Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Shamail AlTirmidhi Recital of the Prophet () and Weeping Part 55
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Oberg are seldom at the Sleeman
Cathedral in Niomi. Dean Amara, we were
reading the chapter on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is
reciting the Quran his way of recitation.
We are on Hadith number 325. There's one or two Hadith left for
this chapter to finish so we'll just complete those Hadith
inshallah. This hadith number 325 is from
more are we ignore Quran? He says that I heard Abdullah ibn Umar
Radi Allahu Anhu saying
that Rite Aid and Libya sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Isla Nakata
Hiyama al Fateh Wahoo Jaco enough Adana Lika fit her Medina, dill
fear Allah Allah Houma, Takata momentum because
so are the live normal hopeful are the Allahu Anhu is saying that I I
saw myself I saw Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam while
he was on his camel during the conquest of Makkah, when the day
that a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went into Makkah and he
was conquered. That was the same day I saw him on his camera and he
was reciting the reciting surah. Tilford in Fontana, Lakota Medina
and sort of Rosa Lawson read the surah
and he started off this way in Nevada Hannah Lakota Marina Allah
subhanaw taala says that we have given you a clear victory. We have
given you a clear victory and an opening. Leo fear Allah Allah
Subhan Allah subhanahu wa Tada forgives you Mata cardamom in them
become at
that which he has written that word. So Allah subhanho wa Taala
forgives you whatever sins may have passed and whatever may come
So he read the entire surah in in a revival of Buhari, it says that
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was reciting certain fat in
a softer way in a softer voice. And he was repeating it.
You could just imagine Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is
going back into the city as a conqueror in victory, the same
city he had to leave from.
He was persecuted. They had to escape from he's going back there.
And you can just imagine anybody's emotional state. You know, if
you've sold a house, you've lived in a house, you know when you were
young, for a long time and then you moved out that day you go back
to that place when you see memories come back. This is the
place the prophets of Allah Who are your son was born in. This is
the place where a sword allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
with his wife, Hadith Allah, the Allahu anha, His most
beloved wife, the one he was most fond of, and then he had to go
from this place, he had to come to Madina, Munawwara now he goes back
with a victory, the place would have become associated with idol
worship, with wars against the Muslims with persecution. Now he
goes back there and he's thinking, none of that is there. And then he
starts reciting the surah. And in the Surah, Allah subhanaw taala is
telling Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam himself. So the surah is
about him, that we have given you a clear victory, so that Allah
subhanaw taala can forgive you, anything that may have happened in
the past or anything that may happen in the future. I mean, can
you imagine what kind of satisfaction a person is feeling
at that time, the emotional state of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
he is reciting this. And this surah was actually re revealed
this surah was revealed.
Before the conquest of Makkah.
Right, it was revealed before the conquest of Makkah, when the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was returning from who they be, who
they be, it was the place where he made that agreement with the
people of Makkah, which seemed very one sided, that even Amara,
the Allah one others began to complain that we're giving up
everything, we're giving them all of the advantage. They're taking
one of the good points, but this surah was revealed after that.
This is cells that are Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
obviously, his connection with Allah subhanho wa taala.
Now, one of the benefits though from the soul who they be,
you know, we try to look at the positives of everything. So
although it seemed one sided because some of the conditions
were okay, we're going to stop fighting with each other.
Because until now, they since the prophets of Allah Islam came to
Madina, Munawwara they'd been war, but there are 100 All of these
were wars, so many. Now in this one, they agree, okay, we're tired
of warring. We're tired of fighting. Let's stop worrying. So
they both agreed to do that. But then the agreement was also that
if anybody becomes Muslim in Makkah, and they escape
and come to Madina Munawwara they should not be allowed to stay
there the Rasul Allah Allah Some had to send them back. But if
anybody came away from Islam reneged against Islam and went
back to Makkah, they were not obliged to send them back here.
And you can imagine you can imagine somebody's like, Oh my
God, Allah, I'm getting very angry about this. Especially since the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had told him about a dream
he had seen.
