Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Signs of the Last Day Series Miscellaneous Signs
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Al Hamdulillah
Al Hamdulillah Hamden cathedral even without a confy Mubarak
anally he can mail your hobo Rabona Yoda Jalla Jalla who are
Manolo wa salatu salam O Allah so you will have you will Mustafa
SallAllahu Taala Allah Who are the early he will be he or Baraka was
the limit the Sleeman Kathira on Isla Yomi. Dean Amma buried.
So in our series on the signs of the Day of Judgment, as you know,
we're in the first part, we're about just over halfway in the
first part of the signs, these are considered to be the early signs,
early signs in the sense that many of these have occurred, according
to us. But these were things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam, spoke about 1400 years ago. And then, as the years
all of these things became true, and they occurred and they
confirmed what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had
mentioned. So in the last few sessions, we spoke about the
various different liars, imposters and those who claim to be the
prophets claimed to be prophets, especially after the prophets of
Allah Islam had passed away how big of a problem and a fitna and
trial that was for the Muslim ummah, and how Abu Bakr Siddiq or
the Allah one,
manage to overcome them and bring back the unity and stability in
the Muslim ummah.
The next section speaks about various different occurrences
which we have
had the opportunity,
fortunate fortunately, or unfortunately, in our lifetime, to
also experience. Again, this is part of the prophecy of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
There are a number of different things that we'll be looking at
today, some in brief, some in more detail. We can't look at
everything in great detail otherwise, this, the sessions will
go on for a very long time. The next one is about the conquest of
Jerusalem. The conquest of Jerusalem is something which in
recent years, there's numerous books and literature that have has
been produced about it. So it's something that is easily
I just want to look at it from a prophecy perspective, something
that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said was going to happen and then it happened. Because
600, and something that this the seventh century after essentially
hits the lotto salaams departure from this world.
That is when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam was born came into
this world. And during that time, Baytril mock this Jerusalem was in
the hands of was not in the hands of the Muslims.
at ISA Ali salatu, Salam time was in the hands of the Romans.
But they had the Israelites, the Bani Israel
in charge of that area, so they used to have one of them. Herod
the Great, whatever his name was, he used to look after the area for
the Romans, but it was under Roman rule.
And in 71, what they say at 71 See, after a salary salatu salam
departure from this world, because easily salatu salam was lifted up
to the heavens, it was
Titus and his father who had were the Emperors of Rome at the time,
got really angry, and came in completely destroyed the whole
city, just absolutely destroyed everything, and took the churches.
Then after that,
it was obviously rebuilt. But that is the second destruction that
Allah subhanaw taala speaks about in the Quran as well. So this
happened before Islam. So during the time of the Prophet salallahu,
alayhi wasallam, the Roman leader was her Oculus Heraclius and he
in control of Jerusalem. Now, in that situation, now, Roman Empire
was a great empire. And then the other empire of the time was the
Persian Empire. And during the time of the Prophet alayhi salam,
the Romans were defeated in a particular war by the Persians,
the Persians were, both of these were superpowers but the Persians
were had more going for them. The Persians had a lot more going for
them for the than the Romans, If you were to if you were to compare
the two. So the Romans were defeated, but the prophets of
Allah at that time prophesied that the Romans have been defeated
right now, but soon they will defeat the Persians.
So that was what he said about those two but then he also said as
related by alpha nomadic or the Allah Juan and this is where we
come in. This is part of our
series that alphanumeric or the Allah one relates from the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam
that before the Day of Judgment,
there are six things that have been promised or that have been
prepared or designated.
And out of that
the one thing that I've always had was I mentioned was multi my death
before the Day of Judgment, I will pass away, and the conquest of
Baitul macness.
The conquest of Jerusalem, you mentioned
those two things together, among the other things.
And now since then, until now
Baytril mock this has been conquered twice.
So at the time, the prophets, Allah Samuel was not in the hands
of the Muslims. And if you remember the famous exchange and
dialogue that took place between Abu Sufian as a representative
trade representative of Makkah, and Heraclius had him called in
his, in his court, and he and asked him about this new prophet
that had emerged in Makkah, Makara Rama, so beta mock this was
conquered twice or taken twice by the Muslims. One was during the
time of Amara, the Allah one.
