Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Simplified Zakat Guidance How Much Can Be Given to One Person

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various issues related to gold and silver prices, including regulations on giving large amounts of money to individuals, the possibility of giving small amounts of money to individuals and the potential for logistics and logistics issues. They suggest that people should not give too much money to individuals and that certain factors, such as income and debt, could affect their decision.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. The second issue for today is when you

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give zakat to someone, how much can you give to someone. So let's

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just say somebody's got 10,000 pounds of zakat to give can they

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go and give that to one single individual. So we have some laws

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in there. Firstly, I'd like to mention that if somebody does give

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a single individual a huge amount, the Zakat would be dispensed. But

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it would be mcru. Generally, it would be Makrooh and undesirable

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and reprehensible to do this, if whoever you're giving it to the

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recipient, the poor person, right, if he now becomes the owner of an

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ESOP. So now let me explain that

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if somebody has got a large family, or a few members of the

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family, and you want to give them and today, you want to give them

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maybe 1000 pounds, based on the silver nisab, which we've

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discussed elsewhere, the silver nisab is around 250 pounds or so

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that means you're giving him four times that amount. Now, generally,

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what they say this is one way to look at it, what they say is that

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if he's got a big enough family, and they're all in need, right, so

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he's got several children. And if you were to take that 1000 pound,

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and you were to divide that among the family members, the wife, the

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children, then they would actually all end up with less than an ESOP

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each, then that would be fine, because you would expect that they

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would need this kind of money or funds to be able to spend in the

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next month or two. All right, so that's one way, number two, if the

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person is in need, and he's also in debt. So let's just say that he

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has a debt of 10,000 pounds, you give him six out of 10,000 pounds,

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that would be completely fine, there'd be no undesirability in

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there, because you're giving the money so that he can pay off his

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debt. And he would not retain any sub his assets. If you basically

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take his net

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assets and his his liabilities, he would not have any sub left. So if

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a person is in debt, you can actually give them a more as well.

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So that's two things. Now, today, people are going to be saying, if

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I give 250 pound to somebody a practical whatever the nisab of

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silver is today, 250 300 pounds, $500, whatever it is, if I give

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that much, that's going to be for some people, that's half a month's

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rent, or for some people's one month's rent, which in two days is

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going to spend. So that's just going to go into rent, what about

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for everything else? So I think in cases like this, we have some

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leeway that we could probably go buy the gold nisab. Right, which

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would be more in the in the few 1000s 234 1000. And until you

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don't go beyond that we could for these particular circumstances,

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maybe we could use that benchmark and say that, okay, as long as you

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don't give too much, but the spirit of this, you should

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understand that you want to try to help more people, rather than just

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lump it all on one person, so that they become in Sharia terms,

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wealthy now, right? Of course, if they're going to need some money

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for the next three, four months, they have no other income, they've

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lost their job, they don't expect to get it right, then maybe, you

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know, the Corolla could be offset the undesirable it could be offset

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if you gave them you know, 1000 or 2000 pounds if you're, if you

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still want to go with the silver nisab threshold and you don't want

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to go with the gold, but either way, I think yeah, otherwise you

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can give them slowly, slowly. The best way would be that if you want

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to go with the golden Islam, you give them to a 250 pound right

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now, if they got no debt or whatever, and they just gonna need

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it for the next two weeks and then you give it them again, but

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sometimes that creates more logistics nightmare logistical

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nightmare, sometimes that you have to keep remembering to give them

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so that's why if it's for one or two months, that they're going to

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need it and there's certain bills that they're going to have to pay

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maybe we can just look at the gold lease for that instead. So insha

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Allah Allah, Allah subhanaw taala allow us to dispense our zakat

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carefully and properly and accept it from us.

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