusalem. So that's why you've
got a lot of these were not just Muslims, by the way, these were
under Lucien as well. Because remember, under Lucia, people had
to escape and the Lucien they most of them came to to Morocco. And
when you go to Morocco, there's a famous city called Fez. That city
The reason it's called Fez, fez comes from fuss. In Arabic,
anybody that knows what Sun means? It means an X. Faxon means an x.
That's what Ibrahim is, I'm used to bring the idols down. So
because when they were digging the foundations of the city of Fez,
they discovered an X in there. So they called it Fez. That's what
the story goes. First has two parts to it. One is the part which
has the quarrel between Germany and Caribbean, the first
university in the world. What is the first university in the world
not as her university, not Oxford or Cambridge or Harvard or any of
these others? It's Jamia al Cora. We even the reason it's called
carabin, I believe is because the Muslims escaped from Taiwan which
is in Tunisia today, very famous city before there was some issues
there. They came here, the Andalusians came there.
Now, there was this Fatima Binti Mohammed, Fatima been to Mohammed
Ahmed al Bonnin. Her name is she is the one who established this
university. When I say university they will obviously Madras as far
as the university I mean, a place in which you have students who can
live there and they prepared their their paid for and so on sofa
before it was just like, you know, you came to the mosque, there'll
be a class going on you. You made your own arrangements, but this
was like a dormitory place first university proper, you know, nisab
syllabus and so on. It was established by a Muslim woman, not
by a man I mean, a Muslim woman. Allah gave her Tofig to establish
the first university, her sister, not to be outdone, then
established Jamia Al Andalus because if you've been to phase
and we inshallah when you go to phase you'll see it
There are two parts to face. The new parts and the old part. The
old part is the Moroccans and so on. The other part are those
people who came back from Andalus. After they were they were
persecuted, then they had to run away. They established themselves
in the other side of Andalus. So that's where Jameel Andreas is
still there. But that's not functioning as a matter of fact,
right now, Caribbean is visited Caribbean that is still
functioning as a madrasa but not
not under big Masjid.
Yes, saying about the Andalusians because they all had to escape and
Lucia, they also came so when you say Maha riba it means Mercury's
and the museum's because all their descendants are there now as well.
Now what I'm going to do is just take us through a quick history,
not very detailed, just the timeline history of Jerusalem,
just so you understand what's happened here in the past. This is
BC, we're talking about before a Saudi so I'm going to start from
there. I don't know how useful it is to you. But just to give you an
idea of why there are so many contending forces in this area. In
terms of the first person to build here. There's no agreement as to
the first person who built this place who he was built by. All we
know for sure, as the Hadith mentions is that it was built 40
years after Makkah macaron after Masjid Al haram in Makkah Maga.
This was the second Masjid that we know for sure, who built it, as I
mentioned earlier, could have been angels, or it could have been
other Muslim, it could have been one of his descendants. Because we
know that about MK Makkah that that's the Cowboys will either by
angels or by other Muslim. And then this place could have been
built by other Muslim or by one of his children or descendants.
However, then we carry on to 1010 BCE. That's 1000 years before he
saw the salam.
That's when though that Islam attacks and captures Jerusalem.
Dowdell Islam attacks and captures Jews and Judaism was somebody
else's, he captures it. Jerusalem then becomes City of David or
whatever you want to call it, that and he unites everybody. So it
becomes because the Bani Israel had split into two. So the He
unites everybody here.
But he wasn't able to make their temple.
He wasn't able to make their place of worship here.
It was in 962, when Soleimani salaam his son builds the first
set, first temple. Now this is according to the normal history of
this place. As I said, there are other opinions, that Soleimani son
was not even here, which is pretty much sounds like an extreme
opinion. Right? So I'm going with the normal history of this place,
this 962 Then it carries on 587 BCE now, right? So from 962 to
587. How many years are we talking about?
587 6789 about 400, just less than 370 380 years after that. This
comes the Babylonian siege.
Right? Babylonian, you know what I'm talking about Babylon is Iraq.
