Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Tafsir of Surat al-Rahman – Final

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The Surah language has multiple narratives covering various topics, including "hams" for men and "hams" for women, "has been" meaning something with a white surrounding, "has been" meaning something with a black surrounding, and "has been" meaning something with a black surrounding. The segment also discusses the attraction of women towards men, the "hamster" factor, and the importance of protecting one's bodies from "hamster" feelings. The transcript also touches on the importance of the Bible and its use to establish rules and laws in the world, as well as the benefits of going to a gathering for brochures and learning to become more confident in understanding everything in Islam.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen
wassalatu wassalamu ala sayyidil mursaleen wa ala alihi
wa sahbihi wa zahraka wasallama tasliman kathiran ila
yawmid deen amma ba'd we'll inshallah complete the
surah ar-Rahman, today we have the last
section left we also promised that we'd be
discussing the women's place in paradise because this
last section of surah ar-Rahman the last
number of verses speak about how a man
will fare in jannah, so in this regard
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from verse 70
he speaks about the second jannah, the second
paradise and within that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala says fihina khairatun hisam fabi ayi ala
irabbikuma tukadhiban fihina khairatun hisam fabi ayi ala
irabbikuma tukadhiban hurum maqsooratun fil khiyam fabi ayi
ala irabbikuma tukadhiban lam yatmithun insun qablahum wala
jaan fabi ayi ala irabbikuma tukadhiban Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala says in them there will
be women good and gorgeous literally translated fihina
khairatun hisam khairatun hisam khairat those who do
good things hisam those who are gorgeous, beautiful
so which of the bounties of your lord
will you deny then the next verse says
the huris kept guarded in pavilions so which
of the bounties of your lord will you
deny whom neither a man may have touched
before them nor a jinn so which of
the bounties of your lord will you deny
the people of these gardens will be reclining
on green cushions and marvelous beautiful mattresses so
which of the bounties of your lord will
you deny glorious is the name of your
lord the lord of majesty and the lord
of honor khairatun hisam fihina khairatun hisam khairat
hisam two words that's how Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is describing the women the maidens
of the second paradise or the second type
of paradise and in that regard what that
means is khairat also refers to salihat which
means pious and righteous pious and righteous and
thus their attention is confined to that which
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala orders them to
a person who is pious in this world
will not be playing around doing the wrong
things and thus what is understood here is
that they are salihat, they are pious they
are righteous and the next one karimatul akhlaq
absolutely sublime in character beautiful character somebody with
good character will never upset you they will
deal with you in the best of ways
and if that's your partner for bliss for
endless bliss then can you imagine the added
pleasure to that, somebody gives you comfort good
akhlaq, good character deal with you with good
conduct so which of the bounties of your
lord will you deny, then the word hurun
maqsooratun fil khiyam where it describes these beautiful
creatures these maidens who have great akhlaq they're
pious, they're righteous, they're gorgeous hurun maqsooratun fil
khiyam, so what does the word hurun mean
I mean this is the word you speak
about men always speak about hur hur hur
right, so what does exactly hur mean right,
hur is actually the plural of ahwar or
hawra, masculine or feminine technically or literally speaking
it means somebody with extremely black pupils in
the eyes and extremely white surrounding so, or
very large black pupils of the eyes some
have said that this is very similar to
if you see the eyes of a deer
the eyes of a deer, that describes it,
but clearly that no human in the world
has an eye like a deer in poetry
they describe the neck of certain women when
they're describing in this you know, the weird
Arabic poetry they say they say like the
neck of the gazelle the deer so in
that sense there may be a closer similarity
but what the lexicographers the people who discuss
words and their meanings they're saying that no
human has these kind of eyes in this
world they're very charming, it's a very specific
kind of very, it holds great beauty but
that is what you'll get in the hereafter,
so hur is not a person hur is
not a woman hurun is just a description
of this woman or the maiden that a
person will get inshallah in paradise so get
that right so hurun, hurul een in another
place it's more specific een, as in eyes
whiteness of the eyes it's talking about an
absolute pure whiteness and a pure blackness great
clarity very sharp very beautiful some have said
that it doesn't refer just to that, when
it comes to women it has to refer
to the darkness of the parts of the
eye that are black the absolute whiteness of
the parts of the eye that is white
so there's no reddish or anything, it's just
absolutely clear and a bright whitish complexion so
hurun refers to bidun which means white one
of the wives of Rasulullah asked the Prophet
for the meaning of some of these terms
of this surah as well and for that
he described it as whiteness of the eyes,
and the darkness of the eyes that's why
he said it speaks about the eyes so
that's hurun but maqsooratun fil khiyam maqsoorat, qasara
means to restrict something, maqsoorat means restricted or
confined fil khiyam normally khiyam is the plural
of khayma khayma is like a tent a
native Indian teepee as they call it, when
you put three things up, three pillars up
it could be any contraption of that nature
that provides some kind of shelter khiyam, however
the ulema say that here it doesn't refer
to that kind of it doesn't refer to
a tent this is not Libya and Qadhafi
or some rich tent it doesn't necessarily refer
to that allama alusi, the great Iraqi mufassir,
he says wal khiyam huna buyutun min lu
'lu, if this is a tent it's made
of lu'lu, it's made of pearls, it's
not a tent of cloth, haphazardly put together,
this is something serious, this is a dwelling
that is made of of lu'lu, which
means of pearl and as a narration in
Ibn Abi Shaybah and others, relates from Ibn
Abbas that it will be made from a
single, a single pearl, of that size huge
size that will be hollowed out arba'atu
farasekh, four furlongs in length, we're not even
speaking about a small cubicle right, we're speaking
about something huge, four furlongs in length and
it will have four thousand aspects of gold
in there as well another other commentator, other
compilers of hadith have related from Abu Darda
radiallahu anhu that this khaymah this dwelling will
be made of a single one it will
have seventy seventy doors to be able to
enter it, so you can imagine if you
have seventy doors into something, it's going to
be huge Imam Bukhari and Muslim those ahadith
were more obscure narrations but Imam Bukhari and
Imam Muslim and Imam Tirmidhi, they relate from
Abu Musa al-Ash'ari radiallahu anhu a
description of this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said al-khaymatu durratun mujawwaf that this
khaymah that we're speaking about here, specifically is
of a hollowed out pearl its length its
height into the heavens into the upward direction
is sixty miles and
in every corner of it if it's that
long, that high in every corner of it
it seems like there will be separate areas
within it for the believer there will be
spouse their spouses who nobody else will be
able to see the only person that will
be able to enter this is the inhabitant
of that paradise who it's made for that's
why when we we don't have time to
go into the great variety of narrations on
this subject but there are numerous narrations about
the number, I know this was made very
popular a discussion ensued after 9-11 because
there was this discussion somebody brought up about
the 9-11 bombers or whatever allahu alam,
whatever the story was but about the 70
huris of paradise, the 70 maidens of paradise,
that's one narration 70, 72 300, there's numerous
narrations about this we'll cover some of them
just to get an understanding because it's out
there it's a discussion that needs to be
that needs to be had so these are
hur, these are these black and clear eyed,
beautifully embellished eyes maidens that are in these
specific dwellings made out of pearls so which
of the bounties of your lord will you
no human, no jinn has ever touched them
before absolutely pure and virgin which of the
bounties of your lord will you deny?
and they will be given sorry, they will
be reclining on ruff ruff in khudrin on
green cushions ruff ruff in khudrin, green cushions
and abqari in hisan beautiful mattresses or seats
that are like the abqari, abqari is a
place in Yemen, they used to make very
beautiful cloth so it's trying to say that
it's got this beautiful closed mattresses that they
will be reclining on, but if you notice
the description for the paradise here is not
as specific and as enriched it's rich but
relatively speaking in the previous one, in the
previous one it says batainuha min istabarak that
these what they will recline on just the
inner lining of it will be made of
thick silken brocade, so imagine what the top
side will be made of here it said
green ones which obviously will not be inferior
compared to the world, it will be beyond
anything we can think of in this world
but that was the comparison, and next time
you read surah ar-rahman you can compare
the two now, all of these maidens for
men, I mean still the discussion is on
men yet the discussion is still about men
we'll explain why the main thing here is
that all of these maidens what can you
do in one day you know I'm going
to speak in allusion because I don't want
to take people out of the room again
like last week or tell children to leave
the room but what are you going to
do with so many even if it's 70
along with the wives of the world that
you have, and I say wives and I'll
explain why and the women who are listening
need not get scared need not become frightened
and I'll explain why later but the main
thing is this that the power that a
human will be given in paradise will be
a lot more than here subhanallah in the
world historically documented these Nawabs of India you
know when the subcontinent was at its peak
they used to have Hakeems these Unani, old
Greek medicine doctors, they used to mix for
them these different concoctions of literally gold and
silver not, not parts of gold and silver
amber, ambergris, musk and for strength I'd heard
about these things then I read recently that
there was a king in France, King Louis
the 11th or something three times a day
every day three times a day I was
just like wow busy in his activity, three
times a day he would go, and he'd
be in a haste and we don't want
to speak about the rest of the details
but if that's the world, three times a
day I mean Jannah, can you imagine it
I think that's enough there the discussion is
supposed to be something else I don't know,
