Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Sweet Dreams Interview on Islam Channel
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Mufti Abdul Rahman ibn Yusuf Osama.
Dreams is a fascinating subject. It's something of course that
affects all you some of you tonight. It's well, that's what he
thinks. But we'll come we'll come on. It's a part of it. It affects
absolutely everybody. You're doing a 10 week course, teaching people
is it about understanding dreams about dream interpretation, tell
us a bit more. I think the main impetus behind the course is
really to give
give an understanding of what
the basic types of dreams are. Because what we've got is we've
got people who are absolutely obsessed by their dreams, and they
want to read into every single submission. Absolutely. But they,
you know, you get these questions. And generally, it could just be
about something you've been thinking about. So some people,
they totally disregard them. Some people, they become obsessed by
them. And I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, because
it's three types of dreams, as mentioned in the Quran itself, so
you've got a device.
That's, that is just your thoughts of the day, any concerns, you have
anxieties you have, so you'll you'll actually see them at night
and you remember him all night?
About the back of my head because you're staring at me.
Right, then you've got a year in Arabic, it's called a rote, rote
Yamuna Walkman. So here are the truthful dreams that come from the
Merciful One, which is Allah subhanaw taala. These the good
ones, those are the good ones. Those are the good ones. They
terrify truthful, they are the ones that have the possibility of
being some meaning behind. Absolutely. And then you've got an
Hello Momina shape on. So those are the frightening ones,
generally from the shaytaan. And what about him as well.
So that's so those are the three compartments. I mean, right. Even
Serena humbler wrote a phenomenal book.
What was his qualification? I mean, he seemed to be able to hit
the nail on the head. Yeah, he was quite amazing. I think there's two
levels of this one is you can, you can get to a certain level of
dream interpretation. But then just like everything else, there's
another level that is God, given what we call, it's from Allah. And
even Assyrian definitely had that use value. Salam had that. So some
people would get it the more Taqwa you have, and the more knowledge
you have, you would obviously go further. Right? So So on your
course, are you? As I said, Are you teaching people to interpret
their dreams to understand not entirely know that I don't want
that to be a misconception? Because really, what it is, is to
understand the reality of where dreams come from, what are they so
you can be better equipped to understand whether you need to
give any significance to your dream and maybe help your family
members, for example, I mean, many people may not know this, but it
mentions in a hadith, that sort of loss of license said that dreams
are left suspended until you interpret them. Right now, that's
a very kind of complicated statement. Interesting. In fact,
in another one, it says that the dreams are suspended on the on the
foot of a bird. And if you interpret it, you will drop to be
careful of the way you interpret it. Right? So based on that, now,
when you see a frightening dream, it says that you should just say I
will do bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. I seek refuge in Allah
from, from the shaytaan turn around, spit on the side, just
lightly, just to show kind of disregard for the shutdown because
it's generally shaytaan trying to scare you, and turn around go to
sleep. Every time you tell somebody your dream, you're just
solidifying it. Because at the end of the day, it's a dream is just
an imagination. I suppose that brings us actually to your work,
Dr. Muhammad because there must be some truth in life. People are
having reoccurring dreams. And then they're telling people,
they're constantly going over those dreams. It reinforces the
dream or reinforces the fear. And dreams are a big thing in in post
traumatic stress. Yeah, and there's some one of the symptoms
in PTSD. It's like a dream when it comes to the worst or barely dream
like nightmares. But in general in psychology, we as brother had
mentioned about auto Hallam. So it's about thought for the the
person if you consider in your day, daily life, it was something
that you were thinking so it's equity dimension, could be
something related to the past. Something's happening to you and
you are concerned about it or have or worried about it, or
something's about your present life, or something's you're
thinking in the future. So these 311 10 weeks, I was thinking once
every Saturday, what is it how is once every Saturday how that is?
Well, what we're going to do first is we're going to go through the
dreams mentioned in the Quran. So just in sort of use of I mean,
another name for that could be the sort of dreams because got three
dreams in their use of Iceland's own dream, which came to light
only 40 years afterwards. So dream interpretation, you know, the
reality of it only hit after 40 years. Then you've got when he saw
those two people in prison he was exactly the one who's going to
serve. And then a third is the king's dream himself, which then
was a cause for him to come out. Then there's one
to other other dreams indicating a session in itself. That's more
than probably a more than one of the things we touched on last
night very briefly with Sheikh Mohammed Sharif was here he was
talking about esta Hara and how to make decisions. Now that's also an
interesting area with relation to dreams because people sometimes
feel he Do you know, indications from a dream? Well, the thing
about istikhara dreams, I've looked through many of the Hadith,
the Hadith that speak about is the Hora and I haven't come across a
hadith that speaks about you getting an answer in your dream,
that is generally one way of through experience that you will
get an answer. A lot of people will contact me and say, you know,
I've been doing istikhara for this long, I haven't seen a dream yet.
You don't need to see a dream, you know, we really need to clarify
that you don't need to see a dream, you just essentially where
your mind goes up and you could see a dream. What is the
understanding? I've got a personal one for you here. What is the
understanding of? Because we know from our you know, it is yeah, we
know from our belief as Muslims that no one knows the future,
right? Only Allah knows the future. But sometimes people dream
of things that come to pass. And sometimes I dreamt that one of my
daughters would have blue eyes, and no one in my family has blue
eyes. And a week before she was born, I dropped to blue eyes. And
my daughter has blue eyes. This was just something that happened
to me. It's never happened. You know, it's one of those things.
How do we understand dreams live? Well, nobody knows that the future
except ALLAH. So he has. He's omniscient. He knows everything,
even for the future. So it could be from Allah subhanho wa taala.
But then you can't become obsessed by affecting things. Every dream
of yours is from Allah and telling you about something. And then
going back to that, because that is where it gets a bit difficult
difficulty. What are people seeing the promise on asylum in their
dreams? Well, that's the only thing where you can you can be
confirmed of a reality because probably the loss of themselves
said, Whoever sees me in his dream has really seen me, because
shaytaan cannot impersonate me. And the reason is that what this
allows him is 100%, hoc, truth and profit. And the shapefile is 100%
volatile. And that is where Allah subhanaw taala hasn't allowed any
kind of confusion to occur. So if you see
finding out what kind of people other than Him are likely to come
on your cost, do you think what's going to be pretty good? Well,
we've already got a number of people that are on the call your
teachers, given the one of his views.
What kind of people that you can bring in for an experience, we've
got generally a quite a wide range of people from around the world,
actually, all the way from I think Fiji Islands to different
countries around the world that have signed up for this course.
And I think it's just generally people who've probably had some
interest. They've been thinking that, you know, they're
imaginative, they've had issues with their dreams. They they
they're curious. I mean, are there many people who actually sit
interpret dreams? I mean, you know, absolutely.
As you said, people are just coming to our guests, David, any
of those dreams or you don't want to share too much with us. But
have you ever had those dreams? Either, you know, his car was
gonna be stolen? Or secondhand bank?
No more dreams, then. Yeah, no, but that's dream that has impacted
a decision that you've made or has had an enormous impact on you,
though. But I'd like to mention something else, which I witnessed
as it were, I heard some ex prisoners from Guantanamo
speaking. And they weren't saying that their dreams gave them while
later and they were in solitary. While they were suffering that
time enormous strength, which was very interesting. They were
talking about this at a public meeting. That's amazing. We're
going to a quick break now and we're going to come back and talk
some more about
story of the day How do you keep your belongings if you do about
them in advance or something's going to happen
as I was coming to the studio, I just had a Thief Thief catch him
he's on the bike and yes, this this might go home to
the guy that rule pass on a bike and poor guy, I think, another guy
whose phone he stole Oh, that guy's trying to chase him but
we're actually covering that kind of story. How you protect
yourself. And that's actually interesting because the big
phenomenon nowadays are people cycling by and grabbing and
grabbing * and Grab. So how do you protect yourself? Let us
know how do you protect your personal cyber world? How do you
protect your bicycle your products or
whatever, let us know we will be reading your messages just in case
you very shortly