Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Speaking on the Reflections of Pearls Whitethread Press

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the baqaat al salLive, a favorite after prayer, and recommends it to everyone. They also mention a book called the Payment of the Cosmetics, which is a beautiful book and is being published soon. The speaker also mentions a book from White meantime, which is a beautiful book and is being made available.
AI: Transcript ©
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And these are the what are called the

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baqaat al salihat.

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My recommendation to all of you, do the

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baqaat al salihat. This is one of the

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the most important things that you do after

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your prayer, is the baqa'at al salihat. These

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are the things that you say after the

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prayer. They're different iterations,

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but they're they're they're very beautiful and they're

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extremely important.

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There's a whole bunch of them. So these

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are in we're we're actually gonna this is

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gonna be published this month and given to

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all the 12,000 strong people and then just

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made available. There are good books like this.

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There's a beautiful one that White Thread Press

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the the the precious pearls,

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reflections from the precious pearls. It's a beautiful

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book that

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a really fine sheikh from England,

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did. So there are many good books, and

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the khair of Allah is

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