Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Signs of the Last Day Series The Resurrection, the Pool Kawthar, and the Prophetic Intercession
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AI: Transcript ©
Alhamdulillah Hamden cathedra on the uban Mubarak and fie Mubarak
anally he coma your hip Bharat buena Yatta Jalla Jalla, who I'm
unaware of, or salat wa salam O Allah say you didn't Habibollah
Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sahbihi Oba cosa limited
the Sleeman Kathira on Eli Yomi, Dean America, we were speaking
about the proceedings on the Day of Judgment, how the sun will be
very close, and how each person's record will be shown to them.
Then we spoke about going over the bridge, and how a person will go
over the bridge using his actions, his good deeds.
Today we move on to
the lake the watering place, the pool of Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam the hold called alfalfa. So after
many of these
proceedings of the Day of Judgment will be over for the believers,
the next place that they will go to, they will reach the hold the
Lake of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And they will drink from it. When they drink from it, their thirst
will vanish. If you remember, when people came out and were
resurrected, they would be as this they would be more thirsty than
they'd ever been.
And then the sun being so close on the Day of Judgment, the first
will obviously only increase the people who are good and affect
good deeds, they'll be in the shade, so it will be easier for
However, when they get to this hold, they'll be given to drink.
And this water is such that the twist thirst will be completely
The water is described as being whiter than milk, more fragrant
than musk and sweeter than honey.
Allah knows exactly what that means. And only he does. Because
for us in this worldly sense to understand water, as sweet as
honey, as white as milk, and as fragrant, more fragrant than musk.
That's something that is beyond our comprehension because we've
never seen water like that. How can water be white, fragrant like
musk, it looks like some kind of very special drink. But it will
have such an effect that a person will never feel thirsty again.
Now this co author will have two channels bringing water to it.
So this is the hotel culture.
There's also a hadith which speaks about a river called coauthor in
paradise itself. We're not in paradise yet. This is still
outside of paradise. And here this is the watering place, it's going
to be fed by two rivers, it's going to be fed by two sources.
This source is from Paradise, which is from the river coaster in
paradise. So this is also called coauthor. Its breath. Its width is
one month's journey, its length is likewise. So it's a month journey
And around it will be pictures, meaning vessels, bowls, cups,
something to drink with so many as the stars in the sky. And when you
look up, you just see an abundant number. So likewise, this will be
an abundant number. There's no need to count them. There'll be
enough everybody. Anyone who drinks one sip, just one sip of
it, it's so potent. It is such beautiful water, that they will
never thirst again. Where exactly is the hole? In terms of the
places of the Hereafter before paradise is clearly before
paradise. But where exactly is it? And where exactly will it come
before the bridge after the bridge? From what we've read, it
seems to come after the bridge. But there are a number of
different there is a difference of opinion, whether the hold will be
after the bridge before entering Jannah so that a person never
feels thirsty again. Or is it before the balance and the bridge.
So before even this starts before the accounting begins, the
believers will be given to drink. So both options are possible.
Because there's nothing definitive about exactly where it is. It's
definitely somewhere in the Hereafter.
This nation this OMA will be recognized among the nations
specially this ummah will have a distinction. And what will that
be? That will be that they their limbs will be shining with the
effects of the whoo the ablution whatever we wash in ablution it
will be shining. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said when you wash
Wash, thoroughly wash extra. And it says extend your light. orator
who extend your light doesn't mean you wash your whole body each time
but just means wash thoroughly and make sure you include your elbow
and wash it properly, a bit above the elbow, for instance and above
the ankle, because that will be of your benefit to you in the
hereafter. That people will be recognized by this this OMA will
be recognized by this. And then it mentions in a hadith that some
people will be driven away from this house, they'll get there
somehow, but they will be driven away. After the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam has seen and recognize them, they will be taken
to the left side.
Now he's recognize them.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is so concerned about
his ummah. He's recognized them as he's recognized everybody, how
does the prophets of Allah and recognizes them?
Or they might have different opinions about exactly how that's
possible. But the fact that our actions are displayed to the
Prophet sallallahu sallam, over and over again.
He knows our sending of blessings.
It doesn't just go in random Oh, you've got 20 blessings. You've
got 50 blessings or 50,000 blessings. It's mentioned who it's
come from. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been given
the ability to remember all of this. So he will recognize people.