Right? Well imagine the reality Arena in Lafayette nuttiness that
been a dream that littered. Hollandale Masjid Al haram, insha
Allah Who Armenian and Mahalia Karina rusak Momoko city and Allah
Taha phone,
they'd been, the province of Assam has seen the dream and it's been
shown that you're going to be entering into Mocha, mocha Rama,
and you're going to be victorious. And now this some of the Sahaba
they thinking that we take, we're taking a step back, these are all
advantage of the people, this is all to the advantage of the people
of Makkah. So what are what were the benefits, but the Promise of
Allah Almighty Allah one, I did not promise you that we're going
to enter
this time
when they went for her debut, when they went forward, we don't I
didn't promise you. And so then it was the next year, it was the next
time that they went entered into it. But the benefit was many
number one, because they decided to stop fighting. Now, there could
be interaction between the kuffaar and the Muslims, without them
thinking that we have to fight each other. Because we've got an
agreement not to fight. You know, we've got like a ceasefire. So the
benefit of that was that we could meet each other, and they could
start learning from the Muslims. So in that time, so many people
became Muslim, right? Because if you are constantly at war, then
you're constantly thinking, I can't learn anything from him. Um,
he's my enemy. But once you've kind of agreed not to be fighting
with each other, then that kind of transition can take place, that
kind of influence can start. So numerous people learn about the
benefits of Islam and the beauty of Islam during that time, because
now no longer were they looking at them as an enemy they were
fighting with, because there was some peace at that time.
So they began to listen to them, they began to hear the Quran, and
so on. So that's why when the Prophet sallallaahu, some had gone
to her, they BIA had gone with
1400 people
1400 people, but when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went
out in the, for the conquest, which was just a few years after
that, right after the treaty had been made.
He went with 10,000.
So look at the difference from 1400 to 10,000. In those few
years, that's how many more people entered into Islam and became
confidently Muslim like that. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, you can imagine why he was reciting this on his animal while
he's while he's writing. It's the Haram of Allah. That is the Haram
of Allah, that place MCCA and now Islam mashallah has entered into
it. So the prophets Allah ism is repeating these verses in for lack
of a better movie, you know, we gave you the victory. So it's
showing us thanks to Allah subhanho wa taala. To, to recite
the the relevant verses.
Now the question is that, why is ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala making in
this verse in this is the conquest of Makkah, so that you could be
forgiven? Why is Murthy associated to the conquest of Makkah?
Right? We gave you a victory, clear victory, so that we could
forgive you, your past and future sins. What's the connection
between Margaret forgiveness and the conquest of Makkah? It's not,
it's not connected. It's not the reason for it.
It seems to be the reason we're gonna give you a way we're giving
you we've given you victory so that you can be forgiven. That's
the way it seems. But it's not really the reason for it, because
it can't be. It's because there are four things that have come
together at this time. Four things have been achieved during this
time. Number one, forgiveness, the prophets Allah son will give be
given forgiveness. It's mama Nerima. If Maka had not been
conquered the city that the prophets of Allah Islam and the
Muslims had to escape from if that had not been conquered before the
professor Lawson's passed away.
It would have been a different story. But Allah subhanho wa
taala, before his death, before there was a lot of times passing
away at the age of 6163 gave him the conquest of Makkah. That was a
big bounty. That is what you call it merman Nima, completion of His
Bounty, to give it like the cherry on top to make a completion of it.
And full assistance.
Full assistance, such assistance Allah gave them that they hardly
had to fight when they went into mocha mocha Rama after all of
these fightings when they went into mocha mocha Rama there was no
fight hardly a fight.
he'd been worried or the Allah one had a small skirmish somewhere
otherwise the province had just entered into it. And Allah put the
Rob and the ore into the hearts of the people. And this was the final
aspect of showing them the right path. Abdullah Abdullah fell
actually more how we are the more we are the tabby. He is relating
from Abdullah in Omaha felt that the prophets Allah was reading the
surah while we are says then IGNOU Maha fil began to also recite
when he was describing the what rasool Allah Allah some had been
doing. Why we are sorry Abdullah Lumumba fell then decided to
recite in the way Rasulullah sallallahu. Some had recited so he
remembered exactly the way the prophets Allah cinema was reading.
And he decided to read in the same way whare Jr. and he began to read
it in this special tune. So he remembered the tune in which
Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam was reading on that day, and he
imitated that tune. And he did it in the same way. Because he was
trying to recreate the entire emotion. The way somebody is
reading something voice tells you a lot. The sound, the tune tells
you a lot. It's very indicative of how a person is feeling. That's
why there's many ways of reading the Quran, and the different
verses that you recite now. What?
So he kind of had an up and down sound, some people trying to say
is because he was on the camera, the camera was going up and down.
That's why the sound sounded up and down. That the prophets Allah
lorrison wasn't really into kind of, you can say melodious reading
of that nature. But that's not true. Because if that was the
case, then Abdullah ignore Mohammed Al Radi Allahu Anhu would
have understood that, that the only reason he's reading in this
kind of this kind of tune is because of the camel. So he
wouldn't have thought that was very significant. So he would not
have copied him. But because he thought he was significant enough,
he remembered the exact tune. And that's why He repeated it as well.
So essentially, Rajab is comes from third G, which means to
stretch in certain places and to kind of the voice is slightly
rebounding. There's a certain kind of a special tune that we face is
very difficult for us to understand exactly how he was
reading, but at the label more often, he did it. That's why the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually says they, you
know, Quran Obeah Swati can adorn the Quran with your with your
voice. Don't just read anyhow. Try to read it in a nice voice. And
the only way you can do that is unless you can create your own
tune and develop your own tune by practicing. The other way to do it
is just a copy someone to listen to someone so much that earrings
in your head and you can start copying them, even to some level.
That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this. In
fact, there's another Hadith which says lace Amin, medulla Miata, Han
Nabil Quran, the poor, the one who doesn't read the Quran in a nice
melodious voice is not from us. The Quran is such a beautiful,
such beautiful words of Allah subhanho wa taala. It should be
read nicely. So whoever doesn't do that they're not fulfilling the
other of the Quran. There is another Hadith that says Marvin
Allahu li che Inca, isn't he in in a be in? Hassani soti, yet 100
below Quran, the Prophet sallallahu ala he was the Allah
subhanaw taala hasn't given any permission, like he has given
punished permission for his prophet with a good sound to read
the Quran in this melodious way. If you remember there's a famous
Hadith which most of us have probably heard once the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam listened to Abu Musa al Ashara,
the Allahu Anhu he had a beautiful voice says that he had similar
voice to Tao with Ali Solomon, just like us of Ali Salaam is the
best in terms of his looks that we are used to Rama supposed to have
the best voice. So apparently Abu Musa Ashanti to the Allahu Anhu
was said to have such a beautiful voice. One day he was reading
somewhere. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam noticed
he was reading. So he became very interested in his reading, and he
began to listen to it.
And afterwards when Abu Musa Shakira the Allah didn't know when
he found out he said, look into our other more anakata smell who
then the prophets Allah some actually commented on it. So then
I will Abu Musa show you the Allah who said, If I knew that if I knew
you were listening, because he had a good voice, but he wasn't
reading the best that he could. So that's why he said that if I knew
that you were listening, then the habra to hooter be Iran, which
means I would have made it even more beautiful.
Right? Because he's thought, I mean, Subhan Allah, the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam is listening. I've got a good voice I can read
like that. So there's no the prophets Allah some didn't tell
him no, no, no, you can't do that. That's wrong. That just proves
that reading with a good voice is encouraged.
Reading with a good voice is encouraged. We also learn from
hear that it's sunnah to listen to somebody else reciting the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the one on whom Quran is being read.
yield, but he's still like to listen to someone else like
Abdullah is another Hadith about Abdullah Abdul Masood are the
Allahu Anhu. And the prophets, Allah Some said that if you want
to listen to somebody's reading, as though the Quran has just been
revealed, listen to Abdullah Massoud, how that is Allahu
Arjuna. I mean, unfortunately, we hopefully in general will be able
to listen to their careers while we listen to Alaska engine Shala.
So, it's permissible to listen to others as soon as you listen to
others because sometimes when you're listening to others, you
get the time to concentrate more than when you listen, when you're
reading for yourself sometimes, sometimes when you're listening to
the others, and they can read very well and they can really make the
right tune for the right emphasis. The right the right message, then
people have a very effective way of doing that.
You know,
it's related that liquid Leisha inhaling tone, everything has an
adornment, there's an adornment for everything. You can adorn your
car, buy extra stuff for your car. You can buy extra stuff for for
everything. Right? For the Quran. There is also an adornment and
embellishment, we're here to Quran he has no salt or snow salt. The
embellishment of the Quran is beautiful voice. That's why if you
like a beautiful voice and recitation of the Quran, there's
nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that because
it's going to inspire you to listen to more is going to inspire
you and encourage you to listen even more. So there's nothing
wrong with that.
In fact, there's a hadith in ABI Shaybah Masana. He says the Quran
Wuhan newbie, walk to boo, learn the Quran, read it in a melodious
voice and write it as well.
So write the Quran people like it says that
the famous ruler of India Aurangzeb he used to he used to
write at least one Quran a year and sell it that was it. I mean,
if you are able to write a beautiful Quran calligraphy
nowadays you don't even have to learn calligraphy, you can
actually do it all by computer, a nice borders nice paper, there's
lots of things you can do with the Quran. And mashallah the Quran is
probably the biggest selling book,
right in beautiful ways.
