Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Studying Sacred Knowledge What is Your Intention (Hadith Commentary from Zad alTalibin)

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of learning and researching to hold one's knowledge to earn a living income. They stress the need to prepare for a potential opportunity and not just focus on the sake of getting paid. The importance of helping oneself and others to improve their knowledge and skills is emphasized, along with the need to prepare for a potential opportunity and not just focus on the sake of getting paid. The speakers stress the importance of helping oneself and others to achieve their primary intentions, which should not be straight, and should not be pure.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next Hadith which is related by mama Gouda with a blue mage

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anymore, I haven't had these number 225 When Darla Melman mimma

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up the hobby he went through Allah, Allah Allahu Allah, you'll

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see by our autumn minute dunya let me aged out of an agenda to multi.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever seeks

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knowledge, actually, that knowledge by which the pleasure of

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Allah is sought, meaning sacred knowledge. So this will, this

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particular Hadees will not relate to anything else.

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Meaning any other type of knowledge, worldly knowledge as

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such, because the virtue in the sacred knowledge is what makes it

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so special. So you don't want to be doing it for the wrong reason.

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So, if somebody is using the virtue

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of the sacred knowledge, the one by which the pleasure of Allah

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subhanaw taala, is sought only to acquire some worldly gain, he will

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not smell the fragrance of paradise on the Day of Judgment.

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Meaning, he's still a Muslim, everything is still they still a

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believer, but there's some shortcoming. They're not smelling

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the fragrance of paradise means that you won't even get close.

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Because normally, the fragrance of something could be smelled from a

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distance. So saying that you won't even smell it means that you won't

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even get close.

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And that is quite a warning.

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Now, what

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a question that could arise here is many scholars, especially

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nowadays, as opposed to in the early days,

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well, even then, they were paid by the hour off, which means the

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endowment funds that people are set up, they were still being

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There's very few relatives who work without pay. Right?

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Throughout history, it's very difficult, unless you have your

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own business. For example, I just spoke to a scholar just several

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days ago, and mashallah, the family has a great business. And

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there's one or two brothers who are not orlimar, they run the

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business, but they all get paid. Because maybe the father had

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started the business. The father is also a scholar and two of the

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brothers are scholars. So even though they may be acting as a

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teacher in a mother Assad, they may be doing leading solids and

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present as an imam in a mosque. And as a director. They don't,

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they're not employed as such for payment, because they've got their

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own resource. But not everybody can do that. And that's why

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initially, especially in the Hanafi school, it was actually

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prohibited to take payment for any religious service. According to

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the original Hanafi school, the it's prohibited to take payment

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for leading solids, and for

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any religious practice like that, that has to be done as a ritual.

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However, later on the rhythm, I looked at the situation that they

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were no longer very good outcome. So endowment that would take care

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of scholars, because before wealthy people, religious people,

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righteous people, they would make these endowments these kings,

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these rulers, these Khalifa, these governors, they would set up these

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endowments, the Mamelukes, the salad Jukes, the Abbasids, they

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would, they would set up these endowments, that Okay, in this

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endowment, somebody's going to administrate this endowment. I

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mean, colleges do that nowadays, Harvard, Princeton, these places

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that have these major endowments, but essentially what it is, is

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that somebody's given them a huge amount of money, or they've

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developed, they've

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gathered a huge amount of money, and they're now investing it. So

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there's somebody who's doing the investments of these things, and,

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and then the whole setup is running through that. So they're

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kind of self sufficient, in a sense, but it's an ongoing

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process. So what it could be is that, okay, this is an endowment.

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This is a building that's dedicated for this. This is a

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piece of land, any any produce from here, any profits that come

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from this land, or this business will go to the relevant of this

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Right, well, we'll go to the URL amount of the city. So there used

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to be numerous endowments like that, but later on them, I saw

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that these things weren't as prevalent as it used to be. So

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then they allowed that

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people be paid for this for these activities for these duties as

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such. The Shafi is in the Shafi school it was fine from before, to

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be paid for religious, religious

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activities like that.

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Now, in this case, what we're speaking about here is whoever

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seeks that knowledge by which the pleasure of Allah is sought only

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to acquire some worldly gain, he'll not smell the fragrance of

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paradise. What happens when you are employed somewhere, as a

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teacher, for example, even teaching Islamic studies, where

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you're a teacher and others are teaching something else, where

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you've just, you know, gone somewhere studied knowledge, and

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now, the, there's nobody else in your community more qualified than

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you, and you are told to go and give hotbars and you're going to

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be paid as an Imam, for example.

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Or whatever the case is, you're you're told to teach a class once

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a month, once a week or something, and you're going to be paid for

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that. So

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on the one hand, let's just say that you have to teach a class on

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a particular subject, which you don't have much knowledge about,

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you can go and research it, you have some knowledge about it. But

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for you to develop a class that then you'd have to go and look,

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look into the commentaries and have to go and research. Right,

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let's just say you were told to teach a class on the laws of

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purity, there's very few people who can just sit down and start

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teaching, most people are going to go and have to look at their notes

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from the classes that they had studied, they're gonna have to

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refresh their knowledge, they're going to have to go and look for

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other possible questions that might arise so that they're

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prepared to respond to them in the class. So essentially, you're

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really learning all of these things to hold this class, right,

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which is going to become part of your livelihood.

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Because you need an income, you've just been employed, you've just

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been appointed as this teacher, but you're going to be paid for

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Now, what is the purpose of your knowledge? Are you only studying

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these things just purely for the sake of teaching this class? Why

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are you teaching this class? Is it only to earn a living? Right? Is

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it only to make some money. So all of these factors will play into

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what how Allah subhanaw taala would see this, the the best

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intention in these kinds of things is that if you are what they say,

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man whom and film, there are two people who the practice of law

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some said will never be satiated. One is the person who's after

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wealth. And the other one is the person who's after knowledge, you

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will want knowledge until the last day, and never be satisfied with

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it is greedy for knowledge. If you're one of those people, then

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you're probably fine. What you're not completely fine, because there

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are other intentional hurdles that you have to deal with. But at

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least you're not doing it just for that class. You like knowledge you

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want to study, you probably wanted to study that topic before. Right?

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For example, when I'm, normally when I'm invited to give a speech,

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I really don't like it when they say you can speak about whatever

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you want. That's probably the most difficult thing. Because I hate to

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just speak about the same thing over and over again, I don't

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normally like to do that. I like them to give me a topic, give me a

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challenge. I'll go and research it. Because when you go somewhere,

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and somebody is inviting you to talk, they know more about what's

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needed in that area than what you think you need. You may be

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speaking about,

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for example,

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a topic which they've just had covered last week, or it's already

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been covered, the whole course has been done on it. So you'd rather

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that they tell you to do something, and you have to go and

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research and prepare it for that purpose. I think that's always

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better. So now, if you are interested in learning new things

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all the time anyway, so you don't have to worry about that you're

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not going to learn it just purely for the sake of being paid for it.

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So the intention should be that I'm helping myself and these

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people, I'm increasing my knowledge, I can become better and

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I can help these people because it's woman, Dara Illa, who I mean

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asylee her that the person was inviting to Allah, whatever you

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teach of sacred knowledge, it's going to be the invitation to

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Allah subhanaw taala woman accidental Colima, Dara Illa,

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Allah He Well, I mean aside, you have more clutter in the Nieminen

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Muslimeen who is there better than the one who invites people to

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Allah? This is a method of Dawa. Although you're speaking to the

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converted, but there's a level there's always a level higher.

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There's a never ending hierarchy here. So yes, you're not speaking

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to people who are totally off the track necessarily. You may be

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talking to people who are there purposely for that for that

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knowledge. But still, they're there because they don't know they

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want to improve, they want to increase they want to enhance

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themselves. So you're still inviting people to Allah subhanaw

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taala that should be your intention, even though a secondary

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intention is there that inshallah bitis Allah subhanaw taala will

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also give me some livelihood the purpose should not be that I'm

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going to take that when I'm because that pays a lot more

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Now, there is a bit of a dilemma here in the sense that let's just

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say you do need the money you you have to survive.

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And some days they're not they're not well off. I mean,

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Many retirees are not well off. So you need the money, and one place

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wants to pay you, but it's not going to be enough for you to

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survive the other place. Well, that's fine. But your intention

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primarily, and this is something you have to consciously do.

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Because when the money is there, and it's important for you, then

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you have to subdue that, because no one is going to come anyway.

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Because that's not in your contract. Meaning your intention

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is not in your contract with those people, your contract with the

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people that I'm going to teach for this long, this is what we're

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going to cover. That's your contract with them. It's not the

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contract between you and Allah that really matters most. So once

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your contract is made with the people, your intention to Allah

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subhanaw taala, shouldn't be straight. And intending to Allah

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subhanho wa Taala is that Oh Allah, I'm doing this for your

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sake, I did not gain this knowledge to earn money with. But

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this is one method of me doing my work, being in a good environment.

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and also gaining some benefit for myself benefiting other people in

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sha Allah and making my living. But the primary intention

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shouldn't be pure. And regardless of what your intention is, your

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money is going to come in because you've taught the class. So

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there's no need to make that your primary intention between you and

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Allah subhanaw taala. Because that is already contracted, that's

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already agreed upon, in terms of what you're going to make.

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The difficulty comes is that if you're, if you're in those who are

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speakers will go and invite to different places. Sometimes people

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want to pay you something. In fact, some period in place that

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actually say, How much is your honorarium? How much would you

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charge? And some speakers who do this, and they don't do anything

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else, they they quite, you know, they will say, they have

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permissibility, for that, that this is how much we charge because

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it's going to take us a whole day to come out and do this fly and

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come out, you know, and so on and so forth. And there's other people

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who will say, Well, you just pay our travel cost. If you feel like

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you want to give us something, it's up to you or not, then it

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depends on your intention at the end of the day.

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Right, if that's how you want to do it, then it depends on your

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intention. Now, if you go to some places and they pay you some

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places, pay you some places will not pay you anything. The test

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will be that if the place that doesn't normally pay you

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any honorarium as such without you asking for it, will you go back

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there or not?

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If they invited you again.

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So, why are you going there in the first place?

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And will you go back there again.

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So, the intention should not be any of these things, as the

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primary intention

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has been basally Rahmatullah here already. One sort of man

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performing some tricks on top of a hill.

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And he said,

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he is better than some of our colleagues, because at least he is

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earning his livelihood

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through these worldly tricks,

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whereas our college or sorry, our colleagues, they are acquiring the

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religion. Sorry, they are acquiring this world through their

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People he knew who he thought were just studying sacred knowledge,

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just to

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get people to pay them.

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Because maybe from from gifts or endowments, or whatever the story

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That's why it's related by one of the great bulky scholars who he

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saw a beggar with his hands outstretched reading the Quran.

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You go to places like Egypt and other places you'll actually see

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this the guy with a beautiful voice, you know, he's reading

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like, Chef Coriell Bassett, right? Abdul Basit, and

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you know, his his, by the subway station or something like that.

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And people are paying him you know, you hear you got in the

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London tube you've got guys with come up with their guitar and

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start playing guitar and they've got this guitar case open people

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are throwing money in there, something like that. It's a very

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bad thing to do that you read Quran to earn your living with

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like that.

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So what he did was he he took some dust or something and put it into

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his hand

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is that this is totally wrong. You shouldn't be doing this

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we don't know the person's intention though.

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The person is not outstretching as any just sitting there reading

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Quran because that's the only thing and do sometimes they blind.

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That may be a different story. People are just paying and maybe a

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different story depends on the intention. We can't just people's

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intention. But sometimes it just looks off

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While it is impermissible to do the work of the Hereafter for

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acquiring possessions of this world such as teaching Hadith to

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win the hearts of men, it's not blameworthy according to the

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scholars to acquire the world in a lawful way

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to free oneself for the word of the Hereafter.

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And it says he will not smell that is considered an exaggeration to

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deter a person from doing this.

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Allah subhanaw taala could forgive a person for another reason and

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send them to paradise. It's not that he's going to be deprived of

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paradise forever. It may be that initially you can't go there such

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a person and then go afterwards. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us

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a class in whatever knowledge that we have and in the way we

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disseminate our knowledge

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