Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Signs of the Last Day Series The Mahdi Part 2
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
salatu salam ala so you did mousseline while he was here as a
We've discussed the different details related to the character
of Maddie.
And we've spoken a bit about some of the other leaders of the time
and how there will be a lot of corruption in the different parts
of the land. And people will want some way out of this. And they
will be looking for some kind of
way out. And then we mentioned that in a place called Circassian,
which is in Syria today, by the borders of Turkey and Iran and
It's there will be a fight a war between the Turks and the Romans,
in which the Romans will apparently when then the Sophia,
any person that we spoke about who will come out of Sharm will come
out of Syria from Damascus, he will cause a lot of corruption, a
lot of problems cause a lot of chaos in the world. So much so
that whoever he catches that are his enemies. The women folk who
will cut open who will have the army will cut open their stomachs
and they will kill the embryos and they'll kill children as well. So
they will be very violent. They'll basically remind people of what
the Crusaders used to do before.
So from Sharm from Damascus, much of the Hill have something very
much against the family of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
meaning the Banu Hashim, the Quraysh.
That's why today,
a lot of the Iranians they've they've made a lot of
documentaries and films and things about this man called Sofia,
Annie, what they like to do is they like to say, Sophia Annie,
because you remember he is from the family of Abu Sufian. But at
the Allah one, so what they do is because he's from the family of
Abu Sufian, but from a different son, not the one from whom or Avia
not from what are we are the Allah one. But they what they do is they
put him and why we are using all of them together and say, Look,
those people also went against the family of Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam, and their progeny is also doing the same thing. So clearly
yours it is definitely one with Yazeed it was the same issue. But
you can't say that for more we are the Allah one. There was a
legitimate reason that they had for whatever they did. But you
see, it was obviously not on the right track. So anyway, they
they've made documentaries about him, they've had actors playing
his role and IGP stuff that they've done the Iranians or
somebody some some of these Persians about this. So he will be
very violent. And a number of the men of Quraysh Qureshi kurayoshi
people, they will run, they will escape to Constantinople,
which is Istanbul today, the escape because they they if they
caught by him, he will he will kill them.
He will then send somebody to the leader of the Romans,
that he should send those people back.
And he will, they will be sent back. So they will all be killed
at the door of Damascus. At the entry of Damascus, all of these
people who had run away would have been sent back they will all be
killed. Then
another group will stand up
to try to
fight against him. But a lot of them will be killed and they will
run and they will be defeated until they go and they enter into
the lands of Corizon because there's a sanctuary there in Horus
and there are people who will be fighting against him. Then the
cavalry the Horsemen of Sofia, Annie, they will be going after
this other group towards Corizon.
Night and day they'll be off to them.
And they will be so destructive that anything that comes in the
way they will destroy it. So they'll just be pillaging and
ravaging every area that comes in between on the way to Corizon.
After these people who had run towards horizen, they will break
down forts. And
they will just make places just burn fields and until they'll
enter on their way to a place called Zara, which is outside
Baghdad. Well, Zara is Baghdad, they lent into Baghdad
and in Baghdad, they will kill 100,000 People in Baghdad.
So this is Sofia Nizami he absolutely goes crazy. And he will
kill about
about 100,000 people in Baghdad, then they'll go towards Kufa
and then they will kill 60,000 people and they will make all the
women and the children into prisoners and then they will send
out different armies around to the different areas.
So much so that the general eastern part of even hurrah son,
they will reach to that area.
And they will be looking for the people of horizen. Now, as I
mentioned, Hora son is basically Afghanistan, northwest Pakistan
and parts of Iran. That's quite awesome. That's the old
traditional Murasa then they will send an army to Madina Munawwara
to go and find anybody there that is of the family of Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam. This is all prophesied. This is all foretold
from before you can see how the
Shia Shiites, they, this is a big deal for them. So
they were it's a big deal for us as well, I mean, because he will
send an army to Madina Munawwara with the sole intent to take
capture anybody from the family of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. So a number of Banu Hashim, people of that family will
be killed men and women.
But a group of them will be brought to Kufa a group of them
will be brought back to Kufa
and whoever could escape, they will escape into the surrounding
forests, the jungles or into the deserts. That's when the MADI
and the monsoon will run towards Mecca. Well, a group of them
specifically seven people of a very high caliber will will go and
escape from Medina to Maka, maka, maka, Rama. The problem is that
the Makkah and Medina The leaders will not be will be corrupt, they
won't be on the good side of things. So they will hide in
the governor of Medina, the leader of Medina, whoever it may be, he
will send a message, a decree to the leader of Makkah, that when
these so and so people come to you, when they come to Makkah, and
he will have their names written down, then make sure you kill
them, put them to death, the leader of Makkah found that to be
too much, he felt that that would be too much for him to do.
the seven people will consult among themselves.
