Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Superiority Complex

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses the concept of "immature" and how it relates to racism. He explains that "immature" refers to "the way" and that "immature" is based on "the way" and not on one's outer appearance." He also mentions that "immature" is not something that everyone has to do with their skin, but it is something that makes one superior.
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right, the next hadith is from Abuja, Radi Allahu anhu, Which

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Imam Ahmed relates. He says that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said to him, in Nikolas the behind him in Amara as well that

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Allah and Abdullah who Bataclan. Now this is dealing with

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a sense of superiority of another kind. It's not got to do with

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wealth necessarily, but it's got to do with racism, it's got to do

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with color, it's got to do with perspective, you know, perspective

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of superiority, that I have some elements that makes me superior to

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somebody else. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam said that

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you are not better or superior, because you are red skinned, or

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because you are black skinned.

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Or black head, you know, you can take this in whatever whether it's

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about hair color, that you're worried that the blondes think

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they're better than everybody else, or the blackheads think

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they're better than the blondes and they think that eases blonde

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moments and all the rest of it that people come up with this, you

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can apply this how you like, right? You can apply this how like

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generally what they say is that when you look in the Arab

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countries at that time, because most of the slaves were brought

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from abbacy, near from Africa. So generally this was kind of the

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class system, you know, the reddish complexion and the darkish

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complexion. However, it could be the other way round in some

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places. And either way you can apply this however you want. None

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of this. None of this makes you a better person except taqwa and

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Taqwa means God fearing oneness. And that means consciousness of

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Allah subhanaw taala. So the consciousness of Allah subhanaw

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taala is what makes you superior in the sight of Allah subhanho wa

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So in those days, it was the molar and the CEO, sorry, the CEO then

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the molar or the CEO, then the ABD. That means the master and the

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slave, right? It was that kind of dichotomy. So although that

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dichotomy is not around, because we don't have official slaves

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anymore, but there is still that kind of concept that remains

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because of racism that people have.

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So no, for Lila, based on your outward appearance of any sort,

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it's all based on your taqwa.

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