Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Some Common Problems in Marriage

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the reasons behind misunderstandings in marriage, including sexual frustration and communication problems. They emphasize the importance of avoiding large talk and being mindful of partner behavior. The use of the Prophet salallavi as evidence of men hitting women, and the Sun SEL of the Prophet sallavi as evidence of men hitting women. It is important to avoid hitting women and giving divorce, and to not give divorce and be aware of rules of marriage.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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So what I want to talk about now is

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while it looks like 60% of the people here don't seem to be

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married from the, but a good number is. And these things also

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relate to people who are not married is what are the main

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issues in marriage, we spoke about the first one which we spoke about

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one of them, which is sexual frustration and sexual problems.

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The second issue that generally comes up is communication

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problems, which is probably even bigger than the sexual problems,

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communication problems.

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We communicate in a particular way, throughout our life, and the

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people who are around us generally get to understand how we speak.

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Some of us speak very aggressively. But people

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understand that we are not aggressive by nature. But that's

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just the way we've learned to speak. However, our spouse may not

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think so. And they may take the wrong message. Sometimes there's a

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miscommunication in terms of we're not able to clearly articulate

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what we want.

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So a lot of times, it's a miscommunication of I thought you

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meant this. That's why I did this, or I thought you had said this.

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That's why I did this. There's a lot of miscommunication. So that's

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why what then happens, some people's personality is that if

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something is irritating them, they don't say it. But they don't

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patient either. So if your husband or wife is doing something, which

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is irritating you, you don't say anything, but you keep getting

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angry that he should know better. He shouldn't do it like this, why

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should I? Why do I need to tell him, he should know more, he

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should know better himself. So then what happens is, the anger

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keeps getting built up, then one day, he'll do something small, and

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then you will burst. And then you'll bring all of this. And he

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said, like what's that got to do with this? Do you see what I'm

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saying? That's why the best thing is that to do subpar, but if

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something gets overwhelming ly problematic, and you can't deal

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with it, then you have a conversation when you're calm,

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that I don't want to have a conversation when it's when it's

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heated. Or when I'm angry, let me have a conversation with you.

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Like, if you don't mind, there's something I want to speak to you

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make a nice cup of tea or coffee or nice cake, chocolate, whatever

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somebody the partner likes, and have that and then I just want to

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talk to you, when they see that the effort you're making, and then

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the genuineness of your concern, Inshallah, they should, they

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should be able to deal with it. So there's always ways to deal with

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The if you have children, you do not want to bring up issues in

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your marriage in front of your children. Children are very

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sensitive to these things. You always want to do it outside away

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from the children do not ever do it in front of the children. Even

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if it's about the children. One thing you never want to do is, you

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know, I never want to get the children to pick sides. That,

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Ahmed, don't you agree that your mom is like this,

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you'd never want to do that you want to treat you teach your

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children that when there is an issue that they should be

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right? And they should say no, it's up to you guys, we leave it

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to you. We can't say anything. So don't ever call up children into

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doing that. Another thing is that if you're finding that your

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husband and your spouse is between you that you're always

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misunderstanding, or you always get blamed for misunderstanding, I

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told you to buy this from the shop and you bought this, right? If you

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do keep misunderstanding, then do what they call the

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what you do is every time they they instructing you, or they're

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telling you to do something like this, you repeat it after them in

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your own words. You call it in some books, they call it

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mirroring. It may look a bit weird. Sometimes, you know,

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they've said, Can you do this for me, or I want you to do this for

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me. And next time we do this, this is how I want you to do things.

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Because you'll always get misunderstood because you always

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misunderstand the way to start understanding one another is to

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repeat what they've just said. Not in the same words not making fun

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of it. But saying, okay, so what you're telling me to do is X, Y

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and Zed. Is that what you mean? And they said yes, or no, no,

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that's not what I mean. Okay, so please explain it to me again. And

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then so you call it mirroring in the beginning is going to look a

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bit weird. But the purpose is to build a better relationship and to

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understand one another. So communication problems. I'm saying

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all of this in brief, because we don't have time, communication

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problems in a big issue. So sexual frustration, communication

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problems, big issue number three money problems. They cause big

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issues in marriage, money problems. And of course, in that

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we've already discussed that for it's the husband's responsibility

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to provide.

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He's obviously going to do the work. He should not be stingy.

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The one thing which is allowed in Islam is hint the wife of Abu

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Sufyan or or the Allahu anhu, she came to the house really is very

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stingy. Can I just take from his money? You said, Yes, you can,

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that it was just build my roof, right? You know, whatever you

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need, you can take, you can't take all of his savings, but you can

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take enough to be able to live your life with, right. So that's

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allowed. But the main thing is money problems to the husband

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should not be so stingy that he makes them literally go through so

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much difficulty to get money because it's his responsibility to

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provide them a decent amount of clothing, a decent amount of food,

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and a decent amount of shelter, which basically means that every

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wife is due by Sharia, to a separate accommodation doesn't

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have to be like totally separate, not just the bedroom separate, but

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a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.

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Right where it is out of the interference. If you're living

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with in laws, for example, even then she's do that, of course, if

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she doesn't want that, or she you know, she's agreeing not to have

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that, then it's fine. But otherwise, by religious

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obligation, that is a responsibility. All right. That's

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the reason, of course, for daughter in laws to make Hitler

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and serve the father, the parent in laws is a huge reward. Right?

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That's one way of getting closer to your husband as well. But if

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they're abusing her, then she has the right to be separate. Okay.

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Another problem with with where money problems come is that she is

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asking for too much because she cannot manage her spending or her

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needs her desires. She's got friends whose husbands are very

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wealthy. So they're buying her Mercedes SUVs, and she doesn't

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have a car. So now she feels bad that my husband can't provide it.

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Now poor guy he's struggling, right, he doesn't have such a job.

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So she starts comparing other husbands to her husband, this is

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not a way to live in this world. Right? You got married here, money

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should not basically comparing yourself with others, and your

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husband with others should not be the reason for you to break up a

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marriage like this and mess it up. You make dua to Allah for Baraka.

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And hopefully in the future, you can do this. You can have, you

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know, whatever salad and whatever you need, but otherwise to make

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undue demands, because remember, your husband has to focus not just

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on providing for now, but maybe provide a house, buy a house, and

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obviously for the future, for the whole family, there has to invest

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for the future as well. Sometimes you do have cases where the

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husband is mismanaging his money, right? Sometimes you have the case

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where the husband is more focused on his family, which is in another

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country. So he makes the family here suffer where He sends all of

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the excess and more than that income to his parents, whereas

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they don't need that much. husband should be careful about not

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neglecting because the other might have written that if you've got a

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person, he's got parents, and he's got children, and he's only got

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wealth, money to either feed the children or either feed the

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parents who who is his responsibility towards father and

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mother or children. First,

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children is first. Right? This is obviously, most people aren't

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going to be in such a straight. But this is a very technical

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question. You've just got enough that you can either feed your

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children or your parents, your children come first. Right?

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Of course, that doesn't mean you neglect your parents completely in

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other situations, and you don't neglect your children either

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completely. This is how ideally husbands should be

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then. So we spoke about communication problems, money

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problems, problems with sexual intimacy. And lastly, we want to

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dis there's so many other problems that could come about such as

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infertility. The wife cannot have children.

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That is a very tough one. The husband wants children and then

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poor woman, not only her husband, sometimes the husband didn't say

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much but the in laws, the extended family. They stopped blaming her

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for it as though as though she can do something about it. Right. One

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woman wrote to me, and I still is still terrifies me today. The

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Haunting message that I got, she said she please please make dua

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for me tomorrow or in two days. I'm due to give birth. And if I

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don't have a son this time, I don't know what they're going to

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do to me. She's just having daughters, daughters daughters, as

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she is to blame. Like blame your son maybe because the chromosomes

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come from both people. Don't blame anybody. You're blaming Allah

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basically that's what you're doing. Instead of torturing the

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this poor woman make dua to Allah subhanaw taala. Allah says yeah

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Hubballi mania shadow in earthen way. Yeah, bulimia shad with the

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cool. Oh,

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oh yeah. So with the Quran or in other ways, I don't mean your

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shadow Akima. Right, Allah will give you sons, he will give you

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daughters or he will make you barren, you can't have children.

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So pressure doesn't help. If somebody cannot have children

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putting pressure on them doesn't help

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the triangle hamdulillah let them you know, so, infertility is a big

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issue I've mentioned in the book, I don't have time for it now but

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various possible holistic cures for infertility. Right, holistic

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cures for infertility, you want to try all of them? If that is the

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case, you have and make a lot of dua to Allah subhanaw taala. And

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then of course, domestic violence. Domestic violence is

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is a no no.

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Agender generally tell people that if you are being beaten by your

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husband, right, if he's just gets angry just beats you should tell

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the police. That's generally what I tell. I know, it's difficult to

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do that. But otherwise, it carries on.

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Unless you can give him some other Naseeha or whatever the case is,

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and sought him out. Otherwise, it's a habit. One day

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Alhamdulillah I've never in over 22 years never never, never, never

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struck my wife. I've gotten angry, of course, I've struck other

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people or beat other people up before. So it's not like I can't

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do that. Right? You know, when you're in school, and that you

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beat a few people up, you know, it's easy to do that.

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But I've never struck my wife at all. Right? It's just not

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something you do. The Prophet salallahu Salam, you know, a lot

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of people use the ayah in the Quran. But when you look at the

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Quran, it's, again, if you look at the tough seals of the iron, Imam

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Razi is very clear, and he's writing at a time when there is no

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feminism or whatever, he doesn't have to be apologetic. But if you

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just look at the way he's in his Malfatti, will leave if you see

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the coverage, it's amazing, is based on that this is an organized

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structure, the first you give them Naseeha if that doesn't work, then

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you stay away in the bed. Then the third option he talks about

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striking, but then even in that he the way he discussed it now the

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men who hit are not doing that, and the Prophet salallahu Salam,

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and then he says Imam Shafi says what Turku have done, the while

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the Quran, Allah is allowing you like opening a door basin,

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abandoning hitting your superior.