That's the area we're talking about. So, who Nebuchadnezzar,
this is a very famous leader from Babylon who came and who
basically destroyed the first temple. He destroyed the first
temple and he basically acts exiled everybody,
all the all the all the Bani Israel who are here, he exiled all
of them to Babylon. I believe this is the time
three of the tribes had read in their books, that the next
Prophet, the final prophet who is going to come is going to come to
an oasis. That means a green pot in the middle of a desert, that's
going to have some water and palm trees. And they found that Madina
Munawwara had that description. So this is the balloon of the Ubuntu
Clinica. And
what's the third blucora Eva? Right, so the three tribes they
came and settled in Madina, Munawwara that's where they were
from. Anyway, he destroyed the temple and Allah subhanaw taala
speaks about this in the Quran. We will send people against you, if
you do sin and so on. We will send people against you and they will
destroy it like they did it the first time. Then they did it
again. Bulu Batson shady then Fajr. Tsuchida, Dr. Ken word, some
Aradhana Lacan Kurata Allah, He can be invaluable but you know
what, you're an expert on the Fira, in essence, accent and when
a certain fella for either Jawaharlal Nehru yesu would you
help him when he had full Masuda? Come on the Hulu Oh, well, Amara
while you think buruma aloe vera even if you don't understand
Arabic, the words just show you something about destruction here.
That's the power of the Arabic language anyway.
Now what happens afterwards after this
The whole point of this was that if you don't worship Allah
subhanaw taala. And if you don't do it properly, you're going to be
destroyed. That's basically what Allah says in surah. Allah if you
read that, just the first part of Surah that's what Allah subhanaw
taala will mentioned there. So he says, that's why they were
destroyed first, then they were forgiven, they came back New City
was built, and then again, they were destroyed again, because they
messed up again. That's why there's a number of Jewish groups
today, like some in Stamford Hill who do not believe that they're
allowed to come back here because they are in exile, because it's
not there in exile because of their sins and doings and whatever
it is, and that's why they have to wait.
Now we move to 539. So from 587 move to 539 587 is when
it was destroyed and they were all exiled 539 Jerusalem becomes part
of the IBA Nari satrapy, whatever that is of the documented
documented empire of the King Cyrus, the great conquerors the
Neo Babylonian Empire, Cyrus, this is like the Persian Empire. Right?
Cyrus the Great, they kept they, they they overcome the Neo
Babylonian Empire, and they become the rulers here. But remember,
there's no money, it's right here at the time, then the Persian rule
begins. So the Persian route begins 537 BCE, Cyrus the Great
issues the Edict of Cyrus allowing some of the Persians have also
always been fine with the Bani Israel. The Romans haven't to
understand. So when the Persians come back in 537, they allow the
Jews to return from the Babylonian captivity and to rebuild the
temple. So in 516, the second temple is built.
This was the sixth year of dari Darius the Great.
Now comes the Greeks 332 BC, Jerusalem, falls to none other
than Alexander the Great.
Now, Alexander great, as you know, six year Macedonian conquest of he
conquest of the empire of Darius the Persian. So Alexander,
Alexander great is a Greek he overcomes the Persians. So all of
this comes under the Greeks now, then, from 164 to 163 BCE, you
have the Hasmonean period. I don't know too much about that. So I'm
going to move on to 63 BC 63 BC, the Roman Republic, under a person
called Pompey the great besieges and takes the city so now you get
the Romans back in here, or the first time right, you get the
Romans here. Pompey enters the temple, but he leaves the
treasure. He doesn't mess with the treasure. He does go into the
temple, but he doesn't do anything to a treasure 4237 BC, the Romans
set Senate appoint Herod, the King of the Jews, he makes them so
basically the whole area was under the Romans, but because now there
were a lot of Bani Israel, the Yehuda here, that's why they make
Herod the king of the Jews. So this became like a semi
independent, they have to look after it for the Roman so that was
Herod. That's why you keep hearing the name of Herod. They also
provide him with an army that he must look after everything. So 37
to 35 BC, Herod the Great bills the Antonio fortress fortress in
19 BC, he expands this place and He rebuilds the temple apparently,
that's why you see the Herod you know, the Herald's gates and
Harrods, the stones and all this, that and the other six BC that's
the end of the Herodian government in Jerusalem. Now we go after ESA
ESA Salam is now around 28 to 30. After ESA is salaams birth, it are
the three years of the Ministry of HRD Salam now, this is very
interesting. If you look at the whole Quran, and you look at the
whole Bible, you will only you can only figure out about 40 days of a
Saudi sternums life. You can only work out about 40 days or 50 days
of SRA sometimes life saved so they might not be as written this
because you hear about his birth the miraculous birth and you know
his Hannah and Mary Mary Maria Maria Salaam and then Eastside
Islams birth, and then after that silence, you don't know what
happens. Everybody silent about what happens for 30 years. We
don't know when he's about
30 or so. Suddenly, he appears in the sense that in history he
appears and now you for about three years, you know what's
happening. And then after that, you know the whole issue happens
where he's taken to the heavens and the crucifixion takes place
when you know about three years of his ministry that is 28 to 30 ad
apparently. Then, you have the first Jewish Roman war with the
Judean rebellion led by by one of them in both 66 to 73 in 70 in in
70 This is a very important time now when we got the Second Temple
right we've got the second temple we
The first one was destroyed, they build a second one's when the
Persians allowed them to come back in the Romans had come in. Now, at
this time, you've got at 70, C, C, E, A G, a siege of Jerusalem
happens because there's a Jewish Roman war that takes place, the
Jews who are here, they fighting with the Romans, who are supposed
to be the people, you know, over them. So 70 ce siege of Jerusalem,
the Roman emperor of the time is Visp, ASEAN,
his son is called Titus. Now you must have heard the guy sending us
Titas, you know, we call him Titus, this person, his son is
This person must have sent Titus here. And
I've read a lot of the history of this time, I don't think he meant
to do it, but he gave an instruction. And whoever he gave
an instruction to, they totally eliminated the city, they broke
the temple, and they just eliminated completely.
And I don't think it says that he may have not meant to do it, but
it was just the hokum and the command was given. And it just
totally destroyed.
He totally destroyed Herod's temple.
not only that, they took all the treasure from here.
And they took all the people from here and they marched them to
And if you go to Rome today, there is this. Titus is our arch.
It's this victory arch if you get quite a few of victory arches. So
there's a few in Rome, this one is Tituss victory arch. You look at
the inscriptions in there, it has the menorah, and all of these
descriptions. Now, what's very interesting is that those are all
the treasures of the temple, there were some treasures of the temple,
say, the covenant of the ark, and this that under that had all these
treasures very important to them. All of that was taken. So there's
some archaeologists tried to discover where that treasure
eventually got to, nobody really knows where the Ark of the
Covenant, some say it's in, it's in Ethiopia, some say it's in the
Vatican is big difference of opinion as to where this ark of
the covenant is this tar boots, you know, which was supposed to
give them strength and victory. It has a few things in there, like
the stuff of Moses and moosari, Salaam and a few other things.
That's the Ark of the Covenant. Now I visited this arch, and it
says down there that you're not they're not allow you to go
through it. It's been blocked by special instruction from the
Israeli government. Because of course, the unit was done for the
victory against the Jews, so they obviously don't like it. So
Nobody's allowed to go through that. It's this massive structure
in Rome. Anyway, let's move on now.
From 70, we go to 130.
Emperor Hadrian now visits the ruins of Jerusalem, and decides to
rebuild it as a city dedicated to Jupiter. So these are the Romans
who are not Christian, yet they still believe in Jupiter. He calls
this place Aelia Capitolina Aelia Capitolina. And this is very
important, because you know, in the Hadith when they talk about
Jerusalem, the prophets also refers to it in many Hadith as
elior. So it's always wonder why Elia? The reason is that at that
time, there was no Jerusalem here. He started a new city, and he
called it Aelia. That's why it's called Aelia Capitolina.
