Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Signs of the Last Day Series False Prophets (Imposters) Tulayha and Sajah
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AI: Transcript ©
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al Hamdulillah hamdulillah Hema do
who want to start you know who want to stop Pharaoh who were not
going to be he wanted to actually when our will be live in Cerulean
phocoena Amin say yeah Dr. Marina Yatta Hello Philomel Dylan homie
the beautiful fella heard yet I want to shadow Allah you know in
Allahu Allahu la sharika
want to shadow Anessa you don't know Maulana Muhammad Abu
Rasulullah sallallahu didar Either you either. He also hear about of
course seldom at the Sleeman cathedral, Dean Emeritus.
We spoke about
a swaddle and see and how he was
dealt with by the Muslims. After him. There were a number of other
imposters as well. And what had happened after the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away is that a number of different
tribes who had just come into Islam after the conquest of
Makkah, some of them had come under the name of Islam or the
banner of Islam purely for the sake of expedience, just so that
they could be with the kind of stronger force of the Muslims so
that they would be protected from being attacked by them, or they
could benefit from being with them. So many of them had not
really converted. They've just shown their allegiance in a sense,
and kind of expressed their faith. So some of them were like that.
Others, they just done it because of following somebody else. So
they were not really serious about their faith, and they've just come
into Islam recently, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed
away, the true Iman had not yet entered into their hearts yet, and
they hadn't learned enough or some of them were just mischief, just
mischievious. So after the professor Larson passed away,
there were a number of different things that happened in the
surrounding areas. Some people just completely left Islam. Some
people said, We'll accept Islam, but then you know, we won't give
zakat. So they tried to personalize their faith, for
example. For example, there was one whose name was Malik. And he
was considered a tax collector. I mean, because he was one of the
chiefs of his tribe. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi.
wasallam, had made him the tax collector, he had embraced Islam
during the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he was the
tax collector for his area is that God and so on and so forth.
And he did it honestly. So it was an honest person, very,
very generous person as well, he would keep the lights on in his
house at nighttime, so that anybody who's traveling around
would be able to see that light, and they would come and he would
host them. So it's a very, very generous and hospitable man. But,
and in the beginning, he was very honest in the way he collected the
taxes and had it delivered to Madina Munawwara. But what had
happened is when the prophets Allah Lawson was ill, he just
collected the tax, and then he heard that abortion laws have been
passed away. So for some reason or the other, he decided that he's
going to go and give this money back to everybody and said, Look,
now you enjoy your money, you don't need to pay it anymore.
So he never, he didn't necessarily claim prophethood or anything of
that nature. But he decided to cut away from Medina. So he had his
own kind of group, and he made some agreements with some of the
other tribes. Now, you remember, you have to remember that also
among these tribes who had just come into Islam, they were still a
very strong tribal mentality, in the sense that they still had a
lot of grudges and grievances against certain other tribes. And
maybe the tribe that they had some grudge or grievance against may
have been good Muslims. So you've got now a really a cocktail of
problems brewing up, because you've got people who've either
completely rejected Islam because now they've seen that the Prophet
Muhammad Allah was passed away, so there's no need to go under that
name. There's others who actually felt that okay, the prophet is
gone. And you know, we don't need to be Muslim anymore. There's
others who said that we are Muslim, but we're not going to do
this out or other. Then there were a few random here and there that
actually considered themselves to be profit. So we would you know,
since the main one has gone, main Prophet sallallahu Sallam has
gone, and they saw the benefit of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
they saw his influence, they saw what he could achieve, and so on.
So they thought, Great, that's a good game. And you know, we should
be able to get that influence as well. Most of these were very
competent people. These were not necessarily just anybody off the
street trying this, most of these were leaders of their people, very
endowed people, people who had either wealth or people who had a
lot of influence or people who are very strong. So these are people
like that met some of them probably just to bolster their
position, that I can be a prophet than people actually listen to me
more than if I was just the king or the chief of them. And some of
them it was, you know, all of them, obviously, but some would
actually have the shaytaan speak
to them like Musa Lama, who would constantly be listening out to the
shaytaan, to say something. And he would think that Gibreel comes to
him, just like a few others as well that he is receiving
revelation, because that was part of what they'd seen with the
Prophet sallallahu is that he would receive prophethood. So they
had to do the same thing. And then who would speak to them, the
shaytaan would speak to them. So that's what you had.
So one of the false prophets who remained after us which time so
these are the main three, during the end of the prophets, Allah
sums time and just after were musei lemma as well and see who we
already discussed, because he died before the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam passed away. The last few days. That's when that happened.
And there was more Salem musei Lama went to Medina in a
delegation from his people and his tribe had accepted Islam.
And then they turned back afterwards. Now today, he was one
of the false prophets as well. And he was one of the first to have
the major clash with the Muslims.
And there was today ha IGNOU, who aided chief of the tribe of Banu
Asad. So this was a big tribe, and he had a history of opposing the
Muslims. And he was like a little irritant, his army of small, small
group people who tried to go and attack the Muslims here, there and
the other and they would always get knocked back. They would
always be defeated, but he kept springing back up to go and do
First, he showed his hostility to islam about three months after the
Battle of Earth, so it is really early or in Madina Munawwara.
Now, he thought that, you know, if you remember, during the Battle of
Earth, Muslims had kind of suffered
a slight SEC setback before they actually won the victory, or there
was maybe a tie or whatever the case was, if you remember when
Khalid bin Walid came round when he was still part of the records.