you guys think you're lucky now the question
is that these entire two pages here, these
number of verses here, they all speak about
the man's paradise, where's the woman's paradise so
that's the question that I asked last week
firstly the Prophet ﷺ said, famous hadith إذا
صلت المرأة خمسها وصامت شهرها وحصنت فرجها وآطاعت
زوجها قيل لها أدخل الجنة من أي أبواب
الجنة شد if a woman prays her five
daily prayers fasts her month of Ramadan protects
her chastity and obeys her husband it will
be said to her, enter into paradise from
whichever door of paradise you would like so
they're clearly going into paradise and that's all
they have to do, now a few other
things if you take a young kid right,
take a nine year old girl and a
nine year old boy let them go into
the father's and the mother's bedroom right in
the bedroom you've got the bed you've got
the clothing you've got the mother's perfumes and
makeup on the dresser, it's all out there,
they're normally not allowed to go in there,
this time they're allowed to go in there
what is the boy going to do?
and where is the girl going to go?
the boy he may go and jump up
and down on the bed a few times
hey, this is nice, nice bed you know,
big bed, let me jump up and down
like a trampoline or something is he going
to go into the clothes and start wearing
let me try this on is he going
to go and try the makeup on?
the girl, the thing she's going to want
to do is go and try the makeup
on the adornment is just so natural for
them that's something that is made very close
to women firstly, just keep that in mind,
that's just an understanding number two from a
normal worldly perspective the woman is sought after
while the man is the seeker whether it
comes whether it's to do with marriage normally
it's the man that proposes, although the woman
can propose but normally whether it be in
illicit relationships or in legal relationships and pious
relationships normally the man is the seeker and
the woman is the sought one yes, I
do understand that in some cases, things turn
around those are exceptions but in the normal
case this is what happens number three men
are visual men are very visually motivated that's
something the man, women not as much, according
to some research, they are more into sense
and touch but men, it's visual for them
I don't want to expand more on that
but that aspect is exploited in our societies
today Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentioned it
this way because a woman's attraction to men
is not as great as a man's attraction
to women look, I know there's exceptions but
this is the general state the attraction a
man has towards a woman is serious what
a woman has towards a man is nothing,
compared to what a man in general has
towards women that's why the prophet said I
did not send I did not leave after
me any fitnah, trial test, tribulation that is
more harmful to men than women the women
are intrinsically not a problematic creature they're as
pure as a man is but for a
man in an illicit situation, they are a
fitnah for them, so it's a very specific
fitnah we're speaking about just like men are
fitnah in a particular aspect Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala doesn't consider it and neither is
it as important for Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala to encourage, to give encouragement to women
by mentioning men, that you're gonna be with
a man in paradise, they're gonna look like
this it's not mentioned, because that's not a
big deal for them, they have other things
which are more important for them whereas for
men, the most important thing unfortunately, fortunately, however
you wanna see it, is women and thus
the description is given as a form of
encouragement the other thing is in terms of
modesty, when it comes to sexuality the woman's
modesty is a lot more greater than that
of a man and that's why Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala keeping that into consideration as
well the woman's aspect is not mentioned as
much as is the man's aspect towards the
women what is then the attraction for women
then and although this is what some of
the ulema have written, this, you could speak
to five women in your family, and you
could probably work this out yourself, because this
is something that we did a while back
what is it that a woman loves most
what is it that drives a woman ultimate
bliss, what is it for a man, it's
having two, three, four you know, if they
can but for a woman, what is it
you know, whether you do it legally or
subhanallah, it's just it's a problem, you know
don't legitimize it, but people are doing it
we're talking about polygamy there's nobody to fight
for it, there is people to fight for
homosexuality whereas from a purely legal sense there
are more arguments for the validity and for
legalization of polygamy than there is for homosexuality
but we don't have a stone wall straight
wall, multiple wall foundation that, I mean stone
wall, la'anahu Allah la'anahu Allah it's
a what they've been able to achieve is
quite amazing but that's what it is, from
the legal experts this is what they say
but that's another story let's stay focused here
so for a woman because
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says so in
the Quran that her attraction towards adornment beauty,
embellishment whether that is of jewelry whether that's
of beauty clothing, subhanallah is a lot more
than her attraction towards the man, look there
are exceptions as I keep saying don't put
the exceptions in your mind this is the
general understanding, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
that means hilya means adornments these jewelry and
other forms of adornments that adorn a woman
that's what they have been kind of natured
on, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that
in the Quran just because Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala didn't mention husbands spouses for women
doesn't mean that they're not going to have
any they will have because men are to
have spouses where are they going to come
from it's not just about heavenly maidens so
let's understand the different possibilities here okay when
a woman dies from this world she's going
to be in one of these states right
either a woman when she dies she's going
to be single, she may have died young
she may have not got married okay that's
number one, number two she may have died
single but after a divorce so she was
married then she was divorced she didn't marry
anybody else she passed away before then thirdly
what is the state of the one who
is married but unfortunately her husband is not
in paradise with her for some reason he's
in * fire so what's going to happen
with her number four it's a woman who
passes away after her husband passes away so
she's single but she wasn't divorced her husband
had passed away earlier so she's different than
the others but it's still another possibility the
fifth possibility is that her husband passed away
and she married somebody else afterwards she married
somebody else so now she has two husbands
literally speaking the first one didn't divorce, the
first one just died then there's a sixth
possibility which is that she died before the
husband so she was married, she died before
the husband so now let's look at what's
going to be the circumstance for each one
of these women as far as the woman
who died before she even got married Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is going to have
her marry in paradise with a bachelor of
this world that gets to paradise as well
there's going to be bachelors there's going to
be men who've never been married in this
world they need to get married as well
and we'll describe if you look at the
various different ahadith if you combine them all
together as Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani and Mubarak
Puri, Mulla Ali Al Qari Iraqi and all
of these have done they've discovered that among
all of the ahadith the minimum that a
person is going to get is two women
as wives of this world and the others,
the 70 or so are going to be
the maidens of the hereafter two women, two
worldly women and 70 or more maidens of
jannah, heavenly women as such that's what the
ahadith mentioned so if you look at the
woman who dies without a husband without getting
married, there's going to be men that she
will be able to choose from how that
choice will be Allah knows best but believe
me it's paradise so the choice will be
great and you'll have good choice because every
man who gets to paradise is going to
be great probably be spoilt for choice because
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said ma fil
jannati a'zab in a hadith of Muslim
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that in jannah
there will be no single there will be
no single person you have to be married
in paradise, you can't go around like a
bachelor so Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will
have her marry somebody that will bring coolness
to her eyes in the hereafter the second
one which was the one who died after
her divorce, then she's just like a single
person anyway because she's got no connection with
her first husband, he divorced her right, she
was divorced, so she's going to be the
same as this first person, she's going to
marry somebody else likewise the third person, the
third one, which was that poor woman, she's
got married but her husband doesn't make it
to paradise, may Allah protect us the husband
doesn't make it to paradise she's singly there
in jannah she's obviously going to be married
to somebody else the one whose husband passed
away before her well, she's going to reconcile
with her husband in paradise because she didn't
marry anybody else as long as she didn't
marry anybody else she's going to be with
this husband in paradise the wives of Rasulullah
did not marry anybody else afterwards, and thus
they will be with the Prophet in paradise
what would I advise a woman like that
in the world today who loves her husband
but her husband has passed away and she's
still young, what should she do?
it's up to her if she wants to
stay single so that she could be with
this husband in paradise, she can do that
if she wants, she can make dua to
Allah Allah will give her somebody maybe even
better the Umm Salama the wife of Rasulullah
she was told that you'd get a better
husband Hafsa was told you'd get a better
husband and they got the Prophet so getting
a better husband is possible but that's up
to them that's a decision that they have
to make I don't think it's fair for
a man who's about to die to say
to her I don't know, subhanAllah that would
be a dilemma imagine a man is about
to die, he's got a wife don't get
married after me I mean women don't need
marriage as much as men do especially if
they have children okay, number five which is
both the one who died after they got
both the one in which the woman died
first then she's going to be for that
husband even though he has another wife because
a man will be with all of his
wives in paradise and even if her husband
died beforehand she did not get married, then
she would also be with the same husband
in paradise and the sixth one, which is
the one, this one's a bit more complicated
the one whose husband passed away on good
terms, passed away then she got married to
someone else and maybe she maybe he even
passed away and she married a third person
and that's possible, that's happened who will they
be for?
now the hadith there is one of the
wives of Rasulullah ﷺ she asked Prophet ﷺ
about these things so he said المرأة لآخر
أزواجها according to this hadith, the woman will
be for her last husband والله عالم if
this refers to only when she has two
husbands she'll be for the last husband and
the first husband feels bad, Allah will give
him something better it's Jannah at the end
of the day so you don't have to
worry about it afterwards however in another hadith
it says that she will be given, she
will be the wife of the one of
them who had the best of character أحسنهم
أخلاقا and that's why the Prophet ﷺ said
and the hadith says قلت يا رسول الله
this is the wife of Rasulullah ﷺ asking
the Prophet ﷺ أم السلمة that يا رسول
الله المرأة منا تتزوج الزوجين أو ثلاثة والأربعة
ثم تموت فتدخل الجنة ويدخلون معها من يكون
زوجها she might have been married to one,
two, three or four and they've all died
they go into paradise she goes into paradise,
which one is going to be the husband
of that woman قال يا أم السلمة إنها
تخير she will be given a choice but
the question is who is she going to
choose the most beautiful one everybody's going to
have beauty in paradise strongest one everybody's going
to have strength in paradise what's going to
count in paradise فتخير فتختار أحسنهم أحسنهم خلقا
she's going to choose the best of the
character the one with the best character so
she said فتقول يا رب إن هذا كان
أحسنهم معي خلقا في دار الدنيا actually this
is the woman in paradise she'll say to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that this one
of them was the best to me in
character in dunya so فزوجنيه marry me to
him يا أم سلمة and the Prophet ﷺ
said Oh أم سلمة ذهب حسن الخلق بخير
الدنيا والآخرة بخير الدنيا والآخرة good character has
taken meaning has won both in the world
and hereafter with the goodness so be of
good character then you're safe so that's the
different types of women and how they will
fare in paradise a few other points to
make here there's a hadith there's a dua
actually we're told to make when a woman
dies you say وَأَبْدِلْهَا زَوْجًا خَيْرًا مِّن زَوْجِهَا
the dua you make is Oh Allah and
and replace for her a husband that is
better than her husband right so what are
we asking for here when she goes to
paradise or the hereafter give her a better
husband so are we asking for somebody else
if a woman is for her own husband
and a man is going to get his
own wife in paradise then what is he
speaking about another one so there's various ways
to understand this it doesn't it's not as
it seems now if a woman is obviously
married if a woman is married because you
could do this dua for any woman it's
just a kind of standard dua you do
but if the woman is married then she'll
get her husband but he will be a
lot better than he is in paradise than
he is in the world with her so
he will be increased and enhanced in his
character and in his attitude and in his
beauty and in his handsomeness and generosity and
everything else that there is so he's asking
for the same husband so the husbands needn't
worry about this they'll be given the same
husband but in a better shape that's why
Allah says when the earth will be changed
to another earth it's going to be the
same earth but it's just going to be
different in shape it's just going to be
flat now there's not going to be any
hills or any mountains in it so it's
the same thing that's what Allah s.w
.t so it's just a quantitative change sorry
a qualitative change not a whole different person
just better quality now there's a hadith in
which it says that every man will have
at least two wives from the women of
this world so even if he's got one
wife here he will be married to another
woman in paradise, another human another woman of
the world somebody who's not married the question
that arises then if for every man you've
got two women of the world and then
I mean we're not even speaking about the
heavenly women we're speaking about just the worldly
women the Prophet s.a.w. said in
a sahih hadith that I have seen he
exhorted the women and he said that you
make sadaqah do good deeds because I've seen
the majority of the inhabitants of the hellfire
to be women so if that's the case
then we're talking about two to one here
in paradise so how does that work out
right, we don't have time to go into
each individual narration but the conclusion is this,
Ibn Hajar, Asqalani Iraqi, all of these great
scholars they've discussed this and the conclusion is
this that we don't know when it says
that they will be the majority of the
inhabitants of hellfire that could be in the
beginning, you've got mu'minat, believing men and women
who will be sent to the hellfire for
their sins to be cleansed of them to
be purified, so initially they will be the
majority but then eventually they'll go to paradise
that's one opinion and thus they will become
double, the men in paradise another opinion is
that in general and this is supported by
other narrations which say that progressively as we
move towards the last day, eventually it will
be one man for every 50 women that
will be the statistic proportion, so whether there's
enough in hellfire right, there will be sufficient
in paradise as well so there will be
many women in paradise and there will be
many women in hellfire, the lesson for women
is and for men in general is try
to get to paradise there's enough room there
right, the quota isn't full yet there's enough
room there, it's in your hands, so these
hadith are not to make it depressing for
people, it's just to mention a fact, but
you are not guaranteed to be doomed so
go on the right side no woman or
man for that matter will enter paradise if
they've been old in this world and haggard
and disabled worn out totally wasted no, a
woman came in this famous hadith, a woman
came to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, an old
woman and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
old women are not going to enter paradise
and she started crying the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam probably knew her or something, because the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wouldn't want to hurt
somebody, this is probably somebody that he knew,
Wallahu A'lam so when she started crying,
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam consoled her that
no, this is speaking about the fact that
you won't be the way you are right
now, you'll be young young and totally healthy
and mature so it says that
a woman will be replaced just like a
man, with her youth and her virginity as
well the virginity will also be replaced because
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, in paradise
no old woman will enter and when Allah
enters them into paradise he will change them
into young virgins not 7, 8, 9, 10,
15, 16 young virgins, Wallahu A'lam what
that refers to another thing women will be
now wondering, are these 70?
maidens of Jannah?
man, where are we going to stand a
70 of them?
we're going to stand a chance against them?
2 of us?
what's going to happen?
forget 2 of us, there's going to be
1 of us because each women the co
-wives are probably they're known in Arabic, the
word for co-wives are Darrah Darrah from
the word harm they're always looking for harm
to each other because it's a competition there
are exceptions to this but that's what the
normal situation is they're probably wondering, how are
we going to fare against 70?
and we've seen their description I mean the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has mentioned the descriptions
of the women of paradise the Hurs in
the Quran, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has
mentioned in the Hadith ajeeb ajeeb descriptions if
one of them was to look into the
world if just the smell of one of
them subhanAllah that it would smell the whole
it would make the whole place fragrant ajeeb
things like that that's a Hurs so the
woman of the world is wondering what are
we going to fare there?
needn't worry clear a Hadith that you will
be superior to them if that is their
description you will be superior that the women
of the world will be in paradise more
beautiful than the Hurs by many times in
view of their worship to Allah that's the
main thing that yes, every woman that gets
into paradise is going to be more beautiful
on a basic level more beautiful than all
the Hurs if that's the description of the
Hurs the women of the world are going
to be better but then how much better?
that depends on your worship the more your
worship the more this will be your reward
because beauty is just so important to women
you know how important it is to women?
they are so worried about their shape that
you have then diseases like anorexia what is
that related to?
isn't that related to the same thing?
the love of form the love of beauty,
the love of attraction how I look young
girls, 7, 11, 12 years old go into
depression that then gives rise to crazy things
when they grow up they have children, they
have good careers but despite all of that
despite all of that they will go and
do things which even by society standards are
totally illegal not illegal but repugnant, looked down
upon just to give themselves they will go
into the industry then there's these companies that
are exploiting them and saying come for a
naked photo shoot and you got all these
women that are going there purely just for
vanity purposes it's something they want to do
for so long because they feel they're ugly
may Allah protect our women from this may
Allah protect all women from this because it's
such a sad case you could have a
good career you could have children, you could
have a wonderful husband you could have a
house, whatever you want but if you have
this feeling that you don't look good enough
that is, you must deal with it young
girls will slash their wrists that's how women
get exploited nowadays they just want some guy
to come and tell them, you look nice
she's not a very good looking if somebody
tells her she's nice, she's willing to swoon
she's willing to do whatever and that's why
you have all these crazy people la hawla
wa la quwwata illa billah going after young
girls, just making them feel good about themselves
it's just a natural vulnerability that's why I
say may Allah protect so yes, these women
of the world will be superior according to
their ibadah to the women of paradise what
about men?
you're probably thinking what are men going to
look like then we're talking about women the
hadith about women, it says that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala what's related is that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala will have the men
rise up in paradise like their father, Adam
alayhi salam in an absolute pure state jurdum
murdum mukahaleen that means no hair no hair
that you have to keep cleaning it's going
to be free of hair and you're going
to have naturally darkened eyes with the antimony,
mukahaleen beautiful eyes and there's other narration surati
yusuf, qalbu ayyub, lisanu muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam
not sure how strong that hadith is though
but it's going to be youth of 33
years of age approximately 33 years of age
absolute prime the women of paradise they will
call out to the women of the world
and they will boast they'll brag about we
are so and so if we look into
the world this will happen our combs are
made of gold and we have this and
we have that and we've got this color
clothing and all of these things that I
mentioned so the hadith says that this is
how the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam mentioned, Aisha
radiallahu anha said that when the hurul aeen
will say this when the maidens of paradise
will say all of these things the women
of the world will say that we've prayed
you've never prayed we've fasted you've never fasted
we have made wudu and purified ourselves you
have never done that and we have given
charity and sadaqa and you've not given that
that's why they're going to be superior but
this also tells us something else that if
you want to be up there this is
what you have to do and this is
for all of us it says about Junaid
al-Baghdadi one of the great early Zahids
right the Zuhads are the Zuhad is plural
of Zahid it's the precursor for what we
call the Sufis I mean he was of
immense proportions in terms of spirituality everybody respects
him when he passed away and he was
seen in a dream and he was asked
what happened and he's got a very famous
statement which we don't have to go into
depth right now right and
he said all of the writings all of
the indications from the writings all the knowledge
all the different sciences all of that withered
away وَمَا نَفَعْنَا إِلَّا رُكَيْعَاتٍ رَكَعْنَاهَا فِي السَّهْرِ
the only thing that benefited us was the
Ruqayat and the way he even says the
Ruqayat means Raqas the individual units of the
prayer he says Ruqayat which is a diminutive
which is to show except the few small
brief prayers Rukuz the Raqats that we made
at night that is the only thing that
benefited us everything else flew out the window
so at the end of the day this
is where the superiority will come from and
this is a lesson for all of us
that we can pleasure in all of these
things look at what Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala has mentioned but if we don't do
enough are we going to get there for
men and women are we going to get
there may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
this a serious source of encouragement in the
correct and positive way and may Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala grant us Jannatul Firdaus I
got an email the other day I don't
want to ask for Jannat I feel selfish
I feel kind of reluctant to ask Allah
for Jannatul Firdaus you have decreased the generosity
you've underestimated the generosity of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala you mustn't think that if I
ask for it somebody else might not be
and they may be more worthy of me
you must not when it comes to the
Deen you must ask for the highest thing
that's why there's actually a difference of opinion
sometimes somebody a scholar or somebody comes in
a person who's sitting there for half an
hour in the first line will tell him
to go forward there are two opinions even
within the Hanafi school about this Ibn Nujaim
great Egyptian Hanafi jurist he says that nobody
should do that because when it comes to
you and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
getting close to him acts of Qurbah acts
of closeness proximity to Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala you mustn't give anybody else chance before
you that's your place you take it right
likewise if you're making Dua don't make Dua
for everybody else first make Dua for yourself
first then make Dua for everybody else same
kind of thing whereas Ibn Abidin the other
great jurist he says look I understand that
point but then there's an aspect of respect
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows what's going
on he'll give you the reward of that
despite the fact that you've given somebody else
so you're getting a double reward in that
sense so there is an Ikhtilaf about that
but what it does tell us is that
when it comes to us we must not
underestimate Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ask Allah
it was said فسأل الله الفردوس ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala for Firdaus mustn't underestimate
if we ask him and that's accepted for
us inshallah our actions will become like that
automatically it become easier for that okay you
wanna be in Jannatul Firdaus if I accept
your Dua then you're gonna have to do
some Rakaats and then you'll feel it'll be
easy for you to wake up at night
to pray I think that's a sufficient discussion
about the status of women in Paradise and
the status of men in Paradise so inshallah
that's been sufficient so now let's end this
Surah which is considered the adornment of the
Quran the bride of the Quran literally speaking
it says عَرُوسُ الْقُرْآنِ a bride of the
Quran so they will be reclining on these
special green couches special green mattresses عَبْقَرِينْ حِسَانٍ
فَبِي أَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانَ which of the
bounties of your Lord will you deny تَبَارَكَ
اسْمُ رَبِّكِ ذِلْ جَلَالِ وَالْإِقْرَامِ and that is
glorious is the name of your Lord the
Lord of Majesty and the Lord of Honor
this is your Lord who has created all
of these great things for you and who
has given you all of these bounties so
this is a way to end this Surah
by speaking about the greatness of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala مُبَارَك تَبَارَك مُبَارَك the Blessed
Lord who grants you blessings because He is
the Blessed One may Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala give us the true true understanding of
this Surah now that we've covered it inshallah
it will be even more beautiful for us
because when we hear it we should have
an idea of what it speaks about and
to conclude it the beginning part speaks about
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the bounties
that He's given us in terms of teaching
us how to teaching us the Quran establishing
the scale establishing qanun which means establishing rule
and law in this world then Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala speaks about certain realities like
the sun and the moon Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala speaks about the confluence of the
two oceans Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala speaks
about Himself then He goes on to the
warning aspect where He says that I'm going
to take care of you oh jinn and
the human being if you try to escape
from the boundaries of the heavens and the
earth you will not be able to on
the day of judgment and then it speaks
about how the people of hellfire meaning not
the hellfire but the people of hellfire the
mujrimin, the criminals will be dealt with and
look on their face and how they will
seem on that day then Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala spends a good portion of this
Surah speaking about the paradise about Jannah the
Jannah of those will be foremost they get
a higher level of Jannah and then there's
the other Jannah and just one point that
I missed out when it says that every
person will have yes, I think we've covered
everything may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give
us the tawfiq to understand may Allah the
constant repetition in here of which of the
bounties of your Lord will you deny may
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not allow us
to deny and not make us deniers sometimes
we're not active deniers but we sometimes become
indirect deniers we deny without realizing that we're
denying so may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
protect us from all forms of denials of
His bounties may Allah give us the ability
to do shukr and to be thankful of
those bounties and one thing we're very grateful
for is that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
has given us the tawfiq to listen to
His kalam to read it and to study
it and to have this dars which is
really a blessing of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala because this is no ordinary gathering inshallah
this is a blessed gathering just by mere
fact of where we are and what we're
discussing regardless of who's discussing it or who's
listening but because we're in such a place
and that's being discussed if Imam Ghazali says
that the word saying Allah cannot be devoid
of benefit even if you say it with
total heedlessness Allah and it's still gonna have
benefit can you imagine the words of the
Quran which are the words of Allah they're
gonna have some benefit regardless of who's speaking
or who's listening so may Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala make us the recipients of this
bounty may Allah infuse our hearts with the
barakah of this and allow us to be
illuminated for the rest of our life with
these things the ulama say that you go
to the masjid you get the blessing you
come home your home is full of blessing
that's the benefit of going to the masjid
so if you're spending time there listening to
the Quran then it's gonna be even greater
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give us
the realization of this there's one very important
verse that I missed speaks about what exactly
women will get in paradise never ending is
it يُحَلَّونَ فِيهَا مِنْ أَسَاوِرَ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ وَلُؤْلُؤًا
وَلِبَاسُهُمْ فِيهَا حَرِيرٌ this kind of sums it
up they'll be given أساوِرَ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ bracelets
of gold right thick bracelets of gold right
and لُؤْلُؤًا and pearls and لِبَاسُهُمْ فِيهَا and
the garments in there will be of the
best of silk right so that's just an
addition and well in the end may Allah
give us Jannah وَأَخِرُ الدَّعْوَانَ أَنَّ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ
رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَجَعَلْهُ
لَنَا إِمَامًا وَهُدًى وَنُورًا وَرَحْمَةً اللَّهُمَّ ذَكِّرْنَا مِنْهُمَا
نَسِيْنَا وَعَلِّمْنَا مِنْهُمَا جَهِلْنَا اللَّهُمَّ رَزُقْنَا تِلَاوَتَهُ
آنَا الْلَيْلِ وَآنَا النَّهَارِ سُبْحَانَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ الْعِزَّةِ
عَمَّا يَصِيفُونَ وَسَلَامٌ عَنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ
الْعَالَمِينَ The point of a lecture is to
encourage people to act, to get further, an
inspiration, an encouragement, persuasion.
The next step is to actually start learning
seriously, to read books, to take on a
subject of Islam and to understand all the
subjects of Islam at least at their basic
level so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan courses so
that you can actually take organized lectures on
demand whenever you have free time, especially for
example the Islamic essentials course that we have
on there, the Islamic essentials certificate which you
take 20 short modules and at the end
of that, inshallah, you will have gotten the
basics of most of the most important topics
in Islam and you'll feel a lot more
You don't have to leave lectures behind, you
can continue to listen to lectures but you
need to have this more sustained study as
Jazakallah Khair Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh