Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Signs of the Last Day Series Battle of Siffin
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
Salatu was Salam ala say either mousseline WA. He or Sahil Baraka
was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral Ilario Medina Marburg.
Just as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam had foretold some
of the events that occurred during the Battle of the Camel or the
incident of the camel. Likewise, there was another
another battle, which was bloodier than the first one. And which did
not end up in the same way that the first one had ended up in the
first one, it should have the Allahu anha and
it really Allah one had made up and had
come to some understanding an Irish or the Allahu Allah had also
regretted what she had done. The next one was something which the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam had said.
Letter comesa had the doctor T Rafi attorney Halima turn the
corner Bina Houma. Moqtada to now Lima, two that were Houma wa
This is a authenticator generation in which the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said that the Day of Judgment cannot occur or will
not occur until two very large groups, two big groups will,
will fight
with each other,
and they will be a massive war between them. Whereas the claim
will be one, both of them will claim the same thing.
The claims will be one. So even though they both claiming the same
thing, they will still fight. It doesn't mention Muslimeen. It
doesn't mention that there will be believers or not believers. That's
why there is a difference of opinion as to who that is speaking
about. And some aroma have even considered that this hadith maybe
may have been speaking about the First World War, the Second World
War, because the call was the same. These are different analyses
that are presented. But it could also refer to
some have adapted, the SOPs are not adapted, but some have
interpreted this to refer to what happened in the Battle of Safin.
So next thing that the next thing we're speaking about is the battle
of Safin about which number of things were mentioned by the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well.
I thought it relates that
he says that more than one person has related to me that one of the
God is the judges of Sham came to Omaha the Allahu and said Oh
Ameerul Momineen
I see as though the sun and the moon are fighting with each other.
And the stars are half with this half with the sun and half with
the moon.
So the moon and the sun are fighting with each other and the
stars are distributed between them.
So it really Allahu Anhu immediately asked him with which
one of them were you
with with the sun or with the moon? Which one were you with?
So he said I was fighting along with the moon against the sun. So
it was on the moon side
um what are the Allahu Anhu said to him?
Were Jana Lila, one Mahara? I attain this is a verse from the
Quran, which are under laid on the hara I attain if I'm a homeowner I
attend lady with Jana I attend her remove zero.
We have made the night and the day to science.
And then we eliminate the sign of the night and we make the sign of
the day to be illuminated and bright.
And then he said leave from here.
By Allah, you will never do any work for me.
You will never do any work for me.
There's a number of things that you can understand from this
The sun and the moon are fighting
the stars someone half on this side and half on this side.
Although the sun wins, in a sense,
and then I thought relates that the same person who came to the
who came to Amara the Allah one this called the this judge and
earlier the Allah one who had said to Him Who are you fighting with
who which side were you on? He said with the Moon said okay now
you'll never be able to do any work for me. Go from here. He was
killed on the site of MMA we are the Allah who won when the battle
of Sofia
eventually took place.
That's the prophecy.
But in order to, I'm not going to go into this in great detail,
because it is really heart wrenching, very sorrowful affair,
and I don't want to go into it in detail. However, we'll just go
through it
briefly. And then we'll provide some analysis and move on. Because
we're dealing with the science of the day of judgment rather than a
history. Now, as we know, Earthman or the Allahu Anhu had been
martyred. And then alira, the Allahu Anhu had been accepted
for the position of Khalif, and then people had taken the pledge
of allegiance with him.
He sent somebody to move out we are the Allah Han MA We are the
Allah one had probably the strongest position.
During the time of the man or the Allah one. He had the strongest
base, he had the strongest control. And he was very strong in
where he was. And the people in that area really loved him. And
they really did whatever he told him to do. This was in Sham, Sham
is Syria,
Lebanon, parts of Jordan, Palestine, that general area. This
is the area that he was in control of he was the governor of since
the time of Ramadi alone, he was the governor. And his position was
consolidated with North one of the Allahu Anhu maintained his
governorship there. And now in an era The Allahu Anhu came.
He had a messenger sent to him to say that he should also enter into
that pledge that other Muslimeen had entered into, which was a
pledge with value to the Allah one. And he added one more thing,
he said that he should also
move off the governorship he should no longer no longer remain
governor. Now, as I said, he had been the governor there from the
time of Omar and all through the time of Earthman, or the hola Juan
and was very popular.
I needed the Allah and did not want to shift him away
permanently. But he just wanted to consolidate his own position by
making sure that he was under his obedience, because in Islam, that
belief has the highest position and whoever he tells to
move from his position, they should, they should do so. Just
like during the time of Ramadi alone, when he told her had been
willing to take two to come down from the commander ship of the, of
the army, he did so. And he began to fight behind the next leader.
So I needed the Allahu Anhu wanted to kind of show him wanted to keep
him keep him in that position. But and, but he wanted to just make
sure that he gave the pledge Hassan had no idea that the hola
Juan the Son of God alone and ignore a buzzer the Allahu Ana and
others, they told him, like, keep him on Sham, he's the best person
for that area, just keep him there. So I really had been
consulted, and had been advised by others to keep him there.
But just that he should take his beta. So that's what are your the
Allahu Anhu was trying to do. Now I needed the Allahu Anhu did not
want to, like just keep him the he wanted to make sure that he would
come under the beta. And then he would put him back there. Because
it really alone said that I can't, you know, do this diplomacy. You
know, it needs to be under the control properly. I don't want to
just in some kind of diplomatic fashion.
While we are in the Allahu Anhu news reached him about this
and he made a promise that he's not going to succumb to Allah to
the Allah one ever
Amarula answer the Allah one another great Sahabi
remember, I'm one of them. So the Allahu Anhu and why we are the
Allahu Anhu. These were two major forces against Islam in a sense.
I'm going to answer the alone was Margaret and maybe it wasn't as
great before they became Muslim. I'm going to NASA the Allahu Anhu
was a
great politician, very insightful, very extremely shrewd.
He's the one who the Mexicans had sent to Najafi Ethiopia to try to
bring the Muslims who had migrated their back. He was in touch with
world leaders at that time. So he went to Najafi who was a friend of
this and he was the one who's trying to convince the Joshi to
send Jaffa the Allahu Anhu and the other Mahajan back, but obviously
it failed at that time extremely shrewd person.
He had been the governor
over Mr. over Egypt afterwards.
So, Amara, the Allahu Anhu also let him go.
He shifted away but he went to Malawi or the Allah Juan and he
joined the forces of Malawi or the Allah Juan.
And they decided that they will
rebel against God Allah Han. They had their reasons.
And clearly it earlier the Allahu Anhu was more correct. But there
Allah ma have
all said that the two they didn't do it for any personal reasons it
was for the sake of their understanding of what was to be
the best thing for the OMA
Oberon. He relates from Shuddha house or the Allah and some Hadith
about this as well. But when Ali Radi Allahu Anhu had finished from
the incident of the camo. And he'd gone back to Kufa he sent Jerry
Rubin Abdullah Al bacilli This was another great Sahabi or the hola
Juan is very handsome is known for being very handsome. He sent him
two more are we are the Allahu telling him to come into the bay
as well in the the expression was that come into what the other
Muslimeen have come into, enter into that which the other
believers have entered into. But he refused abou Muslim a whole
learning set to him that are you competing with Ali are they are
you disputing with him in in Khilafah? Is that your dispute
with him?
Are you like him? Are you equal to him? He said no no no why Wallahi
we're in Nila Atlanta under who have done I know for certain that
he is superior to Me lacking a less than talamona northmen or the
Allah on Don't you know that Earth man or the Allahu Anhu was killed
in an oppressed way.
And I am his cousin. I am his cousin and I am his wali I am his
closest in kin. And I have the right to ask for his blood to ask
for revenge of his blood. So they came to earlier the Allahu Anhu.
So he said go to earlier the Allahu Anhu and say, that he
should give to us he should surrender to us. Those who are
killed Earthman to the Allah Han, he should surrender to us, the
murderers of Allah the Afghan tell him that he should surrender to us
the murderers of Earthman or the Allah one.
And then the people of Sham will respond, the people of Sham will
will go with it. So why we already sent a woman symbol hold on back
to it to the Allah one saying that he was his cousin, his guardian,
his wedding and Kim and
that he should surrender or he should give up the murderers of of
man or the Allah one.
So I did it and responded that look, he's got to write of course,
but the first thing he has to do is to enter into the pledge as
everybody else has, and then after that they can come and bring this.
Bring this case to me and we'll we'll deal with it. There's a
procedure for this.
More we are the Allahu Anhu.
God is army ready from Sham, an earlier the Allah Hahn who got his
army ready from Kufa. Now Kufa is in Iraq today. And Sham is in
Syria. So it was quite a bit of a distance between them.
And they came together in a place called Safin. So that's why this
became known as the Battle of stuffin.
And to cut the long story short, again, there were people in both
groups that were there to create a lot of problems and so on. So
although they could have had some diplomatic solution, there were
other elements there that did not want that to happen. And
in a sense, also, it seemed like, maybe it was irreconcilable, in a
sense, because earlier the methodology was that let's
establish the basis first, have everybody come into the pledge,
and let's have the caliphate established firmly. And then after
that, we'll go after the after the murderers. And they were saying
that no, you have to go after the murderers first, or the man or the
allones killing was extremely oppressive. And it's a very
sorrowful state and that needs to be dealt with first. So it seemed
like they were both very particular about what they were
saying they were both firm and what they were saying. So finally,
there was a massive battle between them so much so that the murdered
among them reach 30,000
So that's why I said a lot more than the Battle of the Camel.
30,000 people were killed. When the people of Malawi already and
eventually it Radi Allahu Anhu was gaining the upper hand he had the
large following behind him. And
the people of Malawi when his companions, they saw that he
was going to be overcome. I'm going to ask you the hola Juan as
I said very shrewd person he said to me oh we are the hola Juan that
send send somebody to Ali to the Allah Han with a Quran so they
said that they placed Quran onto their spears and put them up in
the air that okay fine you know the Quran is between us let's
let's let's deal with this issue as the Quran will guide
so when they did that I knew them did not want to fight and he had
cautioned these people even beforehand his army beforehand
that you will not kill them. Unless you know you will not start
off, you will if anybody wants to run away, let them run away he'd
given all of that because he wanted to minimize his he knew
this was important to do just so that he could have the caliphate
firmly established and he can regain. He can regain control over
the situation. But
these things unfortunately happened the way they did. So this
many people were killed and then eventually they put up the Quran.
So it really Allahu Anhu said that I'm the most rightful person to
follow the Quran. So definitely, let's let's do that.
So I do the Allah one whose response was positive in that
regard. Are you the Allahu Anhu said,
Actually, then another fitna came up and there was some signs of it
from before in fact one man had gone to Malawi or the Allah one a
number of people have gone tomorrow we are the Allah one
different occasions. Why are you doing this? You know, try to
explain to me why we are the alone why we are the and had just that
one call that look, I'm the closest of kin to Earth man of the
Allah one. And I'm willing to give everything up, just give us the
murderers of a thunder them just deal with it. That's a major
issue. You have to deal with it. And they were trying to explain to
him that look, it's not going to happen like that. So many people
are going to die. So many things are going to happen. And it's all
going to be in your hands if that happens and so on worried or the
Allah had an answer to all of that.
One of them went and he said some things to my god Allah in a way
that were not very good, the way he had approached him. So why even
got very angry on him. And he said, he said he said something to
him that you're just a rough, Arabi rough desert Nomad, Arab
Bedouin, he made some statements like this about this particular
And it was kind of strange that he had made that statement. But what
turned out later was that this was one of the first people who
although was supposed to be an ally to the Allahu Anhu site in
the beginning, and was trying to convince my really the Allahu
anhu, not to do what he was doing. He was one of the also the one of
the first to rebel against it with the Allahu Anhu afterwards and
became a third group. And this is where the Hawaii bridge Hawaii
bridge from *. Hydrogen means the cedars those people who detach
themselves from the main groups and become something else now. So
already you had two groups, you had Sahaba in both of these
groups. But then you had this other group that was supposed to
be fighting alongside it, really Allah Juan was supporting him
until now. But when he stopped when he stopped
the battle, when the other side put up the Quran, they thought
that he had done wrong. So we're still going to watch. So what
happened then was, again, we're just cutting to the point. There
was a number of things that happened in between number of
deals that took place, and then eventually they said, Okay, fine,
we'll have a ceasefire, and we'll meet at this time, and eventually,
one person, this group will send one person and the idea of the
Allah Hans group will send another person and those two people will
be the arbitrators, and they will decide according to the Quran.
Now, these people who are with Ali Rhodiola one, there were a number
of them who used to read the Quran a lot. They were known for reading
the Quran a lot so much.
And one of the things about them, as became known later on, was that
they used to have shaved heads. If you were to compare yourself to
them in reading the Quran, you could not compare yourself the
amount of Quran they used to read.
And IGV how the prophets of Allah Islam had said that there will be
a group like this who will read the Quran so much but the Quran
won't come from above, you know, beyond their throat, you won't go
beyond their throats. So be just pure reading. They had a very
extremist interpretation to the way things had to be very
For example, they would force the women to keep cola
of fast make up the faster or miss during menstruation even though
you don't have to acquainted Lucena with Jamar they don't you
make up? Sorry, you make up the fast you don't make up solid. You
make up the fast you don't make them solid, they would have to
make up solid as well. So for example, if there was five days of
menstruation, you would have to make 50 Sorry, 25 prayers up if it
was 10 days and have to make 50 prayers up each month for for
those that were missed during that time, whereas it's
difficult and Allah subhanaw taala has made that easy. So we don't
have to according to understand what your mom, so they had
numerous issues like that is the amount of discrimination that they
will they will act more linearly with Christians and kill Muslims.
And we will read some of the incidences, but that was
eventually that's what they turned out to be. But they will call the
Qura they will call the reciting of the Quran. So some of these
they said yeah, I'm hearing what mean
what do you expect from these people?
Shouldn't we just move forward with our swords and
until Allah subhanho wa Taala
makes out whatever it's going to be. Why do we have to stop here?
Sir Look, no her knife.
He said to these people, he tried to reason with them. He said,
Look, you know this opinion because they were very strong and
their opinion is that there's there's no need for you to you
know, think your opinion is superior. Think about think about
what you're saying criticize your say, you know, look at critically
What are you talking about?
Eventually, the agreement was that they would meet on a particular
date. This was between the forces of Allah the Allah and Mario to
the Allah Juan, and they would have arbitration. And you know,
the Allahu Anhu made a boo Musa al ash it Rhodiola Juan, the
arbitrator on their behalf.
And he had wanted to make ignore Abbas are the Allahu Anhu the
arbitrator, but the people of Kufa the people and why we didn't say
it had said no, we don't want him to Abbas in the Allah one.
If not Abbas is very young very Mashallah. Very, he was a person
of the Quran. I mean, you could not, you know, there's no way you
could overcome him but they disagreed with him. So then they
had to send they had to agree on Abu Musa al Sharia, the Allah one,
Warrior, the Allahu anhu, he puts forward Amarula through the Allah
You can't get anybody better than that on that side.
And they got together. And there's a lot of detail as to what exactly
happened. So I will allow myself to mention this detail. When they
both agreed between them as to who the arbitrator is who the
arbitrators were going to be. Then they wrote a little treaty there
and then that this is that which Ameerul Momineen Allah the Allahu
Anhu has decreed. So immediately I'm gonna answer the Allah and
said that we don't have an Emir.
Because remember, they thought that earlier they did not was not
the rightful Ameerul Momineen so they said we don't have an Emir.
So are you ready Alana said okay, fine. We'll take that off.