And one of the Sahaba had to actually stand with 50 people and
to protect the mountain but they thought the battle was over. So
they moved away, and then caught it struck from the side. So there
was a kind of a setback. So he thought this today he thought he
wasn't part of the battle, but he thought the Muslims had been
weakened by that.
So he got his clan together with the intention of raising Medina,
big ambitions, right, big ambitions.
But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
came to know about this. And
before he before today, how could even do anything else? The
horsemen of the province of Los Alamos were on him, and they they
had to just scatter with our fates. So his people had to just
scatter without a flight fight. And the Muslims captured their
flock, the flock that they you know, when they would go into
these validate had a lot of flock and sheep and many other things,
many valuables and things like that which they would need to
fight their war with and for their supplies and so on. So that was
all captured by the Muslims. And they went back to Medina with
them. Now this obviously cause the Lord discredit in the eyes of his
for Taneja, you know, where did you take us into, you know, we
couldn't do anything. Then after that, there was the Battle of the
Trench, the ditch the 100, if you remember that was a major battle.
And that the other name for that is called the Battle of the azab.
There's a whole surah in the Quran about sort of Zab the reason why
it's called Zab Azov is the plural of Hezbollah. His means a group,
Azov means the different groups. This was one of the biggest
battles that were fought in the Arabians in the Arabian Peninsula.
Until then, this was the biggest force that had come up against the
Muslims. And in fact, it was one of the biggest ever fights.
It never really turned into a major fight because Allah subhanaw
taala had it averted because of strong winds that blew and the
trench that the Muslims had dug. But it was one of the biggest ones
and how that had taken place is that the leaders of many of the
disbelieving tribes had gotten together that look, we alone
cannot do this. We all have to get there. So they rallied. Many of
the tribes that were not under Islam, they rallied them against
the Muslims and they thought this consolidated attack would be able
to finish off Medina, but the Prophet salallahu Salam had dug
this ditch on one side and and then after that a severe wind that
really like uprooted many of the tents of the non Muslim
camp caused them to go back so there wasn't a major fight at that
time, but to lay her took part in that as well.
After that,
when no battle took place, they went back to their place they you
know, they went back to the area. So again, today hug didn't get
anywhere in this one either. The next occasion was against when
there was a campaign against the Jews of Haber, the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam
had the campaign against the Jews of labor. In the seventh century.
The ban was set again, in this case under today, how they sided
with the Jews and tried to help them. So they, the Jews, obviously
in their major forts, and today he was coming from his area. So today
have fought a number of small engagements and skirmishes before
that battle. But he was defeated or routed every single time. And
then he noticed that he's not going to get anywhere. So he went
back and he deserted the Jews that he had made an agreement with,
because he saw that he's not gonna get anywhere. So he had this thing
to just
fight with the profit or loss and and fight with the Muslims. Or two
years after that, when it was that was in the ninth century, when
many will food came with food or delegations. So as I said, many of
the tribes now began to send delegations to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to express their faith, to get
further instructions to get guidance to take somebody back
with them to study under. So this was called the year of the
delegations, the delegations from the different tribes came. So the
burners had sent a delegation to Medina, which offered their Islam
to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the whole tribe
accepted Islam.
But again, like many other tribes, this was not the only did this as
a matter of convenience, it seemed just to be part of the ruling
force of the strongest and dominating force.
So to lay her as part of that tribe, normally in those days, if
a tribe accepted Islam, everybody did in that tribe. It was just the
way to do it. You know, there was no individualism it was all
tribalism at that time. Right. So
today how also outwardly embraced Islam.
that they were Muslims, he was still the leader, he became even
more famous, and he used to do soothsaying. He was used to
foretell certain things and tell people about certain things that
they didn't know about. So he had a lot of influence in that regard
as well. He could, he claimed to foretell the future as well.
There's a lot of kind of
clairvoyance, saying things about things that people didn't know
about. And he was also a very good poet during the illness of the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam at the end.
In fact, just a few days before the prophets of Allah son passed
away, this today has sought the perfect chance he started probably
Salah ism is ill very ill.
He declared himself a prophet.
And he told his people to follow Him. Now remember, they we the
Eman was not it was just a matter of political, it was a political
move. And thus,
if the leader is saying something, they will follow it.
Now when they heard about the professor Lawson passing away, he
intensified his efforts.
So, because of that, many people began to many of his tribe many
more members of his tribe, so called apostate apostatized, from
Islam, turned away from it, and began to follow Him as the
Prophet. It was also the time when now just started the practice of
law some passing away many other tribes began to give up their
Islam or do the strange things.
So now what they had did is that because they had embraced Islam,
officially, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had sent a tax collector, a
person who's gonna stay with them and he's gonna collect their taxes
and send him back.
He was sent back, he was expelled, okay, we don't need you anymore.
We're not Muslims anymore, you know, where the profit and the
profit now, he was sent back.
Obviously, as a profit or claiming to be a prophet as such, he had to
do certain things to establish his position. May people really
believe him to be the Prophet of Allah.
So the only way he could do that was by he was he said, You know
what we'll do is that the salaat prayer, namaz Salaat it will no
longer have any such that in it. You won't have to prostrate
anymore. So the solid will now be without a frustration.
Allah does not want you to want us to invert our faces, he said, or
bend our backs in an ugly posture. Just pray standing now
to come up with something new. If people believed him to be a
prophet, they'd obviously believe that that's all they had to pray
so it doesn't seem far fetched doesn't.
So now that's how they prayed.