So there's a reward for that for for writing the Quran, preparing
the Quran.
reading with a good voice is good. But then to have this additional
tune, there's some difference of opinion as to what kind of tune is
allowed and what kind of tune is not allowed. Some people really
exaggerate that as well with the tune, exaggeration in your tune.
And your melody, which then will cut into the Tajweed of the Quran
will cut into the pronunciation correct pronunciation, that's when
it becomes wrong, which is an exaggeration in it.
So if you don't know the G, then you're doing all of these weird,
you know, melodies in the Quran, then obviously, that's wrong. Some
people know that we didn't they still do it just to sound nice.
They stop in weird places, they shake their voice in certain
places. And it could sometimes even create changing in meaning.
That shouldn't be done.
Because Imam Malik he considered Ilhan, which means to Ilhan
actually means Lohan, which means to make a mistake. So that's
wrong. Anyway. Some people said that their view is that because
the Quran is for nausea, the Quran is for crying, and thinking over
letting it soften the heart and to become fearful. That's why to sing
in a very melodious tone
takes away from that. So that's why it's better to just read in
this really kind of fearful tone. That's what some of them have.
That's why you hear some Imams especially, you know, from
different countries, they will read in this really like as though
they're crying.
Because that's what the view they follow. But there are Hadith that
you can make it melodious. So there's nothing wrong with that,
as long as it doesn't become exaggeration. Imam No, he says, in
conclusion, he says that what you understand from all of these
different Hadith and evidences is that
a good voice to read the Quran is recommended. It's something that
you seek that you seek after, if somebody doesn't have a good
voice, they should try to make it as good as they can.
So if you don't have a good voice, make it as good as you can. Now
obviously, the way to make it sound good, is to be able to
understand there's another Hadith which mentions which I alluded to
last week, which means that read the Quran, with the intonations of
the Arabs.
Now, there's some difference of opinion here, that there's this
concept called Muhammad,
which are used for songs and there's certain tunes that kind of
passed down. You know, like even in order do you have those? You
have them in every language a certain kind of tune. So is it
allowed to recite the Quran?
And in one of those tunes, so what the some people are against it,
oh, these are tools that have to do with songs and music, so you
shouldn't have you shouldn't be allowed to listen to it. In fact,
this kind of difference of opinion spills over even into religious
songs, religious norms and knots and, and so on. You know you have
people like Muhammad Rafi was a Muhammad Rafi, who was it was
alright. Right. So I've never heard that kind of stuff. So for
me, when I listened to an audience, and somebody sent me you
can't listen to that. I said, why not? So because that's like,
Mohammed Rafi is, you know, style. I don't know about them. I don't
care. You guys know the songs. So when you listen to a nice NASM,
you know, a nice Orduna sheet being played in that it reminds
you of the song so you think it's wrong? Do you understand? Because
people are so used to those sounds, it reminds them have that
song of? I don't know.
I'm sure there's others as well. Right? In the Arab they have the
consume or something like that. So when you that's that's the
problem, but somebody who has never heard songs in that sound,
mashallah, it sounds fine. What's wrong with it? So what the rhythm
I mentioned is that if you're doing it to copy to make it sound
like a song, then he's wrong. But otherwise, there's nothing wrong
with it. If it's not going to. I'm talking about nasheeds. Right? If
you're not trying to, if you're not trying to make it sound like a
non Muslim thing, or a
haram thing, then it's fine. Likewise, when it comes to the
Quran, if you're copying the Muhammad and not violating the
laws of reading and Tajweed and everything, then there's nothing
wrong with that.
That is a strong view. I mean, one of the if you if you look around
the people who listened they listened to most. Right? They
generally listened to those people who have a nicer sound and a nicer
tune. They don't listen, the ones who have the best that read, but
not such a good sound, don't get as popular,
relatively speaking.
Generally speaking.
Another thing here is that somebody mashallah is able to
naturally read nicely, there can't be anything wrong with that. But
if somebody has to, like force in such a way that they don't think
of what they're reading and they just trying to make it sound
right, then that's obviously wrong as well because then it's another
layer, you're not really reading the Quran, you're, you're just
trying to make it sound nice, then it's wrong as well.