And at that time, it was literally handed over after the siege. And
the Christians inside, because now the Roman Empire, which had been a
pagan empire, believing in gods like the sun and the moon and
other things, after a
Emperor called
Constantine, he became Christian, and the whole Roman Empire became
Christian. This was before the Prophet salallahu Salam.
the Christians after they'd been besieged by the armies of the
Sahaba, they said, We'll give the keys and they gave a description
of the person. So Oh, my God, Allah, one had to come all the way
from Madina Munawwara to Jerusalem, and the keys were
handed over to him. So that one was done during the time of
ermotti, Allah one. And then the second time, then after it was
lost to the Muslims, and for about 91 years, approximately, it was
last to the Muslims. And that was the time when it was a lot. If you
think it's bad right now, it was a lot worse then. You know, now
nowadays, they cause a lot of
hassle to get in for the Muslims. And they sometimes let people only
above 50 years of age go in and strange things like that. And
there's a lot of you can see there's a lot of pressure there,
when you go there. But when we're talking about these 90 to 91
years, there was a cross on top of the Koch brothers Sahara, on top
of the, you know, the octagonal building, the one that is normally
featured as the masjid Luxor, and no Salah to take place in the
because the Muslims were literally Muslims and the Jews were
completely killed, and had whoever escaped managed to escape, but
there was a lot of carnage at that time.
But after that, it was taken back by the EU bids by Salahuddin and a
UB who managed to have everybody come together and take it on so.
And that was one of the greatest victories of Islam, as has been
But after that, it went back to the Christians for a very short
while, because the Crusades continued. That was the Second
Crusade and then the Third Crusade. And then there were about
nine crusades in all the others were not very strong. The first
three were very powerful crusades. But after that, the rest of them
nine to 11 crusades, they were very, very, they weren't very
strong. But for a short while it did go back to the Christians. But
one of the grandchildren of Salahuddin Rahmatullahi Ali, whose
name was Al Malika Nasser that would,
he managed to regain Jerusalem and since then it's been in the hands
of the Muslims. And somebody's said a poem about this about the
nature of Jerusalem, that Al Masjid Al Aqsa, Allah, who are the
Surat? fissara methylene says Iran, either rather Bill Kufri
Mustonen and yeah, bath Allah in your bath, Allahu Allah who now
see Iran for now Syrian taharah who are willing, we're now Syrian
Tahara who, Iran which is that the machine lochsa has a habit where
it goes and it becomes an example.
And if it turns to if it turns to being a house of gopher, then
Allah subhanho wa Taala sends for it. A helper Victor. So hence,
there was the first
Victor are the helper who purified it. And then there was the one who
came after and the second one who purified it. Okay, so the reason
we're mentioning Jerusalem is something that the prophets Allah
said, because obviously it was important to the Muslims because
Allah had spoken about the Masjid. Luxa in the Quran, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had been taken there on a journey. By
night, the Israel and the Mirage, if you remember, he had been taken
from Makkah to Jerusalem. So it was something that was closed,
people been talking about it, they felt some relationship to it. So
the prophets Allah or some said, then in his time that it will come
into the hands of the Muslims, and then it did. That was one city,
another city that the prophets Allah, some spoke about, which
that city no longer exists anymore. In fact, it was a
a metropolis of cities. It wasn't a single city. It was one of the
most famous cities of the time of the this beta lock. This was in
the Roman Empire. And this other city I'm speaking about was what
was one of the, the it was the headquarters or the capital of the
Persian Empire. And does anybody know what that one is?
That was called Muda. And Muda. In is actually a plural of Medina.
Medina means a city. Medina in Arabic just means the city, but
the city of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam became known as El
Medina, Medina to Rasul so it's just Medina it's actually Medina
to Rasool that's why I was should insist that people say Medina
tayyiba or, you know, a title with it because just Medina is Medina
and the city is called Medina, Medina, Thailand and that's what
they say the Arab say, the word Medina just means a city in
Arabic, but that's the Medina. And so, Medina Medina means the city
of El Medina, the medina this city became very famous. Madina
the illuminated Simona whare means illuminated city of Medina because
of the Nora, but then after yerba buy, it means excellent, right
beautiful. So that's why we call it Medina yerba Medina. So when we
say Medina, we should say Madina, Munawwara Medina, yerba, but
Medina is the plural of Medina, it means cities. Right. So this was a
group of small cities in close to a bug that is today.
And it was called muda in
and there was an older name for the Persian name was tests, even
tests even or Tessie Finan along with a few names of the others.
There's about seven or eight cities that made up this major
city. This is where the great palace of Cosmos was the leader of
the Persian Empire. And it's some of the pillars of this great
palace here are building here that you want to Kisara the IWAN of
Kisara in it says, this is the same un the same palace or court
or promenade of the crossroads of Persia, that is mentioned as
falling down at the birth of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. So
at the birth of the rose, Allah has a number of different things
took place around the world just like out of nowhere, they just
took place and a wandering what's happened some major incident has
taken place or something major has occurred in the world by which
these things are happening and one of those was that their fire went
off. That had been burning for 1000 years because they the
Persian Empire were fire worshippers, Zoroastrians mediums.
So the fire just went off, and there was somebody
to look after the fire 24 hours to make sure it didn't go because
it's constantly fueled. But after 1000 years of this effort, it just
went off. And some of the pillars of this palace was supposed to
have just fallen down at the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam
is a major city. And a lot of excavation work has taken there
because that city literally died out afterwards. But that is a new
So I don't even know how Tim Radi Allahu Anhu relates that
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
in the hula tacos, had the youth cultural appealed. A lady
filmmaker in Walla Taku. Sir, had the seer of Marina Middle Ages
Iraq means that the half of shaman
probably the last some said, the Day of Judgment will not occur
until the white Palace,
the white Palace, that is in muda in will be conquered.
So that will be conquered before the Day of Judgment occurs. And
the Day of Judgment will not occur until a woman is able to travel
from hijas hijas is the western border of Arabia from hijas to
Iraq, in complete peace and safety
See, without the fear of anything.
And that's why I don't even know how to model the Hola, Juan de
sahabi, he lived to see this come true. So this happened very fast
as the beta mock this. So two of the major cities, most important
cities of the Persians and Romans.
Well, the muda in was a lot more important to the Persians than was
Jerusalem, maybe to the Roman to the Romans, that was of Signet,
religious significance, whereas this was probably more of
political significance for them. But I don't even know how to know
the allowances for CADRE to whom I Jimmy and I've seen both of these
Can you imagine how that must have just elevated Imana me, forget
elevators, Iman, he knew it was going to happen.
The Yaqeen that they went with must have been RG because they
just heard things on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, and then
they were probably in this battle of Iraq, in Persia, and images
just have had that Yaqeen in them, too, that the, the messenger
SallAllahu had said so. So it's going to happen. But he said, I've
seen both of them. And both of them occurred
during the time of Amara, the Hola, Juan and what are the Alon
has so many achievements to his name.
So many of the major major achievements especially those
which are prophets, Allah had spoken about, many of them
happened in the 10 years or so that Amara, the Allah one was the
Hadith. The next point that the prophets Allah some spoke about
was the destruction of the Arabs. Now, this doesn't mean in the way
you may be thinking that there'll be wiped out or anything like
that. But this is more talking about the rule will finish. And
again, that is something that we have seen. Firstly, let's look at
this hadith Which Imam Tirmidhi has related from Paula Abdul
Malik, the Allah Juan, says Minister RB, Sir, hello, Aquila,
Arab, from the signs of the closeness or from the closeness of
the hour, the last hour, the final hour? Is the destruction of the
Arabs meaning destruction of the rule, not destruction of the Arabs
themselves. Monitor me the relates this? And when do you think that
happened? You must know from the history that we've been covering.
When do you think that happened?
At the end of the bunu Benoit bursts? Because the bundle Omiya
who after the fourfold offer, starting with Mario de la after
Mario, the Allah one the children why we're sorry, the children of
the omega, that they they remained in rule than the Abbas is again,
they were Arabs, then it went into numerous different dynasties. And
none of them were Arabs. They spoke Arabic. All the achievements
were in Arabic, all the scholars wrote in Arabic, and it was all
Arabic, but they had
become Arabic. as such. They were not original Arabs. And again,
this is something that was the last time said. So for example,
you had a look at some of the major ones had the mum, Luke's mum
looks primarily Turkic slaves, that had been serving under some
of these great rulers. And then they had become the ruling party.
You had the samanids, who originally Persian, who became the
rulers of horizen, and who became rulers of horizen and Maharana.
And then later they had incursions in to Asia as well as into India
as well. Then you had
the two lunettes. Then you had the
you had the Hawa ism, which we spoke about, who caused the Tatas
to attack if you remember, again, that were took kick origin,
Persian speaking maybe or some other language, then you had the
cell jokes. They were Turks. Then you had the biggest dynasty that
that rule for seven to 800 years. That was worth money dynasty of
the hill, half of the money, which was again Turkish. So you had many
of them that were of Turkic, Persian kind of background that
had the dominant rule over the majority of the Muslims. Yes, some
remnant of the Romanians remained in Spain, if you remember, they
had cut away from the Abbasids they had kind of made themselves
independent in Spain, and it cut themselves away from the Muslim,
the rest of the Muslim ummah in a sense, and though they had a lot
of achievement and progress in the beginning, eventually because
of a number of reasons, which you know, can be analyzed at a
different time. The Muslims had to
had to leave Spain and many were killed.
But yeah, that's the prophets of Allah. That's what the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said, at one time. Right, the next sign.
Another thing that the Prophet salallahu Salam spoke about, and
this one is related by Imam Bukhari and Muslim from Abu
Huraira, or the Allah one. He said that
Loretta comesa had Yuk therell had directorial mal fee come for your
feed or had your him Rob bull Merle may Jakob al Sakata. Who
will hurt your reader your reader who fair cool Olivia I need to Who
are they he la orb la hija de sol Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim both
relate from Abu Huraira the Allah and the Prophet sallallahu sallam
said that the Day of Judgment will not occur until wealth becomes
abundant. Money becomes abundant and spread widespread, there'll be
so much money around until the person who has the wealth will
have to literally go and search for somebody who will be able to
accept his sadaqa. Now these days, we actually have a lot of money,
mashallah, despite the fact that we don't like to spend much in the
path of Allah, but there is a lot of money. But then we also get a
lot of people who come to collect money, as well. But this is
talking about, you get so much money, that everybody is rich,
everybody's got lot and there's no value for it, maybe. And you have
to actually literally seek out somebody can you take my son like
I need to pay my sadaqa
was acquired or whatever. In fact, it says what I read The who, in
fact, the person will offer it to somebody, and thinking that maybe
he needs it, and the person will say, I don't need it. I don't have
any need for it. This happened, firstly, during the time of
Earthman, or the Allah one, because so many more Congress took
place and Islam spread far and wide. And because of all of this
congress and all of the booty that came from it, which was split up
and distributed among and who what kind of booty are we talking
about, from whom, from the Persians and the Romans, and the
amount that they had in some of these cities that they conquered.
And the history says that when they conquered that city, the kind
of wealth came out there boggle the mind.
Especially some of these Persians cities, the some of the Congress
that took place, we saw things we'd never even thought about that
people could have in this dunya.
Just just completely baffled and boggle the mind, by the kinds of
things these Persians had when you think were progressive, you know,
maybe didn't have electricity and that kind of technology. But even
if you go to the Egyptian Museum, sorry, the Pharaonic Museum in
Egypt, just for Abraham, right just for Abraham, you will see
that for 4000 years ago, which is where 2000 years after a Saudi
salatu salam they were 2000 years before he Saudi Salam. They've got
everything from like a mirror to the needle, all preserved, and old
slave labor, but it was, it's all preserved on that the kind of
luxuries that they had was just a Jeep Cydonia that's, that's what
the dunya does to you. So they conquered so many places. And they
opened up so many places, and they said, there were just things that
we'd never thought could ever exist. And all of this was split
up, you know, distributed among the believers.
So they just had too much. It's like, no, I got too much. And then
it also occurred during the time of Amara, the urban Abdulaziz or
the Hola, Juan Rahmatullah Hirani, which was a bit later. Now what
happened between them? The interesting thing here is that
during the tower of Mana, the alone you had that situation for a
moment where people had enough that they couldn't accept, and
then it happened again during the time or what have you. So what
happens in what happened in between the people lose their
wealth? What was going on?
Well, I would probably say, and this is just just off the back. I
would probably say that, although the money was all there, because
there were more Congress stuff that yes, there was turmoil during
the end of Earth, one of the last time it was the last time there
wasn't much Congress, it was all just internal fighting,
unfortunately, with the Hawaii region, the other groups and the
Battle of Safina and as we covered before, but
after that, Abdullah administer better the UN's time and so on
until finally Abdullah bin Abdulaziz time, the main thing is
the internal fighting. And number two, the injustice. The money was
not properly split properly. The money was not properly being given
right. In fact, the Omega IDs were known to be taking confiscating
taking people's lands and just giving it over to their family
members and so on. Just like is happening today in different
places as well. So it happened again during Omar Abdulaziz time,
but it only you know how long it took him to get there. Less than
three years because
He was only a leaf for two years and about five months. And in that
time, north of Africa, which was now under the Muslim rule, there's
the card collector was collecting the card and going and trying to
find people to give it to and he couldn't find anybody. So if that
change has to wants to occur, it doesn't take 10 years. It could
happen in a single year, as long as there's proper justice, and a
proper distribution of the wealth. So it can happen today as well.
But except for the few that may be very God fearing most people that
are probably given wealth to distribute, they have to pay
themselves first for the work, whether you call it Mr. 10%, or
20% or 30%. Afterwards, it doesn't matter. That's what money does to
you doesn't you know, it makes you such that you don't mind being
then criticized, because you think you've got this which is more
valuable, even though you lose your honor in the sight of people.
A cheap thing, isn't it? May Allah protect us from its fitna, because
it's something that is so close to all of us. And that is that
whether we like it or not, whether we deny it or not. So we can only
ask Allah subhanaw taala to keep us away from the fitna of this,
right. So that's the twice that it occurred. And then the owner must
say that it will occur for a third time during the time of reciting
salatu salam. But that will be completely different. There'll be
so much wealth.
And there'll be so less hatred and enmity that a wolf and a sheep
will be playing together, it'll be a completely different time. It's
something that we can't even probably perceive, and understand
and comprehend at this point in time, just like many things are
happening today, which 100 years ago, people would not be able to
conceive. Can you imagine you telling somebody that you can
10 feet from your car, and you can you can open your car door with
that, where they believe you about 100 years ago, you know, you'll
just stand and your car door will open because you know, you'll just
press your fingers together, would they believe for us normal stuff,
you take your car keys out ticket on the car, you know, and then you
can make the car start and you can do all sorts of stuff. Planes fly
with automatic pilot with somebody believe that 100 years ago, 200
years ago, same kind of things, we don't know what these things are,
we just not going to deny them because we can't understand them
and comprehend them. So it will happen when essentially salatu
salam comes back. And that we will look at in more detail in the last
section of this when it talks about the major signs that will
take place afterwards. Another one is, again relates to natural
phenomena here, which is, yeah, so the one we just read was more
about abundance of wealth. And there are a number of other Hadith
about this as well that there'll be so much wealth, so much wealth
that it will be as if it's coming out from under your feet, so much
wealth, but no value to it means various ways of understanding
this, it doesn't have to just mean you will get lots of dollars a lot
of pounds, it could also mean that you've got whatever you have,
there is no value to it. Because when you have a lot, you don't
have that much value for the small amount, and you just want big
amounts. And if you go to different countries, I don't know
if any of you have had experience with different currencies. But the
value you see in a particular currency in one country is very
different from maybe the value that you have of currency in
another country. Those who have traveled a bit may understand what
I'm speaking about. I don't know for some reason, in America, all
the dollar notes are of the same size and same color where you got
a $50 $100 note or a $1 note. So you have $4,000 in your hand. It
doesn't really feel like much doesn't look like much doesn't
feel like much. Whereas in this country, if you've got 200 pounds,
actually feels like something for some reason.
Right? I don't know about rupees and you know, other things. I
don't know. It's not something I'm going to, you know, go into but
Allah knows best exactly what this means. But the fact is that money
is a fitna and that's what we need to realize. The next one is
mountains moving from their places, mountains just being
uprooted or moving from their places. Bharani relates Imam top
Ronnie relates from Sambora the Allah one that the prophets of
Allah Islam said the Day of Judgment will not occur until
mountains will move from their places. That's what the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said 1400 years ago, you go to Arabia today you go
to Makkah today and mountains are being moved from their places. So
behind the Intercontinental, the Darko hate intercontinental
there's a mountain there, which used to have been inhabited. And
that was one of the first areas to go down.
It's a big mountain and this used to look at it when I went there
two and half years ago, about two years ago. A small,
small what seemed to be so small like Toy builder.
was trying to remove this mountain and the mountain is called Mount
of Omar Jebel Omar. And it was definitely being tough for them to
move it. But now they want to get rid of other mountains as well
surrounding it to expand. Obviously, it's a controversial
move because many people think that there's these mountains were
there during the town province that allowed Islam and there's
people opposing it and there's, you know, there's a lot going on
May Allah subhanaw taala do the best for Makkah and protect it.
But, yeah,
but the province of Assam said the day of judgment would not occur
until mountains will move from their places. I'm not sure if
that's what he's referring to. But there are where mountains actually
move from one place to another which is different to just
destroying a mountain. And I will see you at relates in that equal
hole of the in the year 242 Hijiri. During the Khilafah of
mutawa kill Billa Tabitha Khalif Harun Rashid Sun, Moon Rashid,
there was a mountain in Yemen, which had crops which had fields
on it on the sides of it, and it moved. Now, I'm sure there's some
explanation to this phenomena, some land movement, the plates
moving, and so on and so forth. But I haven't looked at it deep
enough, I wasn't able to research it developed to exactly explain
it. But then in 300, Hijiri, during the Khilafah, of Mokhtar
that we learned about it for leaf,
a mountain in a city in a place called Deen water, which is one of
the famous cities of the Muslim lands at that time, it sunk into
the ground. And from it from from that place, erupted. A lot of
water, a flood began from that place, probably an underwater
stream came out and flooded many different areas. So the mountain
was sunk. And that clearly has happened in numerous places,
because mountains are actually made from volcanic activity and
from platonic activity, the different plates of the Earth's
crust are moving together, pushing together, the mountains formed,
but it pulls apart, mountains go down. So that's kind of a thing
that we're speaking about. But
the prophets Allah Some said that this was going to happen,
mountains will move from there places. And
there's a number of other things that he mentioned which are which,
which I'll explain as well. The next thing is, and again, this is
something that obviously was said earlier, the Allahu Anhu relates
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the Kumars had
dialtone misogyny oldman as HERBIE, come at delta b comma tell
Tammy Sudol, for the Tegid. Raja Hamad Imam Muhammad relate says in
his Muslim, that a promise a lot of some said, the Day of Judgment
will not occur, until a person will go about trying to find a
Sahabi How can I find a Sahabi, a companion throw Salah Salem, they
will look for a Sahabi just like they look for something, they've
lost something valuable that they've lost, they're looking for
it, I know I had it there should be there, where is it, but they
will not be able to find one, just like they cannot find this could
speak about a number of different this could mean a number of
different things. Be obviously clearly that the Sahaba will pass
away which the human beings so they will pass away. But it also
mean that people may be in such a state that they would think that
we need some guidance, we need some help from the sahaba. But
they would not be able to find a hobby, or anybody that's like as a
hobby, they could be number of different meanings for this.
People try to find people with the attributes or qualities of the
sahaba. But they will not be able to find and there'll be running
from here and there because of the problems that they see in the
world. And they won't have anybody to go to that for them would be
like a Sahabi. So that was the next sign.
And we'll look at a few more. The next one is the professor Lawson
said very specifically that there will be three hosts of hosts who
and this is speaking about a kind of a sub terian collapse where
people are on a piece of land and the land just just drops or an
earthquake takes place. And they sink in so it's like a sinking a
subterranean collapse, a sinking into the ground. And he spoke
prominently about three different places that that will happen.
Almost Salam
Radi Allahu Anhu relates say a cool nobody has phone bill Mushrik
well Hassan Bill Muslim well has one feature zero till Arab and
then three Isla atossa Full Wolfie him a Saudi Hoon called Nam Eva
Catherine hub birth or hub, Roberto Bharani So Imam Toblerone
relates from almost southern Radi Allahu Ana, that a Prophet
sallallahu sallam said they
will be after me after me not in the tone of oxytocin. But after me
there will be three sinkings or three sub terian collapses, one in
the east, one in the West, and one in the Arabian Peninsula. So
somebody asked that, will the land be close to sink down, swallowed
down? Even though there may be pious people on it? saw the hem?
And the promise of awesome said, yes, absolutely. If the evil, the
immorality and the evil spreads among them. So that shows that
data is very important. Because if you're in a community where things
are happening, and you don't try to stop it, you will also be
punished with that, then the question of the day of judgment
will be that did you try your best? Did you do anything against
it? Did you try to solve and resolve the problems? Did you try
to improve the situation? We gave you the deen we gave you the
island we gave you the knowledge? We gave you the guidance, we gave
you this valuable thing? Did you take it to others, so everybody
will perish. But on the day of judgment, another Hadith mentioned
that everybody will be resurrected on the intentions. So whatever,
even though they've been destroyed in this, they will be resurrected
on the Day of Judgment according to their intentions. But the
dangerous part about this is that nobody knows when it might happen.
And if it might happen when it might happen. So people may think
I'll do that, I'll do that we'll do that. And then it's too late.
Who they for ignore a seed or the Allahu Anhu relates that once the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam came upon us while we were
discussing the Day of Judgment, so they were discussing their
judgment. And the Prophet said Allah some suddenly appeared to
them. He came to to where they were. And he said, Look, you
people are discussing Dave judgments he said, in the
heartland, Takahata, tarot Cabela Ashra. If it's not going to occur
until you see before it 10 signs. So you're saying that you guys are
getting really worried about it or whatever you will not occur to you
see 10 signs. And he mentioned the 10. But out of them the three were
this, we just mentioned that out of them. There'll be two three
sinkings, one in Mosh in the machinic in in the east, one in
the West, and one in zero till Arab. And this has been related by
Mr. Muslim. Tell me the mom, NASA Budo. And mommy, no matter,
everybody except Buhari is related this one. Now these three, these
three have taken place already. So again, it shows what the President
said came absolutely true. The first one happened during the
Khilafah of Soleimani. Abdul Malik,
the one just before Omar Abdulaziz, he was a colleague just
before Ramadan. Nevertheless, he is the son of Abdul Malik Abdul
Marwan, but this one is the details of this is really strange.
But he said that this happened Bahara Bahara is a city in
Uzbekistan today. The Firstly, they heard this clutter, this just
read dreadful clutter from the heavens, from the sky.
And then a sound like thunder. And it was so it was just so
terrifying, that pregnant women had miscarriages. It caused
pregnant women to miscarry. And when they looked, they saw that
it's as if the sky had opened up. And like some big something was
coming out from there. And somebody was announcing that oh,
people of the earth take a lesson from this from what's happening in
the heavens. Then there was a number of other things mentioned.
And although 40 reliable men went and gave witness to this incident,
to the kadhi, the judge of Bara, right? So this 40 reliable
witnesses, when who sort of said they saw this, they won't give
witness to the quality of water. So that's how it was recorded. But
maybe something some of the other authors are saying that maybe
something dreadful did happen. But there were a few other details
that they mentioned, which are a bit far fetched. But something
dreadful must have happened for 14 people to go and say that this was
just such a serious thing of that nature. And the main thing about
this, how it relates to our three sinkings is this, that when it
became daytime, after this had been seen, and that sound had been
heard. When people went to that place where they saw this whole
thing, in the distant happening, they saw that there had been a
massive collapse of the land, massive hole or something that
you just couldn't even fathom how deep it was, you know, nobody was
going to go and test it out.
And there was black smoke coming out of that
could have been a volcano that erupted.
I mean, recently we've seen these things happen. Was it recently
I remember correctly in Bolivia or somewhere in the middle of a town,
suddenly just sink, a sinkhole. It's called just just sink. And
one house is literally on its edge. So the people in that house
just got saved.
Because everything, there's a massive hole next to it. So if
they look out the window, they just look into a deep hole down
there, and I think in the house is probably going to collapse as
well. Really big holes. I mean, recently just happened a few
months ago, yeah, a few months, about six months ago, maybe in
Bolivia, or something I can't remember. Then there's so many
that they've reported. But all of these that they've reported were
either happening in North Africa or in the in the Middle East, or
in the MOA, or the trans oxiana in that area and harass another
because that was where the Muslims rule so that they knew about this.
So there's numerous that these authors have mentioned. Clearly
what happens in other countries around the world,
were more than what probably happened just there. Because they
mentioned that in 280 or 280, Hijiri, there was sinking in 13
villages, in Maghrib.
In Morocco, in 834.
In a month of chadburn, there was a massive earthquake in Granada,
which is in Andalusia, Spain today. And many houses just sunk
into the ground. And some of the big palace of Granada, the fort
also sunk into the ground.
It happened in Ray happened is there's just so many mentioned, I
mean, we it's just the list of things that the main point is that
the progress that hasn't said all of these are going to happen. And
these are the big ones, because there's so many minor shakes and
minor earthquakes. So this could be because of the earthquake that
opens up or there's a sinkhole that appears the reason of the
sinkhole the way the scientist explained it is low soil at the
bottom. And and then it just it just sinks down because the bottom
gives way. There's the point is that which I will mention soon,
that all of these things, you could give an explanation to them,
you can give an explanation to the tsunami that okay, there was an
earthquake that took place in the middle of the ocean. And because
of that it created this massive wave this first recess of the
water, and then it created this, all of those are scientific
explanations of what happened. But at the end of the day, what
actually is behind the cause of all of that. And then the purpose
of that is what's important for us to understand.
Because we can admire it as a great feat of nature as the way
they put it to us. But at the end of the day, Allah subhanaw taala
is behind this and this is the forces of Allah subhanho wa Taala
and what's the purpose of this is what's important for us to
understand, then, you know, you just, you cannot
encompass all of the different things that have taken place. But
then there's another one which is that the Prophet sallallahu sallam
said that they will be many. I'll just read the Hadith and then
we'll talk about that next week inshallah.
But the next sign is an abundance of earthquakes, not just thinking
about earthquakes,
a lot of murder and killing and just major turmoil. That's another
sign of the Day of Judgment. Abu Huraira the Allahu Anhu relates
hadith of Buhari and even Umoja Abu Huraira to the Allahu and
relates that a coup Musa had the yoke Badulla and buttock results.
Were Takara was the man buttonhole fit and work through horridge will
cut them, they have judgment will not occur. Until LM is extracted,
it's taken away is snatched away. Knowledge is snatched away sacred
knowledge not
just any knowledge but sacred knowledge, the knowledge that
takes you closer to Allah subhanaw taala and earthquakes will occur
in abundance and time will contract time will become close
together. So days will just fly and fitna and trials and
tribulations will emerge and horridge will become abundant and
hemorrhage is dead is killing and murder that will become abundant.
According to ignite a surgeon from Ottawa Abner who am from an
unsightly Sahabi who relates to the profit and loss from said that
there will be in my OMA a tremor earthquake in which 10,000 or
20,000 or 30,000, meaning 1020 30,000 people at a time will
be killed in these tremors. How many died in this recent tsunami
of two years ago? It was some some crazy number. You know, it was it
was a lot of people. But the main thing is the next part here
for this whole thing, the main thing is this this next line here
in this hadith
So the progress allows me saying that in my own life, there will be
a tremor in which 10,000 People will die 20,000 30,000 People will
die, you know, Hala humo were able to handle metalcon Warahmatullah
Momineen what urban will carefully this is the purpose of it? That is
one thing is happening, but it's having these multifaceted purpose
that is being carried with it. Allah subhanho wa Taala makes them
a source of Naziha exhortation advice for the people who are
pious. They can look at this and be take a lesson and a mercy for
the believers and a punishment for the disbelievers. So the same
punishment in the area whoever's a believer well this is Rama for
them, maybe they were suffering in other ways. They've gone to Allah
subhanaw taala.