He received a lot of help. Sorry, he received a lot of offers of
support from some of the tribes around him because they also some
of them had a grudge against Medina. So they thought great, you
know, we need to get together alone. We're not going to be able
to do anything. So again, a matter of power
Political diplomacy or
expediency, they began to rally with him. Now one of the
staunchest of the his allies were the tribe of Otter fan is a very
big tribe, tribal, got fan, very big tribe, and they became allied
to him.
He also had some help from the house. And these are the people of
thought if that had been for you remember the battle after the
conquest of Morocco and the promise that our son went to,
towards Thor, if at first you showered with arrows, and they
felt a setback slightly, that was the tribe of the house. And they
also wanted to help him and the bluesoleil blue line, but they
didn't support him as much. They kind of said, Okay, we kind of,
you know, we'll help you or whatever, but they didn't really
support him as much. It was a lot fun, which was really the big
tribe that really supported him.
Now, among the lot fun, the main one was main main person's name
was Marina, ignore Hudson.
Or, you know, ignore Hudson. And it was a very strange person,
actually. He was the chief of the bunu fissara, which was one of the
powerful clans of the Benoit fan. So under the tribe, they had fun.
They had many different clans. And he was one of the he was the chief
of the bamboo fissara, who are under the hot van. Right, but he
was he was the leader, but it's kind of a foolish kind of man,
kind of very strange kind of person in the way he would do
He didn't really believe in Talia to be the Prophet completely.
But he, again, this is tribal mentality said I would rather
follow a Prophet from an allied tribe than one from the Quraysh.
So if I have to follow a prophet, I'll follow this one.
And then he says, well, Mohammed is dead sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam couldn't know what he said. And today, he's still alive. So
now the thing is that by his support,
the entire hot fan came to support today, Hannah
was going to be a severe pain in the side of the Muslim army, or in
Medina, inside of the Muslim in the Muslims in general. So now he
began his preparations to go out against Madina Munawwara and kind
of claimed the whole thing for himself.
He sent his brother first
to another area where there were some skirmishes, but their,
his brother was killed.
So they have moved his army to okay a place called Bouza.
Why, while his brother went in a different direction to help out
somewhere else, but he was he was killed.
So today, he has sent
different envoys to the different clans around to join them. Many of
them did support him because you know, they had some grudge to take
care of. So they this is all kind of get just getting together to go
out somebody else that they hated, for whatever reason didn't
necessarily believe him. But that's what the case was.
Or you're in a boat, about 700 people from the blue fissara. Then
you had the blue acid, you had a lot fun.
Then you had a contingent of soldiers from the blue tie. The
tie tribe is a very famous tribe.
Now, Khalid bin Walid are the Allah who is now being sent by Abu
Bakr Siddiq or the Allah and to all of these areas to sort the
matter out. So the individual tribes, the small areas, the
villages where the apostate from Islam had been readied had to go
and deal with them. So he was gonna have to deal with today,
Abu Bakr, they knew that this was a big army, and they had a lot of
clans that were going to support them to lay her. So rather than
just send her they'd been worried like that he thought that we're
gonna have to weaken the forces first tried to kind of split them
up somehow it's easier than to deal with them.
Now he knew that the blue password sorry the blue acid and the red
fun they were diehard supporters of Talia so you couldn't really do
much with them. But this small group of pi, that we're going to
support them and play he was actually closer to Medina they so
that was going to be on their way. So if we deal with that we'll be
able to get to them. We're going to be able to get to Buddha more
Now, one of the chiefs of the tie was a person called Addy IGNOU
Hatem rhodiola, Juan, he was a devout Muslim. And
he had initially tried the whole tribe of the whole tribe had been
Muslim before, and when they had a post stated afterwards, or the
Hypno health team, or the Alon had tried to convince them that look,
this is the wrong thing you're doing on socialism is the true
prophet. You can't do
This so on, but they had renounced him and he had have to, he had to
leave the tribe with a small group of people to join the Khalifa Abu
Bakr Siddiq or the Allah one. So obika with the Allah night now
tried to get him to go back to them to try to talk them because
at the end of the day they were his tribesmen, and he may be able
to convince them to come away from this delay hmm, and not help him.
So he'd been worried the alarm went with 4000 men.
And he went
after dealing with the tie, had been worried had a deep know how
to deal with him. After dealing with the he was instructed that
the next place he was going to go to was Bouza to deal with Talia
there. But first he had to deal with tight to get that out of the
So when they got to the Thai ID, or the Alon went up and tried to
speak to them, he was very eloquent. He was very forceful,
but they would not listen to him. He talked about the hereafter he
talked about the fire of *, he talked about good virtue and so
on, let's leave this alone. But they rejected him. That's when it
wound that, okay, she didn't know this until now is that then be
prepared to meet an army that comes to destroy you, and take
your women take your women saying that really gets them all fired
up, because they don't want any harm to come to their women. So
this is an expression that they use, that you die your women will
be taken. So that really like makes them think and kind of come
down from the arrogant position. Do as you please. He said, that
had the desired effect. So then they beat the leaders of the
tribe, they began to really think instead, okay, fine. Can you keep
this army away from us? Because what's happened is remember, the
whole of the tribe had not gone. They were supportive of Talia. But
the whole of the tribe had not gone to help him, a small group of
people had, but they knew that if they, the leader said that keep
this army away from us. We're going to try to go and take back
our men from there. But if we just turn away right now, our men who
have gone there are going to be killed by today as army. So we
have to extricate them first, then we can come back.
So I the euro, the Alon came back to have been worried and Yellin
asked him like this is what the situation is now has been really
didn't want to waste time with all of these long negotiations. And
because, you know, he really had to think about apostasy, but he
it within one to three days.
