Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Sincere but Flawed Actions

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The speakers discuss the importance of belief in compensation, rewarding employees, finding one's culture, and finding one's own values. They also touch on the topic of Islam and its cultural boundaries, as well as the importance of knowing one's own hadith and finding guidance on one's actions. The speakers emphasize the need for guidance and luck in building successful businesses, and encourage people to read the " quran" and learn about their beliefs to gain knowledge and value.
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My mother, may Allah bless her abundantly, died
from cancer about 12 years ago, after dealing
with cancer for 10 years.
My belief is that she is a martyr,
a type of a martyr, a type of
a shaheed.
Because whenever anybody dies due to this unnatural
means of a disease or something, the Prophet
ﷺ has called them martyrs, which means that
they have a special status, inshaAllah.
That makes me feel good.
It lessens the burden of the sadness of
it, right?
Alhamdulillah, she's in a better place now.
Now, doesn't that make my life better?
Because I can deal with it better.
Now, a person who doesn't believe in the
hereafter, who doesn't believe in compensation and reward
and punishment, all of that stuff, and this
world is only it.
Imagine he had a mother or an auntie
who suffered for 10 years, miserable life, and
then she died.
What's his thought gonna be?
Massive trauma.
Okay, somebody might turn around and say, but
you know what?
You're just making yourself feel good.
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا عليه كما
يحب ربنا ويرضى جل جلاله وعلم نواله والصلاة
والسلام على سيد الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله تعالى
عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وذارك وسلم تسليما كثيرا
إلى يوم الدين أما بعد قال الله تعالى
في القرآن المجيد والفرقان الحميد هل يستوي الذين
يعلمون والذين لا يعلمون إنما يتذكر أولو الألباب
وقال تعالى بل هو آيات بينات في صدور
الذين أوتوا العلم صدق الله العظيم أهلا
ومرحبا بكم أهلا ومرحبا بكم أهلا ومرحبا بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بكم أهلا ومرحبا بكم أهلا ومرحبا
بكم أهلا
ومرحبا بكم So Alhamdulillah it was it is
what it is right we can never plan
100% what we're going to do and
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sends us blessings
in various different forms so Alhamdulillah we are
here may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept
it due to the blessing of staying in
the masjid may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
open up other things that have been restricted
for us may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
give us so much blessing that work that
has been stuck gets done and work we
should be doing or we could have been
doing that Alhamdulillah then Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala let that happen very easily and if
we were going to waste our time anyway
so it's better to have been in the
masjid anyway so that we can't speak about.
Mashallah what I used to be an imam
in a small community in America as for
about eight years small community kind of off
the beaten path as such and what happens
in smaller communities is there's not as much
that goes on in terms of the knowledge
Alhamdulillah you have your imams and they're doing
the best that they can but there's not
like a frequent visits from different scholars like
we have in London nearly every week we've
got somebody visiting from somewhere outside the country
or around the country because everybody comes to
and even some other cities that are kind
of on the main pathways of the UK
so what happens is everybody kind of gets
a bit lost in the dunya sometimes we
get lost in the world though we have
affinity to our faith we love our faith
we want to do something with our faith
but what happens is that when we lose
inspiration human beings human beings all human beings
are social creatures they're social beings we're civic
by nature they say in Arabic we are
by nature social what that means is that
very few of us can exist alone Allah
has made us a collaborative community I can't
make and design and manufacture everything that I
need I do what I can somebody else
will be a doctor somebody else will be
an engineer somebody will be a manufacturer somebody
will be a chef somebody will be a
cook we get together and we do things
together this is that by design Allah has
made us like that that's and number two
we are mostly in affected by what's happening
around us that has a huge influence on
our lives one of the biggest influences in
our life is our culture and you can't
get rid of culture you can change a
culture or aspects of your culture but you
can't have no culture nobody can tell me
I don't have a culture you're from a
Somali culture or Nigerian culture or a Pakistani
culture you can say I no longer adhere
to Somali Nigerian Pakistani culture but it just
means you've taken on another culture that's why
in this country which alhamdulillah as I look
around here we must have at least five
six seven different ethnicities there's our Bangladeshi brothers
and then there is our am I fair
to assume Nigerian right not you I was
talking about brothers there's Nigerian and then Pakistani
right Pakistani or Pakistani not Pakistani okay and
then Indian mashaAllah Indian what else is left
out Bangladesh I said right first right Algeria
so that's amazing around 50 to 100 years
ago we probably wouldn't have met one another
we would all been like in our own
little areas right whether that be in Afghanistan