So you said her Takada Ali Ali, you cannot be taught him this is
what Ali ignited we thought it agrees to and even though we
thought even what are we gonna be Sophia Ali, on the people of Kufa
and those who are with him. And
more ARE WE ARE THE Allahu Anhu has decided this on behalf of the
people of Sham and those who are with him that we have conceded to
come under the command of Allah subhana wa Tada and leave this
battle alone. And it went it went on there was a few other things
that were mentioned in the they decided that they're going to meet
after Ramadan.
So this this happened during suffer the month of suffer how
many months before Ramadan? After the Israel Owen
review, Daniel will occur and then Joomla the Lulu Jumada era. Then
Raja Shaban Ramadan, so that's seven months, six months before
before Ramadan. And they agreed that they would get together in a
place called do methyl Gendell or other in Ramadan.
And then people went away from this place of misfortune. It Radi
Allahu Anhu returned to Kufa and his The problem is, as I said
earlier, the Allahu Anhu did not, although he had a great army, the
amount of misery and grief he got from them afterwards was immense.
Otherwise, this matter would have been dealt with.
If earlier the Allahu Anhu and he were on his way of returning on
his way back from the he came back with an army that was full of
disputes, because now you have these people who are causing a
major problem, that this was wrong what had happened. We should have
just gone forward and done whatever we we were going to do
this of conceding
to arbitration, this is completely wrong. And so he's got this
massive dispute that is boiling up among his group. Dave attacco
Murphy Dean in law
All right, gave it to Hakeem feeding Allah here regional, how
can you you know, in the matter of Allah, how can you make men that
arbitrators This is the matter of Allah the Quran should be doing
it. Woman lemmya comida Anzahl Allah for Allah, Allah Homolka for
your own those who don't
rule according to the Quran and they are careful.
So these are verses from the Quran that they using in this position
here, the prophet earlier the Alon sent number of people to them even
above the Allah and had a number of discussions with them. He went
in said is an ally with Ilan This is and he that, what about this?
What about that situation? And every time he would go, a number
of people would come back with him. And he would say you're right
and come back with him but then they'd always be a group that were
different and that would maintain the position that they were in. So
it really tried his best to try to do this with understanding with
explanation so many times and it didn't happen. Because I didn't
even I busted the Allahu Anhu said to them that
what's wrong with you? Why are you Why aren't you agree with earlier
the Allah Han? He said well, because how can you make men
arbitrators in the matter of Allah? So if not above the law and
said to them, that when you read the verse in the Quran, we're in
15 shikaka benei Hema HECM Amina Ali Hakim I mean earlier in your
either Islam can you offer Killa Habana Houma that when there's a
problem between the XO Jane between the husband and wife,
between the spouses. You send one arbitrator from her side and one
from his side. And then if Allah subhanho wa Taala wants them to
come back together and there's peace then that will happen Allah
subhanaw taala will make that happen. So it's in the Quran.
So if if, if a husband and wife can do that,
then why can the OMA of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam do
that? What's wrong with that? So they said, no, no, this you can't
you can't analogize this, this isn't about pls. You can't just
you know, you can't just analogize you're using your logic, you can't
do that. Another was Yakko he's our Adlam income, you know, to
have your right righteous people, the people who have
who are just, they should be the arbitrators. And they had a
response. I mean, some of them they had a response, some of them
understood most of them didn't. And then they said I'm gonna ask
you the hola Juan he's not even upright anyway, that they they had
criticism for Cameroon law, so the hola Juan that he's not an upright
So they had their own issues with all of these things. And number
number of a number of these things eventually. And yeah, at one
point, all of them came back. At one point when nobody allowed
really explained it to them, they all came back. Now this six or
seven months passed came Ramadan. And this was which year was this?
37 Hijiri.
Right 37 Hijiri this was so three years before the end of the 40
year term that a professor of law has talked about. So 37 years ago,
Musala Sharia the Allahu Allah was sent by Allah the Allah one in for
among, among 400 people, among them Assura Hypno Hani al Hadi thi
Abdullah Abbas at the Allah one he was the one who was leading them
in Salah he was the Imam and he was looking after them as well.
What are we already Allah one cent amrutam Lhasa the Allahu Allah
again in 400 people from Sham and with them or should be dignissim
these two groups they got together in the place called doom metal
gender Richards talked about that earlier. Abdullah Ahmadi Allahu
Anhu also got the Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah Abu Bakr got the
Abdullah Hypnose Zubayr Abdul Rahman Abdulhadi Hypno Hisham
Mahira, even a shout out to the hola Juan all of these great
Sahaba that were left they all got their
cars but the hola Juan
when these two groups got together, Abu Musab the hola Juan
came forward first and he said
look at the way this has played out. It's
it's kind of sad and strange at the same time, the way it's played
First Abu Musa the Allahu anhu, he came forward and he praised ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada. And he mentioned he talked about the afterlife that
was taking place. He talked about the dispute that was going on. And
then he said, Oh, Amara,
let's come together
to a, in a way that Allah subhanaw taala will remove this dispute
will bring us together and will join us together under one, you
know, under one column again, under under the same banner,
hammer the Allah one thanked him, said just like Allah to him, and
he said that, look, we have to start this from somewhere. There's
always a beginning, before there's an end, meaning there's a
beginning and an end to every story. So let's start from the
And there's no way that we can reach an end before we decide how
this all began.
So instead, we need to write down how this all came about and what's
happened and what
It's going on. So they call for a paper. They call for something to
write on and a scribe. So he came in, he said, Okay, right. He said,
we both have to agree to whatever we write. So if I say something
and you don't agree to it, you won't write it. And if you agree,
then we'll write it. And if you say something, and I don't agree,
we won't write it. Otherwise we'll write it. So we both have to agree
on whatever is being written. So we have to take it step by step. I
said, Okay, fine. Right. So you said Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, in
the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. Have them at Aqaba.
Then he will Musa Abdullah Abdullah Hypno face what I'm doing
the house this is that upon which
Abdullayev no place an Aboriginal house Abu Musa his name was
Abdullah ignore case Abu Musa Alicia God alone and I'm ready to
answer the Allahu Anhu
deciding and
they both witnessed that Allah subhanaw taala there is no God
except Allah subhanaw taala you know the normal formalities and
expressions of towhee they first wrote all of that when the
Muhammad Abdul Hora sudo or Salah who will Huda within how can you
hear who Allah de Nicola just to prove that they both coming from
the same background? They both have Iman, they're coming from the
same background of Rohit.
And then he said I'm already Allah, Juana said And we bear
witness that Abu Bakr the alone is a Khalifa Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he did he acted according to the Kitab of Allah
and the Sunnah of His Messenger until Allah subhanho wa Taala took
him back
and he fulfilled whatever the right he had to be he had to
fulfill Abu Musa the Alana said, Okay, fine, right that.
he said the same thing about Amara, the Allah Juan. So, almost
out of the alarm said, Okay, fine, you can write that as well. And
then he said, an Earthman or the Allah who won, he then became the
Hadith he became responsible for this matter, and
according to the schema of the muslimeen according to the
consensus of the believers, and the shura, and the shura, which is
the consultation from the companions of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he was a believer Abu Musa the hola
Ana said that was always getting to this is not where we've come
here for we're not talking about history let's move forward so I'm
going to be alone said this is necessary
it's necessary that you know we have to say whether it was one of
the alone was a believer or not.
So when we started the Alana said of course he you know, absolutely
almost out of the Alana is wondering, okay, where's all this
getting to? You know, these are all clear things we agree with
them so but we're getting with all of this. And then I'm already
alone said and then an oppressor came and killed Earthman or the
hola Juan
did he kill him? Was a man violent or Muslim? Was he the oppressor?
Was he the oppressed? wounds or the alarm said of course he was
the oppressed. So I'm gonna the alarm said that.
Hasn't Allah subhanho wa Taala given the right for the closest of
kin to a person who's been killed in an oppressed way to demand the
this is what the build up was.
Hasn't Allah subhanaw taala given the right to the next in kin or
the closest in kin to demand the right of revenge for the blood of
their kinsmen
almost 30 Instead of course, so I'm gonna be alone said that. Do
you know of any woody any kin Uthman or the Allahu? Anhu was
closest to him closer to him than mA we are the Allah one of almost
I was gonna say no more he is the closest so I'm gonna be Allah and
said that doesn't then why we really don't have the right to
demand the murderers of the man or the Allah Juan
wherever they are
isn't isn't that his right almost at the onset of course it is. So
I'm gonna read the hola on set to the scribe
Okay, write that so I'm almost out of the mindset okay. I mean, he
couldn't come out of it was there was nothing wrong with that that
was right. But it was the it wasn't a discussion that was
supposed to be happening here. You know, they were supposed to try to
find a way out of this.
So you wrote that then Abu Musa the Allahu Anhu said that okay,
this is a this is now the matter that has taken place. This is the
matter that has now taken place in Islam. And we have come together
in the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. So now come quickly let us
speak about something that will that will create some peace
between us that will reform our meta for us. So I'm going to be
alone said okay, what is that now? How do we do that?
So we're almost out of the Allahu Anhu said that you know, that the
people of Iraq they will never like why we are the Allah one. The
people of Iraq will never like more we are the only one and the
people of Sham will never like it really Allah Juan.
Maybe we're saying that based on you know, whatever had happened
until now the he was saying that they will never
Come under him and they will never come under him.
So why don't we make Abdullah Hebner Omar now the Allah Juan the
it seems like a boo Musala Sharia the Allahu Anhu Well, Allahu
This is something he said from himself. He had the right to a
certain degree, although he was supposed to be representing
earlier the hola Juan, but this is something that he seemed to come
up with according to the narrations that have come down to
us. So He said that why don't we make Abdullah Hebron or Amara
Rhodiola Juanda Hanif out of the Allah and said Will Abdullah Omar
agree to that?
said yeah if people force him to if people really push him and
persist then he would do it so I'm gonna be alone said what about sad
What do you think of sad will not be your cost of the alarm? He said
no. And then he mentioned another group of Sahaba so he kept saying
no to all of them
so eventually the only person that they they could both agree on was
Abdullah Hypno aroma or the Allah one. So I'm already alone took the
letter the the tablet or whatever they were writing on.
After they had both agreed on it after so after after they had both
put their seals on it. Because so this was the only agreement they
could reach. So they put on one of the Allah who took the took the
tablet, they could not
they could not decide who was going to take it up. They both
agreed the only person that they could both agree on was Abdullah
Muhammad or the Allah one. But whether he would take or not is
another story. He wouldn't take it anyway. So they did not come out
of this with anything fruitful.
There was no decision that was made that was fruitful.
Because before this what had happened was more we are the
Allahu Anhu sorry, Abu Musa Allah Shatila, the Allahu Akbar Allah
azza wa jal when they first got together, it wasn't mentioned
there. It's mentioned afterwards. What Umbra Lhasa the alarm said is
that in order for us to be
neutral in this you have to give up added to the Allah one as the
Khalifa so you have to shed your pledge and I will shut that off.
What are we ready Allah one and then we will speak as arbitrators.
So I said I'm gonna do it was very clever. I will move out of the
alarm went first. And he said, Okay, fine, I
I shed off the pledge. I give up the pledge that I've given to ally
to the hola Juan
then I'm gonna be alone just stood up. And he said, Abu Musa Alicia
has just given up his pledge to ally with the Allah one. And I
nominate Mario to the hola Juan.
So he didn't give it up.
He got a Musashi with the Alon who went first and gave it up. And I'm
gonna ask her, the alone stands up and says, I nominate Mario the
hola Juan and people began to differ. You know, people know
what's going on, you know, there was probably a massive chaos that
ensued from the
almost everybody alone got very angry. And he began to say things
to Amaro, the Allah one and said, You've deceived me You've deceived
you've been deceptive. And
it really went back to Sham sorry, went back to Kufa and Margaret
alone when he went back to Sham because no decision had been
taken. And he had come to this point. Now. The problem is that
earlier the alone, his understanding was that this was
all a fail anyway. It should be invalid. That was it to the alarms
perspective, but from what are we gonna do now he had a delete, that
the arbitrator that was sent by earlier the Alon had given up his
pledge to ally Rhodiola Juan, and the matter had been, had ended at
nothing in the hands of the believers. Because by giving up
earlier the Hola, Juan, he was as though saying, Okay, now we're
going to find somebody else, then they run through so many names,
and they could only agree on the live number or they alone, but
they couldn't decide on him because, you know, he wouldn't
take it. And they hadn't maybe asked him either.
So for them, they had an technical excuse that
the matter is all open now. It's up to the people now.
So when they got back
only to the unknown, still thinking that it's his and it
rightfully was his because the arbitrator had not acted in their
interest. That was his understanding. And that was the
more correct understanding. So it really Allah and then said, Look,
this is this is not going to end now except by force. So now he
went back, and for the second time they prepared to fight against
But the problem is that
another matter arose,
and that is the coverage the CDC does. He's getting ready
In 39, now,
in 39, Henry is getting ready.
And he couldn't get ready because of all of these internal problems
that he's having. Finally, in the 40th, year, in the 40th, year in
this final years, such 40th year,
that's when he really managed to get things together. And in front
of that army that he prepared against the people of Sham, he got
he put basil in a sad, ignore brother Saddleman oh, by the sun,
he put him as the leader.
These were 40,000 men, these are 40,000, a force of 40,000, who had
given the pledge to him, that they will fight to lead death. But
things did not turn out.
And this force could not continue. But we have to stop there. And we
have to look at the outage first. Because in the midst of all of
that, before it really could have to actually send this force
forward. He had to deal with a number of other things. In between
those two, three years, we just fast forwarded that finally he got
this group ready but he could not go
because he was assassinated.
But before until he was assassinated in these two three
years in between the thing he had to deal with what were the outage,
so we're going to look at that quickly. But firstly,
Ottawa if no rain relates that a desert Arab came to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said sorry, and he
wrestled with me.
Why we are the Allah one who got up and he said, I wrestled with
you. Baba sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, laying yo Khaled MA
We are burden. What are we * hola Juan Maria will never become
overcome. While you will never be overcome, and he wrestled other
person to the ground, if not a sucky relates that on the during
the Battle of Safin earlier the Allahu Anhu Quran Allah who has
always said that, if I had remembered that hadith, I would
not have fought with Maori or the Allah one.
Although they were about to win, the way they turned it around with
those grants, right, and then after it went into a stalemate,
then he went to arbitration, arbitration didn't work out. Now,
they had some technical evidence for themselves to be able to do
what they were doing. Earlier, the Allahu Anhu was trying to muster
his army together, so that he could go and deal with them once
more. But then in the midst of all of the he has to deal with this
coverage, so many number of times over and over again, until he wore
out his forces, the forces were so worn out after these three, four
or five years long years of, of just dealing with these small
skirmishes here and there on these large ones as well, that they just
couldn't do anything finding that last year he got those people
together. And then the Hermitage dealt their final blow for that
time, and they assassinated earlier the hola Juan. Now he has
eternal Assam. He asks, he relates that idea the Allahu Anhu was
asked about the people that were killed during Safin, one of these
people that were killed how many people were killed?
That's, I mean
313 against the 1000 during the Battle of orange
and just a few of them were killed. And here you've got
30,000 Muslims being killed.
And you know, the Alana was asked about the what do you think of
these mosques? What do you think of these people that were killed?