For those who are far away they looking at this they learn from
this those of Taqwa and those who are there and who've been
destroyed and we're sinners, then they've been punished for this. So
inshallah we'll look at look at that next time inshallah that and
musk and cough, which is there'll be pelting from the heavens where
things will be thrown down. It will rain different things, and
also must, which means disfigurement of people's faces
and bodies as a punishment from Allah subhanaw taala these are all
things that have always been spoke about we'll look at all of those
things inshallah. Next time Allahumma Salawa Salam debark the
other jewelry from Allah homea how you have to use medical history la
homea Hernani I'm and then Landis Hanukkah in condemning avoiding
mean just Allah who I know Muhammad Amir who just Allah one
Muhammad mo Allahumma fildena or home now if you know what I do you
know what I'm talking about Allahumma fiddley or Medici they
know Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam Allahumma Foodland Muslim
you know, almost imagine what we know and what we know. Here a
minimal amount Allahumma fildena What do you already know what do
Masha if you know when he asserted that in our little love in our ego
and in our in our in our they didn't know when it was word you
know, when he called him Allahu Hakuna in our they call him an
Asana with Dr. Allahumma home home well if he marked one home of
Allah except our Donna's Oh Allah forgive us our sins Oh ALLAH those
sins we've done in private or in public or law those that are large
or small, great, great or insignificant those we consider to
be big those we consider to be small those we remember those we
don't remember of Allah all our sins that every one that's
recorded in the books of Allah has forgiven for those of Allah have
us forgiven in such a way that we become closer to you of Allah
elevate our status in your site. Oh Allah elevate our status. Our
elevate our rankings in your eyes, Oh Allah, Oh Allah forgive us all
the wrongs that we've done Oh Allah correct us in everything
that we do and guide us right and everything that we do Oh Allah you
be our guide of Allah make us the guide of the guidance of Allah
accept us for the service of your deen of Allah accept us for Your
Path of Allah accept us for Your Path. Oh Allah make us great Dar
es O Allah make us make us of those who help others and who
encourage others to do the good and not who encourage others to do
the wrong and evil of Allah make us a sources of good and make do
not make us sources of evil. Oh Allah make our internal make our
fill our internal selves with taqwa and oh Allah make our
outside better than our than our inside our law make our inside.
Pious Oh Allah Oh Allah grant us everything that your messenger
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam asked from you and oh Allah
protect us from everything that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam sought your refuge in? Oh Allah grant us the Kadima on our
deathbed. Oh Allah safeguard us and protect us. So Allah all of
these different fitna and trials and tribulations that take around
that take place around the world of Allah allow us to see them our
line allow us to see them in the way you want us to see them. Oh
Allah allow us to take a lesson from them allow our hearts to
soften out oh Allah do not allow us to just pass over them as
though nothing has happened. Oh Allah allow us to prepare for our
death before we die. Oh Allah grant us the Kadima La ilaha
illallah on our deathbed. Oh Allah help can safeguard all of our
Muslim brothers and sisters around the world and bring humanity back
into the human beings around the world. Oh Allah, Oh Allah, accept
all of our good deeds. Oh Allah accept all of our good deeds of
Allah accept all of our good deeds of Allah grant us purity and our
intention. So Allah, protect us from insincerity protect us from
RIA and ostentation and showing off Oh Allah, Oh Allah, Oh Allah
make us do everything that we do for you our life. There's any
problems in our life, any hassles that we're going through any
issues that we have any disputes that we have, Oh Allah, allow them
to all be resolved resolved in a in a manner that is that is good
and befitting and that is that is a source of contentment. Oh Allah,
Oh Allah protect us and fulfill all of our permissible needs of
Allah grant us Jana genital for those of Allah grant has Jana
genital for those planters closeness and proximity to your
messenger Muhammad salah.
I've already your salon and of the pious Subhanallah because
mobilicity is a phone was when Ireland was selling all
hamdulillah Robben Island I mean, the point of a lecture is to
encourage people to act to get further an inspiration and
encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start
learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and
to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,
so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan courses so that you can actually
take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,
especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we
have on the Islamic essentials certificate which you take 20
Short modules and at the end of that inshallah you will have
gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam and
you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave lectures
behind you can continue to live, you know, to listen to lectures,
but you need to have this more sustained study as well as local
law here and Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah regard.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as Aquila harem Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah
Arabic record