Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Supplication (Du’a) for a Bigger Home

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the dunya in shaping one's life and the potential for deception. They suggest that people should focus on the dunya to avoid confusion and confusion, and that it is a way to change one's perspective. The speaker also mentions the potential for deception in a future film.
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And finally I shattered the Allahu anha relates in this hadith by

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Imam Muhammad and Imam blks related both of these from

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actually the Allahu Ana sorry lice Allah Allah Azza McCall, a dunya

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the Roman La da Allah wa lumen la mala whether her Yajima Omen la

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beautiful expression, the dunya is the final abode of the one who has

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no or is the abode for the one who has no other about.

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It's the home for the one who has no other home. It is the wealth

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for the one who has no other wealth. And the one who gathers

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for it is the one who has no intelligence.

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Just straight shooting words. The reason he's trying to say this is

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that if a person's dollar of the era is the real world, then he's

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going to be spending in making that, you know, you've got so many

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people in this country. They live in squalid states, but they have

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made mansions in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. There are crazy

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people like this.

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You must know

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they stay in council properties here.

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And in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and these countries, some

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countries more than others is like this. They're building these big

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magnificent palatial homes in their villages. So the people

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there think this guy is living in some kind of Splenda in the UK

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when it comes to UK is poor guy working two jobs and all the rest

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of it. And his intention is one day I will retire there for

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whatever reason he doesn't he goes dies here

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you can't give up how many people really leave and gone retire like

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this, how many do that? Very few, very few, the very lucky few that

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lucky. So that can you see the foolishness in that. On a larger

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scale our foolishness is when we just focus on the dunya to such a

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degree that we don't even worry about the home in the other place,

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which is Janna.

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So we're not focused on building that home at all. All our focus is

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building the home here.

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If you're looking to upscale buy a new home in this world or

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whatever, don't just do the offer that you have to do the off

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everything don't just say oh like give me a bigger home. Or like

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first say oh Allah grant me agenda torture dose. And Allah give me a

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larger home in this world

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protocols and ask for it he said, Allah Who McFeely them be will

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certainly if he does it automatically for you this be

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of ALLAH forgive my sin first long Philip MB, then give me expansion

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in my home

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and give me Baraka in my sustenance. So nothing wrong with

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wanting something a bit more spacious, to be more relaxed in

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it, there's benefits to it, otherwise you're in everybody

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else's hair. You know, a lot more arguments are created like that.

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So it's nice to have something because there's nothing wrong with

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what is your real home? Where do you want to go? Is that even in

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your mind?

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What is your ambition is your ambition for this world is your

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ambition for the hereafter?

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That's why the prophets Allah some in many Hadith he reflected on

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this. That's why Allah says in the Quran, we're in the devil. Here

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Allah he'll Haiwan Low Can We are the moon.

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The hereafter is the real life

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is the real world.

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That is the higher one that is the real life, if only they knew, if

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only they got it.

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And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allahu Allah insha, Allah

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Insha Allah,

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Allah, Allah, there is no life except the life of the hereafter,

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or a difference in perspective. That's why the prophets Allah Some

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said that this dunya can only be the house of the one who has no

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other house.

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Why would you do it otherwise?

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Over here to dunya Illa Metatron Hooroo. This dunya is just a

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substance for deception. So that's exactly why he said that. This

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wealth is for the person who has no other wealth.

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You will get the other world just on your intention if you want to.

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That's the power of the moments intention. If every day you

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thought about Jana, you will get it on just your intention, because

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that will drive you to do better in this world. But if you'd never

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think about your paradise, because all we're worried about is uh,

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hopefully we'll kind of stumble into paradise one day, you know,

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we've had so many physeal of Paradise and Allah's forgiveness.

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So, you know, I landed habla Ilaha illa Allah

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So somehow I'll just kind of get in. But it's about just getting

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in. Can you imagine just getting into London and not knowing where

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to stay? Of course paradise is different place, not London, but,

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you know, let's aim for something just on that intention, just the

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aim of gin nutrifit though so a special agenda. It will change

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your life and your perspective about this life. So ask Allah for

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whatever you want, but also ask at the same time for the hereafter.

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Then it makes a difference.

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