And he said I'll get the benefit of it is that what you will get
500 warriors from this. So he showed how to do the Allah on
that. Look, there's benefit in this. And the other main thing is
that it's better than sending them to the hellfire. Because we go
there, we're going to walk over them, and they're going to be
killed, they're going to be going to Delphi. So this way, it's
better give them some time.
So he gave them I think two days or maybe three. And the elders of
Thai, they sent a detachment secretly to go and join with this
group of in to lay her and work. They couldn't openly come back or
bring the people back. But they said that they're going to work
underground secretly to take their people away.
And that they managed to do that. So that's why
they did not take part then in the Battle of, of Busaba.
In the meantime, while this negotiations in the two or three
days were taking place, there was another tribe close by that had
also a pastor's at a smaller group. Had it been worried or the
hola Juan turned his attention to that side. And he dealt with them.
Now, he was about to attack them when again, it really alone came
and said that you know what, let me go and speak to them and see if
they can if we can avoid the bloodshed if they will just come
So alhamdulillah it earlier when he went. They knew they were
convinced they will submit it. And now 1000 of them joined in the
army of had been worried so now he's 1000 men more stronger.
So he had 500 from a horseman from the tie and 1000 Extra men from
the from this other tribe. He was a lot more stronger than he had
when he had left Madina Munawwara
a days much from Zaha Hadid Ilan sent to scouts to go and check out
on the Recon on a mission to go and check out what's going on.
That's where they met this brother of Talia. He bail and they killed
him. So today he was very strong. I told you that one of his
brothers were killed. This is where they were killed. This is
where he was killed. So today I got very angry. He sent another
Salma now the brother of his, and
in this case, today he went as well. And today was a very good
fighter. In this case.
When Heidegger the alone got to Buddha he stayed at a short
distance away from where the other the apostates had encamped.
The apostates were not fighting in their own land, they just moved
out to this place. So when however, the other one got there,
he was camped nearby.
Now the stage obviously was was was was set
hadoo, the Alon had about 6000 men with him. And
to lay her is supposed to have had a larger enemy, a larger army, we
don't know the exact numbers, but you were supposed to have a
larger, a larger army than the Muslim 6000.
Now, hardly alone, you'd always fight in person, he wasn't going
to sit in a camp in a tent somewhere and just give orders,
you would actually fight in the thick of the battle in the front
of the battle. So
to lay her though he sat in, he sat in a tent, in meditation, and
toeless arena ignore Harrison, the leader of the Balu fissara. And he
made him the commander, that he had to lead the army.
He was wrapped in a scarf,
cloak draped over his shoulder. And he said, I'm going to be
receiving revelation from Gibreel Alayhis Salam, and I'll be telling
you what to do, and how to go about this. So as soon as the
battle began, Karthik launched an attack on the front part of the
front of the forces. And initially, the apostates they did
resist very suddenly, especially the blue fissara. But then after
that, as the pressure began to hit home with them, this arena who got
now frightened of the severity of this attack, he went wrote to to
lay his tent, and has Gibreel come to you yet. He says, no, no, no.
So we went back to the vessel, again, some more time past and
while it was making really alone was making more headway into it,
and we're gonna get into today instead has Gibreel come to yet
nobody Allah replied, the imposter has come yet. So he went back.
Now, the Muslims are seeing victory now. Because, you know,
they're really making a headway into, into the other towards the
other side. And they were gaining more ground. But this time we're
in or, you know, went for the third time to delay her. And
obviously now, he was very impatient. What's going on with
this? You know, where's this prophecy that you keep talking
about? And he said, had Gibreel come to hear the imposter this
time? He said, Yes. What did he say then? Orianna asked.
Today is very calm. It looks like he's in this meditation. shaytaan
speaking to me, who's speaking to him, but he's like, really acting
the part very calm as well. He's not getting flustered at all. He's
saying, he said, you have a hand mill, just like his
got to do with anything. You have a hand mill, just like his that's
what Gibreel said. And this is the day that you will not forget. You
have a handle like his, and this is a day that you will not forget.
Oh, yeah. And it just exploded.
And that's when the veil fell from his eyes. Remember, he was a
foolish man. But now the veil fell, fell from his eyes that what
is all this about?
So he said, This is the day that you shall never forget. You will
certainly not forget this day. And they dashed out to his clan, the
blue fuzzy said Obon who fissara This man is an imposter turn away
from this fight.
So that was remember, they were the strongest contingent they they
were the bravest of the people there. As soon as he said that.
They they walked away now the people, the postures began to just
fall rapidly, one after the other Muslims are just cutting them
down. And
some of them went back to today around to say what are your
commands now today has said sorry, they said today his reply was let
those who can do as I do and save themselves and their families.
So now he's just gone save yourself. Now here his wife with
him, and he'd kept his camel ready. So quickly jumped on and
they ran they they they took off.
They they took off so deserted his men. Now the battle was over. And
this was the second most powerful army was now defeated. So first
was a sweat. Now today he was defeated. Today he went to the
borders of Syria. He went and began to reside in the blue color.
His days as a false prophet was obviously well obviously over. He
probably lost a lot of respect among his among his tribe as well.
But then he had that when he came back on
Islam that they reconverted to Islam.
And the thing is that he also then converted to Islam.
After that, he also converted to Islam and
went and rejoined his tribe,
even visited Makkah during the tunnel buckler, the alarm but
worker didn't didn't really take any notice of him.
And after that, about two years after that, during the time or the
Hola, Juan,
he went back and when over
on seeing him over the alarm said that you've actually killed two
very prominent Muslims Akasha ethnomedicine. And by Allah, I
shall never be able to love you for that. Now, today, he was very
clever. You know, he, he knew how to speak. He said, Allah bless
them with the Paradise by my hand, because they will meet Shahid and
I did not benefit by their hands. They benefited from my hands
because they were killed by me. And I seek forgiveness from Allah
for that. I mean, he had a point in a sense, right? So Omar tried
again, you lied when you said that Allah would do you no harm.
Meaning that was some of the things that he would say before as
a so called prophets. So today, he says that yeah, that arose from
the mischief of disbelief which Allah has now destroyed. That was
all the mischief of my disbelief that I helped but Allah has
destroyed that I cannot now be blamed for it.
So also Amara, the answer that he's not getting very far with
him. So he said, Oh trickster, what remains of your clairvoyance
you know, what other prophecies do you give what remains of that? So,
this is nothing but a gusta to from the bellows.
So, obviously, he was trying to get bit smart as well there. But
he lived with them. He lived with his tribe and back to his tribe
lived there. And then in order to prove himself he volunteered for
when the Iraq when the Persian against the Persian army, the war
against the Persian army was being fought in Iraq, he volunteered for
that. And mashallah, he served with some kind of distinction. He
did. He really showed his valid and, and he was he took, he took
part in the some of the big battles that time there were some
of the big battles or the qadisiya battle than the one battle. He
took. The that's when he died a martyr.
He was Shaheed So, I guess as a Shaheed he earned his forgiveness
Anyway, after after he had run away he heard that he alone had
sent people had sent his army to deal with the rest of them. And he
dealt with them he carried on went to different areas and carried on.
Now, there's a number of other things that had been really did in
between. But what I want to speak about is
about Musella mana now, because that was the next big battle that
had taken that took place.
I spoke to you about Malik Malik Abdul nueva his name was he was
the chief of the New Year Booher which was one of the one of the
power a lot section of the powerful tribal beneath the meme
to another very powerful tribe. They were kind of closer to the
Persian lands. And that's why some of them had embraced
Zoroastrianism, which is like fire worship.
Malik married one of the most beautiful women of the area.
Now, it was during the year of delegations that I mentioned, the
animal will food, as we call it, the tribal blue Tamim also
embraced Islam at that time.
Malik also become a Muslim.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam had him because of his position and
his tribe, the progress that was made him the collector, for the
Zakat and for the sada cot. And as I said, he was quite honest in the
beginning and everything and then after the prophets, Allah son
passed away, he decided to go back to his people, and give them all
the money back and say
that your wealth is now our own. And we don't need to give it so
basically here, the pastor says, in that sense, so just leave that
on the side for now. There was now a woman and they were such a
almost Madeira. She's the daughter of Harris born in a family of
chiefs. So, you know, she was
chief material, in a sense. She had she actually had the qualities
of leadership,
big personality, very intellectual. And there were very
few women that had been seen like her.
She was also said to predict some future events.
You know, like
Yes, they would just say stuff people are interested in, like
what is to happen? And then some of it would be right and people
who believe it because you know, if you say about 10 different
things about what's going to happen tomorrow,
three or four of them might come, right. But that's just the fluke,
isn't it? So, and some people are just a bit better in seeing the
trend and the way things are going, doesn't mean that they know
the future.
Right? So it's just okay, I know what's gonna happen tomorrow.
Well, you know, 10 things to say three of them might be right, some
people will listen to you.
She was very poetic.
So if she ever spoke to you, she would speak in, in in rhyme. So if
you said something, her response would be in poetry. So she could
just have a casual conversation in poetry. That's how good she was,
in that sense.
She had initially become a Christian due to a mother's
influence who was a Christian, but she wasn't really like, into
Christianity as such, he hadn't really she just become a Christian
because of her mother.
Now, when apostasy began to spread,
such I heard that oh, there's some other prophets have come up to lay
her. And Musa lemma had proclaimed their prophethood. She heard about
them, she thought,
why only men? You know, I'll try my hand at this as well. So why
can only women be prophets? Why can only men be prophets.
So she was very adventurous at heart. So she decided,
and she said, I'm a prophetess.
And she elucidated that point, meaning she explained that point
with some poetry. And her mother's clan began to accept her as a
poet, a prophetess.
She got together an army
and came down into Arabia, came down to a father's tribe, now her
father's tribe person of that same tribe was that Malik Malik, who
was part of a father's tribe.
she managed to get other people to support her.
And again, it was just about getting back at people. So they,
some people, some tribes supported her. And she was very happy that
she'd got all of these different tribes together to help her.
So she went to Malik and said, Look, I've got no aggression
against aggression against you, we just want ourselves to work
together, the land is all yours. And I'm just the woman of the
blue, your blue tribe, the land is going to be yours. I don't want
the land but I just want us to support each other against our
common enemies. Now Malik wasn't a very warring person, he had a
pasta size, but he was in a very warning put a warring person. So
it seems like he may have kind of toned her down a bit in you know,
not letting her kind of advanced now.
They did fight though the surrounding areas to settle old
scores, that has nothing to do with Islam or whatever. But now,
because they'd come kind of together, they had the forces of
both their armies, they managed to deal with a lot of settled a lot
of old scores and get regain regain the power over the area.
Then Sofia, who was more adventurous than that she came,
she she went to another area, where she began to plunder that
area, but there she suffered a setback.