So now, this hadith was related by muawiya YBNL Coura from Abdullah
Abdullah Phil, who says that he heard Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
reading the surah when on the conquest of Makkah, and then
morovia Delight number four began to copy the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam so while we are able to Kura heard it now more are
we started saying so the one who is relating from him is Shaba
right he's the fourth man down. Sharma says that now more ARIA
that Lola Iniesta, Mia and nurse Walia LA has to look on fever
because SOTW Okada Lang so when Abdullah in Omaha Phil had
repeated and imitated Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is
more why we ignore Cora had also learned it from him. He also
remembered it, and then why and why we said that if I don't fear
that people would like all rush around me, you know, I become the
center of focus, then I would have done it for you, as I would have
showed you how much we read. Sorry, how abdulai been more awful
read, who showed us how Rasulullah sallallahu 100. So you can see
that it's being passed on but he is fearful that he's going to
attract too many people. And everybody's going to rush around
him. And that's why he refused to he refused to do that.
In an Revite of Muslim he says la que tu la con Cara atta, who I
would literally imitate his Gorod for you. So he could do it, which
tells us that it's permissible to imitate somebody else's Cara.
However, a word of caution here. I've listened to today's all over
the world. May Allah bless him. He's probably one of the most
copied of Imams, right. But unfortunately, the problem with
copying someone is this. If people if the if the person you're
copying, like say Abdul Rahman is today's she excited the homily.
Right? Machete Rashid, whatever. These are the famous ones. If most
people know how they read,
they read well, not just because of the tune, but because of the
pitch of their voice. Because of how high they take it how level
the exact nature of their voice. Many people who can copy they can
only copy the tune. They can't copy the pitch of the voice so it
sounds flat.
So you're trying to read today's but you don't have a deep voice
like him. Because today's special he's got a lot of bass in his
You can't turn up the bass, you know in yourself. That's where
people fall flat. That's why I personally have only seen one
person. And maybe two, right? That is close to today. So if you
already know what our drama is today sounds like, and now you're
hearing this guy trying to do this in an old voice or in a thin voice
or in this voice, it just doesn't sound right. Do your own tune
based on his tune, but do your own tune. That's why be very careful
when you copy someone.
Because there's very few people that like that. What's the name?
Sad? No, man wasn't sad, no money. Does
he have to give it to him, he can copy quite accurately, he can copy
the pitch, he can copy the tune, he can copy the voice and copy
everything. But very few people can do that. So you've got all our
young guys, they tried to copy these. It just sounds flat. It
just sounds wrong. It just sounds like come on, man. You know,
you're not the real thing.
So Heinola Sorry, I just like to somebody needs to mention these
things. But there's nothing wrong in copying for a good reason. Now,
the question is that it's recommended to spread knowledge.
If you know something is recommended to spread it. The
question is that more ARIA IGNOU Coura. He knew what had been
passed down of this special way that Rasul Allah, Allah some had
read, why was he hiding it?
Because if you know something from Rasul, Allah selasa spread. Why is
he fearful of people? So Allah knows best, but maybe it's because
he was fearful that everybody's going to come around, and there's
going to be an aspect of pride, ostentation showing off, or men
and women will come together or whatever his fears were he had a
fear that's why he said I'm not gonna do it. Otherwise, I could do
it for you if I wanted to. Because there's a there is a would you
call it there is a
principle in fic Daruma facet.
macadam, Allah JAL Bill masala
if there's something that you're going to do, where there's going
to be fitna from it,
but there's also going to be benefit from it, then generally
speaking, generally speaking, is best to avoid it. Because to avoid
the fitna to avoid the wrong than to get the benefit from it.
Generally speaking, but don't use it as a blanket statement wherever
you see this, because these things have to be discussed by the other
man because there could be exceptions to this case. Another
thing that was another thing we understand from the fact that was
sort of Lhasa Lawson was reading on his animal.
Because generally you understand that the love of the Quran is you
sit somewhere, you sit down facing the Qibla, you know, in this
particular way, and you read, you're an animal, obviously,
there's distraction, because you have to see where you're going,
you have to look around what's going on. But it's permissible to
read on an animal which means it's permissible to read in your car.
If you know by heart, I mean not going to read something, you know.
So it's permissible to read when you're driving on the motorway or
anywhere as long as you can concentrate on it. I mean, the
thing is that riding a camel is very different than riding a car.
Riding a car, you know, you could go into anything and something
coming to a camel you can't really get much wrong with that. I mean,
how many accidents can you ever the camel right so there is a
Right the next the next hadith is
Hadith number 327 which is related from who some IGNOU Misuk from
Qatada is a big Derby one of the tabs in
this hadith, he relates directly from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam though he didn't see him so he's missing out the Sahaba in
between that's why you call this hadith a morsel Hadith. A morsel
hadith is with a tabby relate something from Rasul Allah, Allah
some directly, and you know that he couldn't have heard it directly
because he wasn't there. He says marbeth Allah wanna be an Illa
Hassan Al YG. He says that Allah subhanho wa Taala never sent a
prophet except that he was
very handsome.
His face was very beautiful. He was very handsome, and generally
speaking, handsomeness.
indicates generally not always handsomeness of the inside as
well. So the Prophet was always sent handsome. Now, your body
Salam went through a period where he was ill and sick, that was a
test and then after that, he regained his health.
Number two.
He also said that Allah subhanaw taala sends a prophet with a
handsome face and a good voice.
He has to be because the biggest dower that the prophet does is
through his through his words.
through his actions through his book, but through his words is
very effective. So just like his given very powerful speech, you
have to have a good voice to be able to convey that speech that
you feel like listening to it. Some people, they speak very
freely, they speak very well, in the sense that their words, but
you have to strain to listen, because they mumble, or they slur
their speech, or they don't speak well. So you couldn't have a
prophet doing that. The prophet had to be perfect in every sense,
especially when it came to voice and sound.
What can be EUCOM sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hassanal wedge he
has an assault. And then he says and he declares that your profit
was also beautiful in his complexion in his in his features
in his face, and also in his sound. He's never seen Rasulullah
sallallahu ala sunnah, but what he's been able to gather from the
different Sahaba he can say this, just as we can say it, even though
we kept were coming many years afterwards. So there's a hadith by
Omar but when she describes her loss of Allah who said that he
soti SallAllahu Sallam saloon,
which means that he didn't have the sharpness in his voice.
Some people have a sharpness in their voice, his voice was just
perfect at that right tone. I'm not a sound engineer or, you know,
voice therapist or anything like that. Some people can put your
voice down into decibels and they can really like say, Whose voice
is very effective. They do this if you if you had a recording of
Rasul Allah Lawson's voice, I'm sure it'd be the best voice that
you could have in terms of the most effective in that regard.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his voice was loud
enough, but it wasn't sharp, and blaring.
So it had this ability to reach the ears. We didn't have to strain
to listen to because we spoke very clearly. But at the same time, it
wasn't like too loud and kind of like hurt your ears.
In fact, Allah subhanaw taala had given him the ability that when he
spoke, his voice just miraculously would reach
where other people sitting in the same place could not reach. That's
obviously a miracle aspect of it. That's not human. That's miracle
aspect, through a human being, obviously. For example, once
there's a hadith that Barak relates, he says once Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam gave us a hotbar had a smile, our ticker V who do
Rihanna such that we were in the masjid but he was able to his
voice was mashallah trend was also heard by the women in the, you
know, in the veils outside in their homes. And then he says,
What can Allah you rajai. In the other one, he said he did Turchi
which means to make the voice up and down and read in a particular
melody tune. Here, he says he never used to do that. So how do
you reconcile the Hadith?
Well, firstly, that most of the time, the process we didn't do
that, most of the posts are some of the prophets Allah, some Read,
read, you can see in his tarawih, in his the hijab and so on, he
read in this voice, with fear and so on. But sometimes he would do
that and that's why it's been related.
You can't really read exciting all the time. You need a state to be
able to read it like that.
But generally, when you read there needs to be a good tune at least.
The final hadith of this chapter is related from ignore buzzworthy
Allahu Anhu.
Go can Akira Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Obama is
marrow, Humann filho jurati, wahoo, Phil Beatty. Sometimes the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Kara would be heard
by those who are in the additional in the adjoining rooms while he
was in the house when he was in his house, but the people in other
places would be able to hear but not all the time. Sometimes he
would read louder like that. But he never had kind of loud and
disturbed everybody. This is just that if you strain to hear, you
will be able to hear it right. We're just going to start the next
chapter. The next chapter is very close to this chapter. This
chapter was about the process of losses recitation, the next
chapter, chapter 45, is about the professor Lauryssens weeping and
How he cried how he wept. And when he did these things, the reason
he's mentioning it after Kira is because Kira is one big reason for
that makes you cry. If you understand what Allah is saying,
and you reflect over your life, and what's happening with you, and
you just believe me, if you need an answer, this is this is
something I've tried myself and other people have tried it as
well. If you need an answer to something, a general guidance, you
can't make your decision Should I do this or should I do it? I have
seen that you can pick up any page of the Quran just open any page of
the Quran and just read
you know, if you don't know
The Arabic real translation, there'll be a message in there for
some story or something or the other, it will give you it's like
an istikhara innocence. The Quran is extremely powerful, and it's as
powerful as you want it to be.
And it's as deep as you can get.
It's deeper than you can get.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to cry for different reasons. Most
of the time when the Prophet saw some wept and he cried, it was
because of the fear of Allah.
That was the majority reason for the fear. What do you think is our
main reason for crying when we ever do cry at the loss of someone
you know, once you become adults, you hardly you stop crying at the
loss of someone, somebody passed away, or in your Salah to dua.
Hamdulillah I think people still crying they do Alhamdulillah
sometimes the prophets of Allah ism also wept over a dead person.
Like his granddaughter, his grandchild, you wept in the Sahaba
was surprised.
But never was it out of control. Never Was it with screaming and
or loudly. It was always
a voice that was never like out of control. You'll understand the
word there's a special description of the process of large sums
right the first Hadith here, Hadith number 329 is from Abdullah
Ignatieff, hear from his father which means from Shi T.
He was a Sahaba.
One of those who became Muslim during the conquest of Makkah. He
says a day to rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once I
went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this must have
been towards the end of his life before he became Muslim, after the
conquest of Makkah. So he went to Prophet sallallahu it was on Oahu,
you suddenly and he was praying. So this is describing the
recitation and the crying of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam while
he is in his Salat what will usually what he JioFi as Iran as
the real miracle, mineral Buka very strange description from his,
from his insight was coming the sound
like the boiling of a pot on a stove. You know, when you have a
water boiling on the stove, and it makes this kind of bubbling sound
on the on the stove.
This is the closest resemblance he is describing. Obviously, it
wasn't the same thing. But that's the closest thing that he can
describe to it. That is kind of the voice that was coming from his
stomach. So it wasn't this. It wasn't, it was coming from his
inside. So it's this inner shaking, an inner sound that's
coming from inside, as opposed to just from the mouth. So you can
tell that he was totally taken by the fear or whatever he was
feeling at the time. So it wasn't shrieking.
But it was an internal cry. This is the greatest evidence that he
had fear of Allah subhanaw taala. And now you have to remember that
anybody's actions
and fear is going to be according to their knowledge.
According to the knowledge and the recognition of ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada. The more you know him, the more you know how great he is, the
more you fear.
The more you know what he can do, the more you fear.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is say you did it for
him. He is the leader, the absolute master of all of those
people who've know Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said in the law biller who should do Kamala, who
has shaitan I am the most knowledgeable among you about
Allah. And I'm also the most fearful
the province that Allah is some also say wala he in Nila Asha
Camilla, he will come Lilla I have the greatest amount of Taqwa. And
I have the greatest amount of fear of Allah subhanaw taala.
That's why he's been told over and over again, you're forgiven,
you're forgiven, you're forgiven. But he finds enough reason to
still make it stay for 70 or more times a day. That if you do if you
just focus on that point, that he's been told in the Quran, you
forgive him, if Allahu Allah has forgiven you so many places. But
he still says that I make a stick for 100 times. Now the question
here that arises is that there is an absolute agreement among all of
the alumna of the Allison novel Gemma that the prophets
none of them have any fear of punishment. There is no
punishment. There's no fear of any punishment for any profit. No way
at all, there's an agreement.
We can't even think it's possible
because of who they are. Allah subhanaw taala has just prevented
them from doing anything wrong so that they can't have any. So then
we also know that they will have so much
You're as well. So how do you reconcile the fact that they're
not going to be punished? They're safe.
But they have so much fear. How do you put the two together? Why
would you have so much fear if you're guaranteed? You've got
safety, total safety. I think there's a saying in Arabic, which
is hasenhuttl Abrar. Surya, Tomoko Rabin, you've got two levels of
people. One is the generally obedient people, right, the
generally obedient people, and they doing all of these good
things to, you know, be even more obedient.
So let's just say that you've got a lot of people around someone.
And they're all good, they're all trying their best. But there's a
few people who are really close to this person. They they've been
made close a special relationship.
When these other people who are trying to good, be good, they're
trying their best to be good and everything.
Sometimes even things that they do, which will be appreciated by
the person, if these same things were to be done by the people who
are very close to him, it would be seen as a violation. Because he
expects even more, he expects them to earn more understanding, okay,
I can understand these guys are just doing this much. It's a lot
what they're doing. But you guys, I expect more from you, you know
me, I don't expect you to just be satisfied with that the
expectation is higher,
the expectation is higher. So the prophets no of the expectation,
because they know Allah so much. And now there's no way. So even
though they know that it's been forgiven,
they still think I could still make a mistake, I could still have
just slightly lower level of that respect, I'm supposed to show I
might not do anything wrong. But I might not just be able to fulfill
the respect, I'm supposed to show of the right of Allah subhanaw
taala. Because they know that and it's constantly in their in their
mind all the time. You know, sometimes what happens is that
when you're in that state, you could even say something to your
father, you have respect for your father all the time. But sometimes
you're in this mood, you're very hungry, or you're very irritated
or whatever, and you say something, you say something back
and you regret it afterwards. But a prophet is never going to be in
that state. They don't lose that kind of control against Allah. But
they're fearful of it.
So essentially, their focus is that I might do something that is
not perfect. Not wrong, I might just end up doing something that's
not on the highest level of perfection. And that is not good
enough Allah.
That's their fear. That's why they make the mistake far. So where are
we? Right? We're not even talking about perfection. We're just
talking about making sure we do the basics. So anyway, being less
than perfection is seen as a sin for them. In a sense, that's what
they're fearful of. So when we say that they're fearful, when we're
fearful of something, what are we going to do? We're going to
abstain from violating if we're fearful of getting a ticket, we're
going to make sure that we stop five years before the red light.
I've seen some people do this, what's wrong with you? I've got a
ticket. I got a ticket for going through a red light. So now
they're very careful, they're so careful that the extra careful.
Right? So that's that kind of fear, that is our fear. But the
profits fear is different. The prophets fear is that
do they have the right level of others that they're supposed to
show Allah so it's not a fear to stay away from sins, they don't
have to worry about that. They're protected in that sense. Their
fear is on a different category. The category is about just being
in the most perfect of states
because if you start relying on the fact that you're guaranteed
you start getting slack don't you you start getting lacks aren't
guaranteed it's okay money will overlook it is let me have so many
times he is he doesn't do anything to me. So you get lacks, you start
taking advantage. But the profits never did that.
The you know, one statement of a salsa lesson sums it all up. No,
Darla Munna ma la de hecho Khalil and wala baccatum cathedra. If you
knew what I know, you would laugh less than cry more. They just knew
much more about Allah subhanho wa Taala and what his state was, and
that's why they said that if that was the state if you really knew
what it was, you wouldn't mess around.
The first Hadith in this chapter is the famous hadith of Abdullah
Abdul Masuda I'll just read it just for the baraka Abdullah. I
mean, most of the Allahu Anhu says that the Zulu allah sallallahu
alayhi salam once said to him, a Corolla read something for me,
Tara Senado. Right. Read for me. So I'm delighted also is very
taken aback. He says, Yeah, rasool Allah, Accra Lake wa la Gonzalez,
I'm going to read to you the Quran is revealed to you what I'm gonna
read to you. I mean, what what are you talking about? How is that
possible? So there is no any smarter homing lady, I want to
hear it from someone else. I want to hear it from someone else.
For Karatu Surah Nisa, so I began to read surah to Nyssa. He says to
her blog to wodgina Becca Allahu Allah is Shahida until I came to
the verse which says we're jitna Becca Shahida. We will bring you
as a witness over these people as well. And then probably sal Allahu
alayhi wa sallam, he says, so I looked at the sudo Allah salAllahu
Alaihe Salam that probably solesmes eyes were watering. His
eyes were watering. Yeah, that's that's where the Hadith ends. So
inshallah we'll look at the Hadith in more detail next time. Aloha
manda salam alayka salam to battaglia little Jalali Willie
Corona, la mia who yaka younger Achmed Deaconess who follow me I
have known him and then he left us behind okay, no canola and I mean
just a low or no Mohammed
Allahumma Fila now I don't know if you know what you know what I'm
talking about Allahu mattina. Where have you been our journey
without eliminated Allah Mohammed Al Quran lousy majority hola imamo
who don't want to I don't want to hold on to that given I mean
humanity now I live in Houma. Johanna Allahumma zoeken Atilla
with a lady with an
O Allahu Allah shower your blessings upon us. Oh Allah give
us true love and understanding of the Quran and allow us to read it
in a way that it affects us every time that we read it, oh Allah
allow us to fulfill the rights of the Quran and have the right kind
of conduct and other than etiquette when we read the Quran,
and that translates into the other human rights and respect of you of
Allah grant us your Mary for grant us your recognition. Oh Allah
grant is the fear that your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam had, Oh Allah, grant us the fear that that gives us even more
respect for you. And that allows us to honor you, with the right
that you have to be honored. Oh Allah, Oh Allah, grant us Sakina
and grant us peace and grant us guidance in everything that we do
and grant has generated for those. And the closeness of your
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the ability to hear
your your Kira have your book of your words. Subhanallah big
Rabelais city and my LC phone was salam and Adelman Selene on hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Jazak Allah here for listening May Allah
subhanho wa Taala bless you. And if you're finding this useful, you
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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh