Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Shamail AlTirmidhi Humbleness of the Prophet () Part 63
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AI: Summary ©
The title of the book " hesitation" in the Bible is not related to any culture or state. The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet's use of armor and dean's influence on behavior and success. The importance of humility in achieving success is emphasized, and the need for passionate support is emphasized. The segment also touches on the Prophet's use of armor and dean's influence on behavior and success, as well as the history of the Prophet's use of gifts and the upcoming topic of the next Hadith.
AI: Summary ©
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine Allahumma salli wa
salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala ala Sayidina Muhammad Hubbert
eco Selim.
So Al Hamdulillah. We reached chapter 47 This is the pot this is
part two of chapter 47. Chapter 47 was about the humility and
humbleness of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So,
inshallah we'll be looking at the next few Hadith in here. I'm going
to read them first.
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem will Isner the matassini Min Imam
intermedia you call it a hadith in our LC Lipner Abdullah Al Kofi you
call Mohammed Abu laden Irish and a Sidney Madigan are the Allahu
Anhu call it a gun and abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam a Yoda
Illa hubz A Sheree? Well II heard it is sunny hottie for ug Baba
Corona, what are called the Kerala who didn't run in the hoodie in
from Iowa Maya Khufu Maya Fukuhara hat Mata.
Whatever he called 100 and Mr. Moody Nova Ilana kala had a Buddha
will have very you and Sophia Anna and your Robbie evening Sabine
Aeneas Edom Nia burner and a SIP dimeric you know the Allahu Anhu
call Hajra Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala Raleigh North
inwardly he called Eva to Allah to serve we are Beretta Dada him, for
cada Allahu Masha Allah had Galeria Fe he will assume it
will be he called this an Arab dilla him no Abdul Rahman and
Carla had the thinner Fern color had the thinner her murder masala
Medan homemade and a Sidney Malik you know the Allahu Anhu call let
me a conjunction a habla la Haman Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam a call what can either Oh hola como de Maya the moon I'm in
Corolla here to Healy vertic
whatever you call I had dinner Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah hidden
the busy encoder had dinner be shrewd number four don't call I
had dinner sorry, don't unclutter the turn on a cinematic you know
the Allah one who call called Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam lo odia era Yeah, cura en la cobuild. To whether we'll do it
too early that Egypt to where we call Mohammed Abu Bashar and God
had the dinar Abdul Rahman Cora had nothing so if you had one more
HumbleBundle mukha DeRionne jurby didn't know the Allah one who call
journey rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam laser Iraqi been
boggling what a bit of zoning.
So these are next few Hadith in this chapter.
There's one in between which is quite large. I've missed that out
for today. We'll do that next week, Inshallah, in complete.
The next hadith is Hadith number 340. In this hadith, you have to
put it into perspective, we're speaking about a person who was
given the option of having mount or in gold,
he was given the option of any of the riches of Arabia he wanted, he
was given the option by Allah subhanaw taala, to be a prophet
King, rather than the Prophet servant. We're talking about a
person who was given these options. So those were options
which he didn't take. But then we're also speaking about a person
who was King, who was sovereign. He was the king of kings, in terms
of the amount of respect without demanding it, that he was able to
command that he received the love that people had for him, the
respect that he had and the honor and the dignity that people gave
him out of love for him and reverence for him rather than out
of protocol, and rather than out of
fear, so we're speaking about somebody who was the leader, and
he was to become the leader of some of the greatest or the
precursor to some of the greatest of the dynasties of the world. So
that's who we're speaking about. Now, look at this, this hadith.
And us ignore Malika the Allahu Anhu reports that Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, UNASUR the Allahu Anhu has the
authority to speak like this, because he saw a lot of the
internal affairs of the house because he was hiding inside the
house for 10 years. So he discovered a lot of these things.
So he says that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would
sometimes be invited to
barley bread.
Bread made out of barley, which is more insignificant and inferior in
the Arab lands at that time than wheat, because it was available,
whereas wheat was in very short supply.
So he was invited, because like somebody gives you a diet and you
go to their house and they give you a doll and they give you a
lentils and they give you bread to eat.
Not even homemade bread, they get it from the shop, they give you
bread, you know, Hovis bread and dal to eat personally I'd enjoy it
because whenever you go to doubt they have four or five different
types of food and you know,
so I personally enjoy it but what comes into your heart will be that
man what's wrong with this person
he called me to some of the most significant things that you don't
even need in your house except like once in a blue moon
so now putting all that into perspective, and so the Allahu
Anhu is saying that when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was
invited to barley bread, and he heard the word holla in Arabic
literally just some kind of fat.
You see, because you had some bread. That was the basic thing
that was available now you can't eat just dry bread, it's
difficult. You need to dip it in something you need to moisten it
with something. So Ihara is essentially any kind of leftover
oil or fat
just something to dip the bread into moist in it so that you know
it goes down easily. That's it. So he's talking about the most basic
of foods he's invited is not that he's been forced to eat that in
his house, which was a different story. He was invited to that and
he would get he would go
a Sunni have a sunny Hello means
something some oil like that, which some fat like that, which
had been around for a while, and it was not even fresh anymore. In
fact, it was going off. He would still go.
So that's what honestly the hola Juan was saying. You'd either hope
this shirt shade you will be heard that is sunny hottie for your
Jeep. He would respond. He would accept he would go
now Allama Minogue. He says, Well, how does the province a little?
How would the province also know that it's like that from
beforehand, because unnecessarily alone is making it that obviously,
if the products are awesome, didn't know, and then he got there
and then he found out then he didn't know. So he accepted the
doubt without realizing what was going to be given. But honestly,
the Allahu Anhu is describing this in a way that he knew what he was
going being invited to. And he still went, he didn't make an
excuse on busy. Because you know, if you only be polite about it, we
know that whoever is inviting doesn't really good, give good
food you might make. You know, let me take you out, we're not going
to take you to a chip shop. Right, which again, I don't mind but you
know, or a burger place instead of like some serious food, you'll
make an excuse does Accola here really appreciate but I'm really
busy today. But now the professor Larson would go even though he
knew that's why I'm gonna whenever you Rahim, Allah says that the
prophets of Allah Azza would know, either because the person will
tell you, this is what I've got, or because of ourselves, and we'll
be able to tell that that is the kind of food this person would
give because he was so poor, you won't be able to give any better
food than that. Right?
Or he would just know from the kind of the level of people he was
from that this the kind of food that they eat, or they generally
have. So he knew somehow or the other but he was still respond.
In fact, there are Omar mentioned that this hadith is a proof now
that you can eat food that is out of date, but that's not harmful
for you. Because that's out of date we're talking about, in fact,
probably a bit beyond out of date. Because nowadays, when you have
food that has dates, those dates actually precautious dates,
they're not dates that as soon as you go over a day they'll be off
it's generally a few days or a month or two in fact even in
advance some foods stay for good several months afterwards. So you
can actually check online nowadays for foods that are safe to eat
even after sell by dates.
And people are going to that level now because of the shortage in the
world. But the prophet saw last me here did it for a reason. So he
would respond why out of humility.
It's not like he's not Look Look how great I am. I'm I could get
the best of food I have the greatest of students I have the
greatest of Sahaba the richest of Sabbath man with the Allahu and
Abdurrahman mouth,
or the Allah one. But no, I'm willing to accept your doubt is
out of humility, and so that he could also fulfill the needs of
the Pokhara of the faqeer people, of the of the poor people, not to
make him feel like he was just the Prophet of the rich, but he was of
the Prophet of the poor as well. So I'm willing to come to that as
well. And above that, I mean, the see this is when a person gets
close to Allah subhanaw taala. They have many, many intentions
for doing one good act. And that's the beauty of this. Now you might
think how can we don't think this way? We will only think that way
if we get closer to Allah subhanaw taala through lots of vicar,
obedience, taqwa and so on. So the prophets, Allah says
was thinking of the poor person is thinking of humility. And number
Can anybody think of any other reason
collectively sitting here, let's think of another reason.
Okay, an example that's that is another point. But there's
something even more significant, which is related to the food
to do to essentially respect and honor even the most basic level of
foods, because there is only what some people will get is still a
It's still a nightmare compared to nothing. It's a nightmare that you
can fill your stomach with.
So Dr. Lehman Lee Jimmy in Urmila, heeta Allah, it is to honor all
the Name of Allah, whether they seem to be big, or whether they
seem to be small, because that is the name of Allah subhanaw taala.
It's still an atma.
Then, after that point was made, then the sahabi he mentions
ethnicity and says, Well look at Kendall who did her own, the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam had this coat of armor made of iron, an
iron coat of armor.
Now this shows another side of him. It's mentioned body that he
it's also mentioned body that he had this coat of armor, you know,
that he would use in battles. This
this set of armor was kept by this yahoodi by a Jewish individual.
his name was Abu Sham,
Sham, he was from the O stripe, which gives us an indication
indication that the OS also had some Jews among them.
Right, so it seems like there was some Jews among them as well,
because the Olsen husbands they were the Arabs. So this was an
Arab Jew
yahoodi. Right.
And so why did he have his coat of armor, which is his defense, some
Yahudi has that. It's because he needed money. He needed some
funds. And this was postponed to this year who the so he gave him
that. And he took either 30 sought 30 measures of
3030 measures of
barley from him.
30 measures of barley may be for his home to give out in southern
copy. Somebody needed it. So he did that. But the thing about this
is, nobody knew that this was the case, this was a deal apparently
done in private. Because do you think the Sahaba would have
allowed that to happen? If they knew they would bring the money
okay, go go go get your coat Obama back, they would have done it. So
this was only discovered afterwards, that he owed him this
coat of armor. Well, he owed him the money for that coat of armor
that he'd kept then taking them taking this wheat in, in lieu of
So according to the Hadith in Bukhari, and Imam Amazon margin
Tabara and he and others, it was 30 Sorry, 30 measures, and in
other versions, he mentioned 2020.
It taken it for his family actually. I mean, he had nine
wives. He needed he needed that food for the family. That's a 20
is related by Imam Nasai any mom tell me the in their versions, you
can combine between the two narrations that first he took the
21st he took 20 and then he needed more. So then, the person gave him
another 10 for the same coat of armor, because it was worth that
much. So you could say that first he took 20 Then another 10 So he
became 30. So both narrations are correct.
Then Anasazi Allahu Anhu says that that was kept by this year who the
farmer Wajid Amma year Fukuhara had tamatha sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam until the prophets of Allah and passed away. He never managed
to get 30 measures of barley, again, collectively together at
one time so that he could take that and say, Okay, here you go,
give me back my armor.
So he may have got some barley afterwards, maybe 1234 measures,
but never 30 measures together so that he could go and release his
coat of armor. Now, the point here is that that's the point. I mean,
this lots of people know this point. But what we're trying to
say from this based on this chapter, why I'm telling you the
mentions this hadith here is the fact that the professor wasn't
kept this a secret.
And that is the way of the noble people. They don't reveal their
needs to everybody. They have a lot of sense self dignity, self
respect, their connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala that our
Quran Allah subhanaw taala is such as they don't go around telling
everybody man, I've got this need, I've got this need. So you know,
you need to sort me out you need to help me out otherwise,
especially it's a bigger challenge for those who have people at their
One is you don't have people at your disposal that can help you.
Then you'd rather be silent. Right because who you're going to
complain to. The other case is the one who has everybody at his
disposal. People willing to say
sacrificed Himself and He does not reveal this to them. And he
suffers this in silence essentially because of his work on
Allah subhanaw taala. The other thing is not just his own humility
and his own self dignity, and not to, but he didn't want to, because
at the end of the day, all the Sahaba one that will have either
they were they would, they would have definitely got it for him.
But he did not want to put this pressure on them either. So you
didn't tell them about it.
So he chef aka His compassion on his companions as well, was that
he didn't tell them about it either. The other one mentioned
that if the Sahaba would have found out that every one of them
would have tried to get whatever he could, and they would have
forced him to take it.
Even if he refused, that's their love for him. But he didn't tell
them. Why not. He said, give sadaqa
obika The alarm comes and gives him his entire household, every
single bit of his possession, or the Allah one comes and gives him
half of his possession.
He says, Okay, we need we need for this book, this expedition of the
book, we need something, or the man or the Allah and comes and
gives 1000 camels. Which is not a joke.
Because a camel is worth 1000 2000 pounds nowadays, 1000 of them.
What are we talking about?
Um, how much is 1000 camels worth today?
1000 times 1000 1000 1000 is a million pounds, it's not a joke.
Even if you say half of that 500,000 Let's go to 100,000 even
1/10 of that. It's not a joke, for you to be so this can only come
because of the love for your dean, and your absolute debacle that I'm
going to get this back or not that you're going to get it back here.
But I'm going to get something for it. And this is going to a good
cause. This is what you call something that will change the way
you give things and the way you do things for the sake of Allah
subhanho wa taala.
The other aspect that no Hydroflask Kalani mentions is that
the Prophet sallallahu Psalms humidity was such that he did not
feel too great, too big as a leader of the muslimeen. One is
that you go to a rich Muslim and say, Look, I'll give you this, he
could have gone to Earth man to the Allah and said, I'll give you
this coat of armor. You give me this much money, he would never
have except God given you the money would have insisted. But he
refused to go to any of the muslimeen. And he went to a
yahoodi. Despite being the leader of the Muslims, who was at in this
kind of a Cold War with the Yahoo News. I don't know if it was cold
war at that time or not. But there was this kind of
rivalry, in a sense, he goes and does it with him. He doesn't look
at his status at all, was the need for his family. He went and did
that he went gave it didn't beg him. He said, Look, I'm giving you
something and in response to it. This tells us that it's
permissible to do it's permissible to deal with non Muslims.
This is the one salient feature that I saw last year, when he
passed away he had this coat of armor at this year who this place.
So it's permissible to deal with the kuffar. Despite, you know, the
difference on
even to put your defense material by them,
obviously, wasn't wartime. The other thing is that when the foot
Gara, when the when, let's just imagine this poor person comes
into the faith. So for Muslims who born Muslim, they come into the
faith, they grow up in their faith, and what influences them
the most is their family situation, and whatever their
parents generally teach them, that influences them the most, then
whatever they hear from scholars and so on. Generally, they're
going to be in the same culture that they've been growing up in.
So Nick, then generally not going to get anything new, is going to
be one way. But the person who comes in from out of Islam into
Islam, and he's a poor person, for example, this is going to be
something that oh, the prophet that I'm following right now, who
was this great man that came to save the Ummah he was so poor,
that when he died this is what he died with the his own coat of
armor was with this Yahoodi and look at the Muslim world today and
the hood today a big problem in terms of the political issues that
we have today, unfortunately.
So the Prophet SAW awesome becomes a role model timeless role model
for whoever comes into Islam. Whether you're a poor person or a
rich person, even a rich person would appreciate this. Any rich
person with humility would appreciate this. Obviously any
rich person with arrogance will never appreciate this because for
them it's only riches which count like the people of
the people of
soil Haile Salaam and others may said that the people who are
followed you they all are the Luna, they're the lowest of the
low they the kind of people that follow you, so it was all status
quo for them.
But what is the most mind boggling is a he refused to take the riches
from Allah subhanaw taala this
Here's how he lived voluntarily. This is how he lifts refusing to
take the riches.
It's related in a sahih Hadith that Jabril Alehissalaam once came
to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said in Allah that
Allah you could you Oka salaam Allah sends you salaam where your
guru luck and he also then is saying this is his proposal
Allah's proposal to you that are Taheebo and Agia Anna laka ha the
hill Ji Birla the hub, do you want that I make this mountain gold for
you. What are called Merica Heath tokens and then they be with you
wherever you want this gold supply be with you wherever you want. So
the Prophet sallallahu Uttara Cassatt and he looked down for for
a moment, thought
for magalia Jibreel and then he said, Oh Gibreel in the dunya
Daruma, Allah Allah. This world is the permanent abode of those who
will have no about anybody who makes this a permanent abode will
have no future abode of bliss in the hereafter. Well, my lumen law
Malala and it is the wealth of the one who has no true wealth, the
wealth of the hereafter.
Lie edge Mohammed, Allah, Allah Allah. Sorry, Yamaha Aquila, the
only one who gathers this and holds this is the one who has no
I wonder what that makes us. I wonder what that makes us for
Karla Gibreel now Gibreel ani Salaam. He says Subotic Allah
Allah Mohammed Al Khalifa but Allah subhanho wa Taala has made
you firm and strengthened you and supported you with the firm
formula, the firm Kadima, La Ilaha, illa Allah. What this tells
us this last state of his tells us is that this was the time of the
food to heart.
This is the time of the conquests. Makkah had been conquered now.
There was booty there was a bit more better state than they were
in before but of course the law some still adopted this state.
May Allah give us the tofu. The next hadith is related from Anna
signo Malika the Allahu Anhu. Again,
such a fortunate individual he is called a hydra rasool Allah He
sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ala Roslyn Ruthin while he got ephah
to learn to surf, we are batted around him for color Allah Who
matcha and who had generally a fee he was a somata. This is speaking
about the profits and losses hedge now he's saying that
the progress of the lorrison performed hedge or occupant he
performed hajj on a on a mount on an animal.
But it was ALLAH rollin it was on a camel and the saddle or whatever
you call it that you sit on the camel. It's called Ron. And for
horse you call it Sarge. So the run the the saddle of the camel
was Rothen he was old.
So he didn't even ask for a brand new or a nice or a plush saddle.
This was an old saddle that he sat on. And what did he have on? What
are they he Qatif a twin led to Sir we are Bertha Daraa him. He
had a sheet on him the sheet that he used on his suffer on his
journey was not even worth four Durham's.
Now, how much is a Durham?
Durham is not even a pound maybe nowadays
because 10 did hum which is the least Mar is about 15 pounds,
maybe less than that so it's about a pound to one so this is talking
about five six pounds each other. So Durham's is not a big deal.
dinars are the gold pieces. Their arms are the silver piece for
Durham's it's nothing
it didn't it wasn't even worth four Durham's was wasted. And then
the prophets Allah made a dua on top of that this is all the
humility that he's exercising but on top of that, he's making the
Oh ALLAH insha Allah who had Jin make it a Hajj laryea a fee in
which there's no showing of an ostentation. So he's asking Allah
subhanaw taala In addition, that in my heart, there is no Austin
Austin tation
well as Samaritan and it's not done for sure. It's not done for
people to hear that oh, he went for Hajj he went for Hajj.
Nowadays with the difficulty of Hajj now, and the difficulty of
the visas and system right now. You have to be doing a lot of
sugar if you do get to go. But in those you know, previous before
510 years when you could go every year and mashallah some people
were able to go every year. And sometimes the notion could come
that Now shall I go every year.
Right? And you start showing off about
in, in this culture, we don't have such everything but in up for
example, the culture is that everybody has a title. So if
you're a Maulana, you're a Maulana if you remove the Remove diva
Office I'd be or office up otherwise, the only other accolade
you could get his * sub right so you have to go for one day,
then eventually you will become * sub.
In fact, in the Arab communities they they call like if you go to
Morocco anywhere they call ya judge if they see you like with a
beard or whatever they'll call your hedge as though you've done
hedge so you know, that's the respectful thing. So hedge was a
difficult journey to undertake it was an accomplishment in your
life. It wasn't so easy. So in fact right now the difficulty is
right now is the traditional way that to be difficult in some way
or the other because had become really easy, except the
inconvenience you had to suffer there because you have three other
million people around you. And people you know, want it as though
they inherited somewhere. Right? So
you could start showing off you know, I get to go hudge you know
this thing in your heart I've done this many Hajj. If you don't look
at it as a NEMA, then you will show off.
So the prophets Allah Islam is making this dua Allah and this is
obviously for the sake of the Ummah
Oh Allah make it a Hajj in which there is no Ria and there is no
sama there's no showing off and there's no fame purpose that it be
purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to gain the
satisfaction not so that people could see you that you're going
for hygiene say Masha Allah is going for Hajj. And not that
Marcia is going for just about time he went for Hajj. Because
there's some people we know 6070 years old. Make the offer them is
one one person I know is probably more than 70 Now, but he has this
idea that instead of going for Hajj, which he reckons is a very
personal journeys it's like a personal satisfaction journey. He
thinks I should give that much money 3000 4000 to the poor.
I guess you won't realize until you go there what the benefit of
hygiene is. So that's what his thought is he sat me down when he
explained this to me. Like no man it's not about that it's a bother.
Why do you pray? Just work in that time you could earn 10 pounds
extra 10 pound an hour? That's how much you make why do you why do
you go to pray for just keep working make more money and give
it to the poor? So it's not to show people so that you know
because I guess this was the culture in those days nowadays I
think because mashallah we everybody's gone for just not a
big deal.
Right? The only person that we talk about Hodges, like if he
hasn't done her journey, so old, or he's so rich, but otherwise,
what's the big deal that people have gone via nowadays? Right?
It's not such a big deal, right? So but apparently in those days,
it was a big deal to go for Hajj, and it is in many places, right?
So so that you you know, you go to Hajj so that you're respected then
as a *, that shouldn't be the reason.
Or people will praise you, or you you will get a better place in the
sight of people and so on.
So, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is making this dua, just so
that he acts like just everybody else. And he's teaching
everywhere, this is the way to do it. Now what this tells us is look
at the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he's a prophet. On top of that,
he's got a sheet that's worth less, it's not worth anything.
He's on a saddle, which is again, inferior. And on top of that, he's
making dua that Allah protect him from any other kind of showing
off. What does that tell us? That tells us One essential thing that
humility is not generally natural, it's not just gonna come to you,
you're gonna have to work to get it. You're gonna have to work to
achieve it. Which means
you're going to have to fight with yourself because shaytaan is going
to always come to try to make you think look how good you are, look
how pious you are, look what people are going to say. So you
have to be on guard. So you have to put effort that's what this is
telling us. This is the orlimar have taken that advice. I was
trying to say that humility is not just gonna come to you, you're
gonna have to train yourself and you're gonna have to be really
careful that it's not your you don't lose your reward because of
arrogance, or because of showing off of that feeling that comes
into your heart. Right the next Hadith Hadith number 342. Is
related from again, Anasazi, Allah Juan
la cama. Thorpe is getting the he's got all of this knowledge
that he's giving to us. And so the Allah one
but he got it after a lot of Edma 10 years of Hitman in the service
of the greatest. So now he gets to reveal all of these things about
the greatest sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Now this is what UNASUR the Allahu Anhu is observation is after all
of these years he says lamea conscious on a Hubble la min
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is he saying? There
was no person that was more beloved to the Sahaba
To them, meaning to his convenience, then the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam
what can we either Oh, who let me
hear TD Dalek. But whenever they would see him, they would
abstain from standing up for him just because they knew that he
hated it.
Otherwise they would have stood up and be standing every time he was
standing. But the only reason they would sit down and not stand is
because he disliked it completely. I was in the company of one great
scholars and people are standing up, you just always tell him the
next time he comes out, he will stand up again.
You have to keep telling people get used to it, then it becomes a
so anyway, that's there's a whole discussion about that in general.
But what honestly the Allahu Anhu is saying is that despite the fact
that he was the most beloved to them, and they would have stood up
for him, but the only reason they wouldn't is because they knew he
disliked it. So they took what he liked over what they thought was
the up towards him, because the other towards him would be to
listen to what he liked as opposed to what they should do because of
his status. So for example,
we know this about the Sahaba for example, a bull or Bayda
under the Allah when he killed his father, because it was so far out
of his love for Rasulullah sallallahu so he came in front, he
killed him and we back out of the Allahu Anhu nearly killed his son
was willing to do it the story is famous
during the Battle of butter Musa bib know who made the hola Juan he
killed his brother obey did not remain
right now. Take this understand this and contextualize it this is
not about violently going in you no kidding kidding your family
members. This is not about that. This was in a situation where
there was war, and he would have been killed if he didn't kill him
or murder the Allahu and he killed his his maternal uncle as IGNOU
Hashem, Ibrahim Sham.
And then Amara. The Allahu Anhu once was very honest, very
transparent. He said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a
hub La Habra either human coalition in LA FC, I can say that
you are more beloved to me than everything else, meaning my family
everything except my knifes. Just my knifes I love it more than I
love you. mean what transparency. They didn't make it up. He didn't
make any he was just he said what he said. So the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said, Sorry, enough sick. You can only have
complete Iman, if I'm more beloved to you
than even your own knifes. So then, look at this state of
change, which can only happen with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. He turned around stayed silent for a while I pondered for
a while. I'm sure the outpouring of the faith of Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam effected him. And he turns around and he says,
had dumb enough see now even more than myself, so he was able to
contemplate that he was able to decide that in himself a jeep.
So then the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I'll earn a Yama now,
now you've reached the status that you should reach Omar.
Earlier the Allahu Anhu was asked, how well How was your love for
Rasulullah lorrison You people How was your love for Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? He said Wallahi
a habit is a habit Elena in our world in our old arena our you
know what Omaha Tina Wilmington, Myrtle birded I love bomber.
He said he was more beloved to us than our wealth our children, our
parents, our mothers. So our parents and our mothers, right? So
parents, mothers coming parents, but our parents and our mothers as
well like me when I say my parents aren't just saying my dad, I'm
saying my mum as well. Right? So both of them. And if you want a
better example, he said and from cold water, when you're really
really thirsty.
in Cali al does a Shiva. You mentioned that a woman from the
Ansara and Saudi woman, her father, her brother, her husband,
they were all martyred in a battle. Her father, her husband,
and her brothers, anybody that would be there to support her
father, gone, husband, brother gone all the men in the family
during the Battle of Earth.
But the thing she's asking what happened Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam, how is the pseudo allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they
said he's fine. That wasn't enough for her.
Just imagine the state of this woman don't just take it as a
story. Imagine put yourself in that position.
What do you need for you to ask these questions and for you to
have the reaction that she did? So then she says
They said Byham de la cama to a been, you know, is Hamdulillah.
He's good, you know, said, No, I want you to show him to me, I want
you to take me to him or see him with my own eyes that he's fine.
And then when she actually saw him, she said, No mercy, but in
the cadoola, alone,
every mercy, but after seeing you is insignificant, she probably
wanted to see him to calm herself down over her losses. That was her
way of giving herself some solace and contentment over her other
losses that she saw that, okay, they've died. But also the loss of
awesome is good. And he is there for the sake of the I mean,
there's there's many stories whenever he would make, although
we don't hear this all the time, but this was described by one of
the Sahaba, whenever he would make will do the water wouldn't fall on
the ground, it wouldn't be allowed to fall on there, and people would
just be there to go and grab it.
I mean, when you see this happening with some of some of the
Sheoak today, I mean, you expect that what's happening with
Rasulullah sallallahu, it isn't the greatest issue.
In fact, he wouldn't even be able to blow his nose or spit that
would be taken before it would reach the ground. They would then
just put it over themselves.
I mean, today people will say that's better. So honestly, the
Allahu Anhu says that whenever they would see him, they wouldn't
stand up just purely because they knew that he disliked that. He
didn't want to act like a king. So you know, Omar Abdel Aziz, when he
became the Khalif by accident among the Romanians, whenever he
would go in, they would stand up. So he would stand up with them.
He said, Okay, you guys standing up, I have to stand up as well.
And if you sit down, and I'll sit down, then they stop doing it.
Now the thing is that look,
this debate about should you stand up for somebody or not? So that
this is what the early majority mentioned, these are the rules. If
somebody demands that you stand up for them, then you shouldn't stand
Unless some say that you can take context into, into, into, you can
take your particular circumstance that if you're living in a
community where if you don't stand up, because everybody doesn't you
don't, then it will lead to everybody becoming hostile towards
you. And that, then in that case, you've got to you know, you
probably better off standing up, otherwise you just gonna cause
problems. Right. But generally for a group, should they stand up in
front of people if if it's somebody who's big in the world,
LOL im oppressor, arrogant, haughty, and don't stand up for
him. If he requires you to stand up, he requires people to stand up
just so that he can feel big than don't stand up for that person.
But if it's a person who's humble, and they, they either mashallah
they do a lot of good work for people, or maybe the other MMA or
maybe their Solahart. Or maybe they have some other quality like
that, which is a benefit for the people, there's nothing wrong with
standing up for them. If they don't demand it, you don't want it
to get to their head. So don't essentially be a tool to get
people arrogant as well. But if there is a reason to stand up,
because you just can't help you want to stand up for somebody you
It's up to them to then tell you to sit down.
Or for example, somebody needs help. Once Saturday, the Allahu
Anhu came, and he was, he was suffering from bleeding. So the
prophets Allah Himself como Illa ye they come because he was the
leader of one of the tribes of Madina, Munawwara so the prophets
Allah some said, Stand up, help him so in that case, it was to
make them stand up to help him off his animal. Some people use this
to say it's it's good to stand up for people, but there are other
places about standing up. There are other Hadith about that.
Right, we're going to miss the next Hadith out because a very
lengthy Hadith we won't be able to cover it today. Hadith number 343
Which inshallah we'll cover next week. We're just going to do one
more Hadith in sha Allah, which is Hadith number 344.
This one is quite simple.
This one is related from again on a supramolecular the Allahu Akbar,
Allah subhanaw Malik Radi Allahu Anhu says that Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
lo Oh dear Alayhi
if the professor Lorenson was given a gift, somebody came, you
know, they give you some food of the bottom part of the leg, under
the knees, the shin the shank, you call that right or the foot. So
the bottom part if that was given,
you know,
if that was given to me as a as a hadiya.
In fact, the Prophet sallallahu himself said this honestly alone
relates from sort of last Allah Islam. He said that if I was given
that part as a gift, I will accept it. So that was not the best part
to give. The best part to give is the top part, right the shoulder
or other parts so this was more insignificant
can say that except you know, just a foot, maybe some buyer. Right?
trotters are accepted. So that's why he's saying this insignificant
part at the bottom, I would accept that as well. The word on, you
know, out of humility, and out of respect for the bounty of Allah is
still a bounty of Allah, people eat this. The other thing is that
you have to realize that the person who is going to give him
this is not going to be a rich man, it's going to be a poor
person who can only afford that he wants to give him something. So
that's why what the other man mentioned that the Hadiya the
person should not look who is who is being given to but who it's
coming from. So if it's according to the status of the person, it's
coming from, from the Rila.
Right, he's got a heart, you need to you need to also be
compassionate towards his heart. Yes, if it's a rich person who is
making mockery of someone, and he gives us insignificant Hadiya then
of course, you've got the right to refuse because why was he making
fun of me mocking me? What does he think I am, but poor person is
giving you an insignificant thing. Don't look at your status of what
you should be entitled to. But look who's giving it so that's
what the alarm I mentioned that you should look at the moody not
the MaHA Allahu Mahdi means the Hadiya giver, not the one who is
given to
because the Hadiya giver can only give according to his means.
That's his means. So you need to make his heart happy.
So for example, it's related in the Hayato Haiwan, which is this
old book on classical book on Zulu zoology. It mentions in the
biography of Hood Hood, you know who the who pay during time of
study Manali Salaam. So it is a story that's written about him,
because we relates that hood once said to Zulema is a very bold bird
as you as you know from the story. So on this occasion, he says to
Salima, and it is salaam, I want to give you a doubt.
I want to host you.
He says me alone. No, no, no, no, not just you alone, you and your
entire army.
I mean, how bold is he? Your entire army that's on this island.
I want to host all of you
on this particular day. So sort of RSM said agreed. He said okay,
fine. So then when I got there with his entire army, now Hood
As soon as they came, he started preparation. It took flight. And
he went and he found a locus, a locus is like a giant cricket.
Right? A locus. You went and
hunted one of them down. One locust. He killed it. And then he
went and threw it in the ocean.
And then he said, Okay, food's ready.
Oh nubby hola eat. Whoever misses the meat they'll at least get the
they'll at least get the broth
not everybody but he gets enough meat right a Mr. Meat you get the
shorter bar. So sorry man Ali Salaam in his entire army, they
laughed for a whole year it says over this. Allah Allah.
That's why in a poet in a poem, somebody put this in a poem said
at Suleyman, Jad, Salima and Yeoman are the jutsu li Myrna
Yeoman out of the hood who determine that loom injera didn't
Cana Fifi. Ha. we're unsure that BT Sunil hA hA. hA kiloton in
alhaja. Allah Myka remove de lo Kana Yoda, il Insigne Kima, to who
la Colonel Kima Touka duniya wa mafia. What this person saying is
that Hood Hood came to Salima and Ali salaam on the day of that
and he gave him a locus that was in its mouth. And then it began to
It began to sing, saying that idea is according to the giver,
according to the status of the giver, not according to status of
the given. Right. So locus beginner for a hook is a big
beginner for hood for a flat for up for a bird, oh, who do I mean,
a locus is big enough that it's food, right? And then he said that
if a human was to be given what he is entitled to, if he is to be
given his worth, then his worth would be the entire world and
whatever is inside. So if you were to be given an idea of what you're
really worth, and you should be given the whole dunya but you
can't do that I'll give you according to my means.
Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoa, do II to or
are they healer, Egypt to
one is that I was given this thing as a gift. If I was invited to eat
and it was just some buyer, nowadays delicacy or some people
like this, if it was just some of these, you know, the bottom part
of the foot or the leg, then I would, I would I would accept I
would go because the MCSA the objective of accepting a doubt is
to bring the hearts to
gather to make the person feel good that you've accepted his
Because people don't give down to every Tom, Dick and Harry around.
They give it to certain individuals Chosen into you don't
give out to everybody, you give it to some selected people.
So if they accept, then obviously you've really made the heart feel
good. You shall Allah will carry on with the rest of this chapter
next time Jazak Allah here for listening, may Allah subhanho wa
Taala bless you and if you're finding this useful, you know
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