And they will may have heard that he's not that bad. The leader that
will come to him at night asking for refuge, he will say okay, go
and live with peace go live, when you have to make peace and they
live, then he will send two men. Now he will send the two of the
behind two of them, he will send them in and
one of them will be killed, the other one will be still looking.
Now at that time, Allah subhanaw taala will get very angry, and the
people that the inhabitants of the heavens will also get very angry,
meaning the angels.
The other ones, the other one that wasn't killed out of the two,
because they will all escape kind of separately. So the two these
two are together, one of them will be killed. The other one will go
and find his companions and he'll tell him what had happened. So
they know they can trust anybody. So they will go until they get to
the mountains of thought if that's where they will hide, they will
hide in the mountains of life, which is south of Madina Munawwara
they will stay there and they will send out messages to people that
this is where you have to come this is where we have to gather
together. This is where we have to consolidate our forces.
So a number of people will go and join with them.
When this happens, the people of Makkah will fight against them.
Meaning, they will find out that these people are gathering in
thought if so the people of Makkah will send
a group of people
an army to go and fight with them.
this army will be defeated by this group of people.
And thus these people will now enter into Makkah,
then enter into Makkah, and they will be fighting. It's related
that see because right now what has happened with MADI is that
he's gone and hidden in the mountains of life. So that's one
of the hidings.
It's related from Hussein him no it really Allah Han
for the for this Maddie
he's going to hide twice.
It's related from him that he's going to hate twice. One is going
to be a long hiding so
so that people might say that, Oh, he's passed away, and nobody's
gonna know about it, except the owner of Allah subhanaw taala. So,
which are these two headings that we're speaking about? So one is
that he will hide in dive, right in the beginning, nobody will
know. And then eventually they will tell people this is where we,
this is where we are. And then they will overcome the people of
Then after that, he will have to hide again in the mountains of
And nobody will know where he is.
This is the two headings that have been spoken about. The reason why
I'm bringing this up is because this is what the Shiites used to
say that he is right now hidden, he's already arrived, you know,
seven 800 years ago, whatever it was 1000 years ago, and or more,
and he's hidden, and he will come out, he will appear when the day
of judgment comes. The other thing is that the shades believe that
some of their very, very special people know where he is. But the
thing about this is that the Hadith mentions that when he hides
nobody will know except maybe one person.
So how is it possible that the high level Shiites would know?
Whereas the Hadith says that nobody will know except maybe one
person that is in charge that is helping him out in his affairs.
The people will make Hajj so this will be much time now. Coming
close that year's Hajj. We've already described the details of
the two eclipses during that Ramadan. So you have Ramadan, then
you have shorewall Ville cada villager. So this is all happened
around that time, after that moon eclipse and the solar eclipse
first and the 15th of Ramadan.
So that year people will make hajj and they will make Hajj without an
Emir. I'm not sure how that's going to be. But nowadays, there
is officially and Amida although you never get to see him if you go
for Hajj unless you get into the Masjid. Normally, the Emir is
supposed to be the king of Arabia, the king of Saudi Arabia. Or what
they normally do is they send somebody to lead the salaat and
give the hotline everything in the big Masjid in Minar. And it was
delivered in Arafa. But most people that go from around the
world, they'll never see the Emir. If you're lucky enough to go
around and get into the masjid, then you'll hear the hotbar. But
it's so big, that, you know, there is no consolidated effort anymore.
Everybody from their own lands, just go. So I'm not sure exactly
how this is going to be without an emir, maybe there'll be no Emile
to lead it. because there'll be problems in Makkah and Madina
Munawwara, maybe that's the case, well, Allahu Allah. But basically
people will all do their tawaf and everything. Then after the after
the initial tawaf when they enter into Mina. When they go to Mina,
and they all settled in Minar,
there'll be some problems will be started. Now, because there's
problems around the world, in a lot of interfacing and a lot of
problems, and fitna, that probably is going to spark up in Mina,
where you've got people from all around the world is going to spark
up. So
many of the different tribes or people of different areas will
start fighting with each other. And a major fight will ensue in
Mina, which is really sad. I mean, because you can tell that it
spilled over into Mina innocence.
And many of these, her judge will be killed in this. And if you
remember, one of the signs of that is going to be very close to
before he comes. If you remember it says that the Jamara tilaka
blood will flow on it. So I mean, if people are fighting and during
the days of Mena, what do you do, you go and you pet the shaytaan
you've got three floors now or something like that, you know, and
we're going people, maybe there's going to be some fighting there so
much so that the blood will run down the pillars. So now you can
see how that might be possible May Allah protect us. So that is when
this blood will flow down the pillars as mentioned earlier. Now,
if you also remember that, from a number of years, some of the pious
scholars Olia of Allah from different parts of the world will
be constantly going to judge to look for the melody, they will be
going on their own accord. So in this year,
seven orlimar from around the world,
different parts of the world.
They will suddenly gather together, they would have all
come, come for Hajj, they will all suddenly gather together.
And he says that each of them 300 And over 310 people would have
made beta to each one of them from their own lands.
So maybe it will be kind of a return to the Halacha type of
thing that okay, we choose you as the Emir. So at least 310 to you
know, over 310 people theater and 10 plus people will have made
pledge allegiance to each one of these seven, Allah MA and seven
scholars, seven
orlimar from around the different different parts of the world, they
will gather together and come together in Makkah,
Coincidently, whatever you want to call it, they'll get together,
Allah will bring them together.
And then they'll be asking each other, what brought you here? Why
have you come?
So each one of them, the response will be that we have come to seek
out this man, we've come to look for this man who,
on whose hands this fitna that we see around the world can become
calm and can become settled, meaning he's the one who's going
to take care of these problems. And Allah will
open up Constantinople for him as well.
We know his name.
We know him only by his name, and by the name of his father and
So that's related that they will, it seems that they will know the
name of his father and mother, the author of the book says that I
have not seen any Hadith which speaks about the name of his
mother. Right?
He's looked a lot for it, but Allahu Allah, it could be that his
mother's name is Amina, just like his father's name is going to be
Abdullah, Allah, Allah Allah knows best. Or maybe some of them will
know. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala will just reveal it to them,
we'll open it up to them, but they call the cash, the Mocha Shiva
unveiling, Allah knows best, but it doesn't matter anyway. So when
each of them have revealed why they therefore, they will all
agree that okay, this is a very big responsibility, we have to go
and find him. If anybody is going to be able to find the Mojave and
recognize him and convince him to appear, it's going to be them.
Because you, you must assume, we must assume that these will be
some of the most pious OF THE SEVEN, SEVEN very pious people and
scholars from around the world.
So they will start looking around in Makkah, they know he's there
It looks like they know he's there, because they've seen the
signs. They know. They're gonna go and look, they're going to go and
look for him in Makkah.
And they're going to catch up with somebody.
You're going to find someone says, You are so and so son of so and
so. And you will say, No, I'm from the Saudis. I'm from the Ansari
families. I'm from the descendants of the unserer. I'm not from the
Quraysh. So he'll
escape from them.
He'll slip through, they'll slip away. So they've seen this person
now the one they they just spoke to, they've seen him now. So they
will go and consult with the more knowledgeable ones among them.
Maybe some of them saw him only. So they will say this is how he
looked and everything.
They'll say that was the man you were looking for. Why did you let
him slip out? That was exactly the description of the man that you
were looking for.
He would have escaped on Madina Munawwara he's going to be between
those two cities at that time. So he just kept on Madina Munawwara
so they go to Medina now.
Remember, this is happening just after hedge? So keep in keep in
your mind the dates. We're talking about Ville, Canada and dill hija
had just been done been big, big problems there. These seven
orlimar have got together after hedge. So it's what 14 of hedge
fund 14 of ZiL hedger 50 intermino. Around that time
14th 15th of the ledger maybe what's the month after hedge
Muharram is the month after hedge and there's a special day in
Mahara which is the 10th of Muharram.
So then they will go to Medina, they'll travel to Madina Munawwara
and they look for him there, but he will run back to Makkah.
So then they'll come back to Makkah. And they look for him
there but he'll go to Medina. So it's like the the chasing after
him and he's going back to the other place. This will happen
three times at least
three times. The leader of Medina, if you remember, he was a corrupt
one. He will hear about this now. You know, this is not going to
stay a secret that is on Omar. They're looking for Mahadevi and
he's running. He's appeared, you know. So
he's heard that now people are looking for the Mahi. He will get
a an army ready. He will prepare an army
in going and capturing, looking for all the hashemy in all those
people of the Hashemi Gen hashemy family.
And those three, those seven orlimar they will finally capture
catch up with the melody on the third instance in Makkah, the
third time that he's in Makkah
Were by the rockin Lea money
they will finally cap catch catch up with him there by the
rock'n'roll your money and they will say and they'll they'll say,
you know they'll just start if Munna alayka what the ma una
furinno kick in London with the year the Nuba Uruk our sins are on
you. Our blood is going to be on your shoulder if you don't extend
your hand so that we can pledge allegiance to you. We can give you
the beta.
They'll just give it to him straight. But look, you have to
take up this responsibility, otherwise you're going to be
sinful for this. Ha the asker Sophia Annie katawa Jahai Tala
Vina Allah hemorrhage alum in hasm. So
they'll warn him that look, you can't run or run away now. This
Sofia, Annie, this big, corrupt leader. He's got this big army
ready. And he's going to come after us anyway. So you have to do
something about this. He will then sit, he'll become convinced. Then
he will sit between the rockin and the MACOM between the rural Yamani
and the Maqam Ibrahim in that area, he will sit there and he
will extend his hand and then people will give him the pledge.
So the pledge will be given to him there. This will happen during
salata Asia,
so this will be nighttime salata Asia, he will have with him,
suddenly, he will have with him, the flag of Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam, and his committees and his sword.
So these are things that he's had probably from before somebody's
given him or maybe it'd be given to him Allah knows best, but at
this time, when the pleasure will be taken and He will reveal
Himself, He will have these three things as we spoke about earlier
that he will these will be the signs that he will have.
Once the Asia solid has been performed, once the Asia salad has
been performed, you will come to the Maqam Ibrahim, you will make
two records of salada. Then he will go to then he will ascend the
member, the pulpit will be brought, he will ascend the member
and he will proclaim in a very loud voice that I remind you of
Allah, or people of Gurukula or the Kuru Comilla, a Yohannes or
mahkamah Campania they are become that I remind you, oh people have
Allah and have you're standing in front of him. Eventually you're
standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala and he will give a
very long sermon, he will deliver a very long Courtois in which he
the main thing that he will be spoken, speaking about and that is
to enliven the Sunnah. He will give be giving them to read he
will be inspiring them and encouraging them to enliven the
Sunnah, the Sooners, and to get rid of all of the bit of art that
may have come into the communities. So the people there
at the time, it says that the people the number of the people in
ad that in the instance, when this happens, will be about 313 Just
the same number as those that were in the Battle of butter
350 Verse 313, very good, say very fortunate ones are home those
seven orlimar will be there as well. 313 people will be there. So
it looks like having just 300 people that that time. It's after
Hajj there's normally less people anyway. It there's been a number
of days, obviously that they've gone to look for him in Makkah
Medina, Monica Medina, and so on. So that's the number of people
that were there in butter. And that's also the number of people
that were with dilute. When he went when he had to cross that
river. As the story that's mentioned in the Quran.
They will be some of the Abdullah of Sham.
The polls have shown these are the greatest of the Olia of Allah
subhanaw taala.
And they will be a group from the people of Iraq. So some of the
most pious people of Iraq will be there. And also some of the noble
men, the noble people of Egypt will be there. And this will
happen all of a sudden, these other people did not know that
this was going to happen. But they would be in the right place at the
right time because Allah subhanaw taala will give them Tofik only
those seven people will know what's going on. Sorry, only those
seven people would have known what's going to happen because
they were chasing the melody to find him. But these other people
will just be fortunate to be there. And these people are those
who stand up at night to pray and who are like lions in the daytime.
Now, the as I told you, the leader of Madina, Munawwara will be
getting an army ready. So he's prepared his army and now as this
happens the army of Medina as such the the negative army of Medina
they will come and fight with these people. But these people
will fight against them and they will overcome them. They will beat
this army of Medina, they will defeat this army of Medina. And
they will enter into Medina and all of the people that they have
imprisoned, remember they were captured in the family of
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, all those that they have imprisoned,
they will be able to
to free them all. Now the question that the author of this book asks,
for us, it's quite simple. See, the day that he is going to reveal
himself is going to be the 10th of Muharram
10th of Muharram. count the days from after Hajj to 10th of
Muharram. How many days do we have, but 20 to 25 days depending
on when you start. But if you start, let's just say on the 15th
of the hedge by that time hedge is done. Right? Definitely, you know,
1314 is done to 15.
So you've got the 15th to the 30th of the month, 15 days, then you've
a 10 days of Muharram. That's 25 days minimum. So it's 25, maximum
30 days. So what the author is now trying to understand is that how
is it possible for these people? Because it takes us to take about
five days between Makkah and Medina.
How is it possible?
Right, so he clarifies here, that they're going to go to Medina,
they're going to see him first in Makkah. Right? Or Medina? Where is
he gonna see him first? Then they're gonna go to Medina, then
mark Medina three times? How is that possible? 510 1520 25. So it
is even possible according to that, but obviously, we can see
that it's possible, you can go to Makkah Medina, what, three times
if you want, you know, because it's about a four hour drive.
And if there's flight, you know, there may even be, there is an
airport in Madina Munawwara if there's a small airport in Makkah,
that can happen. And there's going to be training as well, which is
probably going to be really fast. I mean, it's not a big deal
anymore for us. But the author has found it necessary to clarify
that, you know, the offer is from over 100 years ago, so he's found
it necessary to clarify. So he's saying that, don't you know, that
you shouldn't, you shouldn't feel that this is not possible because
it takes so long to go between Makkah and Medina. Right, that
they're gonna have to go back and forth. And he's going to, he's
going to reveal Himself in on the 10th of Muharram. So how is it
possible within 20 to 25, he says, it's even possible according to
you know, if even count five days to get from one place to the
then obviously in this time that they have to go they get to Mecca,
then they have to look around, try to find them, you know, ask people
and so on. So then he says, This is what he says he says that you
have to remember these seven are going to be only of Allah. So
Allah could very easily
have a miracle come about where they can go from one place to the
other in an instance. But we can clearly understand that, you know,
a miracle could definitely happen, but we don't need miracles in that
sense anymore in the sense that they could easily go very fast
between the two places. Now, Sofia, Annie will hear about the
appearance of Maddie.
So this Sofia news been just going around, he will hear that Maddie
has come out. He will send an army from Kufa an army Maddie this
Sophia Annie will send an army against the Madeon Madina
he will Maka he will he will send a saris in Medina and alright. So
he will send an army from Kufa they will come to Medina and they
will ravage it for three days they'll make it halal as the as
the wording used. They'll consider it to be halal to do whatever they
want to lawful, which is obviously wrong. They will obviously be
looking for the money to finish him off because he said he only
knows that Maddie is the biggest threat to him. However, when they
will come out of Madina Munawwara then and they will be in the empty
area the stony area outside who seems to be a William Arkadin,
they will all be sunk into the ground. Nobody of them except one
man to go and tell the SOFIA Annie, the bad news and another
man to go and tell Maddie the good news only two people will survive.
Everybody else will be sunk into the ground by Allah subhanho wa
when the man he will hear about this, he will say that this is the
time for us to go now. This is the time for us to go out. So he will
go out and he will you know they will extract everybody from
Right, some of this will be a bit of a repeat because we're
overlapping, right? So he will, all of those dude who had been
prisoners in Madina Munawwara of the family of
the Rasulullah sallallahu, some of the other Hashem mean, they will
all be freed.
So much so now that the whole of hijas that's the western border of
Arabia will all be opened up for them. So that will all be now
under the
under the rule of MADI meaning under his command. Now, from the
Hora sun,
area, and ma na, which is further north from the
A man will appear whose name will be hearth, or her wrath.
Hadith means the protector, the one who looks after the god,
Harris, that'll be his title, he will come out of that area, he
will appear in the area.
And in front of him in his army will be a man called Mandsaur.
This is the famous monsoon.
And these people as monsoon. And this army, they will be very good
with the family of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, so they will
cater for them. It's necessary for every believer to help them. So
they will help. It's possible that this is the person called Hashimi
that we're going to speak about afterwards. Or it could be
somebody else.
See, there is no 100% Crystal clear account of this that we can
just tell you like a story. There are a number of different
narrations that have been told, and they have certain overlaps. So
we have to try to put them together, this author has done his
best to put them together. That's why some parts will seem a bit
convoluted, sometimes some parts will seem a bit, maybe repetitive.
But that's the best we can do because it's about some very
detailed things about something that's going to happen in the
future. And as I mentioned also, that not all of these are Hadith,
on a high level of authenticity, some are like some of the main
points, but we've covered some of them already. The other parts are
from maybe some weaker Hadith, or some narration from it to the
Allahu and others. So
we're not to say that in every piece of every one of these
details that we have to believe it in 100% this is giving us a
general idea I want to make that very clear. This is giving us a
general idea that this is what seems to be what's going to happen
things could turn out slightly differently but the main things
are going to be there there's going to be a Maddie there's going
to be a Sophia Ania and things like that.
Right. So don't take every word as though it's
a gospel, you know that that's that's it, you know, that's what
is going to be right. So I'm just making it very clear, because the
author has compiled all the different Hadith generations
together and some of them are authentic and some of them are not
very authentic. So now what will happen is as I said, from that
area, there will be a an army that is going to be beginning. So
Sophia Annie will have heard about this as well. So he will, he will
have armies small armies in that area. And there'll be many
different small wars, many skirmishes between this group that
I spoke about, and the Sophia and his army, the group I spoke about,
of the Hashimi or the Hadith, right? They will be looking for
the Maddie. So they will be fighting with this army of with
these armies of Sophia Annie. And number of different wars will take
place one in Tunisia in Tunis, another one in a place called
doula or Re and another one in the home underneath. I haven't been
able to look as to exactly where those areas are. Maybe in the next
one, I'll check that out.
But this will go on for a very long time. Now this is an another
area this will go on for a long time, then they will until now
they haven't given their pledge to anybody. Now they will become more
of a formal army and they will decide to give beta and a pledge
to a man among them who's from the blue Hashim. It'll be a Hashimi
man. On his right hand, right palm. There will be a mole a
birthmark. That's the sign that he's going to be the Emir.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala will really make his matter very
easily. Once they've got this emir, then Allah subhanho wa Taala
will facilitate for them his his way. He will be the half of half
brother of Mati.
He'll be it's related. Allah knows best but he will be half from his
father, half brother, half brother Maddie or he might be his cousin.
We don't know yet. It could be his cousin. It could be his half
But at that time, he is right in the east.
He's not in the Middle East. He's in the east, right. He will come
out to the people of Hora sun
and Paulo con. Pollo con, as far as I remember, is an area just
outside bulk
It's one of the suburbs of bulk. If I'm correct in Afghanistan
for ASAN is that general area bulk is in Hora San Paolo counties as
well. And they will have small black flags with them. Small black
banners will be with them.
These are not the same as the banners of the baignoire bus that
bus it's these will be the the banners that they will have the
small at their forefront will be a man from the Tamim he will be of a
of a not too high, not not too tall, not too short, slightly
yellowish complexion,
thin sparse beard, his name will be shaped asylee Tamimi sure I
have no solid shape the son of cider from the Tamim tribe, he
will come out to these people, he would have come out to the to this
other army in 5000 men with 5000 men. So when the Harris would find
out about him, he will put him in the front. He will put him in the
front, whatever comes in their way they will take care of. So this
will be a very formidable army. This will be the special army that
is speaking about the Black Flag flags from AutoZone. And they will
go towards Jerusalem and they'll just take care of everything on
the way. So this is that famous army.
The man is not with them yet. There's some generations which
seem to indicate maladies with them. But the stronger opinions
that Maddie is in. He's in Madina, Munawwara he's in that area. These
people were coming to join up with him. This is his brother, his
brother's with them or the is cousin. It's related.
In a hadith, of telemovie, from Abu Huraira, or the Allah one,
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it has something to
be rioting. sodha akbar admin Hora Hora son to her 101 Allah salvage
when you hear of the black flags that will be coming that will be
approaching from Hora sun, then go to them, Go to them, even if you
have to go on the snow on your knees. Go make sure you go go go
and join with them. Even if you have to go on your knees because
that's the only way you will be you will be saved.
insulated from a mirror meaning it Rhodiola Ankara Mala Hua that
he was speaking about this as well, that even if you are locked
up in a box,
if you are locked up in a box, break that lock somehow. And the
box if you have to go and join with that army, just showing
extreme importance, that that army is the one that you need to join.
In another version, it says that because they will be the Khalifa
of Allah Mahi in them. But obviously that means that his
assistants will be in them. Allah's assistance will be with
them because Maddie is not going to be there. He's going to be in
Madina Munawwara or it could mean that it could be his brother or
cousin. He's going to be in Makkah in those days, sorry, in Makkah is
going to be Macau in those days. So now this army will come and it
will finally meet with the army of Sophia Annie. See until now it's
been fighting with Sophia and his armies. But Sophia hasn't been
with them. It's been the remote armies that he has. Now.
They will be a massive war, a big war between the two armies and
Sophia nee will be in that one as well. This will be in the land in
an open land outside. It's the horror.
I'm assuming that's in Persia. So much so that the horses will be
going around in blood up to the up to the next. So this will be a
very violent one. This would be a very violent war and then a very
large army from CG Stan now CG Stan is in Iran. It's northern
Iran, Uzbekistan, that area, a very large army from the will come
on at the head of whom will be a man from the bundle ID tribe that
will come in assistance to this Muslim army was severely supposed
to be a Muslim as well. But in unto this pious army, the black
flags and Allah subhanho wa Taala will give assistance and Allah
subhanaw taala will give them assistance and they will overcome
the other army. It's also possible that this other army may be a
helpful Sofia Annie, but Allah subhanho wa Taala will give
victory to the most to the pious army That's definite. Then there
will be another another incident in Medan which is outside Baghdad,
then in ray which is by Tehran. So it looks like capitals. Right?
And then there will be a very intense one in a place called
Arthur Cuca. I haven't been able to figure out where that is.
That will be such a severe one. That only those people who have
been able to escape or survived from there will be able to tell
its story then
Army with the black flags will continue to come until they come
and they will find a place to camp by a lake or water, some type of
water. So that in the Hadith just mentioned in general, they'll come
upon some water, a lake or a river or something and they'll camp
It is possible that this is the Euphrates. Sorry, this is the
digital the Tigris River, which is outside Baghdad in Bogota or in
Iraq. So when this army is there, now, remember Sofia only had a big
army in Kufa, Savannah is going to have a big army in Kufa. If you
remember he sent one to Medina from there, he's gonna have
another army they're the people of Sofia Annie sorry, the people of
Sofia and his companions there his people, they will hear that this
army of the black flags would have been camped out by most likely the
river Tigris so
they will run away from Kufa because they know that that's
going to be next so they will run away from Kufa. So this army will
then come to Kufa and they will free all of the prisoners that
have been taken until now. Because remember, in Kufa that had been
taken all the prisons of yon his army had taken the prisoners
there, the bundle Hashem. Now, it looks like things are going
against Yanni.
But he doesn't stop there. Even the fact that his army was sunk
into the ground did not perturb him, did not change him in any way
whatsoever. He just keeps going on, because remember, he's a big
monastic. He's outwardly he's a Muslim, but he's a big monastic
inside and slowly, slowly, he'll do something else as well. So now
what will happen is, after this Kufa incident, they will be a
A group of people will come out of the outskirts of Kufa, they will
be called ASABE. They won't have any, they won't have any weapons
with them. Just a small amount of weaponry. Some of them will be of
the people of Basra with them who had left and abandon the SOFIA,
Annie. So these will be people with abundance of Yanni and they
will have some of the prisoners with them. So this army will take
will release the prisoners from them as well. Then, these people
with the black flag, they will send their pledge of allegiance to
Maddie and the money will come from wages. So the money will come
from Arabia. These people have already set forth the pledge that
we pledge allegiance to you.
Right, we're coming to support you.
So Maddie will start to come from hijas Sofia Annie from Kufa
after he's heard about, remember, he heard about his army being sunk
into the ground, the one he had sent there, all of these things
are happening parallel. It's just I'm having to tell you different
parts of it. But while Maddie was dealing with this army that Sophia
Annie had sent and then it was sunk into the ground. This other
army was coming with the black flags from there and then there
was skirmishes going on on that side, as well. And then Sophia,
nice, big army. They'll all be going towards Damascus.
So if he only was in Kufa, so now he's running towards he's trying
to hurry towards school towards Damascus. So he's Maddie. And so
this other army of the black flags? Allahu Allah, maybe for the
coming of ESA Islam? I'm not sure yet. But the salary. We'll get
there first, who is sorry? Soccer. Soccer means a big stone, a
boulder. That is the other name for Sophia Annie. And there's a
reason for that, which we'll find out later. Why he's called salary.
So in some iterations, it talks about him as a salary, but he's
the same person as a Savini. So if you only will get there first,
it's his hometown. So he will quickly
formulate another army against the mighty who's coming. Who's coming
to shove
but this army will get there fast
to the land of the ages.
And they will join with Maddie. They'll give him the beer. And
then they'll come with malnutrition. So they switch
sides. In some narrations it says you know that army that was sunk
into the ground in some narrations it says that they will be sent
from Sham from Syria but in other versions says they'll be sent from
Iraq. So shaman Iraq to different areas. So how is that possible? So
it is not that simple. If Nigel Ashkelon, he has has reconciled is
that although they may be sent from Iraq because that's where the
army will be come they originally from Damascus they originally from
Syria. So they are shammies so it's English army army or Akufo or
army from Iraq. It means the same thing. There's also another
narration it says that this second army that is sent
they don't join with Maddie just like that there is a fight with
Maddie first
And Maddie at that time only has 300 and about 313 people with him.
The large armies coming afterwards. But right now Maddie
has a small army with him. But that time they will hear a sound
from the heavens this army have made the the small amount of group
the small group that he has with them. He will they will hear
a sound from the Heavens saying, Allah in Olia, Allah us herbal
Falon Yeah, Neil Maddy, that know that the friends of Allah, the
Olia of Allah are the companions of Maddie. So that will
reinvigorate them, and it will reinforce them, and will make an
eel strengthen them. So this will be a turn of fate on Sophia,
Annie, and this army that Sophia and you would have sent. And it
could be another army, right? Because you know, you could have
sent more armies. None of them will remain, every one of them
will be killed, except those who ran away fugitives are the
displaced ones. Otherwise, all of them will be killed.
They'll come back to Sofia, Annie, the few that have escaped, and
they will tell him about it.
So we've got one narration that tells us that this army that goes
to against Maddie will become Maddies and they will turn around
against Sofia, Annie. And the other narration tells us what that
there will be a fight among them.
And most of them will be killed. So the author says that the
possibility is that maybe it's a very large army, some of them
turned around and converted, stayed with Maddie, the other who
vote. Most of them were killed except a few. So that's a
possibility. As I said this is about telling events in the
future. Only Allah knows best exactly the details but this is
what we understand. This is maybe the way to reconcile them. And it
also you know it you know, we spoke earlier about all ages will
come under Maddie. So what what's he doing with only 313 people. So
that's why it's possible that this has happened before he takes over
the whole of ages. Because when he takes over his house, he's gonna
have a very large army along with them the other one that comes. So
again, this is most likely that this happened earlier before he
takes over all hijas this is when he's just come out of Mecca, or
Medina. And this is when that's happening. So Allah knows best
then Sofia Annie will start to cause even more problems in the
world open blatant because until now had he showed himself to be a
believer. She was causing problems. Not in a very overt open
way. But he will now express his Cofer. He will express his
disbelief now. So much so that he will go around with a woman and
having to cause phony cake in the masjid in Damascus, over a
gathering of wine and intoxicants. So he'll be open gaffer after
that. And he will allow the wind to flow in the masjid. And he will
phony Kate, so much so that
it will have all of these women around him. You can just imagine
this, you know, the hill of one of these women around him and one of
them will come and sit on his thigh and she will sit on it and
he will be in the mihrab he will be sitting in the Mehraban this
woman will come and sit on him and a man one of the muslimeen who's
got some Eman in his heart. He will stand up and he will say we
have come a governing body Imani come what will be to you have you
disbelieved after your iman, this is completely unlawful? What are
you doing? So he will get up and he will see if you only will get
up and kill him. Kill that man and he will also kill anybody else
that supports him. So you can see that this guy's lost it at that
time. An announcement will be made from the heavens, a Yohannes in
the Lucha called Qatar and Kamal Jabari in Walmart 15 Russia at
home. We spoke about this as one of the signs of the coming of it
again, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has now has now taken care
of the tyrants the Muna 15 And anybody liked them. Well we'll
learn them higher or Murthy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and he has put over you the best of the Omar Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
for Al Haq will be Maka go and go to Maka Maka Rama for in the whole
melody because he is the melody and his name is Ahmed Abdullah
Abdullah. So this is when that announcement will take place.
Remember we mentioned that two or three times that the announcements
made from the heavens when people will know and it will be a clear
thing for everybody. This will be one of them. So the man who will
go with his army until they get to a place called Wordle Cora which
is short distance from Madina Munawwara
in the direction of Sham, so it's north of Madina Munawwara a
distance. He'll go there in Great. He'll go there, great ease and
comfort. And that is where he will meet up
With the army of his cousin with the black flags, the army will be
with 12,000.
Or he will he will join with 12,000 people.
And you'll say to him, Oh, my cousin. I am more rightful his
cousin, the one who's just come from Horace. And he'll say, Oh, my
cousin, I'm more rightful of this matter than you are. I've got more
rights over it. Because I'm from the children of Hassan. And I'm
the melody. So the true Maddie will say to him, No, I am the
Maddie. So the Hassani will say, Have you got assigned?
If you've got to sign then that's fine. I'll pledge allegiance to
you. So, Maddie allihies Sullivan, remember, this is another sign
that we spoke about before he will
indicate he will make a gesture to one of the birds and it will fall
in his hand. He will plant just a normal stick into the ground, a
dry stick and it will become it will become fresh and green and it
will begin to sprout. So the Hassanein but his cousin will say,
Oh, my cousin, it's yours and you will follow him. So obviously
there is some discussion about why that would happen. But what this
also means is that the money is from the Chilean era where there
was a discussion the beginning is that is he from the family of
Hassan or the Allah one are saying that he alone is definitely from
the family of Rasulullah Salallahu Salam Basie has been your
Husseini? Right. So this kind of indicates that he'll be Hussaini
because his cousin has some Hassanein. And that's the argument
at that time. Allah knows best. Why? The question is, why is his
cousin say in the beginning that
it should you know, why did he even ask kind of the it might be
mine? Well, maybe because his grandfather Hassan was Khalifa.
Before he gave it over to me, obviously, he felt that he was
more rightful of it.
And so Allah knows best why that happened, but that will be cleared
up anyway. So inshallah we'll carry on from here next time. Now
that this army has got together. So Fiona is causing all of this
problem on that side. This army has just got together outside
Madina, Munawwara and inshallah we'll carry on the point of a
lecture is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration,
and encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start
learning seriously, to read books to take on a subject of Islam and
to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,
so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan courses, so that you can actually
take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,
especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we
have on the Islamic essentials certificate, which you take 20
Short modules, and at the end of that inshallah you will have
gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam and
you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave lectures
behind you can continue to live, you know, to listen to lectures,
but you need to have this more sustained study as well as Accola
Hyrum. Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah regard.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further and inspiration and encouragement, persuasion, the
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as local law here in Santa Monica when I
have to live record