Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Take Your Husband to Paradise

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the struggles of a man who wants to buy his partner's name from the government and wants to see and be patient. He is losing his mind and worried about his wife and potential tax bills. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying clean and careful with things, especially when it comes to business. The segment also touches on the potential consequences of a scam involving a woman who took money from a rich man and then later took it into pieces, and the importance of rewarding people who give out reward. The speaker also mentions a person who came and gave them a bag of drinks and they come in because they want to give out things.
AI: Transcript ©
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There are numerous, numerous stories that women are the ones

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who are helping their husbands. They are the ones who are who are

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causing them to think in the correct way. And it's happened

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many times, sometimes the man has got so many things to think about,

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right? That he comes home and he's just totally restless, totally

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about something totally concerned and worried. The best partner and

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wife is the one who will calm them down, make them see some sense.

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And subhanAllah women have done it over and over again to the best of

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men. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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on it was the other day of Arafah. Right? It was it was just before

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it was it was the province and last night gone to perform a

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pilgrimage, but they were not allowed to go inside Mecca. This

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was during the first several years in Madina Munawwara they were they

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were prevented from going into Madina Munawwara. So he was told

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that he decided to tell us how about the look, we can't go in,

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let's break out Iran nullify our Arab, they had actually already

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entered the State of Iran. Let's break it, sacrifice our animals,

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and let's go back. So he still has his Iran. He's telling everybody

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to do this. Nobody's apparently listening to him. Because they're

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thinking that maybe he's going to do it, maybe something's gonna

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happen, maybe we're still going to be able to because they really

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wanted to go to the Kaaba, they really wanted to go and perform

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the pilgrimage. So the probably the last one started getting

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worried, because he's thinking that if this harbor don't listen

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to me, that's gonna be their destruction. He goes back into his

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tent, and his wife,

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almost sell them out of the Allahu anha is there and he tells her

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about like, These people aren't listening to me what's going on?

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She said, Look, you go, and you go and end your haram in front of the

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when they see you do it, they'll be more than happy to do it. He

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did exactly that. And they and they ended their love. So now you

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can see from this, that it's the best of man. But sometimes, that's

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the that is the relationship between the husband and wife, the

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pious related relationship, that they can encourage each other.

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That's why the Hadith mentions about one partner waking up the

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other for tahajjud. right encouragement, because the thing

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about a husband and wife is that they're supposed to be the couple

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together in Jannah. So you want to encourage each other so you we can

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both be in Jannah. And that's what it's May Allah give us all the

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trophies? Again, another story. I just read this yesterday. And we

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discussed it, which is that Amara, the Allahu Anhu center, 1000

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dinars to one of the Sahaba right 1000 dinars to this to the Sahaba

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to this, the hubby who was a very poor Sahabi when this hobby got

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it, he started crying. His wife didn't know what had happened. But

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he's just crying. He doesn't normally cry. Right? He doesn't

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normally cry. So his wife is really now concerned. What's

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making my my husband, adult man who doesn't normally cry, brave,

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brave person, what's making him cry? So she said, what's happened?

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Have you heard of one of the borders of Islam being violated in

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the sense that no, you know, someone has attacked the border,

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because she's thinking of the worst of the things that could

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have happened? Because what would make her husband cry the ways? So

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he said, No, no, that's not what happened. He's carrying on Christ.

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And well, have you heard that that Ameerul Momineen has died? Is that

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Is that what it is? As a matter the alarm date? Is that what's

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making you Christ? No, that's not what it is. says what's making

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honey Craig even more. And then he said, and then this is what he

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said. He said, Omar YBNL hottub, the Amirul mumineen. He wants to

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efface My name he wants to remove my name from the from the from the

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record of Moroccan of the folklore of the poor people. My name, you

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know, I'm recorded in the among the Fukuhara of the people, right?

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He wants to efface my name from the with 4000 dinars. You know,

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1000 dinars was a huge amount of money. Because right now, if you

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calculate it 20 dinars is the nisab of zakat, which means it's

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about two and a half. 3000 pounds is what 20 dinars are worth today,

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right? Give some fluctuation or give some fluctuation. But let's

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just say two and a half 3000 for 20 dinars. Can you imagine what

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1000 dinars would be worth? That's a huge amount of money. That's

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like winning the lottery. You know, meaning that's where people

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get such a huge amount, you know, you read in the news, such as 20

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million, 2 million 100 million. I mean, that is that's what you hear

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about that's where you get this crazy sums of money. This was a

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huge amount of money. 1000 not their humps, but dinar. Right. So

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he's crying, he's crying. He says he wants to buy my name and take

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my name off the register for 1000 dinars. Obviously. amadablam had

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no such intention. He wanted to probably help him on seeing

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He's in a poor state, so many must have come he thought he's the most

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entitled to it. That's why he was doing that. And this person no, he

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his, his his content. That's why they say that the fuck whose

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content is whose content with the way Allah subhanaw taala has kept

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them. This is an example of that, if you don't have much today,

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right, because maybe you don't work, your husband doesn't earn

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that much, you're still struggling, you should still be

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content with Allah subhanho wa taala. Because you know that

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that's how Allah has kept you. That is what Allah subhanaw taala

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wants off you that's your mercy, but but Allah wants to see and

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test you. And that's why the prophets of Allah some said, I'd

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rather stay hungry one day, so that I can thank Allah subhanho wa

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Taala and be patient, I can be patient. And then the other day I

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can fill my stomach or I can eat something and thank Allah subhanaw

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taala for what He has given me. Otherwise, if we just always have

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good, good good and prosperity, then we will never have sovereign

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patients, we will never feed in the need of Allah subhanho wa

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taala. And you will create tyranny in our minds and boldness towards

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sim. So this hobbies like that. Now, look, he's kind of losing his

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mind. He's crying, he's worried he's everything, say how can I

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deal with this situation? Now? What would you do if your husband

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came home and said, I've just got this huge amount of money? Right?

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Imagine if he'd won the lottery somehow. Maybe it's because

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somebody else bought a ticket for him. You didn't buy that he didn't

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buy the ticket. He doesn't commit haram. But let's just say somebody

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else bought a colleague bought a ticket on his name. And that

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ticket won in you and 5 million pounds. Right? Or 2 million or

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whatever it is. What would you say? And he's getting all worried

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La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah haram this than the other what

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would you say? Right? Number one, I doubt if the husband comes to

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say haram or whatever, but let's just say he does like you know, we

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have to have a good perspective about people. Right? What would

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you say? Would you say no, no, God ask a Mufti. You know, God has

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such and such a che God ask a Mufti that? Can you take this on?

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Because you didn't really buy it? Did you? Right, somebody else gave

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it to us, it should be highlighted, maybe it's a huge

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amount of money, we can buy a house, we can go on a holiday, we

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can do this, we can perform our hedge, right? There's so many

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things that you might think that you can do. Subhanallah and look

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at this, this wives that this hobbies wife, right, this man's

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wife, she's, she's looking at him and she's thinking, man, just

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give sadaqa give her out what you worried about. She just diffused

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the station right there. You know, she just diffused the situation

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right there. He's all worried and everything because he's kind of

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his sole focus even and sometimes just become occupied with your

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thoughts and your grief. And you can't think straight. And she's

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thinking just give sadaqa Absolutely. No, you know, no

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concern about it. Subhanallah that is what you call helping each

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other. So then what happens is

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in the he still cry, but then he said, Okay, give me the old, the

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old garment of yours that worn out garment that she just replaced,

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said give me that they took he took it. And then what they did

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was they made it into pieces. And then they divided the money up all

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these dinners, they divided up into little sacks, right little

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sacks of of dinars. And

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and he was crying all night as well, because he still had the

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money, right? And he's just pretend that if I die like this,

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I'm going to be written as being from on the rich. And when you are

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written among the rich, there's just more questioning to do.

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Right? Can you imagine if you get an May Allah protect us. But if

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you get an inquiry from the tax people, right, people are worried

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about this, the bigger your business, right, the more

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concerned you are up to a certain level, then when you get too big,

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then you can hire people to actually, you know, pay no taxes,

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essentially right. That's another scam on the on another level. But

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you know, if you're in the bigger you are of a medium sized

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business, the more concerned you're going to be because there's

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just too many things you have to worry about. Right? And make sure

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everything is perfect. Even if you've never done anything wrong.

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It just has to be you have to make sure everything's perfect and

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imagined in the hereafter. If we're so concerned about having an

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inquiry on audit, in can you imagine the hereafter Subhanallah

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where we can't even remember, at least when it comes to business

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and stuff, you've got your books, you've got your records, you can

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get somebody to help you to make it work out and make some amends.

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But once we're in the Hereafter, we can't even remember what we've

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done. And all of these things are going to be brought up unless

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Allah subhanaw taala forgives us. And then you can't invite you

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know, chartered accountants to come and you know, sort your

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matter on pay them a huge amount of money. No, it's not. You can't

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do that.

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Really, sometimes I think about that we're so concerned about

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certain things happening in the world to us. We're really

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concerned that if this happens to us what's going to happen? It's

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going to be really tough. Right? And subhanAllah you know, when you

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hear about somebody in some weird court case, do you think if that

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happened to me, How bad would it be but what about the hereafter?

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Are we concerned about that time as well? Right away, it's going to

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be even worse and atonement is going to be greater. So he's

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concerned all night. Next morning, soon as his morning time. He goes

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outside and he's handing the * to people, right. So every person

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that's coming soon

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Allah, right he's getting he's getting this. That is what you

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call contentment with Allah subhanho wa Taala the ability to

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be happy with the way Allah subhanaw taala has kept you.

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Somebody told me they just went for Umrah in the month of Ramadan

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after they heard what I said yesterday on this subject about

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desert of the sahaba. He said this, there's something I saw in

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Madina Munawwara that I've been thinking about for the last three

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or four weeks since I've come back is that what happens is that when

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you go for Umrah or Hajj, Makkah and Madina Munawwara, there's

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people who come there who want to give out things to get reward. So

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this person who comes with, you know, this bag of drinks, or they

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come with some sandwiches, or they come with some yogurt, and they

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come with some dates or whatever, and they just give them out. And

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as soon as somebody starts giving something out, there's a huge

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amount of poor people down there, the rush to take from that. So he

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said that, as soon as people saw this commotion, right, they

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literally got jumped as such, he literally got surrounded, and he

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just had to drop the bag. And he went, right, and they just took.

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So now when they've all taken and they will going away this other

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from afar who's seen this commotion and they realize what it

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is they also come in because they're in need as well. Right? So

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there's one man who's coming, and there's one who, and it's all gone

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now it's all been taken, it's in people's hands. Now. There's no

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nothing left in the bag in the case. So this person is coming

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from afar, one of these people who had already got his his gun in his

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hand, and you can tell he's not very wealthy, right? You know,

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he's probably need, he sees the other person coming. And what this

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what is the person who is relating the story to me, he's telling me

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that I can't describe to you in words, the interaction there, the

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interchange that took place, he saw that person coming when he got

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here, he noticed there's nothing and he looked on his face. And he

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gave him despite the fact that he also looked in need, he gave this

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thing to the other person. And he said, I just cannot describe to

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you it wasn't his wealthy guy who just seemed to help be there. And

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he also got to pick one up and if I don't need it, I'll give it to

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him. No, this person seemed to be in need or as much as he needed

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more in need than the other person. But he gave preference

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over himself. He reminds you of the Sahaba it still happens today.

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Just the level of the heart. I mean, this happened, it happened

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Subhanallah he said I can't describe to you the words will not

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do justice to my description. It was just the expression you could

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tell what's going through their minds and that Eman that's coming

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out there. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the Tofik because

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that is what we can learn from the benefit of knowing these stories

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is what we can learn from May Allah subhanaw taala give us that

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Sophia? May Allah subhanaw taala prolong our worships and our good

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deeds of the month of Ramadan and the lights of the month of Ramadan

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for the next 11 months so that we're good until the next Ramadan

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as well. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the Karim Allah

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Allah Allah Allah, may Allah subhanaw taala grant is a toughy

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to give sadaqa even with a small amount each month, a monthly date

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if you're if you're earning money, you're getting money from

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somewhere, you can give money, right? Just Just give a direct

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debit if you keep forgetting to one of the organizations, you

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know, there's all my welfare trust, there's lots of UW T. There

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are lots of places give to your masjid, right, give to other do

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something. This is some of the basic minimums and I want

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everybody think about this today. Go home and actually start

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thinking about it from now and then go home and put it into

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action. Straight away. May Allah subhanaw taala grant myself and

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everybody, all of us that Sophia to do good and to strengthen our

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iman and strengthen our reliance in Allah subhanaw taala whereas if

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Darwin and it happen to rely on Bedard, Amin

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