He forbids Jewish and Christian presence, they were against all
religions, they were you know, so he forbids create Jewish and
Christian presence in the city. Then we get to 136 to 140. He they
build a temple to Jupiter, on the temple mount on this place, and a
temple to Venus on the Calvary Mount Calvary mount is the one
where the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is based, you know, that
we visited the other day. That's called a Mount Calvary, and they
built another temple there.
Then 251. So that's over 100 years afterwards, Bishop Alexander of
Jerusalem is killed during a Roman Emperor DCSS persecution of
Christians, the Roman emperor, DCS, you know who this is, this is
the one who the US horrible to have dealt with. Now let's have a
look at how they were dealing with this Christian who they were
Christian, meaning they were followers of visa this along, they
wanted to stay on that faith, but everybody had changed. So the king
of the time, the Roman Emperor with the hammer is called DCS. So
that seems to be around this time. Now we move to the Byzantine
period, the Byzantine is basically the Roman Empire turn Christian.
Because you know, Constantine, the famous Roman Empire, emperor, he
had some vision or whatever, and he became Christian. And the whole
Roman Empire now becomes Christian. Do you understand that
that's what it is.
And much of the Western world only owes in fact, Christianity owns
its popularity today and its endurance until today to
Constantine because if that Rome because there'll be persecuted
left, right and center and you
Constantine had not had this vision to become a Christian. They
wouldn't be much left in a lot. Now we have 2 billion Christians
around the world. It's out to the apparently to Constantine. Right
because you know the Roman Empire, the major empire of the day. So
emperor of constant Emperor Constantine, he is now called the
Byzantines because they were based in Byzantium, which is Istanbul.
The old name of Istanbul is called Byzantines, so they call the
He confirms the status of Aelia as a Patriarchate. A significant wave
of emigration of Christians now come to the city. Right. And this
is when they say the city was renamed Jerusalem from earlier,
this was around 324 325. And this is when the around the time when
the Council of Nicaea takes place. Council of Nicaea is when they
decide that all the books that have come down from Eastside
Islam, which one we're going to make the Bible and which one we're
going to take, which ones are we going to select to become the
Bible and which ones we're going to take out? That's the Council of
Nicaea around that time, right? So you can see how how effective this
Constantine was 325
See, we're talking about Christian Era, right? The ban on Jews
entering the city remains in force. But now they are allowed to
enter once a year to pray at the Western Wall. And they're allowed
to pray on this western wall, once a year, a day of mourning for the
destruction of the temple. So they're able to come in here and
they allowed to do that 326 Now, Constantine's mother, Helena,
visits Jerusalem, and she orders the destruction of Hadrian's
temple to Venus on that mound, cavalry 335 First Church of the
Holy Sepulcher built on the cover of Calvary 600. Now, 300 years
after that, 610 Jerusalem becomes now this is important for us.
Jerusalem becomes the focal point of the Muslim salats
you know, this is when Islam comes in, and now you're praying towards
610 Jewish revolt against her Oculus her Oculus now is the
Emperor here Apple is not Hercules. You know, in the Hadith,
you have Abu Sophia and we went to meet miracle miracle received the
letter of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about becoming
coming to Islam and so on. So he asked some of his people can you
see if anybody from Arabia is in town, because you know, they used
to come here for trade. And you know, he was abusive Yan the
enemy. So he he is brought in with all of his, his men. And this
miraculous intention, intelligent man, he puts a Luciferian in the
front, and all of his guys at the back. And he says to them, If he
tells an untruth, you tell me. So he can't communicate with them
because he has to tell the truth. And he's the enemy. And they're at
war. But there was just a ceasefire at that time. So
Heracles starts asking questions. Is this a man whose forefathers
were kings? He said, No. Is there somebody who's made this kind of
claim before? No, you know, does he has he always told the truth?
Yes. And so on. So he says, I could not I could not enter any
untruth in there. Because I was scared somebody's going to, and
they wouldn't they didn't want to be the most interesting thing is
that they didn't never want it to be called a liar. So he told all
the truth. And then he said, Have you guys had a peace treaty? And
he said, This is where I was able to add a bit of suspicion by
saying that, yes, we've got a pre dependency tree right now. But
we're going to see if he, if he honors it or not, right, that was
the only thing anywhere here. At that time, her ACULA said that
this is the way of profits and this is how they are and if he if
I could go to him, I would wash his feet and so on so forth. But
then he never became Muslim.
