Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Social Pressure & Peer Pressure
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Hola Rafi Luna Rahim Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah Hamden. cathedra on the uban Mubarak confy Mubarak
Can I borrow buena?
Jalla jalla wa rahmatullah wa Salatu was Salam ALA. So you will
have you will most of
SallAllahu taala. Either you are either he or Safi or Baraka was
seldom at the Sleeman girthier on laomi Dean Amma Barrett, Allah
subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran
the Quran facades are filled very well by Divi MCE set alienness you
vehicle homebuilder linear Amadou Diallo murals your own
Allah subhanaw taala also says
Joel Haku was purple belt in El belterra Karnas a hookah.
Allah subhanho wa Taala also says Mahalia Collinson or Eva.
Based on these verses, there's a few things that I want to discuss
and also what
Imam Al has Sybil Maha CV as we continue with his work he says,
while I'm an island hockey Shahidan kobold in FC Allahu
Allah thoroughly already Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam is stuffed the call Becca in after Cal move tune.
He says know that the truth has a witness.
The truth acts as the truth as a witness in terms of the knifes
will accept it.
For a person with a sound heart, a sound perspective,
a sound and uncorrupted ideology. Then even if they don't have the
clear answer from the Quran and Sunnah, because their spirit is
developed in a way to see what kind of conforms, what is
conducive to ailment what is conducive to knowledge and what is
conducive to the truth. They kind of figure it out, they get bad
feelings, the red flags go off in their mind when they see other
things that they think are against the spirit.
So Allah subhanaw taala has given us enough that if we learn enough,
and we try to color ourselves in the similar Tula the color of
Allah subhanaw taala, by having a decent understanding of the Quran
and Sunnah, then generally, we could make most of the time we
would make the right decisions, because that our heart has been
programmed to do that, that you give it enough feed and it will
the artificial intelligence in this search the API, right, it's
enough for it to start making some decent judgments. Of course, it
will, you can make mistakes. But generally speaking, you need the
programming and the you can't get artificial intelligence, even in
this world today without putting a lot of programming, you need to
train it, they have to do some very deep learning.
We've been learning since a young age. Now, what are the challenges
to this is the question, what is it that makes a person who has
been learning Islam has been studying Islam has been acting and
practicing Islam for a very long time. But still, some decisions
that we take don't seem to be on the mark, they seem to be against
the what could be considered the truth. So I want to speak about
this a bit. This, I saw a video recently, of this social
experiment of this guy who he's got this 14 year old. How old is
the kid, it's probably about maybe no is the kid is about 1213 years
old, goes and plays with another kid in the park.
Then he takes him it kind of strikes a bit of a relationship
with him for a few, you know, maybe for half an hour, or
whatever the case is. And then he goes in goes, come on, let's come
here, come here. Let me show you something goes and takes him to
the site. And there's a container there. Somebody's container,
there's some building small structure, and he pulls out a
spray can. And he says to the kid gone, I dare you to spray this.
Graffiti basically. I don't think it's a big. I'm not sure if that's
a big issue here. This is this was done in America, right? In
America, you go to New York, it's always graffiti all over the
place. Downtown Los Angeles. That's what you see. Hamdulillah I
don't see we see as much graffiti here. I think they look after it
quite well. And I don't know if that's our young people into
graffiti or drugs or what they, you know, it's maybe just
different priorities, maybe. So he gives it to the kid, he says, can
go on, I dare you to do it. And initially, you just see he does
this over the course of about several kids. And you see the
resistant factor in each of them. Some of them is like, Okay, I'll
do it. He doesn't want to do it just does it. But the can has
nothing inside. So the whole point is that there's nothing inside but
he just wants to see. So the guys who are watching from behind who
are videoing the whole thing and listening to the whole thing. Then
they suddenly come up. Some of the kids don't run away some of the
kids they stand around
And then he asks them. So there's one key this is no, no, I got I
can't do that I'm not going to do a despair. There's no point this
and other whatever. And then the other guy's really pressuring him.
It's like, obviously you're a chicken them and it makes the
sound of a chicken and I think I saw that that's actually where
generally the other person breaks down. As soon as he calls him a
chicken makes a chicken kind of sound, he goes, okay, okay, I'll
do it. And he just does it for the heck of it. So you see this, the
whole point of what is right and wrong get skewed in the mind.
Until now, he must have been trained well enough by his parents
until now, you know, until that first he says, No, some are like,
Okay, I'll do it. But most of them said No, first, at least a few
times, but the other person, it just mounted more and more
pressure. And then eventually people broke down. Why did they
break down?
Is the question, why did they eventually break now? And I think
there was only one case. I know, no, I'm not going to do this. And
then you can tell first, when it was very interesting to watch that
first. He says, no, no, I can't do it. He was quite weak in his
response. But then slowly, slowly, he became more brave, said, no,
no, we shouldn't do this, then you could tell that he is actually
getting onto the assault side, say No, that's wrong, you shouldn't be
doing this. You shouldn't be saying to do this. That's a kid
who's been who understands well, and then eventually, when the
person kept up his pressure the other kid, he just walked off.
Right? Even though the person is behind him persisting, and
protesting and say, Yes, you should come on come and just do it
once a guy walked off. So how many children would do that is the
question, then I've got another one with an older girl, but 14 or
15 years old. And again, she does the same with another girl, she
kind of strikes up a bit of a conversation with her on the
street, in the park, whatever. And then they go, let's go for a walk.
And as they're going for a walk, she pulls out because my brother
gave me this was a Mariano. I can't remember what it was, it was
some some kind of drug. Do you want to try some? Do you wanna
smoke? Some? So initially, they're all saying no, no, that's wrong,
that's bad for you. The school must have taught them it's bad. So
the first thing you can tell where the narrative is coming from
sometimes when you hear that the lesson, the language, so no, no,
that's bad. You know, that's bad for that's bad, you can't do that.
It's bad for your health or whatever. And then again, the
pressure is mounted. So your chicken is just gonna try it, you
know, have you never tried it before, it just once is not not a
bad thing, you should at least try it. It makes you look cool. This,
that and the other. And eventually, the girl break breaks
down. Now in this one, what they had is actually had the father
that actually caught the father beforehand, and he was sitting in
the car watching this whole thing, and listening to it.
And they asked the Father, do you think your child will, will
succumb to this pressure or not? There's no, I've taught a very
well, she won't, she resisted for a very long time. But towards the
end, she actually took it and was about to light it up. And that's
when they all ran to them. And, and then he just, he just took
her. So you can tell that this is the pressure. Now, that's clear
pressure. Right? That is very clear pressure. Adults don't do
that kind of pressure.
Adults don't have that kind of pressure. So I showed one of my
kids this video and I said, look, look at this. So what what should
you do in that situation? How do you deal with that situation?
Because you could tell that they were just weakening, you're either
got most of them became weaker and weaker and weaker. And finally
said, Okay, I'll do it just to be part of it. Peer pressure, pure
peer pressure. So when the man would come along, then he will
say, Look, I'm not going to tell your father, but I want you to
learn a lesson from this. Why did you do it? He said, Well, I didn't
really want to do it. He was just making me do it. So you, he said,
So you basically succumbed to peer pressure. I want you to learn a
lesson from this, that if there's anything wrong, you don't
succumb to peer pressure. If it's wrong, it's wrong. It doesn't
matter who it is.
But I could tell by the person who actually walked away that he got
braver. You see, when you have confidence about what you're
doing, about your position, then you will never never cower into
doing something wrong. What I saw was that the guy who managed to
walk away, had prayed in his he had something going for him. That
little kid had something going for him. I was like, No, this is a
wasn't weak, to want to belong to somebody else. And to go under
pressure. Even though deep, you know, deep down, you know, you're
wrong. You know what they're doing is wrong. He was able to use that
and get braver as he spoke, and thus be able to walk away. For
adults. It's a very, very similar thing, except that hardly anybody
will actually persist in. Nobody is going to be that much of a
shape on when it comes to adults. It's just that with adults, you
want to fit into the crowd.
Right? And the problems we're speaking about don't seem to be
problems in mainstream. Spraying. Graffiti is a problem. Taking a
is generally a problem, right? For a young kid, everybody sees that
as a problem. So the dynamic there was a bit different when it comes
to adults, and especially in the workplace and other places social
society to want to dress in a particular way. Right, they're not
seen as taboo subjects, just the way graffiti is, or just the way
taking drugs is maybe to a certain degree, dress in a certain way,
have drink, you know, go and drink some alcohol, when you're with all
of your friends or at work, do high fives with women, you know,
and men mixing all that kind of stuff. This is all stuff which
comes with the pressure. And actually, I think adult pressure
is more difficult, because it is seen as mainstream, it's not seen
as an isolated, wrong incident, it's not seen as a taboo,
necessarily in the mainstream. Whereas with that child that
graffiti was clearly you could tell there was something right and
wrong about it. Right. And even society call that wrong. So
anybody will tell you that was wrong. But when it comes to these
mainstream subjects, these mainstream challenges that we're
facing, they become much more difficult to deal with. How do you
think you can deal with that, where you are going somewhere at
work, you're a very career oriented man or woman working in
a, you know, good company, you got a good job, and you're proud of
your job. And you want to ascend the ladder and you want to become
you know, you want to get promotions and everything, you
want to do the best for your company. And you've got a client
in front of you who you have to take out for for a lunch for a
dinner, or something like that. And
all you have to go to a party, and there's the alcohol is flowing,
and you don't want to look strange or weird. What happens?
What do you do in that situation?
Nobody's putting pressure on you. Sometimes they may do Hey, come
and have a drink. It's only one drink. It's not harmful. I'm sure
somebody will do that somebody is probably a bit more informed
around you. Come on, man. Don't be so you know, don't be so this,
that or the other, you know, go and go and have a bit. What do you
do in that situation? How do you deal with that situation? This is
where a lot of people mess up. If you don't have pride in what you
feel what you already have as your own ethics, then generally, a lot
of people who just fail here, they'll just end up doing it.
Because the knifes is there to the soul is there the ego is there,
the desire is there, the desire to fit in is there, it's just very,
very difficult. That's why if you're not connected to your own
heritage, to your own religion, to your own ethical source, or
whatever it may be, whatever ethical source that may be whether
you, you know, we're talking, it could be anybody out there, there
are people who are not Muslim out there. But they don't drink,
because they're ethical sources that they think drink is bad. So I
don't drink. So don't drink, doesn't matter who's there, the
people could turn the world upside down in front, they're not going
to drink. Because there's a very strong backing, that they have
somewhere, that psychologically that gives them a lot of
confidence. And we've got a wonderful system that gives us the
confidence, we're told that if there's a sin and you abandon that
scene, you actually get rewarded for it. So there's so much
incentive, there is so much incentive that's taking place
That if you're confronted with something that is wrong, and you
abandon it, you avoid it, you will be rewarded. So we've got the
incentive incentive of being rewarded. Number two, you've got
the incentive that Allah will love you, you've got number three, that
Allah will raise your status. Number four, that Allah will give
you better. We've got so many promises with these things that
you don't do this, Allah will give you better, because you
sacrificed. Number five, all the rewards of patience are applied
here, because that is patience, you are exercising restraint and
patience against something that you know is wrong. So you got all
of these benefits going for you but it's just that these benefits
aren't in our mind when these things come up with us. Otherwise,
to avoid a wrong gives you all of these benefits and more that I
can't even, you know, necessarily bring about right now. That's the
that's that's the benefit that we have. And especially people who
want to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala we have no
excuse whatsoever. The desire just not nominally okay, I was born in
a Muslim household, whatever the case is. There has to be something
beyond that Islam has to become yours. You have to be the Mothman
you have to be the believer for all of this to work. And that's
why it says we're under movement. If you are a believer, you will
get all of these benefits. And that is the difference between you
know, a lot of the Hadith says Allah You know, I had to come
hatha yoga and Hatha Yoga I believe, okay, Hema you're good
enough. C'est la you know, I had to come Hatta Hakuna, I have the
LA he been always been be mad he wanted the UNSC HMI in all of
these Hadith right they make a lot of sense now right? says a person
is not a true believer until he loves for his brother what he
loves for himself.
A person is not none of you believe that.
until I the process I'm saying become more beloved to them than
their own family, their wealth and their own self.
A true believer is the one who, from whose hands and tongue, other
people are safe.
We're all believers. But why aren't other people say from our
hands? Why do we abuse and insult other people? That's the
difference between a believer and a true believer, a believer and a
complete believer, a believer and the believer. That's the
That's what all of those Hadees are trying to look, you guys are
believers already. But you don't want to be a real believer, you
want to really qualify, you really want that title, then this is what
you must do.
It as erotica has undertook was that at Casaya took for inter
movement, if your good deeds make you satisfied and pleased that you
are doing good deeds, I'm highly satisfied about him.
And if your bad deeds, they irritate you, they cause you
They make you feel bad.
If you got those two feelings, that's a gauge that yes, then you
are a believer.
These are all gauges for us that to teach us. And I think at the
end of the day, all what they do is that they give us a source
of confidence. And in this world, you can get anywhere with
confidence. For the most part, you've got confidence that you
will do something, you can move mountains to do it, because you've
got confidence, confidence is strong, and resolve. So it doesn't
matter who's in front of you. If you are saying that this drink has
to be you know, ordered, and I'm going to look freaky, I'm going to
look strange if I don't drink, right? Or if I don't do whatever
it is, I got no guts to say no, then I don't have confidence.
Don't you have something that is immensely valuable? Don't you
treat it valuably, you have to start treating valuably for it to
be than a source of confidence.
You can only be confident about something if you have enough of
it. If you don't have enough money, how are you going to be
confident that you've got enough money? Because you don't have it?
But you got a lot of money. So no, don't worry, I can buy that
knowing I can buy this, I remember I was with a friend of mine, who's
at that time was very wealthy. It lost a lot of money at that time
was very wealthy. And he was trying to order a pizza. This is
crazy. He was trying to order a pizza is in America. So the guy
gave him some attitude. On the other side, who he was calling the
guy who worked in the pizza parlor. So he said, Bring him your
manager, how much is your pay? How much is your pizza parlor worth?
I'll buy it right now or buy your way out.
I was like, take it easy, man. But you could tell the confidence that
he had just because he's got the money. Right?
If you've got confidence in terms of influence, that nothing's going
to happen to you. People do evil like that. Look at all of these
people who are abusing others, a lot of it is because of the
confidence of their position that they are untouchable.
You can have confidence is in confidence in many ways. If you
get if you get attached to the wrong crowd at school, or wrong
crowd at work, or whatever it is, then your confidence is going to
come from the wrong source, that's going to be an evil confidence,
and thus is going to make you do evil. So if kids get into the
wrong set of boys or girls, the wrong set of people who give them
a source of strength and confidence more than they may be
getting at home, right? And they're having issues or whatever
the case is. That's confidence, but you're, you're getting the
wrong confidence, you're going to end up doing wrong. Why do kids
end up doing things so boldly. Whereas if you tell their parents
I saw your kid doing this, like no way, my kid is different. My child
isn't like that. Some parents can't even believe what their
children get up to. And it's true. It's It is unbelievable. But how
do they get up to it is because they've gotten caught up in the
Wrong group of people. That's given them this sense of false
false confidence. They're learning to live a bipolar life. Dual
personalities at home they one thing at work or
at would you call it at school, there's something else, maybe the
hijab comes off, if their parents are forcing them, hijab comes off.
