Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Resisting Extremism
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam
ALA. So you didn't want to Selena what other early he was so happy
about Rocco seldom at the Sleeman Cathedral on Eli Yomi, Dean and
my dear respected friends, we're here today, downtown Oslo, to
discuss this
kind of interesting topic, resisting extremism. I don't know
how many times in history that this topic had to be discussed.
But today, it has to be discussed. And one of the reasons that makes
this a bit more pertinent is,
unfortunately, we had all of these attacks yesterday in France as
it makes this topic, an important topic to discuss. The reason is
that generally, we have
in anybody's life, there's going to be various different
attractions that a person has to do different things. People will
call you to do different things. People have different interests,
some of us are very laid back people. Some of us are very
volatile people. Some of us are very hasty individuals, just by
our nature. We just like to see something. And we don't think
much, and we just follow it. Most people in the world of followers,
very few people make up their own minds about things. Most people,
they just see a trend. They see a certain new direction, that people
are taking new style of something. And we don't think about its
We don't generally think about how that will affect me. And we just
take it on, everybody is very different in that regard.
that one of the most important things that has to happen for
anybody is
to educate oneself as much as possible to become more educated.
Education is what will keep a person
in the know how a person will be more aware, a person will be
better placed to make decisions.
And that's why education is so important. That's why one of our
great scholars of the past, whose name was Amanda Herbie shamsudeen,
the hubby was a great historian and a hadith scholar and a number
of other subjects he had under his belt as well. And he said that one
of the things that the this ummah, this nation will always deal with
will be the problem of ignorance. Because when a person is ignorant,
then culture
And any of these things will easily mislead a person. But when
a person has knowledge, they can make their better place to make
their own decision.
Also, another thing is that the way the way this world works,
there are constantly going to be challenges.
Not everything is going to always be very clear cut. correct and
incorrect. Right and wrong. There's going to be many things
that will appear to be correct, appear to be right, appear to be
important. And yet only after a person has committed themselves
they'll realize and regret.
And then it will be all about hindsight. I wish I did not do
this. I wish I did not follow this person. I wish I did not make this
move. Because it will be regret for the rest of your life. That's
why it's very important to make decisions. Challenges are always
going to be in front of us. And that's why there's a saying which
says kafer yet Ducky manleigh Yeah, man, Lady Maya turkey. This
is an Arabic saying which is that? How does a person abstain and be
careful and be cautious when he doesn't know what to be cautious
It's important to know what to be cautious from what's right and
wrong. What's wisdom? What is wise, what is prudent? If a person
doesn't know that, then they're going to be easily led into
something that is unwise. So one has to be aware of this.
So today's discussion, just to clarify for those sitting here
just so that you don't have
assumptions that it may be about this subject or that subject and
then I don't want to
I don't want to dash your hopes. What this topic is about
There is the potential for
mischief, and how to avoid it. How a Muslims approach should be in
times of confusion.
What a Muslims approach should be in times of confusion, how they're
supposed to deal with things, how they're supposed to look at
things. So the whole idea of this is how do we confront challenges
that the world is facing at this particular time? This is quite a
unique time in the sense that for Muslims, especially for Muslims
living in the West, in generally non Muslim countries, is
especially a challenge for us. It's a challenge for Muslims in
Muslim countries. I mean, as bad as it may sound, unfortunately,
the Muslim world is on fire right now. There are just so many
problems, people fighting with one another. And beyond that, just the
social conditions.
There's no safety, you can't travel at certain times, there's
curfews, you could be killed when you're outside. There is no
balance in terms of the politics in terms of just the safety of the
country. There's no Aman as the Arabic word is there, to get just
something basic done for your everyday life, you have to pay
bribes. So
there are some major challenges that people are facing,
unfortunately. So in the West, who our challenge is a bit different
in the sense that we're not even under a Muslim rule. To start
We have to live with our neighbors, we have to live with
everybody. And we have to maintain the peace that we're living in.
And at the same time, we have to fulfill our obligations to the
Muslim world. That is why this is a bit complicated for us. And this
is what can be exploited to lead somebody to extremism. Because if
somebody comes and says to you, what's your concern for people in
Palestine? What kind of concern you have for people in Iraq or in
Syria and in other countries? What is your concern? What have you
done? There are many things that we can do.
And there are many things that we can do that are completely legal,
right? Correct. And inshallah useful and fruitful. But there's
also many things that a person can do in any situation that is led by
anger, led by frustration and blindness. And most human beings,
they like quick answers. They don't want long term answers. So
sometimes the options that are being placed in front of us, or in
front of an individual may seem like, yes, this will cause a big
uproar. And this will make this will bring about more results.
that is, the whole challenge in front of us is this, what is the
right response? How does a person restrain themselves and think
through these things, and become educated and do things in the
correct way?
Because there's no point doing something you regret later. And it
brings on more harm. Because so far, a lot of things that people
have done, especially on the extreme side, has only brought
about a bad reaction for Muslims. Today, in many countries in the
West, and the world over generally, and especially if you
want to travel, the world's become a more difficult place. If you
look like a Muslim, if you don't even look like a Muslim, but
people think that you're a Muslim, whether you're a Hindu or a Sikh
or you're just brown skinned or you look different, then you
would, you would you would face a lot of hassle. So
what kind of logic is it that tells us that you do something
that's aggressive, extreme, and then you trouble millions of
people who are living peacefully into making life difficult for
What a person might be trying to do is that they see oppression in
parts of the world and there is definitely oppression and there's
no doubt about that. We won't say there isn't. There's a there's a
there's a lot of oppression from in different parts of the world
against Muslims, huge subjugation, support for the wrong kind of
leadership, and so on and so forth. So now a person wants a
very fast, quick result or solution for this. So they think
doing this act, this heinous crime, or this particular dramatic
measure, will will sort things out, but what does it do is
actually makes it worse for the Muslims the world over traveling
today has made it has become so much more difficult than it was 15
years ago, than it was
20 years ago. So with everything that has taken place, is it making
it easier with what's happened in France yesterday last night? Is it
going to be? Is it going to make it any easier for Muslims? It's
already a bad situation, is it going to make it any any better.
We never heard of people taking a Muslim woman with a hijab on in
London Underground in the tube, and pushing her onto a train as it
approach Alhamdulillah she was, she didn't die because he just
didn't do it. Before the train came, he did it after it somehow
Allah saved her. But you didn't hear about this 15 You know, even
when there were racial attacks that were racist attacks, but now
it's a it's a different type of racism. It's an extreme. It's
almost like they've justified their racism. So these kinds of
acts perpetrated by certain Muslims, what it's going to do is
it's going to justify racism. Whereas racism is a crime. Now,
they're going to justify to themselves that it's right to do
this, because these people are out to get us. I remember when I was
in America, give a talk in one place. And at the end of the talk,
this woman stood up from the back and she said, wow, you know, this
is so important that we heard this coming from you.
It was so important that we heard this coming from you guys need to
speak more about the peace of your religion, and the fact that these
events around the world are not necessarily always supported by
you guys. Because we always think that it's going to be somebody
who's going to blow up. I mean, as gross as that sounds, and as
foolish that sounds, that's exactly what she said. She said,
this is so important. So
the most important thing is that what is the challenge in front of
us? And what are we supposed to do about that? A group came to Imam
Ahmed Hypno, humble. Humble is one of the famous Imams of the Muslim
mean of the Muslims. He was in Baghdad, and he was one of the
most respected scholars of the time. And he went under huge
Inquisition, from the ruling party of the time, the ruling
Khalif of the time and he went through severe persecution at
their hands, He was whipped and so on and so forth. But despite all
of that, look how calm he is a group came to him in Baghdad to
his house. And they were speaking about a particular decision that
the government had taken at that time about the Quran. So it was a
religious matter. Right. I don't want to go into the into the
details of what exactly the discussion discussion was about
because it's a complex.
It's a complex theological discussion about creativeness of
the Quran, that is the Quran created or uncreated? Is it the
uncreated Word of God? Or is it the created Word of God? So the
opinion of the Muslims in general, the scholarship is that it's
uncreated Word of God. Whereas the particular ruling party of the
time, the Khalif of the time rather, his he had taken an
adopted that opinion that it is created. Now, a group of people
came to Imam Ahmed, and you want Mohammed was the one who had been
persecuted for this particular opinion. Meaning he was called in
and when he when he refused to agree with the, with the
government government's position on this, He was whipped. And he
was imprisoned for a while. Now, when these people came to
discover, and they said that look, this particular doctrine, this
false doctrine is spreading, we need to do something about it. And
he said to inform others to read Dune, what do you want? Like, what
are you saying? What do you want to do about it? You want to do a
march outside? Do you want to get some scholars and have a debate?
Or do you want to go and fight? Right, you know, what is it that
you mean that we need to do something about it? So they said
that that is exactly what we've come to consult with you about?
You know, this is something that we're hoping that you will tell us
what to do about it. Right. So then he said to them,
he discussed he discussed with them a while, and then he must
have seen some kind of maybe extreme ideas coming from them,
maybe trying to get him to justify. So then he said to them,
he said it could be nohcra TB, Kullu become
C for them, it was the fact that this is a evil. This is a bad
doctrine. And something needs to be done about this. So what do we
do about this?
He told him that it is necessary for you to think bad about this in
your heart. Understand, it's bad. Look at it negatively. Or they can
be nohcra like refuse it in your hearts be Kulu become. And then he
said what a toddler? Oh, yeah, the mentor at he or Willa Toggler Oh,
yeah, the mentor at him. But it is not right for you to leave obeying
your leader, meaning it's not permissible for you to stop
obeying the laws of the land. Yes, you
You feel bad about it, you refuse this idea in your mind you
disagree with it. But from a parent perspective in terms of
your, your relationship outside, you have to continue to obey the
leader and the laws of the land. You can't you can't you refuse to
do that. And then he said,
What are the short core Arsalan Muslimeen
while at the speaker Dima, Dima al Muslimeen. He said, Do not break
the rod of the believers don't break the unity of the believers.
Because clearly in this not everybody is going to support you
if you did go and start to violently resist. Now remember,
here, there was no persecution. It was just the doctrine. It was a
doctrine that they had, they had adopted, it wasn't like they were
killing people on the streets necessarily, at that time. So to
resist against that is saying, think bad about it, but continue
to obey the laws of the land, because they're Halal to obey,
they're permissible to obey, they know that there's nothing haram
there. But do not break the unity of the believers and do not spill
your blood and do not spill the blood of the believers.
So you might spill other people's blood, but there's going to be a
comeback, there's going to be a response. And when that response
comes, whatever you can do, it's going to be worse, what comes
back, because they're going to have the whole army, they're going
to have the whole state apparatus against you. And what they can do
is going to be much more violent than what any of you can do. So
don't spill your blood or the blood of the muslimeen. And then
he said, on the roofie, activity, Americom was zero. Think about
think prudently. Think prudently about the consequences of your
actions, think about what's gonna happen in the future, and be
patient. Now he's giving them some way to comfort themselves, because
at the end of the day, they are feeling really bad about this. And
feeling bad about something is nothing wrong with that. Humans
have to have a conscious, humans have to feel bad about things if
you become so laid back, and so cowardly, that you don't even
think about what's right and wrong and think bad when something wrong
is happening, then that's also wrong. But be patient was mero be
patient had yesterday who Barone? Oh, you start our home in 13. In
essentially what he said here, in a very kind of intricate way, he
said, until the obedient person, that good person will find some
kind of solution and relaxation from this, and delivery from this,
you will find an escape from this kind of tyrant, meaning wait until
Allah does something for you. They didn't listen to him.
They heard this but they were so fired up with their zeal, that
they didn't listen to him.
What they did was they tried to get his nephew on their side.
They went to his nephew, Imam Ahmed Hypno humbles nephew and
they spoke to him and they said, Look, this is our cause. Would you
like to join us? He, his father heard about this from his son, and
he discouraged him. He said, Look, your uncle is a Mr. Muhammad. He's
already worn them because of a reason. There's a very strong
reason that he's worn them. And Mr. Muhammad has the right to, you
know, has the right reasons for this. So you should stay away from
this. So he stayed away from this. Now, unfortunately, what happened
afterwards, they didn't listen to him. They did what they thought
was going to be right. But eventually what happened is
nothing. They were killed, others were in were were imprisoned, and
they did not further their cause at all.
But very soon afterwards, very soon afterwards. The regime
changed after Martha Cymbala after Mona Rashid and martyr similar the
beliefs eventually motiva kill Bella became the Hadith. And he
was totally against his whole ideology. And he revered Mr.
Muhammad in A humble and so on and so forth. So patience is required,
you can't have a quick fix solution. Unfortunately, in this
world that we live in, it's not just people who have this idea to
have a quick fix and solution for everything. Politicians do the
same thing. Nobody is willing to think really ahead and look at
things very holistically, spiritually, in a way that
everybody will benefit from it. What happens most of the time is
that everybody wants a quick solution. So while there's people
on the streets, getting up and trying to do something, the
government also are governments in different parts of the world, like
in America in England, I know. Right? I don't know too much about
Norway, so I can't speak as much about Norway, but they they then
have these blunt instruments by which they try to they try to
oppress them
oppress the older Muslimeen. And what that ends up doing is that
that actually then creates more people to support that initial
group, that
they actually make the initial group into martyrs by sometimes
doing this. So this is just the approach that everybody's taking
nowadays, which is highly problematic.
That's why care consideration calmness, that is what should lead
a person in these times. Because Abdullah him, no matter what are
the Allahu Anhu he relates a hadith, in which the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in NASA to set a cool Omoro
Mustafa hertz, there are definitely going to be matters
that will come about which are going to be highly confusing.
They're going to be really creates a lot of doubt in your mind,
there's going to be very confusing, you won't be able to
see night from day right from wrong, you won't be able to see
that for Alikum. But
it's necessary for you to calmly deliberate over these matters.
calmly think through these matters. For innaka in the corner,
and Dakota Tabby and Phil Hyde, for inter Kona Tabby and Phil
Hyde, how you Roman and takuna Robertson Fisher.
Now what does that mean? He's saying that the bros are awesome
is that it is actually better for you to be following, but to be
just a follower in goodness, and in virtue than to be a leader of
evil. See, because leadership has a position. There's an honor about
leadership. But what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying is, is
that being a leader for evil is worse than just being a normal
follower in good.
So that shows the kind of status quo that the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam wants from us. This hadith is related by Abi Shaybah there's
another Hadith that Bukhari and Muslim imam Bukhari Muslim relate
with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, set the Quran
fitten. There are going to be matters, tribulations, challenges,
strife. This word Fitna in Arabic is a very difficult word to
translate into English, because it depends on the context. So in this
case, it's talking about something that bewilders you something that
confuses you, something that is not very clear cut to judge that
you can't make a judgement of is it right or wrong about this?
That's the meaning of fitna in this particular context. So I
would say, like a challenge or a tribulation, it's a form of an
ideological calamity. In a sense, there will be these kinds of
challenges will come about, they will be these kinds of things.
It's the nature of the world to happen. But then what the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said is that the one who sits down who is sitting
in those times is better than the one who is walking.
He says the one sitting is better than the one who's walking, and
the one who's walking is better than the one who's running. What
is that trying to tell you? It is trying to tell us that if you rush
into this, you will go wrong. That's why I calmly deliberate
this walk. If you have to sit down, think about it carefully. So
don't create bigger problems. For example, the one thing that I have
seen around the world, when anybody brings up a new idea. For
example, in England, we've got a group who is against voting.
They're against voting. Born and bred in the UK, right? They've got
a passport. They use that to get into countries and travel the
world and benefit from it. Right? For example, you know, having
Norwegian passport, but they say It's haram to vote. Now, that's
fine. That's fine. But they stop everybody else from voting as
well. When did you have your own opinion don't want to vote.
There's a lot of non Muslims who don't like to vote. They don't
like they don't like the you know, they don't like the government.
They don't like the democratic system, you know, that you can
have that opinion. You're free if you want. It's a free free place
to have that opinion. Nobody can force you. Right. But
my question I've got some people that I know closely, they're nice
people. They're not violent people at all, but they just have an
ideology that you can avoid. They're not ones who go out and
curse people and things like that. These are coming some of the
decent guys who don't agree to vote and I that's fine. What I
said to him, my challenge to him was, give me the name of the names
of three, just three prominent scholars of the world who are well
respected, reputable scholars that the majority of Muslims will
accept as scholars who say voting is impermissible and voting is
Right? I asked him this question I said just give me three scholars
because as Muslims were told to, were told us to Allah decree in
controllata Allah mon
us the people of knowledge, if you don't know. So give me three
people of knowledge that are acceptable among people they've
got they've gained a reputation among people
And he wasn't able to give me the name of even a single individual.
Yes, they have scholars who say what they they're saying, but
these are some individual scholars here and there that nobody knows
in the world. Just like these organizations that we hear about
who are doing things in Iraq and other places. If you ask the
scholars of Iraq, the traditional scholars, the traditional Sunni
scholars of Iraq,
what do you say about these groups? They don't agree with
them. Because it's about who?
What is the scholarship?
So for me, that's always worked for me. If you want to do
something, which God has said it, how many scholars or one scholar
will say things, there's going to be many scholars? Who will say yes
or no, they will, they will make everything halal for you, or
everything haram for you if you want. But give me reputable
scholars that have gained an understanding because at the end
of the day, the OMA and what they feel, in general is a kind of a de
Lille is a kind of an evidence. So I will, I'll tell you why. Because
there was a, there was a, there was a person who had died. And his
funeral was taken past while the Prophet sallallahu was sitting
there. He was sitting there with a number of companions. And there
was a funeral that went past. And the prophets also asked him about
this person who had died. And he said, he says he's a really nice
person. He's a knight, he's in Jannah. So the prophets Allah
loves him said wager, but wager, but that is obligatory that is
obligatory meaning that is right, that is right, that is definite,
that is definite, then another funeral pass by, and they did not
praise that person. They said a few negative things about that
person, that he is probably going to go to hellfire, whatever. So
the Prophet said the loss and then said wager, but whatever, but
that's also become necessary. That's also definitely sure, sure,
And then he said that you are the witnesses, you are the witnesses,
in this world, over people. So at the end of the day, where I'm
taking this idea that asked for at least three, four scholars who say
this, that are reputable, right, when it comes to voting, when it
comes to picking up arms and doing something, you know, ask the
relevant scholars, that is what is really important. Otherwise, what
is your basis? It just one scholar, some obscure scholar, how
do you even know his reality? Did you did you know him from birth?
Do you know where he studied? You know, a lot of the fatwas that you
see out there online these days, they're not even from scholars who
are traditionally trained for this many years. And people have known
them, they suddenly appear. Just like, you know, in the media, we
have certain spokesman for built for me, we have two types of
extremist in the media nowadays, right? You have the extremists who
are talking about always killing people. And the media always likes
to give them time, because they make for good media and good
interviews, right? Because they're always angry, and you know, so on.
And then the other extremist they get are the those who are so
liberal and so progressive, that all they they are they just Muslim
by name, but they want to allow everything that the majority of
Muslims would not allow. They're the people who these are the two
groups of people that the media gives a voice to. And then
everybody's asking, Where are the majority of the Muslims? Well,
what happens is when you only give room to these two kinds of
extremes, whereas the majority of Muslims, as every Muslim knows, is
not one of those two extremes, by their own confession, because the
first group, the violent group, they will probably condemned the
rest of the Muslims. And they'll they will actually, I mean, just
the Muslims will understand this, they will actually quote the
Hadith, because when you ask them, you're just a very small group.
You don't have any scholars with you. So then they'll they'll quote
the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to battle for
al Islam Oba hurry ban was a riba that Islam started off small,
strange, isolated, alone, and it will eventually come back to that
as well. Now there is really under estimating the the power of the
Muslim mean to say that this is what our status right now it's not
Al Hamdulillah we got many things going for us. So they quote that
to justify their presence. There is another Hadith that they quote,
which is rated by Buhari and others, which is that they will
always be a group of Muslims that will be on the hook on the truth.
And they will not care about anybody who criticizes them, or
questions them or goes against them. So this is the kind of
Hadith they will quote and for them, they feel comfortable about
that. That this is Oh, wow. You know, were the best of the groups.
That's that extreme, but even by their own confession, they're not
the majority. By the Hadith, they're quoting by the nurse
shows that they're quoting the traditions of the Prophet that
they're quoting SallAllahu sallam, they themselves are saying that we
are the minority. Were that chosen minority. Right? That means the
majority, they say a wrong but that's the majority now that when
you look on the flip side of it, and you see the extreme liberals,
the extreme progressives, right, who hate the majority of Muslims,
for what they stand for, right? They say the same thing. They feel
like outcast, they they criticize the majority of believers as well.
So those are the two extremes that media gives a lot of time to the
rest of us. We don't get time on the meter media. We don't get time
to speak. That's why this program here in the middle of Oslo, you
know, is really important. So that hopefully we can set the record
rates and Allah help us because really, it's it's only getting
worse. The extremists on either side are winning. That's what the
problem is. That means do not ever be the root cause of any kind of
evil and spread fitna. Rather, try to deal with things in a way that
is beneficial for one and for all. Zaid hypnotherapists another
companion of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam Radi Allahu Anhu
report Report reports that I will do bIllahi min and feta mean and
fitten mahavihara minha, or my button. It says, Seek refuge in
Allah from all types of these kinds of tribulations and
challenges. Seek refuge in Allah from them in God from them, both
the trials that are hidden and those that are apparent, the
apparent one we know like the apparent fitness that we know we
can see it's clear cut haram but we can't help doing it. Because
the other meaning of fitna is the more general meaning is that which
takes you away from Allah, but your heart feels like doing it.
Right. For example for
that's like for example overindulgence in the in the
world, it's like
materialism, essentially greed.
Would you call it sexual deviant sees and all of these other kinds
of issues were speaking about that that's also fitna. But then he
says, Seek refuge from the obscure fitness and the clear fitna, so
all types of fitna, you need to ask Allah for protection from
them. And then he says, then then the Sahaba and this is a Hadith
narrated by Muslim then the Sahaba said Nehru, the biller he may not
fit and Maha Amina Omar button. So then they made this dua, we ask
Allah for refuge and protection from the fitna that is clear and
those that are obscure, and those that are not very clear. So this
is something that Sahaba used to do. Because the giver of refuges
Allah subhanaw taala, we have to ask him, because we are believers,
and Allah subhanaw taala is what makes things happen. And if enough
of us are not asking for refuge from this, then that is why other
things take over. That's why other things then dominate. Generally,
in this kind of situation the following, I'm going to quickly
list you a number of problems that are created the evils of what
happens during a fitna, when a person tries to take matter in
their own hands, and tries to do things that they think are quick
fix solutions, right? In in their pent up rage and frustration, then
these are the problems that occur. Number one,
it removes one from the worship of Allah. Now this is the strangest
thing. These people think they're doing this for the sake of Allah,
they think they're trying to make changes, improve the situation.
What it actually does, they get so involved in that. And then shaytan
takes over because there's anger, there's anger, there's ignorance,
it ends up taking them away from worship, they don't have time for
worship, they don't have time to calmly sit down and do vicar to
make their Salah properly. Even in many cases, it's all about
propaganda propaganda, online forums, constantly, you know how
time consuming online forums or, you know, to be able to manage a
discussion. It's tough. And those of you who are involved in that,
you know, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. It's such a
waste of time. In any case, right? Even generally, it's a waste of
time, because you just, you're you're talking with millions of
people outside and how can you respond to everybody, and
especially if you've got what this desire to always be right and have
the last word, then you will be waking up in the middle of the
night to check has somebody responded to what I've said, you
know, this whole Facebook
and Twitter and everything else that we speak about. So it takes a
person away from worship. It definitely takes out any focus in
worship and devotion in worship. A person actually stops asking
Allah, they think they have so much trust in what they
Their plan is in what their solution is in their mind that
they stopped trusting in Allah subhanaw taala.
And they start just purely putting all of their energy into their,
into their plan or plot or whatever it may be. It just
creates a lot of conspiracy theory, it creates a lot of
propaganda, turbulences imbalance in their lives. And all of this,
it just occupies a person away from Duaa. And from a burden for
the rest of us the problem it creates for the rest of us, you
know what that is? Like, even if you're not involved in creating
the product, for example, let's just take what happened in France
Now, most of us, all of us, Inshallah, we're not involved in
that. But what does it create for us? How does it occupy us? You
think? What do we do all day?
We start discussing, we start watching TV, we start checking the
news. We want to read reviews, we want to get commentary, we want to
find out what happens. And we just get so occupied with these things.
How many of us actually set and made the offer it? How many of us
actually set and pray to Allah, that Ya Allah, what has happened,
protect us. Don't let this be worse than it is, you know, and
protect us from doing this in the future. How many of us actually
turn to Allah when these things happen? That's why I used to, you
know, have a number of friends from certain countries where there
were always political problems. And essentially what what I told
him is that your solution to this is to keep watching Al Jazeera all
That's all you do. You don't do anything else. Where's your
dollars? Where's your time your prayer at night? So that is why
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is a Hadith
narrated by Imam top Iranian is Mr. Jamal Khabib. He says, a
birder told Phil Harada. Hey, Jonathan Illya. For a person to
worship during these kinds of confusing times, is like migrating
to me.
That is how powerful it is to do worship at this time. If you want
more reward for your worship, cut away from all of that stuff, and
start asking Allah because that's what Allah wants. These kinds of
things happen to draw people to Allah. But what it does for us is
that we just want more news, we just want to be updated. We go and
argue with people and yes, raising awareness is one thing.
But asking Allah and keeping our trust on Allah subhanaw taala is
the most important a by the tune. Phil harj. Is Hijra Ratan Alia
That is that is a wonderful statement. And the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam also said in the seidelman Jude nibble Phaeton
hadith of Buddha owed, that the fortunate one is the one who is
protected from becoming indulgent in these kinds of tribulations,
the one who stay safe. Now, remember here, I just want to
clarify because I know there'll be people who will be saying, Oh, you
want to stay safe, because you're cowardly. You don't want to do
anything. You don't want to stand up to do anything. Cowardice is
not what we're speaking about. You have to do the right you have to
you have to do something about it. But not what is going to harm the
muslimeen and not what is going to take innocent lives. That's not
what you do. The people on the street that were killed yesterday.
How do you know that so many of them probably don't even that
don't like the perspective of the French government, for example. We
know the French policies are just like out of you know, crazy, you
know, in terms of this, their rigid secularism is a militant
secularism, there's no doubt about that. But does that justify
innocent people being killed or anybody being killed for that
So how can you justify so worship worship? That's why numerous
numerous vicar and remembrances have been mentioned by Rasulullah
sallallahu on Fridays, for example, there's a hadith that's
related from almost selama Radi Allahu anha, Which Imam Buhari
relates. He says that once Rasulullah sallallahu is and woke
up at night, when suddenly he woke up at night.
Frightened, the prophesy was on woke up frightened in the middle
of the night. And he said, Subhan, Allah Subhan Allah, like Glorified
is Allah glorified? Is Allah mother and Zell Allahu Minahasa in
Mother Anzahl Allahu Meenal. Phaeton, he said, subhanAllah look
at how many
treasures Allah subhanaw taala has, has as sent down, but look at
how many tribulations and trials and fitness He sent down as well.
And then he said, My UK, my youth, Sawa him, Elijah Roberts, who is
who's going to go and wake up the other women in the rooms so that
they can wake up for the hygiene and pray salads and ask Allah for
help. This is what sudo Allah the Prophet sallallahu I used to be
saying himself
If we had another great scholar of the past whose name was Hassan Al
bacillary Rahim Allah He is like one of the greatest scholars that
we've had in the past, who was a master of all the sciences. And on
one occasion somebody came to him because we had a tyrant ruler at
the time and you think it's bad today? In those days when it was
Muslims ruling Muslims you had hegemony use of who killed about,
like over 100,000 people, including many, many companions
and Sahaba of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, can you
imagine how that must have felt like, right? So it's not new, what
we're what we're what we're experiencing? So they came to
Hasan Basri and they asked him about this. So he gave us he gave
a talk and he said, Yeah, Yohannes oh people, he said, he said in the
who Allah He must Allah Allah who must Allah Allah al Hijjah la
Camila aku button. Allah has only placed his hijab no use of this
tyrant ruler against you as a punishment. This is your
Right? This is your punishment, fella to array to Roku but Allah
He be safe. Don't try to confront the punishment of Allah with your
swords. If Allah wants to send you a punishment, and you're trying to
confront that with your swords, you're not gonna get anywhere with
it. And then he said, well, like Allah can it can be Sakina what
Tadahiro is, what you should be doing at this time is adopt Sakina
calmness and adopt the Douro, humble and treating Allah so
humble humbly and treating Allah subhanaw taala humbly asking Allah
subhanaw taala pleading to Allah. So that's what you should be doing
at this time. That's your response responsibility. Because Allah
subhanaw taala says, Well, I've got 100 Now who will either be
from a sticker for Mr. Kurnool, there'll be him on either our own
that we have sent punishment down to certain people, but they still
did not humble themselves. They still did not humbly call on to
This is the state and this is the state with the majority of us as
well. We don't talk to Allah. We're just constantly thinking
about what's the news and the juicy details. That's why Abu
Huraira the Allahu Anhu relates in this Hadith from ignobly Shava. He
says, The Kunal fitna la une German ha Allah dua Anca Dora Illa
hurry cola Yun Jie minha, da la da Anca Dora elaborate. There will be
tribulations and challenges in front of you. The only thing that
will help you against it is like is the dua like the drowning
person makes dua? What kind of dua Do you think a drowning person
would make? That would be a serious dua? Not just like, oh,
Allah help, help hope. It will be, Oh Allah, I need to help. Right, I
need to be saved. That's the kind of dua that will only work in
times of tribulations. And the reason is that when tribulations
come, they come for a very particular reason, Allah doesn't
send tribulations just like that. He sends it for a reason. And we
need to then have sufficient humility in front of that, and
sufficient devotion to turn that around and to calm the anger of
Allah subhanaw taala. In fact, the same hasn't been studied, there
was a group of people that came up to him and they asked about this
particular group, who wanted to who wanted to go against the
leader. They wanted to start a rebellion. They wanted to start a
rebellion. And they came to against Hijazi, essentially, they
wanted to start a start a rebellion. And they came to ask
for his advice. This was his response. He says, I don't think
you should do a rebellion against Him. I don't think you should
rebel against him. Because if he is a punishment from Allah against
you, if he is Allah's punishment, then you are not going to be able
to remove the punishment of Allah by fighting against it.
So it's useless. And he said, if it's not Allah's punishment, but
just the challenge and a fitna and a test, then for Spirou hedaya
Kumala Hua Hua Hiral Hakeem in, then be patient,
until Allah subhanahu wa taala makes his judgment and Allah is
the best judge. Allah makes the best judgments. They left him,
they walked out after he gave them that advice. And you know what
they said about him? They said,
No, to her the ledge.
They said they call him a bad name. And they said that you think
we can follow him? He doesn't know anything. This is the same kind of
discussions you'll see out there. People will be saying that anybody
who speaks like I'm speaking about calmness, deliberation, that he is
a sold out scholar. They don't know what they're talking about.
The government men, they're paid by the government. Allah He that's
not the case. You know, that's not the case. But that's what they
say. Because for them and you know, sometimes it's a complex in
the mind, this feeling of rage. Get
To you and shaytaan whenever there's anger, there's going to be
shaytaan. Right? That's why you have to be very careful when you
get angry, angry for the sake of Allah. Like, you have to train
yourself. Only a person with a loss can be angry for the sake of
Allah. Otherwise shaytaan will mislead that anger. And then he
shuts your mind. So then you start thinking everybody is against you,
you start hating even your parents, because they don't agree
with you.
And you hate the scholars, so you have no scholarship. That's why
the other issues that come about with fitna is ascendancy of the
foolish when you have these kinds of tribulations, foolish people
will become leaders of these groups, and people will start
following them, they will have no respect for the scholars of the
time, they'll have no respect for the for the, for the, for the
reasonable people of the time, this is this is what happens in
this case. Another thing another thing that happens is, is
generally whenever a person undertakes this kind of activity,
it ends up in failure, and in a bad ending. That's why
immunostaining Rahim Allah Hafiz Tamia, Rahim Allah, the great
scholar of Damascus. He came at a time and there were many trials
and tribulations before him. So he surveyed all of those trials and
tribulations and he came up with a conclusion. And what he said is,
Kalam and how Raja Allah imam in the Sultan, he says, very seldom
is it that a group rebelled against a powerful leader that
that he says, very seldom do you get good, out of such kind of
rebellion. It's mostly there's going to be shatter and evil
that's going to be created from this most of the time, and we've
actually seen that there's hardly been any success stories, except
maybe Tunisia, but that started off in a kind of a different kind
of fashion anyway, even Egypt, look at look at what happened in
Egypt, right, and Syria, Iraq, and all of these other places, in
terms of what's going on. He says Fela accommo dienen Wallah Walla,
AppCode dunion. He says two things. He says fala accommo
dienen WOMMA AppCode dunya? Neither did they establish Islamic
rule and Islamic faith? And neither did they manage to
preserve even their dunya they lost their dunya their world, and
they also lost the Akira. So there was no benefit in what they did.
That's why you have to be very considerate what you do. And we're
not trying to say there's no such concept of jihad in Islam. I want
to be very clear about that. There is jihad in Islam, but there's
very specific ways that's done.
Right. So it's not about trying to take a total passive motion and
DIS and denying certain aspects of Islam. That's not the idea here is
just that where we are there that you know that this is not jihad to
do this, to call God can kill innocent people. It's just not
jihad. Another point that it brings about is that it obviously
creates even more confusion.
That's why Abu Musa Allah Scheider, the Allahu anhu, he had
a very interesting statement, he said that the nature of a
challenge is that when it comes, it confuses the matter. It's
blinding. You don't know what's right and wrong. And when it
removed when it goes away, when it finishes, then it leaves
everything very clear that dust settles, but it's too late by
then. So people who get involved in the beginning when it's all
confusing, then they lose out because then there's only regret
afterwards. If only it could be so clear, but that's the nature of
these things. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said in a hadith
in Sahih, Muslim man Katella data riot in our immediate him, Yahoo
they bully Assabet in a weird era as a baton, Aryan Surah ASA button
for Cotulla for Kittler to Hoja Helia. What that means is, the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever fights under a
blinding banner, a confusing banner, whoever fights for a
confusing, dubious reason, that is not clear cut jihad for example.
And then after that, and because of what he says yesterday, bully
as they are out of out of either
racism or out of just
what do you call it, affiliation to somebody else, you get angry
because of that reason.
you just help because of that reason. And then if a person is
killed in that, then his dying is a dying of ignorance. So it's not
a worthy dying over. Ignore serine the Ignacia in the great scholar
after the time of the Sahaba he states that Saturday, be raucous
Sorry, do not be worthless was one of the great companions of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was asked that why he
didn't he joined between Ali and why we are the Allahu Anhu
arguments and battles between them, why don't you join in? So
this is the response he gave. He says that I'm not going to fight
until you bring to me. Now, you'd be able to relate to this. He says
until you bring to me a sword until you give me a sword, which
has two eyes and a tongue. It has two eyes and a tongue. And it has
eyebrows. It understands and it's able to work out who's a real
believer and who's not a real believer. So essentially a smart
Right? Something with enough chips in there that it's able to figure
out, Okay, what's a believer and who's wrong? And who's right,
right, a smart sword.
Unfortunately, if only they could make smart bombs, the Western
countries, they get so much out of all of these problems in the
world, because they're the ones who are supplying all the
weaponry. countries like the US and UK, I don't know what nobody
does, but us in the UK, they're supplying and for them, the
defense contracts, the weapons that they and then they say oh,
have come and be be you know, the Take it easy, and all of this
thing and they're the ones who are supplying the bombs and the
aircrafts and all of this kind of stuff. It's clear cut, because
it's money money is what rules today. So if only they can make
smart weapons like really smart weapons that really only go after
true criminals. Not the problem is in the Muslim world today is that
the people who are dying are the innocent people. Mostly it's the
innocent all these collateral damages taking bro. So we really
need the side of Nabil Baca says, Yes, bring me that sword, which
has a eyes and it has a tongue and he can tell the difference between
a believer and a disbelieve. And then he said, you know, and then
to come the people next to him, he says, Look, fucka Jaha to I have
done jihadi. Don't think I'm a coward or something. I've done
jihad with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is not a
jihad. He says, right now he says, I know what a jihad is. And
basically we're saying that this I don't consider this to be a cause
for me to join in.
And the final two points in this kind of situations, it creates a
lot of division. Look how much division is created among the
Muslim mean, where Muslims are attacking each other. This is what
fitna does for people creates enmities, hatred and so on.
Whereas Allah says in the middle, and
they're very Muslim, meaning they're supposed to be believers,
that they're supposed to be brothers, right, and reform
between your brothers. And finally, the worst of it is that
killing becomes cheap. Murder, life becomes cheap. That's the
only way you can justify your rage justify these things. Killing
becomes cheap, murder becomes cheap. And then eventually as
Abdullah him number of the Alon relates in the hadith of Muslim
Muhammad, Phil fitna, la de Ronell, Cutler che and when it
comes to fitna killing, you will not see it as anything important
as anything significant. And that's why there will be cases
where people will not even know why they died. There are people
around the world that are dying, they don't even know why they're
dying for its collateral damage. It's a misguided bomb. It was the
wrong place. People don't know this is the kind of environment
that's being created. I ask Allah subhanho wa taala, to help us in
this in this situation, and to guide us right, to remove our
confusions and to allow us to be true believers, true role models,
true followers of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, especially in
our situation of being in the West, where we have to live live
amongst so many different types of people and obey the law of the
land. May Allah make that easy for us. And may Allah make it easy for
us in the sense that it's all conducive to our faith? May Allah
subhanaw taala make that easy for us working with Dawa and Al hamdu
lillahi rabbil aalameen
See these difficult times and
Muslims around the world are frustrated, especially in the
West, you're frustrated you want to do something?
Islam is
it's an quite an amazing religion, in the sense that there's no
you see, I've come from England, I've come here. If I see any of
you on the street, and I say a Salam Alikum to you, you don't
know me, you've never seen me before. I say a Salam Alikum to
you. Suddenly all of these barriers will fall down.
And suddenly you'll start feeling level of comfort. Right? You might
think oh, maybe he's gonna ask me for money. Next thing is I'm gonna
ask for money. You know, you know, somebody begs you on the street or
But mashallah, the way I went, we, three of us we went to West
Africa, beginning of the year,
we went to Mauritania and then after that, we
went to Senegal,
with a friend of us. When we got there, we went to the house of a
friend of his.
We've only met him hot for half an hour, 45 minutes, maybe the food
comes in big tray of couscous, and some chicken and everything else.
And then it's us who are British from originally Indian.
There was a Mauritanian Senegalese, then he had other
people there from three different African countries. We all sat
together and ate with our hands from that same plate, same tree.
Where else can you see that in the world, within half an hour, you've
developed this trust, security, that there is no poison in the
food, it's clear, it's clean, Baraka, you know, and you eat
together. That's the level that Islam gives you. So whenever
something happens around the world, Muslims are going to feel
troubled, there's no doubt about that.
And this can be exploited.
This can be exploited. Now. Look, there are some conspiracy theories
that this is actually non Muslims who are making certain Muslims do
this. But that's not the whole story. There are Muslims who, who
believe in very extreme methods of doing something. And we have to
realize that because many Muslims, they still feel everything's a
Right, maybe 911 is a conspiracy. But not every bombing that happens
is a conspiracy. It's an actual event that some people did. And we
have to realize that and all it is it's misplaced zeal, misplaced
enthusiasm, misplaced anger.
Do you understand? So a person has to really be considered about
these things.
Look how difficult it has become in the last several years. For
Muslimeen anywhere.
We want people to, to see the beauty of Islam.
Not to just see the evil of Islam
or evil of Muslims rather, because Islam is a beautiful religion.
Unfortunately, a religion is only as good as the person practicing
So if you practice it, well, it's good that you're that you don't
have to vocally even say anything to anybody, the women mashallah
they do bigger that with than anybody else, those who wear
hijab, especially, they're doing that hour every day, whether they
want to do it or not, just the fact that they have to go outside
with a hijab on because they feel it's important to God, their
modesty, they are doing that, well. The men get away with it.
Because there's some men you know, you don't even know that they're
Muslim or not right, they can get away they can disguise themselves,
but women cannot. There on the front, Mashallah. So that is that
you know, your data is that the fact that people know you're a
Muslim, but you're a good person at work. You fulfill your
responsibilities. You don't come late, you don't leave early. You
don't slack off in your job. You do it properly. You're a good
contributor. That's what it is. So a lot of people think Dawa is only
when you go and say Brother You need to this is Islam. Give him a
book. And you know, to explain, that's that way as well. But a lot
of the data that Muslims do in the West is just the fact that people
know they're Muslims.
And they're good human beings.
They're good human beings.
That's why we need two things. We need taqwa and humanity.
Taqwa between the Muslim decoy is what governs it. Decoy means God
fearing pneus. And for the whole humanity, we need insomnia,
humanity to be a good, reasonable, decent human being. That's why
when somebody wrote to Abdullah Hebner, Amara, the Allahu Anhu is
the son of Amara, the Allahu Anhu.
Now he was his temperament was quite different from his father's
his father was always get up and go, Now, same thing, Amara, the
Allahu anhu, get up and go do this do that. The professor said, no,
no, you can't do this so many times on one or the other said,
let me take care of this with my sword. And the Prophet said, no,
no, you can't do that. So this is a zeal. I mean, people have the
zeal, but it's just you need somebody to guide that zeal and do
it in the right way. Then Amara, the Allahu Anhu you should see
mashallah, once
somebody came to complain about his wife to Amara Radi Allahu Anhu
and he was the belief of the muslimeen. He was the Khalif of
the Muslim for 10 and a half years after Abu Bakr Siddiq with the
Allah one. So this person had a problem
had his wife maybe she was saying some bad things to him or
whatever. So he says, Let me go and complain to the, to the, to
the leader. So he came outside his house.
And he knocked on the door.
And inside he heard this loud shouting.
A woman is shouting Amara, the Hola, Juan.
And he thought to himself, I've come to complain about my wife.
His wife is shouting at him. What is he going to help me and he
started feeling really sad. And he started walking away.
Suddenly, Ramadan comes out. Where are you going?
You wanted to see me were you running off to now? Are you going
So he said, Oh, no, it's okay. He said, No. Why are you going? He
says, Well, look, I came to complain to you. And he's very
sad. He says, I came to complain to you about my wife. And then I
found out when I came to your house, that it's the same
situation here. So what are you going to do for me?
Now think about Amara, the Allahu Anhu. This, you know, such a
mashallah man with so much zeal, you know?
He said, Now, he could have made an excuse, oh, she was shouting at
the kids. She was talking on the phone.
There were no phones in those days. She could have he could have
justified it. Right? Oh, she was just having a bad day. You could
have criticized, she had PMT, you know, premenstrual tension. In
case you call it something different here, right? Or whatever
the case. So he could have made an excuse, because, you know, for a
man to be caught with his wife shouting at him. You know, like,
it sounds bad, you know, especially the Hadith of the
Muslim. He said, he said, Look, what do I do? He said, She washes
my clothes for me. She cooks for me. She does this for me. She does
that for me. And she protects me from haram.
How can I? What else? You know, how can I not tolerate this?
Now look at the softness with Tricia understanding this case? Do
you understand? So that is what Islam teaches you to do the right
thing in the right place, you have to get angry for the right reason.
You have to also be calm for the right reason.
Mashallah, yes,
I would, what I would suggest is, in any of these cases, take them
as soon as possible to go and speak with a scholar, you need to
obviously speak to them first, then I think you need to take them
to a scholar and let them sit down and really discuss this. Right?
That is probably the best way to know in some cases, you're not
going to be able to do anything. We have to try to really help them
work through that. Why is it so don't just start rejecting them
start speaking to them and saying, Well, you know, what do you intend
to get out of that? What is it really, because a lot of people I
said, it's all about this zeal, that you have this anger that you
have, and you want to do something about it. So this seems to be the
easiest idea, especially if something in your life isn't going
right and you're a bit sick of life. You know, maybe you've just
had a divorce or maybe you've just broken up with your parents, or
maybe you've just lost your job or something like that. So find out
what are the factors here. Somebody with sincerity, they they
will listen, and they will really think Well, I think we can just do
that I think we can just do the best that we can is just to talk
through with them in sha Allah. For example, somebody wrote to
Abdullah Hebner, Amara, the Allahu Ana, as I was discovered, this is
relevant to this. And he said to him, he asked him no matter the
time to write some advice to him about some knowledge, give me some
of your knowledge. Now for whatever reason, this is the
response he gave him he said, in the Latin Mecca theory.
There are many many sciences there's much knowledge out there
there's a lot of things to teach. But he said to him, Well, I can
install Tata and tell kala Hafi for vitamin D Ma, il Muslimeen
humming Sol bottlemen unworldly him girl Phyllis Ernie an hour all
the hem Lizzie manly only Gemma it him for fun. He gave me one simple
advice. He said that there's a lot of knowledge out there. But if you
if you're able to eventually meet with Allah subhanaw taala when you
without any burden on your back from the people's blood, Muslims
blood on you, you did not contribute to killing of Muslim
At the end of the day, you know, you might think a person might
think that they are going to go and kill a few non Muslims in
Paris or in London or wherever it is. But what is the response going
to be? The response is just going to be killing a lot more Muslims
somewhere else, because you may kill somebody with a machine
In gun, they've got bombs, and other things of that nature. And
the only just makes them more angry and more resolute.
So he says that if you're able to die when you can meet Allah
subhanaw taala, without any Muslim blood on your back, and your
stomach devoid of their wealth, meaning you haven't cheated
anybody and taken haram wealth from somebody, and your tongue has
abstained from dishonouring them, you haven't spoken ill about
And you have been constantly with the general group and not being
isolated. Then do that. That is the knowledge that you should
They will come at you see what the prophets of Allah said about fitna
is at different levels.
There were certain he the Prophet saw some himself told people that
they will come times when you will absolutely not know what is right
from wrong. Say a G O. Fitton, Caqueta, Elaine, Muslim, right,
they will come certain trials and challenges in front of you will,
she'll be like, pieces of the dark night, you will know what's right
and what's wrong. So do you know what he says in that case? He says
in that case, in some cases, I mean, I don't think it's that
confusing right now. And Hamdulillah, we still have a lot
of orlimar we still have a lot of education. There's a lot of
understanding. I don't think it's that bad right now. It is bad, but
it's not that bad. In fact, I think we've had worse in history,
That's why there's a book that we've just published. It's called
saviors of Islamic spirits. Right. And the reason why I think every
Muslim should read this, right? Because
it shakable Hassan Ali nadwi wrote this,
this book, about the highs and lows of this ummah.
This is not the worst time that we're faring right now. When the
tortoise came into Baghdad, which was the double Khilafah, which was
the, the center of the Muslim world, they killed a million
They killed a million Muslims just you know, like just in Baghdad
alone, aside from all of the others, they killed in the other
cities just in Baghdad or in the in the double Khilafah. Right.
Jerusalem was gone. The musci Luxa for 90 years, 90 some years, had
no Salaat in there. No prayer taking place in there. There was a
there was a a the coop but the Sahara was made into a A, the
templum dominate there was a cross placed on top of that, and no
Salah took place in that area. And the Muslims were cleansed out of
there to such a degree so many were killed that knee. The horses
were knee high in blood, according to the historians. Yeah, we've
we've had some serious issues in the past. So what shakable Hassan
Ali nadwi has done is he's gone into history for you know, for the
first volume contains the first six or seven centuries. He's
spoken about all the challenges that some of the major challenges
that took place, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala brought about
respect, brought about a solution through certain individuals,
certain scholars, certain Olia Allah, right, so the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam has discussed these different Hadith about times
of fitna, and then in one case, the province of Assam set a time
will come when you will absolutely not know what sorry, you won't be
able to make any decision. The best person will be the one who
takes his sheep into the top of a mountain. Right? Some way, no way.
Right. And he just just stays away from everybody else. But I said
that I don't think it's that bad right now. Do you understand, but
it will get worse some time. Now, it doesn't mean that it will have
to get worse now and is getting worse, worse, worse. It has to get
worse and clearer is going to occur. And man he's going to come
No, it could go right back up, and then get worse, that time will
eventually come. But do we have to feel that it's going to come right
now? No.
Do you understand before the 1000 years of the Muslim? The Muslim
millennium? Because right now in 14 137 We just started 37 Right
14 137 years after Sula so since migration before Imam suity died
in 911 Meaning 911 Hijiri not 911
Right 911 Hijra right at before he died he wrote a book about how he
believed that this OMA this nation, the Muslim ummah was going
to go past the millennium. And he brought in certain Hadees to prove
it. And the most interesting thing is that the reason he had to write
that book is there were people at his time saying that the world is
going to end by the 1,000th year. They actually believe that some
people and there were certain Hadith they were misquoted
And so he clarified that, and he did some calculations, and he says
that there still has to be at least another 200. And some years
before the day of judgment can occur. So that's why it cannot
occur until it cannot occur by the 1,001st Millennium. Now, if I take
the same calculations, were 1436. Right? We're about 6564 63 years
away from one and a half millenniums, there's no way that
piano can occur be that within the one according to his calculation,
Allah knows best. But I'm just saying according to that, so we've
got a long time left. And we have to always be optimistic and try to
be positive. So that's what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he
mentioned these things a bother during fitna asking Allah for a
solution for refuge from fitna. That's what the Prophet said
Lawson told us to do.
A legitimate leader is said use the use the same rule that I said
How many Allama are going to recognize that leader?
How can somebody become a legitimate leader and know Allah
ma recognize him? That means the province that loves him is
incorrect in what he said, right? Because this OMA will never gather
together on the wrong. Right? People can a lot of people can
start doing something haram and wrong they can but as an ummah,
which means especially the scholars,
if they're going to be blinded from a leader for 10 years, that's
So I would say, go with what the major scholars of the world will
do. And that's why I mentioned that you know, when the MADI
comes, or he would have appeared already, but no, he would have
been born already, but nobody will know Him.
And there'll be so much strife in the world that the scholars from
each country will be coming for Hajj every year because they know
that it's in Hajj that he's going to be found. And they will
actually meet up and say, Why are you here? So we've come to look
for Maddie. Eventually, they will actually gather together to find
him, trace him and force him to take the leadership. That's what
he says in the narrations in the prophecies. So I would say if you
want to see whether something is right or wrong in the world, see
what the opinion of the scholars is in general, not one scholar,
but a few scholars, at least reputable ones?
That's not true. You know, do we have to establish a Halifa before
the Madigan come? Absolutely not, he is going to come to establish
it. Because before him there's going according to the narrations,
even though some of them are the weak narrations. And for anybody
who's interested in this. I've actually done an entire series,
it's an audio series on zamzam. academy.com. What is it the signs
of the last day,
it's a signs of PR more signs of the last day. That's what it's
titled as
if you start listening to it, towards the end, it discusses all
of these things. And what's going to happen is that it says that in
Syria, there's going to be a guy called Sophie Jani, who's going to
be a major tyrant in the masjid is going to do some really bad
things, and they start on the other and everything, and the jail
is going to appear. So there are particular signs of that. And it
doesn't mention any of those that there's going to be an Islamic
Khilafah. It doesn't even give you any idea that in fact it talks
about chaos.
Right? It talks about chaos.
And I tell you another thing.
Most Muslims in the world, they have this utopian idea that they
they're waiting for the Khilafah to happen. And Pakistan is like an
example they give a failed example, unfortunately. Right? It
started off as you know, Pakistan, right, Pakistan, Pakistan, you
know, and no offense to Pakistanis. But you know what I
mean? Is this supposed to be this Muslim utopia, splitting away from
India, and the rest of India rather, and making this place that
is pure and Islamic rule, but SubhanAllah? You know,
unfortunately, a failed exercise. In that sense. It's still good in
some senses. But anyway, that's a different issue.
The example we need to look at in the West, is of a country in which
Muslims have lived successfully. Yes, there's going to be issues.
There's issues in Muslim countries. So why not in non
Muslim countries? What is the example of a country where Muslims
have been successful with even having their own laws to a certain
degree, full ability to practice their faith? And so on so forth,
but living as a minority, a huge minority, but still a minority
within a large country? Can you anybody give me an example of
that, where they've got where they're had scholars? They've got
academics, they've got huge heritage and tradition of heirloom
and sciences and heirloom and everything like that. Where do you
think that is in the world?
South Africa is a decent but there's not as they still take
their strength from somewhere else.
It's India. It's India, because they've had a huge history of
Muslims. And how many Muslims in India about 150 million? It's not
a joke, probably more than all the Middle East put together, right of
Indian Muslims were everybody was together at the time but in the
beginning, but they have lived under Hindu rule well under
secular officially a secular rule, but now it's whatever, they have
issues. You know, in many states you can eat cow, right as though
that's going to be a deal breaker you know,
but there are issues everywhere there is Subhanallah you know,
there are Muslim countries where we couldn't I couldn't be speaking
to you unless I got a special license to speak to you on a very
particular topic. There's countries in the world where they
have huge amounts of good scholars but they're not allowed to say a
word that's why they call that place the refrigerator the freezer
of their alma
Alma they just frozen, waiting. That's why you and I have been
placed in these places, but whether that be Oslo, Norway or
Sweden or England is a reason why we're here and let's make the best
of that inshallah. And we meet Allah subhanaw taala we have done
our best to fulfill our obligations to Allah