which city are you from they're from Kabul
or somewhere else you know you would have
been in some other area and it would
have just been same people like us right
however we move into this country now I
can mashaAllah make Harira soup at home from
Morocco I can take hummus from Lebanon right
I can do different things so our culture
for our younger brothers especially is changing very
fast it's a mixed culture now the thing
is that is what what should we do
and what should we take as our culture
there's if you're from Nigeria you can't maintain
Nigerian culture 100% in England it's impossible
but when you go back to Nigeria you
look at like man I don't agree with
everything because you've changed your culture slightly so
what should be the criteria for what should
our culture be we're always going to be
primarily the culture of our forefathers for a
certain time you'll always be hold the culture
Bangladesh people who are from originally that they'll
usually you know enjoy the sip on mass
and the royal mass and elish and all
the rest of it right you will enjoy
that but there's going to be pizza and
pasta somewhere there right fish and chips will
come into it and then there'll be some
biryani that might slip in and other stuff
as well right so how do we decide
what is ours and what is good and
bad Allah has given us the simple criteria
and beautiful guy which is Islam our job
is to determine everything what is Islamic or
is not Islamic in all of our cultures
we have problems as well most of our
cultures there's no 100 percent on Islamic culture
it's a Muslim culture but it's got some
issues in there and then it's got some
very good points in there we have to
take the best of our culture and we
can take the best of anybody else's culture
and make that my culture right sorry oh
where I'm from where am I from what
do you think so I've got a Turkish
hat I've got a Turkish hat an Indian
cloth turban my watch is Japanese this is
Saudi Arabian the microphone is I Australian or
something I'm not sure my socks are probably
British so tell me where am I from
right Muslim yeah I'm originally Indian right I'm
originally Indian but Alhamdulillah we have so the
Prophet ﷺ when Islam when he started his
mission when he had the Wahi and revelation
he didn't completely change this his culture just
the bad elements of that culture the problematic
issues in that culture he got rid of
he refined it if there was something he
wore Roman garments which was fine Roman culture
was not his but he took something that
was Roman shoes or something else and that's
completely fine so the criteria is what is
Halal and Haraam Islam gives us always major
boundaries don't do this don't do that don't
go beyond this this should be the principle
you should adhere to Islam doesn't tell us
exactly how to dress but it gives us
some boundaries and a template almost right that
the Prophet ﷺ used to dress this way
and he said don't do this and don't
dress like that and don't expose this part
of your body and don't expose that part
of your body he gives us a lot
of leeway to do this that thing now
what happens in smaller communities that are away
from larger communities is there's not that much
movement yes we have whatsapp today but whatsapp
brings you good and bad we have social
media but unfortunately there's good and lots of
bad on there so how do we how
are we gonna maintain it for our children
that's why if I read to you a
statement of Imam Al-Zahabi rahimahullah Imam Al
-Zahabi was one of the greatest hadith masters
hadith scholars historian and a big hadith scholar
he is such a big hadith scholar that
until his time right so he died about
seven eight hundred years ago so until his
time all of those from the to his
time anybody anybody who related a hadith or
who transmitted a hadith so sahaba then the
people from them the people from them and
the people from them until his time he
knew everybody and he seemed like he knew
it by heart that's why he has a
student his name was Shamsuddin Al-Zahabi his
student was Imam Zaynuddin Al-Iraqi his student
says about his teacher that if if Allah
gets my teacher to stand on a small
hill on the day of judgment among the
people he will be able to point out
to you every single person who related a
hadith that's hundreds of thousands of people right
he will be able to tell you what's
their full name where they were born if
we know that information when he died he'll
be able to you who his teachers were
and who his students were he'll be able
to tell you what hadith they've transmitted and
whether they were strong and reliable or not
he wrote books multiple books 30 volumes each
huge books of 20 to 30 volumes each
this is a person who's a historian he
knows he's studied all of these things he
knows all of these things and he says
that if there's one fitna challenge that the
ummah has always had and will probably always
have is ignorance when the person has ignorance
that is what causes them to do all
sorts of wrong things just think of all
of the wrong that's going on in the
world why is that happening most of the
time it's ignorant sometimes people know but they
still do it right but a lot of
the time it's out of ignorance i don't
know what's right and wrong i just do
it based on my own rational understanding on
my own logic or i do it based
on my culture i do it based because
i think this is islam this is my
view of islam and alhamdulillah you have imams
mashallah but i've been to countries where many
masajid don't have imams for various reasons sometimes
maybe they just don't have the but i
think a lot of the time it's like
if you have an imam then you get
restricted you can't say what you want any
