Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Shaykh Husain Ahmad Madani A Brief Biography
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi Hamden cathedral a uban
Mubarak and fie Mubarak unnati. He can mail your A Bora buena, where
the Jalla Jalla, who am Manawatu wa Salatu was Salam ala se util
Habibollah Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa
darker was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral, Eli Yomi. Dean Mr
Firstly, I'm extremely honored to be in the midst of all of these
great people and very honored to be invited by the Jamia to llama
here, and mana shapes are mostly abdomen takim, Saab and the other
100 who are here and to be in the martial of the company again of
Hazzard Maulana Muhammad Madani sub as well. And of course, in
your company on this Sunday nights, we ask Allah subhanahu wa
Tada to make this extremely beneficial for us.
In the few minutes that I have, I just want to quickly go through
some of the life of Hazzard Maulana Hussain Muhammad Madani
Rahmatullahi Ali, but the purpose of going through this is not just
to tell you where he was born and when he died. The idea is that
we're trying to take a few lessons from this. We had one great hazard
Maulana, but nisab Rahmatullahi, who has inspired so many different
people, and you know, this is why we're sitting here in London.
Allah knows best whether he ever thought that this would have
happened. Maybe he did. But this is really amazing. So what we want
to do today is we want to think, How can we toe this line? How can
we also do something? Yes, you who are sitting here, because if you
look at hazard Madani, Rahmatullahi Lee, he didn't come
from some big city of India. He came from the eastern up side, in
a district of the Faizabad actually check phase about on the
map today. It's actually north of Allahabad. It's several 100
kilometers away from Delhi. It's away from the main center. It's
away from Durban as well. They open this in western up the open
sun and pull what other it's about three hours, four hours from Delhi
that's closer to the western side. This is the eastern side. His
said Habibollah they are descendants of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And several generations before that
they had come to the subcontinent. But his his father said Habibollah
Rahima, hula, he was a headmaster in a school. So you think he's
just some kind of headmaster. But the wonderful thing that I just
discovered is that he was actually a Khalifa of mana further Rahman,
Gunj Murata by the Rahmatullah era.
So he's a head, he's a head teacher, his son studies in their
hometown for about 12 years in two different places for about 12
years or something. And then after that, after primary school, he
does his primary school, and at the age of 12, he then goes to
download the album. This was in 1891. He was born in 1879 1879. So
that's well over 100 years already. 1891 is when he goes to
download duvan. Now sha Allah here there was Schakel hint, Maulana
Muhammad Hassan Rahmatullah here today, he paid special attention
to him. In fact, he taught him many books personally, despite the
fact that hasn't mana Muhammad Hassan was so busy, he wouldn't
give time, extra time out of the class hours, to even some of the
other older students. But for some reason, he saw something in this
young boy who had come from this area, and he gave him very special
attention. People are generally made by others.
You don't make yourself by just claiming something. Today, people
on YouTube, et cetera, they want to make themselves so they promote
themselves by criticizing others, as though putting others down will
put you up. This is a big problem.
People make you you have to submit to someone. So shaycarl hint, had
special attention paid to him. And then after that, he went back to
his birthplace back to his hometown. And then after that, his
father decided now you can see somebody in India at that time,
who is in this eastern area of up suddenly takes it in his heart to
go and make Hijra to Madina Munawwara
to go to Medina Manoa and decide to leave everything while it's in
the hearts of many people that they may hope to do this, just
like a dream, but there's very few people who make that a reality. He
went, his father went and the whole family went with him at that
time. So they all went to Madina Munawwara this is after has shaken
Hazzard mana Hussein Medina who had become had graduated. Before
departing though he went to he gave beta 200 Mala Rashid Ahmed
can go here Rahmatullah Haley. So he gave him the Pledge of
Allegiance a spiritual pledge.
of allegiance. So he became his Marine.
His his his Sheikh Sheikh Rashid, I'm not gonna go here but Allah
Allah He told him that I'm not going to give you any vicar. I
want you to go when you go to Mocambo Kurama you will see my
shift there who's * him DoD Allah, who had migrated to mocha
mocha Rama and I want you to take the vicar from him. So find me
when they went to mocha mocha Rama it was some time before the Hajj.
So they went to meet hygiene dub Allah Rahmatullah hiya Ali, and
they used to attend him and his brother, they used to attend
hygiene God Allah has gathered gathering of vicar, then finally
came hedge, and then he went to Madina, Munawwara and he moved
there. Now, what's very interesting is that at that time,
the Indians people of the subcontinent had a lot of
influence in the whole domain. In fact, hajizade said, his * sobs
advice was that if you want the dunya then stay in Jeddah if you
want the dunya then stay in Jeddah if you want the dean and the dunya
then stay in Makkah Makara Rama and if you want just the Akira
just the deen then go to Madina Munawwara and the reason for this
is that Masha Allah, the Indians were very well established in
Makkah, Makara, Rama and in Jeddah, so you could easily do
good business there and you could get the dunya and akhira inside
Makkah, but in Madina, Munawwara there were less opportunities,
there was a life of struggle in those days. Right there was a life
of struggle, but they had decided to go to Madina, Munawwara his
father sat down with the whole family, his his wife, and family
and he said, Look, this is what our struggle is, we need to start
some business, they started a small business, but they realize
that it's not going to produce enough. However, for malata
Hussein, Medina, Abdullah, he remembered that his teacher on his
way out when he had a law when he had seen him off to go to the
ages, he had told him don't ever stop teaching, you need to
continue this tradition. So he went back to India once and on his
return, he started teaching he would teach in the in the masjid
Nabawi very difficult to do that now. But in those days, he used to
teach there for about 12 hours. That was a difficult time for him,
because he would not take any money for teaching, despite the
fact that they didn't have much money. That was the time of
struggle. That was the time of struggle, my shot that was the
time of struggle, but in the model three usara mashallah, our has a
Manasa they all benefiting from the struggle now Michelle with the
baraka, right? So
12 hour straight he would teach in 1914 his Sheikh came Sheikh
Mahmoud Al Hassan Rahmatullah Hailey and with him, he went for
Hajj. Some years later, he Sheikh was finally arrested because he
had started this galvanizing the people against the British long
story. I can't get into that right now. So Sheikh Hussein Muhammad
Murthy Rahmatullah joined him for hudge. And then eventually when
Schakel Hynde was going to be present in Malta, right? I
actually visited Malta about 10, about about 10 years ago, in fact,
to try to look for this place where were they imprisoned? Right.
Maulana Hazzard mana Hussein Muhammad Medina Ramadan, I decided
to actually go with him.
He wasn't incriminated for anything. But he decided to go
with his Sheikh so that he can accompany him and be at his
service. For three years he stayed in Malta with his Sheikh. Now you
can see how this person is being built. A person who comes from
this eastern part of up from the small area, you can see how he's
being built, how he's benefiting, what his the sacrifices he's
providing, right, the assistance he's giving to his shape, his
shake must have given me so many doors, numerous stories about what
happened in that prison. You know, this is just literally just a
quick overview.
Afterwards hamdulillah after about three years, but after staying in
Malta, they were freed, he was freed. So they returned back to
India. This is where in 1920 he became involved in the political
work with the Jimmy with the Indian Congress and so on, because
there was this critical moment at that time of the British causing
all the issues there. Right, causing all the issues there. And
now there was this whole discussion of the split. Even
among the older ma they had differed, as in mana Shefali
autonomy. hachimura mata Rahmatullah. It was on the side
that yes, it should be separate. There were others who were on that
side as well. These were classmates, teachers and students
as Amala. Hussein, who had met the Rahmatullah it was very firm on
the fact that India had to stay one long story. Eventually, he he
became involved in the political work and after shake will hinge on
the law they passed away. He was considered to be his successor,
like everybody agreed that he would be his successor. Many times
towards he was actually imprisoned for his fiery speeches in India by
the British he was in fact once up to even two years. May Allah
subhanaw taala give the Tofik to has a mana Muhammad Saab to follow
in the footsteps of his grandfather and given the
successes, but protect him from all of this, Sharma.
He then remained the president he then became the president of the
Jimmy Kimmel Obama for about 20 years.
During this time, in 1928, the Schakel hadith of Don Durbin
resigned. There was this exodus there was a number of scholars
that for some reason went to Gujarat to double from the loom
Diovan, and this was none other than hazard mana.
Anwar Shah Kashmira hamdulillah honey, so the position of the
Schakel Hadees became empty. Now remember Mala as it Hakimullah
matter that he's on a different viewpoint with regards to the
politics of the time. He's on a different viewpoint. But he has so
much honor and respect for has it mana Bernie Rahmatullah it that
when the question came up as to who's the next Schakel Hadith, he
said, Absolutely, he must be the next Schakel Hadith. So there was
a unanimous decision to make him the Schakel hadith of Dahlem
Delevan. So now you have somebody who's the Schakel hadith of
dataroom duben. He is also the leader of the jamiat, Allah ma of
the time, so he's doing both the political work, and he's also
doing the Hadith teaching. So eventually, about over 40,000
students graduated and in his hands under his hands during that
time, and that's why our Maulana, as it said before in the Bian, how
his teachers all go, and many other people will have this. This
is not I haven't actually from to show you up 200 Mana Medina
fidelity, anyway, whatever that whatever the case is, there's just
one last thing that I want to speak before I finish as
anonymous, he actually told me to speak about that one of his main
contributions, he had numerous contributions, but one of his main
contributions and the most, probably a very unique feature
about him is that he took part in the politics of the time.
This was, as I said, a very critical moment in the history of
the subcontinent. He wasn't a politician, just riling people
based on emotion or zealotry. That's not what he was. Neither
was he a two faced career politician full of hypocrisy and
false promises. That's not what he was either. He will what set him
apart is that he actually had a very intellectual and a well
thought out theory on how politics in India can work. That's where he
produced his wonderful book, which I had an opportunity to read
several years ago. And I when I read it, I was amazed of because
it actually helps to understand and guide us in this in this
country, while not fully because there are differences between the
Indian subcontinent and the UK, because the Muslims here are
primarily immigrants, whereas in the Muslims in the in India are
there from 1000s of years. So they got to they, they, they can lay
claim to the land in a much more stronger way than some of us can
hear. We're still deciding whether we're back home is here or there.
You know, we still have a lot of things to take care of. But this
is such a wonderful, wonderful book, where it goes into
discussion with Allama Iqbal who was in Pakistan Allama, Iqbal felt
that the only way you could come together was under the name of
Islam, only Muslims, but mana Mahmood Madani Hussain Madani
Rahmatullah Halley. He advocated the coming together of Hindus and
Muslims against the common enemy, the British have the time, right,
that they can come together under the banner of what he called the
Right under the banner of the Komiya. Right, which is a
cosmopolitan, when you call that composite nationalism, a composite
nationalism and nationalism that is based on various different
people for the same goal, though they have different religions. But
you see, this is where we can learn from the while he did this,
which is is the way us to work in tandem with other religions in
this country. He wasn't, he was for plurality, but he wasn't for
pluralism. The difference between plurality and pluralism plurality
is that we can come together on certain ideas for a common defense
against the common enemy, right, which we have no problem with. But
pluralism means religious pluralism, that we start to accept
every religion as being justified. And that means our religion is is
just one path to God. Right in the real sense of it. That's not what
he advocated. He was clear that Islam was unique in its own way,
and in the way that it connects with ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada, but
we can come together. So that's a book that I think anybody who's
serious about understanding relationship and plurality
In this country should read because for me it opened up my
mind. Now where did he get this from? Why such a well thought out
philosophy and an approach which makes him very different from
other people.
Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best he comes out of this village, he
goes to the island Durban, he stays in Malta, he has obviously
interaction with British and others, right the Germans and so
on even the Ottomans. And then after that he stays in Arabia for
you know, for a decade at least teaching Hadith meeting with so
many different people. This is what broadens your approach so
that he could come and really understand what Indus Hindustan
needed at the time. We ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to benefit us
from these great people, that we could also be inspired us, our
children to do things of this nature in the right way. But as
Hazzard did, he had an association with a Sheikh. He did his God and
His vicar and that's the one of the most important thing for your
heart to remain strong, especially when the going gets tough. And we
ask Allah subhana wa Taala to bless his family, his descendants
and to continue this mission through them and Allah give us
Tofik as well to follow suit and accept us for the service of his
Deen working with Darwin and Al Hamdulillah. He will be Latin