So she was attacked, and the local clan, they united against this,
this terrible lady that they thought Who is this that's come
and is doing all of this. So her some most important people in her
group were captured by them. And they refused to let them go unless
she promised to get out of the area and stop messing there. So
she agreed to do this. Now the thing was
all her people now gathered together. And the main ones came
to her and said, where do we go now? Where's the next one? Because
you know, she was far from our hometown. Where do we go now? So
said we're gonna go to your mama.
Know who lived in your mama. That's Muslimahs base. We're gonna
go to Yamaha now they're just looking at her in disbelief. What
are you going to go doing your mama? We haven't been able to do
anything here. We'll say that was got a massive army.
How you going to go and deal with them?
And she said to your mama, on what to your mama with the flight of
soaring pigeons, where the fighting is the fiercest and no
blame shall fall upon you. On what to your mama. That was all done in
Now let's talk about Musa Lama will say Lama son of Habib is
nameless of the Bonnaroo honey for tribe,
one of the largest tribes of her
Libya, inhabiting an area called Yamama. Very powerful people.
Now the thing is that the first time you hear about Musa lemma as
such is in the ninth of January, the year of the delegations, as we
call it.
Remember, these are all from the out with all from the kind of
outlying tribes and villages and areas. So this one, we first hear
about him in ninth, he came with a delegation from his tribe, the
bunu Hanifa, to Madina, Munawwara to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
He actually came, and
there were two other prominent men with him of his tribe.
When they arrived that Madina, Munawwara Musa was the one who
stayed back to look after their camels and belongings while the
rest of the tribe went to the prophets, Allah, Assam to speak to
him and to embrace Islam.
Now, nonprofits, alyssum used to give them gifts to these tribes to
these delegations, he gave them gifts. And they said, oh, when
they were being given gives us an oh, we've got another man who's
standing who's staying with our stuff, translate like, you know,
we need something for him as well. So the prophets, Allah made a kind
of comment, which he then used to his benefit. He said something
like, he is not the least among you, and should he should stay
behind to God? No, because he stayed behind to guard your stuff.
And your possessions and property, he's not the least of you don't
think like just because he stayed back that he's like, the most
humiliated of you.
So on the return,
the bunu Hanifa, this new faith of Islam was established among them
through these delegates.
They built a masjid in Yamama. And he started making solid there was
all fine. Some months pass. And this was before now the province
of Assam today had did it afterwards, towards the illness
time, but Mustela Madrid a bit earlier, that Messina Marisa he
a post dated, and he proclaimed his own prophethood in its I'm not
a Muslim anymore, he just basically said I'm proud, which
makes him an apostate, I'm a prophet.
I have been given a share with him in this matter with the prophets
of Allah Islam in this matter. And then he said, Did he not say to
our delegates, that I was not the least among them.
And this could only mean that he knew that I had to share with him
in this matter. Now where he's connected the statement to being a
prophet SubhanAllah.
Another thing is that it was a very clever man, it could show
many tricks, he had these funny things that he used to do, for
some reason, he could actually put an egg in into a bottle without it
breaking, and the bottle had a narrow neck. So that was something
strange. He could take off all the feathers of a burden, put them
back on the bird could fly, do some silly things like that.
Nothing is uh, he had this thing of composing, and maybe I'll read
out some of those to you afterwards. You know, obviously
people are saying, well, there's Revelation, the Quran is revealed
to the Prophet, Ansar. Allah is and what about you? So he would
come out with these really, really funny compositions that sounded
like Adam Taraki for Adderall, bookmobiles herbal feel, but would
have some really simple some kind of really strange meanings. And
you know, I'll read some of those out to you afterwards. So that
that he would say, Well, this is the revelation that I get, this is
my Quran that I have.
Most of what he said was about animals. I mean, you seem to love
when you talk about animals, talk about women, talk about his tribe.
So most of the stuff related to those kinds of things.
said, Allah has blessed my wisdom, it is as strong as the gust that
blows from between the belly and the intestines.
What's that got to do with anything?
The people have said, people they marvel at they become blinded.
They become blinded. They would marveled at his wisdom, and they
accepted him as the prophet.
Now his influence is growing day by day, than one day in the 10th
century before the Prophet saw some passes away.
He wrote to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from Musella,
Messenger of Allah, to Mohammed messenger of Allah. Salutations to
you. I have been given a share with you in this matter. Half the
earth belongs to us, and half to the Quraysh but the Croatia are
people who transgress they want too much they want more than isn't
supposed to be half of keep it that way. But you guys want more
than us. That's what he's trying to say.
So the promises awesome wrote back to him. In the Name of Allah
efficent the merciful from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah to
Musella, Mother Leia.
Salutations to whom ever follows the guidance as salam, O Allah,
Manitoba and Hooda. Lo, the earth belongs to Allah. He gives it to
whomever he chooses from among His servants. And the hereafter is for
the virtuous. So from then he became known as mercy Lama, I'll
give the liar.
one of the two men from the bundle Hanifa, who I said they were
prominent individuals, there were two one of them was name was a
Raja Raja. He moved to Medina.
And he stayed with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. And He
showed that he learnt a lot and he learned a lot of Quran and so on
and so forth.
And he became quite known.
He, when he heard about will Salem as mischief. The Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam
was Yamame was too far away for a military expedition against them,
the province allows them decided to do it in different way. So he
sent this Gela as soon as he got to Yamama he declared that Musella
is definitely the prophet. Now obviously him coming from Medina
after having stayed there for a while.
And his now support for Salem
is going to obviously increase his influence.
So now even larger groups of the Renew Hanifa began to believe in
Him as Messiah mother messenger of Allah.