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To be honest, in most cases, especially in the West, if you

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have to hit your wife, it's just gonna get worse. So the purpose

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for which the Quran even allowed it, I'm saying is so that they

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will get correct. But believe me in the West, you hit somebody,

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it's gonna get worse. That means it's already too far gone. There's

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no point of it. So many men who do hit and use the Quran as evidence

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is totally incorrect the way they do it, totally incorrect. And even

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when even our boss actually told her he's talking about a miss work

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like a straw. sighs You know? But anyway, that's besides the point

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the profit or loss, I'm said that those who do hit they're not the

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best of your they're not the best of your men. Right? So I believe

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that women should never be hit. You should use every other every

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other case. But you should you should follow the Sunnah of the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam in that regard. A friend of mine, who got

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sometime after me within like several months of the marriage, he

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contacted me said, Sure, he said, You know, I hit my wife.

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And I was like, how did you do that? Why'd you do it? Because

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he's a decent guy. Right.

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And I think since that day, he was so regretful, so horrified himself

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that he did it. I think,

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what the issue was, is that Hamdulillah I think, since then

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he's never done it again. Right, as far as I know. But I think the

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reason why he did it is because he saw somebody, he that's what he

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was used to seeing, maybe in his own parents. A lot of the hitting

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is a cultural thing.

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And it's not just Muslims. I saw a documentary about Papua New New

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Guinea and other parts of the world somewhere, non Muslims, they

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beat their women, they said, that's the only way we get

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anything done. And like the women are used to it. So it's like they

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don't do anything until they get beaten or some weird culture is

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really messed up. Right. That's why the culture of men hitting

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needs to stop.

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And believe me, even with children, people think the only

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way to get anything to do with them is to hit them for hitting.

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Once you get a child even used to hitting then you have to hit him

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every time you really want him to get something done. There are so

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many other measures you can use before them. And you can learn

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that through disciplining procedures, you know, there's lots

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of right thing written about that.

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yeah, if you've seen your parents hits, and that's the way your

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culture is, it doesn't mean you have to do that. There are lots of

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other ways to sort out matters between you right

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He said what we're trying to do is his marital issue, scholars have

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to be very open about it. And very accessible about it. Because, as I

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said, In the beginning, marriage is what makes up the society and

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community. So we need to try to help and there's too many

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problems, because there's a lot of Jehovah about marriage. So the

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fact that you spent two days here, two sessions, two day sessions

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here, may Allah subhanaw taala make this a source of

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enlightenment. My mindset of coming all the way is and writing

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the book is that marriages get enhanced, because a lot of

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ignorances a lot of problems. I did not read any other marriage

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book while I was writing mine, because I didn't want to just

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regurgitate what's there. I wanted to write it from my teaching my

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learning, mine and my experiences. To make it unique based on purely

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experience. It's not a thick book. There's a bit of fit here and

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there, but it's not a flipbook. And finally, I do need to mention

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just in brief, the divorce if men, especially men, if you're thinking

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of a divorce, right, that's fine. You can think about divorces. But

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one divorce is more than enough.

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Okay, if you need to give a divorce and you get angry, you

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want to give a divorce. One clear divorce is will do the job. That's

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enough of a bombshell. That's one grenade, right? It's done. Do not

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throw three.

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Because when you do salah, when you do three divorces, then you

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cannot come together again. I know there are still a few fatwas out

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there which say three is one ignore me as opinion and so on.

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But that is against the overwhelming majority of the four

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Imams, okay, according to four Imams you will be divorced and in

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Zina if you if you meet again. Okay. So the best thing is to

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restrict yourself that if you do need to give a divorce one is more

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than enough. I get so many calls brother, I divorced three times, I

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said, Why do you do three? I turn them off first. So I'm not very

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learned as a Why do you do three? Then why didn't you do 10?

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Where'd you get the magic number three from? Right, I go if you if

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you if you go beyond the red light, are you gonna get penalized

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or not?

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Right, you're still gonna get penalized. So it's a point of no

00:17:17 --> 00:17:19

return and then they have to do halala they have to marry somebody

00:17:19 --> 00:17:22

else consuming the marriage then come back. It's just this long,

00:17:22 --> 00:17:27

ugly procedure. So if you do want to divorce and you know, I would

00:17:27 --> 00:17:30

suggest every man and woman should go and tell 10 men in their family

00:17:30 --> 00:17:33

about this. Because they all think three it's necessary to do three

00:17:33 --> 00:17:34

they say

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that's where the confusion is. So you should enlighten people

00:17:38 --> 00:17:43

everybody should go and tell 10 people, Ashura right, that one

00:17:43 --> 00:17:45

divorce is sufficient.

00:17:46 --> 00:17:49

Because there are so many families being getting messed up because of

00:17:49 --> 00:17:53

this. Right? So anyway, and if you do want to divorce, then do it

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nicely over a coffee.

00:17:55 --> 00:17:59

Don't do it just like that. Okay, that's enough for me.

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