community that doesn't have an imam you know
what i've seen there everybody's a mufti any
community where they don't have one imam or
two imams or something everybody gives their own
fatwas if you're practicing and you're trying to
practice you're going to need your faith from
somewhere you have to have guidance from somewhere
and they just think i can i'm a
muslim i've got capabilities like i'm self-diagnosing
as a doctor i'm not even a doctor
but because i have a body and the
subject of medicine is body right what else
is the subject of medicine the subject of
the body a subject of medicine the medical
field is the human body i have a
human body as well i should be an
expert in it as well yes people are
going to call you crazy right so a
lot of people they think that just because
i'm a muslim i have a right to
say what i want about islam no there's
a knowledge you have to have it's based
on knowledge and if we don't have enough
access to knowledge then we'll and we still
want to practice or we don't want to
practice we'll just do whatever we want thinking
it's islam and mashallah there's lots of people
are very sincere they're very sincere they want
to do something for islam but there's two
things which are required allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala says in the quran that allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala wants to test you to
see which one of you is the best
in action what does he mean by best
in action what ingredients make the best action
so then the mufasireen they explain meaning that
which is most correct and not there's no
mistakes in there there's no deviance in there
it is correct this is what allah wants
this is what the ulema have said this
is what's coming from the quran sunnah so
it has to be correct after it's correct
then it has to be sincere for the
sake of allah so if it's correct but
no sincerity then it's going to be deficient
and if it's sincere but incorrect for example
there was a a female professor she studied
islam and went quite far she decided that
the west is constantly saying that islam suppresses
women i want to do something about it
maybe she was very sincere i want to
do something about it so what i'm going
to do is i'm going to lead a
prayer a jumu'ah prayer and what's wrong
with it that is going to show that
we have equality right that is going to
show that we have equality so that's what
she did everybody came out against her even
lots of liberal people except the very very
liberal because this is something which is not
allowed she might have had sincere i don't
want to judge her sincerity but i know
a lot of other people who are very
sincere they just don't have guidance they try
to do something without guidance from and then
they get it wrong and say look come
on this is wrong oh man i shouldn't
have got it wrong so you have to
be sincere but you have to know what's
right and you can't know what's right without
having knowledge so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
makes it very clear in the quran can
the people who know can the people who
don't know be the same as the ones
who do know allah makes that distinction that
if you know and you don't know makes
a massive difference another way to understand this
is that i mean knowledge is light knowledge
is light that's an amazing way to explain
it's an amazing metaphor if we're in a
dark place we're going to be fumbling around
we want to get find the door but
it's pitch dark nowadays you hardly ever have
pitch dark because there's only some light blinking
somewhere isn't there right everything has a light
on it and you never get pitch black
right but you know what i'm saying like
imagine pitch black dark room how are you
going to find the door you'll have to
fumble around maybe drop over you know trip
over something bang into a wall and hopefully
then you'll finally find the door right you
need light likewise we don't know what from
us that has to come from and there's
an internal source of intuition people are they
have a natural faith in their heart when
they're born a natural faith but that doesn't
tell them how to pray it just gives
them an idea that you must believe in
a higher lord everybody's born with that that's
why that's our fitra yes exactly it's our
fitra that's why children will never deny allah
just like hey i don't i don't unless
they're taught to deny allah they've come from
that pure realm so there's a natural faith
we have but it's not going to tell
us how to pray though or that we
must fast it's just going to tell us
that you have to look up to a
higher being there's something bigger than you that's
why lots of people who uh don't want
a faith they still have to have something
they look up to it's humanly inbuilt whether
that's money whether that's a stone whether that's
an idol whether that's their job i just
came from one country where their job is
their god they just work they don't it's
not about money it's just about doing something
well and they just work and work and
work so you're gonna have to do something
and revere something alhamdulillah we revere allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala in villages and primitive societies
where they will start to revere and respect
the oldest tree because it's so big and
it gives so much benefit they will revere
the mountain that says the mountain god this
is just alhamdulillah allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
tells us i am your creator i am
active with you i am providing you everything
so that's how that's why we have that
now without knowledge we're going to be confused
and anybody in a confused state it's a
very bad place to be you don't know