And whether it's hijab or not, that's besides the point. This is
one aspect, but then they start doing wrong, but they won't do it
wrong at home. There'll be the sweetest person at home. But
you've got adults like that as well. And they come to the masjid
the difference. When they go outside to work. They're
different. They kind of fit in everywhere they go as well.
They're very mashallah malleable and adjustable.
You have to be adjustable to a certain degree but not complete.
How can battle right and wrong, you know falsehood and, and truth.
But this is all about pressure. This is all about pressure and
it's all about getting that balance. This is all about getting
the balance. Now.
I know sometimes what does happen is that people have had a bad
experience. Right? People have had a bad experience, maybe the kind
the kind of ethics that they were shown, which means Islamic ethics,
for example, or the kind of Islamic rules and regulations,
maybe it wasn't imported correctly, maybe it was imparted
to bluntly, maybe was imparted without too much compassion, maybe
it was imparted in a way that was very dry, or whatever the case is,
you can't just tell somebody to do good and expect them to do it,
there has to be a whole environment that surrounds it has
to be conducive, you have to be able to if I want to help somebody
to become more Islamic Lee oriented as such, I have to, I
can't just tell them, You must do this, you must do that. Because
that doesn't necessarily fit into their view of the world, their
environment, their surrounding the the trend that they follow, I need
to have to give them an entire new trend to follow a new entire
lifestyle. And then this becomes easy, then these are just small,
small issues, all the smallest issues, like praying on time, you
know, covering up, just avoiding the all of that, then issues
within a lifestyle choice that you take with the lifestyle choice is
different. And I'm trying to tell you, You just must do this, and it
goes against the left lifestyle choice, it's very difficult.
That's why my job would be to impart a lifestyle change a
perspective how you look at the world differently. by just telling
you, you must do this, you must do that you must do this, you're
going to struggle with it more. But if I start telling you no, you
must think like this, it is important to think like this. And
if you think like this, and this is the harm in it, it's not going
to get you far. It's only for immediate success, immediate
pleasure. What we really need is
blissful bliss in the Acura, right? If I can convince somebody
of that, if you can convince somebody of that, then it's much
easier than to say X, Y, and Zed the smaller issues underneath.
That's why I get a lot of again, a lot of a lot of cases where the
whole perspective about marriages a problem the whole way, the whole
way, the whole
perspective through which the husband sees the wife and wife
sees the husband. And then one of the sides is coming to me to tell
me to guide them said you need a whole paradigm shift, the way
you're looking at the whole marriage is messed up, then that
is why these are just symptoms, you're trying to correct a
symptom, but without trying to correct the underlying problem,
then you've got parents with children, then you've got people
at work in society, that they finding things difficult, there's
a thing going on inside SubhanAllah. There's just a lot of
that stuff. The way to develop it though, is by sitting with good
people, by sitting with people who you think who you can look up to
and say, Hey, he's I think he's got it right. I think he's got a
balance, you start learning paradigms take a while to change,
they don't change overnight, something has to click. And then
after that, slowly, slowly, we make an adjustment. So paradigm
shift in that sense is extremely important, then all a smaller
issues become easy. Today, while it may be difficult for you to
wear hijab, if you have a paradigm shift. Tomorrow, you'd have no
problem with it. Right? If you're having trouble avoiding haram,
that work, paradigm shift, it'll become easier, you'll have the
confidence to deal with it. But if your confidence comes from the
other side,
you want to fit in.
And you think your side is lowly, inferior, deficient.
It's impossible.
You've already given up your whole life, you've sold yourself to
something else, it's gone finished. God made you a believer.
God made us believers. That's what he made us. God chose us for his
faith, with all of the struggles of Rasulullah, salallahu Alaihe
he chose us to be whether it be in a Muslim household or gave us the
faith and then after that we look elsewhere to find some kind of
comfort and solace.
That's the problem.
You can find comfort on a non religious level. It's not to say
that you must be isolated, but our core ideas must be right. Our core
ideas must be right. So the next time somebody gives you a spray
and silently pressures you
we have to walk away from that and say no, you know, what I would
have loved to have seen which I didn't see in all of those is that
kid who would have turned around and sorted the other kid out and
said no, it's wrong, right? You shouldn't do this. And you know
why you shouldn't do this. Because X, Y and Zed it take a you know,
this is actually messing up our community because this is within
our own area. It's messing up our community, and it is causing
problems and so on and so forth.
That's what I would like to have seen and for she wasn't there
wasn't that strong. But we need to teach our children these things
and then we need to learn ourselves about our own challenges
like this.
that was
One of the points
that's why Imam Ghazali says that the person who's got his paradigm,
right, whose heart is in the right place, whose heart only takes
comfort from the correct things, the right things, the beneficial
things from Allah subhanaw taala. Then he says, what might as Xu
Mithila, huddle, calm,
how weighty, how significant how valuable and precious is such a
heart. Because to get the heart and prune it to that level where
you're balanced in the way you see things, you actually start feeling
good. One of the signs is that last Hadith that I mentioned that
if your good deeds, make you feel good, and your bad deeds make you
feel bad, that means your heart is there in moderation. Now, you've
got that heart, because you need to start feeling good about what
you do. You know about the good things that you do, you need to
start feeling good about it. Because that provides a massive,
a massive dopamine rush, you can say provides a massive
exhilaration and elation. And thus you want to do it more.
Otherwise, if you feel you have to do it under pressure or force,
then you're demoralized. And studies show that if you're doing
something in a demoralized way, then you are just I think you're
dripping cortisol. That's what they call it. And you just
basically suffering, it's bad for you. That's why you need to learn
to do it properly. You need to write want to be seen doing
something, I need to want to do it for yourself. It doesn't matter
what anybody else thinks, then you you could be one in the crowd and
you won't have an issue.
We'll be able to deal with it. So this is a very weighty and very
valuable type of a heart. And that's why
we did it. La Mirada Alayhis Salam Kula had Illa fatwa Calbee that is
why the Prophet salallahu Salam didn't mention this as a general
Hadith to everybody that anybody who has an issue will have some
turbulence in the heart about an issue, they should ask their
heart. He said that to the person himself to a particular person is
what Imam Ghazali says that this is not a universal ruling for
anybody that just asked your heart and go with it. Because there's a
lot of corrupt hearts or they may Allah protects it from a corrupt
hard that you start giving our own fatwas, we're in trouble. So
that's why he says that these kinds of hearts they come by very
seldom, and they're very valuable when they come by and that is why
the prophets Allah doesn't didn't tell everybody do that. Ya know,
my call is Radek. quadratically will be Salima Khanna out of I
mean, Hardy, he said that to the sahabi. Who he said it too,
because he knew that his state was right. He had that balance, where
if he did a good deed, he would be feeling satisfied. And if he did a
bad if he would know he's doing wrong, so he's got the fine
tuning. Right. He had the alignments. I mean, the hadith is
kind of open to interpretation that some scholars do argue that
no, it could be general. So Allama Munna we, he says in his federal
Kadena that, while some scholars have said that this is a universal
application, it's not just for wabi sabi. It's not only for
particular people, but it's for anybody, then obviously, it is
going to be at least for the it's going to be for people who have at
least the following category qualities, Furman Shara Hala who
sat there who been really a team, somebody who's got conviction,
conviction about his way, about the right way. Allah has, Allah
has expanded his * for that case.
For after Julio who will be in which already had in Romanian when
he did that inshallah Ian were Illa Zima who at Bahasa Indonesia
Hello, Sandro. And then somebody gives them just some random on
today. It's okay. It's alright.
I must have told you about
the person. One of the students I knew from Morocco who had didn't
have any money left and you needed a job. And finally, you know, he
was struggling, he didn't have enough money to survive. And
somebody then told him Look, there's a job at a place which
also sells alcohol, but he just couldn't agree with it. He just
couldn't agree with it. Even though the most knowledgeable
person that he knew around him said it's okay for you. And that
wasn't necessarily a bad fatwa to be honest. Because if you are
suffering and you've got nowhere you're gonna be on the street.
Then there is a fatwa that allows you to take up a job that has a
bit of a haram in there, right until you can find something
better. That's what it is. Right? Not by choice, obviously. And you
must be then looking to move on. So while he had the photo about
his his he'd been trained very well Mashallah. It was probably
about 20 Something at the time, and he refused. And he ended up
then just because of the sub that he did, Allah gave him a much much
better job where he then had so much more comfort in in what he
could do with the money he received. So he got ended up
getting a lot more money than he what he would have made here
Allah wants to test us of course.
If knowledgeable humbly, in his jammy room, you will he come he
speaks about this hadith he says that this hadith indicates that
Allah subhanho wa Taala has programmed the nature of a human
being to be able to discern the good and bad
It's within our programs within our ability
that we have that chip inside. Right, we've got that ability to
see the truth and wrong, as long as you don't get so messed up that
no longer does. You know, when on your computer, it has sound, it
has lots of things. But sometimes I've ever seen when the sound card
gets messed up, so the screen is coming on, but you don't hear any
sounds, then you have to kind of redo the drivers and everything.
So we've got the drivers in our heart for all the good and bad.
It's just that sometimes just get corrupted, maybe there's massive
virus in our heart or something.
So this had these tells us that Allah subhanho wa Taala has
created his servants on a nature to recognize the truth, and to
find comfort in the truth and to accept it. And he has also
instilled in the nature, to love the truth. And to turn away and
feel really
feel really, you can say
unfriendly. And
discomfort, there's a lot of feel really uncomfortable to have a lot
of discomfort when it comes to the opposite of that. That's why have
you noticed what is the word for good and bad in in Arabic?
Not for reward and not for reward, and Thor but what is the the word
they generally use for good and Bad's in Arabic?
There is one that's kind of obedience, right?
Hey, Russia is good, hey, Russia is very straightforward. There's
another word
I'm gonna build my roof in here in monka monka on my roof, these are
actually very literal terms of you know, system, my roof just means
something which is recognized, something that is known. And
munkar is something that is unknown, something that you have
an aversion to. So the word itself has that meaning, something that
is, has an aversion Moncure in car means to deny something in car
means to not recognize something, to deny something to reject
something so Moncure is that which is denied, rejected, unknown. And
my roof RFID fu where we get out of here from Maratha, it means to
recognize my roof is that which is recognized.
And the RF is on recognizes the my roof and the monkey.
the global warming in the hearts of the believers, they generally
find comfort with the remembrance of Allah as long as you haven't
got it.
We as long as we haven't gotten habituated to finding comfort in
something else, that the way to pass our time is just to watch
videos on YouTube.
Or just to watch all the clips that hundreds of people send you
every day.
Because they they must have some benefit because religious people
are sending it to you. That's the way we pass our time.
That's why even though Hydral hate me says that
about this hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told his
Sahabi to ask his heart, you could tell that this is a Hobby Lobby.
So his name is the Prophet sallallahu. Some knew that he had
the illumination of the heart, his heart would guide him right he had
enough light in his heart to be able to discern what's right and
wrong. Because at the end of the day, that's what it is. Do we have
a spiritual light that will tell us this is bad for you? Or it's so
dark that we just do it?
It's a spiritual light that that it's all about it's Iraq, we'll
call be done. We will call basically, that's why he says that
anybody who's got a dense phobia that is not refined by Islam.
We see that dua that we read. Yeah, yeah. What are we? What is
it? Yeah, huffy a lot V. A designee billet vehicle coffee.
This DA is essentially for that purpose.
The whole purpose of this DA is a one of hidden kindness, a one a
hidden of subtle power.
Sophisticated power. That's the meaning of Latif Latif is kindness
in one sense. In other sense, it means the one who's very
sophisticated in what he can do. So we're calling out to Allah by
through a word, very powerful name of allah of kindness and have
really, really sophisticated ability to do something or
directly be looked fickle, huffy, take hold of me with your hidden
kindness, or shower me
with your hidden sophistication. Give me that sophistication as
well. Give me that look from the understanding as well. So these
are all meanings of this dua. So next time we read it, we should we
can have that meaning. That's what he's saying that anybody who's the
opposite of that, who has
A heart that is dense and thick, and doesn't have that
sophistication and insight and understanding about evil Iraq who
can't perceive things because the light, the spiritual light isn't
powerful enough. For now your job will be learning that he won't
give you that hard will not give you the right answer. So asking
your heart there, it's just a waste of time because you know
what you want to do.
But the fact is that if you're even questioning yourself, then
that means you got a decent heart. People who don't have it, they're
not going to ask themselves, or if we see that we ask ourselves, but
our heart is mostly saying, yeah, just do it, man. What's wrong with
it, just do it. Don't be so strict.
Don't be so strict. Life is very difficult as it is, these are all
counter arguments, or counter arguments to it. This is this
hadith is also proof that the Prophet sallallahu is to speak to
his companions according to their status. So he knew why because I
had this capability so just ask yourself, you're fine. You can ask
yourself so Allah subhanaw taala help us to understand this. The
devil Anna and hamdulillah here on the anatomy Allahumma Indus Salam
Amin consider and a lot of the other jewelry with the Quran Allah
homea haiku yaka Yun bureaux medical history. So handle Allah
hilarity in Ireland or herb Oh Allah we ask You for Your Mercy we
ask You for Your blessing of Allah we ask you for your light of Allah
We asked you for your light Oh ALLAH Illuminate our hearts Oh
ALLAH purify our hearts of Allah purify our hearts of Allah grant
us equilibrium in our understanding of Allah guide us of
Allah grant us guidance. Oh Allah grant us moderation. Oh Allah
grant is a HUD that sees the right is the right and the wrong as the
wrong Oh ALLAH then give us the ability to avoid the wrongs and oh
Allah give us ability to do the right. Oh Allah grant us
conviction grant us enough Yaqeen by which it becomes easy for us in
this world to do that which is right. Oh Allah, we ask that You
grant us
pious people to surround us Oh Allah we ask that You grant us
kind and righteous people who are friends. Oh Allah we ask You for
protection from the evil people from the evil enemy of Allah we
ask you protection from evil companions of Allah, we ask that
you allow us to control our desires of Allah, we ask that you
allow us to be confident in our way to grant us the true
understanding. Oh Allah, whatever challenges that we have a one
Allah grant us an ability to understand and to do that which is
right. And Allah grant us satisfaction in our hearts, grant
us contentment in our heart, remove the darkness from our life.
Remove the turbulences. Oh Allah removed the difficulties that we
face, oh Allah fulfill our permissible, permissible desires
are permissible needs of Allah we ask you for your help we ask you
for your assistance or Allah bless all those who are sitting here
today all those who are listening, all those who will listen Oh
Allah, we ask that you bless us all. You can grant us guidance you
grant us understanding and Oh Allah, you make us of those who
are close to you. Oh Allah who are loved by you and who love you. Oh
Allah make the best of our days the final days of our life. And oh
Allah make the best moment of our life the day that we stand in
front of you. Oh Allah send you abundant blessings on our
messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam granted his
company in the hereafter Subhan Allah because Allah is setting
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