He said
catalana what Cutler who Phil Jana. Both our killed and they're
killed are all in paradise. Where Cyril in a year where Illa mwah
via the magic is between me and Maria. The people who are killed
they're both in Paradise because they are fighting for what they
think is the truth. So they're fighting for the hawk according to
Musa Musa save him nota here says that ally Rhodiola once took my
hand during the Battle of Safin and then he stood
by some of those who were murdered, from the companions of
Malawi or the Allah Juan and he said yarmulke Allah, may Allah
have mercy on you. And then he went up to some of the marches
from his side. And he said, same thing, he prayed for mercy for
them as well, in the same way that he had prayed for mercy for those
who have been killed on the other side. So I said, Yeah, Ameerul
Momineen. You first considered their blood to be permissible for
you to spill by fighting against them. And now you're doing this to
Allah have mercy over them. He said, Yes. Allah subhanho wa Taala
will make our killing them a cow Farah, and a expiation for their
sins, if something he had to do,
if not, as it relates that once a person came to Azura, or Razi, one
of the great scholars afterwards he said that
And the person said to him that I hate Malawi
so he said why? Because he fought with the idea of the Allahu
without right. I was what I said.
Rob Umar we are robbing Rahim hospital who Hussman Karim from
the hula cabana Houma that the Lord of Monrovia is a merciful
His enemy his his opponent is a noble and generous opponent.
His Lord is merciful. And his opponent is noble
Why are you going between them? What's your problem? Why are you
entering between them? Why trying to judge between them like that
was their problem?
McKinna formulas makhana formulas the name relates that I came to a
you Oberlin sorry about the hola Juan. We said, uh, you? You have
fought with the Mushrikeen with your swords with the Prophet
sallahu along alongside the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, then you came and you fought against the muslimeen.
So then he responded, you know, see, because people were confused.
How could this happen? Because a number of people who may have just
done it, there are people who stayed to the site. They were
confused. How can this happen? It was just mind boggling for them.
So they were asking what are these questions? So a boy you will
insert into the Allahu and he's being asked this question. You've,
you know, you fought against the machete and now you fight with
these with these believers. So you said yes, Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam has commanded us to fight with three types of
people. He's He's told us to fight with those who are violators of
the contract, violators of the pledge, who are rebels in that
regard, they make a pledge with you and then and then they break
it. Allah. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has commanded us
that you can fight with them, while cos 18 You can fight with
the car seat in courses and those who don't, who are who are
neutral, who are not neutral, meaning who are doing right. But
they were on the wrong side. I mean, they were just on the wrong
side. They were the opinion was to support the Sahaba
and Murray pin, the heretics, the sort of coverage. So we've been
commanded as as long as the war is a rightful war, we have been
commanded to fight
for cartel anarchy theory and world class it in won a MacArthur
in sha Allah and Moroccan so even originally relates this. He said,
I've already fought against the violators of the contract, and
those that were not violators nor the heretics, they were just in
between. And now we will fight against the heretics as well.
So he was referring to the people that broke the Covenant, the
contracts, he was the who was he referring to by that? The people
of the Jemele during the Battle of the German, the camel, so he was
referring to them, and then we fought against the Casita, and
these were the people of Malawi and they were the costume they
want the truth as well.
And then we have been commanded to also fight with the heretics but
we haven't done that yet. And those were going to be the
is available. Bakar relates
from earlier the Allah who won that after abnormal Jim his
murderer had had struck him. He said that rasool Allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam has informed me of the love among his ummah, after
him, he's informed me about some of this difference of opinion that
will take place, and he had commanded me to fight with the
narky theme, meaning these three groups that I just alluded to, he
ordered me to do that. And he also informed me the Prophet sallallahu
Samad also informed me of that which was to reach me, that was to
afflict me the prophets Allah had already told me and he had also
told me that more Arya Radi Allahu Allah and His Son Yazeed will
become the rulers. He had mentioned that as well to me, and
then after that, the Balu. Marwan meaning that family will then take
this matter in their hands, and we'll, we'll make it a source of
inheritance. So they will become a leaf one after the other in their
families, they will become the rulers like that one after the
other, and then this matter is going to go into the bunu.
So this matter is definitely going to go to the bun Omiya. And then
to the blue Ibis. And I can also see the soil and the ground the
earth, in which her saying that the Allahu Anhu will be martyred.
this is related from it with the Allah and the prophets. Allah has
told him this. There's another Hadith narrated from Abu Saeed or
the Allah one from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that
he talked about a particular man. And he said that from his loins
will come a people who will recite the Kitab of Allah
In a very moist fashion, but it won't go beyond their throats.
They'll read a lot of Quran but they won't go beyond their throats
and they will come out of this Deen, they will miss the deen,
just like the arrow just misses its mark or goes right through, it
will, they won't benefit from the dinner table. They will fight with
the people of Islam. And
they will call towards the people of the idols. If you if I was to
come confront them, I would kill them. Like you would fight with
the people of Adam ThermoWood. Who was he talking about? These are
talking about the outage. With the Buddha, the Allahu Anhu relates
something similar, but in that he says that whom shall rule hulky
will Holika that those are the worst of the people and of
creation. Or your the Allahu Anhu said,
kill them, because in killing them is rewarded for the one who kills
them on the Day of Judgment. And also the Allahu Anhu relates that
glad tidings for the one who kills them or is killed by them. Because
although they call towards the book of Allah, they have nothing
to do with the book of Allah. And this sign is that really,
the headache means
being having a shaved head, that's, that's their sign that
they will have a shaved head, they will have shaved heads.
And you will be alone. So relate something similar.
In fact, it really made another statement, he said that if the
army that will confront them, the army that will confront these
hostage if they knew what Allah, what has already been decreed
about them, the favors that have been decreed for them, meaning the
prophets, Allah, some has mentioned certain favors for this
army that will deal with the coverage. If they knew those
things that the province or Lourdes had mentioned, then they
would, they would just sit back and just rely on that. So many
good things and promises have been given for the people who will kill
these coverage, that if the people who were going to fight that war
knew that, they would just do that, and they won't do anything
else, because it would be sufficient, it was such a high
virtue to do that. And he said, the sign of them is very
interesting. He said that a sign of them is that they will have a
man in the one of the individuals will have a shoulder without
without an arm. So you'll have a basically a broke, you know,
amputating won't have an arm, so you'll just have a shoulder and
at the tip of that shoulder, they will be like the * of a
on it will be white hairs. This is in a hadith.
So there will be a man like this. So remember this for when we
continue with this afterwards.
I will say that the Allahu Anhu relates that they will come they
will rebel at a time when there's a matter of dispute between the
believers. And the group of the believer, the two groups among the
believers, the one of them, which is the most closest to the truth
will fight against these people. So two groups of believers will be
fighting with each other will be disputing with each other and this
group will rebel against them, meaning will come out. And out of
those two groups of believers, the ones who are most rightfully
correct the ones who are most rightful, they will fight with
So that's another sign that it really alone was was was more
correct, was more on the on the truth. So inshallah we'll look at
the next week, because it said some of the stuff that they would
do, they killed us a hobby, and he had his wife with him was
pregnant, but they killed him.
Right? They didn't let him go. And then after that, they want to
buy some dates, or a poem from a Christian person. So he said you
know what, just just have it.
You couldn't bodies just have it. So they insisted they said, no,
no, we can't take this except with a price. You have to give us a
price on this. We can't take it for free. So this Christian he's
just completely amazed. He said that I just can't understand you.
You just killed a man like Abdullayev no hubbub. You've just
killed a man like Abdullah in the hubbub. And you can't accept this
poem from me without
without money without a costume. What kind of people are you?
So there were a number of these kind of strange incidents that
they would have more mercy on non Muslims than they would have on
Muslims. So they have a strange way of looking at things. So
inshallah we'll we'll look at that next next week in sha Allah. Allah
one two Salam amikacin on develop the other God would allow me Are
you yeah for Umrah? I think NSW la mia
I had no idea and then
I couldn't I couldn't I mean a lot even just Allahu Allah Muhammad
the marhaba which is Allah who are now Mohammed mo Allahu mandocello
Inca set and develop the eternal God with the Quran Allah Houma
filled in our home now if you know what I didn't know was gonna Allah
whom I didn't know at the time you know, I don't know that anyone
alone we are you have a younger medical history.
Allah who may notice look, I'm in Haiti, like an interview with
them. Salallahu Alaihe Salam when I will them come and show me my
star the character going to be with them I haven't done
sallallahu alayhi wa salam Hindustan Arnica banana Hello
Dakota iLab Allah and Allah and Allah.
O Allah accept our coming together in the masjid on this Friday night
for Allah Our like September the eyes of Allah except the time that
we're spending in this Masjid Oh Allah make it a source of blessing
a note for us. of Allah give us true guidance of Allah give us a
true understanding and depth of understanding about your deen and
your religion. How Allah O Allah grant us the ability to see the
truth and act upon it or Allah give us the ability to see the
falsehood as false and give us the ability to abstain from it. Oh
Allah protect us and our children. Oh Allah protect us and our
children, the next generation of Allah allow us to think of the
things that are needed for the next generation and to prepare. Oh
Allah, Oh Allah do not want to see a bad day for Islam in this
country or anywhere around the world. Oh Allah removed from
Muslims the grief of Allah removed from Muslims, their sorrow, the
grief and their problems and their subjugation of Allah elevate your
Cunnamulla Illa Illa Allah, O Allah make us make us worthy of
elevating that Kadima Allah make us true followers of Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam true followers of the Sunnah of Allah
allow the student to come into our lives in every aspect of our deen
our life of Allah make it a source of baraka and blessing for us. Or
Allah give us our love granted baraka and blessing in all of our
in all of our deeds in our in our lives in our health, our like, you
know, human, Oh Allah, Allah Allah bless us in our faith. Oh Allah
bless us in our faith or make it a source of conviction for us. It
makes it easy for us to follow your deen and abstain from the
wrongs in the Haram. Oh Allah Oh Allah give us the baraka of the
Quran and the blessing of the Quran in our homes. Oh Allah give
us the blessing of victory in our hearts of Allah allow us to seek
forgiveness before it's too late. Oh Allah allow us to remember you
and to have the remembrance constantly on our tongues. Oh
Allah make us of those who remember you all times of Allah
whether we are lying down or sitting up whether we're whatever
we are doing that we have you in our minds, Oh Allah, Oh Allah
grant us your love and the love of those who love you. Oh Allah grant
us your love and the love of those who love you. Oh Allah grant us to
Karim Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah on our deathbed. Subhan Allah
because Allah is if you ma Josefina, Salaam Alaikum wa Salam
100 Lo and behold, I mean, the point of a lecture is to encourage
people to act to get further an inspiration, and encouragement,
persuasion. The next step is to actually start learning seriously,
to read books to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the
subjects of Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become
more aware of what our Dean wants from us. And that's why we started
Rayyan courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on
demand whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as local law here in Santa Monica. What I
want to lay record