what's right and wrong it's just so much
um confusion in the mind is is is
not even good for your health that's why
we need to know what's right and wrong
imagine you did a salat in your prayer
and you made a mistake now you don't
know whether your salat is broken or it's
just uh deficient and it's okay or you
have to repeat it you just don't know
that's confusion then another something occurs that's two
and you don't find out then number three
something else happens unless you just care free
and you don't care then you know that's
another issue that's why ilm is a light
that's why ignorance has to be darkness so
just like we don't know where to go
in darkness without having knowledge which is light
we're not going to know where to go
we're just going to take whatever and now
the world we live in doesn't let you
live your own life the world we live
in now does not allow you to live
your own life it wants you to lead
a life that benefits them these big corporations
it wants you to lead a life where
you must buy the next apple phone every
year even if you don't need it that
you must spend on black friday even if
you don't need something because that is how
we're going to measure the economy how many
people can we get onto the streets or
online to sell to buy things whole different
measure of things even in non-muslim countries
it wasn't about money before money was always
an issue and always an interest but it
was it was about just buying what you
needed because there wasn't now you you are
forced our children are forced to buy things
you don't live your own life such influencer
is saying you must do it this way
so you feel you must also do it
that way very few people actually think for
themselves practically productively do i really need this
do i want to do it this way
they just follow the trends and now with
social media conditioning they can even get you
to vote for what you don't even know
is beneficial or harmful by just showing you
certain stories so carefully manicured and choreographed and
it's well designed to make you think a
certain way there is just so much confusion
that these people are winning in a particular
area are they right or wrong some news
busy and telling you it's right and some
are telling you it's really bad it's just
so much confusion that is going on in
the world so has is that knowledge that's
an overabundance of data that's not knowledge there's
a difference between knowledge and data there's lots
of stuff being bombarded so we don't even
know what's good or bad for us to
be honest you know on tiktok and places
like that they tell you how to make
a herbal remedy for a sore throat i
don't even know if i trust that anymore
because or a recipe to make this beautiful
cake because lots of them they're actually fake
if you try to do that recipe it
won't work so i don't even know we
live in such a confusion confusing world so
in life we need to be productive we
have to have our principles a high-valued
individual in the sight of allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is one who has principles and
they stick to those principles the world today
the world today that means the politicians and
the big corporate leaders they don't want us
to have principles if you're a principled person
then you won't buy the next product you
won't vote correctly you will cause an issue
you can't be led you can't be blindly
led i'm not saying become a radical i'm
just saying just think for ourselves what's to
my benefit my belief says that this world
is not what i live for my belief
says that this is the world that i'm
in for a temporary period of maybe 60
70 80 90 years but there's another huge
endless infinite world that we're going to go
to and this world is going to have
a direct impact on that world that's what
my belief tells me so i'm going to
think differently from a person whose life ends
with death imagine if you don't believe in
the hereafter imagine that's not even a belief
and you just think this is it you're
then going to try to make this world
the best you can in terms of indulgence
in terms of fulfilling passions fulfilling your desires
make it as exciting as possible i don't
care what anybody else gets out of it
i don't care if i harm anybody else
for that matter but when it's about the
hereafter then look at the benefit of that
the benefit is that imagine there's a miserable
person so for example my mother may allah
bless her abundantly died from cancer about 12
years ago out of after dealing with cancer
for 10 years my belief is that she
is a martyr a type of a martyr
a type of a shaheed because whenever anybody
dies due to these unnatural means of a
disease or something the prophet must call them
martyrs which means that they have a special
status inshallah that makes me feel good it
lessens the burden of the of the of
the sadness of it right now alhamdulillah she's
in a better place now now doesn't that
make my life better because i can deal
with it better now a person who doesn't
believe in the hereafter who doesn't believe in
compensation and reward and punishment all of that
stuff and this world is only it imagine
he had a mother or an auntie who
suffered for 10 years miserable life and then
she died what's his thought gonna be massive
trauma okay somebody might turn around and say
but you know what you're just making yourself
feel good it's just a way to make
yourself feel good right somebody could turn around
and say that none of this is reality
you're just making yourself feel good because of
this belief you had so what's my response
to that it's fine nobody really knows what's
gonna happen afterwards at least i can for
the rest of my life here feel good
why do i want to feel miserable for
and think that everybody's gonna perish and go
nowhere at least i'm at least i'm going
to be more optimistic and that's what the
research shows that people who believe just do
much better usually everybody has issues because the
nature of the world is to have issues
nobody in this world doesn't have any pain
there's always a pain of some sort that's
the nature of the world man the whole
world is going to end so that's why
ipads they end you know water finishes something
breaks you get a you know you have
a problem with your body because the whole
world is going to end that they're just
showing us on a micro level that things
are finishing things are going to end nothing
lasts forever in this world except your deeds
that carry you to the hereafter now there's
no way that we can be successful unless
we learn if there's offers out there if
there's offers out there and you don't even
bother checking anyway you're not going to know
there's an offer however if you go out
to search you check online for offers then
you're going to find the offers that's why
people with knowledge they know how to build
a hereafter they know how to build a
house they know how to buy things for
it what to do for it because if
you look at all of the ulama right
when they discuss how to become closer to
allah how to get on this path of
becoming closer to allah they the the first
the first stage across the board that everybody
talks about is what it's either it's a
toss between two things knowledge and tawbah something
knowledge first then tawbah because if you repentance
that means if you don't have knowledge we're
not going to be able to repent because
we're not going to know what we're doing
is wrong so how are you going to
repent that's pretty much majority say that you
have to learn first so you have to
know where we are when we learn oh
i know what i'm state i'm in if
i had some pain in the eyes and
i'm like what could it you know you
think sinister thoughts it could be worse than
is i go to a doctor he does
all the tests oh you know what it's
just a case of dry ice there's nothing
it's not cataracts it's not something else how
does that make you feel suddenly lifts a
whole burden off your head you just feel
suddenly much better cycle where humans are psychological
beings we're driven by our thoughts we're driven
by our motivations you get two people both
go to university at the same time to
study one of them is going there just
to escape home to get some freedom right
he doesn't care about tomorrow or three years
down he doesn't need he's not even looking
at graduation like i'll i'll deal with that
when it comes the other guy day he
knows exactly where he wants to be he's
got role models this is who i want
to be like i'm going to study for
the next three or four years then i'm
going to do this and then i'm i
want to get that kind of job and
then i want to now just different motivations
they both started university on the same day
which one is going to do better the
second guy because he's got he knows what
he's doing he's going to be driven he's
not going to waste time the first guy
he's going to get misled he's going to
go for looking for parties he's going to
not study well he's just going to scrape
through as long as i don't have to
go back home right something like that motivation
is what helps you why is it that
a young woman right who uh a young
woman there's two of them one is committed
wants to be committed to her faith so
she's able to wear a scarf and go
places she's not embarrassed she's like pride she
has pride about that she's proud about that
and she can walk through she has no
problem by the way it's like what are
people gonna say and that just doesn't let
her go past same imagine there's two sisters
same kind of idea psychology is everything how
are we going to change our psychology is
by being motivated by knowledge knowledge is where
everything begins now the issue we have right
is that the people who are born muslim
especially from muslim countries we probably studied a
bit of islam at a young age usually
that's the tradition right to study islam at
a young age you go to a little
madrasa the local masjid where you have a
teacher come and teach you that is to
establish the basis after a person has gone
through those two three years finish quran reading
or whatever they do they don't ever study
islam again okay what's the issue that the
issue is that when you're young you're looking
at everything from a child's mind you're not
that mature we're not that mature right and
we're also taught at a very basic level
just to get our deen set up and
for us to move along when we become
adults we've never looked at islam properly in
a concentrated way we've never read a book
on the prophet we don't know who our
prophet is except that we got some anecdotes
from his life when somebody's giving a bayan
in a masjid in a jumuah maybe a
story online we've heard but how many of
us have actually read from the prophet's birth
to his end a continuous seerah and life
story we don't even know our prophets in
that sense we never even bothered trying we
have bits of knowledge which is we think
is enough and alhamdulillah it keeps us going
but the prophet had hundreds of thousands of
statements imam ahmad ibn hanbal you must have
heard of him rahimahullah he knew a million
hadiths by heart a thousand thousand hadiths by
heart and those are all the guidance how
many of us have said you know what
i want to check out at least 10
hadith of my messenger let me go and
check out 10 hadith 40 hadith yes random
hadith will come to us on whatsapp we
don't even know if they're right or wrong
though if they're if they're authentic or not
or you might hear a hadith in a
bayan it's all randomized in it you don't
really study so if you get random points
of science you'll know a little patchwork of
science but if you study science then you'll
understand science it's the same thing then let's
move on to the quran allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala sent us a message imagine it
i've had this case i'm not very good
at responding so sometimes i check my messages
after a week and it's stale by now
the guy needed an answer yesterday i've had
a case where i was invited to a
conference that didn't happen today by the way
but i was invited to a conference and
i didn't i told them i'm gonna confirm
and then something happened and i was gonna
tell them i don't want to come they
didn't wait for that because it's such a
big conference they were just and there was
a message that came which i went into
my junk i found it in my junk
i put it into my inbox but i
didn't i said i'll check it one day
before the conference i just decided to check
it there was a business class ticket for
me that had already been issued for a
conference the next morning i can't go now
all right so we make those kind of
mistakes sometimes that is the same example that
in the hereafter allah is going to say
i sent you a message like an email
or whatsapp or whatever i sent you a
message you had it but you never checked
it out i'm really sorry i know it
was there i had it in my house
i had like two three copies of it
actually i had it on my phone as
well but i never bothered checking it out
i just didn't get around to it that's
that's usual that's the quran the quran is
a message to every single one of us
have you ever have we ever looked at
the quran as a message to everybody just
once in our life just once before we
die the sooner the better let us just
go through the quran to see what allah
is telling us not to become muftis because
you can't become muftis like that not to
give fatwas just to understand what god is
who allah is and what he wants from
us and if you just go through a
few pages you'll get hooked because you'll start
seeing what reality is allah knows us better
than anybody else allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
has set this system up and he's mentioned
everything in the quran that's the manual he
sent us the message but we haven't read
it so get a translation of the quran
for those who don't understand arabic directly get
a translation just start reading just for the
sake of you know what i'm doing is
just to know my lord get rid of
ignorance about my lord i don't know my
lord and if you don't know something you
can't be attracted to something if i want
to buy a car the only way i
get attracted to a particular car is the
more i find out about it so i
find that this book has sorry this car
has this spec and that facility and that
uh you know uh what do you call
it that speed and whatever i'm like okay
i want that car not this one because
i'm finding more of its quality so i
feel inclined to it i get attracted to
it then i want it without that knowledge
why should i be attracted to a car
then once i want to buy a particular
car don't you start seeing it everywhere have
you noticed that because overnight the company found
out your interest is they flooded the streets
with it and until then there were no
none in their way and then suddenly you
start seeing them everywhere why do you start
seeing them because you've noticed it you've noticed
that's why we don't see allah everywhere we
don't notice him anywhere because we're just not
we've other things that are blocking that preventing
that that darkness is just that darkness yallah
protect us allah grant us knowledge that we
can follow all right so that's why what
i'm going to say uh to finish off
and then i'll open it up for some
questions is rest of our life is for
us to know we want to finally when
we reach allah we want to go in
our best possible state with the most knowledge
because the more knowledge we have the more
we can do something about it the more
we can take out the wrongs from our
life because then we know we might not
be able to do it straight away once
you find out hey i'm doing this wrong
it might be difficult to get rid of
it straight away but at least if we
know that it's going to bother us and
then one day we're like okay i'm not
doing this anymore i've got enough inspiration to
do that now without knowledge we're just absolutely
ignorant and that knowledge is going to be
what saves us just like the knowledge is
a light in this world when you look
at the munafiqeen the hypocrites allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala strikes us such a you know
such a graphic example of what's going to
happen because they used to call themselves muslim
and be with the muslims initially they're going
to be allowed to go with the muslims
but because they had no light they had
no solid knowledge suddenly the light will be
diminished and it's going to be a very
smart light in that day in the sense
that anybody with a believer is going to
have a light for them only if i
have a light today other people can benefit
from that light i can't just have a
light for myself that only i can see
with that light and nobody else can you
can't have that right if i'm using my
phone's torch everybody else can benefit if they're
close enough that's going to be a smart
light that that light's only going to be
for me inshallah and everybody else for themselves
now the munafiqeen the hypocrites we don't know
where to go so they're going to call
out like let us come with you we
were with you no you weren't they're going
to lose their light so they're going to
stumble into hellfire they can't go to paradise
this whole existence of ours is with light
that light is knowledge both physically and spiritually
allah is the one who creates the light
for this world in terms of the physical
light or artificial light that we have when
there's not enough physical natural light but it's
also the light of knowledge that is a
light the light of knowledge is a light
we study in this world inshallah the more
we can the more we can from reliable
that's what you have to check that you
don't think you're studying shaitan doesn't want us
to study then when we start studying he's
going to pull us push us in a
direction to uh to make us think that
we're getting something out of it and it's
going to be the wrong light so we
have to make sure we get the right
consult with your ulama about that if you
want to find a good doctor you know
you consult with other doctors otherwise people might
say that's a very good doctor but other
doctors like no no we know that guy
he's not that good of a doctor consult
your ulama and for the rest of our
life now learn something learn something read the
quran read the hadith take a class read
a book so much going on you know
in our life that's like okay i want
to read at least the quran once like
the minimum i want to at least read
the quran with meaning once i want to
read at least i don't know 40 to
you know a thousand hadiths or this particular
riyadh salihin for example is a wonderful book
i want to at least read that once
i want to know how my prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam spoke i want to understand
his psychology i want to understand the way
he approached things i want to understand his
demeanor we're going to learn that from and
then i want to read one seerah to
understand his life story and then if there's
any issue that comes in my life where
i'm confused i'm going to consult the ulama
and i'm going to continue to take at
least one class a week somewhere whether i
mean read a part of a book or
take and alhamdulillah has made it so easy
for us now that we have ulama on
demand what that means is you go on
to youtube onto reliable channels right or to
websites where they're providing you know reliable ulama
are providing dhruvs and you can double speed
them if you want to if they're talking
a bit too slow and you're getting a
bit bored you can double speed them and
if you want you miss some things like
no no say that again so you repeat
him again i mean you can't do that
right now like that brother poor guy he
asked me a question i'll answer you later
right so he's waiting for the answer right
whereas there you're like okay let me just
forward right to the end it's all at
your fingertips do we have any excuse and
you need that for motivation especially you know
in places where you don't get so much
access to that we need that motivation because
without motivation we just die we we become
we become too that the world is so
attractive and our our soul is so inclined
to the world that if we don't try
to straighten it and learn something and be
motivated towards allah it's always going to go
the wrong side and it's just happening for
too long and people are committing all sorts
of allah protect us it's so easy today
in the hyper sexualized world the hyper passion
world that we live in just to go
wrong it's so easy to do it allah
help us and protect us so knowledge is
the first step then we build then we
make toba for our previous wrong deeds and
we go on the right path and then
we do shukr to allah for what he
has given us we do sabr and patience
for the difficulties that come in our path
and we make dua to allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala to keep us going and then
inshallah la ilaha illallah on our deathbed and
once we get la ilaha illallah on our
deathbed inshallah we will rise on the day
of judgment and be in the shade of
the throne of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
when other people will not know what to
do where they're going what's the situation going
to be huge turmoil and inshallah allah give
us closeness to the prophets and the shuhada
and the salihin and then inshallah the judgment
will be made that you go to jannah
and that is the reason for going jannah
is we're going to be able to meet
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala give us the tawfiq and
allah make it easy for us remove our
ignorance remove this darkness from our life grant
us noor grant us the noor in this
world and the noor of the hereafter subhanarabbika
rabbil izzati amma yusifuna wassalamu ala al mursaleena
walhamdulillahi rabbil alaam the point of a lecture
is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration an encouragement persuasion the next
step is to actually start learning seriously to
read books to take on a subject of
islam and to understand all the subjects of
islam at least at their basic level so
that we can become more aware of what
our deen wants from us and that's why
we started rayyan courses so that you can
actually take organized lectures on demand whenever you
have free time especially for example the islamic
essentials course that we have on there the
islamic essentials certificate which you take 20 short
modules and at the end of that inshallah
you will have gotten the basics of most
of the most important topics in islam and
you'll feel a lot more confident you don't
have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to leave you know to listen to lectures
but you need to have this more sustained
study as well jazakallah khair and assalamu alaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh