Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Sura Qiyama Reflections on Style, Structure and Sound
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the use of "stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop
AI: Summary ©
salatu salam, ala CPP, Mussolini.
Although of course in democracy, even the feeling
unfortunately, I had
something for the board, something for the screen, but it's not
opening for some reason. So it's not.
So they tried to get up this area.
That's something else that I requested, if you can make it a
bit smaller,
so we can see more of the verses
actually had something different that was set out in different
colored clusters and so on, just to give you an explanation of what
each other they should do.
Many of us we speak about the Quran being eloquent. And from the
time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam it was a point
that was well established and proven because the Quran was a
miracle. And when you say the Quran is a miracle, or mortgages
or in Arabic mortgages are comes from the word packages, which
means to provide a challenge to someone that they cannot, they
cannot meet. So a mortgage is a is an inevitable miracle. And that
was the time during the time of us who Allah and Allah, it was a time
of the peak of eloquence that people, veterans who had
absolutely, I mean, the people in the towns, majority of them did
not know how to read the rights. So the veterans clearly did not
know much about writing or reading. But yet, they would be
able to compose poetry on the go of impromptu lines and lines,
verses and verses of it long, long ones that kind of all sound the
Right. So it's something that they have inherent within them, it was
just so second nature to them to do that. And the best of the best
would then be hung on the garden, they will call the one that calls
those which are suspended off the garb of the house of Allah
subhanaw taala. And among them, you have the seven or the 10, that
were the most famous.
So clearly, anybody who could speak better than someone else, or
compose something, prose, or poetry that was better than
anybody else would be greatly celebrated. Now, ALLAH SubhanA,
WA, tada, the nominee sends prophets with a miracle that is
conducive to that time.
Right, I'm trying to rush because we have only an hour and this
could take three or four hours, we get to the depth and the beauty of
it. So I'm rushing. But these are things that you've probably
already heard many of us. So what you have, for example, is a bit
later towards the end of Rasulullah sallallahu. This time,
you have another claimant of Prophet tool, you saw that this
was a great thing. This was something you could get great
influenced by. So you had this from Salem, from the widow Hanifa
tribe down south, in Arabia, and he claimed to be a prophet. So he
must have been, you must have been asked that. This prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has a Quran, he has speech which
unmatched. Right? They just even the best of the speakers, the best
of the eloquent people of the time, they could just see that
this was not human speech. Because it was just such so short, so
concise, yet the meanings of it would just be overflowing. That's
what you call eloquent speech, that something that hits the mark,
something that is very effective, that does the job in the best way
possible. For example, somebody is about to drop into, to their
destruction. You're not going to stand and speak like British as
aristocrat, he, you know, Please mind the fire
guy would be dead by the time you said that, by the time we get to
you got to fight you say stop, stop. Right? That's what you would
normally is. That's the most effective things to say at that
time. So normally, eloquent speech or Bulava below from belief is
that speech which does not contain terms that are very difficult for
people to normally understand, and it is said in the most appropriate
inset using most appropriate amount of words. Sometimes what
you have is you have what you have this concept called Musa What was
our means that you use the absolute.
You use the exact number of words that are required to convey that
message. If you're able to say it in a more concise way, then it's
called Aegis. So it's by using less words same meaning. If you
want to add additional words for a particular benefit, to provide an
additional point with the message you're trying to articulate, then
that's called it's an hour. But if there are some people who are very
long winded if they have to explain something to you
You sit in there for an hour with them, right? I'm sure you
everybody must know somebody like that, or the guy started. You
know, I mean, some speakers are probably playing for being
something like that. Right? May Allah protect us from what will
you call that thought we were you, you just go on without benefit.
It's just all fluff. It's just all superficial additions to the
original message may Allah protect us from that the prophets of Allah
IFM is known for Jomi will kill him, which means comprehensive
statements that was so short that we will not see her to word
towards centers that do not see that beam is to wish well and for
call that includes everything in any anybody. Right? So you can
understand from statements like that in the middle of the call.