Maybe somebody's done so but then they messed up their system a bit
afterwards, they corrupted the ways they became a bit deviant. So
these people will be driven away after the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam has recognized them, he will say, they're from my
companions, meaning they're people who are my followers. And he will
be answered, You do not know what they've done after you. May Allah
protect us from any action of that nature that we get there. And then
despite getting there, despite being recognized by Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam that were not able to be given to drink, after
the after people drink. Another big thing that will happen on that
day is the intercession is the Shiva
and Shaeffer will become permitted. Now, initially, Shiva
will not be permitted. But I will believe in the synergy My belief
is that Shiva is accepted. It's something that will definitely
take place, as mentioned in Quran and other places as well. And the
prophets, the true ones, the Sidious team, the true ones, the
ones who fulfill their obligations to Allah subhanaw taala in a
truthful manner with sincerity, the other Ma and the righteous and
other believers, they will be given permission to intercede and
do Shiva, each according to his rank, and the believers, they will
all be given. Meaning not all believers, but a number of
believers will also be given according to their rank with
Allah, the Most Exalted.
For instance, amen. of this nation will intercede for a number as
large as the flock of Arabia and Mordor. Maybe they had a lot of
cattle, they had a lot of flock. So that was an example given by
Rasulullah Salallahu Salam, that one man from among you, if he is
given the right by Allah subhanho wa Taala he will give he will
intercede for this many people, this many flock you know, similar
to the the flocks of these these tribes huge number when others
will also intercede just for one or two. So, everybody will be
given ability based on their actions that closeness to Allah
subhanaw taala.
The first to be permitted to intercede will be Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
who has said and he said this already, that I am the first to
intercede and the first to be permitted to intercede.
He is the greatest in rank, first to intercede and first to be
permitted. He will ask him to be the first to go to Allah and say
can I intercede
and he will be the first one to be permitted? Yes, you can intercede
because nobody can intercede unless Allah subhanaw taala gives
them permission to intercede.
He is the greatest rank. He has the greatest rank among the
That's our Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
and his is the greatest intercession.
He will intercede many times.
The first and the weightiest of which shall be at the judgment
that will we already spoke about that that will be the major
intercession, the one to start the proceedings on the day. And then
he has said, I shall continue to intercede until I am granted the
release of people who had already been designated hellfire. I will
continue to intercede
until I am granted the release of people who have already been
To the hellfire. So these aren't people whose accounts have not
been done yet. These people are supposed to go to *.
I will intercede even for them. And then he says I will continue
to intercede until it will be said to me. You have left no trace of
your Lord's wrath in your nation. There's no trace of your Lord's
anger in your nation now, you've interceded for so many people,
he'll be given that ability, among his many intercessions will be one
for members of his nation, OMA, who will have actually entered the
fire already, it will take them out. So that they will take they
will be taken up because of that.
And for others who will have their degrees in the garden raised, they
in one status of paradise, they'll be given a higher one.
And on and on, until he will say to his Lord, will you permit me?
He'll push it. He will really do his best.
Until he'll say will you permit me to intercede for everyone who ever
said La ilaha illAllah?
No deeds whatsoever. It just said La Ilaha illa Allah? Can I
intercede for them as well? His mercy will know no bounds, said
Rahmatullah the mean? Can I intercede for those who have ever
said La Ilaha illa Allah, but then Allah subhanho wa taala, the most
sublime will declare to do that is not for you, but by my might. And
Allah was swear number of oaths, by my might, by my greatness, I
shall not let those who believe in me one day in their life, be like
those who did not believe in me at all. Allah subhanho wa Taala will
say you're going to try to outdo me.
I will do this.
This perhaps refers to those people of the fire, whom the Most
Merciful will take out with his hand, but Allah knows best.
Abu Huraira the Allahu Anhu relates that he asked the Prophet
salallahu alayhi wa sallam who would be the most blessed with his
intercession on the day of rising who will be the one who would be
the most fortunate, who will get the biggest benefit.
And he replied, The people most blessed with my intercession shall
be those who said La ilaha illAllah. Sincerely and without
being prompted.
They said it with the class themselves, without having to be
encouraged to say it. Zaha Arkham
relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
Whoever says La Ilaha illa Allah with sincerity shall enter the
Garden. Someone asked a messenger of Allah What does sincerity mean?
What is sincerity in this involve? And he replied, that it should
restrain him from the things Allah has forbidden. So La ilaha
illallah should have gone into the hut.
And that a person recognizes this all the time and is conscious of
the fact that Allah is watching.
And so the Allahu Anhu said that he wants us the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, he wants us Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
that intercede for me
on the day of judgment, so and so the Allahu Anhu must have heard
these are Hadith. So he said to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
intercede for me on the day arising? And he replied, Yes, I
shall do that for you. Allah willing, insha Allah, I will do
that for you. I will do that for you. So he asked him, Where should
I look for you? He's made the promise. But honestly, the Allah
one went to to get a firm commitment. So he said, he must
have been thinking he's going to be millions of people on that day.
And the Prophet sallallahu is where am I going to find him on
that day? So I'm going to get him to make this promise. I'm going to
get a place. So he said, Where should he seek him? Right? Where
should we find them? Where should we look for him? And the promise
that Lawson replied, You should first seek me at the bridge. Which
means he's going to be there, hopefully helping people.
And he said, If I don't find you at the bridge,
because he wasn't firm, so he said, What about if I'm, if I
don't find you at the bridge, he replied, then at the balance at
the scale? And he asked again, what if I don't find you there?
And then he said, then at the hold at the watering place, I shall be
found nowhere but at least three places. I'll be in one of these
three places. So narration is like this seem to indicate that the
bridge comes before the balance and how it comes after the
balance. Allah knows best. You know who will be who will have the
greatest torment on the Day of Judgment.
among all of those of disbelief that among all of those have
sinned there are certain sins will have which will have
a stronger effect on the misery.
Know that one of the most difficult things under the arising
is to have treated people unjustly for injustice is something which
Allah does not overlook. In a hadith injustice is said to be of
three kinds, injustice is said to be of three kinds. This is don't
be talking about one that is never forgiven by Allah, one, injustice
which has never forgiven by Allah subhanaw taala, which is
polytheism schicke. That's the highest level of injustice that is
never forgiven by Allah. Then there's another form of injustice
which is never overlooked by Allah. He will forgive it. If
something else happens, he won't just let it go. The reason is that
somebody else's right is involved in here. That is, when people's
injustice with one another shake is never forgiven. In this one, it
says it's never overlooked because it's people's rights. And then
there's one that is often there is one that's disregarded by Allah
subhanho wa taala. That is when a person's injustice to himself in
that which is between him and Allah, which is you didn't pray he
didn't give zakat, things of that nature. Those things Allah
subhanho wa Taala will overlook, can overlook if he wants to. The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do you know who the
bankrupt one, the bankrupt one is in my ummah, is the famous Hadith.
They said bankrupt people according to us, or those who have
neither money nor property.
But then he said the bankrupt of my nation are those who will come
on day of rising, having prayed, fasted given Zika. But then who
have insulted this one, slandered that one, taken someone's wealth,
beaten him up. This one will be given of his good deeds, that one
will be given of his good deeds, and if his good deeds are
exhausted before all of his debts are paid, that's settled, then he
will be given some of his their sins, which will be cast upon Him,
then He will be thrown into the fire because now he's got too many
It will be also been said that some people will be pleased to
find on their rising that their fathers or their brothers owe them
some debt.
Their own father, their own brothers, owe them some debt, so
that they will demand them and cause them much distress.
Let those who wronged their brothers set those wrongs right
before that day comes when they will be neither dinar nor the ROM,
but only good and evil deeds that will be the currency of the day.
If they have good deeds, they will be taken away from them. And if
they don't, then the evil deeds of the wrong ones will be cast upon
them, and then they will be thrown into the hellfire.
Know that the day of rising is a formidable day, this day of the
armor is a very formidable day.
As Allah says, Do such people not think that they will be
resurrected? We do these things we commit these oppressions in the
world thinking there's no day to answer to it for a formidable day.
Do such people not think that they will be resurrected for a
formidable day, the day when mankind stands for the Lord of the
of stone stood in front of Allah subhanaw taala its hardships or
protracted? Its terror is a great it has been described in a
terrifying manner and at some length by Allah, in his mighty
And by the Messenger of Allah,
upon whom BPCE the righteous predecessors also described it to
us. They learned they describe what they had learned from
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Roma have compiled
many volumes about this, if people want to study more about this,
they can read, for example, the chapter on death and what follows
in the HaOlam 18 Ulmo to Umberto death and what follows one of the
chapters of the halloumi Dean by Imam Kuzari there's also another
one called the precious pearl, which reveals the knowledge of the
Hereafter. This is also by Imam Ghazali. Then there's Imam Kirby's
work called the memorial at deskera. That's another famous
work. Then there are two books by Imam zooty. One is called shot has
to do
the opening of the hearts explaining the state of the dead
and the graves and the unveiled the other book is called a Buddha
the unveiled moons the conditions of the Hereafter our luxury
Allah Hera.
These are some of the famous books that are totally dedicated to the
subject of the hereafter.
In here, we only mentioning the main events, because we don't have
time to go into the detail. There are many, many Hadith, many, many
Quranic verses about this. Now, in what follows, will mention some of
the most famous Hadith about this to give us an idea of what's
happening on that day.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever relieves a
Muslims distress in this world, you help somebody out and you
remove their distress rather than they've got a problem. They can't
deal with themselves, you know how to deal with it. Because you've
got some ability, you've got some context, you know, you have some
expertise, you help them out, so they just need help, they just
need some help you relieve that distress for them. Then Allah
shall grant him relief from one of the distresses of the day of
rising, which will be worth a lot on that day.
Whoever shields a Muslim in this world will be shielded by Allah
both in this world and in the hereafter. Here shielding means
you've protected them, you've concealed them, they did something
wrong. You didn't tell the whole world about it.
Unless it's something that
effects other people. That's an exception. But it says you've seen
somebody's done something which is a defect, but it doesn't have to
be told to everybody.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, each prophet each
prophet has been given one dua which must be answered, they've
given this like one magic dua. One definitely accepted da, like
straight acceptance. One, two, I like that.
They've all prayed. They've all done it. They all used it. But I
have concealed my dua, I have kept it behind. I haven't I've kept it
in reserve. I haven't used it so that it may be an intercession for
my ummah, including Allah wills, all those who died without
committing any sugar with Allah subhanaw taala.
I'll use them.
And if you wish, he says, I will tell you of the first thing that
Allah will say to the believers on the day of rising and of the first
thing they will say to him,
they responded, please tell us Oh prophet of Allah or messenger of
Allah. And he said, he will ask the believers, were you eager to
meet me? Who is among us eager to meet with Allah today. We can only
be eager to meet him.
If we have all of our debts in order, and we've done Toba so that
we could feel that we're worthy of standing there, or we've got so
much love for Allah subhanaw taala that though even though we've done
things wrong, our love for Allah subhanho wa Taala is so great,
that we feel that we've asked him for Toba, he will forgive us.
We've got a connection. Yes, Lord, they will reply. We were eager to
meet you. And he will ask them why was that? And they will say we
hoped for your forgiveness, mercy and good pleasure. That's why we
were eager to meet you. He will then say that I shall make my
mercy certain to be given to you.
Because they had the conviction that he was he was going to give
it to them. And when Allah created the Paradise, he sent you, biryani
his Salam and told him, go and look at it.
Behold, what I have prepared for them.
He went and he looked, and he went and saw what Allah had prepared.
Then he came back and he said to Allah, by your might,
none will ever hear of it, but that he will enter it.
It's so beautiful. anybody hears about it, they're going to enter
into it. Why would they stay away?
So then he ordered ordered it to be surrounded with unpleasant
things. And he said, now go back and look.
Look what I've prepared for.
Look what I've prepared in it for people. He returned. When he saw
that it was surrounded now by unpleasant things. He came back
and he said by your mind, I fear that none will enter into it. Then
he said, Go to the fire, and behold in and see what I've
prepared there in for the people, and its parts were boiling over
each other. He returned to many said, by your mind, no one who
hears of it will ever enter into it.
Then he ordered it to be surrounded by pleasures
and said return to it. He said by your might I fear that no one will
be saved from it. Because the pleasures were so great. The
Prophet said Allah has also said the one among the people of the
who had been living the most luxurious
Yes life in this world, the one among the disbelievers who was
living the most luxurious life in this world.
You can imagine that to be whatever you want.
The one has been living the most luxuriously, not a care in the
world. Indulge indulging as they wish, everything at their
fingertips, the most luxurious.
They will be brought on the day of rising
and they will dip the purse this person will dip his finger into
the hellfire, just dip his finger, then he will be asked, Oh, son of
Adam, have you ever seen any goodness at all? Have you had
experienced any goodness at all in the world?
Has any kind of pleasure ever come to you? He had all the pleasure in
the world. Now he's been asked, Has any kind of pleasure, come to
you? And he will reply, no, by Allah. Oh, Lord, never felt any
pleasure. Everything will be made to be forgotten.
Then among the people of the garden among the generalities, the
person who's been who led the most miserable life in this world, all
sorts of calamities.
No luxuries whatsoever. But the heart was connected to Allah.
So the one who has the most so called miserable one in this world
will be brought.
And he will dip his finger into the garden
into Janna.
Then he'll ask that he'll be asked, Oh, son of Adam, have you
seen any misery at all? Have you had any kind of hardship ever be
fallen you? And he will answer no by Allah. I have never been
through any misery at all. nor has any kind of hardship ever really
fallen me. If only we could really get their true understanding of
this in this world, it will all become easy. But we've got both
the dunya in front of us and the pleasures of the dunya. And we've
got the hardships. We do some of this, we do some of this.
If only we could really realize if Allah subhanaw taala could give us
that realization that he gives to his Olia. We know that we have to
work hard for it. But we can't work hard for it. We make excuses
that we we put it off we say we'll do it later. We do it later. So
that's why we asking Allah subhanaw taala that if you can
give us the clean of this in our hearts. Help us out.
Make it easy for us. I shudder the Allahu anha once remembered the
hellfire. And then she wept. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam asked why she was weeping. And she replied, I remembered the
hellfire. And that's why I wept with you remember your family? On
the day of rising?
She was concerned she is asking Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Will you remember your family on the day of rising? And
he answered, there are three situations where no one can
remember anyone.
I can maybe help you. But there are three situations where no one
can help anyone
at the balance until he knows whether his balance is like too
heavy. At the record, when it is said there read my record until he
finds out whether his record of replacing his right or his left
hand or behind his back and at the bridge when it is cast across the
And he has said
after the people of Jana have gone to the Jannah and the people of
the fire have gone to the fire. So after all of this has happened,
and the people have taken their place in Paradise, and others have
taken their place in hellfire. So it's all been sorted out, then
something else will happen. Death will be brought.
Death will be brought between the garden and the fire. It will be
brought in some kind of form. They'll all be watching it.
Somehow they will be able to see it that death is being brought
and then it will be slaughtered. Sacrificed ended finished. Then a
Harold will proclaim oh people of the garden. This is no more
old people of the fire.
Death is no more at this, the people of the garden will become
even more joyous
any suspicion, any feeling any doubt that they may have had that
we may end and this life will end. That's all gone. That will
increase their happiness. Happiness is a very relative
and the people of the fire will become even more sorrowful.
That Oh, we have to live, there's no death here.
And then the people of the garden, shall be of 120 parts 120 groups
you could say 80 If you if you split the people of Jannah into
120 groups or sections or divisions 80 Of those, which is
two thirds of those will be from this ummah, and 40 from the other
owners now, think we've been given the fortune to be born in this OMA
and then to be blessed with Islam in this ummah and then to be
blessed with some concern that we can sit here on a Friday night,
may Allah subhanho wa Taala make this a good sign may Allah
subhanaw taala make this a source of His mercy upon us. Two thirds
from this ummah, at from this ummah, even though there were
124,000 prophets approximately.
And were the last of whether or not of the last Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, but 82 thirds from this Omen one from the
previous Oma. Another Hadith says Prophet salallahu Salam. I've
never seen anything like the garden.
I've never seen I have seen nothing like the garden who seeker
The one who wants the Janna never seen anybody like paradise.
anything in this world where you want to get it to the person who
wants to get it, I won't see him sleeping.
But paradise is such a thing that the seeker of it sleeps.
And I've never seen
anything like the fire, who's FLIR sleeps, never seen any torment in
this world. Somebody's trying to run away from it and they're
sleeping. They'll be running away from it actively. But when it
comes to hellfire, they're sleeping and someone who fears
this is another very, very important Hadith. He says the
person who fears sets out at nightfall, and someone who sets
out at nightfall will reach the resting place. This is a
metaphorical statement.
If you really want to get somewhere you will go even if you
have to go at night. In this one is saying you want to get to
You worship at night, when others are sleeping the Tahajjud prayer
this is speaking about you worship at night
and the person who worships at night or keep it in his own words,
sets out at nightfall will reach the resting place. Then he said
Allah in the silat Allah He Hadiya Allah in the silat Allah Hill
Janna indeed the merchandise of Allah is precious.
Indeed, the merchandise of Allah is the garden, another Hadith, I
shall be the first of men to come out when they are resurrected. It
says that Rosa Luxemburg be resurrected first with Abu Bakr,
the Allah and Amara, the alone decides, I shall be the leader
when they arrive. The province alone is going to be ahead in all
of this. I shall be the first to come out when they resurrected, I
shall be the leader when they arrive. I shall be the orator as
they listen, I shall be the intercession when they are
detained. I shall be the giver of good tidings when they despair.
Honor and the keys will be on that day in my hand, the flag of praise
on that day will be in my hand. I am the dearest of the children of
Adam to my Lord. 1000 servants will move around me like hidden
pearls of scattered pearls. May Allah's blessings and peace be
upon him, and may He increase him in favor, honor and rank
in his sight, this is the ending of the fourth life.
The fourth life, this was
the life of this world was the second life. The Baratza
intermediate realm was the third life. The proceedings after people
are resurrected is the fourth life.
And then the fifth life which is the longest of them all begins
from here.
The fifth life extends from the time that the people of the fire
enter the fire and the people of Jana entered the Jana
and continue into unending, limitless eternity.
This is the longest of our lives the best, most pleasant
and most joyous for the people
The garden and the worst, hardest and most hateful and wretched for
the people of the fire.
May Allah protect us from being from the second May Allah make us
of the people of the first inshallah will continue the
description of
Jahannam and Jana next time in Shub allotment, the Salam o Inca
salaam, the Bharatiya Janata very Quran Allah me, are you a younger
medical history? Allow me to Yemen
and Subhanak in economic inequality mean? Just Allah who I
know Mohammed, just Allah or no Mohammed the man who just Allahu
Allahu me, are you a young girl with the kind of stuffy Aloha
McPhee Linna or Hamner or if you know you know Allahumma Luna well
you already know when you Masha if you know when he asserted that in
our little nabina What are you learning out there how about you
know what your state law as well as you know when he called him in
law who Hakuna you know what they call him and also an OB dua Allah
Maha Maha Maya for him waterfall I know Lahoma Li Mo turnin Muslim
ina living Nisha Hebrew and Danny at Yama to Allah that Allah
homophilic Muslimeen enormously Matthew and what we need on what
may not allow here even humble Allah homophily Almighty say that
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah may notice a local
Houda with our artha well Xena Allahumma in nearness Allah for
Lafayette Dini with dunya Allah Allahu manana will be communal
Junoon evil Judah Samuel Barassi will say Ill spawn Allahu manana
oh the becoming fitness in my area on my mat, Allah who may not know
the becoming fitness in mercy that Allah who may narrow to becoming
fitness the either below cover along the narrow the becoming
treatment the either Bilal Khan, Allah Huma COVID theory law Kadar
fena, Allah Houma COVID theory law Kadar fena Allah McCovey theory
taka darshana. Allah Houma in nearness, Luca tema, Mala Anthea,
whatever man if he was sugar I live here it Dini with Denio dunya
Allah, Allah, Allah Nasha Nisha and and Aquila tequila Illa and
phocoena tafazzin Allah Houma,
Wareham Allah mafia Warhammer Allahumma Pharaoh him Allah, Iran,
Allah who may notice a locum in Haiti Mercer el camino de Bie yoka
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they're all
decommissioned, they missed the end of the Camino Abdo and a beat
up Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then Osteria and why
they can put up with that whole level of quality love Allah, Allah
ha Mishima Donna, Allah Mishima, Donna, Allah Mishima Donna, Allah
who may or you have to use medical history or SallAllahu wasallam
RLS. So you know, Mohammed Subhan Allah because Allah is at your
mercy Fonasa Hamdulillah. The point of a lecture is to encourage
people to act to get further an inspiration, and encouragement,
persuasion. The next step is to actually start learning seriously
to read books to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the
subjects of Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become
more aware of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started
Rayyan courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on
demand whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic
essentials certificate which you take 20 Short modules, and at the
end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of
the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to be, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well as local law here and salaam
aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.