Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Shamail al Tirmidhi The Prophet () Statements on Poetry and Story Telling at Night Part 43

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The speakers discuss the history of sleep patterns and the use of technology to avoid bad speech. They touch on the use of negative language and people who use their heads in a lap to avoid conversation. The speakers also mention people who use their heads in a lap and let their spouse sit in the lap of their wife while they were fasting. The history of Islam is discussed, including the need for good speech to prevent conversation and people who used their heads in a lap and let their spouse sit in the lap of their wife while they were fasting.
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala so you dill more
saline or li or sabe o Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman Cathedral in
Iommi, DEEN unmarked.
sha Allah today we are completing chapter 37
of the Shamal this chapter is about the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam his comments statements, and other things about
poetry. When that finishes the next chapter, which we'll be
covering just one Hadith from is the chapter on the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam and his, his practice his instructions
is his advice regarding speaking at nighttime, after Asia, because
there's a famous Hadith in which he mentions that the Bronx or the
Lord isn't prohibited speaking of the Isha, so this one will
describe what's allowed and what's not allowed. There's a very famous
Hadith in that chapter called Hadith Hadith own mizunara
Hadith or Misora. This is when a group of several women got
together and they decided to speak about their husbands. And one said
My husband is like this another one said, My husband is like this.
And the third one said My husband is like this. And this is our each
other the Allah one has narration it's a very, very famous
narration, anybody who studies the Shamal did maybe they'll remember
this narration because it's a very unique narration, when several
women get together, and they start talking about
their husbands, and each one has got a unique way of expressing who
their husband is, and you'll see some RGV job statements,
expressions, right? But we're not going to cover that this week,
because it will take too long. So we will cover up to there and then
that will be done in Sharla next week, so today inshallah first we
completed the chapter on the professor Lawson's comments about
poetry. And so there's a few Hadith says let's read the Hadith
first, the narrations first from Shamal
Bismillah he was murdered Rahim.
Allah He called 100 The nice how cognomen soaring kala had the
thinner abdulrazaq or had the thinner jar formula Salima Anna
called 132 Nine. And as you know the hola one, and then the BIA
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the hada Makita fiamme rattle cada uno
Raba TMG venia de yo yo cool Hulu bundle kufr Yan Sabir Liam and
Audrey boo Comala tunzi torba New Zeal Herman Maki, where you will
how you learn hurry for call Allahu Allah, you have not Allah
had a beanie beignet. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam off
Ihara Milla Itakura share the caller's will Allah is Allah
Allahu alayhi wa Salam huddly And we are Omar further here sr ofii
him in Not, not in nibbly well when he called I had the authority
you have been urging God I had the inertia going on see Malcolm you
have been Germany Sumatra, the Allah one called a journalist and
to be a sallallahu alayhi wa sallam UK thirimanne mi T Martin
what can I was horrible who euthanasia do wanna share way to
the corona Shia mean Emeril, Jaya Haley, Yahweh who was Keaton, or
Obama tuber some amerihome where we can you call it human origin
call I had this inertia you're going to have the medical near
omega and IV selama. Darren Abby Herrera the hola Juan Nambia
SallAllahu ani he was a Luma call. As you can imagine, take a limit
we have our will Karima to libido and Allah Calusa in Mafalda, Allah
belty Lu, whatever you call it, I don't know many Incorta had that
never work no more ibn Abdullah Abdul Rahman an authority figure
and revenue share it can be color coded for Nabi SallAllahu, ala he
was an adventurer to me at a coffee Atomico Diomedea to be
salted coffee Colima and Chateau Baden called enemies and Allahu
Allah us dilemma he had said to me at a young age and the bait and
economy sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Inca della use him or when
you call the Hadith nice smart you know some fuzzer you don't even
know what you want, but I know he didn't call this an herb the ramen
business and then he showed me Ottawa and maybe Aisha Radi Allahu
anha caught it kinda sorta Leisel Allahu Allah. He was Samuel
Darwin. He has son. It needs to be timberland. Phil masliah Kumari he
called him and you forget or not realize Allah Allahu Allah. He was
dilemma. Oh god UniFi one Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Goya call in Allah Allah you uh, you do Hassan Al Kudo,
Seema you enough you Who are you who are not so dilla he sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
So we read last week, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam told
Amarillo sherried who relates from his father should eat eveness away
he said I was sitting behind the soul of LaSalle Allah why there
isn't one day and he said to me
say some poetry.
So I
mentioned 100 lines of poetry, I related to him 100 poet poems from
omega ignited be salt openness be salt was the one who used to say
very pious and good things during during the time of Jaya Helia. And
the Prophet sallallahu once said about him that he was very close
to becoming a muslim, but unfortunately he didn't. When
after the process was and became a prophet, he kind of changed his
mind and he became he became opposed
So that's the Hadith we did last week we on the next generation
here, which is Hadith number 259.
In this hadith, this is related from this famous chain that goes
from Hashem
in Ottawa, from his father
from Asia or the Allahu Allah, I shall have the Allah one has
nephew as Ottawa even as a wave
of the liveness event and aroma ignorance of ideas to famous or
Ottawa many, many a hadith related maybe even more than Abdullah
liveness a bit from Ayesha the LM you see it quite frequently Ottawa
relates from actually the Allahu Ana she was his she was his, his
aunt. So he took a lot of knowledge from her. His son was a
sham. So he sham relates from his father now, it's a very, very
famous chain. So a sham relates from Ottawa from his father, from
actually Allah Juana. Girnar. Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam so I shall be alone is relating that Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to Yoda only has certain Ibni
forbidden member on film STD Yakumo Allah He called him now
look at this.
You've got a big scholar, who would he allow on the member in
His presence? To speak out, he's gonna have to be somebody special,
somebody like Rasulullah sallallahu. This meeting is going
to allow anybody just to get on a member to
to tell people things. She relates that he used to have a member
placed in the masjid, a platform essentially, right member means a
platform of some sort. So he could stand on it.
You felt here and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And
mentioned all of the great things about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. So this was not for me, before you misunderstand this.
This was not for sort of prophecy. I wasn't gonna sit there and
listen to his praise being made and gloat and boast about it. That
was not the purpose of it. The whole purpose of this was
it was as he said in the previous Hadith, when Abdullah if no Raja
has suddenly thought it was another poet, Abdullah Raja, how
was the other one? When Abdullah live in Ottawa, or the Allah one
was singing that was was making was reading the poetry on the way
to Makkah. And Amara, the Allahu Anhu said, What are you doing in
front of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in this haram? You're
singing poetry? But as I've said, No, let him carry on because that
is more effective than arrows at this point. If you hit them with
arrows, this is more effective than than shooting at them at this
point at that point in time, right? Because they weren't
allowed to fight at that time. So at this time, the best thing is
poetry. They will get knocked out by that. And there was a big thing
in those days too. Like right now it's with TV shows and things like
that. So specifically, it mentions here I show the Aloha relates that
they used to put up a member in the masjid, which has served on
the Allah one who could stand on to defend Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam mentioned his great points and put down the
other side for that reason. We are cool. And he used to say so aside
from giving him that position, he used to also praise him saying in
Allah you are you do Hassan Biru * codice Allah subhanho wa
Taala has supported strengthened her son with the Rural kudos,
kudos and rule. Rule we know it means spirit, the soul rule.
That's what that's what that refers to. And kudos refers to
purity. Baytril mocha does Bae to mock this. Mocha does. Tuck this
means to purify something free have to be free of
any kind of defect. Any kind of fault. impurities. That's what you
call God's Mikado. That's where the word comes from. Ruhollah
kudos the pure soul. That refers to who Gibreel Alayhis Salam. So,
her son when he's singing his poetry, when he sang his poetry,
he's not doing it alone. He was a great poet, poet to start with,
then if you've got an angel to even help you out. Can you imagine
what kind of poet that must have been? You know, when is a good
poet anyway even before even before he becomes a Muslim maybe.
And then you've got an angel helping you out? I mean, who can
stand in front of him? So that's what this hadith is about.
He says that as as he continues to defend the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Ruhul kudos is is helping him out
his supporting him and strengthening him. So now let's
look at this hadith in digital firstly, let's see who has Salim
Northup it was his name is Hassan son author but ignore Moon there
is no Amer ignore haram Al Ansari al Hazaragi. So he's not from
Makkah. He's from Madina. Munawwara he's from the hustle Raj
tribe, one of the Ansari
his his
name or his title was unbelievable Walid and he's considered from the
for Hulu Shuara, which means the most genius of the poets of the
time. So he was already a genius poet anyway to start with a ball
or beta reports that edge Mattila Arab
Ashara elementary Hassan immunother bit, the Arabs at that
time were agreed, you know, because when you've got like
doctors, the doctors will say, you know, if you've got a cancer
problem, then the best
oncologist is this man here, right? The best cardiologist is
this guy. This guy's the specialist. People agree because
they've seen your writing. They've seen your work, they've seen your
research, they've seen your, your, you know, your analysis,
prognosis, whatever you call it. So when you've heard people's
poetry, then other poets will eventually have to say, man, this
man, he really knows his stuff. He is really a good poet. So they had
all agreed that he was one of the best of the poets.
The Prophet sallallahu Listen, what did he say about him? He
said, Hassan Hey, Jasmine banal me, Nina. Well, Mona Fiocchi, in
LA yo, hey, boohooman AFIC What are you will hit a homerun. He's a
barrier between the believers and the mafia team.
Hence, a monarchy can never love him.
Right? If you don't, if you find somebody who doesn't like Hassan,
it means he's probably a monastic because there's nobody else can
hate him because he says that what are you believe the whole movement
a movement cannot dislike him? And what men cannot loathe and hate
him means if somebody doesn't he has to be a murderer if that's
what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying.
He mashallah lived for a very long time. He died at the age of 120
years, stay for 120 years Mashallah.
Half of that was injure Helia and half of that was in Islam.
So city probably became mostly when he was about 60
Half Half, Allah gave him that much life to sort out the Joe
Hillier, but
you his father and his grandfather, mashallah they also
live for, you know, the run in the family.
He died in
54 Hijiri.
Right. So that was 54 years after Rasulullah sallallahu hymns
So, yeah, he used to, so not just standing up, I used to stand on
the member, the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salam used to
put up there for him. And he used to mention all of the great points
about Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and how he's helped the people out
of the jar. Helia and he used to say, he used to mention then, the
bad things about the disbelievers on the other side, the Meccans
that were that were there.
Why is Djibouti Laurie has Salam who is mentioned to be supporting
him here? Why is equal rural kudos?
The reason is a few things. One is rule I mean spirit and spirit is
what is the rule?
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, wema uitto mineral Elmy
Illa Karela they ask about the rule, but you you say to them,
they earn the Jews asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Can you tell us what the rule is what the Quiddity of the
rule is what the intrinsic nature? What's the root made up of? So the
Prophet sallallahu irisin was told by Allah tell them that a room in
Emery rugby row is from my lords who come My Lords command, and you
have been given very little knowledge, you've been given very
little knowledge. Now among the aroma, there are two groups, some
attempt to at least define what the rule is not going to the
reality of it, because nobody can do that. But some sometimes try to
define it. And others say look, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam is saying, you have Allah is saying that you've only been
given very little knowledge. So you can't define it. You shouldn't
even go close to the other day. Well, Allah is saying you've only
been given a little knowledge. So this is part of the little
knowledge this is defining it. And how have they defined it? They've
said, it's, what is the rule? I mean, think about it. And I think
the description that the way they've defined it is very simple.
It is a subtle body. So it's it's made up atoms. It's a body. It's
it's not like, abstract, it's made of it's a body but in a very
subtle way. Right? He says it's as they define it as a subtle body
that is inside the entire human being just like
moisture is found in a moist, fresh twig. How you know the
moisture that you have in a twig, at least with that you could
probably squeeze it somehow and take that moisture out. But the
root, you can't do that, of course, but it's just trying to
describe how infused it is with the body. Then it says the body
will be considered alive as long as that rule is inside it. And
when the rule leaves in the body is considered to be dead. So
that's what rule is. I mean, that's just like a simple definite
Should an observation of what rule is, isn't it? Right? Others have
gone they've described
the rule as
now how do I describe this? They've described it as
a subtle replica of the human being that is inside the human
Right? And that is how the human beings are alive. They move their
hand because we've got a part of the room in that finger so that
finger moves. Right? and wallah who I know Allah knows best, we
leave it to Allah subhanaw taala. But we definitely know that rule
is something if it's in you, you're alive. Once it goes, it's
gone. Right? You're dead. So why is Gibreel Ali Salam considered to
be rural goodness, that's what we want to know. The reason is, he
used to come to The Gambia What is the main you see Jubilee, Lady
Islam, if there's anybody out after Allah subhanaw taala, other
than Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam? If there's anybody who's seen it
who's seen it all, who's brought punishment and punishments to
nations, who is this massive being as brutal as I'm describing that
one famous Hadith? I saw Gibreel Islam with his wings outstretched,
totally filling the horizon from the east to the west. He has come
down to all of his the favorite angel to come down to the
different prophets. He's seen it all essentially, right. So because
he comes with the message from Allah subhanho wa taala, what is
the message the message is, gives you higher Abadia which means it
gives you eternal life. The message that you realized some
beings brings from Allah subhanaw taala is essentially the message
of the deen. It's the message of what we need to do in this world
so that we could have a eternal bliss in the Hereafter. And if it
wasn't for him to bring it to us, and Allah subhanaw taala didn't
use him, didn't send it down to us, then we wouldn't have that. So
that's why he's called Rural coders because he brings rule he
brings not rule of this world, but he brings a rule that's based on
the hereafter eternal life.
Another reason why he's called Rural coders purity is because he
doesn't speak from his own desire. He tells you exactly what Allah
subhanaw taala sends him with. That's it. He doesn't have his own
volition to change that message. You know, let me tell him in this
way, let me change it. Now he gives you exactly as his pure the
Pure Angel pure for many kinds of defects.
Now, what used to then happen is that the Prophet salallahu alayhi
wa salam used to make dua for him.
And it's really related that
on that occasion, there were 70 poems. There were 70 poems that
Gibreel Ali salaam helped him with this hadith doesn't mention it,
but there's another narration which it comes from.
Now, if you look at the, in Makkah, what used to happen, is
that they used to use what do they use nowadays, to put down someone,
they use these talk show hosts, the worst of the worst, if they're
against you, they can make up anything they want. Which even
leads to somebody dying, as we saw, really, you know, so
recently, those guys from Australia, right, that called up
that hospital and just such a scandal, and it's kind of crazy.
They're a little pain in the stomach. Everybody reports it. You
know, no offense to anybody, but you got a little pain in your
stomach, the whole world goes up.
You know, she's got a pain.
Come on, man. They live a life. Suffering, she's got a pain. You
I'm glad they stopped because there's every moment. That's what
this does. Then then when this child abuse thing, every time you
put on the radio, whether you get your kids in the code of child
abuse, child abuse, this guy's caught this guy's caught. Come on,
man, take it easy, where we want to listen to something else. To
tell us something positive. Was all of this negative media all the
It's very difficult to even read listen to radio, but the talk show
host they sometimes are the worst of it. Because they can get away
with a lot. They can say all sorts of stuff and just kind of
apologize. Make it up because it's not official. Is it? Like a news
cast? Would they get away even new newscasts? Right? So there were
four people in those days it was with poetry. So they had four
famous poets that used to say bad things about us. Will allah
sallallahu someone criticize him? Who were they? One was Abdullah
Hypnose, Zebedee,
Abdullah Ignace Zebari. He was one another one was there are YBNL
There are YBNL hottub.
And another one was amrutam. last row, the Allah one he's Muslim
afterwards. And another one was Abu Sufian liberal hearth, also
Muslim afterwards. He was the cousin of Rasulullah Salallahu
Right. He was the cousin that we he was the one who was holding on
to Robert blossoms, mule in the Battle of houses in which we read
last week. So the poor
Bismillah Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said, you know with these four he said that
my yam narrow Latina, nassarawa Rasool Allah is Allah Azza CFHI
him and Yun Saru OBL sinner to him what is it that is preventing
those people who have helped Rasulullah sallallahu with their
swords, that they now help him with their tongues
mashallah, they all know they already to help with their swords,
but who can now help with their tongue to respond to this because
you can't just go and kill people. You know, all the time you you do
It's like for like they were they came up with this poetry. So now
you respond to it like that. So Hassan of the Allahu Anhu got up.
And he was the most famous of them and there was Abdullah Abdullah.
He was another one. So we've read about these two already. They were
the most famous poets. They both got ready to defend us all. Allah
salAllahu Salam garabed nomadic was another one. Not caribou,
Ashraf, Cabanel Ashraf was the one who Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
had assassinated. He was also a poet, a very rich Shia who the he
is the one who was assassinated in his in his forte, that's a
different story. This is quite a bit nomadic.
So Hassan he says Rhodiola one part one of his defense was her
Jota Mohammedan what Egypt one who were in the Allah He fever called
Jezza Oh, so he used to say you people have criticized Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi salam and I've responded on his behalf I've
defended him and with Allah subhanaw taala is all the reward
for that. Hi, Jota Mata Harun baronne Hanif and Amin, amin Allah
He Shima to whom I'll refer to her Zhu Wallace Wallace Stella who be
for short Roma Lee, Heidi Kumar, Alfredo, fine Ababa, Linda who are
elderly add Mohammed Amin, como.
Oh, sorry, we call. So he's saying that you have criticized somebody
who is pure, righteous, and
believer in the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala, who is considered
the holder of Allah subhanho wa Taala trust, and his whole, the
whole, his whole symbol, his whole motto is of is of being a
trustworthy, trustworthy, one at Diageo. Who do you criticize him
while you are not equal to Him, you're nowhere equal to Him,
whereas you criticize him. And then and then he carries on saying
that my parents be sacrificed on him and so on.
It's related that later when he became very old, it was a very old
man, he his eyes and he couldn't see any more he'd become blind as
well. He asked to go and visit it shatter the Allahu anha. And she
gave him permission to visit. And when when he entered the house,
she was very, she honored him. She hosted him, she honored him. And
when he left, he was asked to her that
she said, somebody somebody mentioned something about him,
like, Who is this man or what it was? And he said,
she said that he's the one hola The cool thing about valida. He's
in Obi Wan reader, who he is saying that he is the one who said
this poem. So she mentioned this poem. And she said that
this is such a poet as it just is such a poem that
if you say this poem, your sins will be forgiven. Because he's
giving his whole sacrifice for Rasulullah sallallahu. I mean, the
only person who can do that is somebody who is very pious and
who's very righteous. Anyway. Then
what happened is it's related that
when the balloon Tamim came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
Their poet was ACARA IGNOU habis.
So they came and they said very loudly that this is how they would
call for a match. A competition
Yeah, Mohammed orange Elena Nova Hiroko Shahrukh
for in a Madonna zine with a man a shame.
He said come out to us. Let's have a
poetry match in. He said, that's what it's saying. No Falcon Russia
will compete with you in poetry. Because our praise is really
beautiful. But our criticism is really bad.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he didn't say anything
more than
he said.
30 Kola, either muda Zanna were either the machina in Neelam
Oberth be sure, well, I'm marble FIRFER. Well, I can her to.
This is how he responded. He said, That's you're talking about Allah.
When he praises something, then that thing is truly elegant and
And when he criticizes something, then that thing is really
defective. He's the only one who can, in reality make something
defective or praiseworthy if he praises it or defect or criticizes
it. Right? Not your people. But then he said, I have not been sent
with poetry. It's not something I can do. It's and I haven't been
sent with poetry, and neither have I been commanded to boast. That's
what they were asking for. Right? Posting in poetry. I haven't been
commanded to do that. But it's okay. Come along, here to come.
What have you got? Right, bring forth whatever you have Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded Therby Tip no case,
to respond to their, to their poet. And
sorry, to the to their speaker, to their sermon. iser. So he started
and he overcame them. Then Accra ignore Harvey. So first, it was a
hotbar it was a speech. So therapeutic no case. He won over
the other one, in my case was this side. I was probably the logarithm
side he won over the other one. Then Accra IGNOU. Hub is their
poet got up. And he started say Athena Athena Kaoma. You are mejor
que my ID for NAS for the learner either harder for nine that the
Korean Mirkarimi what Anna Rousseau NAS min coulomb action
one the late one Elisa fee, Adil Hijazi cada Remi and then so he
said he said his lines Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam now told
Hassan are the Allah one okay, you respond to him now? So then he
said, But Benny Durham Loretta horo in the for heracleum, Yahoo
do Waddell and endothelial Mirkarimi hobble to Molina, the
Haroon, our interim learner, hold on MoBay knockin in WA Hajime.
Now, I'm not going to go into what this means, but
essentially, they were talking about themselves. So the way he
took in prompt you, he took that point that they made and responded
to it in poetry. Now, we won't be able to appreciate this, but the
first person from among them to become a Muslim, you know who it
was, it was their poet.
So it was their poet that started the attack. But after he
responded, he was the first of them to become Muslim.
Now, if he must have had Gibreel Ali salaam with them,
that's powerful. I mean, the person is antagonistic, the person
is going to be showed up. Because at the end of the day, when you
have to compete on your side, you're carrying everybody's
weight, a boxing match, imagine it, you're carrying everybody's
weight, they all edging you on as well. Yes. So they're encouraging
you on the side, they're, they're pushing you forward, the
he's got a lot to, he's got a lot to think about. And then he
becomes the first Muslim in must have been penetrate. It's just
like you Musala salaams time when those when he had a challenge when
he had a competition with those, all of those magicians and they
just recognized immediately they recognized what was the problem,
right that they had nothing. They were just doing some illusions,
whereas he had some something real. That was happening. So he
became the first Muslim. This third bit that we mentioned, 30 no
case who was a hottie who first responded, he was a Hazaragi as
well. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam bore witness that he will go
into Jannah he died during the Battle of yo mama in the 12
injury. Now we understand the number of things from this from
this from this exchange, we understand you know, if it wasn't
for this hadith, I guarantee you some scholars would have probably
said that to single sheets in a masjid that would be haram. But
this hadith gives us the permissibility of having nasheeds
in the masjid. Because this was done in on the member. But it has
to be for a good cause it can't be for entertainment. Hey, we're
gonna have an entertainment night. Tonight's. It can't be for that.
Right there. Unfortunately, many of our Muslim conferences now they
have entertainment time. And it's not it should be it should be
inspiration, not entertainment. So this proves that if no Hydroflask
Kalani, he mentioned that from this hadith, we learned that it's
permissible to have no sheets in the masjid. As long as it's to do
with the praise of Islam, and to put down our enemies, and to
encourage people to defend themselves. And we also learn from
this, that those who are very good at and very good at effective
poetry that are very helpful to Islam, it's mazahub to make dua
for them. Because the prophets Allah Allah Islam did the same
thing. And this won't just be about poetry. This will be anybody
who is out there defending Islam, which nobody else can maybe in a
most effective manner, then it's sunnah its Musa for us to do to
offer them because the prophets of Allah some did that, because let's
take it away from poetry. Poetry was the in thing and that's why
that's why Hassan or the Allah one was called upon because he could
respond Today whatever it is somebody who is going to respond
properly in the proper channels, media wise and so on. Then
We need to make dua for them. And Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he relates in a hadith which is rated by Imam Bukhari,
the Indominus Shetty hikma that looked some poetry is full of
wisdom. So yes, the Prophet saw some did. And the Quran has
condemned poetry, but that's the evil poetry and thus his obsession
with poetry that leaves you without much thought for yourself
where you just become a bit obsessed. Let's look at the next
Hadith. The next hadith is related from again, same thing Ottawa from
Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, just with a slightly different chain, but
it's the same NARRATION The narration after that 256 that
hadith is from jobID IGNOU Somera Rudy Allah Juan, so it's another
Sahabi jebaited know someone or the Allahu Anhu relates
journalists to Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, UK Thora min me
at Mara, I have sat with Rasulullah sallallahu over 100
times, I've sat in his gathering over 100 times a site with
Rasulullah sallallahu usen what kind of us have who yet inertia do
wanna share? And his companions, they would sing, they would read
poetry among themselves, they would say poems to each other.
I think he's mentioned in the fact that he's done this 100 times
because there was this idea according to some that it's not
permissible. So you say not I was with rasool Allah, Allah some over
100 times. And the Sahaba they would say, say poor, they would
say poems, so it's not all bad. Essentially. That's what they're
saying, obviously, speaking about good poet, good poems. The other
thing is,
what kind of things would they mentioned, they would either have
their own poems, or they would mention some other good poems that
other people have said. And as I kind of alluded to it last week,
they would talk about the experiences of the time of Johanna
Right, they would start talking about the good times that they had
during that time, not in doing bad, but when they would do good
things during that time. So they would recall those things. And,
and then the sahabi carries on the Narita carries on he says, Where
did the corona Assia mean, unreal, Jaya Helia they would even bring
within those poems. They would bring things to do with the time
of Joe Hillier, so this wasn't just all about new things, but
they would also remember some of the good points of Joe Hillier in
their poetry. Well who a circuit and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam would remain silent what Obama taba mama home, but
sometimes he would even smile with them. So if there was something
really funny, or whatever, he would even smile with them, which
shows that it's permissible for you to sit down together, relax,
and just speak about good times of the past. As long as you're
speaking about good times, not your haram times of the past.
Right? So that's what the point is here. He was just there silently
and say, no, no, don't do that. He was casual, the Prophet
sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam knew. And the Sahaba obviously knew
their limits as well. So he listened to this is it there's a
hadith in which it mentions that every single statement that a
servant of Adams utters will be held against him, unless it's
unless it's an A scholar, or a teacher, or, or a student, or the
thicker Allah. Right, so anything other that is going to be held
against you. Now, what that means is that if you don't have a
justification for why you're saying what you're saying, then
we're going to be taken to task for it in the hereafter. Based on
that, there's this general idea that you must just stay silent,
you can't talk. But a hadith like this, prove that it's natural,
people like to talk. As long as you're talking good things, you
can have a laugh about it, it's okay. That's what this is trying
to show here. That obviously was missing. The he's not. He's not
contributing anything. But at least he's smiling. Sometimes he's
listening. He's not stopping them. He knows that this is part of
human life to just socialize like this once in a while. So that's
what he's saying. So he never prevented them from doing it. Now,
can you imagine it that the other thing that it tells us is that who
is the biggest caller, a bigger man, a greater person, then
Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi salam,
but he's allowing them to have this discussion around him. And
he's even listening to them and smiling at them. So he's not like,
okay, when you come into my measureless, silence, nothing. You
can't say anything, you just have to listen to me. You can't
contribute. You can't speak among yourself. Of course, there would
stay silent. But this is always on some occasions when this would
happen. But this just shows that the prophets of Allah is him if he
didn't do this, there was this natural haber about him this
natural or about him, which would have just been silenced, they
would have just been, they would have just been silent. So he had
to be casual like this, so that they could benefit from him and
feel comfortable around him as well and the profit or loss and
just knew how to strike that balance where he would do that. So
then, for example, our commentator here he relates that there was one
of the companions he said, Man NEFA, Asana mon Ahad Myrna for
Asana, mon I had the myth llama NEFA and the tsunami. There was
never any idle
Who benefited his master? So he his slave rather, right? It's
actually his master but his slave they would say, right? Who? Its
owner, let's just say as much as my idol benefited me. Now how can
I how can I? How can an idol benefit you? Allah subhanaw taala
says over and over in the Quran, it can't it can't benefit you
know, nor can it harm you unless somebody takes a block of it and
throws at your head you know, but it can't benefit you otherwise by
its own volition right?
But he's saying that no, my
my idol did benefit me more than anybody else's benefit how for any
child who Minella Hasee I made it from haste which was this kind of
food product that they would make? So it's like a dough I made it
with dough I made my one our dough for never any visa manual cart. So
you know when there was a drought, mashallah, it benefited me and he
also benefited all those who are with me at that time as well. So
you see, my idol was really beneficial for me. And that kind
of an idol, you know, subhanAllah made out of Brezina here, you
haven't made it out of chocolate. We've seen those those creatures
that they make out of chocolate, they should be coming up soon in
Easter time with the eggs as well. So at this The Promise of Allah
some began to laugh and have a similar sort of life. He smiled at
this one. Another one said, you know, I saw a fox climb up on top
of my idol, and he urinated on its head. Yeah, my idol. He urinated
on his head. He said, You probably remember it. Oh, you know, I've
got an idol story as well. So I said no, he said it in poetry. He
said, Rob Boone, Yabu tharla Burnaby ROTC look at the lemon
Berta tally, he thought liberal. So he said, I said that what a
lord a god. And these foxes and other things, they urinate on
their head, it must be humiliated, degraded, those that foxes can
urinate on how can you do anything for anybody? So he left his way of
jarhead iya entered into the Sharia. And that's what he's done
saying that that's why I left Jaya Helia when I realized this when I
saw the, the total inability, and as to how we began to laugh at
this casuals, finally, just casual things, you're going to stories
and the prophets of Allah who I do some laughs with them, when they
would mention these things of Joe Helia.
Just, you know, just ruminating over
just astounding of how Majah Helia people were in before that it took
something like this to take them back. We're just so blind to it.
Start job it's it's kind of surprised about these things. So
it gives us an understanding of the alarm I mentioned. This gives
us an understanding that to sit and just casually discuss things
that are halal. There's nothing wrong with it. As long as it's not
forever. You just don't sit and do these things unless there's a
purpose for it. It's completely fine. You know, when the
contingents used to go out for battle, they would come back and
they would do as they say cargoes already, you know, they would come
back and give the reports they will discuss those things. Let's
just do this one Hadith from the next chapter. This the next
chapter is called verbal merger. If you Colombia Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this summer, the word summer could mean
night night itself or it could mean speaking at night.
It could mean both of those things.
Now because Imam Tirmidhi says baboon manager of de Colombia
Rasulullah sallallahu is in fifth summer chapter on what the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam said about
speaking at night. Some scholars have said that he means about
nighttime, or about speaking at night.
They both make sense anyway. The first Hadith here is related by it
shattered the Allahu anha
and it's Hadith number 360.
Let's read the Hadith first.
Miss Miller, who was murdered Rahim will be ensnared in matassa
elimina in Lima Metromedia Corbyn manager if you can only Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of his summer well being you kind of had
that and it has no no saba handle bizarre ricotta had nothing I have
another call I had to know walking through coffee you Abdullah Hypno
Hakim and majority the nanny shabby and must look and I shudder
the Allahu Anhu Akkad had had the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
salam ala to Leila Denisa who had eaten for cada tema or two men who
Nikka and Al Hadith a hadith to hora de cada de una hora in the
Harada and Raja minerals Raja as Serato Jean nofilter Helia Formica
V him Dharan, Tamara or do who l ins for Khurana you had different
nursery model Fe mental energy for coroner's Hadith Hora feta. And
this is a very interesting chapter
because we're not going to touch the next Hadith which is the
famous hadith of OMO Zara. But in this case, this is I'll translate
the Hadith for you first. It's related from shabby from masuk
from Aisha but the Allah Juana. So this is another student of Aisha
must look. The reason it's called masuk. What is my stroke mean?
Saudi Arabia struggle means to steal. Must root means the stolen
one. He was kidnapped when he was young. So he became known as
mistook the kidnapped one. Right? became a big scholar. Shabby was
also a big scholar. If you remember shabby was the one that
Abdullah Muhammad Ali alone used to say that he knows about the
battles more than I do, even though he wasn't an I was there,
because he learned he had heard the reports from all of the
different people Abdullayev know what to do, and just witness what
he'd witness. But what shabby had done is he'd gone and asked lots
of people. And Abdullah Mohammed used to say about him that he
knows more about these battles, even though he wasn't there, and I
was there, so he knows more than I am. So he released from the stroke
and muscle group so I'm actually the Allah Juana. I usually the
Allahu anha reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam one night, spoke to his wives.
He spoke to his he spoke to the women. One night he spoke to the
women, he told him,
he spoke to them. And he mentioned the story. He mentioned the story.
Now, one of the women there, whether it was one of his wives,
or whether it was one of the extended women, she was all women
in this case, he was just speaking with his wives. And maybe some of
the other women in this family, maybe some of the daughters were
there, whoever else was there. But one of them said and he doesn't
mention who it's a she said, Colonel Hadith, the Hadith.
Hahaha, the, the story you've just mentioned, it's like one of the
stories of hahaha.
Now we'll have to understand what she's saying by that. Generally,
the word Harada is used for a story that's made up
whatever means a made up story. That is really astonishing,
unbelievable kind of story. So it has two characteristics made up
and unbelievable. Now she could not have been saying that he's
made up because probably didn't make up things. He must have been
telling a true story that was really funny. That was really
astonishing, very cheap. So she was just using that term to say it
was a very strange story, just like one of the horror stories,
very strange story. But then you know what he said? He said, Well,
do you know where this? You see in those days? Whenever somebody
would mention, a kind of really
strange story? They would say that sounds like one of horror stories.
So who is Harada? And where'd this title come from? That whenever you
see a strange story, you say for our first story, right? So much
that horror often nowadays means a made up story that says forever.
That's just rumors. It's just made up. But the promise a lot of them
told him that Do you know where this the origin of this word comes
from? He said there was a man from the other tribe. Some Jin captured
him kidnapped him during Joe Hillier before Islam. This
happened, they captured him, they took him away. And he stayed for a
very long time. They they kept him with them for a very long time for
a very long time that he stayed with them. And then after that,
eventually they released him and told him to go back to the human
beings. So when he came back, he had seen some really, really
amazing things with them. extraordinary things, and he would
tell these stories. So that's why his name was horrified. Right? So
Oh, you're telling a story like horror Alpha. That's where this
came from. For columnists? Hadith. Hahaha. So that's the sub Rosa was
missing. So then people began to say, Oh, this is a Hadith of Hora
Hora for story. It's a it's a it's a transmission from cassava. It's
one of the horror stories. So that's where it came from. So
essentially, that's that's the first Hadith in here. All the only
reason Imam told me the brings it in this chapter is to show that
this happened at nighttime. Because there is a general
prohibition that after Isha prayer, you should go to sleep.
And if only Allah subhanaw taala can give us the Tofig to do that.
But in this country is very difficult, right? Because this
country a short time is weird. It goes from 11 o'clock at night to
six o'clock, you know in the summertime, so you're not going to
sleep at seven o'clock. Still time for shopping, and other things
that people do weddings take place after Asia here. But but let's
understand this properly. The reason one of the reasons of why
you should go to sleep after a shot is two reasons. One is that
the best sleep that you can have is before midnight.
What research into sleep patterns show that the most highest quality
sleep you can have, where one hour is worth two, three hours, the
kind of satisfaction you would get the rest that you would get is
before midnight, which unfortunately our days are getting
low. I mean, you got one o'clock at night in London is still busy.
Right? That's just the way it is. So what they say is that if you
sleep let's say 10 o'clock, and then you wake up early, you will
be more satisfied than if you like in five hours or six hours then
you will be for eight hours if you slept after midnight. Because
after midnight, you're asleep and it has something to do with the
mood and everything you know because of the way our our system
works within tandem. You know we're not we're not a way you know
We're not out of the system. So this whole system works in a way
that Allah subhanaw taala has made it right where everything works
together. So the whole idea is that the best sleep you can have
is before midnight after Isha, right. And the later you sleep,
which unfortunately is a big problem with many of us, less
quality sleep, so you don't get the same out of it and you feel
knocked out.
Very interesting, something I read recently, that even in England and
other places, maybe 7080 years ago, they used to have sleep, then
they used to wake up for about two hours, this is normal people used
to wake up at two hours and do things, then they should sleep
again, they used to have like 60% of their sleep, wake up one or two
hours in the middle of the night. And then they used to sleep again
for a bit. Sounds strange, doesn't it? But that's what that's what I
read in there's this whole, this whole history of it is perfect,
isn't it? I mean, it's exactly what the person was saying is get
off at the edge of sleep early, have a good sleep, get off at the
edge and go back to sleep again, if you have to, right then get a
professional, because the best tahajjud is not just before Fajr.
But at the beginning of the last portion of the nights, right? So
then there's some time after that. So they used to actually do that,
not for the 100. But they used to do whatever else, but it's kind of
natural sleep pattern. But now with the modern, the way our
modern life works is very different. We've pushed
everything, we've tried to be as productive and entertaining at
night as possible, and then have asleep, right, because all the
big, you know, the TV stuff all comes on at night. So in this
case, because of that prohibition, except for the restaurants and
unless you're a student, unless you're speaking with your wife,
then that's halal and what the second reason, aside from the
health reason, the second reason is that you don't want to get
involved in some kind of discussions or whatever. So that
that be your last thing before you go to sleep, and had you to, you
know, were you to die in your sleep, then the last thing that
you would have discussed would have been just something idle,
something that was wasteful. So make Aisha your last slot of the
night and then go to sleep after it. That is what the idea was, but
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in here, he is clearly
speaking to his wives. And he mentioned that one exception,
because that's the time when husband and wives will get time
together to speak when other people are supposedly sleeping.
Right. So in this case, one night, he spoke to all of his wives. I
mean, he spoke he says no, he didn't say all of his he says a
spoke to his wives. And his women. It says his women, in this case,
me meaning his wives, some of them or maybe all of them, maybe some
of his daughters were there. Maybe some of his female relatives, were
there, maybe an aunt or something was there as well. And he
mentioned the story to them. So he told them a story at night. Now, I
mean, if you're a good storyteller, you can tell your
wife stories at night. Well, let her tell you one. So one of the
women said and she was really fascinated by the story says, Oh,
this is such a Jeep story. It's like a one of the one of the
stories of horror alpha. Now, the orlimar mentioned here that she
could not have been saying that he made it up because everybody knew
that he didn't make up things. This must have been just saying
that it's one of those strange stories that sound like that. And
then so the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, Do you know who
Kurata is? And then he explained that it was this man in jail Helia
time who was from this Bonora tribe, and
they, the jinn had kidnapped him in Jaya Helia you know, when we
say bunu Audra, the old way, the original way of saying bundle this
bundle that Do you know that this is in the West, it used to be like
that as well. You know, even Ibnu Adam, ignore this, ignore that
bunu, Tamim bunu this children have said like tribe of so and so.
Do you know, you know, McDonald's? The muck? That's exactly what it
means. I just discovered that recently. So Donald's children,
Muck fear fears children. That's a tribal name McDonald McPhee.
Another one is Gonzalez, same thing. Gonzalez children.
Gonzales, what else do you get these Spanish equivalents?
Gonzales, you get these other similar things are more or less,
you know, Eva Morales of Bolivia. These are all Mara Morelos
children, and is another word as well. There's one other one like
that. So that's where these MK comes from children of Donald. So
you could translate that you could say, like Adam Adams children,
concert concert is the best. You don't need to muck with that right
now. This Hora wasn't a bad man. You know? It's related
from actually the Allahu anha that prophets Allah some said Rahim
Allah Who Harada may Allah have mercy on this Kaurava in the
hookah Orajel and Solihull, he was a he was a righteous man who was a
righteous man. Anyway, the benefits of this hadith that Allah
mentioned that you learned from this, is that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, if you could tell a story to your
wife and the women of your family, it means you must be really down
to earth. I mean, how many of you know men that can tell a story to
the women of the family? I mean, I'm sure we know somebody but it's
just been down to earth about it to tell them sit down and tell
them a story to talk to them.
And to like to listen to them in things that there was no haram
about it was just it was just good good things. And it's related in
many sahih Hadith about the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
salam used to deal with his wives. And he used to be really down to
earth about it. This was also the case with the seller for Salah is
deleted about Malik Malik Rahim Allah, that you should be
praiseworthy to your Lord. Well my habit and fee Alec and you should
have love within your family. So you should be loved by your spouse
and your family. And you should be you should be a source of
satisfaction for Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah should be happy with
you. And in fact, what He said He said that if you're good with your
family and nice with them, and interact with them like this, it
will be a source of pleasure for your Lord. It will be it will be a
cause for your love to grow in your family, you will actually get
more wealth, he will be a source of Baraka in your wealth. Because
things will be just easy, you will be able to, you know focus more.
And also because of your goodness with your family, you will have a
better life as well. better quality life. That's what he said.
And he was May Allah have mercy on him. He mentioned that he was one
of the best people towards his family and his children. He used
to say that he was a little insane and he had to have Babila, early
daddy, he had to have the NASA lie. This is a big Nasi helices he
says that it is wajib on the human being, that he becomes so low that
he treats and deals with his family with such love, that he
becomes the most beloved to them. May Allah give us all Tofik for
them and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now actually,
the Allahu Anhu was the youngest of his wives, you know, 10 years
old, 11 years old, 12 years old. He's a young girl yet, so he used
to send Subhanallah he used to send the Banat of the unsalted
that go and play with her. So when he wasn't there, he would send the
unsightly girls that could go and play with a gun, you know, called
some of your friends and, and play. Then there's many other
things that we've discussed before. Some of the things for
example, he drank from the same place that she drank from trying
to find the same place just to show his love for her. Another one
was that he used to put his head in a lap and lay down there. You
know how many how many husbands do that? Put put their head in the
wife's lap and rest like that. It's quite normal. I mean, this
was this is and that's how he passed away with his professor
Lawson's Mubarak head was in the lap of his wife, I should have the
Allah one used to kiss her while he she was fat while they were
while he was fasting.
I mean, just a peck, you know, not the case that would break your
fast. But he would do that. If that is if that's what's
mentioned. Then when they were not fasting, then obviously there was
intimacy, because this is what's mentioned about fasting that he
was still kisser. And then there was the one when he let her view,
the show that was given by the Abyssinians is not lots of stories
like that. The other thing was that he was very tolerant. And we
need to learn that tolerance. Because women have perks, they
have quirks. They have issues, they have hormonal problems, and
they have a lot of jealousy. Right? I know the women are
listening, right? So the men are in trouble today. But it's not an
excuse. All right, these are not necessarily soon as to be
followed. I'm going to mention that to you from before. You're
gonna say, Well, actually I did it, or the hola Juana I'm going to
do it as well. Right? Because it might not work out for you because
you don't have the prophets of Allah Islam as your husband. Okay,
so before I tell the story, I want to mention this just so that it
doesn't happen at home. I don't do this at home.
Once I show that the Allahu Imam Muhammad and others they relate
from Aisha the Allahu anha. She said that Mara II to signing I
didn't I am and missile Sofia, I've never seen anybody cook as
much cook as well as Sofia to the Allahu Ana. Sofia or the Allahu
Anhu was the one that used to be who the before. That was the
highlight of the year who the leaders daughter and she became
Muslim and married rasool Allah Allah to married her. She was a
good cook.
One day she sent some food for a pseudo allah sallallahu alayhi wa
And I surely ALLAH one has said, from Molech to NFC and Castle
tuvo. I just couldn't help it. I broke it. I broke the plate. I
couldn't help myself for call Dr. Rasool, Allah Maka, Farah to so
nicely to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, what's the payment for
this? Now? What's the explanation for this? What do I have to do in
return? Now I have to pay for it right? What do I have to do? So he
said, in her own cleaner in water, I am in Qatar, I mean, you're
gonna have to get the same kind of bowl or plates. And you're gonna
have to get the same kind of food for it. In another version it
mentions for us to harm in Baney it was in front of Rasul Allah and
I grabbed it from in front of him for Dahab, to be her and I chucked
it, what castle to her and it broke and I broke it. That's why I
said don't do this at home because your husbands are not a sort of
LaSalle Allahu alayhi salam. So what the prophet Allah doesn't do,
what would you do? What would we do? Well, we don't have to wipe so
I mean, I don't know what we would do that we can't even think about
it. But anyway, for karma yell, ducky to learn what I am. Probably
the lesson went and he started
Picking up the food the meat and the food that was in there he
started and then he started said saying harder to Muqaam or to
Macomb your mother, I mean the mother of the muslimeen you no
matter what meaning look at the word is used when using your
mother has had a strike of jealousy or a euro. Lira is when
you see somebody else looking at your wife, for example for men
layer on jealousy somebody else doing better than you. Your mother
has had a strike of jealousy. Now look at the Rosa Muhammad Sabra he
must have had she just chucked the plate and broke it and hit the
suburb that he had. But then he was very he was very would you
call just about it as a look, you're gonna have to get the same
kind of plate and the same kind of food as well. You're gonna have to
make that same kind of good food and you know, that's the way you
will expiated Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, you see talking too much
after Isha is a problem, right? So we need to stop as well. By the
way, inshallah we're doing something good. And I'm sure
you're not going to go to sleep right now. But I'll just mention
one last thing, actually the Allahu anha used to say to people
who sit and keep talking Allah to the horn al Khattab Are you going
to give your angels that write down and you're going to give them
some rest, take it easy now and you're gonna give them any rest.
The reason is that when a person speaks, especially after Aisha
nighttime, make sure you speak something good before you go to
sleep. Even if it's with your wife tried to speak about something
good before he goes, we've had all of this lovey dovey discussion,
whatever it is, try to at least end it with something right? Try
to endear yourself and I'll just mention, you know, I'll just
mention in kind of a subtle way that even if you're impure, you
can still read your to us it's permissible to take the name of
Allah subhanaw taala even if you're in a semi default state, so
that should not be a source of prevention from for you that I
can't read anything now. Right? I mean, so that's that's important
that we should read something before we go to sleep so that we
end our day and enter into sleep which is the sister of death in a
way that's good. So that's what they're saying here that it should
be hot in marble hide your ending your ceiling should be good and
that's why I should have the other one I used to say now we'll give
give some relaxation or give some rest to your writers they don't
need any rest I mean they can go on for years and years but she's
just saying as a point that we need to think about May Allah
subhanaw taala give us the topic and inshallah the rest of this.
rest of this chapter will explain the rest of the Hadith in sha
Allah hum under salaam Oka Salaam Baalak the other jewelry with a
chroma la mia Yaga younger African studies allow me and Danny
Amendola Illa Illa Allah subhana QUE NO NO NO when you mean just
Allahu Mohammed Allahumma fildena Wareham now if you know when do
you know what Allahu Medina or maybe now with your I know that
eliminated a lot of Manana. So look at the moment if you're if
you're Shakira Olivia, Allah my phenomenal Bella it will refer to
Allah Majid nibblin for worshiping Allah Halloween home I've gotten a
lot of model burner Hublin I mean as far as you know with Rio Tina
Kurata Yun wager I didn't Matatini mama Allahu Allah bene headland I
mean as far as you know the Rio Tina Kurata Are you know Tokina II
mama Subhan Allah be carbonizes lc for when I was still