And to get it from the starting. These are short, short word
because that's the mortgages over so the muscle wasn't to say that
to do to be able to speak like that by himself. The Quran was
even a greater Marchesa. Going back to this New Salem, when he
was asked to compose something, he came up with some really weird
concoction and feed them and feed on the outcome and feel how to
move the wheel and then he goes on. Instead of peloton, okay? for
very long who can be Abbeyfield, he decided that he's going to
compose a surah. So he says, I'll feel will feel the elephant. What
about the elephant?
The lockable field, what do you know about the elephant? Hotel
Motel leave its trunk is long, big deal. Right. So it's very
superficial, very, you can see shallow, whereas with the Quran,
it's a pope that applies from day one to the last day in terms of
his generality, and that's why it has so few particular. That's why
it avoids very particular kind of rulings, because it uses very
general rules that can apply at any given time in the world.
So the Quran was unchallenged at that time people try it, but it
would not even the enemies have to just recognize and acknowledge
that this is something else. So then they tried to pass it off as
magic they tried to pass them off as as somebody possessed. Right,
but the prophecy wasn't says to be lying. The Quran itself asks you
to seek protection from the shaytaan. So all of these things,
they were just, they were just different charges against
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, eventually, the Quran
prevails. But today, let's open up some of this for you. If I was to
ask you, where does the eloquence of the Quran live? Right? What
would what has been your understanding of it? Do you would
you say and the gist of what I've been speaking about until now,
also leads in that direction. Most of you will probably say, right,
and you can agree with me? Does it lie in the sounds of it? Does it
lie in the construction of it? Does it lie in the words? Does it
lie in the way the sentences are structured? Right, so does it do
you think it lies in the sound of it? Have you ever considered the
eloquence of the Quran in the sound of it? When you must have
because you listen, you've got a bucket of shattering coming here.
Right so clearly there is an attraction towards the sound of
it. Because anybody could read the Quran but Abu Bakr shuttering May
Allah bless him, right reads it in a particular way that he's become
international. Right for his recitation of it. He doesn't
explain it even give you a Tafseer of it. But yet he's become famous
for his recitation like like sweet days and, and others. So, although
we associate Bulava with sound as well, our most greatest focus by
most of the first city in his world has been on the construction
of the words has been on the way the words are formed, their
morphology, that you know, the word use that they achieve ology
the grammatical structure of it. That's what has been normally so
for example
a child likes an appropriate example in addition to the wrong
way, Allah subhanaw taala says What a cool filthy sassy higher
right will also that means
it's it just sounds such a juxtaposition for you is life in
the sauce with a cornfield key saucy for you in the sauce is
life. What is the source? The source is an eye for an eye a life
for a life.
That's besides the sauce is the retribution. The penalties Islamic
who do it for you in that is life. juxtaposition, isn't it? But yet,
these are the MA of Arabic and of jurisprudence are to sit together
and try to construct any other phrase or expression that could
say the same things in a short lesson number of words. They find
that they can't do that.
what are called Philippine sourcing.
Right when it comes for you and for you filthy sauce in the sauce
is higher is life
two opposing concepts and life for a life is where you take a life
because he's taken another life in his life
we don't have the time to talk about that in detail but if you
wish you can go and look into the theory of that you may find
something today we turn to sort of beyond sort of the many of you are
probably aware of this or you probably like to read it is I
would consider it the most beautiful service to read
along with sort of the Rockman so whether a man is famous for its
beauty, that's why it's called out also it's called the bride adorned
Surah of the Quran and the Hadith. So we're gonna do is very close to
it in terms of its beauty.
You're gonna shave Banyuwangi Megan Smith, who was walking the
opposite movie and when we know
what movie nafcillin
I asked you sir and legend Are you on? But apart in
some weird
when you read all in ceremony after your ama yes
that either very abundant bizarro husafell como la Jumia Zhenzhou
bomo yopu
Yama is in a in a room for gundula was up in Korea, we might even
stop or we will use
Viva but for
when you use more either an FC Busey your
end continues.
Unfortunately, we don't have the other one which actually put all
the clusters together. But certainly our proves a great point
or demonstrate something very interesting. Aside from the
eloquence of the words that are used, if you look at the surah
there are a number of things that are happening here.
So you've got I mean, if you go back up, if somebody's controlling
this, mashallah, is Arcola, thank you very much wherever it is,
that obviously will be your will be the worm evolve when a mom
and then it goes into for either, either is to show suddenness that
either very bizarre or Amaro, and so on. Right? So initially, it
starts off at this pace, it's a sort of that is very easy to read.
It is very smooth flowing. It's got a cadence that's just amazing.
Allah subhanaw taala started off first, actually just let's just go
through to show you the clusters. Essentially, many sources are made
up of clusters, sorted through piano is made up of five or six
clusters, each of them sound the same, then it moves into the next
cluster and those sounds the same. There's a change of meaning or a
change of theme that takes place as well. So essentially, what's
happening is, there is also sound that is being used to convey the
meaning and the change in the meaning along with the words. So
the words have a different sound. Because if you notice the
right, it shows a kind of a brooding seriousness pasado
Camara, all of that sounds more fast paced. Right now. I hate to
give this as an example. But when people watch movies, they see that
the music changes. And there's credits at the end as to who was
you know, who the credits go to for the different music that's
used the music creates a certain
contributes to the overall feel of that particular scene, doesn't it?
Well, you know,
it's a sad it's a sad fact of having to use a haram example of
it, right? Except the doof but
that's why music is so powerful but that power we don't need that
power we need the power of the Quran. That's the whole reason why
music has the issue because it's so powerful and there's a hadith
which says that Elena will be doing the Fatah Phil calm. Camera
up till now is zero. Right so we had Eve but the wisdom in it is
great, because what it says is Lena, singing music etc. Creates
hypocrisy in the heart just causes hypocrisy to grow in the heart,
just like water causes crops to grow. And the way I understand
that, is that the Quran and the Quran that is what should be
filling our hearts and giving and providing us tranquility
seem right? When people turn over to music, and they want music to
do that to them, then essentially they replayed the Quran will not
have the same effect on them because they're accustomed to
another source. Right? Well love either, but that seems to be the
understanding of this narration. But I'll show you the music in the
Quran today. Charma. So let's just look at this. You've got
until verse six, you've got one cluster or something as Amma with
the at the end, then if you can, if you can push this up a bit,
right? If we're still there, yep. Thank you.
Yeah, legal fee, that vertical muscle hustle for como, como more
for whatever the outcome is, right? That's the next cluster
until verse 13. That's the next cluster. Then it changes Steve
again to Zack Allah, that's the next next team. You've got any
insight or LFC II was the euro. Back to that kind of reflecting
tone again, because it's about if you look at the meaning as well,
in some way or other to see what's in rather than against himself
will be a witness what Oh, calm or have you learned to have
repeatedly selected the character that way? Okay, so until via the
euro, then this is the one verse in between, which
is different. It's the only one verse that's independent like
that, and unique. Its message is also like an interruption in the
middle, the promise of a lot of something is, is being addressed.
Allah subhanaw taala first speaking about the TM, suddenly,
in between eastern province of Allah Valley or Salam, don't move
your lips so fast that you're trying to memorize it, because
initially what used to happen is when the revelation used to come
through the angel Jibreel, or into Salam, or in any of the other
ways, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would quickly repeat the
words to try to memorize them. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling
him here, where he sees him doing that in the middle of this in the
middle of this regulation, not to hurt me, he resigned, I can
retire, gentlemen, do not move, not your turn with a hammer to
hasten with recitation of the Quran impede upon us, passion in
your heart, and it's recording in your heart. And to make possible
it's recitation, we are responsible for preserving your
heart, you don't need to recite it quickly
to do that, and then he carries on thermal you can dabble in Boolean
algebra, then it goes back to algebra, Iraq now 00000 And then
either Bellavita Rokita one is different, because it's
introducing a new cluster.
This one here can either be talapia mapy 11, or one negative
view or both will differ this will be
in our AOMEI video.
And then it changes again. But also, this is where
when it opens up with the lamb for the South Dakota, well, I can get
the ball water well. So again, it changes the cadence of it. But I
also don't know what else on whether you get the water on
me or not, or
I asked him, I said the thing you focus with Adam will not offer me
money, ie Yumna doing my God either. But for the coffers of
majority. I mean, it was so genius that go oh, well go erase that
early, you already know.
You're here.
Now you can see that you've got five or six different clusters.
Let's look a bit about the meaning. Firstly, Allah subhanaw
taala. If you go back to the top
it starts off with an oath. Essentially, this sort of sort of
comes after sort of a Muslim, and it comes before sort of insanity.
And there's a purpose for this one. In the previous surah. It
said Allah subhanaw taala says, can be fooled,
that they do not fear the hereafter. That's the whole
purpose for the problems that they have. Over and over in the Quran
that has been mentioned that one of the reasons why the mechanist
had this issue is because they did not believe in the hereafter. They
had nowhere to go. That's the point of materialism today as
well. When you don't believe that you've got somewhere to go after
this. You think this work is your final destination, you make the
most of it. Right? You make the most of it in not necessarily the
most positive way in view of the hereafter. So that's what the
whole problem was. Allah subhanaw taala dedicates a whole soul to
this. Now look at this amazing thing here in the beginning, that
obviously will be your piano.
What that means is
No, I swear by the resurrection.
What is Allah subhanaw taala swearing by? Is very by
the Day of Judgment PM, what was what were the people rejecting
the Day of Judgment?
He's swearing by the same thing that they're rejecting How can you
do that?
You don't believe in something and I swear by it.
Right? How does that work? Essentially, this is a specific
type of oath, where you swear about something, although you
disbelieve in it, but because of the imminence of it. And because
of its absolute reality.
Allah subhanaw taala is essentially saying that I'm
swearing by the Day of Judgment. And if you think about it, as the
rest of the surah will make you think and reflect, you will also
recognize that it is such an essential reality. But it is
absolutely valid for us to swear by it and establish and once we,
once you have agreed that it's valid for us to swear by, you will
believe in it as well. It's a very bold move to do that. You're
rejecting something or using that same thing you reject to prove it
to you, that oxygen will be
the second thing he uses. Allah subhanaw taala swears in the Quran
quite often, when we're talking about all that kind of swearing,
right? Well, the first
one awesome, right? When lady either yes, sir, and so on and so
forth. Just numerous. It's just to show everything in the Quran that
Allah subhanaw taala swears by, it's normally something that is
quite immense, something that is quite majestic, that something
majestic and great, that can be sworn by, the next thing is what I
see will be nothing in the world. And I swear by the reproaching
And the translators for our benefit added to the certainty of
resurrection, resurrection, I swear by the recruiting soul.
Here, Allah subhanho wa Taala is
trying to get to your heart, the whole miracle of the Quran, right,
is that even when Muslims, the most effective book that they
would have read would have been the Quran before they became
Muslim. Because
there's no bias in the Quran. With any other book, it's written with
a particular bias, you know, to some, to some habit to some way of
thought to some sectarian understanding to Orthodoxy,
whatever it may be, the Quran is just there speaking to the human
being, putting up the codes of your heart, any verse will show
you that. Here it's about I swear by the reproaching soul
next to the one
which is the soul that tells you off when you're about to do a sin.
That That voice you hear inside, it's as opposed to usually Islam
said in in NASA amount to be Su, he talked about the other type of
soul, which is the one that incites you to evil. This one is
the one that is the blame that blames you and senses you right
now, if you feel sometimes I need to do this. Let me go to the
police because my friends are going, right. And there's
something within you that's inciting you. And is something
else with another voice in our hearts that is saying don't go
that it's those two, it is those two fools, those two souls that
are at each other. The fact that both of them can speak at once
means that we are somewhere in between. If,
if the self inciting to evil soul could never speak, it means we
dominated it.
But if we allow, if we fall prey to the inciting soul, then the
worm will go down. And it will be dominated. And that means we will,
as soon as somebody tells us there's going to is how long is
gonna go to this party, you know, Let's indulge in this or, you
know, get ourselves involved in this. We'll just do it because the
incitement is somebody to Allah subhanaw taala is swearing by the
reproaching salt. I asked them in some imaginary one. Another thing
that the Quran does, that's why what I can't understand.
And may Allah give Tofik to the multitudes of Muslims. How many of
you here are able to read the Quran with some kind of
understanding and reflection of it from the Arabic
Put your hands up?
Right, that's really sad.
Right? It's really sad, because most of what I'm saying is going
to be last year.
Right? It's a big task to try to explain to the beauty of the Quran
because the meaning of this understanding it's so great. We've
got people who mashallah diligently will recite the Quran
for 50 6070 years.
And they've you know, they're adhering to everything they're
fulfilling all of the way
requirements, they're making Salah they're doing everything but they
don't understand the Quran.
And it's a sad fact that they're not even trying.
Right? Yes, you still get rewarded for reading the Quran even without
understanding. But the reflection of the Quran is just
something once you once you're able to do that it takes you just,
it just takes you beyond anything if you're able to understand if
the translation is so helpful for you. Then imagine understanding
that directly from the Arabic May Allah give us whatever you need to
use later, your students, you need to
have at least Arabic as part of your course. At least some at
least somewhere you need to study Arabic, right? It's an
encouragement, you're going to do that inshallah.
the Quran what it does
is, it doesn't just tell you a story.
Right? It doesn't just tell you a story. Look at what this next
slide is doing. This next is doing, I asked someone inside of
Islanders, Marie long, does man think that we will not assemble
his bones? What is that?
You can speak to?
it's a question. Right? rhetorical question. It's a question. What is
the purpose of a question?
Is to engage you when you're reading that and it says I accept
will insert or Allah Nedjma Elomi you're going to be thinking about
it. That's what the Quran does. It engages.
It's not just telling you a story, you must sit there and listen.
It's engaging. It's asking you a question. It's causing you to
and then it responds but are they Nina Allah? No. So we have Alana.
Yes, we are able to proportion his fingertips
asks a question in the royal we are someone inside of Allah
Nedjma. Ivana sorry. Yes, in the royal we so it's in the first
tense with the royal we and then the response in the same Yes, we
it responds, we are able to not only assemble his bones in the
Hereafter, we can recreate up to your fingertips. And this was over
1400 years ago.
Right, an indication towards the uniqueness of everybody's
fingertip, which we're using in the last 50 to 100 years we're
using to identify individuals as a unique method of identification.
And Allah subhanaw taala speaks about that. 1400 years ago, we
couldn't even recreate that same thing that imagined the Buddha in
this one,
two centimeters by one centimeter
of every single human being on the earth, that they all different.
Look at the corner of Allah subhanaw taala in that. I mean, if
somebody told you, I'll give you these pieces of two by one
centimeter small papers, right, I'll give you 100 of them, I want
you to draw a different pattern on all of them. With 100, you might
be able to do it with 1000, you're gonna start wondering what to do.
But can you imagine the billions of human beings that live and
everybody has a separate
as a separate fingertip?
If Allah subhanaw taala can do that. Now. He can do that later.
So he's trying to establish to them forget about your whole body
and bring your bones back. We can even bring your skin back. We can
even bring the lines on your skin back.
When you're either inside or you have to Allama a man decides to
just continue in sin because they don't think about this. They don't
think this is obviously a statement. Yes, Allah Yama, Yama,
Yama, he asks, When is the Day of Resurrection? That's a man thing,
because their belief in materialism is so strong, they
they just ask when is the day of judgment for either now now that
now that it changes for either so when the question comes as to when
is the Day of Judgment? Allah subhanaw taala answers that
So he says fader very composable House of Commons virtualization
server of your own in some human even pain and suffering. And
again, the depiction of the Hereafter is like this. So
when the vision is doesn't,
when the vision is doesn't because of the things that will be taking
place, it says another place in the Quran
the more Ramallah sahab sunnah Allah, Allah, the other coalition,
the mountains that we see and we look up to, and we can if you go
to a mountainous range, and if you've been there, you just look
amazing Subhan Allah, look at these mountains.
Those will be turned into tufts of wool. And it says in the Quran,
Allah subhanaw taala
I'm going to speaks about the mountains in the Quran about 17 to
20 different times in different ways. One place he says, the more
room Marva sahab they will just be passing along like clouds passing
along, soon as Allah. This is the ability of Allah subhanaw taala,
the making of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then the Atlantic
coalition, who has created everything in a thorough manner,
because it says that then the earth will be totally flattened.
These mountains will be totally blown to dust and the earth will
be totally flattened, lands on our feet. Imagine what our amateur you
will not be able to see in it. Any crookedness. There's two words
use, there's a sort of Taha, a wedge and
they both mean crookedness. But as a Razzie explains, one of them
means that if you were to look with a naked eye, you wouldn't see
any crookedness. So when you look at it, it's totally flat and
straight. And if you were to use instruments to measure its
you would still find that it's totally flat. That's how flat
Allah subhanaw taala would make the earth.
So elaborate on puzzle. That's definitely so when the vision will
be dazzled,
whatsoever, and the moon will darken those sorts of lights,
which we are shown through a coma. In fact, we'll get no no light,
the sun and the moon will be joined together.
They'll be joined together, they will not be performing their
function anymore.
Yeah, cool. Inside video is in a little muffled. Now, the human
will be saying, Where is the escape? Where is the place of
escape? Where can we go? You look above the mountains are gone, the
suburban shapcott
The heavens have been split. Right? The heavens have been split
in the summer and followed, so that you can't there's nothing up
there. The ground is all flattened out. There's nothing left, what
happens in an earthquake, right? Everything just goes to rubble.
Now imagine an earthquake so severe, that everything is
threatened. Because the ground is opening and just taking everything
back in. And it's revolving the soil around or the constituents of
the earth are on such a degree that it's just totally flat.
That's the earthquake of the Day of Judgment will be beyond any
Richter scale measurement.
So Allah subhanaw taala shows that it is very fast paced by using the
word either.
Now look at that as well. Either very converse, or just two words,
very cumbersome. husafell Palmer, Jr. Zhenzhou will come up, they're
cooler inside your main pain than before can was no there is no
refuge, that is to increase the dread.
There is to increase the trip so that people when people are
frightened, they think they reflect more because it takes them
away from their comfort zone. The reason why we don't think much of
the time is because we feel we're very comfortable. Everything's
going according to plan. In fact, better than planned sometimes
we're very comfortable, everything is the amenities are there we have
conveniences, but when this happens,
a person is taken out of their comfort zone, there is no refuge.
In our beaker Yama is induced to Lord that they is the face of
permanence. That is your final about that is you will only be
going to Allah subhanaw taala unfortunately, we don't have to
time to carry on but just point a few things out to you. You know
Ebola in Sierra Leone, the Mima demo of the Quran uses that kind
of juxtaposition. A lot of them are what?
What he sent ahead and what he kept back the wedding is
a horror but dumb afford. One means to send back one means to
send forth. A lot of this juxtaposition is used as one but
obviously you can only appreciate it if you really understand it, in
that if you carry on down. There's another place I want to show you
further down please
Yes, would you even know Do you know we have now
some faces that they would be radiant now refers to resplendence
shining face some faces on that they will be resplendent because
they will be given the glad tidings of paradise. They'll be
able to
rejoin me yo would you yummy dinner ilaro behind now we're
looking at the Lord. Look at the use of the word now. And now
it's even difficult to say for most people if you don't know your
bod and your vault, right would you mean we didn't get our behind
now zero.
We will go to
Allah subhanaw taala uses in the Quran in quite frequently he uses
the metaphor of the face
faces on that day will be resplendent radiant. And then if
you look two verses down 24 What would you do maybe impossible. And
some faces that they will be contorted, downcast, right, just
darkened in Greek grief will be expressed on their face, though no
a you've either behalf zero expecting that therefore what will
be done
expecting that there will be done to them something backbreaking.
They know you could see the you can you can see on their face.
Why? Why is the face being mentioned here? Even in harsh the
face is being used? Anybody? Right? It's it's essentially what
you're saying, which is that you could say that Adi, but that may
have not had the same impact. Because what you see on the face
is very telling a happy face expresses what the body is
feeling. What's the design, right? So that metaphor of the face is
used very effectively, to just show how the person is feeling as
a whole, something we relate to. Now look at the juxtaposition
again. Now the URL now 000. And then, and then the next part is
also very beautiful. But I'm going to stop here, because we don't
have time. For you know, we don't have enough time to give you a
small break. The point of a lecture is to encourage people to
act to get further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as local law here in salaam aleikum wa
rahmatullah regard.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further and inspiration and encouragement, persuasion, the
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic
essentials certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the
end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of
the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well. JazakAllah Harun Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah to live record