So they formed this accursed partnership, we could call it and
he was the right hand man. And when the Prophet sallallaahu son
passed away
musei Lama was able to overcome the entire tribe, and people began
to flock to him from the different areas. He made alcohol lawful for
So now wine drinking was fine. That obviously increased his
reputation. And he's influenced among the people.
He had some funny ideas about things,
many of them, but we won't, but people began to believe that he
had some kind of miraculous powers.
Now, although all of the bunu Hanifa
expressed the allegiance to him as the Prophet, they didn't all
believe him. Again, this was just a matter of expediency that if
your entire clan is believing something you don't, you're going
to be attacked. So, they kind of all just went along with it as
So for example, one man who was told to be a more than
job he did not remain.
Since a Shawanda, Mohamed Rasulullah
they would say a shadow Anna will say Lama Rasulullah.
I bear witness that Messiah is the Rasul of Allah. So one day he is
giving a van, it's a bear witness that Muslimah thinks he is the
messenger of Allah.
Now about musei lemma, they say that he looked terrible.
Very ugly man, short statured, but very strong,
very good warrior, but very ugly,
small, close set eyes, flat nose.
But he had this irresistible fascination for women. And he was
very, very talented in getting them to do whatever he wished. He
could just sweep women off their feet. You'd have to sit with him
for a few minutes, and he would sweep sweep them off their feet
so that no woman left alone with him would be able to resist his
devilish charm.
Now there's such a remember, we were talking about soldier and she
says to your mama, like the like the ways the doves go, so
suddenly, I didn't know this side of him.
she went to Yamama machinima found out about it. Now Musella is
concerned because
Khalid bin Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah has sent a crema or the
Allah who won the son of Abuja to become Muslim afterwards to go
against Yamama. That was the first contingent he had sent. Then
another one, and then Khalid bin Walid was supposed to come. But
the point of sending a Karima was just to show that the Muslims were
upon them, so that musei Lama would not go anywhere and do
anything that he'd be waiting for them to attack. That was the
reason for sending it crema. So
This has already taken place the crema was there, ready Allah one.
Now he Musa Lama hears about this such such a marching from the
other side. And he's worried now that if he becomes unlocked in
battle with soldier and then the Muslim army would attack, then he
would lose because he's already his focus is somewhere else. So
how do I deal with this his reckoning? So when he heard about
her coming and how much
he decided to neutralize her somehow win her over somehow. So
you've quickly sent a message that look, no need for you to come with
your warriors. Come yourself first and we'll talk
you know, we'll negotiate.
So she very brave woman. She left with about 40 of her warriors to
meet Muslimah she got there to the gate of the fort, the fort was
And she received instructions that she had to leave him in outside
and she had to come inside alone. So she left them outside and she
went alone. So a very brave woman
who said Emma had a very large tent pitched out there in the
courtyard of his house. Weather was a bit cold so he had it nicely
warmed up. And he told his men to
scented fragrance it with a special aphrodisiac scent. Right
for those who understand what an aphrodisiac is. Right? Just to
kind of calm her nerves and make her relax. That's basically what's
She had her inhibitions. And perfume has that ability. And
certain things has that ability.
So she went into the tent, she know what she was going into she
you know, she's very bold, very intellectual. You can imagine this
very career oriented woman who's been leading, you know, a lot of
men. So you know, you can imagine she's going and I'm going to deal
with him as well. There's quite brave to go against Muslim in the
first place. Right? So now she's going all the way.
She entered the tent. And then we'll say lemma came in as well.
And they were alone. He began to speak. And his spell began to work
on this one. He talked of Allah politics of the troubles with the
Croatian, so on so forth.
after that, he said, you know, she used to claim prophethood, as
well. So he said, Tell me about some of your revelations, some of
the ye that you receive. So she said, No, a woman should not
begin. You tell him you first what's been revealed to you?
So as he started giving his revelations, she just gazing at
him with adoration. Do not see your Lord. He said, how he deals
with pregnant women. He extracts a living being from between the
belly and intestines.
He's got this thing with billion in distance.
I mean, it's just saying like some simple facts, he comes out with
them as though there's some kind of Revelation.
And what more she said excitedly.
He has revealed to me that he created women a receptacle and
created man as her mate to enter and leave her as his pleasure. And
then a little lamb is brought forth.
She was fascinated, you're indeed a prophet.
Some will say that I went close and said, Do you wanna marry me?
And then with my tribe, and your tribe will just eat up the Arabs.
You know, we'll just take care of them all of them. She said Of
course, yes, we'll do that. So stayed with him for about three
days went back to her army. Now the thing is that
she's I found the truth, and I've accepted him as a prophet and I
married him. They're like, what did he give you as your dowry
So she said, No, there was no Dory.
So she went back that on my travel, I'm going to accept this
unless I get a dowry. So she went back and he was locked in as he is
and he's asking from inside where you want, so Well, this is the
issue is that okay? Go back and tell him that
the wedding gift to you is that you must announce to them that I
Musa Abu Habib the Messenger of Allah cancel two of the prayers
that Muhammad Salah has imposed on them
fajr prayer and one of the evening prayers canceled you have to pray
three prayers a day.
So obviously she went back. And
thing is after that she didn't really do much. She went to Iraq
afterwards. Because when she probably noticed that I come here,
he's more profit than I am such according to her. She not sure
exactly what happened. She went back to Iraq, where father's side
was from. And
she'd finished with politics now and profit and she decided to
give up a career
And she went to a mother's tribe live there. And then after that
later she embraced Islam and was known to become have become a very
pious, virtuous woman.
And during the caliphate of Mahabharata, the Allah when she
moved to Kufa, where she died at an old age, So alhamdulillah, she
became a Muslim.
But that was a very critical moment, because the people who had
been close to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam.
They were still strong.
But many of these new tribes that had come in,
they didn't really have the faith. So that's why he began to
a pasta size. And if a worker Siddiq really alone did not take
care of them. He had a major responsibility as soon as he took
office, major responsibility, if you let that fester, there would
have been all sorts of things going on. So for the two years and
some months that he was Khalifa until he passed away, he was
dealing with that, but hamdulillah by the end, he dealt with it.
And he left it clean for Amara, the Allah one and rhodium came in
and just built on it and expanded it.
So they say that Abu Bakr, the Allah one
and the two men, if you look in history, who came at a very
critical moment, and saved Islam from becoming different as such,
one was Abu Bakr, the Alana Alana Imam, Muhammad, Abdullah, humble
Ibaka then dealt with all of these, this apostasy and all of
these declarations, these claims to prophethood, and so on, which
would have really left the Muslim ummah in disarray, because you're
not united, and you've got these different kinds of Muslims as
such. It's really disunity unity. So he dealt with that my mom had
no humble dealt with it on a different level. His was more on
ideological level, when the group called the martyrs era had
influenced the rulers of the time that Mona Rashid and Martin Billa,
basilica leaves to
persecute the people, if they did not believe in what they claimed
to be the truth about the the nature of the Quran.
And there was massive persecution, many of them are killed, many of
them are imprisoned, many had to just declare to them what they
wanted to hear. Imam Muhammad stood out. And he refused. And
because of that, the common people were saved from Islam turning into
a different direction.
So what some Allama say that a worker, they actually had a whole
army behind him with all the Sahaba, whereas Amarula humble was
a single man. So his, what he did was even have a greater
achievement. In essence, he's not superior to a worker, the other
one, but in terms of what he was challenged with, as a single
individual worker, then would have done the same thing if he was
single, but he had Irma and everybody behind him. In fact, if
you look at the workers to declare the Allah one,
he said, I'm going to fight with these people, until they come back
into proper Islam. You can't fight with people, if they're not
Muslims to start with, unless they aggress against you, then it's
defense, then then it's just retaliation. But this issue was
about the fact that if you become Muslim, and then a pasta size that
carries the death penalty in Islam, according to the Hadith,
so, because they negate it or rejected actually, a major aspect
of Islam, which is a cut.
He said, I'm going to fight with them
on what are the hola Juan, I mean, before he said them, he had
expressed that he's going to go out against them, I'm going to the
Allah was quite surprised. I'm one of the one who's always willing to
go out and take these measures. He is surprised by Abubakar, he's
saying he's really going to do that. So we're going to do and
said, Absolutely, if they even withhold from me the small, like,
equivalent to a small stick that's withholding the cut. That means
they're rejecting the cut, so that they just don't want to pay as
laziness they're rejecting is not part of Islam. We will do that. So
one way or the other was convinced. So he had a tough job
on his hand, with Khalid bin Walid dealt with most of them, as you
will see from Mozilla my story as well that he just went and cleared
the whole mess up as such, before the forces towards Iraq during the
time of Earthman, the Allahu and Amara, the Allahu Akbar as well.
So inshallah we'll cover that next time may Allah subhana wa Tada.
Keep us united. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala strengthen us
may Allah subhanaw taala enliven the faith in our hearts keep us on
the dean, Allah Amanda Salam Inca salaam to Bharatiya Janata, Chroma
la mayor Bloomberg article iSavi la familia Hannah Yemen.
Learn the Subhanak in quinoa Lani mean just Allah who I know
Muhammad the marhaba Hello. Hola Hola, Filipina or ham. Now I have
you know what? I was looking at Allahumma philleo Medici they know
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam
Allah who know third Liwa livina when he Masha if you know when he
asserted that you know a little love
You know when you when you know where your heart you know what
else to call you know where he is where do you know where to lead
you know where you call him and lo Hakuna you know where equally man
osanna with dua of Allah except our daughters of Allah accept our
coming together in a masjid. Oh Allah except our forgive Oh ALLAH
excepto is still far and our repentance of Allah purify us of
our sins or law purify us of our sins Oh ALLAH mixins hated in our
eyes of Allah make them repugnant and ugly in our eyes so that we
can abstain from them. Our lucky paths United our love give us the
strength of the deen strength of iman or Lugosi ability to follow
the Sunnah of your messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
salam ala elevate your Kadeem, Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah
Allah make us the true carriers of this Karim Allah Allah Allah Allah
the true embodiment of that and the spirit of the deen of Allah
make us true there is no Allah allow us to share this with
others. Oh Allah Allah bring back humanity in US grant is good
character. Oh Allah grant us true insight into the affairs of Allah
grant us the ability to see the truth as the truth and to follow
it and to abstain from the wrong and to see the wrong as the wrong.
Oh Allah Oh Allah, shall we your blessings upon us so Allah show
your mercy upon us, of Allah help us in everything that we do of
Allah, Oh Allah for you. It's easy. It's just a decree that you
have to you have to make Oh ALLAH for us. It's a lifelong struggle.
Oh Allah make this easy for us and grant us the Cunnamulla Illa Illa
Allah on our deathbed of Allah grant has a place in general for
those and make all of the stages of the Hereafter easy for us.
Subhanallah big Rob realized that the IOC for nostalgia when Alamo
city no hamdulillah