They say that he tried but then people revolted in his. So he
didn't want to lose his kingdom or whatever the case is. So he
carried on the next year he fought wars against the Muslims, the
book, all of that was against the Muslims. Anyway, let's move on.
Now. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah, two room Alif Lam Meem holy
battle room fee additional rd while holding back the hollow be
him say awfully Boone. So right now Romans have this place. This
would you call it a miraculous he is the HE IS THE EMPEROR at the
time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
614 There's a siege of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, footfalls to who
through whose row the second Sassanid Empire. This is the
Persian Sassanid Empire led led by General Charbel Shahara bras. Now
during this time, there's lots of things that happened here. But
basically, the
because the Jewish had revolted against her Oculus.
The Holy Sepulcher church is burnt at that time. And
a lot of the goods and everything is taken to muda in which is
tesseron. Right, which is in Iran, Iraq and Iran in that area.
Anyway, in 620, Israel and Mirage happens, so Rasul Allah, Allah son
comes here during this time, but obviously it happened in the
middle of the night. And I don't think you know, not many people
found out about it. There's some stories about these things.
624 Jerusalem loses its place as the Qibla Maka becomes a Qibla.
Now 18 months after Hegira
as the Prophet says, Allah had said in the Quran that the Romans
have just been overcome, but in a very short time, they will re win.
Right. So now the Persians have displaced for those few years. Now
the bison the Byzantines or Byzantines returned 629. So
they're back. Hercules retakes Jerusalem, after the decisive
defeat of the Sassanid Empire at the Battle of Nineveh Nineveh
right. Then, I'm going to push forward now from 629 to 638. Nine
years afterwards, what happens in 638
Almara, the Alon enters Jerusalem.
So 638 Amara, the Allahu Anhu enters Jerusalem. And mashallah,
that begins the Muslim, you know, he, there's a whole treaty that's
written, which was that he will protect his churches, the people
can stay there, whoever wants to leave, they can leave to the
Romans. And the other thing that he mentioned, according to the
request of the Christians of the area,
that don't still allowed us to come in here. So Jews aren't
allowed because of the request of the Christians. Otherwise, you
know, Meridian wouldn't have much of a problem with that, I would
think, but it's because of their reason.
So then move forward 1099 to 1187. Now, this part needs a whole
entire lecture separately, which we don't have the time for. So I'm
just gonna tell you the few highlights, right in two minutes.
So from 6:30am on what are the Alon enters Jerusalem and takes it
for the Muslims? We jumped to 1099 to 1187 that's when we lose
Jerusalem again. The Crusaders take it. How many years is that?
1099 to 1187.
That's nearly around 90 years. You think it's bad today? I keep
telling people for 90 years this place was a palace. There was no
Athan taking place here. No buzz of the Quran being read these
walls were crying out for the Quran to be recited for the vicar
of Allah to be made nothing across on the templum Gemini. The cross a
gold cross was on the computer Sahara they didn't break the
building. They kept the building and next door that Marwan it's the
place we saw this morning made stables that's what happened here
for over 90 years you couldn't come into the city, nobody not
Muslim. And when they came in and attacked me Hi, they say waist
high in not waist high sorry, either ankle high or knee high in
blood. That's how much killing the Crusaders did. I could never
understand that before. But now when you see the narrow streets,
you can understand how that's possible. Now, we have no
impossible in our place with all the drainage and everything. But
here, you can see that that would be the case. And children are
flung onto the walls and they they tried to take sanctuary in the
Dome of the Rock, but they were told you will get you were given
sanctuary, but now they were all killed in there as well. It was a
really, really bad time. Anyway, 1187 Salahuddin Rahmatullahi
really comes in and takes the city and then we move forward 1517 to
1917 How many years is that? 400 years, that is the glorious
Ottoman periods. And in between you had the mom Luke's undersell
jokes and all the rest of it. And then unfortunately 1917 What
happens 1917 The Balfour Declaration